Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, May 02, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER: FRIDAY, MAY 2. 1902 ATHENS MEMBERS TO ITHE LIQUID AIR ATTEND CONVENTION, Grand Lodge K ights of Pythias to Meet at Valdosta. ENTERTAINMENT. j Many Will Attend at New • Opera House Tonight. • M-ssrs. J F Hurt ai.d A W. Dozier, j •of this city, wl.o wero appointed deie- gk'cs to the 22 rd annual c invention o! t'.t- K lights of ]'>•.!> at of G orgia b> t ,e St Elmo lod.-e, No 40, at a meeting some tiro’ a^o, \ii” attend ,ha coiiven ttoi and with sir. T II Ni.kerson, ke*-per of reeords ai.d 8-als of the S'. E.ti.o lodge, who is a mernhir of tb. Grind lod,e wi 1 repr.stut the Classi' C 'y at Ya’dos’a on that cccuti o Tae conveati'u as-cnnles at \ ildost.. ou M ty 20 h, and r p ,rts recetv, d her. i to the i IT ct that theprogr ssive an' te'prising people of \ il.losti »t ikit g evtry arrangemei t to tire tb ! V siting li ig'its a rcqal time. N > ri!y I the stat c in d , this belter than Yai- >.-t:i, and those who gi from Athene | can be assured of this in advance. » raiho.ds have granted a rate o loi.e f tre for roacd tup from all poixitr jin the state and a large attendance <1 'vthians ai d their friends are txp cted \Y.thin the past few years the Knighte * Py;loans have greatly increased in Inninbers in G orgia. and thi ordtr i- now of the most popular and team a the state. For Asthma use Che- ey’s Expectorant. Monuments, j Headstones. < -Grave - Enclosures.! InscripDo’ts ami Design ( Work as pocialtv. ■v STPfl AND IRON 1 FENCES FOR CEMETERY. ROBERTSON Marble Works. XOOCXXXXiCOC'OO-' THIS IS IT.! The L quid Air entertainment to In tfiveu at the New opera loose tcni^E t has created n ora i; terest in Atheue tii-ill any similar attraction in man’ month* pist, and the sale of s<a*s iudi cat :a thar a very larg^ andiei ca wii greet the lectuier who will rj plain, s< any rliJd can utderstand, the wonder? of Liq’.iJ Air The re ntal which wa* f o have cccnrred at Lacy Cubb tonight has b en\ oned on accoant of tb* •‘ntertuiament a* the No v opnra hon-« . v:da«wi.lbe s*-en elsewhere, will oc our tomorrow night. Besides a bn *f presentation of the hi* torical side of the subject, the lecture turing the course ol the experiment presents the saggestions which hav« »cen made concerning the availabilit; of this material us a refrigerant, an ni oc, mboation, a source of power, an ex plosive, etc. anil, frankly discusses th* ncrits of the claims made for it. W her >ver these L quid Air lectures and d»* monstrations have been given the au lienees have evinced the most intenst ntertst and enshasiasin. To see a rub b**r ball bounced upon the floor an wugh. then dippid into L quid Air an thrown upon the floor, only to era-h like rla*9 into little fragments ; to see a k«*ttl boiling away upou a cake of ice ; to see mercury froz-n solid ; to see steel burn mg in L qaid Air contained iu a tumble aide of ice—these sights and man ;thers are, indeed, sufficiently startlii g Lh-se riperiaients almost eclipse Won dorlaud itsoif. A L qiid Air lecture and demoustr; t.on is a -hurt vi-u luto the fairylan ,f scurnce, yet all is so thoroughly e Gained that each one wonders how 4 ich au important discovery could l simple. Nothing is advertised that i iot profound. It is irapesaibie wit hi tae limits cf this article to give an id* qaat^ description of Liquid Air f the experiments that are perforn lc mnrt be seen to be appreciated. Th Liquid Air, its snowy vapor, au«i all i rue remarkable » xy rimems can be di mctly seen from all parts of the hous 5cven Years in tied. “Will wonders cvrs cv&tisi” i/ qah *he friens of Mrs. L Prase, of Lav. rence Kan., They knew she had been nual. to leave her bid fer feven years cn •ount of kidney and Lver trouble, vous prostrtion and general d LiJity bat, “Tlireo Lotties of L*ctr c Bufer enabled me to walk," she writes, “an iu three months I felt like a ne sin." Worn* n sufl rirg from hu Brckache, N* i v ,ujui s 3 , Sleeplc.