Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 17, 1890, Image 4

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Mr. Wm. Lyle, or Banks county, j I planting corn. I America* has received orer |B I Laics of eoaoo to data. I The negroes ot Georgia areorganizing I It it I a great many solitary companies. killed I Mr. J. B. Thomas, of Sumpter I Adeatrui (county, raised orw seventy bushels of occurred ii I rutabaga turnips from one acre I man named George Baird Isfempted suicide in Augusta. Got. Gordon has offered a reward of l$300^for Will ^Wallace, who was re- TO PUNISH HIM, iSS£ [to sewer gaa I lon’t A COLORED MAX MAKES FREE WITH THE GOOD N AME OF BIS EMPLOYER’S DAUGHTER. The L. A X. has bought the Atlantic A Anniston ro-d. . A London banking house has failed for $1,000,000. Mr. Wi retary | A Shooting Iff ay lu Which the As- sal'onts Get the Worst of it. St. Louis, Jan 16,—[Special.]—A se- J rions shooting affray occurred near the Idest son of Sec- little town of Bndgeeon, thirteen miles tithe W POWDER Absolutely Pure. tion with the multitude of low teat, abort weight, alum or pbost ders. Sold only in cans. Rotal Bax- no Powdxb Co., 106 Wall SL, X. Y —Li , BOOKS. from the Harris county jail. I reUry Blaine, died in Washington of I out of the city on the Wabash railroad, Republican revenue officers are said I pneumonia* ^ I yesterday* caused by reports involving *° 5?. l ?*P 00 **ble for the house burnings | An jm n j 8 woman ), u a scrap book the name of Mias Christiana Amelung, olen from President Dam during his JJ-oung lady of nineteen, daughter of iprisonment. I William Amelung. a farmer. Mr. Arne- against old man Bone, with a reconi-1 ADakoU mwih aathe onlyhei buflalo now in existence Steen in num-1 hiui'beenboasUng *mo«bm .* . , , . friends that be has sus tained very inti- A workman on the Central Pacific I mate relations with Miss Amelung. railroad was attacked by a wild cat,but This report was first heard three weeks he strangled the animal to death. I ago, and the Amelung boys, John, It ia said Don Carlos will herd an up-1 William, Edward and Frank, have ever rising in Spain should the young King i since determined to punish Painter for . die. d? » dt 1 telling such stories. They called to ia a 1 The negroes are in convention in Clii- ‘ heir assistance their brothere-in-law, cago. One of the speakers advised the I Christ, Herman and Hugo Aa- 77** . _ - iuo i , n A veri.rdnv atartMl out to find in Pickens county. The Jura rendered a verdict of guilty [ | jpiost old man Bone, with a mendation of life imprisonment. The remnant of the Wild West show will give a farewell exhibition in Co lumbus, when the horses will he sold. The Governor pardoned Cal DeVor a Milton county convict, sent up in 1888 This powder never varies. A marvel I for five year*. of purity, strength and wholaomeneas’ I A tramp waa killed by, a fall while | die . Mora economical than the ordinary trying to find a plaoo tosleep 1 kind, and cannot be sold in competi-1 bouse that ia being built in Atlanta. The negroes are beginning to move I blacks to meet violence with violence. | mus, and yesterday started out to find J from the towns, returning to the q„. H iU, ^ New Yo rk will send five it the house of Mr. rSf 8 “ * "}*? 