Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, October 29, 1901, Image 1

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PSTABUSHKD 1832 ;OLQOSZ DIES THISEMORNINQ. ATHENS, GA„ TUESDAY MORNING, OCH BEK 29, 190i. STRENGTH OF ARMY $5.00 A YEAR Final Prep irations Hade for His Execution. l A,ir His Testl- COURT OF INQUIRY. llral Schliy i«ui;».et©9 muny in Cl.lof. ; | Washington, Oct. 28. — Wnen the EXTRA GUARDS EMPLOYED Schley court of inquiry resumed its sit j tiiif; a; li o’clock today Admiral Schley Th© Prisoner's Attitude Is Reported , tooK tae stand, and after being ro. »ind- Unchanged.<—lle Talks Little and Then Only In MonoiyllabloA mid lie- fuses to See Any One, Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 28. —The officials ! of Auburn prison today began final j com pa; preparations for the execution of Leon by Mr. Hay F. Csolgosx. Warden J. Warrou Mead, who has recovered from his recent in disposition, today conferred with Elec- —Josial ;ctor in AUBURN TRISON. trlrinn Davi.vnnd the keeper? and guards who will nssist in the execution and the program was carefully gone over. Ward en Mead has selected his assistants from among the prison employes who have had the widest experience in executions. It is understood that the prison offi cials will uso every precaution to pre sent Cz dgosx from talking in the death Chamber, it being their desire that any thing ho may wish to say be said in the condemned c©lL The prisoner’s attitude is reported as unchanged. Apparantiy ho does not (Wire to see uuy one aDd declines to - talk except in monosyllables. For two expelled from the state legislature for days a brother-in-law of the condemned disorderly conduct, man has been seeking permission to soa him. In order to have him identified !“, e _EP9JU tfWht* ackciToo m3 t>rothcPm-law.He replied: ‘?I did not see my sister married and I do not know the man.** . •'Would you like to see him?” he was auked. •*No, I don't-care,” was the reply. •'He wauts to be let alone,” said War den Mead today, "and we let him aloue. The prisoner is unchanged in demeanor and health.” Heath Watch Doubled. by Acmirai Dewey that he was j-tiil oarh, continued his testimony. vVm.n lie kit the stand on Fridi.y his examination in chief had been aim st concluded and when he resumed ;o ::i •vuh the under -t Hiding n aft' questions Dad _L:i’ placed in the ham Le aky and Mr. I ination. hi;. Raynor's questions were again directed tow aid v mowing light upon the disputed points in the controversy and most of them concerned couversa tions which various witnesses for the uavy department had reported as hav ing had with the admiral. Beiore the adjournment on Friday ho had asked aim about the majoritv of these conversations anil the pnncipil ones left for today wt-re those whicn were roriorted to have taken piace be tween Admiral Schley and Admira (then capraiu) Evans of the Iowa and Commander Sharpe of the Vixen. Tne admiral's version of these marview.** differed considerably from mat of the other parties to tnem. Tne cross ex amination is evidently calculated c cover quite extended periods of time. Tlit attendance was iurge today, as 1; has been every day since Admira Schley went on the stand. At 1 i a in. Admiral Sohlov com pleted his examination in cnief and was cross examined by Ju ige Advocate Lein- loy. •It.slab l urnci- Dead. Him.-boro, N. O., o -c. Turner, the m-Et historic North Carolina, is dead, aged 80. A- editor of the Kaleigh S~-u*inel, amid re construction times, his bitter sarcasm am. boldness aided in driving out the car pot- baggers. In 1870 he was j iiled as a ku klux. Released by tne lederul court, his ovation hero was immense. He wu? a member of the coufccv rat.i congress Elected to the United States cougress after the war., he was refused his seat. In later years he turned his pen on his people, and his star felL In 1880 he was Tonight at 6 o'clock, after the death warrant had been read, an extra guard was placed in the cell with Czo.gosz. That portion of the prison in wmen four other coudemnod men are kept has been partitioned off from Cadgosz's cell by pqi iron kCreen.* The extra guards on duty at the prison gates will be main- tJuned-unijlafter t^ui execution. The guard* were doubled merely as a precautionary measure and not because there is reason to believe that extra men will be needed. Tne police of the city frre co-operating with the prison ofliciols ind keep a close watch on all trains en tering the oity. They, too, feel that there i* a remote possibility of an act of Tiolepce upon the part of some crank lnbued with a wild plan of either aid ing or injuring the prisoner ami they hope to provent anything of the kind. Guards and police keep a close watch on State street, upon winch the main entrance and prison wall front. Tiie prison was perfectly quiet today and at no time were there any loiterers any, where in this vicinity. Passers took a fleeting look at the tninaret-like watch tower at the south Wall, which is almost directly over the execution chamber, or peered in through the gate at the front of tho building, but none of thorn stopped. Whenever a visitor rang the bell at the main en trance two guards responded. Warden Mead’s I’recautlons. Warden Mead has thrown still anoth er safeguard around tho prisoner to prevent any miscarriage of the plane formulated for his execution. He has directed the watch to insist that any general conversation the prisoner may have with a visitor be carried on in l&glish and be held within the hearing of a guard. The one exception under the ruling will be in case the prisoner makes a confession to one of the Polish priests. In this case tho guards will draw out of hearing, but not out of fight of the prisoner. Con’orence Kxpels Minister. Nashville, Oct. 28.—The Tonnessee conference in session at Pulaski has ex pelled Bov. B. A. Cherry from the min istry and membership of the U- E. oh nr ch. south. Rev. Cherry was oharged With fraudulently collecting insurance on personal property, in the destruction Of which he is alleged to have been a oo-incendiary. The report was signed by all the members of the trial commit tee. Counsel for Rev. Cherry immedi ately gave notice of on appeal to the general conference. Ton are mnon more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt’s LitUp Early Risers rempve the cause of disease. B. R, Palmer & Sous and W. J. Smith & Bro. 7tl . 0 “:*. n ‘H 3tml Intn ’Sufferers wtose,lucgs AW sore and rack < d with coughs are urged to go to anothe: climate. But this is costly and not al ways snre. Don’t be an exile when Dr. Kiugs New Discovery for Consumption will enre yon at home. It’s the most in fallible menicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at H. R. Palmer & Son. and W. .1 Smith & Bro. Price ooc and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. AT THE PRESENT TIME Annual Report of Lieutenant General Miles. TROOPS NUMBER 84,513 ■establishment of a Military School In Sou i hern California ami u War Col lege In tho City of Washington Kt- oniim-mleil. Washington-, Oct. 28.—Lieutenant General Miles, in his annual report, states that tne strength of tho army at the present time was 84 513, of which number 33,874 are in tho United Mutes 43,2Min the Puilippiues, 4,014 .n Cur a, the remainder, in small de uicumeuts, being iu Porto Rico, HaWj China and Alaska. He says it IF pected that the force in the Philippines also can be reduced. General Miles does not approve the present organization of the uitillery ■nrps, saving that it establishes another bureau in Washington. He believes in -he former regimental orguuixtttot Speaking of the army canteen, which -.s abolisned hy the army reorganization law, ho says that no injury lias resulted, "d m the main the law has been bene SciaL General Mires states bis objection to no management of military affairs in he war department iu the following an gauge: " While congress has made ample pro .-Hion for tho management of military iffasrs in the organization of the army, whereby the companies, regiments, orlgades, divisions and departments are nade tne units of administration and by statute has clorhed the officials, not only with executive authority, but with judicial, powers and responsibility, yet the tendency has been to absorb ana asnrp the entire conduct from the mili ary establishment in the city of Wash ington and especially in the staff de narrments. This has been found most injurious iu other armies and is one of the principal defects in our own system. -‘Tne evil has been increasing during the wars of the last three years to an extent that, in