-snes Mel-inch »’y r.unti g \nd Dizzy Spell will find it a j ric< *. es } les f ia^. Try it Sitisfacu.u l- guirmti'd. O .ly 50c tl. K P.t!rn»r At o - am: \V J. Smith t Bro. HOTfcL ARIUV1LS NORTH CAROLINA STANDS SUSPENDEO, Ball Team Suspended from 5.1 A. A on account of Pitcher Sweeney. fSHORT NOTES • T i OF INTEREST.* Best lino of Cigars in the city. The Orr Drug Go. “My Head! Mj Head!” Sudden Blindness and Dizzi ness. What Causes It? News was received in the city yester div that the Univirsity of North Caro- ina hal been suspended from the Smtheru luter-Collegiate Athletic Asso* iti n ou account of haviug a profea- onal on its baseball team 1'he man iu question is pitcher Sweeney aud many of Carolina's victo- •s h ive been largely due to him. The game which w’as schedule! be- uei'fl that college* and the University will of course, be called off, and it es a universal source of regret here, everyone wanted to see the game played. Sciatic Kheumutism Urrea After Fourteen ^ cars of Sufferiuif. “I have been afflicted with sciatic hrumatisnx for fourteen years” says Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Cal. “1 able to be around but constantly suffered. I tried everything I could hear »f and at last was told to try Chamber- .tin’s l’ain Balm, which I did and was mmediately relieved and iu a short ime cured, and am huppy to *ay it has lot since retand." Why not use this iuiment and get well? It is for sale by til druggists. SAM SCOTT BOUND OVER. Negro Bound Over in Jus tice Court for Intent to Rape. C J:;l: ! — .X»t 'HE POCKET POCO. \ |t fits the pocket and it fits the purse. |Price $7.50. I. R. McGregor, [picture*, frames, art goods, PHOTO 5UPPLIE5. >X)OOCOOOOCX)OOOOOOOOb lave Money! In House i.nd Sign Painting, E Paper Hanging, Gypsineing, j Itc. If you neod any of this I lind ot work I will be glad to { live you prices tn work, I will { lave you money. All work ! luarauteed first class. I. N. PARR, Agi. j ^ne of the old firm of Parr j Brothers. IddKM 440 church St.. AtbMM, Ou. | wmrnmimmtiwl Palmer, City ; >V. II A I'm-, C \ L'Craw, Atlanta; 'V A. Hewitt, Fall Kiver, Mass ; J B. BlittcrnKr, J P. Tuggle, At'auta ; M Siokel. Chicago ; II. G Wright, Plila lelphia; J. S rivvnon, Baltimore; F. tl. Limb*r', Atlth*a. Imperial—J. P. Clark, Atlanta ; Nat J Arnold, Aruoldsville ; W. II. Winter, SViatervnle ; E. P. Swift, Atlanta; W. A. Thomas, Ga. ; V. W. DeSassfry, Jrand Rapids, Mich. Sam S. Scott, a negro school teacher, vus bound over to the superior court .-esb rd iy iu bond of $3»0 t on the charge •f assault with intent to rape. About two weeks ago Scott went to 'bo bon-in of a negro woman named Emma Freed, i : i East Athens, and there t is alb ged the trouble occurred. lie vas representd in the justice mutt trial by Hon. H. U Tuck, while Mr F. O. Shackelford represented the irate. Dangerous if Neglected. Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neglected and be ;ome troublesome sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazd Salve prevents such cons* qaences Even where delay has aggravate the injury DuWitt’s Witch Haze) Salve ef fects a cure. “I had a ruuniug sore on my leg thirty years,” says II. C Hartly. Yaukeetown, loci. “After using many remedies, I tried DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Silve A few boxes healed the sore.” Cares ail skin diseases. Piles yield to it tonce. Beware of counterfeits. H. R Palmer & Sons and Warren J. Smith & REV. SPENCER’S STRONG SERMON. The Marvel of the Age. Liqoid Air, Dozens of experiments tonight at the opera house. Invited to Atlanta. Ckipt McCurdy and 1st Llent. Capps have betu invited by the Atlanta Grays. Co. K, 2nd Ga Infantry, to be present at their prize drill on next Monday, May 5th. The company is commanded hv Capt. E E. Pomeroy, a well known U iversity man Fresh Shipment Plnms, California Peaches, at Williamson’s. Invesligate This, Iu another colnm will be found the advertisement of the Massachusetts Mu tnal Life Insurance Co This company is seeking, through its managers, Messrs. Harty it Apple of Savannah, Georgia, to establish an agency in this section. This company was organized in 1861. aud its best friends are its policy holders. Thu company now