Newspaper Page Text
inTlie but week was one of onnwlqnl«
of Athens .Society. Not a single enter
tainment of note broke the monotony
oi elai littriiMii our bonier-;
naa it seemx as if th • fondness of our
jieoi.le foi -<ic!ai i'ie.i-ur -s -pent it^o!:
lit tin; brilliant uicc rsiou of entertain
monte that follow**! each other miring
ttu two tii..utli. preceding Christmas,
oiip cajn* i< st ray- ml 1 (•> precede she
• onn. howet*•,«*! going on this prin
ciple, it woui.l Mi ni tut t till). next
muritli aonilj he tutpiecodeuteti in Ms
li*t ofiai-nl pi janrtesc Let in> hope «o,
at least.
. *•*
The youngHuliM of the Horn:; School
have recently l*en regaled by a series
of hum Lteneiiri'il lectures on the must
interesting and subject*. On
Saturday, l)i. J. ’•'. Spencer
di iivcrv’j a ci.Tirinliig ketdre on the
GhicWo of 8>i it/.o;lrtn*t, il usiratoti by
a » r opti. views. «»o IVeUnestUy,
the Sdnd.Trof C. I’. V' 1 jos deeply iu-
torrsit'd tiii- »oitr : ladies in his imnte
on t! e wovk< i diver'ii>!ii.s:ii".a.
Frir ay, lh.*". , lev.' >V i t:te
live'd ti.!* d .i »!• - <*.
1 cufree upon Astronomy; and on Sat
urday, tju* 25th, Dr. Silencer give an
intercstinsr discourse ©u Norway, with
illustration* Madame Sosnowski hr
certainly to be congratulated upon the
scholarship and distinction of the corps
of teachers that she has obtained for
her most excellent institution.
The illness of Mrs. L. II. Char bon
nier for the past week has been a source
of considerable solicitude among onr
society people. No one is more pop
ular in society than M a. Cbarboiniier
and the statement of her improved con
dition must be received with pleasure
by all who have the good fortune to be
acquainted with her. Her sister Mrs.
Lucy Wray, of Augusta, arrived in
Athens a few days ago to be present • at
her bedside.
Mr. and Mrs. Billups Phinizy are ex
pected baek from the Laud iof Flowers
either to-day or to-morrow.
isdsUghtftt! threatre party was given
in Atlanta yesterday afternoon compli-
Mr. W,
Mr. N. B.
eou-ty, is in the city.
Miss Pearl Dunson leaves today for
an extended visit to Jefferson.
Mr. F. A. Williams, of the Elberton
Star, visited Athens yesterday.
Mr. Ike Goss retained yesterday
from a visit to Fort Lamar.
Miss Mary Shaw, of Coosa, Ga., Las
entered the Lacy Cobb Institute.
Mr. G. E. Daniel, of Oconee is in (be
IIou F ed Foster, of Madison, is
among the arrivals In onr city.
Mr. E. A.Cohen is expected in this
ity in a few days.
Dr. Daniel has retufhed to Dauieis-
ville, after a visit to this city.
Mr. E. W. Butler, one of Madison's
most prominent; citizens, is in town.
Mr. Rem Bcmson, of Augusta, was
among onr visitors yesterday.
.Vr. M. P. Robertson of ^he Univer-
siiy is quite sick.
Mr. A. B. Mathews of the University
.h:fs been compelled to go . to his home
in Hartwell on account of sickness.
Mr. Max Joseph has returned from an
extended business tear to Boston, Chi
cago and other points North.
Mr. Hi rain Peeler, of the Athens fae
ry bad the misfortune to bo struck in
;e ere by a fragment of steel yesterday.
Mr. W. J. Harris has returned to the
University alter an extended visit to
Mr Frank Thompson, a prominent
employee of the “Palace Store” ia
quite sick.
Miss Eva Woodis has returned to
Watkinsville, after a short visit to
friends in the city.
Hon. Boykin Wright, one of the lead
ing attorneys of Augusta, is in the city
on busines.
