Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 18, 1890, Image 3

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fan __ w;i! .Sutrpcn the apprUte nd give •" tlM I’igmlre organs, li to Ayer's Smw ■AUMrltta. TiiMi«it<)a allow Mm bad t-rtlfy to tfaa merits of »!,i« IB Eighth *Mr hna> band baa taken Ayer * 8ar.apari.Ia, for Dysiwpria and torpi,l liw, awl baa boon greatly heaefitol." A Confirmed Dyspeptic. C. Csnterbory, of 141 Franklin at., Bralon, Maw., writes, that, suffering f>r years from luUfeatfon, ba was at but induced to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla •n<l. by Its Kao, was entlrelyxurcd. Mrs. Joseph Aubtn. of High street, Holyoke, Maas., suffered for over a year from Dyspepsia, so that aba couhl not eat substantial food, became very weak, •nd waa unable to cam for bar family. Kelt her the medicines prescribed by physicians, nor any of the remedies a ivrjtlsed for tbe core of Dyspepsia, helped her, until aba commenced tbe use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. "Three bottles of this medicine," aha writes, "cured me.” Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co, LowaU, Mam. Prioe*l; six bottles, •*. Wonkas a bouts. I PiRKER’sl HAIR BALAAM *y» . H.zt H roaotci a luxuriant tiuwih, SEiSSSFSS-"* MlPaMrtBMMH ■aUPCHICHESTCR’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. I g-ia Bad Crass IHamoud ltrand.l r?-S HINDERCORN8. _ AGENTS WANTED AT OBfOB to sell tho Cbrspnt, moat Com plete, Authentic, Splendidly I!lm«roted, and THIt 11,1.1 HO HI1TORT or STANLEY'S W WONDERFUL ADVENTURES AFRICA THE GLORY Or MAN STRENGTH VITALITY! How Lostl How Regained, wbe Itwai ika isgrad- nr Toaie. apoko for* •ores of two r kettles.nad ItntMlw r relieved. Tours truly, sts. Be *. alMY. Dr. Wastasrslaad’aOsbssyuTsois is sold by L. D. (Sledge A Co, ot Me eed $1 a bottle. RICHtS- If you deairo them aa. ass fooRac away Jaw •• Ikufi tkat don’t pay : bat eeed SUM at esca for a ngnifleeel oatlt af our Utuot N.w Stanley Book. If book aud Ursa are sat satisfactory we will refeed your atoasy. He JNo BrCAi m4 gentlemen employed. Doa’t writing. “Step is while toe waters ere troub led.” Days are worth doiUra Address. B. F. JOHNSON A CO, HOt Mala 8L, Richmond, Ve. Don. 28-d-lmo. yon uu. flood bottle sod lot on corner of Strong end Lumpkin streets. Call aud ace i right away. HucmroRbii Hattawat, Heat littate Agents. Bneklen’s Arnica Itira Tho bn< Halve in the world Cor Cats, Bruiser, Boras, Ulcers, Ball Rbuum, Fiver, Bores, Teller, O.appcd Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all 8kio Erupt ions and poe> illvcly cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect tatiaf action, money refunded. Price fl& cents per bos. For sale by John Crawford ft Co, and L. D. 8Mr« ft Co, Wholcaale and Retail Druggists. For lame back, aide or duet, use Sbiloh’a Piaster. Price 23 cents. For sale by John Crawford k Co. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH aud Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shi loh’s Cun*. For sale by John Crawford ft Co. SHILOH'S V1TAL1ZER la what yoo need for Constipaliou, Loss of Appetite, D.canes', and all symptoms of D> Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle, by Joho Crawford ft Co. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It curra Consumption. For sale by John Crawford k Co. A wurdt A warder knxt toe Of earth's hard. I With Why Should they i With all th- anairimr pain I we know It: If we (Shea With Sagers ■ And. rifle eyaMsarlUk those we tore the dearest, to ttleuee <s> we lived. iu fate ruicn*. WahlB* and hoping for tbe hesveaty umaia Beyond the distant hills The euty dMkrmoe of the toes m beavsu FKW lore on earth below, to: Hetu we love and know not bow to teB tt. And them we an risen know. "STS ExkaustedVitality Untold Miseries