Newspaper Page Text
Highest «f all in Leavening Power.—U. & Govt Report, Aug. 17,1889.
r“‘ ■
"Withthe beginning
of a New Tear, mer
chants start off with
a new clean set of
My stock embraces
everything that can
be desired in
Inspection Invited.
A castaway found dwelling among
the savages of the Pageai Island, in the
South Pacific, is believed to be Charles
Frederick Irons, a well-connected Eng
Jessie Dean Reynolds, an actress who
achieved considerable fame on the stage
when a child, shot herself dead in Ifew
York. She was insanely jealous of her
husband, without cause it is said.
The sub-committee in charge of the
World’s Fair matter in the noose de
clines to recommend any of the propo
sitions submitted, and will ask permis
sion to frame a bill embracing the en
tire subject except as to the site.
Sheriff Green, of Delaware county,
brought back to Media the daughter
of Farmer Johnson, who eloped with
K. J. Garnett, her fatber’a form hand,
and bad married him at Trenton: The
S oung bride was recovered in Phila-
Cleveland, O., has refused the oilers
of agents of English Syndicates.
A remarkable revival of religion ia in
progress at the Inman, Tenn., prison.
A number of convicts have been con
verted. .....
Calvin S. Brice explicitly deniea the
charge that he used money to secure bis
election as U. S. Senator from Ohio.
Red Jim McDermott, an Irish agi
tator, warns all Irishman against a new
secret society organized in New York
by Parnell leaden, and saya this patriot
must step down and off the stage very
soon as the leader of the Irish cause.
Geo. Lounsbury, cashier of the New
York post-office is dead. His accounts
are $25,000 short.
Rr rr John Most, a noted anarchist,
has been arrested in New York.
Another delegation of negroes has
been in Washington petitioning
chango in the election laws of the
Mn. Parnell is again penniless. All
the money given by American contrib
utors some years ago has been exhaust
Mrs. A. N. Nelson, of Abbeville, S.
C., sent her husband fora pair of shoes,
and he got drunk and lost them. In
her rage she killed her husband and at
tempted suicide.
Mr. Jesse Thompson, a prominent
citizen of Augusta, was shot and seri
ously wounded by W. A. Norrell, of
D.W. McGregor,
No. Ill Broad St., Athens, Ga.
Call on m*. Ihavealwa;
sale and to rent,
and to tent,
on band farms for
property for sale
Jan. 7—tf.
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. ot lev loth
lasts ttxmc't LIBERAL CONTRACT tf ill UftCtnfmlM
Headache, yot Cutter's Littlk Lira Titia
are equallv valuable In Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also com et all disorders of tho stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate tho bowels.
Evan if they only cured
Ache they would bo almost priceless to those
who tufTor from this distressing complaint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pi 1 is valuable in so many ways that
they wSl not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick heed
lives that here is 'where
Oar pille cure it
Tom Moore, a white man living in
the mountains in the northwestern part
of Thomas county near the Pike line,
was shot twice in the breast on Tuesday
evening last by a negro named Jobn
Williams, who was running a blind|
Rome’s cotton receipts show an in
crease of 16,353 bales over last year.
A railroad car factory will be estatM
lished in Atlanta.
Tammany Hail has sent five hundred
dollars os her contribution to the Grady |
monument fund.
Work will commence in the spring!
on Elberton’s twenty-five thousand dob
lar hotel.
Mrs. C. C. Blanton, wife of a Texas
banker, died in Atlanta, Ga., while un
dergoing a very delicate surgical opera
W.M. Wade, near Fuqua, in Dooly I
[county, carried to Vienna last Friday a
perfectly formed cotton square from d
sprout on the old stalk.
■A company, in Cordele has let a con
tract for the erection of forty-seven resi
dences. When completed they.will be
sold on the installment plan.
Elbertoc. is to have a fair this year.
Court was convened in'Gainesville
last week. .
The governor today reprieved Polk
Newton, who had been sentenced,to
hang in Calhoun county to-morrow.