has a large number of policies ou citizens of our state and are seek ng to place their plans before the public in onr section. Hero is a fine opportunity which is well worth in- vestigutiug. Prof. J. P. Clark. The old veteru piano tuner is here hose desiring any work done will please leave oiders at Haselton’s music store on College avenue. The Proper Spirit. Mr K. E. Matthews proved kimsolt to be a gentleman aud a scholar agaii ny sending a waiter of his delicious strawberry sherbets to the suffering Banner boys, Saoh spirit is duly ap predated and marks a man of splendid bu* loess ability. The first step to the finding of a cure for any disease is to find its cause. And it’s a notable fact that the cause of a disease may be quite remote from its manifestations. Headache, spots l>efore the eyes and dizziness are only symptoms of disease. When the experienced phy sician is confronted with these symptoms in a woman he enquires .at once as to the condition of the womanly health. He knows that the general health is intimately related to the local womanly health, and from the very symptoms he argues derangement or disease of the delicate womanly organism. So far he is right. But when he begins to treat the disease he has located how often he Tiy Some nice home rai ed Strawberries' today at Williamson’s. Royal Etchings. O W. Motes, the photographer, vites the attention of the public to the rery latest style of picture, the Royi Etching, which he has on display at hb studio. For enlarged pictures nothing equals this style in beauty, finish or durability. Wanted. Agent, $75 00 a month. Box 421, city. One Hundred Shares Bank of the University stcck for sale Will sell in block, or less if desired. Address Box No 222. For the Summer Cooking, the wickless blae llume Oil Stove is the ideal, one burner $4 00, two burner $0 00. three burner $8.00 Give one a trial and be convinced. Bailey Supply Co Has Them. n f amm n / would have very hard headaches and blind spells. 1 fails. In the letter of Mrs. Douglass given below, she says that in ten years f suffering she trie<( seven doctors with out permanent benefit. Her family phy sician said she could not get well. Yet vliat seven doctors failed to do was perfectly and permanently accomplished by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. There is no experiment in the use of this •ncdicinc. It has cured thousands of women of the most distressing forms of womanly disease. THAT CURED ME WHEN OTHERS FAILED. M For ten years I suffered with female trouble, also catarrh of the stomach, liver and kidney troubles, and catarrh Df the bladder,” writes Mrs. Lottie M. Douglass, of Glenniore. Oneida Co., N.Y. * I would have very hard headaches and blind spells; stomach and bowels used to bloat a great deal, and I was troubled with beanng-down pains all the time. Tongue cannot tell how much I suffered from nervousness. I used to think I should lose my mind, my head would feel so bad. My heart was so bad that the least excitement, and even to turn over in bed, would cause palpitation. Had female weakness so bad for three years that I was in bed most of the time, m fact could scarcely be on my feet at all. I tried seven different doctors, but received no lasting benefit. I was en tirely discouraged when I wrote to Dr. Pierce, stating my case. He advised me to try his remedies, and l did so. The first lx>ttle I took helped me, and the bloat began to g out of my stomach. I continued the medicine until I had takes nine bottles of Dr. Pierce'9 Fayorite'Pre- scription and nine bottles of hia. * Golden Medical Discovery ’ and six ; via!* : of his ‘ Pleasant Pellets.’ I also followed special directions for home treatment (which he advised), and the result was wonderful. My bad feelings left me and I can work with comfort now. 1 give all the praise to Dr. Pierce and hia remedies, for I believe they saved my life. Our family physician said I could not get well. «You can publish this, for I am willing to let others know how much I suffered and what cured me when others failed.