LUCT HINTON 18 QUEEN OF THE TOBACCO WORLD. Talmadge Bros.’ are headquarter* and factory agents for T. C. Wdlmms ft Co.’s Lucy Hinton. Mstlaponi, Jay Bird and Pamher tobaccos. They are always relia ble, uniform, and best on earth, for prices at which they are told. Try them. ttdo Tbe beat razors and the beat pocket- knives, al the lowest prices, at Taltuaxe ft Brigbtwell's. dec7tf Contagrena Bleed Diseases. Unlcera, sorts, pimples, itch, salt rheum, eto* are evidences ot eooiageooe blood disease, ft is manifestly a duty to eradicate blood poison from the system by a use ot B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) thus enabling the sore places to heal, and t .ereby removing all poaslbilitiy of other members of the family becoming like wise afficted. Send to Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, Oa, for book that will oonriooe. J. H. Outlaw, Mt. OUvo, N. C, writes: - . bed running sores on my shoulders and armel One bottle fi. B. B. cured me entirely." L. Johnson, Belmont Station, Miss., ritoa: “B. B. B. baa worked on me like a charm. Hy bead sod body were covered with aorea.and my hair came ont, B. B. B. healed me quickly." W. J. Kinnin. Hatches, Texas, writes: “B. B. B. has cured my wile of a largo uleer oa her leg, that doctors and all other medioino could nut cure.” M. J.Boasman, a prominent merchant ot Greensbtro, Ga, write*: "I know of several oases of Blood disease speedily cored by B. B. U. Two bottles cored a lady of ugly scrofu lous skin sorea W. C. Birchmore k Co, of llaxey, Ga, writes: *‘B. B. B. in caring Hr. Robert Ward of blood poison, effected oue of tho m «at won- derfnl cures that erer cams to our knowl edge.” King Csrlos at Lisbon to getting a top the Influenza I uwmuuL No. 4 BuIflach8t.,llomon.Mtuattowbomsll for books o« letters tor sdrtco should ba MADE WITH BOlUNG WATER. EPP S’ S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. MADE WITH BOiLING MILK. , TO WEAK MEH from tha effect* of* "of charge. A oread by avery l who la nervous aud debilitated. Addrsaa ***0f. V. A FOWLEB. Moodna. r«m, SaOcrinefromth sarasc partieularr for home r FOR AP0S1T1VE fITTTJ D Weakiiei* ef Body and Mind: Effect* v vl JtXl of Errors or Exceaaer in Old or Young. SElSs and "Whiskey Mate- Its carodathomo with out pain. Book ot par lor* ernt FBEE. B. M.WOOLLEY. M.n. uM WbitcbaU St. Illg G b as given nntver sal fixibtuctjon Iq th« cure of tlonorrbP-4 and Gleet. I prescribe It and feel safe in recommend- tng It to all sufforer*. A. J. STOKER, M.D, Decatur, III. TRICE, 81-00. Soul br •- SORRELS* VM IT! 1. No suflererfrom any acrotuloos disease, who will fsirly try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, nsed des pair ot aeon. This remedy purges tbe blood of all impurities, destroys tbe germs of scrof ula, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the physical organisation. Little dogs baric tho most, beeao a that’s ail they can do. —op that cough, by the use of Ayer’s Cher- fy Sectoral!—the best speoilic for alt throat aud lung diseases. It will allay inflammation, aid respiration, and strengthen tbe rood organs. Ayer,s Almanacs are frte to all. Ask for one, Tbe United States squadron will sail from Gibraltar today. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such general revival of trade at John Crawford Co. and L. 1). Sledge Co Wholesale and Retail Drug Stores as their giving sway to their cus tomers of to many free total bottles of Dr. King’s Nffw Discovery for Consumption. Their trade to simply euormous in this very valuable article from the fact tost it always cures sad disappoints; ’ Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all throat and long dis eases quickly cared. Ton can test it before buying by geting a trial bottle free, large size 41. Every bottle wai ranted. There are