8 ^ P ; n „ * Iu KS er * '***Mississippi for trial. CwdHall. butPaintor bad gone with Phillip Dillon, president of the U. 8. Mrg . Vice-President Morton has or- Elder Hnnt to the house of Ralph Biv- brass-molders union, died at Savannah, | dered twenty new dresses at a oust of | ins to visit Miss Bivins, who had been Judge E< I sent a bark land made I selling liquor to a minor. _ _ , HTUHL __ $1,000each. " I confined to her bed for four months of the AugusUcity court, I The crap of strawberries stone the I "ith dropsy. There he was found, wrto jailtorthreemonths ^outb Carolina coaTt are nearly ready answered the knock at the doois pay a flue ol $200 for I # or I and he was told that they had come to a minor. I Painter. Bivins begeed them I succeed CoL A D who will I " ... them if they had a warrant. Just then (decline re-election* ’ I A negro who was injured by firing a I Herman Asmus rushed by him into the luecune ra-e ecu . i a , Aiken, 58. C., on tbo day of house with a revolver in his band, and Tom Woolfolk has prevailed upon the I jj r Davis’ funeral, died from his inju-1 leveling it at Painter said that waa war- | negro prisoners in the Bibb county Jail I riea ., I rant enough for him. Mrs. Bivins to eat and is badly treated. Tt the tuuniu vi v*|»i luiuci, m jl. wij, j were taken out of town and turned | loose. They lost no time in leaving. Butto and Johnson were sentenced u> | be hanged Febuary 16th. Near Jasper, incendiaries have re-1 I cently burned the houses of John Aiken, I the minister 1 I him „F,S n 1 The Liquor Dealers’ League of Penn-1 seiaed a shotgun from a pin on the wall, not^nomrh I tyl™!* paid a $600 churcli debt for a when Otto Asmus rushed in and at- ■ he . h y "?* negro preacher bemuse he stumped the tempted to take it from her. M> eat and is badly treated. • 1i Mt pI0 hibition. Bivins came to her assistance and a . £ -A Jg?5g?!LSlTK3Lff ggS* I who defended himself desperately. He I kled in the boots immediate relief will I struck over the bead with a revolv- hi ohrain^ immediate relief will and knocked <lown with a chair, ] be obtained. when he grabbed a flat iron, with Mrs Silvia Rolph, of Alabama, struck which be struck Herman Asmus 01 the H -fTT'n. it 1 • • | ccntlv burned the houses of John Aiken, | ibe minister in the facewirha hymn head. The men then ranout andbe- -iWlth. the beginning xTw.LSforiUMdMr. Stone. The book and hugged a man who was sitting gan firing through the doors. Miss -it v Governor has offered a reward of $860 near her. It was necessary, to bind her Bivins, who had run into the, kitchen of a New Year, mer- ^ tt.e an«t of the guilty parties, and in ropes for safety. screamed, and Painter, picking up the I throe men have been arrested, who I The Governor of Mississippi ia con- shot-gun, ran to her assistance Otto were bound over. I vinced that the state convict- lease ia a Asmus was standing in the itoorway In a box car loaded with lime which figure. He recommends that convicts revolverin **** ] I came in on the Richmond and Danville be hired out to farmers and bo used .as in ck p ^nter^ mMd railroad, an Atlanta policeman found ordinary field hands. , Painter ^»ped I a bundle of bloody clothes with every I At New York, Dan Dougherty is at- J*- t h*t he would indication that the articles bad been torney for Miss Caroline J. Gamerer, I U P> an<l u waa feared lhat h - e ? ouW I stripped from a dead body and 1" I wards secreted in the car to hide a I der. The bat had been pierced i»i ■ijuuucr.s reuwuneiuiiuui>uir,wuvw|. ,• i,.:.-.!,..™. I bullet and Waa half full iff blood, tbo |interestaa» watchedhy Bob lngeraoll. I boti*. eyes being shot out panto, coat and shirt, which wen also I Near Oxford, Ala., the .train rim Into bloody, had been ripped up both legs the buggy of Mr. William R. Pearce, land sleeves as if hastily removed when I killing Mr. Pearce instantly and wound- I there was not time to strip them off in I j n g a young son of Mr. Twig Morrison, I the usual way. There is no knowing | who died at 10 o’clock in the evening, where the articles were placed on board. “ chants start off with| a new clean set oi Books. IN NORTH CAROLINA. ingi whor < _ and injuting Miss Morrison and also in-1 Questions Affecting the Interests of Farmers. Bauqoh. N. C., Jan. id.—[Special.]