Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, May 09, 1891, Image 2

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HIE ATHENS BANNER SATURDAY MORNING MAY 1891 The Athens Daily Banner irulini^— DGly. W*MUJ »ad SnJKlay, by TB g aTBKJTS FCBtllHlUO OO. tnaiKauvroiD. o U. .HMtaglnf C4itor. dEPuiS® SSTO *§**! will DC iDMTtedSl ik3 r*i« of ftiiO p f Mture fof the first Insertion* in* ruoo, ez- MP OOO MgJESS?* ^JsSTS^eSwin be ettbe ntteoM*’ Mnte pee line sicti Ineertlon^ ®xeepC'ehen coo- treeteStorexte udftdperiods,wb nepeeUl Wlilbe m Remittances may be made by expieu, poetal aute!iB«»«y«wder or regtatered letter *ai\ bualseae eoeanitmiraUooe should be ad treated totbe Business Mnnacer. THE MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL. Athens should not sutler the mid' summer festival that has been start- ed afloat to fall through short of a splendid success. When it is remembered that every little city and town along the route of the Georgia Carolina and North ern railroad has greeted the first train on this great trunkline with overwhelming ovations as celebra~ tions of a new era of Drosperity, it certainly should be sufficient to in spire the people of Athens with suf« fleient pride ts eclipse anything in this line that has ever yet been witnessed by other cities. Athens is the city of all cities to be a ridiculous attempt at decep tion. Jeflsraoo’s whale theory of government is against the privilege to a clasa which the modern doctrine of extreme protection implies. No msn in public life ever' carried this view further. He may be quoted in favor of wbat was known ss protec tion in bis day, bat such extracts, when viewed as conveying bio sens limenls of what protection Is in onr day, are a clear case of what the sciipture describes as “the letter that killetb.” Some people are ig norant enough of the character of this most influential man in Ameri can political history, to be deceived on that point, but we pay sufficient respect to the intelligence of most newspaper writers to assume that they are not of ttie number. The Boss, a newspaper published is Arp, Georgia, is much frightened at the prospect of war with Italy He writes as follows People of Arp, in time of peace prepare for the exigencies of war You know what a war cloud has o late been hovering over this country and Italy. It would be of interest for you to know why it did not burst, Italy well knew the great moral force back of the United States, The Boss. And well might she hesitate before she dared to defy this power! in a moment of desperation goaded on by the populance, Italy might de^ clure war against the Union. But you ask, what have we to fear energies towards equipping himself for nis editorial dudes. He has succeeded _ making the Herald-Journal one at the best and aMest papers in the state. The Greene Rifles regret to give him up Mb* has made a needed officer. Coons—Sbertar Cooper, of Houston county, passed through the city today with two lunatics en route for Mllledgo- ville. Williams—Mr. W.G. Williams, phy sical instructor-elect of the Macon Young Hen’s Christian Association, st rived in that city yesterday from Hous ton, Texas, where be has been serving in a similar capacity for some time. Tucxer—E. L. Tucker, a Way cross negro, made application fur admission to the bar, bat was refused because he failed to furnish a certificate of his mor al character, and that be had .studied ltw under a practitioner for the requi site length of time. Jokes—It is public impression that tho late Col. John E. Jones wss not president of the Covington and Macon road at the time of his death. This im pression is a mistake. He was presi dent, and his successor will have to be elected. Snn—* Hum! The ocher evening a little girt, a mite "of five years, lay on her mother’s lap dning the children’s boor. Play was over and the white robed little figure vnwteudy to be tuckssl Into bed. But she dammed for a story, and the moth er told her of heaven; of the golden pavement*. the greet white throne, the snowy garments of the angels and the perpetual praise from the harps of tbe great orchestra of the blenAsd. After the story was finished the child was si lent for a minute. Then she asked, v.mTTi. have we got to do just that for ever and ever, amen?" It will be difficult to insure the orthodoxy of this precocious young person.—Detroit Free Press. BANNER WAVELETS. ‘The shortest thing we know of is a Strawberry short-cake without the ber ries in it,” says an exchange. What about the far famed oyster Soup with out the oyster in it? A Texas editor says a person must have some sense before he can know whether he hac any or not. Notso. he has much sense he doesn’t waste time thinking about tbe question. His mind is absolutely void on the matter. Some men will swear they don’t be lieve in ghosts, but, bless your soul they’ll all tremble in their knees when they see a white garment fit night on the clothes line. along this road that will be benefit in ,j, e mountains of Ga., away from oil it.mupr. Hash people! Don’t you ted by the new line. Athens is the largest city on the routd, and Athens sirely must not be out-done by Elberton, Abbeville and other cities, whose celebrations have advertised these towns widely to the world. all danger. Rash people! Don’t you know that she could reach our very gales. This i9 how she could come:— __ Burn Savannah, pass up the Sa vannah river, into the Broad, thence its various tributaries into tbe up Hudson, steam up to Martins bridge and author in 2£ miles of The Boss ULCERS, CANCERS, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. Item tmpare blood —octetsBy treated by udbut of .11 tonic* nl Swifts Specific SSS DtauwfnA Printed ATLANTA, OA. ■itnnfnl. Some Japanese real estate boomers 1 application, ananas went out and founded a town and adver- Tbs Swift Specific CO. tised as a leading feature “a great 1 avenue, fifteen feet wide, running the length of the town." This extravagant waste of land was reported to the gov ernment, and the boomers were ordered to simmer down or go to prison.—Cin cinnati Times-Star. furniture We are the best known Furniture House in Athens. In market our Cash gets the bed rock price and at home our long experience gives the people confidence in our goods. We have too the beet selection in plain, fancy and artistic furniture. Onr im mense Ware-Rooms are full to overflowing. We invite an inspection of the stock at prices that cannot be met by ihn*e having no experience in the business. 'Ve also have a full line of Coffins, Caskeia, etc. £. S. EDGE FURNITURE GO., Furniture and Undertaking, 321, 322 and 323 Broad St., next to S. C. Debts. May9 ePab It—dAwtm. OLD CHARTER RYE ! Let Him Try It. A Philadelphia surgeon says that by «« Absolutely the Finest.” three strokes of his lancet he could par* lyse the nerves acted on to make a mao get mad. and thereafter anyrae could & BiCkSUrt, pull his nose, cuff his ears and spit on I U1U.UWjU.uuim vjj , his boots and he would simply smile a Our Spring aud Summer Stock IS NOW READY FOR INSPECTION ! It comprises all the latest designs of foreign and domestic manufactures carefully selected by Mr. C. H. Ferris. It is the most complete selection we have ever uttered. Everything that is new and stylish has been bought. Taking these facts into consideration, in connection with our established reputation for good tilting, stylish and well-trimmed clothes, we are_mors than ever able to give satisfaction. soft, bland smile —Detroit Free Press. Youth and Beauty. , Pr served by urine that marvel! of the MJ. I “Leauuell* Oil.” Though called an oil, is more the nature or an expressed Juice, PS*®* 8 ?} peculiar properties pre enting Wrinkles or tentenoy to Ageing of the akin. BOo | and tl-OOat I’ntggste-^^ ^ ^ ^ Wholesale Whiskey Merchants, 46, 48 and 50 Marietta St. * Atlanta. Ga. Match T from—feb. SO—dly. It All Tate* Time. Don’t be prejudiced. Because a* oos time you put a short local in your town newspaper for one week, and tooned" all tbe fence boards in tbe viem- CARRY THE NEWS. If an honest man is the noblest work of God then God’s noblest work has . , always been at a discount with human ity. don’t give up, get discouraged and fciml say that you have tried advertising, re- That fellow Scott Thornton has tbe persistence of a mad dog. This much | can be said ill bis favor. solved that it didn’t pay aud decided not to do any more of it.—Warren (Ilia.) SentmeL McKEAN & GARDNER AT MILLS’ OLD STAND, Are making LAUGH AND BE MERRY. More than thU the Georgia Agri- olCct .j ~p ri)m here she could hail cultural society with its three liuu-1 bomb a! bomb into the ^ at T ™ e ‘ , . , , • , tiopolis of Arp, and before The Boss d red deli gates will be iu Atlicas id | coul( j interfere, do immeasurable August, What more fitting tim* damage. And far more terrible than , , . . . r „ n bombs, she could turn loose a whole for a grand festival ; a week of un army 0 f org ansgrinders and monkeys ceasing, and unbounded pleasures) on uu ; i* ah— 1« JsftZfr CTS'tSSi in this’ important matter. It strikes Dr i,|g e wiih torptdos, with sand- to the very h“art of Athens for a crackers and there prepare to defend to ttie very oi a our cily from the Lepanto and speedy settlement. | duello, or determine to sbed oceans ot blood (which can run through ANDREW J. COBB. | Mr. Brocks canal) for your city, A«— Lu I... - - be pn-Kl | ‘£>$1 of such a citizen as Andrew J. Cobb. As a citizen, he has ever beer; active and energetic in doing all ii his power to advance the interests oi land ) . Right now!! To arms! To arms! “I am the son of Asa Pratt, a hard wotking cabinet maker, who toiled from daylight until dark, in order Some butter belongs to the first rank. —Washington Star. An old stick in the mud—an anchor. —Puck. The countersign—marked down be low cost.—Richmond Recorder. It is the landlord who doesn’t over look the leased thing.—Washington Post. Baseball games are always worn on lost by the score.—Columbus Dis patch. Disappear Debar should be given at least a ghost of a show.—Oil City Bliz zard. A nickel in a lung tester is the latest device to help a man blow in his money. —Yonkers Statesman. My goods all speak for themselves,” remarked the dealer in phonographic dolls.—Elmira Gazette. “There is music in the heir,” said a young husband, reaching for the pare goric bottle.—Harvard Lampoon. Housewife—Don’t rub your dirty clothes against that door!” Tramp— Why not ma’rn?” “Because I don’t want you to darken my door again— Yonkers Statesman. Mrs. Crimsonbeak—I see that Miss Canister has gone aud married her gro cer. I wonder why? Mr. Crlmson- Expect Good Returns. Give your “ads” a sanguine, optimistic hue. Convoy, in a subtle but unmistak able way, the impression that you ex pect success, and the results will much more rarely come. Never odvertiae your doubts or f earn. CABINETS At $3, $4, $5 and $6 per doz. Tailors and Outfitters, 820 BROAD bTREET. - - - AUGUSTA, GA. 'JB' Samples mailed on application. Feb 27—cdecl.2—d3m Covington & Macon Kailroad. TETWEEN MACON ANDAi’HKNS. NORTHBOUND. SOUTHBOUND. Second Clue. Local Ft. Dally ex. Sunday. Fir it Claes. 61 Fast Mai Nothing except the mint can make teener -without adrertisiag.—Gladatona CRAYON WORK A SPECIALTY. Purify CALL AND EXAMINE 8PECIHENS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. May 9—d312t 7 f0 Hiiii 8 06 8 10 8 18 8 30 .8 42 8 53 9 11 9 35 9 55 1005 10 10 10 55 11 IS 12 05 pm. Dally. TIMETABLE. 50 Fast Mall In Effect Wednesday. Daily April 2. 1‘91. 7 2S i -3 e u 12 37: l ou: I 1 15 1 27 2 00 German American Insurance r generations, causing untoia sunering, aau i r Vn.L C ron > also accumulate poison and germs of dis- 1 Company OI N CW Y ^rk. b TAD the city. As a lawyer, he has cat -1 lliat |,j 8 family often children might | beak _i suppose he'suited her to a tea ried out a splendid reputation at the bar, and is steadily rising in his pro fession. Up to a few months since, it was the settled opinion of the Slate that the General Assembly had no power under the Constitution to make at appropriation for an exhibit at ai who had relirn- et a subsistence. All I am 1 owe | —Yonkers Statesman to tbe kindly endeavors of his hard I “Mama.” said little Ethel, tailing clU»», who IS bis children never to waste time nor ^ rea ^ believe this needle is cross- money.” That is the simple story eyei ] # __Washington Post, of bow the late Charles Pratt began Young wile—Did you try any of mv career which has iuet ended, de- pie, dear? Husband—-No, dear; I for- career wmeu J wpa khiesi got to renew my life insurance policy priving Brooklyn of her wealtbies. K terday . m do so today and try the and most generous citizen. His ioi> ' je tonight.—Yonkers Statesman, nine is estimated at from ?lo,tKX), - - 000 to $20 000,000. and he gave millions during his lifetime The Importance o! keeping the tilcod in a pure condition is universally known, and yet there are very few people who have perfectly pure Wood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheum, or other foul humor is heredited aud transmitted for generations, causing untold suffering, and * we also accumulate poison and germs of dis ease from „ tk 0 af we I & Charboniiier. Agents, breathe, a the food I we eat, or tfb||BP the watcr we drink. W I 111 I There U nothing ■ HU! more con clusively ■ MUg proven than the positive power of Hood’s Sarsaparilla over alt diseases of the Wood. This medicine, when fairly tried, does expel every trace of scrofula or salt rheum, removes the taint which causes.I ^ catarrh, neutralizes __ _ _ 1 “ipfe"jewel, The Dangler, The Success A Per the acidity and cures BTB B feet. The Vanwie, The Chicago, The Favorite, rheumatism, drives IH B Ann land many other splendid makes, a out tho germs of malaria. Wood pol- _ ________ . —....— ...... aonlnc etc. It also U|U|J1I The Gas Co. realizing the fact that gas may In V h>e made a cheap tuel for cooking and heating, vitalizes and en- haTO re dnced the price of ga* for this pur- riches the Wood, thus overcoming that tired ^ to per thousand cubic feet. Ihe feeling, and building up the whole system. I *[ a)ount „f consumption to be determined by Thousands testify to the superiority of Hood’s Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. Full lnfor- CHEAP GAS FOB FUEL. RHE Athens Gaslight Co. is now pr furnish on abort notice gaa atOFes.ranKi ,nt»*s. a»id ovens, of the^following waki ri ample of Georgia apte 1 Ola matlon and statements of cures sent free. eperate meters. . Believing that this reduction in the Dnce of A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to knoVr salt from exposition such as the World’* Fair: | ^ “uiron* adolia^anct ] sugar;' read whathe rays^ ^ ^ Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co.—Gentl menI have been in the general prac- but this able young lawyer of the c i OS ed his career with more thou city of Athens has come forward insunce ot how I ^ce”of medicine for most 40 years.' ami with th. convincing opinion that the l apidly forlone8 . re made in would say *^ v * e n ^“LS'TprepTre- appropriation can be made witbou 1 this wonderful country or ours. tion that I could prescribe with as much violating the Constitution in letter j a way out in Texas -the people arc I ^^rrh ^ure^manuf^tured & by you. still rebels of the first water. The Have prescribed it a great many time* New South doesn’t live on Texas soil and its effect is w ®“ ,1 ® r T f “ 1 ’ Tnd to judge from the circulation of the rayrn following little piece of dog-gerel ^ would take j t according to di- that tbe newspapers are circulating: rect i 0 ‘ n8 . Yonrs Truly, 1 L. L. GOKSUCH, M. D. Office, 215 r a omit St We will give $100 lor any case of Ca- a. * . Kn n:i n./l Or 5 t Vl ITlllUv Hood’s Sarsaparilla 1U for tael, place* it in the reach ufall, we have determined that we will place the stove* I or ranges in the reatdeocea ol patrons at _ a uateiial minimum price for the coat ot tbe No charge will be made for the labor iu pip- I iag cookers. SoldbyaUdreggists. 01;rixforS5. Prepared only l»y C. L HOOD * CO., Apothecarlea, Lowell, Ma*S IOO Doses One Dollar or spirit. His opinion, published iu The Bannkb some time since, started r. movement for a convention, and last Wednesday that convention was held in Atlanta. Mr. Cobb delivered an elaborate •pinion before the convention, and Will be pleased to showjtlieae G-A.S STOVES | to all who wish to elamiue. Athens Gaslight Go., By J. T. ROBINSON, Manager. May 2—dim. New York Life. good old rebel, rsjnat what 1 am; „ Oh! I’m a Now that., For the •• fair land of freedom I tio tiot care a The large fountain erected at Mil waukee in honor ol Henry Bergh bus _ r arrangements for watering horse his reasoning was so logical and an d dogs, but none for thirsty men. tarrh that can not be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Props., Toledo, O. 0“ Sold by Druggists, 75c. cmvincing that, the convention acb-1 They are . e JP^ cted t _ l ° iug on his opinion of the law, re quested the General Assembly to ap thirst with Milwaukee beer, probab- | iy- Hon. Andrew J. Cobb of Athens, propriate the sum ot one hundred ; s l j ie biggest man in Georgia today. .V a li.n to nrnvide for a for the satisfactory settlement of the thousand dollars to provide for a w Qrld ’ B Falr question was theN(. suitable exhibit for Georgia at the | g eat wor k for Georgia that has late- j ^ anting catchy advertisements. In ly been felt. * 1 Advertising Necessary to Success. The merchant or manufacturer whe does not advertise his goods cannot suc ceed. Of late newspaper advertising has become a distinct trade in itself, and all over the country leading concerns pay fabulous prices for men who are skillful The Greatest Medicinal Discovery of the Age. No Disease of tbfl Blood can withstand, its powerful cleans ing qualities. ■:te tbaiprinc ot MSI contracted • tesv&aaTO ntltlca of an the blood purifier, on th, J>at nono»mD«d toaom.*nyfooUuntal •track W. W. a (Wooldrld*e , » WooderftU Curet Fire bottle, of tiiU truly wonderful medietas hu EE? nvnbotUMOf this truir 1 cn*de noompleto euro of I _ to trite was covered with joiyeJ beedtofooC Your* gratelully.J A ApelachtooUi. FBu. Dee. X1HL KASUraCTDEXO BY WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO, COLUMBUS, QA. FOB SALE BY ALL DBVGGISTS. the Colombian Exposition. Speaking of the opinion Atlanta Journal says: ‘•The able opinion delivered by tbe Hon. Andrew J. Cobb on the constitutionality of an appropria tion by tbe Stat,e and the indorse, meats of bis views by other able lawyers, it may be concluded, re moved all doubts in the minds of the delegates of the power of the State to make and pay the expenses as an ex hibit," The Aagnsta Chronicle and other papers in the State also compliment* id Mr. Cobb very highly. He was he toast of the oonventiOD, and his •potation as a lawyer of profound vbility is second to none in the tate. many large cities there are men earning from 83,000 to flO.OOO a year to write ad vertisements. This fact in itself shows THOMAS JEFFERSON’S VIEWS The attempt to connect Thomas lerson with high protection is well iosed by a correspondent in one of Brooklyn contemporaries, says Boston Herald. But every stria \t . ol history always knows it The following from the Dallas News puts the mother in-law in a 1 advertising pays, new light: If people interested in this subject Toe vainest person you ever «aw will investigate it for thefnselves they {§ tbe ostentatious mother-in-law. j q^ill find that the leading advertisers in The Plain Dealer are the merchants who 6^ VIS YOUR WINTER MMM AND BLANKETS | From the Festive Moth, COAL TAB Georgia's legislature mu t now do h ave the best stores, the best assort-1 its duty and appropriate the $100, meuta of goods and who sell at the most _ _ TT - - n 000. This is right and, Georgia can reasonable prices. Such merchants do s k IIII D U I 1 U 1 ~' h larger business than merchants I U 1VI | f| II [\ , do not advertise; consequently they V/ IX AT A A AA W AX It raineih on the just and the an- I bfun tnsir goods over morequickly and FOR SALE BY iust alike.” and still we are not I can afford to giro better prices. ^ Cloee I S «^tiJ? a tL V4 jolm Crawford & Co„] Vndicionaly succeeds the best,and thisI. * ’'I buyers who wek tile best bargains patronize such merchants.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. The New York Life turned the U>ruer January 1st, 1891, with cheerful face, a ruddy c< mplexion and a body of Aldermanic pro portions. Notwithstanding the increase which it made in weight duriDg 1890,it walked around with as quick aud light a step as iu former years. Let us see what did last year. It issued 45.754 Policies. It wrote $159,376,0(10 new in snraoce. It increased its assets $10,894,209, Qu the first- of January, 1891 the total assets were $115,947,809, The surplus $14,898,450. The Premium income was $27. 238.209 and. tbe total receipts $32, 168,100. There are 173,469 Policies force, amounting to $569,338,726 insurance. happy! A Glorious old picnic to- day in j the wild woods. WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL The Record shows that tbe New York Lite i6 gaining ground rap idly. In five years it has added over $50,000,000 to its assets,me than doubled its income, and add ed $310,000,000 to Us Insuianee account, For ' urther information, call on or address, 7 IU 7 17 754 800 8 10 8 IS 875 S 43 8 51 sue ' 15 Lv Mamn K.T.D—Ar.l t> 20 |>m Lv i. aeon . M-stcy’s Ml 1 Clialk (hit.... Van liurea.. Huberts Muuuiii M rtcu.... Grays Bradley Wayside .... Round Oak Hillsboro, .. Aiiiiiiteville, Minnellis ... Mouticello... L’e’lf’l IVIy ex 8 Os 5 57 6 50 5 44 6 30 5 29 5 21 5 13 4 67 4 42 435 4 32 Mactien IS ,4 > 53 2 40 2 43: s lo: 3 50 4 25 4 50 5 02 5 14 5 35 5 55 pin. 10 05 10 06 10 38 10->0 10 5- 1120 11 40 II 48 11 56 12 04 pm. 12 12 Shatly Dale. Marco Godfrey .... Broui;' lou .. > adlsuu ..: 31 4 03 359 3 50 3 37 2d Class *»_ | 5 6 5 20 5 (S 4 56 4 49 • •» 40/ Florence... lannlucton Bishop W atkinsvllla -idney Whitehall, 12 25 p n. At. .Athena. HAMILTON WILKINS, Superintendent. 3 05 | 3 03 I I 2 55 2 30 2 12 2 0» l 50 1 48 140 LV.I 1 .5 pm 3 10 2 !4> X 25 2 15 1 20 12 50 12 46 12 35 11 20 11 16 10 45 10 02 9 27 s a? i » SK> V 4Uoui - A. G. CRAHV, Ass’t Sup’ti- PASSENGER SGHEDUIaE. Southern & Klorida X^ SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLOltlDA. Taking efleci January 4,1891. Standard Time, Both Memdium GOING SOCTU. GOING Ntv K <ri| 2 15 p. ra. 6 15 p. m. 7 00 p. Di. 9 36 p. m. 11 07 p.m. 18 45 *. m. 8 55 a. m. 6 55 a. m. 10 45 a. m. 11 00 a. m. 1 55 p. m. 8 25 p. m. 5 00 p. m. 7 05 p m. Lf ave... A rrive.. Leave... A rrive.. Arrive.. Arrive.. Arrive.. .. Atls-.ta ..Macou, . ’Macon, ....Cordele ... Tilt .n .. .Valdosta ... Lake City.... .Arrive.. .. Leave., . Airive.. . .Arrive.. .. Arrive.. ...Arr vs.. .. iscavs.. 10 00, 0 05 p. ca. > -55 p. C. 8 21 u, in. 1 at p m. 12 01 a, m. 9 U a m. 0 80 a. m. 9 00 p ra. trrve.. .. Jacksonville, . .. Leave 7 50 a. Ji. 8 15 «. m. 10 .a p. m. Arrive . ... Falalka ... Wve. 7 < o ^ ni. l'J 05 A m. Arrive.. . St Augustine, ... L are. 10 00 u. m s 6 10 a. ir». 5 45 a. S 16 a. UK 1 51 a. in.. 12 16 ««bk lo oo f. ta 6 <i p. nv. 6 25 p. I i 30 p. I Trains arrive and depart from anion depota in Maooa and Paiatka and f. 0.5, P,depot in Jacksonville. Pullman sleeping ca-a on u : ii!it trains. Connection north bouud and south bound ia made in Macou with trains on Central and E. T. Y. AG. Railroads. A. C. KNAPP, J. T, HOOK; L. J. HARRIS. Traffic Manager. Geo Pa**. Ag”!. Ticket Agent, Umoq depot. HENRY BORNS, 0. T. and P. A. No. 515 Mulberry St., Macau, ifa. C. C. ROD IS, Jr,, Soliciting Agent, 6 Kimball block, Atlanta, Ga. L. C. CilNOYA, 0. T. A. It. T. RI'JH ARU, Agent TJawt Depat W. P. LAWSUE, T. P. A. Palalka, Fin, JAMES MKNZIES, Southeastern A Bent, 95 Waal Bar Street, Jackaonville. Fla. PARR BROS, House ni Sign. Painteiw DECORATORS AND DEALERS IN Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, No. 17 NortJt .Tactrsnn Street N«xt Door to Rdonm Offlnr The Central railroad in going to fix up the C.iviugton and Macon, The thing. midsummer festival is the A Love Song In M Flat. “My modest, matchless Madeline! Mark my melodious midnight moans; Much may my melting music mean— My modulated monotones.” This ?oung man stayed out too late, serenading his lady love. He caught * gold, which developed into catarrh, bnt he cared it with Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, a sovereign specific for chron ic cases, “Cold in the Head,” Catarrhal discharges, heals the irritated throat Young—Capt. Edward Young has An d nose, leaving the head clear, and resigned his position as leader cf the iuie il and taste unimpaired. It co«U Bur, don’t those town fellows play ball? Athens gets gayer every day. Druggists —AND— Seedsmen,! ATHENS, GA April 10. cjMt^S- dly.ed.p.n.rm- MELLdc LINTON, University Bank, Athens, Ga. A. C. FINE, Special Agent, Commercial Hotel. R, H. PLANT, General Agent. Macon, Ga March 16—dSpt. GEORGIA PEOPLE. Aetna Insurance Company Greene Rifles. He finds that, his grow-1 b ut BO centsfan^rhe^proprietoii offer J Ol Hartford, Conn. Grant ing and popular paper requires moat of! j n jjood faith $500 for a case they can-1 & ChaiDOMUer, Agents. * hi* time. He intends to.bend kU Ws m eun , lueen Insurant e i ’om^diiy, r?’ Of Id & CharBonnier, Agent»j verpool,England. U rant V--