several ways to pay bills, bat tho majority of tho big ones are paid with reluc tance. Epoch. Tbe taiwlOra from loog. lingering sndgMjM- ful sickness to robust health marks aa epoch to thb life of tho individoeL Bach a remark- able event to treasured in tbe memory and the egeney whereby the goodhealth has been at tained to Riatelully blessed. Hence it to that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many Gel they owe their restoration 'o health, for tho nee of the Groat Alterative and Tonic. If you an troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver, Stomach of long or short standing yon will sorely And rebel by use of Electric Bitters. Bold at Mo. and $1. per bot tle at. John Crawford Co. or L.D. Sledge Co. Wholesale and Retail Droggtot. Tho superintendent of a cemetery makes grave charges agaiuts the beat of oa They make one feel as though life was worth bring. Take one of Carter’s Little Lirer Pills af ter eutiog: it will relieve dyapepcU, aid diges tion, give tone aud vigor to the stalest. A sign of tbe times—the grip. C. F.Kohlruss, Jbndgjptfmro and lK-lcr ■ptatlsn ft Domestic Marblo&r.vt Granite Monument?, Headstones, StatoMu OtfpingXy etc. Cemetery and building ■work of all Description made to order. All or- dcr* promptly attended to and oxeented in the neatest manner jv. Sfibto. Original Designs I Kaccented. Corner Washington an d KUU Sts. AUGUSTA — GO TO- JOHN Xi. ARNOLD and Kills GEORGIA. f\ niacences of .)eflier*on Davis, tire Iamar, V. S. Supreme Court c*eedr, given to ereet a monument Complete outfit $1. Addie** R. It. WOODWARD & CO.. Baltimore. W-l. V^A few general agents wanted. d-OanJ Bditedbv .)us- Part c( pro- t to Mr. Daria. House and Sign Painting Paper Hanging, Etc. —GO TO— JOHN L. ARNOLD, BROAD STREET, Fancy and Family Groceries GIANT JACK. It was In the year I860, while I was staying a few days In a Missouri village, that I first saw Giant Jack. I waa seated oa the piazza of the only hotel that the place could boast of, when I saw a large, handsome man, accompanied by a very pretty woman, passing down the street. He waa over six feet in height, with broad shoulders, a deep, fall chest, muscular and well formed limbs, glossy, chestnut hair, and a huge beard of tbe same color, which hung nearly to his waist. He was about 85 years of age, and his companion appeared to be about twelve year* his junior. They were seated in a handsome carriage, drawn by a pair of beautiful, blooded borsca; and it was evident that they belonged to a wealthy class of people. "That ’ere big feller?" said mine host in reply to my inquiry. “Wy, that’s John NorvaL Me’n’him has alius be n chums ever sence we wuz boys. When ther gold fever broke out in M9, we went ter Califomy tergether. It wui while he wux thsjr that he got ther nleknnipe uv Giant Jack—an* ther name jest fits him; John is er giant in size, and his heart is big in proportion ter Ids body. Er better feller than John never stood in two shoes: an’ L who’ve known him ever sence be wux knee high ter er grass hopper, ken swar ter it He owns ther big grocery store thar ercroot tber street, an* ther dry goods store jest beyond this hotel: and ther big house yer passed jest before yer entered tins village, ishis'n. “MeV John didn’t make our fortin’ diggin* Califomy .gold, es some did," continued the landlord. "Arter we’d be’n thar erbout five years, we got kinder homesick; an’, es we’d made er big ernough pile ter start us in business here in our native village, we concluded ter pull out fur home. But jest before we got ready ter start thar wuz a new arrival at the camp—or man named Horton, an’ his daughter. When Giant Jack see ther gal be decided ter stay erwhile longer, an’, uv course, ez I didn’t want ter start fur home with out him, I stayed, too. Giant Jack had fell in love