Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, October 31, 1901, Image 1

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OSi r '. r.-: .<"■ -V- 7 -* - -JTIa.’* ** >v r *'-r r - GILLESPIE FORTIFY United States Could Make Effective Defense. AGAINST NAVAL ATTACK A DAILY NUISANCE. ww A Simple Remedy Wfcich Wil! Interest Catarrh' Sufferers lo HI* Report Hr llpf. mmendi au A«l- dltlona) Appropriation of $4,000,- OOO For l*urcnasiu2 and Fortifying Sew site*. Washington, Oct. 30.—Twenty-five of the principal harbors of the United States now have a sufficient number of heavy guns and mortars mounted permit of effective defense agaiust naval attack, says General Gillespie, chief of engineers, in his annual report. He briefly describes the original project framed by the Eudicott board for the coast defense and shows how it has been amended from year to year. The important changes were the pro vision for rapid tire guns, a reduction ill she number and caliber of heavy guns *nd the elimination of armored de fenses. Provision has been made for placing 335 heavy gnus, 3*7 rapid fire guns and 376 mortars. Now General Gillespie wants sites for more new mor tars and batteries, and for gun and mor tar batteries a*ks au appropriation of 14,000,000. Pneumatic Gan % llhtteriesObsolete. The fortifications hoard hiring de clared pneumatic gun batteries obsolete, the department has discontinued work qo snen batteries at Fisher's Island and pert ftoy&L Au estimate of $800,000 is submitted for preservation and repair of fortifications, which is less than ^one- half of 1 per cent of their value. Nego tiations have proceeded for the purchase of fortification sites in Boston harbor. Iu its earlier stapes catarrh is mo.e c f a nuUauco than a menace to t»< general health, bat sooner or later, the (l.seai-e David Mills lit the London. -V, : m Empire .Review." Author Draws the Conclusion That the United States Is Assuming Sov- N ^erelgnty Over Both North a ad South AmpriC^ . , Nbw YoBSi^OoL SO.—David Mill*, minister of in»tioe’ s ToE v- panada, ha* afif important article iu the ber of the Empire Review, says The Tribune's London correspondent. IirU | the Monroe doctrine and the inter •ceauic canal conditions under which the Monroe doctrine was proclaimed and the Clay ton-Bui wer treaty nego tinted are described in detail and the inclusion is drawn that tho United (two)i in Narragausett, (three); New Yort harbor, (extension of Fort. New* , three aides); Port Roynl, Son Fran- , Sahdiego, St Johns river. Fort hiUp and Oape Henry, Va. With- - ' jns these sites most be pro- ndemnation. >'toL|S,000,000 is submitted tea. For theconstruo- > mines and storage fo ot $100,000 is sub- hlights appropria- installation and d conduits. The - . shown that »tion is premotod by muted will lights four more important harbors. uonoral Gillespie takes up in detail the state of the defenses in each fortifi cation district, allowing just what iias been done daring tho year at each of (he important points, and what is pro jected. River and Harbor Works. extends to the throat, bronchial tube, and. even to the stomach and intestines Catarrh is essentially a di -. ase of th< mucous membrane, the locil symptoms being a profuse discharge of macons stoppage of the nostii s. irritation it throat, causing coughing. ene- zing,-gag ging and frequent clearings of the ihroa and head. The usual treatment by local douches snuffs, salves, etc , often gives tempo rary relief, bat anything like a enre cat only be obtained by a treatment which removes the catarrhal taint from thi blood and the disappearance of the in ftammation from the macons surfaces A new remedy which meets these re qniremeots and which so far has been remarkably Baooes-fal in caring oatareb is Stuart's Oatarrh Tablets. These tablets act npon the blood and mucc-„^.<i t i..ffT-H—td-cMT natuiT’m’edi General Gillespie also makes au ex tensive report upon river anil harbor Works and discusses each improvement considerable length, besides sutmnt- ting estimates for the fiscal year ending June 3o, lists. These estimates are from 25 to 3.1' j per cent less, and iu some instances 60 per cent less than those of the local en gineers In charge of the river and har bor improvement. General Gillespie’s totals are as follows: Under continuing contracts, $6,489,- 8VTi rivors and harbors (general) $)2,- 648,600; examinations, surveys and con tingencles. 1800,000; prevention of de posits in New York harbor, $70,26(>: en largement of Governor’s Island, Now York, |#00,000. COURT OF INQUIRY. States is assuming sovereignty over both North and South America, that it is striving to restrict the commerce of other states for its own advantage, that Canada will never be content to submit to any other rule than that of perfect equality respecting the canal and that ner interests must not be sacrificed by the Uniiod Kingdom for any consideration. Mr. Mills contends that the neutrality >f the canal mast be guaranteed as pro vided for by the Clayton Bui wer treaty ind that the United Kiugdom must not ield to the demands of what he de scribed as an ambitious and not over scrupulous state to erect fortifications apon the borders of a waterway and to take possession of it. * • The real object of this article, con tinues The Tribune’s correspondent, is disclosed in the last seven lines, in which reference is made to the asser tion that the United States -has taken posession of Dyea and Skagyfey and has refused to submit the matter to arbitra tion. Mr. Mills does not say ,ut clearly he thinks, say's Tho "Tri’ one’s oorre spondent, that the foreign nations ought to obtain a quid pro quo in Alaska on the Canadian frontier for the abroga tion or revision of the canal treiity. PRINCESS WALDEMAR. She Will Start In Business as a Real Estate Speculator. Copenhagen, Oct. SO.—That ener getic business woman and moneyniaker, the Princess Waldemar of Dentil ark, Orleans;-* G, OCTOBER 31, 1901. $5.00 A YEAR IMMENSE SHOWING B. dips’ Ready-to-Wear Suits, t Waists, ITS AND WRAPS. Stylish Garment*, and Made With ilar Care In Every Little Detail of Characterize* the Highest Clasa ot tanahlp. SUITS r av A Pleasant L$tnon Tonic, Cares indigestion^^,; Kidney disease. f/Ver, ohills, loss of ap petite, debility x? neryoaa prostration; heart faiiare£Bd appendicitis by regu lating tije-Ciyer, 'Stomaoh,' Bovyels. and Kid lies’ and Misses’. sted i,-in Black, itor; Skirts in new flare' bottom,.; effects and. nicely tailored thoroughout. at from $9 50 to $25 00. Misstaif Eton Saits in Navy, Brown and Red', at $12.50. rtozlej’s Lemon Elixir ** Oared ntb of indigestion. I had suffered for ten-years. I had trnd almost every medicine, but all failed. Sine < taking Lemnu Elixir I can eat anything I like. W A. GRIFFITH, Reevesville, S. O. Fifth Day of Rear Admiral tctlley Tenimony. Washington. Oct. 80. — With the •pening of the Schley court of inquiry fcdny Admiral Schley began the fifth day of his testimony ami tue third day 0< his cross examination. The prospect (ben was that he woald continue on tho Stand throughout the day. Judge Advocate Lemley still bad a long list of typewritten questions before him, and the different members of the OOnft have been industriously preparing questions to be presented to the admiral for ills consideration when his examina- UoO by counsel is concluded. The tes- (ync-ny began today where it left off yesterday, taking np different phases of the blockade of Santiago, and passing bom that question into the reconnois- (kudo of May 31, when the Spanish nUer Cristobal Colon was bombarded, 'of July 8 was left for the last " pd. banvlts tney are composed of such va' cable remedies as Sanguiuaria, Hydras tin, Eucalyptol and slmibur cleansing antiseptics which care by eliminating front the blood and mu ous surfaces the catarrhal poison Smart's Catarrh Tablets are large, pleasant tasting lozenges taken inter nally, allowing them to dissolve slowly in the month, in this way they reac’ the throat, fauces aud the entire ail men tar y canal If desired, they may also be dissolved in w-ater and used as a douche, in addi tion to the internal use, bnt it is not at all necessary to use a douche; a few ol them dissolved in the month daily will bj snilii.-ieut. However, when there much stoppage of the nose, a douche made from these tablets will give imme diate relief, but the regular daily use internally o’these tablets will cure the whole catarrhal trouble without resort ing to the iuoonvenieuce of a douche. Dr. B. meut states "that the internal treatment for catarrh is rapidly taking the place of the old plan of douching, and local application and farther says that probably the best and certainly the safest remedy at present on the market is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, as no secret is made of their composition and all the really efficient remedies for catarrh are oantained in this tablet ” Druggists sell Stuart’s Catarrh Tablets at fifty cents for full sized packages. Ask yoor druggist and if he is honest he will tell you there is no safer, more pal* a table, more efti dent and convenient remedy on the rnaikot. tate speculator, having secured a plot of ground adjoining Copenhagen aud ob tained the municipal sanction to divide it into lots on wiiich she proposes to orect villas to rent to aristocratic people. The princess is also interesting herself in commercial plans for tho benefit of the ITauish West Indies, as well as for tlie development of Danish commerce iu Asia. She has secured valuable con cessions from the Russian government, in connection with the Asiatio trado. line of Walking Skirts in all shades, perfect fitting, from .60 __ . BilkRkirts, beautifully made, to $25.00, £nd jackets- h Jackets for Ladies, of all ported Melton in Tans, Navy iks, from $6 60 to $12 60. ijle % Coats for Ladies in-, all shades, from $7 50 to 020 00. Jaokets (alt ages)' in ful' line fsbm $2 60 to $10.00. ’ OS- ■; .'V.;■ Avowing, of Drees Goods And ig of Venetians;. Broad Suiting, Serges* ivert Suitings, SatSfwtferlno, lures and Novelty Suiting, line of Blaok and Colored and fancy weaves. ■ Wji - rts Old Rost, White and Satin Ribbon, all widths. MICHAEL BROS. only knew what-we know Dyspasia Cure, it would nearly every household, as people who donot suffer _^jg of fullness after eating, flatulence, soqr stomach <x >sla Cure, which, with no aid from the stomach, will digest your food, certainly can’t help bnt do you good H R. Palmer & Sons and W. J Smith & Bro. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one wav to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an it flamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the macons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Oatarrh Cure. Send for circalars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best pic Good Pricps. 80. —The apple fam- Frs have been predicting everal months is now an assured . says The Tribune. Ever since the afaVorablo apple weather in the spring rs and growers have anticipated a crop and now local dealers an- floo that the situation Is even worse wb anticipated. One dealer is quoted l estimating the crop at 23,000,000 bar ds. at against 48.000,000 last year, anq 1,000,000 barrels the year previous, “For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of oholera morbus brought on by eating cucum- t«rs," says M. E. Lowther, olerk of the district court, Centerville, Iowa. thought I should surely die, and tried a dosen different medicines but all to no purpose. I sent for a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me en tirely." This remedy is for saie by H. R. Palmer & Sons and Smith Bros. It Happened In a Drug Store, “One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of oongb medicine that I did not have in stock,” says Mr. O. R. Grandin, tfce popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disappointed and wanted to know what congh preparation I coaid recommend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she conld take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bot’le and I would refund the price paid. In the coarse of a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a congh medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the remedy.” It is for sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons and Smith Bros. Oi-PHII hrrlgllt Falling. New Yokk, Oct. 30.—Ocean freights pro still falling and some firms have made many time charters on large steamers aud lo-e heavily, says The World. Freight on cotton'has tumbled nearly one-third. ^-Oue vessel has even been chartered-to carry 325,000 gallons of oil to Colombo and Shanghai for 21 ceuts a case (of 5 gallons), the price formerly being 40 and 60 cents. Salvation Oil tbe Beit Liniment. Price, ISots; large bottle, 25 cts. Greatest cure on earth for Hhetunntism, Neuralgia, Soreness, Sprains, Backache, Stiffness. Cuts, Bruises, Wouuds, Swellings, Burns and Frost- Bites. Salvation Oil UUs all pain. ‘ Three Rubles Hum to Death. Richmond, Oct. 30.—Tho three small ohildreu of John Randal, a respected negro farmer of Princo Edward county, were burned to death yesterday at his home near Rice’s depot. The mother shut the ohildreu, mere babies, in the house and went to a neighbor’s, leaving them alone. Painting Bring- £15,730. London, Oot 30.—Charles T. Yerkes has purchased Turner’s celebrated paint ing. “Rockets and Blue Lights," at the record prioo of £15,750. Don't Let Them Sutler. Often ohildreu are tortured with itch lug and burning eczema and other skin diseases bnt Bncklen’s Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflamation, leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed.' Only 25c at H. R. Palmer & Sous and W. J. Smith & Bro. THE TOOMER BILL. & 0. TRAINS IN COLLISION. M0Z LEI’S LEMON ELIXIR. floxley's Lemon Elixir Cared me of indigestion and heart dis ease, after years of suffering when all other remedies and doctors had failed. ' N. D. COLEMAN, Beulah, S. G. One Han Killed and Seven Others Injured. ■ > •- . ' . -. -V . • ALL EMPLOYES Of SPA floxley’s Lemon Elixir. , v I have been a great sufferer from dys pepsia for about fifteen years, my trouble being my liver, stomach and, bowels, with terrible headaches. Lemon Elixir cured me. My appfitite is good, aud I am well. I had taken a barrel of- other medicine, that done me nb good. t ! 