Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, January 25, 1890, Image 3

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agin • v. mt? r * In * few. Uke Ay-rt Cherry m» affo, Jnw. Birchard. of Darien, Conn.. was aeve:.|y iU. TO. doctor* niil he «u in < .•nsnmption, nm! that they could do nm'ilng for him, ]>nt .advised him, as a U»t . *ort, to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, '.tier taking till* medicine, taro or thru* months. bo "•a* pronounced a well man. Ilia health remain* good to the present day. J. S. Bradley, Maiden, Must., write* : " Three winters ago I took a aerate cold, which rapidly developed into Bronchitis and Consumption. I was so weak that I con Id not sit up, was much emaciated, and coughed incessantly. I couaulted several doctors, but they were power- •ess, and all agreed that I was In Con sumption. At last, a Irion 1 brought me »* Iwltle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Prom the first dose, I found rtHeL Two bottles caret] me, and my health ltaa since been perfect.” Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, mrABED ST Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowed, Mm. Sold by all Druggists. Pries*1; •Uboulss.SA PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cka»--s »nd beautifies the hair. Promote* A luxuriant growth. Noyor Fails to Pastors Orn Hair to Its Vostfcfbf Color. 7 Proven** l>Hiiipv:T M«vt Mr hill h. a b. 1. a WUaan,<Man Ataiao Btattea. I. C. FA*. U, UU, writes: **Boee sad Meed potaoa ttoiw*lbMMM h S *Sq|a a1 etaer, a ^rhM grew wsree trey day astil < octets gar* mm D|> is dn. 1 sal, weigbeJ ISO pounds wbcu 1 brgaa M lake a a 1L, aad I* totttaatoersas ed my wetgMte 18* ,leads sad made me swae nlLt eerer base whelgoid k—IU was RICHES If yea drtiti them no a— fooling sway tints oa things tbstdoa’t pay : but ant $M» fUU-WE IGHT PURE sSkd tafiMS, ort—y. xpitStnca ■dyet, to bad—.Isaqr duty. iissKSfiss lie year! "Yen won't give It “It is Urn recipients of tar _ _ ^ pleased, for I hare received the moat dadra J—tmbayo—al nuunnea ruiui writing, “Step i led.” Days are i IS M— UM waters are troa mxsoKAcb., - , „ CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH mmom pills. \ —It'd Cron Diamond Brand. *XiLztS K'iSTiSSafLttte! In re*! Oceanic W.y«a,MaW4 HINDERCORNS. Th*«mln»m.<Mrt /*Cira st-ip^rM juia. Xurava souifci H* I Imfrct. IS.-, nt Iminrlw. II tsoox r(;a,SI 5,000 agents wanted * i . f ^ so. nu^c ... ..11 it.. AT OSCB to Kdl the Cheapest, most Com plete, Authentic, Splesdidiy IIl«<trated, and Til HILLING UISTOKVof STANLEY’S W WONDERFUL ADVENTURES AFRICA i worth U. F. JOHNSON IDO* Mala 8L, Richmond, Va. DtaRd-lna Good hon—aed lot on corner of Strong and Lampkin streets. SB and see a* right *w»y- SHACKLEFORD A H ATTAWAV, Real Estate Agents. BaeUen’s Arnica Bairs. The brat Aalre in the world for Cuts, Bruise*. Sure*, Uxm Salt Rbeum, Ferer, Sores, Tnwr, Cuapped Hands, Chilblain*, Corua, aud all Skin Eruptiona and pew it irtly cures Piles, or no pay required. II i* guaranteed to gira perfect aattofsclioo, or money refunded. Price 89 cent# bo*. For sale by John Crawford A and L. D Slrdee A Oo., Wholesale Retail Druggists. »Shiloh’s sale by For lame beck, aide or chest, u Plaster. Price 29 cents. Fo J»bo Crawford A Co. A PASHA’S SNOFF BOXES. Borne half a dozen years previous to the aAhn collapse of the .Napoleonic dynasty. In 1870, a certain eeneatkm area •netted In Park by Che arrival in that city of an oriental potentate of ambigu ous nationality, but popularly known and spoken of ae “the pasha." Whether he came from Torfcey or from Egypt wee regarded as a matter at compara tively small importance; the two essen tial point* fat his favor were, first, that be was undoubtedly the possessor of an Immense fortune; and. secondly—oo •light recommendation in the Lutetian capital—that he spoke French with tol erable fluency. Aa a matter of course so desirable an acquisition to Parisian society became the lion of the hour, and no aoooar was ir ascertained that a spa cious hotel overlooking the Park de Monccaux had been engaged and fur nished for the reception of his excellen cy and suite than a shoal of visitors, official and non-official, hastened to in scribe their names in a book deposited for the purpose in the porter's lodge. Every day brought a fresh Installment h:Wrik'gf;TiiiilSmi SI :;EN6TH..ViTAUTY' How Lost I How Regained, KNUTHYM THE SCIENCE OF LIFE A Sden'ific and StandatJ Popular Medical Trail!