Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, November 04, 1891, Image 1

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L»b*« r J r i.NOTEMBER 4,1891 ATHENS. GA., PRICE FIVE HOW EH, SPEAKS CLASSIC CITY CHAT. MORE WATER 13 WHAT ATHBN3 WANTS AND WILL HAVE. AN AMPLE fPPLY WILL BE VICTORY! PALLS TO THE LOT OP DEMO- |CRAT8 EVERYWHERE EXCEPT IN OHIO. CAMPBELL GOES DOWN Byth* Fight Made (Within hi* Own Party— Massachusetts. Now York. Pennsylvania and Iowa In th* Democratic Column. Democracy made almost s clean sweep yesterday. And taking everything into consid eration, it wrs a triumphant victory. The interest manifested in the elec* tion was intense even here, and the Bannkr office was crowded with citi- aens eager to here the news. Hew Th* Bulletens Road. And here’s the way the bulletins cam- to the Manner office from 7 o’clock nn til a late hour. The Banner < ffice was headquarters for the ness and was crowded from -up per time until after midnight, P- rfec' arrangements had been made for com plete bulletin service, and while the news was slow in starting to pi ur in, it came in bright and hapt-y style at last THE FIRST TELEGRAM. Tl e first telegram was read amid loud applnu^e 11 read as lnllow»: Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 3 -[Hpfcial to Bannuk.]—77 Precincts in New York give Plover 30,000 majority. Russell carries Boston by 13,000 majori'y. THIS WAS OOoI> Haws. Within a leW t momen!s the following telegram was handed the nig it edi and was read aloud, calling forth en- creaped majority and the oountry in stead of standing to the Republicans aa i usual has fallen offend entirely failed to come up to the Republican expecta tions. The significance of Busaeli’al election ia doe to the fact that be ianl a young man sod has made the fight on ] that line. The Republican party inj RUMORS OF WAR. THE AMERICAN CRUISER BALTI MORE SAID TO BE IN OANQBR. THE CHILIANS MAY FIGHT. Massachusetts baa long been held by Dispatches From Valparaiso the older men and they have crowded out the younger generation. Rnmi 1 appealed to the you uger and they see ing that they bad no choice in the old party flocked to the standard of* the opposition and elected the yonng can didate. One of the most significant teaturea of the whole campaign in Mas Stats That ChlU May Strike*. Blow at War-Egan May Get His Passports. London, Mot. 8.—A private dHpatch from Valparaiso says that the American sac husetts is tiisit|NabanL ths*birthplso* I orBi * er Baltimore ia in serious danger, or Cabot Lodge of force bill fame, baa “d there is reason to believe that the gone Democratic by a good majority I Chilians, believing war inevitable, will for the first time in its history, it hav- no t iii ow the United ffttif to wifi** log heretofore been a Republican their own ttm . to declar , war> bat ^ stronghold. The Democrats have I .. , _ ,, . swept the sta'e suddenly give Egan his passports and The returns from Ohio are slow, the ««» attack the Baltimore, so aa to Australian ballot system being in full I have the first blow at an advantage, force all over the state and making it I It is not believed among the foreign impossible to get-any thing like an esti-1 residents of Valparaiso that the other mate. Beta are going both ways. forelgn men of war in the harbor wvmld Republicans, confidently betting on b McKinley and the Democrats still P*® 51 »treacherous attack t»*CR*ain claiming the state for Campbell. The Schley, but would demand that he he disaffection of the workingmen at the I given fair notion to leave Valparaiso. McKinley tariff has been largely Captain Schley, however, ia Keeping a c muted on by the Democrats but bow - oa ^ far this disaffection has gone it is lm I Tl * uua possible to say until the full «*«»«*• Those who know him say he vote has been rounded up and the re-I would not surrender under any circnm- pult made known. Returns show gains | stances, on both sides but at a late hour the vote was coming in very slowly even from the city and results will probably not I be known fully before morniDg. The I Democrats have carried Pennsylvania. [ For the third time the state has gone Democratic and the Republican majori- A TICKLISH JOB. Brooklyn That of Printing the Bl( ReirUtry List. New York, Nov. 8.