Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 17, 1890, Image 2

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The Athens Daily BannwIS: Sftss^ "‘"“ ar I Tb« Knights of Labor baTe offi- nitliTr'* r **—**r--■« B,; —*■ rtrilj recognized social equality at] TIIK ATHKM PUBLISHING .. .Tw CO.! THE WEEKLY PRESS. PHILADELPHIA. $l,00~0n8 Year for Ons Dollar.—$1.00. their National convention in Rich 1 the wkvkly press ..... . .... . ^fWvttkMtuichbitW'ttaOMWiidi. T L. <;*NTT. miw la raw. | mocd, while the very thought of it is I rre .fori w«»ecin make it. wits . ry c. p. repugtun t to our Southern farmers, as hooto tolcmx p \per ** The Knights of Labor promiae laborers io our cotton fields $1 per “BfiKSfcgtfcJI!*VSnSStmuT ,u u»~ * * * NM wtmug»w P *"rri lu tiir I i .... w weaMys 1 dsv. while such s price would be j a paper op quaxjtt. ,Uf**S smntbe ewanaMj casa - — ' Soiotfy will D be a.Ugas • wa be hearted at I niinous to planters. be* paper or qaaitt, as«u: *»«•!.• v r»q»aretortaatoitteier ioa. [ j n ftct> tbere is not a single inter-1 Trusts the rate at St.' a d Mae* a lor fact, there r , eat of the two clash. There can never tie any coali- * — “ "** vio® between the Alliance sad the S beak. >'!•*. it will »of qcr- i if. It erarytalaa guod. A. PAPER OF VARIETY. ^■aaSltsaeaa pay be wade b^aayreas. poatal 3M —_ IweuHaac laded. : Jolla Ward H< i sboaM ba ad- single inter organisation, but [ 5 * " ~ " ;«m ; ■ r| v Sw Knights, for it is like trying to mix I Xp».’opS*p , iSa?'a»_ , oil and water to unite them. We I are yet to see the first AlUaoceman ty?*ff h. THE ATHENS BANNER AND THE AL-1 favorable to the scheme, that|?T” UANCE. was evidently, concocted by politi- Ths Banner has ever been a warm c j ftng to further their own selfish and true Wend to the Farmers’Alii-1 j otere#ts and increase their vote.1 The - women’. wage- or i ance, and will remain no to the end. Tbe intelligent AUiancemen of the | We have never let an apportnnity j gonih will not be blindly lead into be -Cone Forth," .alrMutji IA f’AKMXB’S PAFK&. " 1 Thi Wt iTWMtikftxi I rh nit nnl iifi fat Amt* I l iii.i it■ iM-T . «> ■ w — — | *C». IMimnOBI. A WOMAN’S PAPER. ihers of America. Let the chlktren Join r Rainbow Club Jost started. Let them a ln bri * ilt ’ "bolwoaMt j IQfiruCUTe DOOICBs Important Clubiuxo Akranoement. escape to defend the organization in L n y 8QC h unnatural and suicidal their most just and righteous de- coa jit| ont and will hold the men re mands, aod have joined with them 1 8p onsible for it to a strict accounta- beart and hand in waging war upon j b5l j ty the iniquitous trusts seeking to op- . We haTe *o war to ma]ce up0D the | press and extort from them, At. the Kn | g hts of Labor, for they have a gJJrtjggMg *5M»»£S5Mj name time, as an honest and reliable I rig h t to combine for the protection gew at s«y* taw bwmi wtotn^arwujiteo oar journal, we have given Alliancemen q{ theif lntcre8t8 . but it u ^ *** FEEB to t,,e w all the information wo could gather, I foUy ftQd hypocrt8y to attempt to that they might know the tactics ° r I combine with tho Farmers’ Alliance, the enemy and defeat him. This we fa fa j t t f th t j shall continue to do, for Mtions wl n ever remain in conflict, and proper that the rank and file of the organization ahoald be kept I SIX MORE YEARS OF PLENTY, posted, as well as the chief officers. Three years ago Rev. John G. The Alliance is composed of intolli- [ Gibson, an eminent Baptist minister Northeastern * Coal * Yards ORR & HUNTER, Proprietors. gent and conservative men, who will | of Crawford, Ga., predicted the abnn not be content to let a few leaders do dant harvest of 1889, and his propli* all the thinking for them. ecy was pnblished in The Athens This year will be a most important Bahker and Elberton Star. This one with the Alliance, for they must gentleman