0HJERLE8 GIBHARD, No. lfj^o Jefferson Bt., "Louisville, Ky. Of Those-Hurt It In Probable Thai’ Two Will j»e—The Accldcat Occur-, ^td'oa tho Whec.lng Division Near Washington, It*. " - ■ Washington, Pa., Oct. SO. — Lycal passenger train-No. 101 on the Wueel- ing division of the Baltimore aud Onto railroad collided with a light eugiue carrying workmen on their way to clear a freignt wreck near Vance station. Pa . th;s morning, killing one and injuring seven others, all employes of -the rail road company. The dead: Slichael Hahn, car inspector. The injured': Conductor Ball. S. H. Core, engineer. A. Spangler, bridge supervisor. James Baggau, division supervisor. Michael Padaeu, supervisor clerk. M. D ivaugan, freight agent. Gordon Devnughn. The injured were brought to the Washington hospital It is feared that Padden and Spangler will die. ' • ; ■ ;■ tv-: ;. t f ^ Motley’s Lemoa Wfir-?' Cured me ofdenlaxped liver, nervous ito digestion and,heart disease. ..m* un able t o walk up stairs or to do buy kind of work. I W8£,treated br many phji0« eiktii, boi'ftot no better, until I used Lemon Elixir. lam now healthy and vigorous. O. Hi BALDWIN, No 98 Alexander St., Atlanta* G*.- : - .V.'AVt-e —-■< 7 ;.•*)&£! Motley's Lemon Hot Drops. ' Wreck oii^Nexv York Central. Buffalo, Oct. 30.—Train No. 1 on the New- York Ceutral was wrecked at Gaiuesviilo-today by running into a ' freight.cor which had been derailed inf shifting. 'The;engine and six cars left the traok. .At tjio Now York Ceutral offioo it .was said that the -only person* injured .were Engineer Harriso.p, wrist broken, aud Fireman Dickerson,, who is. suffering from shock. , Cores all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorhage.and all throat and . jung diseases.uTKegiiti' reliable. i "oj. • ' ; • ••. ; • 25c at druggists; Prepared oni* -by Dr, H. Moziey; Atlanta, 6a. - Aauctaii FVfi fliiTrtr.DAPu Georgtn Lo»ifllators Devote Two Houn- to Its Di'cua.tlofi. Atlanta, Oot. 30. —Tho house de voted two hours to a discussion of the bill by Toomer of Ware to put the mis demeanor convicts of the state uuder control of the prison commission. Mr. Toomer sp >ko at length and said that iu 100 counties of tho state tl .s class of convicts were boiug worked un lawfully. There wero three classes of these con victs—county chaiugautfs like those of Fulton, Bibb, Jasper and Chatham that worked them upon the public works in accordance with the law; a second class operating under color of law, but worked by individuals, which was illegal, aud a third class, which operated under no color of law and organized contrary to law. These two latter classes he designated as those operating unlawfully, and es pecially the tnird, which came iu con tact with free labor. Kuight of Berrien and Morris of Cobb attacked tho measure vigorously and said the present law permitted the gov ernor and prison commission to regulate any irregularities iu these camps. Seeing that his measure was overwhelmingly defeated, u- indicated by tui am* mimeut to put u into operation n- xr Toomer was given unanini *U: to withdraw it. The Howard franchise bill was taken from the taoie aud ordered immediately transmitted to the senate. The bill by Mil or of M.u?cogeo to re duce the number in a lunacy jury to six instead of 12, unloss the relatives ot :he affiictnd di mande.i the latter uuiii- (>er, was i. It Bring!* $0 2T> at an Auction In New York City. New York, Oct. 30.—The first auto graph of President McKinley offered at pubiic auctiou in this city since his death has been sold by a Fifth avenue firm. It was simply his name in full. “William McKinley,” written across an original cabinet photograph of him. Nevertheless much interest was man ifested by autograph collectors iu the disposition of this item. After spirited bidding the autograph was secured by George B. Smith for f»>,25. This indi cates that McKinley’s autograph at the present tune commands as high a price as that of any of tue presidents. FLAGS HANDED OVER; ' . Plktmiquo'tCeremoay In Contiw^. V,;, of Hotel De» Invalids*. ■'*£?* ’ if. Pauls, Opt. 80.-There Was a -piotur- qjto,ceremi»|J.(p the greud courtyard J®^j:-Des IivalideR In the han^r ing over oil.the flags of the ragiinent ;; , which formed the. French expedition to— rViliiniil PAtrhnalit flrhiflh f(V)V' TVLTt• / thp Colonial, regiinent which took' pert 1 V • v'- it^The" co'mpdhy bfi lZoaaves, it) gay . v V*-*. conrtyard. Facink them were massed the troojjs in tho Hotel Des Iuvalidea General BiKuet, the military governor of Paris, surroamied by a brilliant staff, reviewed the men and afterward made a patriotic address. Three grizzled vet erans then advanced and took posses sion of the flags, which they proudly held while the troops marched pose, sa luting them. The flags were then placed among the military rciics in tho Hotel des Invalides. Frank II. SinlU-y Released. Chicago, Oct. 30.