Mr. C. K. Ober, who lectured before
the college boys Friday night, left yes
terday on a visit to Emory College.
Hon, N. J. Hammond, one of tl e
University trustees, is in the city on
legal business-
Misses Anna and Clara Lou Lyle and
Miss Knight, of Watkinsville, were in
the city yesterday, i
Mr, and Mrs. Overby, of Watkins-
ville, have returned home after a visit
to t’.is city.
Miss Sadie Overby, of Meridian,
wentary to’Miss Eucenia Speer. S’ev- Miss., has been visiting friends, here
efal young gentlemen of our city ■ were 'hiring the past few days.
vv »
Chancellor W. K. Boegs entertained
a few friends at tea on Thursday' nlglit.
Amon'rthbse present wrvrMesssrs. A
C. W 1 coaonand W. J. Shaw. < 1
•*** ■
Prof. W- & Bocoek is still .confined
to his residence-by Hcknesa' He hopes
to be able to resume his duties at the
University to-morrow.
■ ■ ■ ■*•*-
-■ The Joseph-Marks wedding at the
raynagogtteon Wednesday night w ill be
one of the roost note-worthy events in
our social circles. A large number will
~' , “5tT* a 7 ibis interesting, ceremony and
* will atteflL the reception whicn is to
follpw it o$flie opera house. The bridal
presents are said to be beautiful and nn-
’ inerotts beyond description and alto
gether no young couple has ever started
out in life in our city with more aus
picious future.
We learn that the O. B. German club
will give one of their delightful enter
tainments on Friday night.
Miss Pauline Harris is expected back
. in our city from Atlanta during the
coming week. During her visit to
Miss Raine in that city she has been the
recipient of many marked attentions
from the society people of that city, and
Athens has reason to be proud of her
representative in the Gate City.
Miss Lamar Rutherford is at present
enjoyingtiiepleasures of lifein Vienna,
where Dr. Hogan Is pursuing his stud
ies. The party wi»l return to London
soon to spendtlic rest of the winter.
Mr, Sylvanus Morris leaves to-raor
row for Chariottsville, Va., v here he
is to be married on Wednesday night.
He will return to this city with his fair
young bride tire latter part of the
Have you ever noticed how many
female equestriennes we have ninoug
the society people of our city? Almost
every clear evening a l>evy of ladies
may be seen out horseback riding and
■the scene is certainly an interesting one.
Among the most beautiful riders in our
city are Mrs H. C. White, Mrs. C. D
Flanigen, Miss Sophie Schaller and
Mrs John A. Benedict They all ride
■well and gracefully and the recreation
Is a popular one with them, as it is with
many other society people of our city.
Miss Meta Charbonnier- has returned
from an extended visit to Augusta.
Tlie new building to bo erected by
Mayor E.T. Brown on the vacant lot
next to the opera bouse will coutain a
feature of importance to our society
people. It will have a whole third
floor devoted to a dancing hall, together
with handsome dressing rooms and
conveniences attach'd. In addition
there will be a veranca upon which the
pleasures of conversation can be in
dulged in. This new hall will be fitted
up in a manner such as to make it sim
ilar to those used for such purposes in
other cities and will, no doubt, be
largely patronized,
'There wtreover' thirty arrivals at
the Commercial on Friday and. nearly
as maQy at the Clay ton „Hou$e Athens
is-certaluly growiiig. • •
A- large number of Visitors''from
abroad will be in the city this week to
attend the wedding a( the synagogue
oh Wednesday night.
Mr. YaneeyHarris is making quite
au enviable reputation for himself as a
railroad man at tlie Georgia railroad
.There is considerable enthusiasm
among the college boys over the elec
tion Of Hon. R. W. Patterson,of Macon,
as commencement orator.
me Jessie Gantt, late of the Elberton
Star, arrived in this city yesterday and
will make Athens his' future home. He
has won an enviable reputation as a
jounalist by his work in Elberton.