based his prognostications engage in their first great political upon % record he had kept for a battle against trusts and the proteo- number of years past of the seasonei live tariff. The Basher will stand I and showed that since the days of shoulder to shoulder with the fart Joseph in Egypt there had been mere, and give them its hearty and seven years of plenty and a like undivided support. We shall insist son of comparative poor crops. But that every offieer stand committed to | little attention was given to this terms or the press. By mall,postage free In the United States and [except Sunday), om year $6 S> [except Sunday), one month.. 50 Daily (lneludine Snn<Ly), «na year. T M Daily Unetadinf Sunday), one month *5 Sunday, oMyear, 3 00 WHZXI.TPbzss, one year,... HO Drafts, Chocks, and other Remittances should be made payable to the order of THE PRESS COMPART, LIMITED PUBLISHERS. Jan.1T—tt. EXCHANGE HOTEL, And ALL-NIGHT Restaurant. I HtVE opered at my old stand on Wall Street, the Exchange HoteL The Bill of Fare is the Best, and the Accommodations will please all. the interests of our planters, and j prophecy at tho time,but since Judge Tra < MbsT°cHo»5S 1 ws“ help them to throw off the burthen J Gibson has been proved to be so* ^* nI5 " u a ' that is crushing them to the earth, accurate in bis predictions, the pub- Thero has been no opportunity as yet Hc will fecl an i ntere3t j Q his further to show our loyalty to the Alliance, statements. While we may not have but tho day will soon come when its a g a | Q 6uc h an abundant harvest as members will recognize in The ble8#ea the land last year, we can Athens Banner a staunch defender now coun t on 8 } x more seasons of and champion. The democrats of g00(J crops and pr0Bper i ty . Wehave this section know the work done by great falth in onr frIend a8a prophe t, The Banner editor in the past; and I and 8ball ^ atch the seasons with wc now assure our Alliance friends h and iatcreat If Jud Gibson that in thtspaper they will find *\ ia correct , our farmers will have the loyal and rearless champion that will | loafl of debt lifted from thclr ahonl . standby them in their •touggle»’| and the whole country blossom! J, Let every good Allianceman gird on asthe rosc . Six more good crop his armor and be prepared fof the yeaw will 8aYe lhe struggling far impending political struggle. The m er«,fl opening battle for 1892 will this year begin, and yon mast be prepared. I Hows Tlii’st Tt We offer One Hundred DolUr* Reward for It 13 your duty to enter tbe political any CMe of c»t»rrh that cam not be cured by arena—and let tbe Alliance vote as uki jj? J uu ’ s c *t«jrh Cure, one man on all issues. The campaign — ' on short rotlee with H. LAMPKIN. BOSTON HERALD Is clean, relia ble, indepen dent, bright. The best news paper for the family. 8tibccriptlon 60 oents a month, postage paid. LARGEST CIRCULATION T. ANDERSON in BROAD STREET, ATHENS, GA. Offers the following bargains in real I __ _ THE MOST LINE ATHENS, IS AT THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE, Umd by the united State* •ndPabUcDood Analysts, as the StrongeW. Purest and Bod H BsklngPowder does not contain Ammmui^uineor Alum. Dr.Pr kneta, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc.,do no*contain PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. edby the heads of the Great Universities and neat HealthfU. Dr. Price's Cream Dr. Price-* Delicious ni M Poisonous OH* or C tggTSatisfaction guaranteed with every pair. Now York. Chicago. St. Louis. Haselton & Dozier’s Music House. PIMOS and ORGANS. Red Ash Anthracite” The Best ever Sold in this market. The Best Instruments at Lowest Prices. I See a partial list of our customers for reference on any of them Grlen MIary : “GoalCreek” PIANOS. Miss Lucy Bishop, 1 . J J. C. McMaha “Splint” Coal. Blacksmith Goal and