Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, May 08, 1891, Image 2

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ATHENS BANNER : FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 8,1891 The Athens Daily Banner IfFnbtlstod Mly. Weekly *Bd Sunday, H PUBLISHING CO. BuncuimnD. i>. rumun>, . ..Managing Editor. -BBtlnsaa Manager. S3 I s ■ aagsrBgg^BWHP sssssi: *Traiut««t advert aemeet* -win 1 tiro rate of $U> p r MW" for the 8r»t toertloe, 1BIMM4 lor each »ul»oaaent Ina rtton. e», i net adTcrt^MMaeoU. on woleh ipecial * *Jee» wUl be charged atthe rate ofl° _> .me each Insertion. except wheneoo- ffor extended periods, wo n .portal rale* may DO made fcy expreca; postal _ srsKSsm 1 ?^*.*- to lb* Burt THE WOMO'S FAIR CONVENTION. The World’s Fair Convention will go down to history. And it ought to. That convention brought a most important day in the history of Georgia, and the issue before it was so satisfactorily settled that, surely, it will enter largely into the future welfare of Georgia. The convention after thoroughly investigating the matter in hand,has found that Georgia has the legal right to be represented with an ex hibit paid for by the State, at Chi cago. The opinion of Mr. Andrew J. Cobb, of Athens, showed to the delegates at the convention that not even the spirit of the Constitution would be evaded in appropriating a part of the Western & Atlantic rail road rental, and the decision was quickly reached, recommending the appropriation of $100,000 by the when thu giuat mass is considered, ha vs oo intention of making a per manent settlement in the United States. As a role they have families in Italy, end they here removed to this country for t$e temporary par* pone of accumulating sufficient means to enable them to support these families without having to work as formerly. America has been held up to them as a land where money can be made very quickly, and only a few years in consequence are necessary to insure a small for* tune As the average Italian immi grant’s conception of what consti tutes a small fortune is very modest and restricted, a larger proportion of them are successful in obtaining the object of their ambition than would be supposed. The financial collapse in South America has stimulated the immi gration of Italians to the United States, and the tide now flowing into this country is far greater than it has been at any time in the course of the past. The problems which the presence of Italian immigrants in the United States creates are only growing more and more complicated, and in consequence more and more difficult ot solution. i most soecmsfwi Athenians who have ■Dos out to aid In the eptmiWing of the Southern railroad world. He is one of the most prominent men on the force of the Bichmond A Danville’s leading workers. unun—Mr. Xdward Durant the manager of Scott Thorn too U one of the best sensational and sporting reporter* in the Southern puma. He writes for the Constitution (at *ti: •opoJitan ooo- i*t make bead er tail out of is nddlert i* Unde wet) -I . that tune the fiddler* is playin'. City Niece (whispering)-It's a syu»- pbony. “It donY seem fumy a fait. Who writ itr « ®° nt Monkey” with your Blood. The following defense of the dude is funny : “Many people abuse the dude who are not his equal in any respect. In thc.flrst place they abuse him and he never abuses them. We submit that this proves him to be a better and a more intelligent person than his enemies. In the second place, he keeps clean and does not attempt to conceal by sober raiment the vanity which others consider it neccasaiy to conceal. In the third pia< e, his clothing is comfortable and costly, being a great improve ment in both thebe respects over the SOMETHING TO LAUGH AT. Among sidewalk tradesmen businen is at its best when it comes to a it >nd —Boston Courier. When a woman becomes a suffragist somehow she looks as though she carries a pistol.—Atchison G obe. It is curious about people who cannot sleep nights. They can always sleep through chore time in the morning.— Binghamton Republican. There is something radically wrong about the man who can have exactly the same opinion ot bis own baby that other people have.—Somerville Jour nal. A different set.—“You mustn’t asso ciate with chickens.” said Mother Dock I Johnny) to her Ducklings. ,f Why not. mamma?” 1 — Because they are not in the swiin.”— Brooklyn Life. Judge: And he took you by the thmat and choked you, did he? Pat: Yis, sor; he squared me throat till Oi to’bt he’d mek cither one of me Adam’s apple.—Buffalo Express. It is said the coming man is going to be hairless and toothless. This being the case, if the human family is not to die out, the future woman is to be blind —Texas Siftings. “Why are all the statues of Justice represented with scales in her band ?” “Isn’t that all right?” “It may be now, but 1 didn’t know they bad fallen from her eyes.”—New York Herald. Too easty joy.—“Oh, you are a very clever man.” “So! then you have read my last book!” “Yes, but for all that I hold to the opinion I had before of you.’’—Fiiegende Blaetter. .“Who's beT “A great German composer, uncle.” “Oh! No wonder I cant understand it. But considerin’ th’ price they charge fer tickets, I think they might play it in English."—New York Weekly. Ho Ck»n- He—When wo are married, dear, yon can have a new dress every month. She—Bat that's what I’ve always been accustomed to. He—Well, yon trill still have the father, will you not?—Cloak Review. » *— Ambition. Teacher—And why are you desirous of learning the German language. Drunrists 8«I1 It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawers, State Legislature at its next session, conventional and costly uniform of Oiate LAglHiaiui*. a j ^ He ^ ^ g() yajn M the cnU In doing this the convention has | ca liy genteel mortal who exerts him- •**.**-«.«. The pride of “’1^“ 2 the State will be upheld, the abund- men are frequently too cowardly t' ant resources ot the State will be I acknowledge their weakness by loud dre sing. We submit that the dude handsomely set forth before all na- j g (, rave< if a young man wants to lions of the earth, the flood-tide of employ all the colors of the rainbow I he has as much right to do so as he immigration Southward that has wouW have to 8tick w 8 h a bby gen- lately been started will sweep on to- teei black.” wards Georgia with ever-increasing I Eugene Steer, the Washington impetus, bringing prosperity and correspondent of the Atlanta Jour* , • Dal. writes as follows : “There are success to every farm and every in- few ’ bona fide Georgian9 holding de- dustrial pursuit of this great Empire parimenlal places under the govern ment at this lime. When Mr.Cleve la>d was president some old fossil- What a debt of appreciation does j (ter- >ub republicans, who, years ago, the Slate of Georgia owe to the figured in our State’s politics, were . ... discovered in the bureaus of the sev- World’s hair Convention of May er ,l depanmeiltS| but not a hair on 6th, ’91 ! Wbat a debt of genuine any one of them was touched. Among .. , , • thef.e people was Hon. Fitzpatrick, gratitude does every Georgian owe who 0 ^ c ? epre8enwd B ibu county in Mr. Andrew J. Cobb for bis safe and the legislature. Fitz was then and is now a clerk in the pension office and draws bis pay like a regular. A man wbo has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar: read what he says: Toledo, O., Jan. 10,1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co.—Genth- men:—I have been in the general prac tice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice and experience, have never seen a prepara tion that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I can Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by vou. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that I have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it according to di rections. Yours Truly, L. L. GORSUCH, M. D. Office, 215 funinit St. We will give $100 lor any case of Ca tarrh that can not be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. CHENEY & CO., .Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Johnny—So that when ma tells me to come into the bouse I won’t understand her.—Chicago Times. Th* Fireman's Roman**. “You are out with Mias Rox?" “Yee; h*r father pat an extinguisher on the affair.” “You’ve done sparkiug then’/* “No, I've gone back to on old flame.” —Cape Cod item. Queer Feet. “It’s a rather inconsistent state of af fairs." suddenly exclaimed Know lea. “What is?" naturally inquired Bowles. “That a watch which always has balance must also have tick."—Jewelers' Circular. Dealing la Realities. Optician (to his clerk)—lu sending out the new price lists be suie to write the I addresses particnlarly small. I want to | make people see and feel bow necessary it is to use spectacles.—FliegenUo Blot- I ter. A Blow. “Honor's but an empty Lnbble after | all.” “But 1 notice we all lay our pipes and are ready to waste the soap for it.” — Puck. OLD CHARTER RYE! " Absolutely the Finest.” Bluthenthal & Bickart, Wholesale Whiskey Merchants, 46, 48 and 50 Marietta St. Atlanta, Ga. “It. *S& B.” March 7 from—feb. 80—dly. FURNITURE, CASKETS, Etc- No. 895 East Broad Street, Athens, Ga. OSF’ Call and compare prices before buying elsewhere. March tt ■Feb It—4*wim Our Spring and Summer Stock IS NOW BEADY FOR INSPECTION! It comprises all the latest designs of foreign and domantio manufactures carefully selected by Mr. C. H. Ferris. It is the most complete selection we have ever offered. Everything that is new and stylish baa’ been bought, ratting these facts into consideration, in connection with our established reputation for good fitting, stylish and well-trimmed clothes, we are more than ever able to give satisfaction. VWfc/ Tailors and Outfitters, 820 BROAD STREET. - - - AUGUSTA, GA. Samples mailed on application. Feb 27—odecl-t—d3m Hood’s Sarsaparilla PASSENGER SCHEDULE. Georgia Southern «fc Florida Railroad, SUWANKE RIVER ROUTE TO FLO KI DA. Tsking effect January 4, IdSl. Standard Time, 80th Meridian GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. 2 15 p. m. 6 55 a. m. Leave... .. Atlanta ..Arnvt.. 10 00 p. m. 10 00 u. m. 6 15 p. m. 10 45 a. m. ArriYe.. . .Macon, .. L«?i»ve.. 6 05 p. m. 6 lo a. on. 7 (M p. in. 11 t)ia. m. JLeavu... . .AlttCOi.,. . Arrive., 5 55 p. cl 5 45 a. m. 9 8ti p. m. 1 55 p. m. Arrive.. ....Cordele .. Arrive.. 3 24 p. m. 8 16 a. m. 11 07 p. m. 3 25 p. m. Arrive.. ... Tilton ..Arrive.. 1 30 p m. 1 51 a. m. IS 4"> «l in. 5 00 p. m. \rrtve.. 12 ol a. m. 12 18 rgh. 2 5> a. eh. 7 05 p. m. Arrive.. .. .Luke City.... .. Lear*.. 9 55 a. m. 10 00 p. m. 6 )0 a. m. 9 00 p. in. Arrive. .. Jacksonville, . .. Leave . 7 30 a. m. 8 0 p. m. 3 15 a. m. 10 15 p. m. Arrive . .. Faiatku ... Leave, 7 i*0 h. oi* 5 25 13 o. a. m. Arrive.. . St Augustine, ... L ave. 1 30 p. m. Don’t bny a Freezer until you have seen the “Peerless” and the ! “Gem.” They have been tried and found perfect. See them and get Is a concentrated extract of Sarsaparilla, I informed before you purchase your Yellow Dock, l’ipslssewa, Juniper Berries, | Freezer satisfactory solution of this most | important question. All during the Cleveland regime he run a desperately quiet game—sawed wood and 9aid nothing, and the re sult exceeded even his fervid Irish hopes—he stuck like a major domo.” THE CEORGIA PRESS ASSOCIATION It is an interesting question just now to the editors of Georgia where ....... . ...... | Walter Ndnnkllee, at one time to hold the next convention of the Uve and piqaaD Peditor of the Georgia Press Association. Last Anniston, Ala., Evening News, is year the convention was held in Sa- ° ow in _. th * y u8Cal ?°. 3a in ® aD ® J 1 lom. Cigarettes.—[Augusta Even- Yannab, and a delightful excursion j D g News ] How many bright minds WM enjoyed through the tropic lands I must fall victims to the nasty cigar ... .. . ® „ . , „ „ ette ? It is high time the law was of Florida and Cuba. Col. J. H. Es-1 ca ju DCT a halt. till, who was then president of the » ... , _ . . I Scott Thornton is fairly off on Association, spared no efforts to the fickle ^ ^ eternal fj*, now. make the convention all that it ought I His performance before the college to be. It was a pleasant and a prof* boy s settled matters for good, and r he is now an actor on the American itable meeting. stage. It is rumored that his Man- Now what about it this year ? The »?cr, Mr. Edward Dcrant will take . „ . . . Scott to Europe next year, State Press Association cannot at- , , m ford to have no convention. It will ^ts the Dallas Morning News : . . .... We do not believe in the Darwinian seriously ciipple the interest in the theory that we were onC€ all pop. Association to miss a year. Major I eyed monkeys with cocoannts in oar W. L. Glessner, president of the As-1 h ® n< * 8 . > ns tead of base balls. But * there is no donbt that we can some- sociation, says he is determined to I times make monkeys of oufnelves. have a great excursion th s year,. , Mexico has appropriated one mil and sorely every Georgia editor will lion dollars to the World’s Fair at assist him in his efforts to make it Chicago. It would seem that Mexi .... , , co means business in this matter, the best convention ever known to ' With one hundred thousand doi* Be (.-nine to Time. A big man and a little man had a wax of words on Congress street, west, the other day. The big man dared the little man to tackle him for a cent or any other sum of money which he might care to put np, but the latter answered: “No, sir! I will bide my time! 1 can wait!” “Going to hit me with a brickbat some dark night, are yon?” “No, sir! I shall take a manly .re venge.” “ Write a letter to my girl, ehr “No, sir! I am going to California. When I get there 1 shall box up a stone | weighing about twenty pounds and send to yon by express, C. O. D. It will cost yon about fourteen dollars to pay the charges.” i3nt I wou’t receive it” Oh, yes, yen will. Curiosity to know I what is in the box will be too strong for ] yon. Yon’ll take it quick enough, and my revenge will be complete.” See here, old fellow,’’ remarked the j big umn after a moment’s thought, “1 was too fast I have wronged yon, and I beg your pardon. Let’s shake and | make up!” And they shook.—Detroit Free Press. He Knew the Enemy. It is related that at a recent sham battle young lieutenant, posted with Mb com pany behind a wall, ordered his men to fire at a detachment of troops who were marching by. The guns were loaded with blank cartridges, and no harm was done: but the detachment happened to be on the same side of the sham fight as the com pany which had fired at it. The commanding officer came riding up. “Why did yon fire at those men?” he I 1 rS^aTSS‘*SSi- J J-lJ<*n Crawford & Co. said the lieutenant And what led yon to suppose they were the enemy?’ “Because my tailor was at the head of them, and I saw my batcher in the ranks. What else could I suppose, sir?” —London Tit-Bits. the history of the club. It is hi ingdone. . ,i lars Georgia ought to be able to It is high time something was be-j have ft l p i en did exhibit at the I World’s Fair. ITAIJLAN IMMIGRATION. Concerning the Italian question the Richmond Times speaks very forcibly upon the subject of immi gration. It says: The accunte information which The man who thinks Athens is not growing, onght to go oat to the sat barbs for a tour of observation. The cold wave that has lately come to ns is somewhat oat of date, don’t you think ? , And, now “Old Hatch” is going the inspectors of immigration at our j to Boston for a vacation. “Hatch different ports are able to obtain as | seems bound to have his fan. to the exact character of the popu. Fashion editors say the blazer is pull lation flowing to our shores from the'7aT JS abroad discloses two very st<iking through. facts in connection with the Italian immigration. I georgi a people. j First, there is among these immi* j Walsh —Hon. Pat Walsh of the- grants a very notable disproportion Auguste Exposition company is doing between the number of males and I over^.Xnn'wUd J__ females, respectively. It is estima * fall while the exiK*i(£ot4 is in progress* ted that at least nine-tenth* are Cohen.—The repo it that Mr. Jack men. a disproportion nbt observed among the immigrants belonging to nied by those in a position to know, the other nationalities, there being | Rutherford.—The maoy friends in their case a marked numerical i Mias Mil,ie Butherford wiU be glad t, u , t, _ _ know that her book Ame ican Authors equality between the Boxes. s00n be outof the press. Secondly, the Italun immigrants, j UgLesky.—Mr. L. L. McLesky who with comj arativcly few exceptions was born and reared in one of Children Cry for Pitcher'* Caitorl* ' Mandrake, Dandelion, and other valuable vegetable remedies, every ingredient being I strictly pure, and the best of its kind it is possible to bny. It is prepared by thoroughly competent Iihar- maclsts, in the most careful manner, by a peculiar Combination, Proportion and | Process, giving to it curative power Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when In the power of medicine, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, Cancerous and nil cither Humors, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties with the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an Appetite, and gives great mental, nerve, bodily, and digrstive Strength. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is sold by an druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by CL Hood A Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsapa rilla do not be Induced to buy any other. IOO Doses One Dol lar A fire line of Summer Goods ar riving at the Housekeeper's Head quarters, 209 Broad Street, E. E. JONES &CO. April 11—dtff nested col Jacksonville. « Pullman sleeping cars on night trains. 1 Connection north bound and soul i bound is made in Macon with trains on Central and B. T tQ. Railroads. AC. KNAPP, J. T. HUG it; L. J. HARRIS. Traffic Manager. ien Pass. Ag’t. Tiokel Agent. Union dspot. HENRY BURNS, C. T. and P. a. No. SIS Mulberry 8L. Macon, Ua. C. C. ROD .S, Jr., Solioiting Ardent, S Kimball Block, Atlanta, Ga. C. CONOVA, C. T. A. R. T. RICHARD, Agent Union Depot W. P. LAWSHE. T. P. A. Palutku, Fla. JAMBS MENZIES, Southeastern Agnnt, 98 Went Bay Street, JacksoDTille, Fla. CHEAP GAS FOR FUEL. T HE Athens Gaslight Co. is now pr to furnish on short Doiicegas-stoves,ranges, hot plates, and ovens, of the following uiakes: The Jewel, The Dangler, The Success A Per fect, The Vanwie, The Chicago, The Favorite, and many other splendid makes, a sample of which may be seen at the office, No. 1x3 Clay- tonlstreeL The Gas Co. realizing the fact that gas may be made a cheap tnel for cooking and heatiog, have reduced the price of gas for this pur pose to $1.75 per thousand cubic feet. Ibe amount of consumption to be determined by sperate meters. Believing tliat this rednetion in the orice of gas, for tuel, places it in the reach of all, we nave determined that we will place the stoves or ranges in the residences ot patrons at s minimum price for the cost ot the material used. No charge will be made for the labor in pip ing cookers. Vill be pleased to show [these GAS STOVES to all who wish to examine. By J. T. ROBINSON, Manager. May 8—dim. SAVE YOUR WINTER NOTHING AND BLANKETS | Athens Gaslight Go., From the.Festive Motb, bt using ‘^y COAL TAJEl CAMPHOR FOR SALE BY New York Life. Fine Fen tiler* link* Fine Birds. L 1L WHOLESALE AND BET AIL Druggists —AND— Seedsmen, ATHENS, GA. April 10. rjtn.aa- dly.ed.p.nj.m. Aetna Insurance Comi | ot Hartford, Conn. Grant & Chaibonnier, Agents. CABRY THE NEWS. —Mtmsey’s Weekly. Amateur Gardening. Bring unt the rnsty garden rake, ' Hast op the hoe and spade. For spring is here, and It is time To have the garden made. Your wife will lean upon the fence And watch yofr while you mark. She’s always prompt to giro advice. She’ll never let you shirk. ' Don’t waste year time in trying to tell The bulbs from worthless weeds; ■ TMy til np; that's oulent, Yoo’ll need the room fur mail Work hard, man, yon won’t break yoar “ bade. Though you may tear you may. Don’t stop to lean upon your spad*— ■ Think what yonr Wife will say. Then when yon*ro got th* garden dug, The seeds all out of sight. Ton’d better hire a gardener To do It over right —Somerville Journal. ! McKEAN & GARDNER, I AT MILLS’ 0LD8TAHD, Are making CABINETSI At $3, $4, $5 and $6 per doz. CRAYON WORK A SPECIALTY. | CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. | May 9—dSISt German American Insurance! I Company of New Y'urk. 6 ran * & Chbrbonnier, Agents. rW.:**5wrM’»v: The New York Life turned the corner January 1st, 1891, with cheerful face, a ruddy complexion, and a body of Aldermanic pro portions. ' Notwithstanding tlje increase which it made in weight daring 1890,it walked around with as quick and light a step as i n former years. Let us see what did last year. It issued 45.754 Policies. It wrote $159,376,000 new ii snrance. It increased its assets $10,894,20$. On the first of January, 188 ., the total assets were $115,947,80$. The surplus $14,898,450. The Premium income was $27 228,209 and the total receipts $32l 158,100. There are 1.73,469 Policies ' force* amounting to $569,338,726 insurance. The Record*show8 that the JNe r York Life is gaining ground rap idly. In five years it has addeu over $50,000,000 to its assets,me than doubled its income, and adc ed $310,000,000 to ita.Inauianae account. For further information, call op or address, MELL A LINTON, • University Bank, Athens, Ga. A. C. FINE, Special Agent, Commercial Hotel. R. H. PLANT, General Agent. Macon, Gk March 15-dim. Queen Insurance Company of Liverpool,England. Grant Covington & Macon Jttailroad.. F.ETWEEN MACON AND ATHENS. NORTHBOUND. SOUTHBOUND. Second Cites. Local Ft. Dully ex. Sunday. 7 ! o am. 8 Oti 8 It) 8 18 8 30 .bii 8 S3 9 it 9 35 9^55 10 05 110 )0 !l0 55 11 18 12 05 pm. 12 37: l oo: 1 15 1 27 2 09 2 40 2 45: 3 lo: 3 50 4 25 4 50 5 02 » 14 5 35 5 55 pm. TIME TABLE. In Effect Wednesday, April 2.1)91. Fast Mall Dully 7 15 am. 7 17 7 20 7 28 7 33 7 40 7 47 754 »00 8 10 8 l-< 8 25 843 8 51 908 Lv Macon E.T.D—Ar. Lv Macon .. Massey’s All 1 Chalk Out.... Van Kuren.. Roberts Slocum M rtcu.... Gray s Biuoicy Wayside.... Round OHk Hillsboro, .. Adgaieville, Mlunetta ... Monticello... L’c’ifl D’ly ex Suml’y. 9 44 it 53 10 Oi 10 06 10 98 10 40 10 5 1120 11 4P 1148 11 56 12 04 pm. )2 12 Haclien .... Shady Dale. Marco Godfrey .... Broughton.. Madison ..: Florence...’. Farmington bishop Watklusvllls Sidney ... .„ Whitehall, 12 25 p m' Ar. Athens.., HAMILTON WILKINS, Superintendent. 6 20 pm 6 18 6 11 6 u9 6 04 nG7 5 50 5 44 539 529 5 21 5 13 4 57 4 49 435 4 32 4 31 403 359 350 3 37 3 05 3 03 2 55 230 2 12 201 1 58 148 140 1 <5 pm 2*1 Class I 5 20 5 I* 4 50 4 49 a 1 4 •) *0) 3 10 2 50 2 25 2 IE 1 20 12 60 12 48 12 35 12 50 11 20 11 15 10 45 to <a 9 27 9 04 8 37 8 25 8 10 7 10am A. G. CRAIG, Ass’t Sup’t. Joel Hubt, President. Edw.’.ri> A. Swain, Vanagoi- of Agencies. J. B.NcTTISO,Secretary. INSURE YOUlt PROPERTY IN THE UNITED UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE CO PAID IN CAPITAL $30o,000 00. Dikkctoks: S. M. Inman, A. D. Adair, Joxl Hear, James Tobin, J. W. English, T. J. Higutoweb, R. J. Lo _, bt, W. W. Thomas, H. T. Inman, J. R. Nutting, B. A. Din mark, W. A. Russell. Geo. WiNSHir. Atlanta,, Ga. Grant & Charbonnier, AGENTS. Apr.l U -dwedfrisun8w. I iverpooJ & Charbonnier, Agents Subscribe lo Banner. the Athens 1