Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, October 24, 1901, Image 1

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i INQUIRY COURT NEARINO CLOSE. Witnesses Yet to Come Are Schley and Clark. PLAIN TALK To Catarrh Offerers. j Every person suffering from eatarih BOATSWAIN’S TESTIMONY m its many forms, khows that the com- mon hTioiip, salves and doachep, do not He Soyi Hie hr m Hro. k yu’, lini terlei Nrvi r CV»*rd From lime Mi Started to 1 urn ti.til Kn-1 o. li.Utl. Wlieu Colon Wei. t A li tre. Washington, Oct. 23.—The Schl • court of inquiry is rapi>iiy upproacliin its closing clays. At the be^inniu^ oi reach t today’s session Mr. Raynor, chief coun- ftul for Admiral Schley,said that lie would i not nave more than 12 or 15 *>» >r« wir- ! , cere. It i* needless to argue this point i or to cite taseg of failure, because every j v *ctini of catarrhal trt uhle knows it for hims If if he hns tri» a th» m. j Rocal app’i« ation, if it does anything at all, simply gives ttinporary relief; a ash, lotion, salvo or powder cannot s j at of the disease which is the blood. The mucous membrane seeks to re* U * | heve the Word of catarrhal poison by ne«e 8 to examine. and .hat the exami- | secreting large quantities of mucous, the nation c,f some of these would require j discharge sometimes dosing np the nos comparatively little time. The pried- j tn , 9 deFC , ndin(Mo the throat and larynx are Admiral causing au iiritating cough continual It is expect-j 0 i earin g 0 f the t j, rpRt| deafness, indi- ! gestion and many other disagreeable and persistent syu ptc ns. A remedy to really core catarrh must will ! pal witnesses yet to com Schley and Captain Clark ed that Admiral Sen ley'a testi cover at loast a day or two. Oaptaiu Clark probably will be the last witness to Admiral Schley, but his statement, it is expected, will be com paratively brief. Many witnesses of former days were j>r* son: to correct their testimony and after tiiey had been disposed of another long list for today was presented. The first of the new witnesses called was James S Hare, who, as photographer for au illustrated weekly newspaper, witnessed and made photos of the battle of July 3. He was followed by William Hill, chief boatswain of the Brooklyn during the Cuban campaign, and who had es pecial charge of the work of coaling. Other witnesses called fur the dav were: Franklin T. Applegate, a gunner on the Brooklyn; Major Murphy, who was in command of tne marines of the flying squadron, ami whose quarters were on the Brooklyn; Lieutenant Commander 0. H. Harlow, wuo was executive officer of the Vixen and who wrote au accouut of tne battle of July 3. in which it is claimed alterations w« r * made before it was officially published; Lieutenant E. W. Eberle, who had charge of the for* | „ wa(il ward 18 inch turret on the Oregon; drngg*ists°at 5(7 ernedy brought first IS* tv. II HARNESS 10 BE MANUFACTURED HERE, Messrs. T. Fleming & Sons Double the Capacity of Their HARNESS FACTORY. l.o an inti r. al t; which will grmlu lly cleans the cyu- u ni from catairhal p' ist n ku 1 remove the fever and congestion alv ays pri sent iu the mnc.u. membrane. Tin- b st remedies for this purpose ar. Kuialyptol. Sanguinaria and Hydrastiu, bat the difficulty has always been to gel these valuable curatives combined in one palatable, convenient ami efficient form. Recently this has been accomplished and the preparatirn ; ut on tin market under the name of 3 nart's Catarrh Tablets ; they are larg<, pleasant tasting lozenges, so that they nay be slowly dissolved in the mouth, thus retching every part of the moron, ment' rant- ami finally the stomach and ; An advantage to he con.idered also is that S nart’s Catarrh Tablets toutai no cocaine, morphine or poisonous natco tics, so often found in catarrh powdprs, and the use of which often entails a habit more daugerens than the disease Stuart’s Catarrh Tal »lets are sold by .... i err ’—■ muggists at 50 cents for full sized pack" rSSE^ffheaftmrmh^tofZl^^^^re probably the saf^and Oregon, and .Lieutenant Rums Z. John- •ton, who wa« <i tf0 al «(««• gou and aide to Captain Cook. Brest Photographer Testifies. Mr. James H. Hare was the first new witness today. He was a press pho tographer during the Santiago cam paign. He stated that he was ou the press boat Smith on May 20 or 27, and that they had met the St. Paul. "We asked tiio St. Paul if there was any tidings of Cervera’s fleet.” said the witness. “Captain Sigsbee told us there was uot, that Cervt-ra’s fleet was not in- aide Santiago and that Seniey h id gone west. On Sigsbee’s assurance that the fleet was not in the harbor we went book to Key West to coal instead of to , Jamaica, and the first news we got there was that Cervcra’s fleet was bot tled up in the harbor.” On cross examination witness said that the Smith was withiu 100 yards Of the St. Paul and that part of tht conversation was by megaphone and port without it. He gave a list of news paper correspondents preseut ou the Smith at the time, and said he did not reooguize any of the officers on board the St. Paul except Captain Sigsbee. 1 Among the newspaper men mentioned as k- present was Sylvester Scoville. whom I the witness said was now in Havana. I He told the court iu response to a ft question by it that Cantaiu Sig:-bee had ■ himself used the megaphone B Mr. Haro was followed by Chief Boat- h swain William L Hill, who was a boat ■ twain on the Brooklyn during the Bum- ■ mer of 189ft. Conci ruing the weather on [ the cruise between Cieufuegoa and Saa- i tiago, Hill said: “The weather wa< rough. It wa: Worse than that I sh mid say it was blowing a reef topsail br* ez**,and at one fime the seas were breaking completely pver tne Massachusetts. I made au on- j scabs and scales, deadly cancer, eating, try to that»fleet. ” ! —--- ' ; - 1,4 — Mr- Hill also stated that he had had direct charge, under the executive offi- Oer of the Brooklyn, of the ooaling of that vessel. ••The Brooklyn,” ho said, “was the test ship iu the fleet to coal, and only With constant watchfulness in the calmest weather could we coal without having an accident." The witness said in reply to a ques tion that the derriok beams of the col lier were not long enough to throw the coal onto the Brooklyn and that the ■upplementarv devices were necessary for that purpose. He also said that he liyiS personnl knowledge of the Texas and knew that the projecting sponsors of that ship made it a hard vessel to - ooal, and on more than one occasion per- mlaslon had been asked and received for tht ship to go to Guantanamo for coal. Boatswain Hill Describes Battle. In the oourse of his description of the tattle of July 8. the witness said: -- “I heard Commodore Schley say i •I'ort’ and the ship started to swing to j etqrhoard The helm was put over hard aport and she swung around on her heeL The fire from onr batteries never ceased from the time we started to tarn until the end of the battle, when the Colon went ashore. The Texas was on onr starboard hand and she was folly a third of a mile from us There was never any question in my mind about striking her. We did not cross her bow. We were slightly ahead of her and turned In that way entirely clear of her. “After swinging aronnd we lined np parallel with the Spanish fleet. In a few inmates the Teresa went ashore on Soon after the Oquendo followed most effectual catarrh core on the HIGH PRICES FOR HORSES. Fifteen at a • a so -ale Averaged > a Head. New YoltK. Uot. 23. — Many horses were I titered at tne annual sale of Tich- A Co. of t'nio.igi in mo American e Kxenaege last night and they i* tir>t 15 horses h<*;nl mill the I;i ml 49 head hand team of t Cn lea go paid $10.750. mas \V. Lawson of Bouton paid $«,5oO lor a brown gelding and $1,700 handsome ene.-tnut saddle horse. Fiorenz Z ogfela, acting for Auna Held, gave $1,750 for a pair of brown geld ings. \V. H. Moore paid $(>.SO0 for a horses. A bay iit $5.100 from H. B. l.eed- and I). I). L»efispaid $4,100 lor a pair of bay foldings. D. G. Reed gave $4,200 for a dapple gray gelding. Dr. Dwight bougnt a pair of roan car riage iior>t'S ( paving $3,000 for them. S. J. Valentyx g ive $1,350 for a t.ark bay gelding CureaCancer, Blood Poison. Eating Sores, Ulcer Costa Nothing to try. B?ood poison and deadly cancer are the worst and most deep-soated blood diseases on eait 1 ', yet the easiest to core when Botanic Blood Balm is used. If you have Mood poison, producing ulcers bone pains, pimples, mucous pitches, falling hair, itching skin, scrofula, old rheumatism or offensive form of catarrh bleeding, festering sores, swellings, lumps, persistent wart or sore, take B Janie Bleed Balm (B B B ) It will cure even the worst case after every thing else fails. B. B B. drains the poison out of the system and the blood then every sore heals, making the blood pure and rich, and building up the broken down body. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) thoroughly tested for 30 years. Drug stores $1 per large hot tie. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga Describe trouble and free medical advice given until cured B B. B. does not contain mineral poisons or merenry (as so many advertised remedies do,) but is compos ed of Pare Botanic Ingredients Over 300 estimonials of cure* by taking & Botanic | Blood Balm B. B. B. Just in, old fashion, plain Backwhe&t Flour, at Williamson’s. The Very Best and Latest Improved Machin ery Purchased—The New Plant Will be Ran by Electric Power-Such Industries Help The City. T Fleming & Sous will In a few days double the capacity of the harness de- pirtment and the increased facilities w’lll give Athens ouo of the very best harness factories iu the south. At present the harness works, located in the second story of the Fleming build ing ou Clayton street, have a capacity of fifteen sets of harness per day and a n ady sale for all the product is made Seven hands are now employed, all of •hem skilled workmen. The new machinery for the harness factory has been ordered and received. I here will be about five or six additional workmen given employment and the output doubled. The very best machinery in the world has been purchased and the Fleming factory is equipped for turning out as good 1 arness as is to be found anywhere. The new factory will be operated by electricity. The moter has been ordered an 1 will be placed in position within th > next few days With this improve- n» nt in motive power a great advance will be made by the factory. For several years the ontput of the harness works has been too small to m ’et the demand of the patrons of this firm. With the capacity doubled the redact will be sold to nambers outside Uiis immediate territory and the plant vi ill be increased from time to time as di mand may increase. Messrs. Fleming & Sons have made ’ip their minds to furnish this section of t ie state at least with harness, and they are exceeding admirably in carrying out their determination. Such industries as these make a city prosperous. They bring more people to the city, they furnish weekly pay rolls, ^ — : ^ SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Claim Your Mosl Careful AUenEon Today. EACH AND EVERY DAY’S OFFICIAL TURKS SHIELD BANDITS. Express Strengthens Oar Already Harvelous Ready-to-We.r Department. All the I.ete ! Idea. In F.shlonab^j/. Tailor Suits, Skirts. Waists. Coats. Cape, and Furs. ENGLISH CORDTJROY FOR WAISTS—’ t Iu the best odorless quality, the sort which has been worn by the English fashionable for a century—in navy, brown, old rose, garnet and cream at 75 cents a yard. FANCY WAISTHsTG-- New line just received. Stripe Silk Armnres, Silk Crepe Waisting, Silk Dot Bedfords, Stripe French Flannels. VELVET WAISljlNG— Fashion’s favorite fabric in black nud all the new fall, shades, nothing mor.^ appropriate for Waists. NEW KID GLOVES— Complete assortment .of up to-date fall shades, foil lin^tif The best $1.00 Kid Glove fti Georgia Every pair guaranteed. I TAILOR MADE SUITS- New line just received by today’s ex press. We keep ri^ht np to the minute in the styles of oifr Ladies’ Ready-to Wear Garments Hyou want a Tailor Suit you will fiud w^iatyou want in this line of garments. Porrect prices. IQHAEL BROS. **"Ui« Profits. .—Accordiug to a of The Tribune, •Id Storage com- Immense profits ‘ th® British sol- ailable now for ^lt of a year's ,000. The pro file company is, id Boor. New Youk. Out. London correspond* the South African pauy has been niaki >ut of j-uppying uii diera. The amoui distribution, as thi trading, is aiK>ut pouderating iutert curiou ly enough, Store, ly came to a brand of have in GEORCIA SOLONS MEET. House ()|,po«ei| t., “Junketing 1 * Trips by >1 mi hers. Atlanta, O.t. 23.— The general as semblv of Georgia convened at the capi- tol at 10 o clojic today. The house put Itself upon n-cord as opposed to taking trips over the state by tabling a resolu tion by Mr. Slaton of Fulton to accept the invitation extended the assembly by Messrs. Hail, Felder and Kiiburn to vi.-ir the Confederate Veterans’ reunion a: Maeon tomorrow and declaring the day dies non. ini- resolution was opposed by Grice of Warn n, Hardwick of Washington and Morris of Cobb, who insisted that tiie members were not here to attend to business and to go “junkeciug” over the state. Tile resolution was tabled ou motion of Mr. Morns of Cobb by a vote of 71 to <M. ihe governor’s message was presented to the two houses and after being read 500 copies were ordered printed. The important recommendation con tained in the message was the sugges tion tmit tiie constitution be amended so tiiat 3 per cent bonds be issued to bring up tne arrearages iu the school payments, and that so much of these ■1 yearly bv the use of ital of the Westoru and Troops Have No Intention of Capturing Ruffians. SULTAN WANTS REVENGE ire Brought to Bear Wlrh It--ferenoe to half of tii, Atlantic r;i Tn, w members. H im. W. M. Wil- linqiiam of I VDthorpe and Thomas B. J nii:s ,n ot .1, fforson, were sworn iu by Associate Justice Sauiu.d Lumpkin. Several new bills were introduced nud ut 12.-:iU tiie house adjourned. ine s mate appointed n committee to lock after needed repairs ou the Capitol building. HOMICIDE AT COLUMBUS. ilrimi Kenney, )t More Clerk, shoots 11 tletieliee. A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands haveproved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure snch troubles “I suffered for years with kidney troubles,” writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peterson. Ia., and a lame hack pained me so I coaid not dress my self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, althongh 711 years old. I now am able to do all my housework.” It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at H. R Palmer & Sons and W. J Smith & Bro’s drng store. It Harpencd 1 One day last "UUliUall'u’ ooack,” says Mr popular druggist of OatarI5f : Tv : r~- • She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aud that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the price paid. In the coarse of a day or two the lady came back iu compauy with a friend in need of a congh medicine aud advised her to buy a bcttle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy.” It is for sale by H R Palmer & Sous aud Smith Bros. Mr. VV. J. Baxter, of North Brook, N. O., says he suffered with piles for fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no results until he used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. H. R Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. Coi.rMin's, Ga., Oct. 23.—The second homicide within a week iu Columbus occurred yesterday when Adrian Ken ney, head cierk in the store of Smith & Conway, on Eighth street, shot and killed \V llliam W. McGeliee, employed at the Southern shops here. McGehee owed the store a bill and Kenney went to his house to collect it. McGehee was angry at being approached and, as ho afterwards stated, “slapped his jaws.” Later in the morning McGehee called at the store, paid the bill, and, the wit- jiesses say, indulged iu abusive lan- uot crefrtr^w^ug, the other man aud Geiiee said: ~ - «uyo|M “1 will kill the ” and started around the corner after him. Kenney reached for his pistol, aud said: “You will Kill me, will you?” aud shot linn twice in the breast. McGeheo turned to the door, half way halted, as if to turn back, aud the other shot him again. McGehee then ran into the street, and as he passed the window Is Sore Over l*r« by I'n i ted St a Indemnities For Am ricun Massacres by the Turks. New Youk, Got. 23. — The Betscherna Poschta, a Macedonian newspaper, pub lished at Sofia, Bulgaria, declare* that the Turkish troops following the brig ands holding Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary, aud her helper, Mine. Tsilka, for ransom, have no in tention of trying to capture the rufllaus, says the Vienna correspondent of Tne World. Ou the contrary, the soldiers aud Turkish officials provide the brig ands with food, it is asserted. The newspaper says that the bri gands are being protected uuder orders from the high Turkish authorities for treason. The sultan is keen for revenge against, the United States for the pres sure brought to bear by America with reference to indemnities for American massacres by the Turks. As these declarations emanate from the organ of a revolutionary party that is making war on Turkey, aud are uot accompanied by any proofs, they are Dot accounted as wholly without preju dice. The Poschta says the Bulgarian gov ernment is doing every tmug in its pow’er to assist the American representatives ftiid has instructed a strict inquiry to discover the identity of those who made the capture of Miss Stone and to learn if the kidnaping had another more im portant object than that of a ransom. The impression is created that Miss Stone will certainly be released, aud at an early date. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an itflemtd con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have ft rumbling sound qjLkaperfect hearing, .Mid when taken out and normal condition, hearing w Btroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars of the store the clerk shot him twice . . _ thn.uKh the Klass. All five bullets took tor any case of Deafness (canned by i'tr- Mr aim men ■' c i>. . ami io p wmi n At tht^ lime tile seen astern ext: > a li n the Yiseaya tr 10 or 12 miles as not a ship to be t the Oreson, which Resilience at lialiibrldffe Burns. Baixmudoe, Ga., Oct. 33.—Yester day the residence of J. S. McRee was almost entirely consumed by fire, the water pressnro again failing to be suffi cient. It was 30 minutes after the ar rival of the Jire compauy before suffi cient pressure could bo had to throw wator to the top of the building. Most of the furniture was saved. Both dwelling and furniture were covered by insurance. Stubbing Affray at Maoon. Macon, Oct 23.—Lloyd Howard, ■ negro mnu, was sorionsly and perhaps fatally stabbed by "Bill” Jennings last night. The stabbing occurred at the corner of Third and Blum streets. Jen nings used a large knife, which pene trated the right lung of the ntgro. The attending surgeon says while the wound is a very serious one Howard has a chance to recover. Just One.Bottle. Scrammon Kans., Nov. IB, i'JOO. Pepsin Syrnp Co. Monticello, III. Sirs:—About three months ago I had occasion to nse something for Constipa tion. One bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Sry- np Pepsin was all. I have been doing business with yonr firm over a year and find it like yonr medicine, profitable aud pleasant. Phil L Keener. Editor "Scrammon Miner." Sold by all draggists. uute or tv at the time, der arrest, r todav. The i m the street in a i McGehee was unarmed Kenney, who is now un used to make a statement ead mail leaves a wife and four small children. THROWN FROM STREET CAR. Young Lady ill Suvaiinah Receives I* atui Injuries. Savannah, Oct. 33. —Miss Chnrlotte Blakely, a young lady residing at 615 West Thirty-third street, fell while catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold bv D.-oggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best Another Respected Citizen Done. To the city to take treatment for his stomach trouble. The amount of money he paid for railroad fare to get there wonld have bought enough of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin to have kept him For three days and nights I snfferod agony nntold from an attack of cholera morbns brought on by eating encum bers, ” says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the distriot court, Centerville, Iowa. "I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines bat all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved roe en tirely.” This remedy is for sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons and Smith Bros. tUc.CSc. Ito.c. C tall.ilr A millionaire's appetite, with a scant income, has made many a dyspeptio. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will core Dyspepsia. Sold by all druggists. was about a hal mile from us. On this run with the Vi>cava Eilts was killed. Tncre were U or 15 of us stunding to gether.” Another Gilt From t’lirnejle. London. Oct. 23.—Andrew Carnegie has given £37.000 to establish libraries at Dundee. She Didn't Wcer • Muk. But her beanty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its ase. Infallible for Cats, Corns, Bams, Scalds and Piles Care guaranteed. 25c at H. R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup lor Teething Babies Price 10 eta Cures Wind Colic, Diarrhoea. Dys entery, Griping Pains, Soar Stomach, Fever, Cholera Infantnm. Dr. Ball's Baby Syrnp pro motes tho digestion and soothes the baby. alighting from a oar at Broughton ami and his entire family iu p„ 0 ,l health for Barnard streets aud received injuries g j x mon t|js. You can't suffer from Con front which she died. The motorman j 8tlpatlnI1 Indigestion, Sick Headache and conductor of tho car claim that ~ , ,e S . Miss Blakely stepped from tho car ] or Stomach Troubles if you take this while it was in motion and was thus re- remedy. Ia 50c and $1 00 bottles. Dr. Bull's Pills For Liver Ills. One pill a dose Box, 50 pills, to cts. ( Constipation, Liver Troubles, Biliousness, lure Blood, Dysiiepsia. Female I’-nlnplainfs. Itomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr. Bull’s Pills lever gripe. If peoplo only knew what we know abont Kodol Dyspepsia Care, it wonld be need in nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fnllness after eating, belching, flatulence, soar stomach or water-brash, caused by indigestion or dyspepsia. A preparation each as Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the stomach, will digest yonr food, oertainly oan't help bat do yon good. H. B. Palmer & Sons and W. J Smith & Bro. sponsible for the accident. The young lady’s friends claim that the car gave a jerk as she rose to get off, throwing her face downward ou the pavement. When picked up she was bleeding at the mouth and badly bruised. Physicians wero summoned and she was removed to her home, where she died. The deceased camo to Savannah from Cuarleston a few months ugo and resided with her sister. May Have Dispensary. Washington, Ga., Oct. 23.—An effort will be made to pass a dispensary law in the legislature for Wilkes county. Ill fact, a notice has been published wish the following caption: “An act to es tablish maintain and regnlate a dispen sary in the city of Washington, Wilkes county, Go., for the sale of ardent spirits, malt liquors, wines, ciders and ot.ier intoxicants, aud to establish and perpetuate a hoard of commissioners for the management of said dispensary, aud for otuor purposes.” Guests Flee From Flames. Fkf.sch Lick, Iud., Oct. 23. — Fire broke out iu tiie bath department of the French Lick Springs hotel at 8:30 this morning and for a time it looked like tne entire building containing about 300 guests wonld be destroyed. All escaped iu the midst of great excitement. The fire was put under control by the hotel fire department aud ut 10 o’clock the guests were back in thatr rooms. The loss is between $10,000 and $12,000. Sold by all druggists. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and remove the imparities speedily with no dlsoomfort. They are famous for their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. H R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. “Onr little girl was uncontcioOs from strangulation daring a sudden and ter rible attack of croup. I quickly secured a bottle of One Minute Congh Care, giving her throe doses. The croop was mastered and onr little darling speedily recovered.” So writes A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich. H. R. Palmer & Son. and W1 J. Smith & Bro. SUICIDE AT COWAN, TENN. Captain Haw It In-, a I'mininent t'itl-, lakes His Life. CltATTANooOA, Oct. 23.—A special to The News from Cowan, Teun., says: Captain Henry Hawkins, a prominent citizen and a Mason of high standing, DO years of age, suicided nt his home here last evening by shouting htnueif through the head wttii a 33-caltber re volver. The ball entered under tho chin and went thruugu the brain. He was alone iu his room at the time aud was discovered by his son. He leaves a widow aud six children. No cause is given. Tot Cauie* Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup.” writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., “it seemed it wonld strangle before we could get a doctor, bo we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Cronp and Whooping Congh. It cared me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve ” Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lang troubles. 50c and $1.00. Tnal bottles free at H R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Brr. A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at H. R Palmer & Son’s and Smith Bros' drug store. It is called Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets. It gives quick relief and will pre vent the attack if given as soon as the first indication of the disease appears Price, 25 cents per box. Sample free.