A Number of Prominent Lawyer* Argue
a Case In Athens.
The attentiou of Judge N. L. Hutch
ins, who arrived in the eity on Friday,
was taken up all yesterday in bearing
argument in the case of Ballame & Sor
rels et al vs. Hirschfield A Blumethal.
Quite an array of legal talent was on
hand and the argument was very able
on all bands The arguments were de-
lired in the office of Messrs. Barrow A
Thomas beginning at ten o’clock and
lasting most of the day. The question
for decision is the the matter of ap
pointing a receiver to administer the
business. It will be remembered that
Hir8hfteld & Blumenthal were closed
out a few weeks ago upon a mortgage
held by H. B. Challin & Co.
The plaintiffs in the case allege fraud
acd pray for a permanent injunction.
Mr. Henry C. Tuck represented Hirsch
field & Blumenthal. Messrs. Lumpkin
& Burnett represented H. B CUnfliu &
Co: lion. N. J. Hammond and Foster
& Butler, of Madison, eounsel for A.
Jncobs: and Boykin Wright, Esq., of
Augusta, for Dunham, Bucklen & Co.
The plaintiff’s attorneys were Messrs.
T. W. Rucker. Thomas & Strickland,
Barrow & Thomas, A. S. Erwin, An-
d’ew J. Cobb <& T. W. Reed, The de
cision of Jade Hntchius in the case was
this was the kind of love that brought
a happy young couple to Athens yes
terday about 2 o’clock to have the
•ilkes knot tied up.
A happy couple! Forsooth their
hearts wore fairly oveiflowing with
fond passions of love, mingled with a
spirit of gratification and delight and
their unalloyed bliss was uns- eakable.
They were first seen drivin g hurriedly
down Broad street, and something in
their hasty manner of procedure ex-
cited tlie interest of a large crowd Of
citizens who assembled on the sidewalk
In front of Chns. Stern A Co.’s store.
The young people alighted from the
buggy at this p ace and tripped liihtly
up tne stairway into Dr. Lowry’s of
fice where they awaited the arrival of
Mr. Bose Mathews, tlie groom's best
man, who had gone for Cap*. D Cran
Oliver to officiate at the solemn cere-
moid.-s calculated to make them man
and tvifo. Tliia waa not long.
When Copt. Oliver appeared, all oat
of breath from his hurry, the couple
took their places on tlie floor and in ode
brief moment were prouounccd one aud
The groom ia Mr. John C. Morris, a
promising yonug man about twenty-
one or two years old, who lives about
six miles from Athens in Madison coun
The bride is Miss Texie C. Phillips, a
daughter of Mr. W. F. Phillips, one of
Madison county’s most estimable citi
zens. Tlie is only fourteen years
old and for tuis reason was forbidden to
marry Mr. Morris by her parents.
The manner of her elopement was
told a Baxnkk reporter by Mr. Bose
Mathews, who acted as be«t man. He
summoned tho bride to meet him at the
orchard gate where he had a buggy
awaiting her. Her father being off at
tending court she easily escaped his
uspal watchfulness and met Mr. Math
ews, who carried her to Mr. Morris.
The three drove hurriedly to Athens
and proceeded as just told.
it was a large crowd of spectators
that witnessed .the romantic weddiug
yesterday. - * ‘
Harmony Grove Items.
Hahmony Grovk, Ga., Jan. 25.—Rev
D. D. Holland, a prominent Baptist di
vine, was in the Grove yesterday.
Several drummers are iii the' Qrove
today selling goods to our prompt aud
prosperous merchants.
The receut rise in cotton has brought
in almost all the cotton in tlie surround
ing country. , .
Harmony Grove seems to fye a good
place for horse drovers,-judging from
the great number who have been here
during the present woek.
Drs. Hubbard and. Harden bavo se
cretly dissolved, copartnership by mu
tual consent.
Thb Surveying Class.—The en
gineering class of the University, under
tho direction of Prof. D. C. Barrow,
have been engaged for the last day or
so in laying off tho space for the side
tracks of the new C. & M. depot. This
class is very highly proficient and will
this year turn out its usual full quota
of first-class practical engineers.
