Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 18, 1890, Image 4

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V Mr. W. M. | Flowery Branch. Cothbert ho* placed a rbUuf drummer*. Forest Bras are raging in Thomas | county. Machen, on the C A M. railroad, I- n a regular building boom. Ju. R. Smith, of Atlanta, has eloped | with bis niece. A Camden county fanner made 8* I bushels of rice per acre from 49 acres. I Locke rays be will appoint two or more ladies to positions in the Macon I p06t"Offi©€* Atlanta had 1,391 deaths in 1889, the far-famed island of'Monte Christo. The bioox Indians are selling all the clothing furnished them by the gorern- ~ 3nt- Foraker shown in the forgeries of la cracker claims that be married a widow with a hill fall of and Halstead are being up in a very unfavorable light investigation of the ballot-box es of Ohio. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ' "ikl* powder never varies. A marvel of nurity, strength aad wholsomenem- Mora economical than the “ kind, and cannot be sold In tion with the multitude of short weight, den. Sold only in cans, lira FowdbX Co., 108 Wall 8t^ N. Y. BLANK BOOKS. against 1,341 in 1888; sn increase of over I what be thought to be phosphate rock ten thousand in population. | and found it was only limestone. Mr. Cbas. K. Harman has bean ap* I A Brooklyn, S. Y., negro surprised pointed general agent of Central rail* {the passengers on a street ear by tatting toed. I hi* fare from bis ear. An inveotiga- Prof. M S. Weaver, of Katonton, has tion *bowed that be had both hi* ears charge of Meson It Is claimed that within 10 raara vSffi^ TZl^tiv iw- »«• * population of I Jgg . td^MUhfT* 1 h°nt wiu^l canhS I The health of Queen Victoria isagain bViZtsP 1 * 1 "* back with a capital I c^tiug uneasiness. The Prince of n . , Wale* i* very unpopular, and there is Block Bros., in Vineville, will start I doubt about the people of England ao- |s government distillery with a capacity I cepting him as king, of 20 barrels per day. Mrs. N. C. Neal, of Fairbaalt, Min- The negroes sra leaving Lee county I nceoto, while erased by sick nee* killed >n aooouut of the adoption of the stock | two of her children by making them aw. I take carbolic acid and then shot her 3 Mr. Harry H. Samuels suicided at the weeks old boy through the lungs. I Gulf boose, in Thomssrille. His home I The somewhat celebrated esse of 1 was In New York. Pickleslmer against the Biclimond & It is reported in Brunswick that Boh I Danville railroad was decided at Dan- Janies M. Fortner, formerly of Ril y county, Kansas, who left with 840,000 of the oouaty’s funds, has esptured. B ack measles Is raging at Focdavflte, Ky., in epidemic form. Missouri baa revoked the charter eS the Meddling Aeeident Insumnce Co., of Kansas City. Palmer C. Riteh, a wealthy farmer of Norwich. N. Y„ has disappeared, and $500 is offered for his body, alive or Brewer, the desperado, has been captor- rille, Va., vestordayln/mror of plant ed in Florida. I >ff. giving him 813.000 damages for lo in the clerks office at Macon a peti- juries reared while on the train. tion for charter was lllsdfor incorpora-1 ting the supreme council, colored I Knubts of Pythias of Georgia. Something of a Blind Tom edition is I found in Morgan county, in the person I of Blind Willis, a coal black negro who I is an expert in mathematics. Mrs. W. C. Delk, of Cobb county, I thinks she is one of Rev. W. B. Dales' 1 victims, and that he married her in 1884 under tbo name of Johnson, and deeert- | ed her after two weeks. The Governor has offered a reward of by jl7-w4t-dlw BOARD.