with Clara Horton, almost at fust sight an’ I couldn't blame him fur it; fur she wuz purtier'n any picter 1 ever see. "Horton pretended that he bad come ter dig gold, but we found out after wards that that wuz only er blind. He wuz a professional gambler: an’ before he had be’n at ther camp ten days, he had fleeced no less’n half er dozen miners. Such scoundrels wuz very common in ther California gold regions in them days. ‘Giant Jack disliked Horton from the fust, but he made friends with him so he could git ’quainted with bis daughter; an’ before Clara Harton had be’n er week at the camp, she an’Giant Jack wuz ther best uv friends. "Giant Jack had pitied ther girl on ther day when he had fust seen her— when ther stage had * ought her an’ her father up from ther city; for she eeemed er lady, with her quiet ways an’ her wistful eyes, an’ not a tall fitted fur ther wild,.rovin’ life, which it wuz plain her father wuz leadin’ her. “Pity to akin ter love, they say; an’ mebbe it wuz ther cause uv Giant Jack’s failin’ in love with Clara Horton so sud den; fer ten days from ther time ho had fust seen her, be axed her ter be his wife. I like yer better’n any other man I ever eee,’ she told him, ‘an* I would be glad ter leave my father, whom lean neither love nor respect; but, on her dyin’ bed, my mother made me promise never ter leave my father, without his consent. Ef he dont object, an’ you aren't aahahied ter marry er gambler's daughter, I will be your wife; but I can’t break the. promise I made ter my dyin’ mother.’ "Horton not only objected, but told Giant Jack he’d pot er bullet through him ef he caught him bangin’ ’round exter Clara any more. No one short uv er millioner, he said, could have his daughter, "Giant Jack drew hia pistol from his belt, thought erwhile, an’ then put it back erg’in. • tjgl -/ JS l “ ‘If yer wa’n’t Clara’s father,’said he, Td let daylight through yer.’ "Then he went back ter Clara, an’ tried ter coax her terjparry him without her father’s consent. He told her that her mother wouldn’t blame her, ef she knew what er blackleg her father wuz, an’ that it wuz foolish for her ter make her own life miserable, an’ his’n, too, jest fur ther sak uv keepin’ er promise. But all his argyin didn’t do no good. Clara, though she cried when he wuz pleadin’ with her, refused ter break her promise. "Fur three ur four days arterwards Giant Jack went ’round lookin’ sutler'll er mad bull; then one evenin’ he got me an’three other fellers to go up to Hor ton’s cabin. “ ‘l/Ct’s shake,’ he said ter Horton when we got t bar; ‘and ter show I’ve got nothin erg’in yer I’ll play er game uv kecrus with yer.’ “Horton shook hands with him heart ily, but he looked er little s’prised, fur Giant Jack had alius refused ter plat with him before. “Ther j woe six out ot ther foot Then bigger stakes wux made, an’ Giant Jack woo erbout four out or every five games. “When ther young folks, back here in ole Misaoury. uacter play keenbjur fun. John Norval useter be ther amartee* an' luckiest oue ermougsz 'em: an’, for ther fust time since he'd be’n at ther camp, Horton had found his rn*t~v. “It wuz er purely scientific game, each man bein’ too clever fur ther other ter attempt any cheatin’. Horton wuz stead ily losin*. but be didn't offer ter give up playin’. I*vo noticed, ax er ginerai thing, that tlier more er man loan when he's gamblin’, ther more anxtoua be is ter P**T- “At last Horton rose ter his feet, look in’ pale an’ haggard. “ ‘Ye have cleaned me out,* he Tve nothin* more ter stake.* “Thar’s yer daughter,’ said Giant Jaek coolly. ‘IT1 lay half uv ther pile that I’ve woo ter night ag’inst her.’ “Horton glared at him er minute, an' then sot down ter ther table erg’in. “Giant Jack dealt ther keerds,an‘ tber game commenced. Horton made ther Jack, an’ Giant Jack wuz high, low, “Ther second beat, Giant Jack went high, low, jack an’ ther game. “ *Fve won,’ he said, quietly. “Horton jumped ter his feet an* draw bis pistol; but quick ea er flash Giant Jack covered him wish his own hnrUn 1 iron. “ ‘Drop that,’ said he, sternly, *ur ye’ll find I ken play at pistols ez well ez at keerds.’ "Ther pistol drapped from Horton’s tremblin’ hand ter tlier floor. He knew tliat Giant Jack wuz ther best shot in the camp. “Horton glared at Giant Jack fur "bout half er minute, an’ then he «ilH Clara from her little room at ther end uv ther cabin. “ ‘Take her erway from hero at once,' he said ter Giant Jack. *She can’t stay here ter-night; an’ I hope I’ll never set eyes on her erg’in.’ “In er few words. Giant Jack told her what had happened; an’ ther look uf joy that shone in iter eyes told plainer than words could have done how pleased she wuz at tber turn erfairs had taken. Without er word ur farewell ter her father, ur even er backward glance, she tuk Giant Jack’s arm an’ he led her from ther cabin, leavin’ behind him every thing else that he had won from Horton. “We gave up our cabin ter Clara that night, on’ slept in tlier cabin that be longed ter tlier fellers that went with us ter Horton’s, which wuz close to ourin. “Tho next day we—Clara, Giant Jack and myself—took tlier stage fur Frisco; an’ ez soon ez we got thar Giant Jack and Clara wuz married." And what became of her father?" I asked. “I don’t know whatever become uv Horton.- We never heard from him since thpt night we left him criooe in Ids cabin at tlier Califomy minin’ camp. Yes, that woman yer see jest now with Giant Jack—ur John - Norval. ez he in known erbout hero—is his wife;, an’ he won her, not with er sword, nor exactly by courtship. In plain English, he woto her at the old fashioned game uf ‘high, low. Jack.’”—J. H. Spencer in Chicago Ledger. A Disgusted Cat. In some manner a cat found its way into a cycloruna building several days ago. The man in charge attempted to chase the trespassing feline through the door, but the cat evidently thought there was a better way of reaping the rising temperof the irate man. It looked cautiously about, os if tS avoid stepping on tho prostrate forms of heroes «l»i" in tbe battle. Finally its eyes caught sight of a tree. A projecting limb hung very low, and here tho cat thought to find a place of safety. It gave one leap, and, nodoabt, was the most disgusted cat in Portland wlien it learned by sad experi ence that tbe tree was on the- canvas. It picked itself up and slowly slunk through the door, down the stairs and out of the building.—Portland Oregonian. The First Lamp Chimney. 'Petroleum,” says a correspondent in Notes and Queries, “was known, and even refined, long before it was used in lamps. A Frenchman is said .to have spent years in rain endeavors to con struct a lamp in which the new oil would burn without smoking. Accident helped lum at last . Vexed, by failure, he had drained his wine flask—a long necked, thin, bottle, like oil flasks—and set it down on the table so hard as to break the glass bottom. He then chanced to catch it up and hold it over the flame of his smoking lamp. The smoke ceased, and he saw that what he sought was found.” . Spanking the Buy. A little boy saw his grandfather threshing oats with a flaiL It wa» a cu rious sight to' him. He went into the house. . His grandmother said to him: “Where is your grandfather?" Johnny replied: “Oh, he’s out in the barn spanking hay.”—Syracuse Herald. HowsThi’s* We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv ease of Catarrh tost oau not be oared by tatting Hsu’s Catarrh Cure. f. J. Cheney * Co., Props.. Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J.JChen- ey for the last 15 years, and bel eve him per fectly- honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. , „ West ATruax, Wholesale Drug cist, To.ado, O Wrtffiar V : Marvin, Wholesale Uurggist, Toledo, Ohio . E.H. Van Uoesen, Cashier Toledo National Ba k, Toledo. Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directlv upon the blood and mucous sur faces of th’e system. Brice 75c - per bottle, Sold by all Druggists. Senator Brice has already made his mark— his dollar maik. 'er- - Ifvou are nervous or dyspeptic try Curtcr’6 Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes von nerv ous, and nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either one renders yon miserable, and these little pills cure both. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. llatCalf. Heavy laced Grain and Oread ™* r BeS?tt» wortd. Examine his •aloof fllsTw Ut > 1 “ IlGWli ~ It V in OocgTW*, Bottoosnd Dace. $3 & $2 SHOES •1.15 SHOE TOK MISSES. IV.C.&ff.flf.SfllEAD. >GAS Garden Hose, SPECIALTIES ELECTRIC GOODS. Julios Domblatt, Cay ton Street, Athens, Ga. oetfldtf li if mn FOB 4890. Some people agree with Tint 8Fit’s opinions about men and things, and some people don’t; but everybody likes to get bold of the newspaper which is never dull and never afraid to apeak its mind. Democrats know that for twenty years The Sun has fought in the front line for Democratic principles, never wavering or weakening in its loyalty to the true interests of the party ft serves with fearless intelligence and disinterested vigor. At times opinions have differed as to the best means of ac complishing the common purpose; it is nottTHx Sun’s fault, for it has seen further into the millstone. Eighteen hundred and ninety is the year that will probably determine the result of the Presidential election of 1892, and perhaps the fortunes of the Democracy for the rest of the century. Victory in 1892 is a doty, and the be ginning of 1890 is the best time to start out in company with Thz Sun. Daily, per month $060 Daily,per year 6.00 Sunday, per year. 2.00 Daily and Sunday,peryear.. 8.00 Daily and Sunday, per month .. .J0.70 Weekly Sun, one year 1.00 tw THE taPW, Wow York. THE Loo Range It Stands on its Merits. The following twenty well known citizens of Athens are selected from my list of purchasers to whom I refer as to the merits of the Lee Range. Consult the references, eee the Range and if you want a first-class cooking apparatus you are my customer. IN THECIT r A H Hodgson Casper Morris Wm Ware M B McGinty C D Flanigen Mrs Blackwell Mrs Olive Mrs Lucy Mathews E R Brumby A D Mathews. C . B0 DE'S Cor. College Avenue and Clayton St. Has always on haud FRESH BREAD, CAKE AND PURE CONFECTIONERIES. Haa Received a Full Assortment of Toys, such as Dolls, Bedroom Parlor, Kitchen, Toilet ft Wash Seta, Carriages, Drams, Horns, Jumping Jacks, Clowns, Toy Carts and Wagons, Drawing Slates Velocipedes, Decorated Cups Saucers and Mugs. O. BODES, Athens, .... Ga, wtf Headquarters fob F/INCVand FAMILY Dr SC Benedict F B Lucas H N Taylor Prof H C White Prof E C Branson Julius Cohen I H Allen J BToomer Industrial Home Thom j Fleming In the Country: Dr .Watkins, Bandy Cross ** W O Fluker, Union Point Mr. Stovall, Oconee county J W Arnold, Wilkes coopty* Andrew ft Glenn, Oglethorpe county J M Brisendim, “ * James Young, “ “ Hoh Jas M Smith, “ • “ M Mathews, •* “ James Hutcheson “ “ TAHanie. • “ “ J R Shields, Jackson county. Woods Ashford, Watkinsville James Freeman, Antioch G A Potter, Supt. Ga. Factory. Mr Card, Supt. Barnett Shoals. We have just received a shipmeutof French Peas, Jockey Club Sardines, Plum Puddings, Layer Figs, Thurber’s Canned Peaches, Pears, Apri cots, and* Dunbar’s Pre served Figs. Our Olive OR, Teas, Extracts and Spices AMTmmm OATS, CORN, HAY .* and STOCK FEED. GALLOWAY, LAMBERT & GO. Telephone No. 73. costs the CHI NEWS depe is a i dated the news ami sells it cent a day. Mailed, post paid, for $3.00 per year. 01 25 cents per month. This is $3.00 per year less than the price of any otHgr Chicago morning paper. The CHICAGO DAILY NEWS is not a blanket- sheet. It is a condensed paper. Yon can read it and still have time left for an honest day's work. It is a daily paper for busy people. No one who has the advantage of a daily mail service need longer be content with a weekly newspaper. The drcula- tion ot the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS is, with a single excepuon^e'Wg- est in the united States— it exceeds that of all other Chicago dailies combined. You ought to read a daily paper. Why not try the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS? in addition to the LEE RANGE I keep the best and largest selected stock OF Stoves and Goods in my Line Of any bouse in this city. A call will convince. E.E. JONES 209 Broad St Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured it ADHiNimima dr. hakes' gsider srce:nc. It cm be given in scud ot coffee er tei.e* intr udes of food, without the knowlcdee of tho tier- eon taking It; it 1. absolutely harmless aud will effect a permanent and fpeedjr cure, whether thepatlent Is x moderate drlnkeroran alcohollo New-:- Opera-:-House ATHENS, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 16,17 and 18. FAMILY MATINEE Satuudzy 3:30. Prof. D. M. Bristol’s CINCINNATI WEEKLYjGAZETTk (The Weekly Edition of the The Foremost, of them all. It Stands on tbe Top Shelf in Character, It to the Best Newspaper, It is tbe Best Family Paper, It to tbe Soldier’s Paper, It to tbe Farmer’s Paper, It is tbe Children’s Paper, Ills Everybody’s Paper. One Dollar a WlUIyLV QaZVTTE contains fifty.six utter,and to fur- the price^e 01 than all the new. with ererr desirable detail lti de partment?’- Wlth **” “ UowlE ff additional de- Bforts telegraphed (ran New York torn anu£t OT £o 0ar < k V “ flfrMfr *»*- T^Algy«”4lfii*rtSrat CMSfrBly edited by men of long experience, to to very rslasbla to e v wry iuiioor. people antUheT]Itttto'foiEkJf° tn * lTe,y fW *nd Choice Selection* with eofreapondence txom all P® 8 world. The Weekly Gazette, in a word* is i Complete Semi-Weekly Gazette Geo. C.TnoMAs. Jno. J. Stricki an THOMAS & STRICKLAND. ATTORNEYS. Airs, Geobgia detoyJnMndf n^fmronr attractive Pre- Georgm Railroad Co Stone Mountain Houte. Orric* Gszskal Mix^cra. 1 Augusta, Ga., Sept, ilst, 1££9. J The following schedule will be operated un til farther notice: ATHENS BRANCH. Lr. Athens. WintorriUe Dunlap.... Crawtord.. Antioch... 24 Mazers.... 27 Woodrille. S5 At. Union Ft. 40 Lr. Union Pt At. Atlanta■ ■GainesTillel Lr. Union Pt. Vacon. Mill'dg rile Fas'. Train. 8.S0 a ro 8.46 am 8 «0sm 9.07 am 8J»*m 9.80 am 9.47 s m 9.55 1.00 p m 8.25 p m 2.20 p 6.00 p m 4.11 p m TRAINS -WESTWARD. SSL 4.40 9.18 sat 9J80 a m p 10.00 am 4.27 p 10X9 am 10.52 am 11.22 * m 11.55am 10,0-4 a m 2.10 pm &45pm 12.17 p m Fast Train. JS52 pm 4.43 pm 4.50 p v. 6.07 r m 5.15 pm 5 85pm 8.35 p m 8.16 pm 7 A0 p m 7.45 a m 11.05 a m 7.10 a ra 7.20 am 10.01 X m 5.55 a m 11.45 p m 10.15 a m 10.411 10.48: 9.15 e m 11.10 am 1.55 p m 8.00»m 2.45pm 2.10 pm 10 24 am 2.81pm -8.06 p m 3.21 p m 11.04am 4.08pm 11.20 a m 4.89 p m 11X5 a m 4.51 p m 11.40 a m 5.45 pm 5.89 p m 5.85 pm 5.44 pm 6.01 p m 6.U-S p m 6.24 p m 6.40 pm 5.45 p m 7.00 pm ATHENS ACCOMMODATION. Horses, Ponies and Mules, DENVER, the Famous Mule Comedian and,the entire company. The comedy of The Horse School. A Horse Mathematician, A Class of Equine. Swiss Bell Ringers. Arrive Union Point i 8 45 p m Lea e Union Point*.. 5 45pm Arrive Athens 9 SO a ra •Except Sunday. UNION POINT A WHITE PLAINS R. R. Leave Union Point*.,.... Arrive at Siloam Arrivv at White Plaiux... 10.10 s m 10.85 x m 11.10 x m *5.40 p m 6.05 p m 0.40 p ui Leave White Plains...... Arrive at Siloam Arrive at Union Point.... •Except Sunday. •8 00 a m C.S.-i a m 9.00 a m *3.30 p m 4.05 p m 4. 40p m year. Orders neighbor. mlnnfu>ti-~-maUed~iraRE; Beau wand _Every town should hare an Agent lor tbe Drily Commercial Gaiette as well as for the Weekly and Semi-Weekly. Send for terms to * Extra Inducements to Club Agents for Address. THE COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Jen lO., Ctoriwisw. THE WEEKLY PRESS. PHILADELPHIA. $f,00-0ne Year for One Doliar.-$i.OO. THE WE EKLY PEES3 For 1890 will be as much better than the Week ly Preee for 1888 as we can make it. Wltbcrerr issue daring tbe new year tt will be AN EIGHTY COLUMN PAPES. Each of the flfty-twe* numbers will contain ten pages, or eighty columns, with a total for the year of K20 pages, or 41G0 columns. Thus, It wtlt be “as big se a book,” as the saying to. A PAPER OF QUALITY. Not only will it be as big as a book, bnt It will be a paper of quality as well as of quantity. It will contain the pick of everything good. A PAPER OF VARIETY. “The Ideal* that The Weekly Press shall be both clean-and wideawake. It will discuss all subjects of public interest and Importance. The writers on Its list Include: Jblto Ward Howe, E. Lynn Linton, Prof. N. 8. tShaler, Louis Pas- popular writer of note In this country and quite x number of distinguished writers abroad. In fiction, an attraction of tho year will be “ Es ther, 1 ! by H. Eider Haggard ; another serial effissfcssfi&s? 1,0 '‘ como Fonh " A FARMER’S PAPES. The best conducted agrlcultoralpage In Amcr- sx. Illustrations. A WOMAN’S PAPEK. The- “ Women’s page” of The Weekly Press Is alone worth the subscription price. Its Illustra tion' are attracting attention everywhere. A CHILDREN’S PATER. The special department for children Is no w addressed to the school chlldien and school teachers of America. Let the children join the new Rainbow Club just started. Let them com pete for tl;e prizes—all in bright, wholesome, instructive books. Important Clubbing Arrangement. By special arrangement with all the leading weekly and mouthly periodicals of America, subscription' are taken for any one or more ot these journals in connection with The Weekly Press at such low - rates as virtually makes our great family paper FREE to the subscriber for one year. Sample copies furnished free upon application. !*£”V£ TERMS. OF THE TRESS. By mall, postage free In the United States and Canada. Daily^exccpt Sunday), one year $6 01 Dally (except Sunday), one month .* 50 Daily (Including; Sunday), one year * 7 50 Daily (including Sunday), one month 05 Sunday, one year,:. 2 CO WUU.YPBML one year, 100 » Drafts, Checks, and other Remittances should 1 be made payable to the order of SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS. Advice To Mothers. Mrs. Winaiow’a Soothing Syrup should al ways be used for children teething. It soothes the' child, softens the Kum». allays all pain. Amazing, Amusinj . Instructive. Fast train : Sleeping cars between Atlanta Augusta and Charleston. Night express: Sleeping cars between Charleston and Atlanta, Augusta and Atlanta, Augusta and Macon. 1 rains No. 27 and 2S will atop at and receive, passenger* to and From the following stations only: Grovetown, Harlem, Deanng, Thomson, , Norwood, Baroett,Grawfordrllle, union Point GreenesbOro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle Co v ington, Conyers, Litbouia, Stone Moun tain and Decatur. Traius to and from Athens connect with trams 27,23,1 and 2. 4. W. GRESN, E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Manager. Gen. Paas.^igt. JUE W. WHITE, Trav. Prat AgL THE PRESS COMPART, PUBLISHERS. limited; THE BOSTON HERALD Is clean, relia ble, indepen dent, bright. The best news paper for the family. Subscription 50 oonti a month, postage pud. m tm HHi