— rathe tin not ni Youth,Premature DecIlnc,NervouB sod Physical Debility, Imparities of thr Blood. Exhaust EDViTAuiY MlNmDiMlSERlES Resulting from ? oily, V Ice, Ignorance, overtaxation, Enervating anil unfitting tho victim f.jr Work, BuslnK*, the Married or Social Relation. Avoid unskillful pretender*. Passes* this gnat w rit. It contains SMjagcs, royal Sva. Beautiful Mailing, embossed, toll gilt. Price only SUM by mail, poKtpald, eoucealed In plain wrapper. Bins, unlive Prospectus Free, if yon apply now. The tliatingiilohcd author, W in. ll. Farter. M. D., re- calved tho GOLD AM» JrtVEIXED MEDAL from tho National Medical Awwclat*«n for fata PRIZE K-SAY_en NKttTOlre aad PUTSICAI.m.nil.lTYJlr.Parkcrandacorpa of AwslHiaut Plyr-Uimia may be consulted, cons- dcntlallv. l>v mail cr in lnreon, at the office of order* t Airedod HADE WITH BCILINC WATER. EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. coc MADE WITH BOILING MILK. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH sod Brooch ills im mediately relieved by Shi loh's Cure. For sale by John Crawford A Co. BHILOB 8 VITAL1ZER k what you need fur CousUpslIon, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, end all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 aod 79 cents per bottle. For sale by John Crawford ft Co. SHILOH’S COUGH and Consumption Cure is suit* by us oo a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Fur sale by John Crawford A Cii. LUCY HINTON 18 QUEEN OF THE TOBACCO WORLD. Talmadge Bras.' are headquarters and factory agents for T. C. Williams A 0o.’s Lucy Hinton. MaUsponi, Jay Bird and Panther tobaccos. They are always relia ble, uniform, and best on earth, fur prices at which they aresukL Try them. 19-Sm The best razors and the beat pocket- knives, at the lowest priors, at Talraage A Brightweil's. d*C7tf Tbs gripraen on Ciaags's cable roads bsvs got It, oi coarse. A woman’s’Discovery “Another wonderfol discovery hu boon made and that too by s lady to this county. Deoease fastened its clatchra upon her sod tor seven yeais she witli-sood its severest tests, bat bvr vital organ were undermined and death seemed imminent. Far three months sbo coughed in* mtly and could not sleep. 8ho bought of ns s bottle of Dr. Slog’s Now DiseOvsre Tor Consumpti n and n as aneb relieved taking first do— that the slept all night sad with one bottle has been miraculously eared. B— name is Mrs Lather Luts.” Thus write te W. C. Hamrick Co., of Shelby, N. C,—Oet s firoe trial bottle at John Crawford Co., or L. D. Sledge Co, Wholesale aod Ha tail DnrggUta. It haa beoome a common thing to ssk’diov* veraceaachweatheif ■ The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Tolt, Druggist. Bipp«s, lo<t, tostifil- ean recommend hlectrio Bitters — the boat remedy. Kvtry bolUo sold haa given relief t- every ca—. One man took six bottles, and wai cored of BbeamaUsm of twoyaara sUndis*." Abraham Haro, Druggist, Bellrillo Ohio, affirms: “The best sellug mtdieme I have ever handled in my SO years’ experience ta'Kt- ecuie Bittera,” Thousands or others has added their testimony, so that the verdict js nnin- imous that Klectrio Bitters do cure all diseases of Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only s half dollar a bottle at John Crawford Co. or L* D. Hledge Co. Wholesale aad Retail Druggists. Boston had another *300,000 boot and shoe fire yesterday. — OO—.m Ayer’s Hair Vigor improves the besnty the hair and promotes its growth. It parents the accumulation ot dandruflpClcaniMM the scalp and restores a natural color to gray hair. Have yon received Ayer's Alumnae Car too now year. T9 WEAK MEN early jgjgffiriassgsjisa^ SSSSs VroT. I’. C. FOWLC2L Koodn«- Conn. FOR MEN ONLYl {Sill aasBiasat out pain. Bookor oar. tlcularascnt FKIE. ni*G has «1 van waiver satisfaction In the of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. I prescribe It and fed sate In recommend- Isj it to all auflferers. . J. STOXFB, M.D^ Decatur, IIL rnicE, Sold bv Poverty is tike fire—it makes s good servant, hot s cruel master. When the eyes become weak ortho lids in flamed and sore, a disordered system or s ocro. futous condition ot the blood is iodicsteO, for which AVer’s Sarsaparilla u the best remedy. It invigorates and vitalizos the blood and expel nil humors. Some men earn *10 just by the wsy of exer cise. Do not sufler from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will core yon. Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small dose. Small pilL Childhood is always democratic. The snob is made, not bora. You hardly realise that it is medicine, whan taking Cartel’s Little liter Pill: they are very small; no bad t fleets; all troubles from torpid Itrer are relieved by their nse. Waterproof coats aro ail the rage in Ken- tucky— for stomachs. The fruit ofegotlsoi—The apple of your eye, The request to pay before yon drink is bar donbt. Whisperers lead a kind of band to month ex istence. The man who is put to his tramps is liable to play the deuce. COTTON! gins ENGINES AND REPAIRS, AT Bottom Prices, WRITE TO Geo. R- Lombard & fo. Worg Foundry, Machine, Boiler an d Gia and Supply House, Augusta, Mcb7 UA Gal ot signatures, until before a week had elapsed the list threatened to rival in length the traditional catalogue of Lepo- ceUn. Hussein Pasha—an assumed title, I fancy, hut the only one by which be was generally known—was short and corpu lent, of sallow complexion and reserved manners; he spoke little, but what ho did say was concise and to the point He was ecctremcly observant, but chary of expressing hia opinion of what he saw or heard—only one instance being recorded of a temporary departure from his habit ual taciturnity. Having been persuaded by a member of the French Jockey club to accompany him to the opera, he was escorted between the acts by his cicerone to. tho foyer do la danae, thereby occa sioning great excitement among thecorpe de ballet, many of whom doubtless antici pated that, in accordance with eastern customs, the ceremony of throwing the handkerchief would be revived for their own especial glorification. Nothing of thesort, however.occurred. After a very cursory glance at the assembled aylphidea aud a muttered ejaculation which sound ed remarkably like “manoes a balai” (broomsticks), the visitor turned abrupt ly on his heels and curtly intimated his desire to return to his box. A few minutes lata: Count — wad' startled by a sudden display of anima tion on the port of his companion, who was gazing with absorbed attention at an enormously stout lady occupying the entire front of one of the stage boxes. “Ah, la belie fenuteT enthusiastically «T*faim«i tho pasha, “Look, is «ho QOt superb?” “H’mr replied the Jockey chib exqui site, hardly able to repress n smile, “that is a matter of taste. Docs not your ex cellency think her perhaps on the whole a trifle too voluminous?” “Jamals trap, monsieur!” Indignantly retorted Hussein, “jamais trap!” After a sojourn of three months in Paris the pasha, who bad employed a considerable portion of bis time in practical study of the latest inventions and improvements, scientific and me chanical, with the view of introducing them into his own dominions, announced his intention of breaking up his estab lishment and returning to the cast. Be fore doing so, however, he was desirous of expressing his acknowledgments in the shape of a suitable present to certain officials of high standing who bad been particularly serviceable to him in his re searches, and consulted his secretary, an Intelligent young Frenchman, on the 'subject “M. Morin," ho said, after explaining his project, “it seems to me that tho simplest way would be to send a few thousand francs to each of them." “Pardon me, your highnees,” objected the secretary, “if 1 venture to remind you that a present of money would bo considered a breach of etiquette and con sequently resented aa an insult.” “You French are very singular people,' observed the pasha. “With us no mat ter bow rich a man may be, ho is not fool enough to refuse piasters when he can get them. What, then, would you ad vise mo to do?’ “May I be allowed to suggest,” re plied Mdrin, “that an object of artistic value would bo a fitting token of your highness’good will—a gold snuff box, for instance.” “The very tiling,” said Hussein, ap provingly. “Where are such articles to be found?