Through the Country.—On account
of an accident on the Elberton Air Line,
which necessitated sending to Toccoa
for a new engine, the passengers on that
ro&v* aGa Aliena wtrtccuiieiidd to
through the country to this city. It
took about five hours to make the trip
of forty miles.
Received tlie Fast Week
Pond’s Extract,
Brown’s Essence Gin
Scott’s Emulsion,
Fellow’s Hypo phos
Swift’s Specific,
Bradfield s Regulator,
Maltese Cross Cod
Liver Oil,
Cascara Cordial,
Wine Cardui,
Black Draught,
Calisaya Tonic,
King’s New Discovery,
Arnica Salve,
Household Ammonia,
Sozodont, and a large
bill of druggists Sun-
L?D. Sledge & Co,
Hm,I Arrival*.
Commercial Hotel.—J B Ashton
Aypnt P.tri Tfosn Co: Boykin Wrio-lif
Augusta; ’Walter G Tucker, Wellesley i
Mass; RD Stokely, Ga.
Clayton Housb.—J P Giles, A J
Miller, Richmond, Va; J W Stanley,
Cincinnati, O; M TV Almand, Philadel
laws of
Athens, however, has shown up far
ahead of the Gate City in this lino, and
Mr. E. K. Lumpkin walks off with the
tialm and champion-hip of the State
From his private garden he sent yes
terday to tho Banner oftleo an im
mense waiter fraught with fine vege
tables of a most superior quality and
almost endless variety. The waiter
••ORtnlncd cabba&e, carrot*, parsnips
salsify, turnips, kale, endive, fresh
Irish potatoes, celery, oaions, leeks and
beets, all of which are fresh from the
soil, and which has attained a most
tuxurant maturity. Such vegetables
are rarely seeu even in early summer
when nature is at her best.
Mr. Lumpkin, liesides b;ing one of
Georgia’s ablest and ■ most gifted law
yers is among the most successful
gardener* and is thoroughly posted'on
all phases of this, pursuit. Moreover
there is not n more genial gentleman to
be found than Hr Lumpkin.
Read Juliu3 Cohen A CoSs advertise
Nevet* was there such a
collection of fine goods in
Embroideries as is shown
at the Surprise Store. Just
opened Saturday. You
can buy them cheaper now
than in spring. Come in
and see them tomorrow.
Enlarged January 1, ’90, to seven col
umns, twelve pages.
The push and progress of the Dallas
Weekly news is the talk of the country.
No other paper in the South contains
so much general news and miscallane-
ous family reading. Notice these
1 First and foremost, the News has
all the news from all the world. This
includes foeign news, domestic indus
trial news, national political news and
general state news. The News is the
only paper in the southwest that main
tains a special correspondent at Wash
ington City.
The News has each week a special
compilation of social, industrial and po
litical news from each of the southern
The News has a regular farm depart
ment, eondueted by an exderienced ed
itor and able corps of correspondents.
The News publishes more information
about the Grange, Alliance and other
agricultural societies in Texas and else-,
where than any other paper.
The News has large departments de
voted to the ladies and the child'an,
and a special department of religious
The News publishes each week illus
trated stories and sketches by the best
writers of tlie age.
The News publishes each week full
and reliable market reports.
The News is constantly provid nj
unique contests for the instruction au<
amusement of its reading.
The News contains 12 pages of seven
columns each, or 84 coumns of reading
matter. . ^
The News is the largest, best and
cheapest weekly publication in the
Price $1.25 a year. _ .
A. H. Bello A Co., Publishers, Dal
las Texas.
We are shoeing more
window shades than all the
town combined. We have
all sizes and can show yon
some drives in them to
The Surprise Store.