— Mv stock embraces l 2 1 ®. ca 5.? Ta8 the extreme end joring a young man by the named Li- | Many sections in North Carolina are xixy cuiuiuwo i, the Bicbmond an d DanviUe rw^. ron. affected in one way or another by the - Lewe3, a post village, in Graves coun-1 exodus of the negroes, which continues ty, Ky., suffered grest loss of property unabated. It is estimawxl hero from ■ “ " ‘ ‘ of build- I reports from the State that already everything that can be desired in MINOR ITEMS. | Brief Hews Notes Taken From our Repor ter’s Now Books. ^ 1 There are some excellent ban joists in | I Athens among the young ladies. Jy seven th duced to that e Southwest, thing but a who leave by Sunday’s storm. A number of build- reports from the btate lugs were blown down, but fortunately tween six thousand am no one was killed, though a child died | sand negroes have been from exposure. Further reports from I El dorado otjthe States In Wicklifle say that fifty-three people which is found to be were injured, three of whom were in a Paradise by the exodi What has become of the Sans Souci serious condition. CaroUna bv “® car ij»A. ulubT is a question often asked in socle- The Senate Committee on Pensions 1. Mean* of ”” e8 i ty now-a-days. [has perfected and will soon report an- crawdxgf nyjgogttered rt The tennis clubs have hong up their other dependent pension bill. This is £o££n d ^ne being remited at Win. HMD! CT 1f I racqucta untU th ® *° ld waTe P 488 ®*- tovfdXrm^ed "Ke »h>n-offe7 food for*reaction in case prices hitherto awarded to the State’s P * 1 ®? m raide ” *** tuined companies will be in jeopardy if they out “ P° wer ' compete for them this summer. Trade was brisk all day and on the streets were busy scenes yesterday. negroes are comparatively I ana without the means of QUALITY, BUILDING UP ATHENS. KAJSTCD moneyless obtaining a great quantity ot provisions. Bad weather would mean suffering for them, sickness perhaps, and an un pleasant problem for neighborhood folks to face. The State press contains many com ments on the subject. Thus the Wilson LOWNESS IN PRICES. Mr. DornWaut has bran acting as The New Bolldlna and Loan Association tot | manager of the Athens Water Works I 0 ur city- Irerantly. _ | The Bajinke a few days ago contoined I Advance says: “'the movementof the The dectric lights are what migb-, he I a notice of the intended organization of | colored people towards Mississippi, Al- srmed a brilliant success so far. I a branch of the Interstate Building and abiima and Texas seems to be pretty The O. B. German club will give a Loan Association in our city. We took general from EdgecombefPitt, Greene, I dance very soon. 1 occasion to then mention the solidity | l^noir and Wayne counties, so far as I The Glee club of Athens had a most an< l high character of this association, we have been able to asccertain, and it I delightful reunion last night. which has its head office in Blooming- appears that the same tendency to mi- I T>—1. A**.— .—1 ton » IU *, and is-capitalized at about I gration manifesto itself in portions of I I twenty million. We take great pleas- Sooth Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, nig as great a nuisance as the McGinty ure in noting that this organization has And it fa even seen that the colored Inspection Invited, J every yard in Athens. I officers is as follows: W. A. McDowell, I also going from Texas to Mexico. It ' I A great many customers were at the I President; Charles B. Griffith, Vice- fa not likely that upon the whole, the pecial sales of Davis & Garebold yes-1 President; Dr. J. A. Hunnicutt, Attor- per cent, who migrate from Xorth Car- | terday. Goods went at a tow price. | ney. and Mr. E. P. Upshaw, Secretary. | olina will amount to as much as fifteen rcent. of the colored population, ough, some localities, temporary I uuts” and “White Wings.” I tomm'*’ SS} lllu au “ 1 “ ou OI niessrs. i inconvenience will be experienced by .^W .IlLCurBgOP, s?ls, at Raymer, Ala dorfol power ot , any word or raarenjee negroes regard it with sr awe. The Mormons are opporad to making Idaho a State. Several Russian officers of the Czar’s body guard have committed suicide It is supposed they were implicated in a recently discovered plot against the life of the Czar. It is reported that the Osar’s brother, the Grand Duke Sergius will shortly be banished from the capi tal for meddling with politics. The Fr nch commission sent to inves tigate the affairs of the Panama canal, say it will soon be completed. Secretary Proctor recommends that the Apaches be removed from Florida, either to the mountains of Xorth Caro lina or to the Indian Territory. There are grave irregularities in the financial accounts of Cleveland, Ohio Millions of dollars have bran paid out without the approval or sanction of the City Connell. John E. Reyburn, of Philadelphia, will he Judge K«“ grass. The S. P. C. A. has brought suit against, a Philadelphia gun club for shooting pigeons. In Boston a sick woman was ejected from her home and died from exposure. Twelve thousand derricks were blowr down by the wind injttae Bradford, Pa. oil fields. Hattie A. Lyneh, aged eighteen sr of John Lynch, of Dalton, committed suicide Monday by taking morphine. She left a note say ing her father’s conduct made her end her life. A Xew York woman had her son ar rested for robbing her. The Government will have to refund several thousand dollars to importers of tobacco, on account of excessive duties collated. Montana is out of debt, and has $S3,- 000 in the treasury. The postmaster and a mail carrier at Bracket, Texas, are in jail for theft. Judge McConnell has given Knntz, one of the Cronin murderers, a new trial. The other three convicted men were sentenced. The eccentric creature known as the ‘Dog Woman,” on Long Island, fa again on her travels, accompanied by seventeen dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds. Four hundred cigar makers of Xew York are on a strike because their wages were reduced. The Chicago republicans are storming at Harrison about his unfortunate ap pointments in that city. Xew York and Brooklyn are to he connected both by a tunnel and a new bridge. The wife of a negro coachman in Xew York attacked and beat a white woman whom she found walking with her hus band. There fa a reactionary movement at Rio in favor of Dora Pedro. Several regiments of artillery are in mntiny, and numerous arrests were made, and twenty-one ring leaders have been shot. A young woman in Xew York found an infant in her bath-room. Seventeen lives were lost in two counties in Kansas by the blizzard David Loudon, a luckless Xew York gambler, was driven to theft and sui cide. Snow drifts twenty feet deep are re ported in the Northwest. The Wells & Fargo Express Co. was robbed of $11,000 in Dallas Texas. The seat of Senator'Allison, of Iowa, is in danger. Judge Rothrock, who is strong with the farmers, has taken the field against him. There are 12,600 persons in Chicago sick with the influenza. A train of can were blown from a track in Canada, and fifty people were injured. A life convict in the Ohio peniten tiary was pardoned out by the Governor on a forged petition. suffocated by A W.BSrrfal I trlllcrnco TfcaC Callrd Forfli Itoand Aftrr RomiI .( an<l * rertous rtojo Catarrh Remedy, onzi ly known *« ■RIPPE.” rh, nhi,h *.'roetlm« <t it* symptom* »r« *ec$e of ntimion in i’j, te throat, stomach »nrt chill*. ;il tern Mine with dUrharKM ai_ ere is a cough, ultyor expectorantn, of spirit*. The great he pert ct Professo Bristol’s horses are trained one vc tatuly has to «ee them perform. They do everyLliitrg with the utmost ease an i a parent leasiir , end the ■ x- hibi to a* a whole is certainly an en tertaining one. The tollowingi- the programme: 1. Horses and ponies to the iroat. 2. Denver acts as Mo Itor, amlhe’ps the professor off with his coat. 8. Sultan and the handkerchief. 4. Denver takes bis bat asd brings table. 5. Comache takes coat off and brings chair. 6. Denver brashes coat, takes off and puts away over-hovs. 7. Sultan brings the mail. 8. Denver is monitor, , 9. Colonel Wood, Lottie, John San- bourne and Comache are reported for pnnishihent by Denver. One fa ord< r- ed to stand on three legs, another upon his knees, one upon a dunce block, one to 1 e down and sleep. 10. Denver goes fishing. 11 Denver rings bell for mathemati cal exercises by Sultan and ■ Claudio. The latter on finding the example wrong, erases the figures from the blackboard. ■ 12. Denver answers a call at the door. 18. Saltan (who is acknowledged, to be one of the wonders of the world) brings writing paper, and tells mon.h, day. and rime of «-ay by the watch. 14. Lottie brings specie or currency from a c osed money drawer. 16. Target and Denver mail a letter 16. Alphonsoshows how sleepy good and bad horses act. 17. Recess; girls to the right, boys to the left; boxes and barrels rolled about, and a good time generally. ISTERMISSIOS SEVEN MINUTES. 1. The trapese pony Tony in his wonderful leaping act from flying swing to pedestal. John Sanbourne swings. 2. Denver swings his teacher; his teacher swings Denver. 3. Lottie either trots or puces at the word of command and jumps the rope. 4. Comanche imitates a rocking horse. Horses at leaf frog. 5 Harry and Naomi (twins) in their exhibition of reasoning from cause and effect. In this unequalled feat the most stubborn doubter is convinced that horses do possess the power of reason ing. ;• 6. Comanche tethers the two former and actually balances them across a half inch iron rod. 7. Comanche and the barrel. * 8. Colonel Wood,Sultan, Comanche, Minnie, Claude and Denver constitute the only equine bell ringers on earth, INTERMISSION THREE MINUTES. Wa tz “Santiego ” 1. The little mule Dynamite walks a rope. 2. .Ponies at touch. 3. The military drill. 4. Denver and the rocking chair. 5. Denver and the professor at lunch. To conclude with a comical mule trade. •CATHAKA IMA.,’ IS A SURE CUR - , when takes according to dl- — — bottle. GOLDEN Oil! _CAgUA»AnfA. arara cur* for Catarrh. " HBlbK On'b’ikiI.LAR per Bottle. Soro^TlnoM, ercT ScS^^ti Prepared by the Catharaima Co., SAVANNAH, GA. S ' ; LANGLEY BROS., Manufacturers ot Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear. Fine Dies* Shirts to Order a Specialty. 171 King Street, ..<, C. ty Direction* for measuring and Price U»t sent on npplicatlon. Jan. 18—dam. Mf}S. T- A. ADAMS WIU eoou receive ber ———< NEW SPRING GOODS, In the meantime ebeetasri ' : WINTER GOODS CHEAP,I in order to make room for the new goeds. Jan. 16—dtlstap. * MONEY AT SIX PER CENT. Albert L. Mitchell, C2I LAWYER, fj Loan, Broker and Instance Agent No. 35, Clayton st., ATHENS, GEORGIA. Will give prompt attention to all legal busi ness. WIU Insure your property! tin Urst-cla . Companies against loss by Are.3 WIU negotiate osns on farm lands running C years at G per cent per annum, payable in-whole, or part, at any time. Come and see me. Albert L. Mitchell. '- Athens CottQn Exchange. Athens, Ga. January 16.—Tone of the Market, firm. Good Middling 10 Strict Middling 9 7-8 " Middling 9iM Strict Low Middling 95-3 Low Middling 91-2 Strict good ordinary Tinges 9 1-2 to 9 5-8 Stains 9 to 9 3-8 Liverpool Market. Tone: Quiet, without moderate inquiry. MtddUng uplands, S 3-i (Middling Orleans: Sales 8,000. ' Tone ATHENS BOOK-STORE. CARTER'S mrm CURE Sick Headache anil relieve all Ktt troubles Ind* dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating 1 . Pain in the Side, Ac. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Carter’s Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, Kven it they only cured HEAD Ach* they would he almost priitlea* to those woo suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Hut after eU sick head ACHE is the bane of so man v lives that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pills euro It while others do not. Carter’s Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action nieale all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; Ore for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CASTSS MXD1CXHZ CO., Snr York. juallfi UBose. Soil Trice. ‘Mre McGinty” in' Athens, l'fa candor j of* Mr* if 1 P i^win 1 *!*; 1 tiTation °* tho e 01 **” was mistaken for an intended insult, I f Y* -vrilfa>e |„ _____ ab °““ he jncriublo McGinty joke. ia our cit Mr . y^tor L. Smith, the What will the city council do about travelling agent of the company, leave* Come, geni city in this The Atlanta Constitution thinks the I the’most complete success. ghost editor of the Banner is scared. I - - If the Constitution editor was lost in Auction Snip of A O T vn-1 ? wie f e 2‘ rccentI - F in - at , u i“ some of the dark streets of Athens, we . . CUOn oaie 01 A * U * L<yn- free-traders were worried because Mr. MR. CLEVELAND NOT IN. Th. DUeasai.a Will Have t. Get Withoat Him. New York, Jan. 16.—[Special]—A Philadelphia newspaper published a statement recently that the somalled Four persons were smoke in Erie, Penn. The Hessian fly has appeared to the Tennessee wheat? fields. Eva Powell, a young woman of Bir mingham, Ala., tried to suicide by taking ‘‘Roush on Bata,” because she was crossed in love. The “wets” carried Lynchburg ty a majority of seven. It fa said that German-American and Dutch bankers intend to lay a cable from San Francisco to Tutulle, in Sa moa. John Allen tried to pass Confederate bills on a blind peanut seller in New ark, N. J., and, having been arrested, killed himself with morphine, which, when searched, he said was la grippe medioine, and was allowed to keep. New Jersey has raised its Governor’s salary from $6,000 to $10,000 pet an num. While out boat-riding on a lake near Carmt, IU., two young couples weie drowned. Negroes continue to pour into tho Mississippi bottoms by the train load. Futures. January-February Vcbiuary -March Much-April ■ irtl-May ny-Junc...... : Juuc-Jnly July-August Auim at-September .. .. . Septembcr-October. Octobcr-Nove tuber NtrretnbOr-Doremhw. DscemberJanuarv Openlnr Tone: Film. -.. Closing Tone Steady. S 47 Iti 651 549 5 49 5 59 5 S3 5 63 5 51 5 75 Tons: Quiet. Furores. January February..... March mS?;.::::::::::::::::: June July Au * 1 lhBr iuer... ffew York Market. Middling 107-18 10 43 10 47 10 54 10 61 10 65 16 70 10 75 10 81 10 32 10 S3 10 44 10 51 !0 57 10 93 JO 67 10 73 ToaeBa*. ly Steady. Receipts of AUU. S. Ports. shouldn’t be' surprised if he didn’t doll’s stock of stoves, house- , Blai "® t had ^moHsl'ed Mr. Glacisume ' _ n _ leave the Banner^ reporters alone af-1 f nrn ; g i- l ; ria . ’a I ‘ n > iat di ^°“ WANTED TO LEAP TO DEATH. terwards. For and you _ Both Bros, understand tbs business. Assignee’s Sale. I will begin this morning at 9 o’clock, January 16th, 1890, cost sale of all the stock ol boots, stationery, blank books, paper, pencils, pens, ink and all such other articles as are usually* found in a first-class book and sta tionery establishment, at the place recently occupied by Davis & Garebold on Broad street. Stock must be closed out within eighty days Irom this date. John T. Anderson, Assignee Davis & Garebold. dlt-wlt. Fresh Fish and oysters received daily at Booth Bros. it furnishing goods and tin- j question in the North American Be ware, will commence Satur-1 Jacob D. Clevenger, » Maniac, Causes* Sensation in a Chicago Court. Tbinti. j ’t t Oil i ... I dent Cevelaud was deeply interested in Sensation In a Chicago Court. on wil get just what yon editor. da ^. Jan ^ ar y * 8th > and wdl ‘ h u e “dhvedi'tor K Brv TSnhe*Be“Sw Caicaoo, Jan. 16.-1 Special] -Judge Bros, understand ths business. Continue from day to day un- l^uested by editor.Bryoe, of the Review Prenderga8t had an exciting time with Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday— Thursday Friday I continue from day to day un- |*l ues ted by editor'Bryce, of the Review 'til disposed Of. 2 y I to continue the discussion. According J. R. Moore, jl7-18. Auctioneer. •RSTTSay, 31,943 at.fts 21,301 2»,1S7 19,442 1 -,*■;< lu,.i;a Wee l^ist year. 29.109 26,896 68,773 18,139 22,919 “3,344 This Wee 10,css 30J508 10:36 18,536 11,530 9J43 TO RENT.—A well located store on Broad street, can be rented at a bar gain by calling on Julius Cohen at once. Fine fish and select oysters all times at Booth Bros. tf horse and ill work any- S. C. Dobbs. FOR SALE.—One mule, in good order, where. Apply to ~ Janl5-d4t-w4t BOARD.—Six or eight hoarders can get accommodation, corner Washington and Thomas streets, t - janlu-6td Fink Pictures picture call on C. will get what you want, speaks for itself. i to the report, he decllued until he re- | ceived a message from Mr. Cleveland urging him to do so. jflllMI Mr. Cleveland was seen at hts rosi dence by a reporter, and asked if was true that lie Imd tnken a hand in the discussion and requested Mr. Mills 1 answer Mr. Blaino- “I have had no communication witli Mr. Mills recent ly,” said Mr. Cleveland, “and I have not asked him to write anything._ hope the report that lie is preparing an article on tho subject of the tarifl' : “ Total Tort Receipt* Sept. 1 to Jan. 3. l4.500.103 Stodkatall U.3.Torts. (93,3-3 1W8 3,1192,014 £94,511 is 9 —If vou want a lino true » however, and it Mr. Bryce had re- C Maddox and von Quested mo to ask Mr. Mills to continue the discussion begun in the Bcriew, I His work Decl3-lw Tailor Shop.—I have opened a tailor shop over Coleman’s store and will make suits to order and guarantee per fect fit. J. Alexander. Decl2-lw. .hould hate done so with pleasure.” “Do -you contemplate contributing to the discussion yourself?” “No, I don’t know that I do,” was the reply. “I read what Mr. Glad stone and Mr. Blaine hud to say on the subject with much interest, hut I do not think l shall write anything on tliesub- Aurtion Sale of A O T vn- N ect myself—at least not for the present. Auction i3a * e 01 43.. \J IjJ n I xe is a matter tlint requires a great deal don S stock of stoves, house- Of study and time, and just now I have fivrniQViincr rrn rifle, + :,,_ very little leisure outside of business.’ lurmshing goods and tin- M J r Cleveland did not think Mr. ware, will commence Satur- Gladstone aud Mr. Blaine had exhaust- dnv Tnrmarv 18th n iid w ;il edtiis subject. Tbo agitation of the oay,^ January 10m, and Will q Ue *tion oftoriff reform would be bene- continue from day to day un- ncial, as die more it was discussed the — • - - better informed the public would be come in regard to tho merits of tho con troversy ; but for the present Mr. Cleve land will play the part of a spectator in the contest. til disposed of. J. R. Moore, j 17-18. .’ Assignee, a maniac for a few minutes yesterday morning. The unfortunate was Jacob D. Clevenger, a clerk in the employ of the Adams Express company. He is thirty-eight years old, married, anti a cousin ot Dr. S. V. Clevenger, a well- known specialist in nervous and mind troubles. Dr. Clevenger said sus kins man had worked without a rest for twelve years, and the strain had beep too great on him and resulted in insani ty of both a homicidal and suicidal character. The man was taken by two . consisting in part of court officers t» a small chamber back - ef the judge’s court-room. It is here that the judge frequently hears insane cases when he has a case on trial in court. The window in the small apart ment had been left open for air, and as the judge entered the chamber he saw Clevenger standing on the window-sill in the attitude of a diver and just on the point of plunging headlong into the street. .. . ■ “Grab him, grab him quick,” cried the court, anil two bailiffs caught tlie man, hut not a moment too soon. Laughing, Clevenger went up to the judge and tapped him twice on the forehead, saving: “I know you. I am a jlircnologist.” The judge smiled and moved around to the other side of the table, Clevenger "was sent to Kankakee. less 4.260,s» 1,021410 BUIST’S NEW CROP OF GARDEN_SEEDS- We have just opened up the largest stock of garden seeds ever brought to 60,000 papers Buist’s Prize medal stock. 50 bustiels beans and peas, 60 bushels choice onion sets. Our prices are the lowest at whole sale and retail. Special prices to market gardeners. John Crawford &Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggist. Athens, Ga. Call and get one of Buist’s Garden Manuels for 1890. ■. . Another Splendid Gift. An Elegant Work of Art To every new subscriber or 1 enen al fur tho (10 Pages.) E YEAR, The Beautiful Engraving, Scotch Raid rayon Ion piece of “THE HOusK rji \va*. 111.til re cntly, tlie premium with -he Weekly U otie-I>emuerat. E^-Tho i rice o; the WKKIihY GLOBE 1)k«- O. HAT,Sfie year, a it th. engraving "THE 8COTXTI miD,".son!y ' ‘ "TJT' 7^ ONE DOLLAR I Subscriber* desiring both picture* can bare “THS HORSE FAIR”fur25c extr*. Postmasters and news dealers -ill take sub. soriptlons, or remit direct o tee Globe Printing Co. .* ST..LIJUIS, MO, •Fend for sample copy of paper. Southern Mutual Insurance Co Y. L. G. HARRIS, President. 8. THOMAS, " Secretory Resident directors : 1889. IPOR SALE. All the property lying and Foundi-y street* an roperty. 1 he lot runs Tho lot on which the Livery stable) on Thom a street Bland. The lot can front two stores on Thomas street, and a g*>od resilience lot on Strong Street. Apply to J. S. Williford, Heal Kst-tte Agent „ on the comer of Broad and known as USqm; property. The lot runs to the right-of-way of M. & C. Ri R., and U very valuable aud la now ya^hmidsumety. Real Estate Agent. Also town snbortaa small farms of ID, ao<40 add 00 acres. Also a number beantlfnl lot* on Barber street. These lots beautiful, low priced. , *wT notice. I h ve citv property to exchange for farms in the country. TAN YARD. I have ter sale two miles from tho city a wan equipped tan yaril. Everything new, eight or nine acres of land attached, only 1-4 mile from N. E. R. R., which has Hide-truck whero bark can be delivered. The property ib not offered because the busine.-B does nor pay, but because owner desires to change hia business. Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Agent. - LOOK AT THIS. 1 will sell a bargain in a pretty little farm ol 2C'X. acre* of good land just ont*ide of city limits. Ttera are two liou*cs on the place, one well plastered, well of good pure water, al*o springon the p'ice. Price $I.UuO and noless. Apply to. J. s. WILLIFORD. Real Estate Agent. POE SALE. Aen ie l room cottsrr on College . -FOR- bT good mules and horses for sals Orr A Hunter. J17-w4t-dl)V in energetic ntan who understands athing to represent us as Sales-Agent | WANTED! A Clothing to represent in Athens. Superb new spring line now ready. Wanamaxeb & Brown, Philadelphia. Largest Clothing and Merchant Tail, oriug House in America. O > M*:! ''*'v1 t f fT’ClU" >-'y'v’I COTTON GINS EK6QH1S AND PAIRS, -AT om Prices, WRITE TO Lombard & I o. Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Qin Work and Supply Hons., ita, - O* Hobrr .V