* “At Dorr’s, in the Rue do la Pair.” “Good. Let him know exactly what I require, and see that he is here precise ly at 13 to-morrow." On 'being admitted to the pasha’s presence at the appointed hour, M. Don produced, among other specimens of ltis handiwork, a gold snuff box, exquisitely finished, and encircled with moderate sized diamonds, the interior of the lid bearing tho jeweler’s name engraved in microscopic characters. Hussein ex amined it minutely and inquired the price. “Four thousand francs, your iiighness,” replied Dorr. “1 will take it on condition that you engage to supply me with seventeen other boxes exactly similar to this.” “Impossible, monseigneur,” said the jeweler; “I have only six of this pattern in stock. Still,” he added, after a mo ment’s reflection, “I might perhaps be able to manage it. May I ask how soon your highness intends leaving Paris?” “In a fortnight from today.” “That will be quite sufficient. The six snuff boxes shall be distributed immedi ately. In a few days six more will be ready, and I think I can promise the re maining five before the time fixed for ywr bjgbney’dgjgartura,^ “Except otM, did 3 oar highness anxiously inquired Port. “Tee. My secretary informs me that leof the gositiwnen at whose bouse air went wee left Is absent from Paris, which accounta for his silence, and that h» la not expected bade until Sunday, the day after my intended departure. But." “bow b this. M. Dorr? Yon have brought me only five Where is the sixth? It is afaso- no one on my list • “Your highness may rest assured that year orders will be implicitly obeyed,” replied the jeweler. “If M. Morin will kindly acquaint me with the nameand address of the penon for whom the box is destined it ehaU he delivered to him Wednesday without foil." “Exactly stellar to those, of courser “lam safely guarantee, monseigneur, that there will not be a shade of differ- ico between them.** “Very good,” said the pasha; “I rely on your punctuality. My secretary will pay you the 72,000 francs, and on my next visit to Paris you will probably bear from me again. Au revoir, M. Dorr.” If any cue endowed with the peculiar faculties of Jksmodcus bad penetrated some ten evenings later Into the small room forming the back shop and private sanctum of the well known jeweler of tho Rne do la Paix be would have beeu enlightened'as to certain supplementary adjuncts to the ordinary business carried on by M. Dorr. He would have seen that estimable tradesman seated at a table on which were lying six gold snuff boxes bearing a suspicious resemblance to those recently purchased by his high- near the pasha, and carefully polishing each in turn with a silk handkerchief. “They all come back to me again, everyone of them,” muttered M. Dorr, with a self satisfied chuckle, while deli cately removing a speck of dust from the last of the half dozen. “No one ever keeps them long, for snuff boxes are looked up capital, and everybody, from Napoleon downward, knows the value of ready money. They discover my name inside tho box and naturally bring it to me, and, aa I treat them liberally, I am safe to see them again. A very fair fortnight’s work, 1 must say," he added, consulting an open account book, in which the following statement was leg ibly inscribed: Franca To sale of cirhteen gold snuff boxes at4,000 franca each.... 72,000 Deduct from above commission to anaeteiy (“Sharp frflotr, thr-t, by the way,” parenthetically aolOo- quizedM. Dorr) at M francs per box SO) To repurchase of eighteen geid snuff bote from their owners at R000 aw Total net profit ...» 85,100 “Not to mention,” pleasantly summed up the jeweler, “that tho snuff boxes are ready for a second edition of the lit tle game whenever another pasha hap pens Income this way.”—Charles Her- vey in The Argosy, . MAL FRUIT FUMQHS STEAM AND GAS : Dtcd by the United States Government Buttoned by the beads of the Great Uatversities ted rubUcFood Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest aad mat Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Ashing Powder docs not contain Ammonia. LiatcorAlum. Dr. Price s Delicious HUvorinzKx- •artirVar flla, Lemon. Orange. Alaioad.ltoae. etc., do not coatala Pcfaouoaa Oita or ClwS-aIs PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. Mow York. Chtooxo. st. Louis. 511 Hose, rVLTIES *-.§aL_ ELECTRIC GDI Julius Domblat Csyton Street, Athens, Ga. «UM DO YOU SEND AWAY FOR Phenix Insurance Cora- any of Brooklyn, New York, nt & Willcox, Agents. " Geo. C.TitoiiAs. Jso. J. Stbioki as* THOMAS & STRICKLAND. \ ^ ATTORNEYS Cl noun t» JOB PRINTING? IF SO, V ’***' * Can you get it cheaper? Have you tried our prices? Can’t you get paper to suit you? Have you seen our new samples? You want more style than you have been able to get heretofore in Athens? We can give it to you now, and When we move into our New Office, we will have AllSorsof New Type THA T WILL DELIGHT YOUfj FH/iCY. WE HAVE BEEN SOMEWHAT RUSHED Up to this time, but will endeavor to FILL ALL ORDERS As Promptly as Possible. DON’T WAIT, However, until the last envelope is gone and the last bill head or statement is used up A thoroughly good job cannot be gotten Macon Fire Insurance Cora- any, of Macon, Ga. Grant willcox, Agents. C. BOOBS Cor. College Avenue and Cayton St. Has always on hand FRESH BREAD, CAKE ———AND——— •> PURE CONFECTIONERIES. Has Received a Full Assortment of Toys, such as Dolls, Bedroom Parlor, Kitchen, Toilet A Wash Sets, Carriages, Drums, Horns, Jumping Jacks, Clowns, Toy Carfa and Wagons, Drawing Slates Velocipedes, Decorated Cupa ’ Saucers and Mugs. O. B03DE, Athens, - Ga. wtf The VotnalLifeInsurance Co. of New York The late J. Crossett, the independent American missionary, is described in an official communication to the state de partment at Washington, in terms, ns dovoied to doing .good to the poor; “He was known by the Christian Buddha.’ Hew^S^ up when everybody is in a hurry. to no organization of men. He missionary, pure and simple, devoted to charity rather than presolytism. He literally took Christ as his exemplar. Innkeepers would take no pay from him, and were evtr glad to entertain him, “It must'be said that his wants were few. He Wore the Chinese dress, had no regular meals, drank only water, and lived on fruit, with a little rice or millet. Ho aimed at translating his ideal, *Christ into reality* He found good in’all re ligions. After a lodg conversation with him one day, I told him h$ was not a Christian, but a Buddhist. He answered that there were many good things in Buddhism, Ho completely sacrificed himself to tho good of the poorest.of the poor. He acted out his principles to the end. He was poor and lived as plainly as the poorest of his patients. On char itable subjects he wrote welL Tho ideal to him was practical. Let this American be enshrined in the annals of men who loved their fellow men.”—Hail’s Journal of Health. A Sympathizer. Von Boreall—Did you not understand me, MLss Lucy? I go south to-morrow. Have you nothing to say? Miss Lucy (coolly?—Yes. I can say earnestly and from my heart, that—— Von B. (aside)—Sweet girl, I knew she’d be sorry. Miss Lucy—That my sympathies aro entirely with the south.—Pittsburg Bul letin. WE HAVE ON THE ROAD Some N ew Papers That are the best of their kinds. We hope to get them in a day or so. Be sure to get our prices before ordering TT5CE JL 2sT C3-S H. TJS • Costliest Picture in the World. flows Thi’s? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for ray case of Catarrh that can hot be cured by talcing Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, hate known F. J.JChen- ey for the last 15 years, and bel eve him per fectly- honorable in all business transaction?, and financially able to carry ont any obliga tions made by their firm. West ATruax, Wholesale Druggist, Totado, O Welding, Kionan Unrein, Wholesale Durggist, Toledo, Ohio E. H. Van Hoesen, Cashier Toledo National Ba k, Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blcod and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 75e- per bottle, Sold by all Druggists^ The unpopular minister is apt to feel as i! wrecked on lone barren aisles. If yon are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter’s Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes von nerv ous, and nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either one renders you miserable, aud these little pills cure both. Advice To Mothers. Mrs, Winslow.’s Soothing Syrup should al ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain curea wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea twenty fir* cent* a bo 111% This masterpiece by the great French pa anctlon ia Parts last summer by tho Amort an Art Jean Francois Millet, was purchased at rt Association of Sow York. The cost, JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, parb exposition, 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. LARGER, ER AND BETTER EVER. > the men LIBERAL CONTRACT of all Ufa Companies CRANT A WILCOX, Agents. Georgia Railroad Co Stone Mountain Houte Owes Gmut Maxasku, I Augusts, Ua., Sept Slat, 18. 9. J Tho following sehednle will bo op.*utec u til further notice: ATHENS BRANCH. 90th Meridian Tima. K F 0 8 10 18 21 27 So 40 Fun Train. S3. Fast Train. Lv. Athens. WinterriUe Dunlap.... Crawford.. Antioch... -Malays.... Woodville. Ar. Union PL 8.80 4 m 8.46 a m 8 50am 9.07 am 9.23 a m 9.80 am 9.47 a m 9.55 am 8.40 am 9.12 am 9.20 am 10.00 a m 10.29 a m 10.52 a m 11.22 am 11.85 a m 8.50 pm 4.06 p in 4.10 p m 4.27 p m 4.43 p m 4.50 p ir. 6.07 p m 5.15 p m Lv.’Union Pt. At . Atlanta . Gainesville 10,04 a m 1.00 p m 8.25 p m 2.10 p m 5.45 p m Lv. Union PL Ar. Augusta. Washingtn A aeon..... MUl’dgvlle 12.17 pm 8.35 p m 220 pm 6.00 pm 4.11 p m 5 85 p 31 8.16 pm 7.20 p m TRAINS WESTWARD. Lv. At Mi vile Ar. Union Pt LV. Atlanta.. Gainesville Ar. Union Pt. Lv. Union Pt. -Woodville. Maxeys. .v Antioch .. Crawford.. DllftllAl (ti • * Winiervillc Ar. Athens . 7.45a m 11.05 ami 7.10 am ■ 9.18 am 7.20 a m 11.10 a m| 10.01 a m 10.15 a m 10 24 a m 10.41 a’ 10.48 a m 11.04 a m 11.® a m 11.25 a m 11.40 a m 8.00 a nu 2.45 p m 5.55 a ml < 11.48 p m 5.89 p m 2.10 p ml 5.35 p m 2.31 p m 5.44 p m 3.06pm 6.01 p m 3.21 p m 6.( 8 p in 4.03 p m 6.::4 p m 4.89 p ml-6.40 p m 4.51 p m 6.45 p m SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS. Fast train : Sleeping cays between Atlanta Augusta and Charleston. Night express: Sleeping cars between Charleston and Atlanta, Augusta and Atlanta, Augusta and Macon. Truiua No. 27 and 28 will stop at end receive, passengers to and from the following stations only: Grovetown, Harlem, Dearing, Thomson, Norwood, Barnett, Crawlordville, onion Point Greenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, Stone Moun tain and Decatur. Trains to and from Athens connect with trains 27, 28,1 and 2. J.. W. GREEN, E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass^Agt. JOE W. WHITE. Trav. Pass. Agt. *116 (JW and duties, amounting ln'all to abunt StSOjOJ, was nearly fWO a square Inch, as the picture Is only 13x21 Inches In size. This Is the highest prioe ever paid (Or a single picture. .A Beautiful Photo Etching, as represented nbovo, the fullslxeof the original. In which the greatest caro and artistic ability have beeu employed to reproduce all tho beauties of tho painting, has been prepared specially to lie sent as a tree premium to every annual sub scriber of the weekly edition of . - ' - THE ST- LOUIS REPUBLIC. A copy of this otching on fine plate paper, 21x08 i l.-hns in sire, trill be sent free, postage prepaid, to overy annual subscriber after November 1, that). The Weekly Republic, with Premium Picture, 81 a Year. pT" Samplo copy anil premium sheot sent freo to any address. Usual commission allow Of) postmasters uud otlier sui&orized agents. Address • % THE REPUBLIC, ST. LOUIS, MOU Horses, Buggies. Hacks and Surrey a for Hire. Gentle Homes. Safe Drivers- Customers serv ed Day or Sight. Stock in my baie retell lie-t of Attention. MAXWELL’S Livery aijd Feed Stables SPECIAL TO DROVERS- Lexington, Georgia. ltates Reasonable. E. Maxwell, Prop’r. LANGLEY BROS., Manufacturers of Ladies’ and Gents' Underwear. Fine Dress Shirts to Order a Specialty. 174 King Street, CHARLESTON'S. O. {^"Directions for measuring and Price Liti sent on application. » Jan. 10—d3m. • ATHENS ACCOMMODATION. Leave Athens* Arrive Union Point Lea e Union Point* Arrive Athens..... 1 ‘Except Sunday. 6 15 pm 8 45 p m 5 45 pm ......... 9 80am UNION POINT A WHITE PLAINS K. R. Leave Union Point* Arrive at Siioam Arrive at White Plains... 10.10 a m|*5.40 p m 10.35 a ml 6.05 p m 11.10 a m| 6.40 p m Leave White Plains Arrive at Siioam Arrive at Union Point.... •Except Sunday. •8 00 a m|*3.3o p m 8.35 a m 4.05 p m 9.00 a m | 4. 40p m —