Mr. Paul A. Hornidv, who has been
a salesman for D. H. Dougherty & Co.
of Atlanta, for years, has received a call
from the Baptist church at Madison,
Patrolman James McGee, of Atlanta,
was attacked with congestion of - the
brain while walking along .Whitehall
street shortly after 8 o’clock yesterday
and is seriously ilL
Sol Lowe is the name of a dudeish ne
gro, now behind "the bars at the" sta
tion house for working a confidence
scheme in several different ways, bis
vistims being little newsboys and coun
tryman.—Atlanta Journal.
| t
Tfe are leading the
town in embroideries
flonucings. They
bought direct and for the
spot cs eh,
Brittain & Walthall.
■" ■ . Bat Around to* World in
Seventy- Th use Days.—A wonderful
feat, but tloliug Cohen & Co. will show
to the peopie of Athens and all its trib
utary points of trade that her ftat will
be nothing to compare with theirs in
the next seventy-three days. Wc will
outstrip her two to one by sellingthe
all chixes of dry goods and no
tions at prices wonderfully low. We
w|U especially call the attei
ladies to our fourteen bargain couni
whereithey will find the grandest
most elegant stock of embroideries,
van dike points, torchon laces, lace
curtains, lace and embroidered van
dike point setts, nansooks, lawn ging
hams, calicoes, 6ilks and many things
marked down and in all grades to suit
the most fastidious. The entire balance
of our winter stock will be closed out
at prices much below value.
(a in the city.
Mr. F. R Kroner, of Winterville,
paid Athens a visit yesterday.
Mr. J. H. Smith, of Oglethorpe county,
lain the city.
Mr. A. B. O&mpbeM, of Stephens, Ga.,
ia in the ci’y.
Mr. 8. C. Arnold, of Oglethfrpe
county, paid the city a visit yesterday.
Mr. Joe Bernard is quite sick.
Mr. J. W. Bogel, of Dalton, Ga., is in
the city.
Mr. Wilson Glover, of Charleston, S.
C., is in the city.
Mr. W. 8. Martin, of Jackson, Ga., is
in tho city.
Mr. W. L. Henley spent Sunday with
friends in Madison.
fir. J. H. Carithers, of Jackson, was
ifi the city yesterday.
Mr. J. W. Thomson, of Oglethorpe,
U in the city.
H1« Fannie Pullilove, is in the city
visiting relatives. *" ,
Miss Rhoda Nathan has returned from
a visit to Madison.
Mr. Ferd Williams returned to El
be rton this evening.
Mr. 8. A. Warde, of Oconee county,
is in the city.
Mr. F. W. Winfrey, of Oglethorpe
county, is in the city.
Dr. A. C. Quillian, of Thomson, Ga.,
is visiting friends in the city.
Mr. Fred Gann, of Brunswick, is
visiting bis parents in the city.
Mr. Campbell Jackson, of Oconee
county, was in the city yesterday.
Mr. James Wagner, of Madison
county,ia in the city on important busi-
The synagogue is bcinj beautifully
decorated for (becoming Jo&eph-Marks
Mr. Charley Cooper returned to the
city yesterday from a business trip
down the Georgia road.
Mr. T. Rem Crawford, of the Banner,
is quite indisposed, with an attack of
the grippe.
Messrs. Gene Black and Fred Lewis
were confined to their beds Sunday aud
Monday with the grippe.
Mr, Lon O’Farrell has moved to the
house recently completed by Mr. Walter
Childs, on Barber street.
A prominent citizen of Elberton, who
is well known in Athens, made $3,500
in the rise in cotton.
Messrs. Bartow Tarpley and J. W.
Thomson, two popular Oglethorpe men,
were iu the city yesterday
Mr. J. E. Dobbs had the misfortune
to have, bis foot badlv mashed by a
horse stepping eu it yesterday.
The anniversary of theDeinosthenian
and Phi-Kappa societies will take place
on the 20th and 22nd respectively.
Mr. H. S. Williams, a popular Balti
more gentleman, was welcomed by his
numerous friends in the city yesterday.
Young Matterson, who attends the
public school, hts been quite sick, but
we are glad to learn is rapidly improv
Messrs. Thomas & Strickland, Pope
Barrow, A. P. Henley, H. C. Tuck and
B H. Noble compose the Athens dele
gation of attorneys attending court in
Oconee this week.
He Ex ft?Idler, aad in Trjltj«•
Mah« Ml. War Alahaaut.