Cokel Capt. J J.C. McMa Billups Phinixy, Col. E. T. Brown, Athens. n » Give us your order now and get the benef | of summer rates. e-13s>m W. B. Jackson, Mrs. Raphael, “ M. B, McGinty, « W. D. Griffeth, “ Mrs. E. A. Crawford, “ Capt.W.W. Thomas, “ Miss Ellen Moll, “ J. T. Tolbert, Danielsville. P. F. Crawford, I^vonia. W. H. Morton, Crawford. W. H. Cheney, Bairdstown. OROA-Isrs. L. M. Cain, Athens. Williams Lodge O. F. “ H.T. Huggins, “ 1st Baptist Church " 2nd Baptist Church, “ Mrs. E. A. Phelps. “ Winterville Baptist Clnirch W. H. Wright, Banksvills. Mrs. Dr. Thurmond, Jewelville. W. W. Brightwall, Maxeys. Methodist Church, Winterville, O. A. Waddell, Millcdgeville.l J. P. Wilson, Grecnesboro. Miss Maggie Thurmond,Lynchburg,Va . L. A* W. L. Adams, Monroe, Ga. DO YOU SEND AWAY PO JEi, 1TOTJK, JOB PRINTING? IB 1 SO, Can yon get h cheaper? OF NEW YORK, LARGEST, SAFEST OLDEST MOST RELIABLE . Assets Surplus, New Insurance, I Insurance in Force, Have you tried our prices? Paid Policy Holders in 1888, J r 1 Increase in Assets, Can’t yon get paper to suit yon? HaVe you seen our new samples? $126,082,153 7,940,063 103,214,261 ! 482,125,184 14,727,550 j 7,275,301 1,645,622 54,496,251 * ISrO RESTRIGTI03STS. Increase in Surplus, Increase in Insurance written, estate: 1000 adealrabtoijundttniclot on Mil- MMmm BdUlaliigims acre will buy the prettiest buildings cry must be, “Tariff Death to Trusts !’’ Reform and gSPfflVWHVBSHV house on Hodgsoo street. Horn THE ALLIANCE AND THE KNIGHTS. Th« union.of tho Farmers’ Alli ance and the Knights of Labor does not suit the Allvaucemen of Ten nessee, and they are loud in their protest against the coalition, and quite severe on tbe politicians who are responsible for tbe business. A .... Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo. O. Wo the undersigned, hare known F. J.JChen- ey for the last 15 years, and bel eve him per fectly honorable in all business tiansaetions, and financially able to cany out any obliga- lions made by their firm. _ KSSsj.rsaWi.'SSK I $8oo Toledo. Ohio in East Athena- ‘ • + aB - T “dr&2ft2"“' $1000 BarzsssssassM ataiTh Cure is taken internslly, act- a nco onfomr 9 P * r H ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur-1 J* 8 "" , faces of the system. Price75c-perbolUe,Sold | $1500 For “ 1 * by all dwelling, two-room '3 mere lot mote or prominent Allianceman, in replying j “™her, 1SS0, to Chronicle, through the Nashville Reckiver’3 Sals.—Under an order granted by the Hon. N. L. Hutchins, Judge of the Supe rior Court of the Western Circuit, on the 18th day of De- 1200 5£ b £*orT«2u # 1 tber, 1889, will be sold in the city of the editor of the darkesville | I will sen 6JTU acres of ak line land ln Ogle- nty,4 miles from Manys depot and wsmssss American, says : 242 E. Broad street, hemgthe store re cently occupied by said Hirschfleld & Blumenthal, on the 18th day of Jan- of Barnett’s bnllt one ot the 11: S dollars per acre and all tho barn and stable necssary, and about — J of land in cultivation. J. T. AKDEkSOX. R. E. Ac’L ! uary, 1890, beginning at 10 o’clock a. *£% Dclonjr has placed her lot on When wc find a well organized politi-1 m.on saidday, and continue from day tb. e iip S vt dew c-d parly (the Knights of Labor) demand-I to day until finally disposed of, the en-I er ‘ - - - — lug the confiscation of our land, aud theu tire stock of merchandise, cousisting of I of when we see ibe National Farmers' Alii-J dry goods, notions, ladies’ and gentle- mAnTa fm» * ’•'^TSS&mSL ance, representing millions of farmers, joining forces wlili the Knights and _ rnlsing to aid them in electing their men! .rmers, men’s furnishing goods, millinery, rib- d pro- bons, cloaks, clothing, hats, caps, _ neu to trunks, valises, umbrellas, parasols, 1 office to make laws for us, the situation, to I blankets, comforts,cloths, boots, shoes, I