my Judgment, requires serious consideration, and I recommend that tho decentralization bo effected, as .ur as possible, and that all proper SfVft lawful authority bo restored to subordi uate commanders who are provided with an efficient organization, and we ooi safely intrusted with responsibility the efficient and faithful admiuisp of military affairs commonsm-nte ihltetefinmmSf^S^poFln atiucK ernCalifornia and a war’collego in the oity of Washington. NEW CANAL TREATY A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at H. R. Palmer & Son’s and Smith Bros’ drug store. It is called Chamberlain’s Stomach aud Liver Tab lets. It gives quick relief and will pre vent the attack if given as soon as the first indication of the disease appears Price. 25 cents per box. Sample free. Of Ladies’ Ready-!o-Wear Suits, Waists, SKIRTS AND WRAPS. Handsome, Stylish Garments, nnd Made With Thai Particular Care in Every Little Detail ol Make That Characterizes the Highest Cla.s ol Hood Workmanship. TAILORED SUITS— For Ladies’ and Misses’. Ladies Eton and Double-breasted Suits of all Wool Venetians, in Black. Sloe and Castor; Skirts iu new fUre bottom tfloors aud nicely tailored horoughont, at from $!) 50 to $25 00. Misses’ Eton Suits iu Navy, BrowD and Red, a! $12.50. SKIRTS— A special line of Walking Skirts in all t ie favorite shades, perfect fitting, from J4 50 to $7.50 Indies’ Silk Skirts, beautifully made, from $7,50 to $25.00. lOATS AND JACKETS— Very stylish Jackets for Ladies, of all Wool Imported Melton iu Tans, Navy ind Black-*, from $ti 50 to $12 50. New style ? 4 Coats for Ladhs in all the popnlar shades, from $7.50 to $20 0(1 Missfs’Jackets fall ages) in fall line of shades, from $2 60 to $10.00 DRESS GOODS— Snperb showing of Dr.-ss Goods and Silks, consisting of Venetians, Broad Cloths, Golf Suiting, Serges, Home spuns, Covert Saltings, Satin Merino, Satin Armnres and Novelty Suiting. Complete line of Black and Colored Silks in Plain and fancy weaves. new ribbons— Pink, Bine, Old Rose, White and Blaok, Liberty Satin Ribbon, allwidthB MICHAEL BROS. a^. NEGRO DIGS UP COLD. J^rry Sanders Slates lttch Find Near Decatur, Ala. DupATun, Ala.. Oct. 2&— Jerry Sun- ter*, a negro farm worker of Limestone in- Binding,4Ui excavation./,...a ARE HUNTING FOR MISS STONE. WILL EFFnCT RATIFICATION. Governor .Jelks Ta;k*» of the Hooker Washington Dinner Incident. Montgomery, Ala., Got. 28.—Talkiug of the Booker Wasningtou dinm r inci dent today. Governor Jelks said: ‘Like everybody else in tho south, I 41111 opposed to social equality. Tho effect of this incident will bo to ratify he new constitution, if it were not al- eady sure of carrying. If there over vas any danger of Mr. Roosevelt’s so- called southern policy strengthening the Republican party in the south, this ds :c back a good many years. ; t be time to forget about it. ltd' anti perhaps the only suf ferer is Booker Washington himself, wno has, to a certain extent, handi capped those among the whites who m par hi ze with the work he is doing d are willing to help him. Washing ton and his work cannot flourish and v without tho sympathy and good mg of tiie people among whom he s and among whom it is carried on. ” Ther Ktnbi zz-cr Dies In ,Jull. HakiFord, Oct. 28.-Charles H. Faulk* ner of New Britain, who has been in the county jail here for some time, awaiting trial on tho charge of embez zlement of #16,000 from the town ol New Britain, was found dead in his cell shortly alter 1 o’clock this morning. Death was caused by heart disease. Largest CruUor In the World. London. Oct. 28. —King Alfred, the largest cruiser in the world, was suc cessfully launched at Barrow-Iu-Fur* ness today. The King Alfred cost £1,* 011,759. She will have a speed of 22 knots. Bop-* Receive* Dr. Kennedy. Rome, Oct. 28.—The pope today re ceived in audience the Rev. Dr. Thopiai Kennedy, rector of the American col lege here. Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged boweR, gently easily bnt surely, curing Constipation Billiousuesa, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles Only 25c at H. R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. Another Respected Citizen done. To the city to take treatment for his stomach trouble. The amount of money he paid for railroad fare to get there would have bought enough of Dr. Cald well’s Syrup Pepsin to have kept him and his entire family in good health for six months. Yon can’t suffer from Con stipation. Indigestion, Sick Headache or Stomach Troubles if yon take this remedy. In 60c and $1 0Q bottle/ Sold by al} druggists. Recognizes Right of United states tc Fortify Waterway. New York,Oct. 28.—According to the Paris correspondent of The Herald the Figaro publishes a dispatch from its Lon don correspondent statiifg that tho new treaty, which is to be submitted to the senate as the result of the conference of Mr. Choate and Lords Lanadownc and Pauncefote, to take the place of the Clayton-Buiwer treaty, provides tbai the United States will bo the sole guar an tor of the principle of the neutraliza tion of the canal aud recognizes the right of tho United States to fortify the canal. The stipulation of the new treaty will apply not only to the Nicaraguan canal, but to all other canals taken up by the United States. THE BOER QUESTION. la Their Actions Thereupon Nations Brewing Crop of Troubles. New York, Oct. 28.—According tc the Brussels corresp3iident of the Lon don Times and New York Times, the Independence Beige says the nations of the continent are paving the way for a situation that is likely to breed a plenti ful crop of troubles for ‘themselves iu their discussions and actions upon the ftoer question. The British nation is fully conscious of the danger arising from universal dislike, says that newspaper, and may make a supreme effort to consolidate the Anglo-Saxon race the world over, whereby Europe’s commercial aud indus trial supremacy would be seriously threatened. massive. The chest had to be broken open with sledge hammers and was found to con tain a large number of gold coins, all of them of dates more than 100 years ago. There were also several massive pieces of silver plate. The negro does not know how much the find is worth, but from his descrip tion of the gold the value must bo sev eral huudred dollars. Tho chest was found at a depth of 5 feet. Tho spot had evidently been the foundation of a house. How Are Your Kldueyo? Dr HoMis'SpiKurm 1-tils cure all kidney IUs.8an> oletr ' .\d-. iSferllutc U-.-medy Co-. Chicago or N. 7 Foreign Claims Settled. London, Oct. 28 — At the resumption of the sittiug of the South African com pensation commission today, Major General John G. Ardagh, on behalf of the government, announced that all claims of foreign countries had been set tied diplomatically, with the exception of those of the Netherlands aud France, as follows: The United States, £6.000 Austria, £15.000; Germany, £30,000 Russia, £4,100; Italy, £J,200; Spai £l50; Sweden and Norwav, £i,000 Switzerland, £250; Belgium, £800. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum bers,” says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. * thought I should surely die, and tried dozen different medicines but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me en tirely ** This remedy is for sale by H. ft. Palmer & Sons and Smith Bros. Dr Ball’s Baby .- yrup ter Teething Babies Price 10 eta. Cures Wind Colic, Diarrhoea. Dys entery, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach, Fever, Cholera Infantum. Dr. Boll’s Baby Syrup pro motes the digestion and soothes the baby. : Or- CcRMAN PRESS AROUSED. Iniiixuuiit l-rolosis From l.pailln K !lMS —“Butcher” Kitchener. New York, Oct. 28.—Mr. Chamber- berlaiu’s speech at Edinburgh last Fri- da\ evening, says tiie Berlin uorresjioiid- Times and the New has evoked a ptrfeet storm protest on the part ‘iu ot the of the German pre:._ I he Neueate Nacheichten says Mr. Chamb.*ri:un ought long ago to have with drawn into private iit'e. lhe National Zeitung says Great Bri tain treats the Boers, who snli iu a mil itary sense are masters of tne country, ii »ngh they were assassins, he iageluart talus of “ Butcher” Kitrh ner ami of tiie “barbarous killing of defend less woman and children iu the shamble* 6f the English concentra tion camps.” He Kept His Leg. Twelve years ago J. \V. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rnSly wire. Inflamation and blood poisoning set in. For two* years he snf. fering iatensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, “bnt,” he writes, *‘I Ftlr* Tfr n pt fryi s ,~^ix'Z*.3 m a, *’Ie*ffe$, isail Rheum, Sores aud- all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth Tty them H. R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. will guarantee satis faction or refund money. Only 50 cents. De.fne,, Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reaoh the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an ii flamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus taohian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sonud or imperfect bearing, and when it is | entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will he de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing bat an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Care. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. GETS TWENTY YEARS. Alabama Out law Is titven the Limit of the Law. Opei.ika, Ala Oct. 28 —Circuit court has just been eugnged in the trial of the caso of the state versus Tom Mills, charged with criminal assault, Lasr November Mills, a young negro, nearly grown, met Susie Byrd, a white school girl, on the railroad near Opeiiku, and assaulted her. Sue screamed and Miiia ran. He was arrested and has been in jail since tiie commission of the offense. Mills attempted to prove an alibi. So licitors Samiord and Watkins repre sented the. srate and Messrs. Barnes and Dake the defendant. The judge gave Mills 20 years in the penitentiary. Skin affections will readily disappear by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Look out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt’s you will get good results. It ii the quick and positive cure for piles H. R Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. If L iving Hiss Stone Will be r r ound in Ten Days. BRIGAND CODE OF HONOR Dickinson 8ays the Cause of the Delay lb the Rivalry Uolweeu Turkish and OfllclnN, \\ ho Fix Re. spoubihiliiy on Each Oilier. Nr.w York, OgE 28.—According to the Saiia corn*.sponde 11c of Tne Journal and Advertiser, Colonel Kamteheff, prefect of the Bulgarian peace, has made the following statement regarding Miss Stone, the missing missionary: Miss Stone is living she will be found within ten days. Three different parties are now euroute to establish communication with tho brigands. Dickinson has sent two young men from Sofia. Iliey are Macedonians and kuow tho country welL A parry of five has gone from Sauiakov, with the same ob- Jk£t in view. They are former pupils of .Miss 6tone anti volunteered for the trip. Dickinson paid ali ih * exp’-uses. The third party cc i-ists ->f m. s ■ .wut bv tho Russian minister. Tins is the most mysterious affair we have had since the court photographer was captured m the wix ds near Samakov, 13 years ago. He is sail living, and his frugal hie with tne brigands cured him of several dis- eases. “li is ominous t!: heard of tin- e.iptiv severe measures n gauds irom rue fro: and it is now a rac- lief parries to see it nothing lias been • or a month. Our *ve driven the bri- uer to the interior, between three re- on will find her sure to find her, if first. S >m * one 1 living. ••News has reached us ti^t. the bri gands were attached bv Turrisli troops. but this is not confirmed. ‘•While tiie govetmeni declines to parley with the brigands, it facilitates every effort to fluff Miss Stone. The brigands doubtless are now in some Turkish house. The Turks invariably protect them for backsheesh. The brigands will kill Miss iStoue if they do not get the ransom. Tnoy have said so. and they always keep their word. Thji is bngaud code of honor. Other bands > ffilli, flUJU»m tlifiinn Ximtiush Washington, Long has receiv< gram from Ad in tory of lhe As? from Manila: 1 Ivi iv*\ In Oct. 28. — Secretary d tiie following cable rai Rodgers, coutirma- >ci:\ted Press dispatch Catbaiogou, Oct. i,’?.— Naval cadet Lovt-mun Noa, while on snore near Nil an:pa, Samar, on boat expedition, was killed by natives Oct. 27.” Naval Cadet Noa was appointed from Tennessee and entered the Annap olis ucau-. my in September, 1896. Decree Made Absolut©. Loni><>\, Oct. 28.