A few days ago several of our citizens
noticed a very handsome, heavy set,
soldierly looking mau going from house
to house begging hi* bread. When j
asked who he was, the tale that he told
was *o tiie effect that he was an ex-sol-
dicrof the United States Army, and
having received his discharge in Dakota
was making his way to Alabama, where
he intended re-lnlistment. He gave hist
pame as John Prescott, and refused to
Say more about his identity.
inquiry was made among the negroes
as to who be is, and John Smithson, a
negro, says that he saw the roan w lio
told him that he intended killing him
self as i e was tired of ufe aud the world
Ou Barber street he met several little
negroes and began to talk to them, ask
ing one to go off with him, and telling
the others that be would kill them if he
ever saw them again.
Mr. Jobn Bird saw him, aud
here is what be Bays about him.
“I noticed a very nice looking man
out in the woods in front of my resi
dence, and thought that he acted rather
strangely, but thought no more of it
until one of my employees, some time
afterward brought me a full suic of
men’s clothing. My mind at once re
verted to seeing the man in the
Who do you think he was?”
‘‘I think it was same tramp who stole
suit of clothes from some one and left
his old clothes in the woods.”
The clothes were shown, and had
great spots of what looked to be paint.
The shirt was thsr United States Army
regulation, and was of striped mate
rial. The shoes were comparatively
new and nicely polished.
Mr. J. E. Sims, of Winterville, was
Jn the city yesterday, and gives the fol
lowing description of the man:
“Some time ago,” said he, “a very
fine looking man came to my house
near Winterville, and asked me for
food. I invited him in, and on ques
tioning him found him to be John Pres
cott, a discharged soldier from the Da
kota division of the army.”
He had refined manners and appeared
to be of foreign birth.
Nearly every one who saw him was
impressed by his strange actions. _
Was he crazy or not? and who is he?
are questions that will in all likelihood
never he answered.
hantftnc rw»»TI UwVl —r »ok la nthhulr
bnpnacd utt) pare water, tbt natural
until. era wc ara
I »«"• «*»«P
> "reUKHlj.”
Dr. Totf. LIrer pills. They stirunUle tli.
liter, itrrocthrattM aertra. restora tbeap-
fcwUt. ju>d lmlldnptk. debilitated body.
Tntt’s Liver Pills
Price. 25c. ^Office, 39 *41 Park Piece. M.V.
! aft"r a triumphant lour through
England, Ireland and ScoUnr.d,
| of the Queen of Ounblr,
The follrarincwHalale
111 lnrtl.iT nolle*:
2i*th Meridian-. Si Fash
Tnoc. jgi Train.
Fresh Fish and oysters received daily
at Booth Bros. ti
Do You Want Chkat Board.—Ap
ply to 221 Doughorty stret. Jan5-Im
Fine fish and select oysters a'l times
at Booth Bros. tf
Royal Insurance Company,
of Liverpool, England. Grant
& Willcox, Agents.
TO RENT.—A well located store on
Broad street, can be rented at a bar
gain by calling on Julius ‘Cohen at
50 good mule* and horses for sale
Ore & Hunter.
For fresh fish and oysters call on
Booth Bros. tf
j and an excellent Company, in her
new Comedy-Drama,
Lv. Union Ft.
Ar Atlanta
S.S0 * m| 8.40 *
8.4i * Bii u./J a at
3 .V) a on a m
r.l-T a n f 0.*4I a m
8.28 a, iu 10 ri> a
fi.Sfl a ral IftSci . -m
9.4T a nil Lis'« m
9.85 a to:l:.85 a m
1.00 ]> m' 5.48 p iu
£.25 p in
Messrs. J. A. Lyle, S.' B. Hawks, R,
M. Dowdy and C. O. Brooks, of Jeffer
son, were in the city yesterday.
Policeman Kelly yesterday received
news from his home in Sandursville
that his mother was quite sick. He
leaves this morning for her bed-side.
Mr. John T. Brown, of T. Q. Uada-
way’s, is greatly annoyed by persons
taking him for Jim Brown, mentioned
recently in the Banner. This is very
trying to the gentleman, as he docs not
even know the Jim Brown mentioned
Master Reaves Wood, of Macon, was
in the city visiting his parents on Sun
day. Reaves holds a very important
position as telegraph operator in the
general cfiice of theC. & M. railroad.