* ” Favorite Prescription ” makes weak women strong and sick women well. It establishes regularity, and dries the Of fensive drains which undermine the strength. It heals inflammation and ul ceration and cures female weaknsca. It positively cures the nervousness, sleep lessness, backache and similar ailments which are caused by disease of the womanly organs. It is the best prepara tive for maternity. It cures morning ■- ■____>*?* baby’i practically painlesk. It con tains no alcohol and {»• absolutely free from opium, 1 cocaine and all other nar cotics. It cannot disagree' with the most delicate. ' A G^AXEFCt, UliYOND WOOD3,. u Words cannot tell how grateful I am for. your kind advice and good medi cines,” writes Mrs. Joint Cook, of Hastings, North umberland Co., Ont. ”1 had been in poor health for' four, years : baclc and this spring got bo bad I could not do my stork. I went to the doctor and ho said I had ulceration and falling of the internit or gans. I thought I would try your * Favorite Pre scription.' I took fiv^ bottles and three of The ‘ Golden Medical Discov ery ’ and one vial of I)r. Pierce’s Pellets, and I can safely say that I never‘felt better in my life.” No sick woman should accept her condition as in curable or beyond help until she has given T$r: Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion a fair and faithful trail. The wonderful cura tive power of this medifrfnij has been best provetf hi th« cures of lo’ng standing diseases which nad failed to yield to the treatment of local physicians, and which in many cases, as in that of Mrs. Doh^- glass, had l>een pronounced incurable. Many women write to Dr. Fierce for his medical, advice and the wise knd fatherly counsel which are the outcome of more than thirty years of practice and success. Dr. Pierce gives to every sitk woman the privilege of free consultation with him by letjer. This offer is not t6 l>e confounde.d^with those offers of free medical advice made by men or tvfitfieh who are not physicians and'afe not qual^' fled legally oi* medically to give the advice they <f^er. All correspondence is held as sacred, and the written confidences of women are guarded by the same strict profes sional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce in his daily personal consultation with sick women. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. I)o not accept a substitute for Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. There ia no motive for substitution except to en able the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorioui medicines. „ PBN!fle3 . . is a small sum but it will bring yon tt big and valuable !>ook. For 21 one-eent stamps to pay expense of mailing only you will receive free on request a copy of Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, containing over 1000 large |xiges and more than 70c illustrations. The Ixxrk bound in cloth will Ik.* sent for 31 stamps. Address D» R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. FINE SPREAD. The employees of Michael Bros, gave 1 delightful sprea 1 in honor of the s'x [’clock closing hour last evening at the Imperial hotel Quite a number of the •mployees of the other stores were pres ent and a delightful evening was spent Thanks were expressed to Mr. Till for nis kindness in aiding them to get up the affair. CHILD WEAKNESS. You can worry for months bout your weak child and no; uccecd in doing it a fractioi if the good that comes from ittle daily doses of Scott': Emulsion. The cure of child weakness ■s not the matter of a day bu jf steady common-sense treat ment. Children like Scott’s Emul sion and thrive on it. Perfectly harmless yet power ful for good. Send for Free Sample. SCOTT &. DOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St* N. Y. , STOPPED FREE 1 Permxne.itlrCureai), , OR. RUSE’S (FEAT fNERVE RESTORER S c'VTf iTIT* i(!TT bk 1 ' p ukk“* }--:»» « whn p*» M-rr,n-V ntiIt «.n tf.K-orr !>«.