—The decree of di vorce granted Lady Russell from Earl Russell, March 28 lasr. on the ground of the earl’s bigamy with Mrs. Somerville, was today mud© absolute, no opposition to Lady Russell's application being pro sen ted. Constantinople, O t. 28. — A further installment was n:»i i on uecouur of the contract with lhe Cramps of Philadel phia for a cruiser. maKit::; the total paid in the ueignborhood of £7'MXk). Consul General Dickinson says fixe - cause of .delay is the rivalry between the • Turkish ‘ and Bulgarian govern* wents, who fix the responsibility on each other. Turkey wants to find her iu Bulgarian territory aud vice versa. Mr. Dickinson also declares that 300 Bulgarian soldiers are totally inadequate for the frontier, over 100 miles long. 1 he Search For MBs Stone, k Sofia, Bulgaria, Oc.t. 28.—Six young Bulgarians hare banded themselves to search -for Miss Ellen Stone, the Ameri-. can missionary, aud her companion, Mine. Tsilka, find tho Bulgarian au thorities have left £}amak©v 4or Mo* hoxnia with the rtuno objeet^u^iew.; ' - THE KING’S AILMENT. LOST TREASURE FOUND. Captain of British schooner Discovers Bold on a Iteef. MoBit.E, Oct. 28.—Tho captain of the British schooner Attractor, from Grand Cayman, West Indies, reports the find ing of considerable gold on a reef in Colombian waters. The gold bears date of 1751 and resembles Mexican coin. It Is thought it weut down with a vessel wreefced years ago. The coin will do brought here and as sayed. The find created excitement at fiait ports. It Happened In a Drug Store, “One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stock,” says Mr. C. R. Grandin, the popnlar druggist of Ontario, N. Y. She was disappointed and wanted to know what oongh preparation I could recommend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Coogh Remedy aud that she could take a bottle of the remedy aud after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bot*le and I would refund the price paid. In the course of a day or two tho lady came back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Congh Ktmedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy.” It is for sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons and Smith Bros. Mr. W. J. Baxter, of North Brook, N. O., Bays he suffered with piles for fifteen years. He tried many remedies with no results until he nsed DeWitt’s Witch Basel Salve and that quickly cored him. H. R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Brc, Something Serlmn the Matter With the British Monarch. New York. Oct. 28.—Commenting on the report that King Eawani is suf fering from cancer in the throat, tho London correspondent of dh© Journal and Advertiser says that the king has some ailment winch has taken the color from Ins usually ruddy cheeks and given occasional eufeeblcmeut to his gait ii undoubted. Tne English papers as a rule carefully refrain from making allusions to his ail* mem aud rather incline to speak of his good state of health, but the fact cannot bo long concealed that sometuiug seri ous is the matter with him. Iu the clubs, in high society aud in the circles of the city the main topic daily is tho king’s condition. The old rumors, true or untrue, that the king if suffering from threatened aneurism of the aorta, have penetrated every circle. It is impossible to get ut his physicians, and inquiries addressed to those sur rounding him are met by dismal head- shaking. The government will soon be compelled to make some authoritative statement. SEVERE STORM ON COAST. Skagway Steamers W'rro Forced to Seek Shelter. Vancocvkk, B. O., Oct. 28.—The se verest storm of the season broko over the northern coast last week nnd for three days shipping was nearly at a standstill. Skagway steamers were forced 'o seek shelter and the steamers New England aud Oapttano, which have arrived here, report that the sea was the roughest Been on the north coast for a year. The greatest damage was done at Pori Essington. just above the Indian village of Inverness. There thebnildiugof tne Church of England had been leveled by the storm and half a dozen other build- iugswere blown over. Dr. Bull's Pills Por Liver Ills. One pill ad<*se Box, 50 pills, 10 eta. Cnee Constipation, Liver Troubles, Biliousness, Im- S ure Blood, Dys|s-psiii, Female Complaints, tomach and Bowel Disorders, Dr. Bull's Pills never gripe. The least in quantity and most in quality describes DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous pills for constipation and liver complaints. H. R. Palmer di Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro