Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 24, 1890, Image 3

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«rml im» Mat I ktte beta inMM * <1* indi gestive and dyspepsia. My sen, !>r. »•«._» M I'vrry,ol Fituadsfphia, who knows the B..-red- ieo'» which compose yowr Tosie, spoke 1st- urahir o! it. is tbs eotjrsa ct two months past I have Mini four buttles, and 1 sit inliis VrtUatai Ysura truly, etc., n. T. P»«- r. Dr. Westmoreland's Cohsays Tool. is sold by L1). eledg* * Co., at Ace and ?! ttit'la. ~RICHES iTS atonta for a mafBiHeaat until of our Uroat New StssUy Book. If book and Una* ar* not r . til mIwuiI rnnr tn/tnaa Mas ,gSS* 10 ***• Ajet '“ Ch *"y Borawl years ago. James Birchard, of Parian, Conn., was severely Hi. Tha doctors said be was In Consumption, and that they could do nothing for him, Tint advised him. as a last resort, to try . Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine, two or three tnontlia, he wmsjtrcueuncedaweU man. His health remains good to the present day. J. 8.. Bradley, Malden, Mam., writes • ** Throe winters ego I took a severe cold, which rapidly developed Into Bronchitis ELECTRIC GOODS. J alius Darnblatt a»d coughed incessantly. I consulted SS&835&te?ZiSS sumption. At last, nfriant brought me a heals of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Prom the Brat dose, I found relief. Two bottle* cored me, and my h-shh Cay ton Street, Athens, Ga. the United States Oorernment Endorsed by the hr ads of the Orest t'nrverriiles 1 Public Fool Analyst*. a* the Strongest, furrst and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Croara kd I1 *r Pcrordwr does nut contiln Aramema, I.imccr Alum. I)r, Price’s Delicious Fln-roring Ex- cts, Vsr.llla, Lemon, Orange, Almond. Rose, etc., do uotconpin Poisonous Otis or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING PCWDER CO., Mew York. Chicago. St. Louis. Piienix Insurance Com pany of Brooklyn, Now York. Grant & Willcox, Agents. DO YOU SEND AWAY Gko. O.Tiioxas. Jxo. J. Srotoxr Alt' THOMAS & STRICKLAND, ATT0RNEY8 * TV ' ' dVMUl TA TACKLING A BURGLAR. JOSEPH filLLOTT’S JOB PRINTING? ID 1 SO, WHY? steel pens. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889. THE M08T PERFECT OF PENS. CROUP, WHOOPING COCGE and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shi loh's Carr. For sale by John Crawford & Co. SHILOH'S VITALIZE!* is what you nerd fur Constipation, Loss of Ap|H-tite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cunts iwr bottle. For sale by John Crawford & Co. SniLOU'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by John Crawford kOi. Macon Fire Insurance Com pany, of Macon, Ga. Grant »fe Willcox, Agents. Can you get it cheaper? Have you tried our prices? Can’t you get paper to suit you? Have you seen our new samples? You want more style than you have been able to get heretofore in Athens? We can give it to you now, and when we move into pur New Office, we will have All Sors of New Type THAT WILE DELIGHT YOU'/} fancy. WE HAVE BEEN SOMEWHAT RUSHED Up to this time, but will endeavor to FILL ALL ORDERS As Promptly. as Possible. DON’T WAIT, However, until the last envelope is gone and the last bill head or statement is used up A thoroughly good job cannot be gotten: up when everybody is in a hurry. 1 WE HAVE ON THE ROAD Souolo New Papers That are the best of their kinds. We hope to get them in a day or so. Be sure to get our prices before ordering. “tin* you ort to bo thankful yon gi>t oil us well as you did.” Miss Pettish sot down oa tKo wood- box an’ laughed till «tio cried; but 1 sorter suspicion siie was a leetle grain, disap'intod to think it -wan't a burglar after all, T But no more at present — Brfiudy Blucgrass in Saturday night Printer*’ Old Shoes. No class of men Is so fond of old shoes as printers. - It isn't that they wear okl shoes, for they don’t except when stand ing at their ease. Then they either in case their feet in shoes of the meet dis reputable character or have one or niore pairs of shoes that a ragman would sniff at stuck under their frames in such a position as to attract instantly the atten tion of hli who enter a composing room and who are not of it , , Everything about die now composing rbom'of The Times is in the most admi rable condition, except the shoes. The same old shoes that disfigured the old frames in the old composing room orna ment the new composing room. When the printers marched upstairs, cases in hand, they marched down again and re turned, shoes in hand. They liked the new room,-with Its white whlls, Its lofty ceiling, its abundance of light and air. - There was absolutely nothing in com mon between it and old shoes, yfet the printers took great care that not a single old shoe should be deserted, and the new composing room of The Tiince contains just os many old shoes as did the old composing room, in its .palmiest days. The printer likes comfort -during the hours of top. Ojd shoes mean comfort to him in the fullest sense.—Printers’ Ink. ; , ...I,,,. German Discipline h> Penal Institutions. The lash has never been abolished as a means of discipline u penal institutions of. Germany. .Generally they use a' thong twenty inches long, fastened to n handle a yard long. The lash te thick est at the end. The thickness varies ac cording to the provinces. But the small est lashes are two laches thick. Only in Saxony are the. dimensions fixed by,law, the handle there being thirty-nine niches long and the lash thirty-six inches. The maximum ^iimber of blows is left to the judgment of the prison directors, but if must not exceed twenty-five in Mecklenburg and Oldenburg, thirty in Saxony and sixty in Prussia. The German penitentiary regime pro- vide? still another means of repression, namely, confinement in cells, the walls C. BODES Cor. College Avenue and Ciayton St. Has always on hand she, "but Aaron haln’t been none too well. His constituency * want never none of tho strongest, yon know, an’ Pm . afeared he's a-gotn' to git somethin’ serVaio. He’s so powerful narvy, you know. Why. when he’s a-copyin’ some papers, or a-rcadin’ in his law books, lie cant abide tlie leas test mite of noise, an' I hev to go into tho nest room to prao- tixo on my catarrh. An’ rnobbe you wouldn't b’Hove it, Bclindy," says , she, "but if a little comp’ny drops In an’ we happen to cut round a little, jest for fun, Uke too and Mr. BlucgranB here, ho aek- shiUy gits in a temper, an’ rates an’ pitches, on* sometimes he cusses a blue streak, if we run ng’in his elbow, or jog gle him. Oh, he’s got a powerful tem per, Aaron has! I often feel sorry Quin- tilly has married rich a temperate nmn, but It's too late to ondo tho mi^-hief now." After we had eat sapper, Jonathon says: . “Serin’ you’ve got comp’ny, Bclindy, I reckon I mout as well go over on’ tend the Farmers’ Lyance,” An’ says I: "Go, If 700*01 a mind tor: but don’t set down on a log an’ go to sleep cornin' home, like you done the last time you went." “No danger," says he. "Til ride ole Beeswax this timo, an' if I da go to sleep lie’ll fetch me home safe an’ sound." So he went an’saddled hia nag an’ rid away. Dave had went away that evening to see Eli Tucker, over on Ager hill, an' want a-comin' home till the nex’ day, an’ so we put Miss Ptotifish to sleep with IJ» Ann, We didn’t none of us set up very late, and I hadn’t more’ll snoozed off when 1 beared a quare noise in the kitchen. I knowed twau’t the cat, fur I had put her pat last thing afore I laid down, an; thinkses I, “It's a burglar, sure shot." WhUe I was ^studying about it Liza Ann an’ Miss Petifish cornea-bustling In. as white as two sheet*. “Oh, maw," says Liza Arm, “therte somebuddy in tho kitchen? 1 kin bear lem a steppin’ round an’ a-steolin* some thin’ out of the cupboard." An’ with that I jumped up. "Jonathon's wallet te on the top shelf," says I, “an’ it’s got a silver dollar an* two bits in change into it." An’ I grabbed the lamp In one hand an’ Jonathon’s walkin’ stick in the tother. an’ started towards the kitchen. “Come on!” Baid L “Both of von ketch up a weapon of some kind, 1 an’ help me tackle him. He’U bo steered of so many wirnmin.” An’ lira Ann jerked the bootjack from under the bed, an’ was a-follerin’ roo tremblin’ like a leaf, hot determined to save her paw’s wallet or parish in the at- tpmp*; : . , * 4 • tt |-ufl But Miss Petifish fcetoht a-holt of us both, an’ hung on fin-dear life. “Oh,” says she,“be you goin' to tackle a strange burglar with only your night- gowilds on? Mebbe he’s a hnehe|dA r an’ onmarried,” says she, “an -[ wouldn’t like to moke his acquaintance without my dress on." >. , “But hell git away," says I, “if we stop to dress,” But she wouldn’t hear to nothin’, so we give in, an’ slipped on our dresses an’ started’agTn. But Miss Petifish wasn’t ready yet “I ain’t got my shoes on," says she, “an’ I wouldn’t go barefooted: fur no money." 1 was powerful cneasy, bat I waited. “Now, come on,” says L Butinstid of coining on die flew over *» the bureau an’ begun to smooth her hair ah’ fix her Umgs, an’ even tuck a starch bag out of her pocket an’ begun to powder her face. An’ there was mo an’ Tim Ann on pins and needles fur fear ihe burglar would git away, an’ her a-powdering an’ prink in’ like she was goin’ to a play party, or was gittin’ ready fur a full dress desep- tion. Jest think of it! An’ come to look at her, she hadn’t pnt on tho dress she wore down, but bad slipped on her new pink tea gown she had brung along in case the’ was any thing going on. 18 wan 1 was mad. “You kin go or stay,” says I, at last, “but I ain’t a-goin’ to stand here an’ be robbed no longer.” An’ I started ag’in. ‘Tm a-comin'," says she, “but I can’t FRESH BREAD, CAKE ——AND PURE CONFECTIONERIES. AGENTS WANTED LUCY HINTON 18 QUEEN OF THE TOBACCO WOULD. Tidmadge Bros.' are headquarters m»d 'factoiy agent* for T. C. Williams & Co.’* Lucy Hinton. Matlapuni, Jay Bird and Paul her tobaccos. They are always relia ble, uniform, and best on earth, for prices at winch they arc sold. Try them. 13-6m Tfie best razors and the best pocket- knives, at I be lowest pries, at Talwage & Brigbiwcll’s. dec7if 11.18 Received a ’ Full Assortment • of Toys, such as. Dolls, Bedroom Parlor, Kitchen, Toilet &\Vash .Sets, Carriages, Drums, Horns, Jumping Jacks, Clowns, Toy Carts and Wagons, Drawing Slates Velocipedes, Decorated Cups Saucers and Mugs. ATIUtN8, wtf How Lost! How Regained, m Mutual Life Insurance Go. ol New York LARGER, sfrUAVORTf ' ND liETTKlt THAN EVER. ssuss tha men LIBERAL CONTRACT of all Ufa Companlet GRANT & WILCOX, Agents. cil Blufi's, via this city. She goes by the Northwestern to Chicago and from there via the Michigan and Central to New York. She would have made quicker time by coming east from Trin idad over the Santo Fe railroad. Tbelr Business Booming. TVcbably no one Hung baa caused such a general revival ut trade at Joba Crawford Co. aud U D. Hledge Go Wholesale and Beta!) Drug Stores as their giving away to their cus- tomem of to many free trial bottles of Hr. King’s New Discovery Tor Consumption. Tbeir trade is simp.y . enormous in this vary valuable srtiole from thefset that it always cares and disappoints. Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and all throat and lung dis eases quickly cared. Toa can test it before buying by gating a trial bottls free, large sue (1. Every boktewairactsd. Georgia Railroad Co Stoaa Mountain Route. OrvicK Gisrsti Jl.-.iv nr „ T AnausT*, Ua. ( Sspt. List, I.; 9. f The following sehodalo will be op ruU. u. til iarther notice: ATHENS BRANCH. IE SCIENCE from Kotjr/Wos, Ignoctnos, tocwSwa .Business, UieMarrisd or Soctel Relation. jnred two and. more or less seriously injured eight others. More eases of sick headddbe, billionsaess conatipsuon, cua be eured in lea time, with lessnisbiWnc, aud for lees money, by nsing MADE WITH BOIUNG WATER, Lv. Avgusta. Uneoa .-... Mitrdg rile Wsshingt n Ar. UnionPL i.v. Atlanta..' Gainesville Ar. Uniod Ft. 11.Oil a m 7.1U.A m 9.18 » to U.lo a m 1.55-p in 8.40 a m o.55 b in n.4« p m GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. and floors of which are . covered with sharp points. In these they put prison ers dressed in woolen, with nothing but socks on their feet. The. cell contains no chair, bench or bed, and after a cer tain time the prisoner can. neither stand np nor lie down.. Hia body and feet bleed-everywhere;'and fora month after he is let out lie cannot walk. Snch con finement was resorted to in Prussia fifty- six times during 1888, and of the suffer ers fifteen were women, '• -' A Norwegian Christmas Custom. . -There-is a very curious old Norwegian custom, which; I think, has died out, excepting, perhkps, among the country' DCODle. Citv folks lose old customs first bv. Union Ft. . Woodvitle. 'Maxevs. .. Antioch . Crawford.. Dunlap:... Wiiitervitle Ar. AtLooft. MADE WITH BOILING MILK. 3 -A.IETCa-IEIjTJS Costliest Picture in the World. It peventi st the scalp hair. Have sue* year. Poverty te Uke fire—it makes a good servant, bnt a cruel master. ! - . ^TEhen 1 thtT^peabsbomewuh bribe lids in flamed and sore, a disordered system or a scro fulous condition of the blood is indicated, for which Ayer’s Sarsaparilla u the best remedy. It invigorates and vitalises the blood, and expel fikll fiuniflrx. I * color to ATHENS ACCUiaiOliATlON; Bo&rlnc from tbs streets of yocthfal erron. cart dmww ■owilwwiwaYnna Vm IHMtlltlOIln, Mr jlHrll Sb^LT^Sl. tre»ti«> f*«aled)oont*lnliig M man who la serrous sad dsbtutatcd. Addrew Vnti F. C. FOWLEB. Moodn- ro-tn, Leave Athens*...... Arrive Union Point;. Lea e Union Point*. Arrive Athens. *Except Sunday, UNION POINT A WHITE PLAINS B. it, Leave Union Point*.... Arrive at Biioarn Arrive at White Plain*.’ FOR MEN mm jijposmvE CUBE cf SroniwgwSism OMy'Xmo^ 10.1U a in *6.40 b 10.S5 a m ~ 11.1P a in A t g F — o s^eaasawa j people. City folks-iuse’old customs first, and hew cuktoths obtain lari of all axhiong the country people. Tlie custom 1 speak ofisfor some person to be selected, who sits riad In skins in the midst of a throng, with a pointed bundle of straw in his mouQi^K'hile tho others dance around him. The straws sticking out by his ears were supposed to represent the bristles of a boar, rind he typified the victim of the sacrifice;—Fatee-Curtte. Leave TVuitc Plains... Arrive at Siloom... .. Arrive at Union Point. *K*capt Hnnday. When it rains cats and doga at sea look-cat for yawm and barks. , . : Kpoch. The tanaitidu from lodg, lingering and pidna fut sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individoeL Bach a remark able event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the goodhealth has been at tuned is gratefully blessed. Hence it is tlie so much is baud in praise of Electric Bitlerv So many feel they owe their restoration V. Kidneys, Liver, Stomach of long or short aiauding you will sorely find relief byo*e ot Kiectric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and *t. per bot tle st John Crawford Co. or L. D. Sledge Co. While sale and Retail Druggist. Hows Thi’s? We offer One Hundred "Dollars Reward -for sy ease of itetari-h that baa not t>e cored by iking Hall’s Catarrh .Gore., . F. J. Cheney A Co., Props.,-Toledo. O. ...c. J. lioency a rrops., -toie«o. u. We the undersigned, bare known F. J .{Chen ey for the last 15 year*,‘and bel'svo him per fectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry ont any obliga tions raadv by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggiit, Toledo, O Waiding, Kinnan tlarrin, Wholesale Dorggist, . Totedo, Ohio E. H. Van' Hoesen, Cashier Toledo National Ba k, Toledo, Obio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern, tty, act ing directly upon the blood and muoona asr- faees . of the system. Price7Gc* per bottle, 8old by all Druggiste. The unpopular minister is apt to' feel as if wreaked on lone Darren aisles. vrd-Klr by t"_j hut Chtitlesl 5s. k CtUGlnr.Atl.riH Ohio. Jtk Inj It to all sufferers. __ t. i. STOXnt, 31.11., /; Decatur, 111. MAXWELL’S Livery and Feed S SPECIAL TO DROVE! SN6IN£S n«o: and Lexington, “ nV THE ST. LOUIS A copy of this otchinff on fino plate paper, 24x38 Inchon In she, will bo sent f postago prepaid, to every annual subscriber after November 1,1839. The Weekly Republic, with Premium Picture, SI a Ye: . y Samplo copy and premium steer sent free to any address. Usual commission alio 1 postmasters and other authorized agents. Address Little Nerve Pills. I)y*p epsia makes Von ous, and nervousness makes you oysf either one renders ’ you miserable, and little pills cure both. . ;■ ;..y, l ;l1 ■. ! . Tl • Advice To Mothers. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup ahoul way* be nsed for children teething. It si the child, cottons tho gums, allays all cures wind colic and is the best lerned cart-hoes twenty live ceulg s bottle, -CIO TO , - JOHN L. ARNOLD, BROAD STREET, Geo. R. Lombard & (!o. Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin and Supply Houge, Augusta, KottdA Fancy and Family Groceries ExhaustedVitality Untold Miseries 00th Meridian Tima. 2 Fas,. Train. Da 7 Mail. Fast Train. Lv. Atben.M. Winterrille Dunlap.... C ran-lord.. Antioch ... Muxeva.... Woodvillo. Ar. L'niou Pi. 0 8 It 18 94 27 ar, 40 8.30 a ni 8.40 a m 8 50 a m 8.07 a u: 9.33 a m 9.30 a in U.47 a m 9.55 a m 8.40 a m 9.13 a m 9.20 a m 10.00 a m lO.z'J am 10.52 a m 11.22 a m 11.35 a m 8.50 p m 4.06 p m 4.10 p m 4.27 p m 4.43 p m 4.50 ;• ut 5.07 p m 5.15 p in Lv. Union 1‘t. Ar Atlanta . Uuinesviile 10,04 a tn l.iJO p in 6.25 [i m 2.10 p m 5.45 j> m Lv. Union Pt. Ar. Augusta. W aehiugt n UC011..... Mill’dg vile 12.17 p tn 3.35 p m 2.20 p m 6.00 p m 4.11 p m 5 85 p m 8.15 p m 7.20 p m