—Six or eight hoarders can * * ■ Washington janU-Sd Baby One Solid Rash Pdf. |d»M. Matt Us*. ■attetoaa. So real by by sight. Doctor* aad all •iWi'lVi +ViO bponnT»1T10 , l< 180 for tile arrest of Robert Morris, lin oeguming who kille d r. f. Willis, in Banks coun- nf fi Ypnr rvifi|»«.|ty,on Oct. 17, lssf. OI cl 1>UVV ICIU, I1W31 In the U. S court at Savannah sn . _ w . fllJini.S storf. nff With I Englishman who married a negrese in j nearly 500 rlx dollars in 1624. Includ- Cilctil I/O otUXu I Washington, D. C., and then ing the expense of keeping up the cel- « tiaw nlpo-n cfvf; I live with her in Liberty oounty, it be-1 i art interest on the original outlay, and A Berlin professor while dissecting a shark found in its stomach a dolphin weighing 128, forty-three fish, a decom posed seal, a human arm and four hu man legs, -, the negro ex-Jndge of Pro- b&te,of Beaufort, 8.C., who has been in jail for ajlong time for contempt of coart, in not turning over the books of his office to his nuccessor, wrote Judge Talbrid raying that he would be ready to turn over the books and records of the office. In the wine cellar under the Hotel de Ville, Bremen, there are tweive cases of holy wine. It was deposited in its present resting place nearly 200 years ago. One case of this wine cost nearly 600 rix dollars in 1624. Includ- An old woman died atPottsville, Pa., at the age of 106 yean. Mr. H. Gibbs, of Jackson. Tenn, has fallen heir to one-thirtieth of the Blythe estate in California, reported to be worth 84,000,000. The Nance family have also an interest in this estate Some of them ere in Georgia. John Sullivan rays be will not fight the negro pugilist, Peter Jsckaomlor less then $20,000. An electric shock killed a lineman in Hartford, Conn. Edward Hood is under arrest in New Jersey for swindling a sewing machine company. He received a commission of $10 on each machine sold. He would take out a machine on his wagon, get it into a house under some pretext, return without it, and report it sold. He would pay the first monthly installment of 83 from his own pocket as evidence of sale, and codect his commission of $10, thus clearing $7 by each transaction. Mrs. Eleda Harder, of Jersey City, was handicuffed and forced to sft in si lence while her house was being rob bed. Henry Hilton, ex-Judge and confiden tial manager for the late Alexander T. Stewart, is going to surrender $6,000,- 000 to tne contesting heirs in order to stop all further legal proceedings. Over 100 letters have been received from Princes, Barons and Dukes in re sponse to a joking advertisement offer ing California heiresses in exchange for titles. Cured by Cuticura wbo attempted to cue U; bat It *p>«Mlwi lb al most Incredible rapidity, uttl (ha lover pnr- tlon of tbe little follow’s person from the middle ^fJS&«535J5 r «SSd£“SZ teet mu simply marvelous. In three or (oar weaks a eoospMto care waamoaght, leaving ite little (•Howl person a* white aad healthy u though he bad eerar bean attacked, la my opinion your rateable remedies saved hi* ~ ' - *ty he to a strong, healthy child,pert >r Attorney , Ashland, Ohio. Boy Covered With Scabs. by (be Legislature la IMS fur rt Charitable purpose*, and >»* i^nt of the preoeat SstateCua- i its GRAND 31 SULK HUStSSB DRAW 1XGS take place In each of tbe other ten taunt!* of the year, and are all drawn In public, at the Academe of Musi.-. New Orleans, La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS ^ For Integrity of its Drawings and prompt Payment of Prices. Attested aa Follow*: “We do hereby certify that we airaagemeattforaU the Monthly net Drawing* of tbe Louisiana state Lottery Company, and lu person manage aad control the Drawing* themselves, and that the same an conducted with houeaty, faltueaa and tu good faith toward all partlM. and we anthorlie the Company to use this certificate, with tne-clmlla* of oar signature* attached In Its ndrertlaa For aale by Butler A Co* an 1 L.C. 8lr»n.«. nine years, invery bad__ . . pentad nil over Ms body In email red blotches. My boy, aged _ . all hie Into with a very bad baa been troubled humor, which ap- ’Iayle, a - sas City, became jealous a new clean Books. ing tried. | upon interest one of those exhofta Mr. W. E. Smith, who was charged wonld tixjay cost about $2,GOO,000 shot- with the murder of D. M. Stringer, was held to answer for tbe crime of volun tary manslaughter at the next term of Hall superior court in the sum of $400, which he promptly gave. Court con venes next Monday. In tbe negro convention W. A. Pledg er was elected president. He gave a long speech on the negro question, and said the time would oome when the loy al people of the North would find a way stock embraceslKaSSiSS^&^TtaS: tie. A vc (jg lady In the town of Minsk, RoseLf purchased a pair of gloves a la Sarah Barnhardt. Immediately after nutting them on her bauds began to itch. The next day her arms were cov ered with sores, and a week later she died of blood poisoning. The doctors supposed that the skin belonged to an animal that bad some contagions mala dy. In Barnwell connty S. C., a negro boy about 12 years old got possession of be desired in • J .V * , I and the Christian people of this country I old gun, and whilst playing yester- everything that can I would discover a remedy to suppress j tlle he sho J^ h ® brains out of a - - - I that disloyal element with whom mur-1 Bttle slater rtoot * J> r • ] der is a vocation and perjury a poo- geara , t *JSSBF£* h* Before Henry *£*^*£35. S& |^^ e ^^ra^tiSnto^|^ con,milti,1 « 8tticide on * ocount QUANTITY, VARIETYJ QUALITY. begged Grady not to no. Grady asked him why7 “Well,! had a dream last night I dreamed that while yon wen ;, someone in the au- , Auction Sale of A. O Lvn- stock of stoves, house- dience shot you u&h a noiseless pistol furnishing goods and tin** and killed yon. Mr. Grady met Con- I ;if _r o.,,., gressman Kilgore, of Texat, in Boston I Ware, Will commence oatur and told him of the dream, and some-1 day. January 18th, and will owu^ng l tohim? il1 ’ that drcam kcpt continue from day to day un til disposed of. E-AJCsTID LOWNESS IN PRICES. Assignee’s Sale. I will begin this morning | I at 9 o’clock, January 16th, 11890, cost sale of all thej stock of books, stationer [ blank books, paper, pencils, pens, ink and all such other! jl7-ia J. R. Moore, Assignee. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. A Returned Negro Exodastcris Tale of Woe. Charlotte, N. C., Jan. 17.—[Spe- I cial]—A negro, George Newton, hes ar rived in Charlotte from Arkan as, wb ence be left on foot over a month articles as are usually! found .Ho was an exoduster and reports | • _ j . „ I that his comrades are leaving in a body, m a iliSt-ClaSS book ana Sta-1 g e J g bound for Winston and has only _ _ - tionerv establishment, at the a tale of woe. He .can’t stand the wa- Inspection Invited, piece 'recently occupied * Sati'SSBrStSS’a'Ss: 1 Davis & Garebold on Broad exodus would come back to-day If they o, 1 could raise the money, but that agents I Street. Stock mu8t be Closed I drop them as soon as their fares are col- OUt within eighty days Irom Mected to the southwestern end. Not- .1 . . . o J J | withstanding this ten coaches of ne- I tms date. | groes passed through Charlotte this af- John T. Anderson, I Assignee Davis & Garebold. | dlt-wlt. D.:W. McGregor, Auction Sale of A. O. Lyn- I don’s stock of stoves, house- ‘ATWNITBOOK-STORE. I furnishing goods and tin ware, will commence Satur- rnoon