Adam and Eve.—All men cannot be
brought to tbink alike and well it is
that they cannot, as if they were Skiff
the ieweler would havo more custom-
ora than he could promptly and satis
factorily attend to. It is ia many other
ways best that all people' should not
think alike, and never was intended
they should from the beginng of time
< Adam and Eve did not.
Clark-s Stern has given out Mi* contract
for rebuilding the house on’the Carlton
lot that was recently burned. He will
have a handsome residence erected, and
Mrs. Olive will return to A thousand
reopen li«r 1 warding house there. Mr.
Stern will have other cottages e rev red
on lands that lie lias recently put-
A Great Business.—Testeyilay
O’Farretl and Asb shipped a large
quantity of tobftc* to Enfaula, t l*..
froqi which place they received im
mense wholesale orders. This firm Is
doing one the greatest businesses of
»uv of the wholesale firms in this aarr
of the South. » •
Z. Dcoprr .t Son hare j tut
d a ear loi-l of i!n»* boro-.
' **•- — ‘ and will sell at
i- have on h.i:,,l a , u [
■|> it il! ii ii <
can he found in t!..-
..-t- and tho-.- do-iri
b-s would consult thei,
ii tiifir ."t.iwi
Big d lives in Embroid
eries, Laces and Handker
chiefs. Commences to
morrow morning at 7 1-2
o’clock at
The Surprise Store.
And the Farmers are Onee More la Power,
The receut rise in the cotton market
of the world means much to the fi.rmers
of the South. The f ct that cotton has
for the first time in years jumped up to
to 10>£ cents and is likely to go even to
15j* before the season closes is one
worthy of note to every class of people
in the country and especially to the
Prof. Branson's Arithmetic.—IVi
learu that Prof. Branson ha* received
many flattering offers recently fro pi
publishers for {lie new arithmetic thst
he has complied. Prof. Branson is;a
mathematician of superior talent and
ability, and his book will find a ready
and pressing demand so soon as it is
A Correction.—Wo are pleased to
correct the statement made by unr cor
respondent at Winterville iu a recent
i«sue about the negro school at that
place. It was spoken of as a “Baptist
school” which was an injnaticatomany
of TVi .terville’a best oitizeus who pat
ronize the schools. Tho new school at
that place, we learn, is not a denomina
tional one, and is notan opposition
movement against any other denomina
tion. We take pleasure in making this
Another Raid.—Collector Murray
has recently made another raid in Ogle
thorpe county,and seized another illicit
farmers efthe South. The future "of ‘ distillery near Maxeys. This is the
the South has suddenly dawned bright-: ^as been captured by
er than it was ever known to be since I Collector Murray in this vicinity,
the civil war swept away its riches. I There was at the still when dis-
In conversation with one of Atl ens’, covered, and the owner is nbt known,
most prominent cotton men in regard ■ ^ r * Gilharn on whose place the firs)
to the outlook in cotton circles, a Ban- , two stills weye found, will be released
whr reporter ascertained the following . fro*! 1 the charge as there is no ayulence
interesting facts : ' *' against.him whatever.
“Cotton is up to stay, and the farmers I . ■ 'n • - * • .. .
may rejoice in the promise of better Approaching Nuptials,-7-Cards of
days. The oid times when a man.could ! marvelous beauty have been issued an*
carry a bale , of cotton to town andal- H* marriage Sof^MiM AHttgie
most supply his family for a year with Jtay Hills, otBoae. io Mr. W, Addis n
provisions to live upon are returning 'Knowles;«tGreei»abo(i>.. The occasion
and our old red hills and impoverished; ' v,n be a great event in the society,tof
lowlands arfe beginning to rise in value I thebtatc and will be looked- forward to
with the rise of cotton Untold bless- pleasure by many friend* of 'the
*ngs await pur'worn out farmers, and bride and groom all over-this section of
they will resume their' dominion as the 1 Georgia,
rower of the land which has recently
>eeu so rut lessly usurped by monopoly
aiid trust.
There is to-day less cotton in the
world than *
U AVadks/G
Tlie CovihgtOb
Company, having
close k portion of
Street, being that
points where Factor
as street, aud
reaches the
hereby directed to
they can, a t the meet!:
he held on the first 51
next, at four o’clock, w* *u., wmj Sam
Application should not be granted, and
the portion of F.ctory street referred to
closed and declared to be no longer a
public street of said city.
Bv order of the Mayor and Council*
j23-lm E. T. Brown, Mayor.
Notice to Bridge Builders.
Bids will be received on tho Srd TtttM** In
lebruary IWOby the Commissioners aud Ordi
nary of oconeo and Clarke r.uuidea for the
Construction of a lattice bridge >8 feet wide,
and 188 teet Ion*, over Barber's asd McNutt?*
creeks, on tho Watkinsville and Aibcm .oid,
Mmiu ••
Contmctsto be let ts the lowed responsible
bidder at the bridge site, lint Comm .sioneri or
Ordinary rcstrvlng the right t > rcj -ct any or
alt b ds,
Plans nd specifications on liteat Ordinary j
office In Atbcus olarke co .my, GA
The Hudson House—diieof ti
best Hotels iq Northeast Georgia, is the
__ __ _ ’Hudson Bouse, of Gainn-vi|lq. Hiss
is absolutely wanted by eon- , K-te Garner, the proprietress, kuqws
suming class' a. Even with the enor- ' i U8 ^ bow to run a hotel iu first-class
moils crop of near reven und a half mil- j style. u !, d we are glad to know that her
lion bales the factories haven’t near 1 effort* are appreciated by*the traveling
enough run them through ihe • public. 1 hey show this appreciation
year. The receut rise In cotton has! by stopping at the Hudson, and by
caught them nnawares and hence there ! soundsfng ite praises wherever they go-
is no chance for cotton to fall. If any- j The Athens people would do well to
thing it will continue to rise, if the to ?t°P the Hudson when visiting
farmers of Northeast Georgsa will sow j Gainesville.'
a large grain crop and live at home this
year and raise as much cotton as possi
ble besides there is no reason iu the
world why they won’t be decidedly on
top next v in er.
Commencement Orator—The Dem-
osthenian Society yesterday elected as
their literary orator at Commencement
Hon. B W.Patterson, of Macon. Mr.
Patterson was undoubtedly the lead
ing orator of the last legislature and
has delivered a number of public ad-
dresses that mark his the peer t f any
The steam cotton factory at Cordele, orator in the state. His address uefore
will soon^be in operation. I the students of Mercer University a few
An organized band of burglars are yearn ago on the “Crusader and the
robbing stores all over Georgia. I Dude’’ w*s an oratorical gem and his
Col. Machen hopes to have his new . eul »«y °“ th e late Henry W. Grady was
railroad competed to Sparta soon. perhaps the most beautiful delivered
. , . since the death of that great man. It is
A Lawrence county farmer killed a 1 to be hoped that Mr. Patterson will ac-
hog weighing 700 pounds. j cept the honor imposed upon him. If
Mr. Berry F. Latimer, of Hancock he does, the public can be assured of a
county, isdead. - splendid address.
The first shipment of strawberries ™
from Thotnasville lias gone forward s^icty ye^tentTy clected its spring d<£
Tlie “black-head bug, ’ is destroying bators as follows: Messrs. Fred Lewis,
the turpentine forests, of South Geor- j of Atlanta; Edgar Denmark, of Quit-
gia- I man; E. W. Fey, of Cobb county;
Mr. Algood, who was recently killed Curistie, of Dawson, Greene Johnson,
in Rome, had $S5,000 insurance on bis - of Eatonton and O E. Horton, of Hart-
life. j well. These gentlemen are all possess-
Col. J. H. Estell, of the Savannah , of oratorical ability and will reflect
News, contemplates starting a daily . cnstlit npon their society..
paper in Atlanta. Attended Justice Court.—Col. B
Ihe homeof Mr. G. W. Bass, of Han-I jj_ jfoble returned last night from
eoi-U county’ was destroyed by fire from . C i ar k s boro, Jackson county, whither
the stove pipe. I he went to attend justice court. His
George O. Howard, a Capitalist broker , trip was a very successful one as oil of
factory operative, crook and forger has \ the three cases in which he appeared
been lodged in jail, in Augusta. I as attorney resulted favorably to his
Capt. \V. W, Brown, of Macon, will! clients. Col. Noble is rapidly winning
be nominated as a republican candidate j fame and distinction in his chosen pio-
for governor in the next election. • fession.
The Grand Army posts in Georgia, , n „ .. »... , r _
ad,Rissi0n0f aesr ° ea Rem Rerascn of Augusra o^e' ot to
’ T 1 • 1 • a I m08t prominent fertilizer agents is
Mr. lorn Cobb Jackson, in bis Au-. jj ere Hr. Renisen says there will
gusta railroad speech did himself honor . ^ more g Ua no used this spring than
unrl Lio fv Anrlc nfAMil Ho 19 tino lfllK . 1 . i 1 0 _ t
i»nd his friends ‘proud. He is the lead
ing young lawyer of Georgia.
Mrs. J. Shedherd, of Macon, is suc-
ing the Travelers’ Accident Insurance
company for payment of a policy on
her husband, who was refused because
the body bad not been found.
The amount of bonus the alliance re
ceives from the Amerous Improvement
Company to erect Hie cotton bagging
factory at Americas is said to be #5,000.
The company also takes $lo,000 stock in
the factory, and exercises no voice in
the management of the business.
The principal physicians of the peni
tentiary has reported to the Governor
and principal keeper that at the camps
of one of the lessesthe convicts aro
chained down in barracks dangerously
near fire, and that the lessee failed to
move the barracks to a safe place when
notified to do so.
The latest things in Em
broideries,Vandyke Points,
Flouncings and Tuckings
will be displayed to-mor
row. Prices the lowest,
I The Surprise Store.
ever before, and that already the sales
have been immen«e all over the coun
try. He has sold a great deal in this
section of the States and says there is
a great demand all over the South.
An Actable Ggntleman.—Mr. John
L. Ashton, the general .business mana
ger of Patti Rosa, paid our oiHce a call
yesterday. He is a clever young gen
tleman and represents decidedly the
be3t little commedienne in the theatri
cal world. Patti Rosa is a general favo
rite iu Athens, and as her next date
happens to coincide with a wedding in
high life that will bring many visitors
from other cities, the charming little
actress will doubtless be greeted with
a full and select house.
Just opened Saturday,
$2,000 worth of Embroid
eries, Flouncings and
Laces, bought at great sac
rifice, going to be sold same
way to morrow. Come ear-
8. D, UlllPtCRKE.
set ruiaiy.
c. c,
Another Splendid Gift.
: *;! I
An Elegant Work of Art
ne-.v subserlDcr or : enewal far the
CO Pages.)
Tho Beautirul Engraving,
f The Scotch Raid”
. croup of Cattle aud Sheep (bv Ro-a Ilon-
ir). A companion piece of “THE HOir-H
IK.*’ which vva», until re cntly, the premium
.. Uilie Weekly
The price of the WEEKLY
O it AT, one year, acd the mg
SCOTCH Raid,” s only
□ graving “THE
THE HOttSS FAIlt” fur 2i)C. extr ,
Postmasters and news dealers will ta^e sub
scriptions, or remit direct 'O tee
Globe Printing Co.
t^*Sendfor sample copy of 1
Sorrells &Smith
Wholesale and Retail
Bash’s old Stand, 105 Clayton Street.
DKALSB8 nr .
Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Stulls, Glass and Patty.
Fresh supply of La idretil’s GARDEN S
Headquarters for
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We make a specialty In preparing the :c good-
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Favorite Liniment.
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ty Having rnn-hased Rush’s rrercriptlon
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Jan 19 -.d&w:hr.4p
after a triumphant tour through
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and an excellent Company, in her
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and Company in Songs, Dances
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