Dr. I. G. Goss and lady returned yester
day to the city from their old home at
Fort Lamar. Dr. Goss is one of the
most skilled physicians in the South,
and will doubtless build up a fine prac
tice here.
Miss Callahan, Michael Bros.’ popu
lar milliner, has left for New York on
a professional trip. She takes in the
Fountain City on her Way, where she
will be the guest of MrsfJ. A. Mullane.
Mrs. E. B. Beard anil Mrs. Dr. N. G.
Long, two of Elbert’s most esteemed
ladies, are expected on a visit to triends
in Athens soon.
Mr. H. E. Choat, the popular book
keeper for 'Hodgson Bros., has a very
Ided dramatical talent, and will
probably go on the stage. His friends
predict a brilliant future for him in this
Dr. E. S. Lyndon has secured the ser
it and
la the bane ot so man;
we mate our meat
while others <lo not.
Carter's Lrmjt Lira I'm* are very small
anti very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not (tripe or purse, hut by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents:
lire for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
castzs xxricnrc cx, Siw y«l
Embroideries, embroide
ries, embroideries I Entirely
conceivable pattern imagina
ble, at The Surprise Store.
Lost or Strayed.—One red cow
with hmg horns—one horn with brass
tip. Return to John Cain. 37-dgt
and in
weloome him to the Classic City.
The young- men of -Athens are an*
iously awaiting the completion and
opening of the Y. M. C. A. building.
Misses Walthal and Samneis, of
Charleston, S. C., chaperoned by Mrs.
Wolf, of Madison, arrived in the ci y
yesterday, to attend the Joseph-1
wedding. .
J. H. Stone, of Athens, and a- repre
sentative of the Banner gave us & call
a man
UUVU VA LUC AZAanjut US u call
rsday, Mr. Stone Is an ex-editor,
an who has a thorough knowledge
Those hemstitched match
sets and Vandyke floun
at The Surprise Store.
srs rema ;
in post office at Athens, Ga., adver
tised Jan. 37,1890.
ladies’ list.
Abberbee Susie. Brooks Cornelia,®
Blackinen Mamie, Caslow Fannie,
Granes Lizzie, jf "1
Harris Maria,
Kellum L D,
Hays Maria,
Mitchel Ellen,
Nedfort Vinnia,
Patman Rena,
Wilder Mrs John,
CrnwfoVd Harry, CokerCtfi
Eider Jack & Tom Griffetb W B,
Kenney George. Lawlar W J,
Mitchel TM, Phillip Harap,
Smith J S, Sikes John,
Winkler D M. Woodson H M,
Messrs. Sopp & Co. .
W. B. Burnett, Post-master.
See our line of lOets. edg
ings. They are the best val
pes ever shown in Athens.
Surprise Store.
Jefferson, Ga., Jan. 27.—Our ex
cellent pastor of the Methodist chuich
on yesterday organized a Juvenile Mis
sionary Society of the Methodist church
here, and much good is expected from
The school is still on a boom and
some twenty pupils will enter to-day
Sheriff McElhabnon is on the war
oath and says he will have everything
i n order for ccgttt next week.
Mr. Bell MeKhtire, of Carnesville, is
in town to-day; the guest of Hon. J. N
Jug Tavern, Ga., Jan 27.—“Bed
Star,” the Indian Lecturer, is here
He spoke, to a crowded house last night
will lecture again to-night. He wears
liis ..ativc costume of ornamental buck
skin and long "black hair, which hang
down over his , shoulders. He is well
educated, having attended school seven
years in the territory. He is a natural
orator,and to listen to his fluent English
dispels the erroneous idea t)iat an Indian
cannot be civilized and .become useful
as a citizen. He said that in his travels
through , the states he found much to
instruct him informing a correct idea
of civilization. As an example he said
I was passing along the streets of
town. Several loafers were sitting on
dry goods box on the opposite side of
the street. They raised a yell tbinkin~
that I would respond with a war
whoop. But 1 passed on without no
ticing them for I had business to attend
to and they bail none. I was civilized
and they were not. This did not cau
me to form an opinion 'of the country
Was in, for i know that they were not
^•representatives.” The object of the
lecturers’ tour is to properly put before
our people the necessity of helping to
educate and Christianize hit down
trodden race. They do not ask for our
money, as they are able to help them
selves,'hot they ask our sympathy And
our protection. They ask usto put civ
ilization in reach of them and not sur
round them with it but keep it where
they cannot reach it. nis lecture- to
night will be illustrated. He carries
bow and arrows,but says that he has no
fnrther use for them than to illustrate.
3aby One Solid Rash
Ugly, palnfnl, blotched, malicious. No rest by
day, no peace by night. Doctors and all
remedies failed. Tried Catlcnm. Effect
marvelous. Saved bis life.
Cured by Cuticura
Our oldest child, now six veara old, when an
Infant six months old was attacked with a vir
ulent. malignant skin disease. All ordinary
remedies falling, we called our faiai'y pluslelan
who attempted to cure it; but It spread with al
most incredible rapidity, nntil the lower por
tion of the little fellow’h iierson from the middle
of his back down o his knees was one solid rash,
ugly,painful, blotched, and malicious. We had
no rest at night, no peace by aay. Finally we
were advised to try Cuticura Remedies. The ef
fect was simply marvelous In three or four
weeks a complete cure wos wrought, leurisg the
little fellow's person as white and healthy as
though he had never been attached. In my
opinion your valuable remedies saved his life,
an.l today he is a strong, healthy child,perfectly
well, no repetition of the disease having ever
occurred. GEO. B. SMITH,
Attorney at law and cx-proseenting attornev,
Ashland, Ohio.
Boy Coverad ‘With Scabs.
My hoy. aged nine years, has been troubled
all his life with a very bad humor, which ap
peared all over Ids body in small red blotches,
with a dry white scab ou them. Last vear he
was w orse than ever, being covered with .scabs
from the top of the head to his feet,and contin
ually growing worse, although he had been
treated by two phvsleians. As a last lesoit, 1
determined to try the Cuticura Remedies, and
they did all >hat 1 could wish,
to direc ions, the humor
. ..—, , caving the skin and
smooth, and performing a thorough cure. The
Cuticura Remedies are all you eltlin for them.
They are.worth their weight hi gold.
No. Andover. Mass.
Cuticura Resolvent.
The new Blood irarider and purest and best of
Ifuiuor remedies, internally, nnd Cutieurs, the
great skin cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exqui
site skin purifier, externally, speedily, nerma
neatly and economically cures in early lit# Itch
ing, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply,
scrofulous and hereditary humors with loss of
hair, thus avoiding years of torture and disfigu
ration. Parents, remember this: cutes in child
hood are permanent.
Sold evet’ywhere. Price, Cuticura, SOc: Soap,
25c; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Porritn
Dbcq AND COEMICAI. Corpouatiox, Boston,
E^-Send for “How to Cnre Skin Diseases; 1
Cl pages, 5 ■ illustrations aud 100 testimonials.
Visit our (Store to-day
and see the handsomest
and cheapest line of em
broideries and Bouncings
ever shown in Athens.
Subprise Store.
Johnson Annie,
McGinnis Melissa.
Moore Katt'e,
Matthe Callie
Norman Mary Jane,
Smith Mrs. James,
White Lucy,
A Teacher in a Private Family.—
A lady capable of teaching music aud
the usual branches of female education
can obtain a pleasant situation in tny
family as teacher. The pupils will be
three little girls. Address
Geo. Murrell,
27-d2t-wlt Winterville, Ga.
es and
received a cor load of
S33W0 1 • Tfoy^have off h?ind and
will continues to keep at all Hines ns
ftne.a lot of stock as found in the
western market*'aiuT those desiring
horses and mules would consult their
interest by calling at their stables on
Washington street. j2C-lw.
It has become a common thing to ask ’dier-
Fresh Chewing Gum,-Pep-
ermint, [Pineapple and Lem
on .flavors.
L. D. Sledge & Co.
Electric Lights for East Athens
—“East is .as dpk as the inside of s
cow,” said a citizen of that place yes-
t- rday, “and we want some lights over
there. If wo had good streets instead
of the mass of gullies that we have, we
wouldn’t ccmplalq; .hut,.Lord knows,
we haven’t, got good street*, and we
must have light to see how to get out
of the gullies Six electric lights woul ’
light us up all we want, and why can
we have them?”
13.17 p m
3 35pm
an.i Company in Songs, Dances
Duets, Trios, Quartettes, and
Her Great Banjo Solos.
TRaINn westward.
5 35pm
8.15 p m
keopm 7.20 pm
tt.oO » m
4 11 p m
Sorrells & Smith
Lt Acguaia.
Macon .
MjU'tig vlh*
Ar. Union t’t
LV. Allan!*..
Ar. Union PL
Rush'* oM Stand, 105 Clayton Stmt.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye
Staffs, Glass and Potty.
Fresh supply ot Landroth’s GARDEN SEE
Morrltt’s Celebrated KcmcdUs.
For Horae* Rml Cattle.
We make a specialty in preparing those goodv
Merritt’s Cleansing Powder,
*• lloof T,U|nld.
“ Favorite Liniment.
Physician’s Prescriptions
Accurately Compcnnfied, Day or Sight.
ry* Having pur-ta^cd Ruth's Prescription
lie, can duplicate Prcsoi iptiona filled by him.
Jan. IS “d&
DIDVK! Skin and scalp preserved and beauti-
D-vDI h lied by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pure.
How My Side Aches!
Arhing rides and hack.h!p.kidney and
uterine pains, rheumatio, scintie, ncu-
-lgic, sharp anil shooting pains reliev-
in one minute by the Cuticura Anti
Pain Plaster. 25c.
Phenix Insurance Com
pany of Brooklyn, New York
Grant & Willcox!, Agents.
Lee Kan^e
It Stands on its Merits,
_ The following twenty well known
citizcusof Athens are selected front my
list of purchasers to whom 1 refer as to
the merits of the Lee Range. Consult
the references, see the Range and if you
want a first-class cooking, apparatus
you are my customer.
Dr 8 C Benedict
F B Lucas
H N Taylor
Prof H C White
Prof E C Branson
Julius Cohen
I H Alien
A H Hodgson
Casper Morris
Wm Ware
M B Mcuinty
C D Flanigen
Mrs Blackwell
Mrs Olive
Mrs Lucy Mathews
E R Brumby
A D Mathews.
J BToomer
Industrial Home
Thomas Fleming
In th© Country:
Dr Watkins, Sandy Cross J
W O Fluker, Union Point ^
Mr. Stovall, Oconee county
J W Arnold, Wilkes county
Andrew & Glenn, Oglethorpe county
J M Brisendim, “ *
James Young, “ “
Hon Jas M Smith, “ “
M Mathews, •’ “
James Hutcheson “ , “
T A Hanie. “ “
J R Shields, Jackson county.
Woods Ashford, Watkinsville
James Freeman, Antioch
G A Potter, Supt. Ga. Factory.
Mr Card, Supt. Barnett Shoals.
Wb daalo and Retail
Another Splendid Gift.
An Elegant Work of Art
To every new subscriber or renewal for the
7.45 am 11 .C5 a ni
7.10 a m .
11.10 a ni
lA5-p m
li.W a hi
5.55 am
11.4* pm
2,10 p m
2.81 p m &.4i p m
S.OS p m (1.01 p m
3.21 p ra S.0S p nr.
4 OS p in *.£4 p m
4.E!' p m 8.4»( p tn
4.51 u ni 0.45 p m
■5.15 p rrt 7.00 p in
I.-eavu Athens'* 6 15 pm
Artivo Union Point .' 8 43 p m
Let e Union Point* & 45pm
Arrive Athens. OsOum
•Except Sunday.
UMoTrtlTvrTt wuite plains r. k.
——■ "V. — : - : ——.I. .
Leave Union Poiul*.tWllrill
Arrive at Siloaui 10.35
Arriva at White I’lains.;
l.tare White Hales ;
Vrrive at Stloaai
Atrive at Union Point....
, *12scept Sunday.
11 1C a n.
*5.40 p m
(i.03 p tu
**.4;> p m
•800 am
. 8.(8 a in
».<sl am
*3.30 p m
4. 05 p iu
4.4 Op m
Fast train : Sleeping cars between Atlanta
Augusta , ami-GbarieiUou. Night express
Sleeping ears botwenn Charleston and Atlanta
Augustu and Atlanta, Augusta nud Mneon.
lraios No. 2T and -j3 will stopatnnd reeSiTe,
passenger* to and from the following stations
ocly: Urovetown, Har’sm, D-uring, Thomson,
Nurwocd, Barnett,Crawtcrdviltc, uulon'Poiei
Greeuvshoro, Madison, Rutledge, Sorial Ctiole
Covington, Conyers, Liiltoma, Stone Moun
tain and Ueoator.
Trains >o and from Athens connect with
trains 27, 2S, 1 and 2.
Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass, Agt.
. WHIT -
(10 Pages.)
The Beautiful Engraving,
‘ The Scotch Raid.”
A group of Cattle and Sheep (by Rooa Bon-
eurj. A companion piece of “THE KOuiK
FAIR.” which was, until re cntly, the premium
li he Weekly G obe-Democrat.
p“The r-lice ot the WEEKLY GLOBE DkM-
R VT. one year, a d the ngravl'ig “THE
SCOTCH RvlD,” a only
Subscribers desiring both pictures can have
THE HORSE FAIR” for 25c extr .
Postmasters aud news dealers i 111 ta' e sub-
scriptlous, or remit direct o tee
Globe Printing Co.
gp-?end for sample copy of paper.
Jae 15 -fit.
Suwanee River Route to Florida.
Lv Macon
Ar. Cordcle,..
Ar. Tilton ....
Lv.Tifton ....
Av. Valdosta
Ar. .Tr.s]>cr....
Ar. Lake City,
Ar Jucksonvlu
No. 1'!
10 45 am
12 52 pm
(?. 8pm
228 pit
410 pm
5 28 pm
#45 pm
No. 3.1 No. 5.
1115 pin]520 pm
10C am (T12 pin
945 pm
213 am
335 in
4 41 am
92) pm “8 31 am
No. 11.
1120 pm
550 pm
(No. 13>
6 30 am
1040 am
531 pm
Lv Jacks'nvlle
Ar. Lake City.
Ar. Jasper....
Ar. Valdosta.
Ar. Tifton,....
Lv. Tifton....
Ar. Cordele...
Ar. Macon....
going xowrn.
No. 1.
7 CO pm
810 pin
No. 2
735 am
10 0 am
11 05 am
1212 pin
204 pm
5 20 pm!
No. 0.
7 (Vi an
120! pm
00' pm
(No. 14)
080 am 700 am
fi 3<9nin 1120am
259am 1030am 1 716 pm
Ne. 12
Trains Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 stop between Macon
and Tifton only at Cordele and at stations south
of Tifton.
Pullman l’alaoc sleeping cars on trains Nos.
3 and 4.
All trains arrive and de]>art from union depot
Macon, except Nos. II and 12, accommodation
trains, whiCQ arrive and depmt from Macon
A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Manager, Macon, Ga
J. T. KOBE. Gen’l Pass. Ag t, Macon, Ga.
J. H. DORSEY, Soliciting Agent, Macon,G
In addition to the
I keep the bestandlargest selected stock
Stoves and Goods in
my Line
Of any house in this city. A call will
E.E. J0NE3 209 Broad St
Queen Insurance Com
pany of Liverpool, England.
Grant & Willcox, Agents.
Geo. C.TnoMAs. Jmo. J. Stricki aw
Atss. Georgia
.iuu w.
ITS. Trav. Pas*. Agt
I keep on bands a good supply ot
Garden ECosg,
Julius Dornblatt,
Guyton Street, Athens, Ga.
CAUTION |$£w5sr"H
bottom. If llio dcalor cannot supply you,
serai direct to factory, eucloelnc Advertised
Keeps on hand at all times a full
line of
Full Measure,
Honest Weights
aDd Good Quality
Good Vinegar, Syrup, or Sugar
Give Him a Call.
A very fine line of CRACKERS, and
a Fancy Brand of
Which will always satisfy.
fresh. Beat of
Lard, Hams, Dried
.75 BOVS
.. All made in Congress, 1
$3 & $2 SHO&o ladi
Brat Material. Best Style. Best FltUn*.
W. I« Douglas, Brockton. Mau. Sold by
IV. C. & f}. ff. SjiEAD.
AT V&fcrC"
Bottom Prices,
WRITE TO i. . . ^
Geo. 11. Lombard & to.
Foundry, Machine, Boiler an d Gin Wory
aad Supply House,
Mch? a*
Notice to Bridge
Bids will be received or. <
February 1*90 by the Go
nary of Oconee and C
Construction of a