for tbe Southwest and another load is expected to-morrow if cars can be supplied. Mr. Smith bought 314 acres of Char lotte’s suburban pMpgrty to-day for $500, with expectation of finding gold. It is expected that Mrs. Morns, who is charged with having poisoned her husband at Beidsville, will be acquit ted. The trial comes off next week. People of Rockingham county are isnio-stricken over an outlaw, Wyatt day January 18th, and will ^ Continue from day to day un-1 ten years’ absence. He killed a man til disposed of. I then, and has come back with confeder- j 17-18. J. R. Moore, Auctioneer. For extra fine meat call at Booth Bros and you wil get just what you call for Both Bros, understand the business. CURE Sick Headache and relieve al 1 the troubles lad- dent to a bilious state of the system, such a* Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eatinp. Pain in the Side, Ac. While their most remarkable success lias been shown in curias SICK Headache, yet Carter’s Little Liver Pills rtf* dually valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying: complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Sven If they only cured HEAD Ache th who sui . _ but fortunately the would be almost priceless to them T from this distressing complaint: ,„..„nately their poodneea does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE . is the bane of so many lives that here 1* where we make our proat boost. Our piba cure It while others do not. _.n CZHTIR S I.ITT1.K Live* Pilia are very smou and very easy to take. One or twr/pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not (tripe or piirge, but by their pntle action K ail who use them. In *?<***£• r $1. Sold everywhere, ~c sent by man. CASTES XXB1CINS CO., New To* Morses, Morses, Morses AT AUCTION. We will sell twenty fine head of hors es to the highest bidder. This stock is bred from choice Texas mares and Hamilton Black hawk stallions. We have several well matched teams suita ble for road teams and some suitable for simple driving—also several fancy sad dle ponies, safe for ladies or children to ride. This stock is raised in central Texas and is altogether a different stock to the canon Texas horse, raised on the plain. The sale will take place at 212 Jackson St. Athens, Ga., at J. S. Cheney’8 stables Saturday, Jan. 18. We mean business. Our time is limi ted and we are obliged to sell without limit or reserve. Sale commences at 10 o’clock a. m. Sell rain or shine. Kino Bros. This sale will no doubt l>e a success as the stock is strictly first class. King Bros own a ranch "in Texas and pay especial attention to breeding to fine stallions, trim limb stock. Jan. 15, d 3 t. Do You Want Cheat Boars.—Ap ply to 221 Dougherty stret. Jan3-Im For fresh fish Booth Broe. and oysters . ' . Ncp* Kutwi. Raisin’ de preacher’s sal’ry is de bes’ cure for long pra’rs. De price uv vinegar don’ worry de green ’simmon. Ev’rybody .gwine have money nex week. Corn an’ oats pulls mo’ ’en de wag gin* Khali, Sat’day night mighty good plarster for roomatiz. Smart man ain’talways debes* teach er; de broad grin’stone sharpens de ax soones’. ’Pears like de bullfrog shows lack uv sense w’en he go in ’cause it rains Don’ put jo’ finger in turtle’s mouf jes’ ’cause thundersto’m cornin’; de tnrfle mout be deaf. Razer in nigger’s pockit ain’ no sign uv er barber. ' We’enertnan keeps sayin’ he’s er gem’man, dar’sap’ ter be some doubt ’bout it. Look in de little simmon tree fer de big ’possum. Hopkins, a young lady who was ing her. Her husband resented it an grily, and she told him if he thought so much of Miss Hopkins, he bad better take ner and go off with her. Be ac cordingly packed his trunk, Miss Hop kins packed her trunk, and they left the house together. Nothing has been heard of the * ure. ilayne i visit- from the top of tbitoad to liUfoet,and ooostn- inally growing worse, although he had teen treated by two physician*. A* a last retort, I determined to try tea Cntleara ltemodio*. .md IrapifJi Cntleara Hemedie* are all you el* T^areworthte-rwj^ln^ No. Andover. Maas. Cuticura Resolvent. The orw Blood Pn rider and pnrat and beat of Homor remedto*, laternaHy, and Cntleara, the great skin core, and Cntleara Soap, an exqui site tUn purifier, externally, speedily, perma- nenUy and economically core* In early life Itch ing, horning, bleeding, scaly, crurted, pimply, scrofnlona ami hereditary humor* with Ioe* ot hair, ten* avoiding yean ot torture aad dlsflgn- ratlon. Parent*, remember this: cure* in child hood are permanent. Bold everywhere. Priee. Cuticura, toe; Soap, Me; Resolvent, SI. Prepared by tbe Pottsb Daou and Chemical CoaroaAtion, Boston, Iain. gySond for “How to Cnre Skin Diseases;* Si pages, Si Illustrations and 100 testimonials. CARL Mi GRAND ieonple since their depart- Honser liens*. Homer, Jan. 17.—P. if. Edwards, Esq., has just recovered from measles, Prof. B. C. Alexander accepted it sal ary of four hundred dollars from eight of Homer’s best citizens, and opened school at the Seminary Monday with a flattering prospect. Some of our people talk of a railroad from Harmony Grove or Maysville in stead of from Lula, which would real ize for'Athens all of the custum and produce from Banks county. The Richmond and Danville has of fered to Homer very lilierally. What will the G., C. & X. do? Mrs. T. J. Edwards, of Alpbarolta, is visiting in town. The Pennsylvania negroes met and charged the republican party with an unfair treatment of tbeir race. John Knox, of Bridgeton, Conn., is charged with murdering an old colored woman, after tbe manner of Jack tbe Ripper. A historic barn was burned at Glou cester, Mass. It was built sbont tbe yesr 1789, as the first Univemlist church in America, its pastor being Rev. John Merry. The murderers of Dr. Cronin have been sent to tbs Joilet, I1L, prison Burke was sent to the copper shop, Coughlin to the stone-eutters’ shop, and O’Sullivan to tbei shoeibop. The Prize Acre of Corn. Columbia, Jah. lO^SpociAl.J—'The Department of Agriculture has received from the American Agriculturist a du- B licate of the report of Mr. Z. V. •rake, Marlboro County, upon the fa mous prize corn crop he raised last year. The report is made in a bulky book, furnished for the purpose by the magazine, and gives the most minute informations as to methods of cultiva tion, fertilization, ete, which were em ployed. From this report it appears that the land was sandy and bad been previous ly valued at only eight dollars an acre, that thirty years ago the plantation was christened “Starvation Empire,’’ and that as late as 1887 the prize acre itself produced only about five bushels of corn. The fertilization in 1889 be gan in February, and was continued several times during tbe making of tbe crop. The total material used was one thousand bushels of stable manure, six hundred bushels of -cotton seed, 868 pounds of German kainit and cotton seed meal, 200 pounds acid phosphate, 1,066 ponnds manipulated guano, 200 pounds animal bone, 400 pounds nitrate of soda, the value of the stable manure being $50 and the cost ot the other fer tilizers $170. The seed planted was Drake’s Im prov'd corn, a variety of gourd seed raised by Mr. Drake. One bushel was used. The p'anting was done March and on Jane 13 posts and stakes bad to be put up along the rows to keep the corn from falling. The rows were al ternately about three and six feet apart, one stalk in a place. The crop was har vested November 25th. The total coat was $264 52. The product 254 bushels! 49 pounds, at 75 cents a bushel, was worth $191.16. The fodder, tons, was worth $15. Total $206.16. But it is estimated that the land is good for a hundred dollar crop for sev eral years to come, not considering the one thousand dollar prize which the crop ef 1889 has unquestionably won. Mr. Drake’s report is carefully and min utely made, and thoroughly _ attested. It is" a marvelous demonstration of the possibilities of intensive farming in South Carolina. The American Agri culturist will, in a few days, telegraph the department the official announce ment of the result of the contest.—N«ws and Courier. LARGEST ARTESIAN WELL ON EARTH. A South Dakota Gusher Which Has Nearly Drowned Out a Town. Woonsocket, 3. D., Jan. 14.—ISpe- cisl.J—'The flow from the artesian well was brought under subjection yester day, although it seemed impossible. A lake covering over forty acres has been formed in the lower part of the town on some vacant dots. A dense fog is constantly rising from the warm water, Numbers of barus and wait* are flood ed. Half the pressure is now turned on. and the water runs through a six-inch pipe and throws a solid stream fifteen feet. Artesian experts say the well in the most powerful in the vrorld. The proprietors of the W’oonsooket flour mills have offered the city council rental of $1,000 a year for less than one half the power. The conncil will make liberal offers to manufactures to locate here and use the power. Gave His Note for a Poker Debt Kansas City, Jan. 17.—[Special.]— Bud Gina, the Chicago gambler, who recently won $20,000 at poker from C C. Quinlan, a cattle dealer of that city has filled suit to collect a note given by Quinlan for a portion of the amount. Quinlan pleads that the note is void contests payment. At the Academy ot Mnsic, New Orleans, Tues day. February. II. ISto. Capital Prize $,800,000. 100,000 Tickets *1 $20 ’Each; Halres $10; 1 PRIZE OF {300,003 is : tn . 1 PRIZE OF 11X1,0001» 100,000 1 PRIZE OF 00,0001s ro,ooo 1 PltlZK OF £3.0001* 143,000 t PHIZES OF 10,000are Jo.oun S PHIZES OF 6.000 are 23,000 23 PRIZES OF l,00irare 23,000 100 PHIZES OF 600 are 00,000 200 PHIZES OF SOU are €0,000 000 PHIZES OF 200 are 100,000 APKOXIUATION PRIZES. 100 Prises of 4000 are 60,000 100 Prizes of ISOO are 8u,<wt 100 Prises of 4200 are 20,001 TWO NUMBER TERMINALS 808 Prises of 4100 are 90,Mt 2W Prizes of 4100 are 90,800 DIDV’C Skin and scalp preserved and teauti- OfiDl 0 fled by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pore. How My Side Aches! Aching sides and backAtlpJtldney and uterine pains, rbeamatio, sciatic, neu ralgic, sharp and shooting polos reliev ed it* one minute by tea Cntleara Anti, rate Plaster. 23b. JOSEPH GILLOTT’S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS exposition, 1889. THE M08T PERFECT OF PEN8. Athens Cotton Exchange. Athens, Ga. January 17.—Tone of the Market, firm. Good Middling 10 1-8 to 101-4 Strict Middling 10 Middling 9 7-8 Strict Low Middling 93-4 Low Middling 95-8 Strict good ordinary Tinges 91-2 to 9 3-5 Stains 9 to 9 3-8 HIM Prizes Amounting to 41,054,000 Not*.— Tickets drawing Capical Prises art not entitled to terminal Prizes. AGENTS WANTED. ‘For Club Kate* or an\ further Informa tion desired, write legibly to tbe undersigned, clearly stating your residence, with state, coun ty, btreet and number. More rapid return raid delivery will be aesnred by your enclosing an Envelope tearing your full addreaa. IMPORTANT. Addreaa K. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or to. a. UAurri.i to naiungura, u. v., Br onltnarr letter, containing Money Order, issued by all jsxpraw Ooir.panlcc, New Fork Exchange Draft or Postal Note*. Address Registered Letters „ Containing Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, KZW OBUtANB, LA. Remember that the payrat _ GUARANTEED BY FidUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore, beware of any imitations ot anonymous schemes. One dollar Is the price of the smallest part traction of a ticket issued by us in any drawing. Anything In onr name offered for loss than a dollar Is a swindle. wed&sun-d-w. Liverpool Market. Toot: Quiet with moderate Inquiry. Middling uplands, siS-10{Middling Orleans: Sales 10,000. Tone Futures. January-Febroary. February-March... Starch-April.. April-May. ttay-June. Jaue-July July-August August-Scptember iber-October... r-November.... November* December. < Dec ember January. ... Opening Tone: Firm. Ooring Tone BarelySteady, 600 640 sa 662 6 M 6 07 5 01 5 M 500 3 09 5 W 3 to Mew York '.Market, m . Middling 19 9-1 Tone: Firm . Futures. January February March June July August September ..... 19 46 10 40 10 to 10 63 10 09 19 T« 10 SO 10 S3 Opening Tone Firm Closing T 10 64 10 38 10 04 10 70 10 75 10 81 10 fi 10 91 ling Tone Bar ly Steady. Receipts of AUB.S. Ports. Total Fort Receipts Sept. 1 to Jan. Stock at all U.S.Ports. 1,021410 PASSENGER SCHEDULE. GEORGIA SOUTHER! ft FLORIDA R. R Suwanee River Route to Florida. Taking effect Dec. 29, 1889. Standard Time, SXKh Meridian. GOING SOUTH. Lv Macon. ... Ar.Cordele,. Ar. Tilton ... 10 43am :1202 pm ,j.2l8pm Lr.Tlfton ....} 228pm Ar. Valdosta 410 pm Ar. Jasper....! 528pin Ar. Late City, 1 045 pm on vie 273am aSSsm 4 43 am bO to SB Ar Jack.sonvlei. 9 2J pm£S30 am 1115 pta No. A 599 pm 106am 812pm 9 43 pm No. 11 600 am 1120pm 050 pm (No. 13) 630 am 1040 am 313pm 3 SC pm CCIXO NORTH. I No. 2 I No. 4.1 No. 6. LvJaOts’nvllc 735 am 410 Ar. Lake City. 10(0 am Ar. Jasper.... 1105am Ar. ValdoBta. Ar. Tlfton 1212 pm 143 pm 700 pm 810 pm 920pin 603 pm (No. ' “ TOO am Lv. Tlfton .... 208pm 1100pm; C30am Ar. Cordels... 3l7pm t UWam| SCO am 1120 a Ar. Macon.... 52*pmj 250am : 1030ami 715pm Commissioners. We the undersigned banks and bankers will ‘~»U Prises drawn In tbe Louisiana State Lot- re which may be presented at onr counter* ismMsm Met Bank n - ~- » , sr:r -rix—sa * nH. 014 IB WIWHI BWit BALDijnN^ Pres. Hew Wean*_NtfoinlBaat K«J teat A t ucnuinn u tones which may tx UbA . Union Nationl Suit. MONTHLY DRAWING. •CATHAKAIM. A 8BK<OCm*,wte*» tohj GOLDEN OIL /or Rheumatism, N< Threat. Pain. In tee idfenubl to rued extern* CkTHARAIMA tnease- CATII \RAIMA, a fare ™. — Br0Otl rUCKWUITOLLAR Per Bo'.tie Catharaima Go., SAVANNAH, GA. LANGLEY BROS., Manufacturers of Ladies' and Gents’ Underwear. Hm Drees Shirts to order a Specialty. 174 King Street. .« HARLESTON’.S. C. iy Direction* tor mcatariug and Price Lit* xit on application. Jao.16 dt*». MRS. T A. ADAMS * WIU noon receive her NEW SPRING GOODS. In till’ meantime she WINTER GOODS CHEAP,I In order to make room for tho new got d*. Jan. 19—dtfstap. HONEY AT SIX FER GENT. 'Albert L. Mitcbell, £3 LAWYER, Loan, Broker and Insurance Agent No. 35, Clayton st. f ATHENS, GEORGIA. WUl give prompt attention to aU legal buto- ness. WIU Insure yoor properly) In flret-cla Companies against lorn by lira. 13 7Y1U negotiate oans on farm land* running 6 yearn at fi per cent per annum, payable inb, or part, at anytime. Con e and see me. Albert L. Mitobell. » AnGther Splendid Gift. An Elegant Work of Art To every new subscriber orienewal for tee J0.C.BERMD Keeps on hand at all times a full line of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES Full Measure, Honest Weights and Good Quality Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT Good Vinegar, Syrup, or Sugar Give Him a Call A very fine line of CRACKERS, and a Fancy Brand of FLOUR Always Which will always satisfy, {fresh. Best of Lard, Hams, Dried Beef and Breakfast Bacon. L °“ Come and See. BUISTS NEW CROP OF GARDEN__SEEDS- We have just opened up the largest stock of garden seeds ever brought to this city, consisting in part of 60,000 papers Buist’s Prize medal stock. 50 bushels beans and peas, 50 bushels choice onion sets. Our prices are the lowest at whole sale and retail. Special prices to market gardeners. Jonx Crawford & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggist. Athens, Ga. Call and get one of Buist’s Garden Manuels for 1890. - I MAXWELL’S Livery and Feed Stables SPECIAL TO DROVERS. Lexington, Georgia (10 rsges.) ONE YEAR, The BeantlftH Engraving, “ The Scotch Raid.” A group of Cattlo and Sheep (by Rons Bon- heur). A companion piece of “THE HOk-SV FAIR.” which wa*. until re rntly, the premium with he Weekly G obe-Democrat. HTThe j rice o» the WKKKlY GLOBS Ml. ontAT. one year, a-d the engraving “THS SCOTCH BslD," sonly W ONE DOLLARI Subscriber* desiring both pictures can have THE HOKSS FAlC” for25c extr.. Postmasters and newt dealers • ill taka sub scriptions, or remit direct o toe Globe Printing Co. ST. LdCIfi, MO. jprsendfor sample copy of paper. Stratton Hutto Insurance Co Y. L. G. HABBIS, 8. THOMAS, . President* * S.cretirr Ssto • Bzsidkr Dnutcrons: T.L.G Harris, M. Stanley, f-.Mitcutt. ifrSSn, L. H.iAiirUmnler, W. wTThomto, B. S. Lyndon, A. B. Grtffcth. Jan. 12—3m. 1889. FOE SALE. Tho lot on which the Livery *t»ble on Tboma ,rect ataml. The lot can front two stores en * Thomas street, and a good residence lot oa Strong Street. Apply to J. B. Williford, All the. and Foum Real Kstate Agent _ on tlie corner of Broad and known as the Head to the ligtit-el-wsy ol ■ iLm M‘ St.°J?U. y R. K-. and U very valuabTe and U how yaylng handsomely. Apply to J. S, WiLLiFoao, ' — Real Kstate Agent. Aire town snburteu small farms ot 10,20,49 Add GO acres. Also a number beautiful lot* on Barter street. These lots beautiful, low priced. Ifni, low price, NOTICE. I b ve city property to exchange for farms la the country. fAN YARD. N. E. R. R., which ha» aide-truck -where berk can be delivered. The property U not offered because the business does not pay, but beennmo owner desires to change his busineM. Apply to J. S. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Age»t. - LOOK AT THIS. I will fell a bargain In a pretty little farm oi JSJ< acres of good land just ourtida of city Bouts, There are two on the place, one well plastered, well of good pnre water, »Uo spring on tbe p’*ce. Price 01,600 and no lew. Apply to, J. »• WILUFOKD. Real Kstate Agent, FOR SALE. Aen 1c 3 ><xdi ccitare o». College > v . -FOR- ' Trains N'os. 1,2,3 and 4 stop between Macon and Tlfton only at Cordele and at st&tlous south of Tlfton. . , , , „ Pullman Palace sleeping cars on trains Nos. 3 AU trains arrive and depart from union depot Macon, except Nos. 11 and 12, accommodation trains, which arrive and depart from Macon *' U *a! < C."KNAPP, Traffic Manager, Macon, Ga. J. T. HOGK. Gen’l Pass. Ag’t. Macon. Ga. J. H. DGBfiBV, Soliciting Agent, M»COh,U* COTTON! GINS BKGINES AND EPAIES, AT Bottom Prices, i Horses, Buggies. Hacks and Surreys for Hire. Gentle Horses, Safe Drivers. Customers serv ed Day or Sight. Stock In my Care receives Best of Attention. Rates Reasonable. . WRITE TO E. Maxwell, Prop’r. Q eo . r. Lombard & to. iii. ■ mre— 1 Foundry, Mscbins, Boiler ami Gia Mors FOR SALE.—One good liorse and ' and Supply H4 mule, in good order. Will work any- . where. Apply to S. C. Dobbs. AUf janl5-dtt-\v4t Mo