• * «.... BO* «.VJ wa.oru; »Ui*r. fc-rai .V«r- r^li-r—. Mr****. >1. Vltf Dtac*. * • u n.ii.Kum.L4. * trtcL Philadtlrhia. hum us ■ KfV I J Spencer's sermon last night it the Christian church was a powerful xposition of Sin—its beginning; nature ; its discovery ; its universality ; its con8fqacnce8 and its cure. H< empnasized the sins of the disposition too often overlooked or excused ; dwelt upon the deeeitfulness aud danger of n - cret sins and particularly warned his hearers against the sins of omission aud neglect with reference to the commands of Christ, on which eternal life is sns pended. The distinction between dis reputable ar.d reputable sins, illustrate! by the parable of the Pharisee and Pub lican, was searching and convincing in the extreme. The preaching of Dr. Spencer's is cal cnlated to arouse the conscience and make men realize the invisible aud spiritual. There was a large attendance and four persons accepted the gospel invitation l’rof. Wilson leads the chorns and sings gospel solos. Service* tonight at 8 o’clock. We a 1*0 Leaders. Steel Burned And strawberries frozen in the same dish tonight by Liquid Air. Thai . only one of the many wonderfu’ SQCh MOOTS PlT'lfl RllYKlS things that will he done. Better attend O Oli 1 VA 1—J HliUO, A Raging, Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph lino which Chas. C. Ellis, ofLison, la., had tore pair. “Standing waist deep in icy wa ter,’’ he writes, "gave me a terrible cold aud cough. It grew worse dally. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sionx City and Omaha said I had Consumption and oonld not live. Then I began using Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for Oongha, Colds and all Throat and Lang troubles. Price COo and *1 00. Trial bottle* free by H .R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. CASTOR IA For Infants anfi Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of Georgia Ssrawberries Fresh every day at Williamson’s. Do You Like Beaten biscuit? Get a biscuit machine from Geo. A. Bailey Supply Oo. Gnar anteed to make old time beaten biscuit. Slranjnr Than Fiction Aro the Liquid Air experiments, to le seen tonight only. Vegelablss. Beans. Tomatoes, New Irish Potatoes, at Williamson’s. Two More Names, Messrs. D W. McGregor and T. B. Wootten wish their names to be added to the 6 o’clock closing list. They oonld not be seon by the committee at the first oall but readily signed the agreement when seen. A Good Business Opportunity. One of the very best old line life in- snrance companies wants a representa tive in this oonnty. The company writes attractive policies, free from all tricks, and makes friends wherever Introduced. To the right man an excellent con tract will be made, nnder which a goed business can be established. Only those who are willing to give the basinets active attention, and who can fnrnish satisfactory references need apply. No previous knowledge of the business is necessary. Apply with references to Harty & Apple, managers for Georgia, the Mas sachusetts Mutual Life ihrorunce Go.. 117 Bay street east, Savannah, Georgia. ° .-3 jL- O i t I A. . iNinths Kind You-Hate Always Bougi ’igCutoi*' Rough and Dressed Lumber, Brick, Lime and Cement. A.t Tlie Riglit Price. Our job department is now under the supervision of Mr. W. T. Mayfield, who will be pleased to serve you with esti mates £ii any and all kinds of first class work. Come and see tjsT Lyndon flanufacturing Co. BEFORE BUILDING —SEE— Jesse M. Smith, Architect, Contractor and Builder, Office over Davison & Lowe’s Store I make a specialty of fine and difficult work, and give personal attention to all contracts entrusted to my super vision. Plane and specifications of all kinds furnished on short notice. Yours Truly, JESSE M. SrllTH. Gun, Locksmith and Bicycle Shop. S Clayton* Street. , Julius Dornblatt’s Old Stand. Briscoe ami Jordan have formed a Copartnership, andjwillj do' a general repairing business. Guns, pistols, bicycles, sowing machines, typo writers, iu fact al most anything worth mending can be done at their shop. Mr. Briscoe has several years experience as a gun and lock smith, and Mr. Jordan is an all-round man with bicycles, type writers and many other things. Bring your work we will do our best to please you. BRISCOE & JORDAN, ~ No. 8 Clayton*St„ - - ... Athens, Ga,