—The managers of the Metropolitan Job Printing com pany are wondering, after an experi- thusiasm of the most pronounced type I ty of nearly one hundred thousand has I ence that they had, if it pays to ran a among the crowd. I been overcome. I printing office. About 800 compositors Atlanta, GA. Nov. 3.—[Special to Philadelphia maintained a Republican I went on strike, although they were get- Bannkr.] -New York is democratic majority of 13000 but the Democrats ting full wages, and their action threat- probably by 40,000 maj >rity. gained steadily all over the atate and ened the company with a forfeiture of M.issachu-eits will be democratic by I have won by several thousand. I * bond of $40,000 for the completion of 10,000 majority. The Republican campaign leaders I the printing of the Brooklyn registry Republicans in Pennsylvania have I dad hoped that the memory of the Quay I lists. A timely order from Secretary abstained from voting in such numbers | Delamater scandals would die out after I Ferguson of Typographical Union No. a time but the renewed defeat has I g t Mn t the men back to their cases after shown them that fraud is not so easily I they had been out an honr or so, but forgotten. This is an off year in Penn-1 the managers were not at ease until sylvania hut the election was an in-I evening, when the presses had rolled off dicator for ’93 and it waa enough work to make reasonably sure on this account that so I of the completion of the contract in n uch interest was taken in the vote. In | time to save the bond. as ;o throw the state tu the democrats. lo vajre-elects Governor B >ies. Ohio probably republics-., but there are indica ions from tbe western re serve which, if maiutain.d *m11 elect Campbell. P. .1 MokaN. THE FORCE BILL DID IT When the following bulletin was an nounced the men who thronged in the Bavkki; building laughed aloud| and shouted ‘‘Good-bye Force Bill!” The telegram read as folio vs : Atlanta, Nov. 3—[tipe'.-)*' to Ban ner ] -Ru-*aeil is the man i -iassachu setts. Cabot Lodge’s hotm- J Nahant goes Democratic for the fi- .*i time in 60 years. • P.J. .Moran. THEC tMI'BKLL’s CoMlNO. A ml right on the heels of the above came the following: Iowa Boies the Democratic nominee has made an inceased gain and fairly brought the State into tbe Democratic rauks Tbe Iowa election was compli- | cated by the introduction of the prohibi tion question, the Democrats siding aa a I class with the Georgia idea of local op tion. The In'i D u .craiie tick-1 has been selected and t..< Democrats are | confirmed in their last victory hy an in creased majority in New York. Tam-1 many is making preparations for an en thusiastic and grand celebration of a I victory which belongs peculiarly to that This work ia secured by competitive bidding. It must he rushed along. The company engaged 300 extra compositors to get it out as qu’-’cly as it was want ed. From the start the new composi tors seemed to understand that they were on special work and to appreciate the importance to the company of hav ing it done quickly. They began to de mand extra pay for rush work. The company yielded to save dispute. The men proposed to work all night. That meant double pay. The management would not agree to it, whereupon it be came evident that trouble was brew ing. At 10 o’clock in the morning the crisis came when a delegation of the men THE EDITORS WILL 06 Thay WM bo to Maoomto Fix up th* World’s IFair; Hatter. GIVSS HIS SIDE OF THE WA- The State editors will go to Macon L>« TER WORKS QUESTION. Aad the Macon peoplcRwift give them a rousing reception. Says the Macon Telegraph: <9 The World’s Fair eonveudon will .be held in Meood this month. The editor of every wide-awake and publio-spirited newspaper in the state. , will be in Maoon, tbe welcome andhotP \ ored guest of the people of Macon, end, them editors in convention wembwJ will devise way* and mean* hy whicif will ucylx? nnjo ouu mcauo ujr wiuw mH***%t» Georgia, theempire state of tbe SoutV can beet be represented in Chicago at ffi 0 * the World’s Fair. The stole most be represented,” said the convention last week; bat a plan waa not fully matured, and the execu tive committee into wboee bands the work has been plaoed by the conven tion of .representative* of tbe eectiqua of ‘.be statc. how say Again ^ **'-p?cor- gia mus be r prosetatod in Chicago at tbe World’s Fair. The executive committee has decided to ask the citizens of Macon to enter tain the visiti g editors, and members of the eoav- ntiun. For this pi rpose tbe executive committee his formed itself intom soliciting committee and tbe members will ask the people of Macon by popular subscription to raise a sum of money sufficient to entertain the visiting members of the con vention during their stay in Maoon. It will be a grand thing for tbe city and a great thing for the state. The gentlemen who form the com mittee appointed |at the convention are membeis of the Fair and .Exposi tion Company and as publics spirited citizens they know of no such word as fail. They will call on the people pf Maoon this week. FOR SALE, The piaoe known as tbe —M funs* I > BRIGHT AND BREEZY NEWS- VIEWS ANDiINTBRVIBWS. WHAT GOES ON DAY BY DAY. DIFFERENT OPINIONS Give* If Mm Can Oet Money For It-Ho Has Plana Already Started For Increasing Tne Supply. The Council gave its side of the water works question yesterday in some very language and resolutions, owoomes the other side of the ques- The Gossip and News of Athens for a Day Caught on th* Fly by th* Banner Reporters-SIde- walk Echoes. As to Where th* Best 8ourcs of Sup ply Is—Prof. Rutherford’s Opinion on the Subject—There are Many Avallabla Sources. Thrt Were Married.—Yes ter, I ay Tnere is just now great speculation as near' DanielsviIle Mr. .1. B. (iriffstti r 1 where ^ eit f o( Ath «“ could get Kiatrom the Athens CtaTwatorWhi-ka I “artied ***'• Fiuson. Everybody who an adequate supply of water if she . a icom tne Atnens City Waterworks knew the happy couple fee! profound, stL houldbu | ld . 8T8tem . f Company. cougiatulatlons for them at this hour S ° y “ Wmter work * Mr. W. H. Howell, of New York, for beraeif. mgMentof the Water Works Com pa-1 IiiroRTANT Meeting.—The regular There are many plaeea around Athens GtMnjr^jKDi, having been here, in-1 monthly meeting of the Merchant’s Re-1 *bat could easily he availed, and that a&l&Lr'several days. I uil Commercial Agency will be held to- if used would furnished an ample sup- e.c». .1*. u, le,™ag r I the question of increasing the water | dance is iequated supply of Athens, and happened to be here Monday morning when there was 1 The Interest Ban High.—The in no pressure at all at the fits on Mil-1 terest felt here in Athens in the Obi- edge avenue. elections rah high last night and all .. I day yesssrday. It is said that a good ®® r » Howell was seen yesterday by a I deal of money changed hands. Banner reporter, and interviewed as to what he had to say on his aide of this This question being quite an impor tant one just at present has caused a great deal of discussion of this ques tion all - v tr the city. Professor Williams Rutherford, one of onr oldest and most esteemed citi zens, and one who is thoroughly ac quainted with the topography and wa- ..... , , She Caught IIkr Prize—A lady, question which is agitating the minds stopping at tue Tootner House, on yes- t er power of the surrounding country, of Athenians so much. terday invested $350 00 in buying wed- expresses as his opiuion that the most the adequacy of tbe I visu/but wfeakfadv^tDerltoThe ' aV * ilable source of and 4he was asked I Banner captured her purse. water supplyJn Athens? Mr. Howell. Well, it can be made thoroughly . JK* 11 ' 'T-4 bee It Must Follow.—Some prohibition- adequate. If I can get money enough | i*te aud antis were grouped on the for the water after it Is supplied, I can street yesterday ta king about the wa- easilv BUDDlv the citv with 10 000 000 ter question, “Obi knew the water easily supply tne city with 10,000,000 | would have to oorae since the jjgp^. ions of water per day* purest, too, is at Tullasee Shoals, nine miles from the city. Every citizen knows the nature of these shoals. The water is pure and has a splendid fall. Pieuty of water power could be secured to pump the anti i wator to Athens, and the supply is in- property. containing 1J cores ' Three dwelling houses, stables and barns i»n the place. It is located in East Atb: Ls, and fronts on Broad street. Apply to J. M. Allen, 244 Broad street. THE COMPANIES FORMED And the Boys of the University Will Now Drill. Monday Col. Snelling formed his two companies A. and B. under tbe com mands of captains Whechel and Boggs and began the company drilling Tne uniforms have not as yet arrived but will do so in a few days. There ab»nt fifty men in each com pany and among them are many fine drilled men, ana the cadets in the new nniforms and with new guns will soon make a handsome appearance. Why can’t the boys go to Augusta / and there drill against the MilledgeviUe Cadets? Col Snelling is already .great favor ite with the new boys, andlt is need less to say all the old boys love him, and the companies all delight to obey him minutely. , That would gary was established” said enough for Athens, I reckon.” laughing. “That’s always the way it I exhaustible. “You don’t mean to say that you can , ® t:a * £ ? n- 7^whl«key first and cold water Another good point as to th* supply get such a supply from your present after lt- must follow you Enow.” of watet, as Prof. Rutherfordd puts it, source, Mr. Howell?” . . , . . Ms that there is not a city or a village on “No, not at all, but I have in view la8t j 8sue of the New England Maga-1 that river from Athens to its source it different ways in which I can get all zine there is an excellent article upon | ia heuce very naturally pure and health- the water Athens needs and bring it “Atlanta” from the pen of Rev. Leo- ful. into the present reservoir.” nard Chaney It is written in a most The water could be brought from the , « . , . I charming style, is handsomely illustra- ^ ... . 0 „ I now have several plans mapped and sete forth in bold relief th J r »ver to Athens for quite a small sum out in regard to this question and have I prosperity of the Metropolis of the I comparatively. several contracts iu view by which to | South. I Another suggestion is to bring the carry them out. I can thus furnish I water from Mitchell’s bridge which is enough water to supply a city three I A Built Up Section.—yVhile other I still nearer the city, times the size of Athens.” I P° rt i° ,is of the city have been building still another suggestion ls to bring “Will you take such steps at once?” | idty than that section near the inter- I the water su P"ly from Nocatcheecreek, “If the demands warrant the taking section of Hancock avenue and Hull a hold stream out in tbe direction of such steps, they will be taken.” street. Within tbe last year there have Sandy creek ‘ What about the the low pressure we ? on ’! up * n this immediate vicinity five The committee of the Council will have been having lately ?” br^k storehouse^anS s°tiH 'Tnotker * 0DCe t 8et ‘° w0 . rk t0 , C0,leCt dftta M 40 “Well, one reason is the long dry I dwelli* g is now in process of erection. the cost8 ’ etc '»°* erect,Dfir & 8y8 “ season which has decreased the water 46111 of wa4er work8 > and whcn tLat « supply not only in Athens but all over Colonel Yancet —Says the Colum- finished they will begin to look around I bus Herald: -Col Ben *0. Yancey, for a suitable source of supply. . , , , , , wuose death at R'>me, Ga., has just There is nlentv of water around And in, addition to that I mav add I Kiaon unnnniiFAtl ia aaitl t.r\ Viera monm. I ® P * * IMPORTED JAMS, PINE APPLE, PEACH AND APPLE PRESERVES. Kingham Breakfast Bacon, Fancy Bananas. MOORE A BERNARD. bus Herald: ■ Col Ben 'C.. wuose death at R'>me, Ga., has just I , I may add been announced, is said to have resera- ,... ... . ... . that the water consumers are in a very I bled his distinguished brother, William I ■“^“ en8 and w ” e utilized. great degree responsible for this. {he^ptofnu rtf “th? AtCta Conititu - . Rheumatism is like sand iu the bear- “Yonaee there are a large number tion, “it is more likely that he would I * ni ? a ma chinery. Hood s aarsaparil- who turn on the water to sprinkle their have been still more prominent in pub- ■****“ 6 (? reat lubricator which cures lawnsJjuBt before night and leave it run-1 }' c l4 he had made his home in one e ,sra ® - . J:. .... . .. . locality As it was, three states states ing all night long, thus occasiouiug c i a j med b i uli and called him into their all kinds of waste and leakage. In this councils ” MR. C- W. WALLACE DEAD. Atlanta, Ga., Nov 3 —[Special to organization. From the first the fight I wa jt e( j n po n t be superintendent and de- Banner ]—Begins to look aa if Camp- I been made on it as the leading fea bell ia elected Ohio. Democratic gain instate is small but uniform. Campbell claims it. P. J. Moran, this a little later. " Atlanta, Nov. 3.—[Special to Ban ner.]—R'turns from tbe states in ture of the campaign and the endorse ment of tbe State has confirmed its repu- I tation as the home of true Demo- j cratic principles. The Tribune of New ] York concedes Flower’s election hy 15,- 000 majority. returns at 1 A. M. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 4.—[Special.J- manded $3 per hour for the rest of the job. Their demand was refused with the explanation that such wages for 300 men would leave the company with a large loss on the job. The men threat ened to strike if they were not prom ised that pay. When the management again refused every one of the 800 laid down his stick and went out. A message was sent to the office of Typographical Union No. 8. Secretary Fergiwou responded. After hearing The latest advices from Ohio indicate _ which elections were held today show I j}, at Campbell has been defeated and I COI upany'8 story he went among the Democratic victories in almost every | that McKinley is elected by a safe mt ■ ^?3 r .P e . rs,s - n - el - r euaan - jority. This ends a campaign ia Ohio which has attracted widespread interest throughout tbe Union and whose close' ness teaches the people the lesson that in unity alone is a party safe. With a quarter. New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Iowa h*ve certainly gone Democratic by iccresaed majori ties, while Ohio, the most doubtful of all sod the state from which tbe Demo crats expected least still promises to Finding that they would not he reasoned with, Mr. Ferguson peremptorily or dered them back to work. They re turned, bat many of them were so sul len about it that the managers were kept in a nervous condition all day. felt $40,000 richer when the pack- They ages from the press room, piled shoul der high iu the office, showed that the work waa moving along as planned. "This experience,” said Commodore In New York Flower has carried the 1 treachery in the rauks, the Democracy I Tooker when the danger had passed, An Old and Much Esteemed Citizen Passes Away. Mr. C. W. Wallace, and old and high ly esteemed citizen of Clarke County, died at bis home at th< Paper Mill on Sunday at 12 o’clock. Some weeks ago, Mr Wallace was stricken with paraly sis, and has been in very feeble health ever since. About two weeks before bis death he commenced declining rap idly, and suffered greatly until death oame to his relief and ended his suffer ings. Mr. Wallace, was about sixty-nine years old, and for many years had been a consistent member of the Methodist Cbureb.. Ahiring his last days he bad the cona^us presence of bis Savior, and his peace was firm and abiding. He leaves a widow and several child ren and grand children to mourn his death. manner the water in the stand pipe is lowered and consequently the pressure lowered greatly. It Was Sold Yesterday but Bought by Its Owner. The handsome residence owned by tibule and intended going to Atlanta Mr. Bailey Thomas on Milledge Ave- with her. He bad the operator tele-| a ue wa* offered for sale at auction yes- Running.—The vestibule train on the R,& D road is utterly „ . . , .reckless in its running. The-other Many citizens have eome to me and night Mr T. M Ward went up to Lula said that in walking home at night I to meet his sister who was on the veg the frequently fire up in the mud on the sidewalks caused by I graph the vestibule to stop at Lula and I V. m™vT, pie people who leave the water running was assured by him that it would stop. I 46 • * f all night. I When'll came thundering along it tush-1 Thomas et$7,000. Judge 1 homos has ' . .. . I ed by like lightning and be w..s left all oftentimes reiused to take, less than It is not right or just to charge n, night Lula . An<1 , ater comea the re _ Q (m for h houae and lot which on . with negligence in this, matter, when port that while running off time the J ’ t0 8how Lia faj h in the advance the oitizens themselves thus unnecessa-1 vestibule knocked a freight train, off I ^ ^ rily weaken the pressure by leaving fridge over the Dan river and kill- °t Athens dirt. „ I ed three men. 1 This is surely a splendid risidence the water running all night.” - _ . T j mi- u .. .v« c » v * “ 1 and Judge Thomas wouldn’t think of take her place again in the Democratic I campaign fund exhausted before the ranks. I contest was fairly launched, and with city by about 65.000. It is the Demo-I of Ohio has gone down before the Re el atic majority iu the city whioh the publican lance of unity tipped with un Republicans have to overcome by their I limited boodle. majority in the state at large It ia on I The rascals whom Campbell ousted this they always base their hopes. To- 1 from office in Cincinnati have fought days election while giving the Damn- I him in every possible way, and to gain crats a large increase in the city, shows I their revenge have knifed the party in heavy Republicans losses in the coun-1 Ohio. Tbe returns are meagre, and at has nearly convinced ns that it does not pay to take immense contract jobs with bond attachments. The caprice of men who were well paid and who came to ns glad to get work might have ruined ns. We will let big short time contracts alone hereafter, I think. r If you want a new or second band type-writers call on or telephone me at No 36. R. L. Hals. In the NO NEW DEVELOPMENTS Ubera- Will Get Svcnty Cents. Boston, Nov. 8.—A member of the try and gives increased Democratic vote I this hour it is impossible to show. just I committee of the Associated banks ex- from the same plaeea. Tbe Republicans I where the Josses have been heaviest, I presses the opinion that the depositors after losing in New York city have sad- I but ail returnsjeecm to show that Me-1 of the Maverick National bank will al ly failed in theii hopes of making up by Kinley ia the next governor, and Camp- timately receive a dividend amounting the vote which meets the usual Demo- I bell, h<viug made a fight scarcely par-1 to about seventy cents on the dollar, cratic majority from the counties be- I ailed in politlos when the dlsadvanta' yond the Harlem river and tbe Demo I ges under wnich he labored are consid- cratic nominee. Flower, has scored an I ered, has suffered a defeat which Is al- overwhelming victory of probably 30,- I most ss great as victory. 000 majority. at 1:20 a. U Th. »«« .1 b.™ ATUiirr*, Q.., Nor. 4 —[Special ]— I camnpMd, wrth that'hSd'by significance. The Republican nominee, | Ohio gives 15,000 plurality for Me- | others who are posted in the matter. Fassett, is the man whom Harrison put I Kinley. I a lii b strike catted off up in the convention and who was dis- I The Associated Press claims 20,0001 N a _ , ,, tinctivelythe candidate of Bess Platt. | majnrity for Republicans in Pennsylva j ^ ^ ^ Tennessee Convict tion. Khoxvillx, Tens., Nov. 31.—[Spe cial ]—Everything is quiet throughout the mining regions today. Convicts are being recap ured id this State and Kentucky. The State seems to be pow erless. The possible insolvency of Messrs. Potter & French in view of the disclos ures connected with their arrest, makes it doubtful if 100 per cent, assessment to be levied on the stockholders will yield anything on the 280 shares held by those gentlemen. This view of the Blair's fine papers- Jackson & Barks Co. FOR SALE—oroom house on Pa lsski street. Apply al Banner office. The failure of the Republicans to stand nis, but special correspondents claim ^ off ^ m@n ^ ^ by the deal and their desertion to the tbe state.for Democrats. I __ rk . in , ^ . Democratic ranks showB that Harrison I New York gives Flower 25,000 major-1 week an( i the nffi^.i. *f the Miners a»- has lost bis grip and that the electoral I ity, and elects loth branches of tbe I sociation decided to call a convention vote of New York 3Late is doubtless los* I Legislature Democratio, to him in the next Presidential Repub- In Massachusetts there is 8,000 ma*> lioan convention. This will force that | jority for Russell. P.J. Mosah. party to look elsewhere for a candidate, of the strikers to declare the strike off. The strike was inaugurated three months ago for a 10 per cent per ton advance, and since that time nearly 12,- 000 men have been idle. foroes Blaine willing or unwilling, to the front as the man who can arouse en thusiasm in his party and best hold to gether the Republican vora and what* ever deal he may have had with Harrison will be b kc i by the outside pressure which New York elect tion shows will be brought to bear. In Massachusetts Governor Russell has won easily by from flveto ten thousand majority. Tbe same state of affairs ex- ABOUT SEVENTY PERCENT. Big Fite at Macon. MaSON, Ga., Nov. A—Macon has had a large fire which at one time assumed the proportions of a conflagration. ■ nVoc'.hat I is estimated that the damage will be t N onal I ? earl y $160,000. In the confusion bun* That Is What the Maverick Bank De positors May Gat. Boston, Mass., Nuv. 3 [Special]— A member of the ctmtwh--,f tlie \sso dated banks ex-“a t* >- the depositors of V bank will ultin>B.’.« y t amounting to about seventy the dollar. The possible insolvency of Messrs Potter A French in view of tbe disrlos I Fine stationeris. nres connected with their arrest, makes I Co , PDd dent to so large a fire, the exact losses , e:us'on I insurance cannot be learned at this ■go tnqs ueec svq souoiovj jo Jjddus eqt ivqi usaiI si dot;ou 8V os atom eqt ‘aieumsuoa b«8 jvju^vu oj Suijiavjs earn suoisspupv eqj, meqi Maun Cut jo qsu eqt (UpqtUA suor -oeuiioo Mea'eqEin louuvo ;t psqt puv ‘aiamnsnoo jo sjiuvmap »qi <H e^vuba -p* Xjpjvq Sj Jjddus aqt naniiustltuai jo «pu a\oj inesajd eqi Umpumsq^m s -1ou ;vqi savs ospi jomsub eqx *spu»m -ap jequuj leant ot qoiqAA qjuA Xauoui on ssq ti t«| puv ‘peifsj eA«q tuvja six afiidjae xfi qotqM qiUA Xauotn saunas pxiv spuoq iqx (vop ot peiwadai 1«qi Ipanddns eq uvo qou|AA wffi eqt n® Sutsn eas oqss ‘suoatvd 8tl‘0I ®»q Apvox (vqj epvtn sj vejd aq; qoxqsA xq ‘eaS joJjddus v aoj fiuxne sx aemoisuo » aieqM esvo »xq j»msus p®m II •setw eouvApv ot idm<m* P®* snousd X(ddus 04 Jiqxqvtq sq go tuo Suxmcu2 ‘uox}b3xih suoxivxeA Xq peiouuv sx .sxqi jo Juvdmoo s*£) {axupiK tsuxx «•» -rnusnoQ exjx—"8 ' A0 K ‘snoavNnaiq •no jo Xiddns V aoj Sams ists there as in New York. Boston and h t doubtful if 100 per cent. ass> sgment to the large cities giving, in. most elec- hie levied dn the stockholders will yield tinns heavy Democratic majorities J a »y^j®?f n th *‘ 23G shsre9held hy those while the country district* meet it by NOTICE l Jackson A Bnrkr All tresspassing upon Opera House property will be prosecuted to the fall extent of -the law. BOY WANTED—We want si bright [gentlemen. * | boy between ag-of 15 and 20 years that Thia view of the situation corresponds 1 ’■ acquainted with the people and un corresponding Republican majorities.! w!th tbat be i d by others who arc posted, derstands figures. Apply at once. ™ '——* ■’—i Russell an la- in the matter. DAVISON A LOWE. Our entire line of Ladies’ and Child ren’s Cloaks, Children’s Hate, Capa and B. nnets will ba sold at New York cost this week. Davison & lowe. A.—~s tl - - iT&f •. ; ' The Latest Fad. Jackson & Burke Co. THE THOMAS HOUSE. GOOD, IF TRUE. I FAT MEN’S CLUB. | taking less than what he paid for it After talking with Mr. Howell, it A night of pretty girls, good singing, | yesterday, was learned tb&t a scheme was on foot dauci “*; marvelous acrobatic „ . m • . .. . . . exhibitions and funny comedy, is the to pump a sufficient quantity of water 8nmm j ni? U p of the Fat Men’s Club, from Princeton Factory to the city. I headed by the ponderons son of come lt proposes to bring dy, J. C. Stewart. We have all laugh- the water from Bobbin- Mi i,e d heartily inciays gone by athis fun- . , I ny antics and troubles in the Two creek to Princeton Factory hy a canal | j' hn8 and Fat Men >. club< Bnd thlg and there to use the Wm. Sprague Smith, Providence, R. I., writes: “I find Bradycrotinealways cures headache. LOST OB MISLAID. A small gray purse at the Y. M. C. A. water power at I year we, wifi do so again. His company I 0)011,8 yesterday afternoon, containing Princeton to furnish it to Athens. The D the largest and best that pays its an- several dollars. The finder wUl pleaae water from Bobbin Mill creek is nnr J n«al visit here, and certainly deserves return to Rev. 'C. W. Lane and be water from Bobbin Mill creek is P ur « I the gucceu a it obtains. Do not miss the | Buitably rewarded and is always in abundance. I be8 t laugh of the season, and regret af • Mr. J. S. Hamilton, President of the I terward that you failed to go on Fri- Princeton factory, when seen in regard I day night. Sale of reserved seats be- tothis matter, replied that nothing I * in8 ^Thursday, Nov. 5 t h. AT THE Y. M. C. A. definite had been done although this plan bad been suggested quite frequent- | ly in the past. At all events, the question is being I thoroughly stirred and Athens will have I her increased water supply from some | source. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. J. H. Williams left yesterday to the Young Men’s Christian Association visitMrs. Wd.lamK.Miller in Augusta. \ many and enthusiastic were the Mr. J_ Fred Lewis, of the Univexvityj by the members that the meeting will go to Atlanta to attend the Chi Phi ... ... Fraternity convention. dld not b * eak U P untU after dark ’ , ,, _ _ t. f. uv. . . Next Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock Mr. and Mrs. T. R. R. Cobb returned 1 A Ladles and Gentlemen Invited to the Meeting Sunday. Last Sunday afternoon a most inte resting meeting was held at tbe halls of Sweet Gum and Mullein is Nature’s from Atlanta list night where they have the Toun * Me ?’ 8 Christian Association great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, | - -• - - 3 I ,—j — * consumption and all throat and lung | troubles. SAD DEATH. Mlae Nora Dunaway, After a Severe Illness Passes Away. On Monday night at about one o’clock, Miss Nora Dnnaway aged about seven- been spending several days. * I will bold a mixed meeting to whioh la- Mr. T. W. Reed paid a flying visit to dto are invited as well as gentlemen. Winterville a few (toys ago. n is hoped that a large number will be Mr O C. Turner, of the University, out and a special and interesting pro- has returned from a visit to his parents | gramme will be rendered, i in Atlanta. Lambert | The little son of Mr. J. H. u quite rick. For Over Fifty Years. Mbs. Winslow's Soorame Srmur has-been , used for children teething. It sooths the child —j The many friends of Mr. W. B. softenstto gnmi.,P^°- egg* "gg teen yean, died from the effect of a se- Loelir will be glad to know that he is ffiSntr^Tn esSsiTtottSa Ww’b^sSfSw^ vere attack of typhofd fever at the | improving. residence of her father Mr. M. L. Duna- I Col. Goodloe H. Yancey has returned way on Si ate Right street. | from a visit to Atlanta. Mr. Dunaway bad recently removed .... ^ . . . , from Gainesville to tbiscity, and almost Miss Sprout is having a handsome as soon as they had settled down in I residence built on the old Pbimzy lot- Athens, Miss Nora was attacked with Miss Louise Morris will go down t typhoid fever. . I Augusta next Tuesday to visit Miss She was a young lady of Mary Bones Dougherty, man 7 lovable traits . of I la ecter, and her friends were nnm [ Mr. Victor L. Smith, of Atlanta, is hered only by her acquaintances. Twenty-live cents a L----.- ttsts throxaxhont thawnrtrt A CARD OF THANKS- Mrs. Melt Returns Profound Gratitude ' - to Her Benefactors, Editor of Banner, Dear Sib: Please allow me through your valuable paper to express my ^ _ heartfelt thanks to all those who so For I expected to visit friends in Athens I kindly assisted me in the misfortune •ovcral years she hadbeen a member of I • oon * . that overtook me when my' bouse the Metbo.list chnrch, «id was an un- a large party of Athenians will go to burned. There were so many who came tsrrsSh e sh? sSfj T week - oa ^ ocoa8ion that 1 ! she would die, but feared no evil as tbe I Miss Mana Bones, of Augusta, will oould not possibly reach them personally Savior waa With her, and when the j ,riend8 ,n theClassic Cky this fall. aQd j woa ] d therefor*, to make this - - — Miss Mary Lon Fleming, of Augnsta, pubUo acknowledgement of mv grate- ' well known in Athens, will spend ^mega to them. winter in New-York. 1 „ * !*• si Very Bespectfnlly. ELL. time came she calmly and peacefully passed away. Tbe funeral services will take place at the Methodist church * at Princeton today at 11 o’clock. WANTED—To borrow 8400.00 $500.00 for 6 or 12 months. City real | estate given tfb security. Address Bus- Room needed! As we are badly in need of room, we will commence this I [ueas, Ssre Banner nmce. week and close out our entire line of Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks, Hats. Caps and Bonnets at New York cost. DAVISON & LOWE. Latest novelties. Jackson Co. Mrs.E.E.Mkll. ZHHI— Buike Here’s your chance! Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks at Cost this wtek. DAVISON A LOWE. Children’s Hats, Caps and Bonnets at Cost this week. I DAVISON & LOWE,