our mind, is too serious for much hilarity, I rubbers, goods, lace, embroideries, I Tt»o min.ilinn trt na rviw.i- /a rsnnra Tliu 1 '• . ® s . _ : _ v _ « i ■ I lt*8 ruination to us poor i^arenera. glass show cases, and all | CINCINNATI WEEKLY GAZETTL (The Weekly Edition of the Commercial Gazette) The Foremost, Freshest and Fairest of them all. Chronicle attempts to insinuate that the I other goods contained in said stock, all land tax theories of the knights don't being contained in said store-room, No. amount to much, but when a demand is 2 42, south side Broad street, in said made that the lax on land shall be equal to I city and county aforesaid: the whole uuearned increment, it maans Sold as the property of said Hirsch couth cation and nothing eUe. The Cbron- fie i d & Blumenthal—Simon Hirschfield iclo says : 3Ir. Powderly comes to the al- and George Blumenthal—under and with a federation, sayiug we will Ky v i r tue of the authority aforesaid, fight with you for a reduction of the tar- Terms cash.' iff." Thia is a remarkable statement, con- | < sideling the fact that the tariff is not men tioned al all in tbe federation agreement. What makes this silence of the agreement on the tariff question very emphatic is the fact that the committee of the Farmers' f/nrCPC ///irCPC Alliance had framed an article in its de- j IUIOC/O, z*C//Ot/Oj ffC/#oC/0 mauds, calling for a revision and reduction aTTr-T-Tmj ' Ot thetai.ff, outil had to be struck ont AT AUCTION. , jHjjsrBHtLT'GAZ-TTE contains fifty-six before Powdex'y, Beaumont and Wright w--will sell twentv-fine head of hors- u V lnm ? sorc , bolc ?L rea<UllE m ? tter ’ and 13 fur- would siun it ive will sea iwent) nneneau or nors nlsheUtosubeenbera at ibe tow rate of Oue “ . . ,. I eS to the highest bidder. This Stock IS | Dollar per aunmn, making tbe ]-ric« less than The impression soul hi to be made bred from choice Texas mares and I Two cents * week per^jpy. /It i» tha best .. .. ... TTnmilt/in Black hawk stallions Wc ' we * kl y newspaper tn die Central States Itlse on Alliancemen 18 tuat this CO*,lltion , ilamllt ° n , a ,1 na ."t, “™ 11,ons - ' Ve in the lead as a Family :N*wapaa*r. »mli g-tivs “ . have several well matched teams suita- all the news with every desirable detail in de- with the Knights of Labor was | ble for road teams and some suitable for | c*nt th»pe, with the loiiowing aUditumai de- This January 13th, 1890. . _ John W. Weir, Receiver. janl3d5t , .^-v' ... It Btands on the Top Shelf in Cbaracteir, It is the Best Newspaper, It is the Best Family Paper, It is the Soldier’s Paper, It is the Farmer’s Paper,' It Is the Children's Paper, - ■ It is Everybody’s Paper. One Dollar a Year. You want more style than you have been If you pay yoar Premium, the Company able to get heretofore in Athens? We can give it to you now, and when we| move into our New Office, we will will pay your Claim. GKRAJSTT & WILLOOX 213, EAST CLAYTON STREET -AgtS. have W. H. IIAINEM formed to Strengthen the former in fE? ltdles^ch^rhn-li" ***&** R»K»«» telegraphed from New York J ule ponies, sale tor lauies or cnildren J aud Chicago, over oar own wires, giving Lot* their fight against the iniquitous to rule. This stock is raised in central tom facts as to the markets. ° , ,, . , I Tc-v«s and is altogether a different 1 XB5 Agricultural Department carsMly edited protective tariff laws,, but it will be f^jVthe canon Texal horse. Sd Tery v-B,Ue seen that tbe representatives of the on the plain. The sale will take place TheClUmney Corner, aiffiusfvaty for young at 212 Jackson St. Athens, Ga., at J. S. 'an^boice Selections, with' Cheney s stables Saturday, Jan. 18. I tbo most interesting correspondence * from all We mean business. Our time is limi- P*rts of \he world. *aJ a>w1 u-p Arc* obliged to rpII withnut I TLe Weekly (ikicttc. in a word, is a Coioiilctfi tea aua we are ocugeu w sen Wlinout I VewH p»per. and hhould be read bv every Mer chant. Manuf&i'tui-ei, Farmer, Mechanic, aiul All Sorts of New Type THAT WILL DELIGHT YOUN FANCY. WE HAVE BEEN SOMEWHAT RUSHED Up to this time, but will endeavor to FILL ALL ORDERS As Promptly as Possible. ' DON’T WAIT, However, until the last envelope is gone and the last bill head or statement is used up A thoroughly good job cannot be gotten up when everybody is in a hurry. ; , WE HAVE ON THE ROAD Some N ew Papers That are the best of their kinds. We hope to get them in a day or so. Be sure to get our prices before ordering. a L. SORREL. SORREL & Have just opened up > CARRIAGE AMI) At AGON SHOP, Corner Jack.on and Washington streets. They ere prepared to do all kinds of UL\Ch.SMITHING. HORSE SHOEING, etc , will elso build wagons, carriages and i-tber vehicles to order. All kind, of re pairing done promptly and *t reasonable prices. Mr. Baines has had twenty year, expert*.ee in tbe ousineae, eight of which were spent at the old Hodgson shop*. Give us a trial, and we will give yon satisfaction. REPAIRING AND HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY l 89d!y : Respectfully, SORREL * HAINES Augusta, Ga. Bottled Beer for family use. Prompt 6. A MELL. _ H.. H. LINTO MELL & JLINTW, m Knights refused lo sign any such agreement; aud they are entirely consistent in so doing, for it is lo their interest to m&ke the farmer pay the highest price possible for manu factured goods, and buy his produce as cheap as possible. There can never be any political affiliation be tween these two classes, for tbeir in terests will always be in conflict. The Knights of Labor are- de manding tbe confiscation of every body’s land, while the farmer wantB to hold on to his possessions, that obliged limit or reserve. Sale commences at lO o’clock a. in. Sell rain or shine. Kina Bros. This sale will no doubt be a success as the Btockis strictly first class. King Bros own a ranch in Texas and pay especial attention to breeding to fine stallions, trim limb stock. Jan. 15, d 3 t. Do You Want Cheap Board.—Ap ply to 221 Dougherty stret. Jan5-Im For fresh fish Booth Bros. and oysters call on tf ProfeaMonal Man in the United States. Semi-Weekly Gazette IrLSCLraxice .A-gents, Represent the BEST COMPANIES and Insure Desirable Property in Athens and vicinity on most favorable terms. U(t of Com pullet. Capital. Home of New York Phoenix of Hartford Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Coin pan v of North America. North British and Mercantile Germania of New York Hartford of Connecticut Georgia Home Atlanta Home Savannah Fire and Marine New York Life Insurance Company.... ...$3,000,000 .. 2,000.000 $8,961,to 5,061,34 lk U. 8. 8,968^1 *,696,9* In U. 8. 8,472,61 2,866,71 756,6T eight pagos, or 56 columns, printed Tuesday and rriday. Price reduced to $2 a Contain* year, ltd* U tbe cheapen paper in America. Order a bam pie copy for yourself, friend or neighbor. l>o not delay !n sending for our attractive Pre mium List—mailed FREE. Be sure and get one. Every town should have an Agent for the Daily Cemmercial Gazette as well as for tho Weekly and Semi-Weekly. Send for terms to Agent.. Extra inducements to Address, THE COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. #an 50. Cincinnati* PARR BROS.* House and Sign Painters! issr* > Club Agents for and DECORATORS AND DEALERS IS Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes No. 17 North Jackson Street, Next Door to Banner Office. VV itherspoon Sign Painters. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in White Lead, Oil, Varnishes. Turpentine, Brush., c .lore and Painters supplier. Don't foret the place, 123 CLAk TON 81RJCKT ATHENS. GEORGIA tW~ We willldc your Parting promptly *nd fi*« satUfactios every particular. Witherspoon < a5£gas&fc.r