—Frank H. Smiley, who turned state’s evidence iu the Def- enbnch insurance case, was given his liberty today. He relinquished all right to tile $ J.000 insurance on Marie Defeu- bacli's life. This ends the criminal pro ceedings iu tbe case, as Dr. August M. Unger is iu the penitentiary aud Way- land Brown was previously let off with a tine. Tho insurance money is still in the hands of the court aud will proba bly. it is said, go to tho uufortuuate girl’s relatives. ar, Mr. consent He Kept HI* Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Inflamation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he sut" fering intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, "but,” he whites, “I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 112boxesof Bncklen’s Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever.” For Ernptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters bos no rival on earth Try them H. R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. Will gnarantee satis faction or refund money. Only 50 cents. “Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and ter rible attaok of croup I quickly secured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup was mastered and onr little darling speedily recovered.” So writes A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich. H. R. Palmer & Son. and W J. SmRh & Bro. Thounandi 5ent into'Fxlle. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and rack ed wit h coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not al ways sore. Don’t be an exile when Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption will enre you at home It’s the most in fallible menioiue for Coughs, ColdB, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent UBe. Trial bottles free at H. R. Buhner & Son. aud W. .1 Smith & Bro. Price 5oc and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. In reply toiuqoiries we have pleasure in announcing that Ely's Liquid Cream Balm is like the solid preparation of that admirable remedy in that itoleanses and heals membranes affected by nasal ca tarrh. There is no drying or sneezing The Liquid Cream Balm is adapted to use by patients who have trouble in in haling through the nose aud prefer spraying. The price, including spray ing tube, is 75 ceuts Sold by druggists or mailed by E'y Broth rs, 56 Warren Street, New York. When you cannot sleep tor coughing, it is hardly necessary that any one should tell yon that yon need a few doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make Bleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by H. R. Palmer & Sons and Smith Bros. HIGH BIDS FOR COINS. • Collecilon i Sals- Dr. Bull'* Cough Syrup cures a Cough or Cold : onci*. C-onquora Croup, Whooping Cough and Moaslos’ Cough without fail. Best for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia, sumption and Lung Affections. Quick, ; results. Price. 2cc. ANARCHISTS CELEBRATE. Ke Jill bt«^ Demonstration Over < z »ia<\ z’~ Dea h. London. Oct. 30 ♦-The anarchist clubs of London celebrated the electrocution of Czoigo<* by daucea in honor of his “noble death. ’* Various groups met at their respective headquarters at a late hour last night aud most of the gather ings only dispersed at 4 o’clock this morning after singing the “Carmag nole.” All the meetings lustily cheered every mention of Czolgoz, whose por trait, draped with black and red. occu pied the place of honor on the platform. There were remarkable scenes on the dispersal of the clubs, groups of auarch- ists snouting “Vive la Republiquel" singing the “Carmagnole,” dancing and shouting “Czolgosz, the brave!” The police dispersed some of the groups. The increasing activity of the anarch ists is occasioning some concern to Scot land Yard. Educate Your Bowel* With Coacarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. U»c, 35c. If C. C- C. fall, dreg-rists refund money- 1 Boston, Oct. 3<>.—At the continued sale of the IlaiRh collection of coins, the principal item was a collection of United States copper ceuts representing the dates from 1793 to 1857, inclusive, aud containing 133 specimens, all different. Tne-buiding on tnis lot started at $5and increased until Mr. Collins, a Boston collector, bid $200 and tho set waa knocked down to nim. Tho 1793 cent sola for $9. The half cents brought even higher prices, proofs of 1661 and 1848 going for $20 each aud a proof of 1849 selling for $24. There was aotive competition for some . of the gold pieces offered, an uucircu. lated $3 gold piece of 1785 going to a Philadelphia dealer for $155. The same dealer bought a gold dollar uncirculated for $26.75, and a colleotor purohased a gold dollar of 1875 for $5(1 An octa gonal $50 gold piece, mihtad at Sau Francisco in 1852, went to a Nev- York dealer for $96. The Miners’ bank $1U gold piece of 1849 for $15.50. I have been suffering from dyspepsia for the past twenty years and hare been unable after trying all preparations and: physicians to get any relief. After taking one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I fonnd relief and am now in bet ter health than I have been for twenty years. I can not praise Kodol Dyspep sia Cure too highly.” Thus writes Mrs. O. W. Roberts, North Creek, Ark. H. R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro.