Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, May 13, 1902, Image 1

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ATHENS DAILY BANNER. ESTABLISHED 1882. ATHENS, GA.. 1UESDAY MORNING. MAY 13 1902 $5.00 A YEAR. BIG COAL STRIKE IN PENNSYLVANIA. Forty-Five Colleries Idle in the Ninth Pennsylvania District and Also at Hazleton, Pa.--The Cause of the Trouble fihaniokhi, Pa., May 12.—The forty- five collieries in the Ninth mining dis trict were comph tdy tied up this morning by the 20,655 employes, ex cluding losses, firemen, pumpmen and •ngineers. enforcing three days of sus pension ordered by the Scranton con vention. Two thirds of the collieries are in the vicinity of this place and are owned principally by the Philadel phia and Reading. Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley Coal company. While all of the colliery whistles were blown the men kept away from the operations. There were no disturb ances. Miners will lw» addressed in numerous sections of the district to day by their leaders, who will explain all that occurred at the New York and Scranton meetings. Afterwards the locals will meet to elect delegates and instruct them whether to vote for or against a strike at the Hazleton con vention. Hazleton, Pa., Miners Idle. Hazleton, Pa., May 12.—Mining op ©rations in this portion of the Seventh district are completely suspended to day. The only class of employes at work are the firemen, the engine the pump runners and a small number of non union repair men and clay stripping hands who have no connec tion with the miners. Coal company officials refuse to say whether they will make a move for a resumption on Thursday In case Wednesday’s conven tion declares In favor of the continua ) tion of the strike. SHIPS HURRIED TO ST. PIERRE. AERONAUTS HURLED TO AN AWFUL DEATH Senor Severo and Assistant Rilled In Paris. HIS AIRSHIP, LaPAlX, EXPLODES Tie-Up Is Complete. Wilkesharre, Pa., May 12.—Every mine' in the' Wyoming valley is idle this morning and the tie-up Is com plete. The only employes reporting for work were the engineers, firemen and pun^mi^i^Sttioad4tte^ 'the .near now at woVk Weeping the : Cremation of Bodies of Victims Be gun—Streets Choked With Dead. Fort de France, Island of Martinique Sunday, May 11.—Several steamers, Including the government vessel Ru his, started from here yesterday for St. Pierre. They had on board a gov ernment delegate, a number of gon darmea, a detachment of regular In fantry and several priests. The ves sels also carried a quantity of fire wood, petroleum and quick lime for use in the cremation of the IkhIIcs of the? victims of the terrible volcanic outbreak of Thursday last. Large quantities of disinfectants and stocks of clothing for the refugees were also shipped to St. Pierre. The refugees had, as a rule, assembled at l^oCarbet and Case Pllote, not far from St. Pierre, and it Is reported over a thou sand of them have died since the fear ful stream of lava poured down Mont Peleo. The sea for miles round was covered with the wreckage of the vessels sunk off St. Pierre at the time of the disas ter. and ashore only a few trees, all bent seaward by the force of the vol eanic shower, were left standing When nearing St. Pierre tho Rubis met a number of tugs towing light ers filled with refugees. The heat from the smoking lava covered ruins at St Pierre, was suffocating and the stench from the corpse-strewn struts was I awful. Only a few walls were stand [ ing. The report that the hospital clock was found Intact, with its hands stopped at 7:50, was confirmed, as was the statement that the ofllces of the cable company had entirely dis appeared. On all sides were fpunfl of corpses, which Brazilian Aeronaut Was Making Trial Trip, When, at a Great Height, Ship Explodes With Loud Report—Occu pants Horribly Mangled. May 12.—The death of Senor the Brazilian aeronaut, who assistant was killed this morn- tin- explosion of his airship in which he was making n •rented terrible consterna- Pa i is, Severo, with an ng by tl i aPaix, i trial tiip. tion. Senor Severo had invited a number »f friends to witness the ascension, md his wife and a number of rela Lives were following the course of th* balloon in motor cars. Suddenly thi pci tutors v.etc hoirificd by a brigl ash ol light followed by a loud c bull. :nie Was 1.. ■11 rapidly. ;ouse. The o.i-h by r C 111 gro n iiiaut f. 11 into th' Ay REVOLT IS IMMINENT IN ISLANDOF HAYTI Three Parties Have,It Is Said, Taken Up Arms. READY TO BEGIN HOSTILITIES dashed In piece legs wete Inn 1 i>f Ills loots. Tl. mpanled lilm wr hi Marne and .’he hones of hrough thi' sol nginocr who ;■ mrned to death. The accident is said to have beej aused by u leakage of gas. Senor Severo started with the Intel, .ion of sailing to the military parad .round at issy, and a large number o ais relatives and friends were pro reeding in the direction of that vil lagc, S miles southwest of Paris. With in cnglnect named Sachet, Severo sail ■d out of his balloon house near the Boulevard de Vaugirard at 5:3o a. m in excellent spirits and full of oonfl denco. The aeronaut put his airship through a series of evolutions before starting In the direction of issy. There seemed to be some hitch with the steering gear and tho rear propelling screw turned with diiliculty. Never theless, after several stoppages airship sailed off, moving stei Recent Resignation of President 8am and Questions Arising From the Election of His Successor Have Brought About Trouble. Port au Prince, Haiti, May 12.—Tho report that & revolution is on the point of breaking, out here as a result of the recent resignation of President Sam and the questions arising from the election of bis. successor is now con firmed. t Three parties have taken up arms and they ar,r all ready to begin hostil ities. General I-eConte is supported by the military element. General Vil lirun, the mlhlster of war, has the sym pathy of the former president. General Sam, and General Saint Foixcolln, the district commander, has the support of the population hero. The latter fa vors the resignation of congre ss, which is to assemble today and elect a sue cessor to President Sam. mines from being flooded expect to be called out 8ome of tho engineers may not obey tho order, but there Is no question but the firemen and pump men wilL Shenandoah Miners Respond. Bhbnandoah, Pa.. May 12—The mine l workers of Shenandoah, Mnhony City | and vicinity responded unanimously this morning to the request of the 1 Scranton meeting to remain away | from the mines pending the result of [the convention which will ho held at | Hazleton on Wednesday. No attempt ■ was made to start any of the eol- lllcrles. Only Few Report for Duty. Pa.. May 12.—Of the 7.000 nen employed by the Lehigh Coal arid Navigation company in the Panther 3reek valley, less than a score report kd for duty today and'ruined walls Indicated the spo’ where the customhouse formerly stood and traces of the larger shops could be seen. In the neighborhood hundreds oi corpses were found lying In all kinds of attitudes, showing that the victim had met death as if fry a lightninr stroke. Every vestige of clothing war burned away from the charred bodler and in many cases the abdomens had been burst open by the intense heat On one spot a group of nine children were found locked in each other's arms. The vaults of the hank of Mnrtln ique at the head of what had been the Rue de I.’Hnspitnl were found intact They contained 2,000,000 francs ih si eeie. among the miners here is favorable a strike unless concessions are ranted. 5even Years In Bed. "Will wonders eves cease?” inquire the friens of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence The sentiment Kan _ T£ey knew she bad been unable Coal Shortage Apparent Reading. Pa.. May 12.—Tho coal hortnge is alrendy apparent here. Coal ealers were besieged all of Sunday customers nnd they say that they live more orders than they can fill In Imonth, even with the mines running ■ Won't follow Advice After Paying for It. pn a recent article a prominent physi- t says, "It Is next to impossible for ) physician to get his patients to carry I any prescribed coarse of hygiene or i to the smallest extent; he has bnt rt left, namely, the drug treat- When medicines are used for i constipation, the most mild and t obtainable, such as Chamberlain's ch & Liver Tablets, should be Their use is not followed by ipatlon as they leave the bowels in ral and healthy condition. For r all druggists. Georgia Actor Dies In Denver, |nvcr. May 12.—George Pritchard, ctor. Is dead of typhoid pneurao- a local hospital. He was lead- omedian of the Denver Theater company when stricken with Mr. Pritchard was 31 years His mother lives at Gridin, Situation Acute at Port au-Prince. New York, May 12.—There is In tense but suppressed feeling here, says a Port-au-Prince dispatch to The Her aid, over tho acute political situation Congress, which meets Monday, prob ably will elect M. Leconte to succeed President Simon Sam. The people are disposed to break up tho chambers EVERY SOUL WAS STRICKEN DOWN. City of St. Pierre Suffered the Host Awful Fate of History—Streets Heaped With Corpses and Investigating Parties on tne Search. BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED. Now Total Number for Jacksonville Exceeds 2,100. Jacksonville, Fla., May 12.—The to tal number of substantial structures since the fire, as shown by the build ing permits issued, reaches 2,12s, and represents an expenditure far in ex cess of the loss sustained In the great conflagration of May 3. 1901. No one expected such a marvelous growth, but the city is practically re built, although there are yet vacant places to he filled. This week’s permits show a number of handsome residences, among which is the magnificent home of S. II. Hub- hard, to ho erected In Riverside. Next winter there will he a great demand for houses, and Jacksonville will be prepared to earo for all newcomers in comfort. This week's permits show the smallest number since the boom be gan, but architects dcclnre that scores of new buildings will go up during the next three months. BATTLE BY LAND AND SEA. Great Carnage la Wrought at Caru-, Venezuela. New York,-May 12.—Great carnage was wrought; at Carupano, the Veue zuelan seapof} town, which was attack ed, says thi;Port of Spain, Trinidad, correspondent' of The Herald, by land and s^^ralfay 6 by government AgWtfSfiA^nboats without 21 hours' been given that non- combatai@; - otild leave the town. ForelfJjjg-K in Carupano are without assistance<-:n th. Ir respective gov- New Line of River Boats. Columbia. S. C., May 12.—A hope which Columbia has long looked for ward to has at last been realized in the definite announcement that with in 30 or 00 days a line of river steam ers will be established between this city and Georgetown. The steamorB are to make semi-weekly trips from Columbia to Georgetown, connecting with the Clyde line for New York. The boats to he used In this service aro already at Georgetown and are await ing orders to begin their trips. They will have a tonnage of from 100 to 125 tons. been /lost. Then from the center of the outer ■nvelope a tongue of (lame darted out This was followed by a loud report, esembling a cannon shot, and the hip sank like stone, falling on the oof of a house, thence into some trees md finally reaching the Avenue du Maine almost on top of Its occupants vho had previously boon precipitated m the stone pavement. The fearfully nangled corpses of Severo and Sachet vi-ro conveyed to a neighboring police itation. The bodies presented a horrl- de spectacle, especially that of Sach t. The flame which caused the explo- don burned the engineer in a most shocking manner. Practically not n hone of either victim was left unfrac tured and both skulls wore terribly crushed. A TEXA.8 WONDER. to leave her bed for seven years on ac count of kidney and liver trouble, ner vous prostrtion and general debility bnt, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk,” she writes, “and in three months I felt like a new per son.” Women suffering from beadaohe Backache, Nervousness, Sleeplessnes Melancholy, Fainting ;and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing, Try it Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50c H. R. Palmer & sons and W. J. Smith & Bro. Georgia Pharmaceutical Association Atlanta. May 12.—'Tho Georgia Pha: maceutlcal association will hold t; annual meeting this year at Bruns wick nnd the convention promises t- be one of the lnrgest attended an? more successful yet held ty the o-gan izatlon. Men of national reputation have been Invited to deliver addresses nnd read papers on Important sub jects nnd a number have accepted. Those having charge of the arrange ments for the convention have pre pared an unusually interesting pro gram. iteen Continues to Improve. Hague, May 12.—Queen Wilhel- had a good night, according to i from Castle I.oo this morning, ndltton shows continued Im minent. flow's This? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cared by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., props., Toledy, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bo iieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry any obligation made by their firm. West & Trnax, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, whole- ale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tes timonials free. * Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Southern Postmasters Named. Washington, May 12.—The presi dent has sent the following nomina tions for postmasters to the senate for confirmation: Georgia, Willis E. Harp, Jackson; Thomas J. Helm, Rome. Ken tucky, William H. Harrison, Flemings, burg. Louisiana, James Burnett, Ba ton Rouge. South Carolina, Charles E. Carmen, Aiken. Kentucky, Fielding C. Elkin, Lexington. Hsll'a Great Dlcovery. Gne small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery onres all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism aud all irregularities of tho kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by yonr druggists, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1 One small bottle is two months treat ment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, P. O. Box (129, St Louis, Mo Send for testmonials. Sold by all druggists. READ THIS. Greenfield, Xenn., March 30, 1901. Dr. E. W. Hall, St. Louis, Mo.— Dear Sir: My mother is 04 years old aud has suffered twenty-five years with kid uey trouble, and one-third of a bottle oi yonr Texas Wonder. Hall’s Great Dis covery, has cured her, and I can fully reoommend it to the pnblio. Yonrs truly O. B. ItREWKY any danfcirtbs'bdBaeqaenoea front it. She says: Onr three ohildren took whooping congh last summer, our baby boy beiDg only three months old, aud owing to our giving them Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, they lost uoue of their plvmpness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for congh syrup between whoops.—JESSIE PINKEY HALL, Spnngville. Ala. This Remedy is for •tale by all druggists. Were Once Middlesboro Residents. Middlesboro, Ky., May 12.—W. C. Inco ami family, lost on the Roraima, the Quebec liner, destroyed In tho dis aster at St. Pierre, were former resl dents of Middlesboro. litu.* New York, May 12.—Successful at tempts have been made to reach St. Pierre, says a London dispatch to The Tribune. Cabling from St. Lucia the correspondent of The Daily Mall says tho town is a l.eap of ruins aud dead oodles are lying all around. Few ever w ill be rt < agnized, so great are tho mutilation and distortion. 3,000 Charred Corpses. Search parties have found 3,000 charred corpses on the site of the ca thedral. All appear to have been as phyxiated at Gist. Not a soul was found alive in the whole town. Describing the destruction of the Is land city the correspondent says that last Monday Mont l’elee poured forth a stream of molten lava 20 foot high and half a mile wide. Its progress was appalling. Rushing down the dry bed of Riviere Rlanehc it reached tho sea. The force of the Impact was such that the sea receded for 300 feet for miles along the westorn coast. I.oud detonations followed at short. Ir regular intervals, absolutely awe-in spiring aud so loud that they were heard 300 miles away. Crater Mass of Lurid Flames. At night the vocano crater was a mass of lurid flamcB which shot high up over the mountain, while all the time the cannonading went on. It continued at intervals on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday morning It was relatively still. St. Pierre was, as usual, early astir and business was partly going ou about 7 o’clock, when a sort of whirl wind of steam, boiling mud and fire suddenly swept with Incredible rapid ity over the city and roadstead. At once the town waa. in - Iflrtstg tftaftarflyer-anqnwn • to-lr (Sciatic Rheumatism direfl Alter Fourteen Years ot Suffering. ••1 have been afflicted with sciatic rheumatism for fourteen years’* says Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Gal. "I was able to be aronnd bnt constantly suffered. I tried everything I oonld hear of and at last was told to try Chamber Iain’s Pain Balm, which I did and wa- immediately relieved and In a short time cored, and am happy to say U has not since retured.” Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by all druggists. Fatal Fight In Saloon. Albuquerque, N. M., May 12.-—Dis patches fr»m Tucumeori, N. M., say that James D. Eakin shot and killed Leo Smith and Joe Stewart in a fight In Mollnl & Eakln’s saloon. Eakin, who Is a wealthy liquor dealer, Is said to have shot in self defense, the other men having first drawn their guns. United States Attorney Childers, who was recently acquitted of murder hero, has gone to Tueumeorl to defend Eakin. TlkeT Drowning "Fiva years ago a disease the doctors called dyspepsia took such hold of me that I could scarcely go,” writes Geo. S. Marsh, well known attorney of No tions, Tex. "I took^quantities of pepsin ani other medicines but nothiug helped me. As a drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an improvement at once and after a few bottles am Bound and well.” Kodol is the only preparation whioh exactly re produces the natural digestive juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cures any form of stomach trouble. H. R. Palmer & Sons and Warren J Smith & Bro. the sea,' which was then a raging caul dron. The whole destruction had taken place within less than 20 minutes ot eruption. Death Took Them at a Breath, From tho positions of the bodies, the opinion is formed thnt many wera overcome almost before they realized the extent of the peril. Many of the bodies are In lifelike positions, as though death had conto with a breath, as Indeed may have been the ease. Steps have been taken to prevent disease from resulting from the disas ter. Burial parties aro working night and day, but It Is Impossible tha7 the dead can bo cared for as their ft lends would wish. Military rule Is established In the town to prevent vandals from work ing. One of the great misfortunes arises from the fart that tho store houses of provisions have been swept out of existence. NEW CRATERS HAVE OPENED. A Poor nilUonalre. Lately starved in London because he conld not digest his food. Earl; nse of Dr. King’s New Life Pills wonld have saved him They strengthen the stem ach, aid digestion, promote assimilation, improve appetite. Price 25o. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by H. R. Palmer & Son, W. J. Smith & Bros druggist. The one commendable thing about war is that it sometimes ends. Stepped Into Live Coals. When a child I burned my foot frightfully,” writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, Va., "whioh caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Baoklin’s Ar nica Salve wholly cured me after every thing else failed.” Infallible for Barns, Scalds, Outs, Sores, Braises and Piles. Sold by H. R. Palmer & Son, W. J. Smith & Bros 25c. No Loss ol Time.. I have sold Ohmberlain’s Colic Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy lor yeras, and wonld rather be out of coffee and Bugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers that could go no father, and they are at work again this morning.—H. R. PHELPS, Plymouth, Oklahoma. As will bo seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work wthont losing a single day’s time. Yon shonld keep a bottle of this Remedy in yonr home. For sale by all druggists. Big Deal In Coal Lands. Birmingham, Ala., May 12.—Messrs. Ferdinand and Emil Loeb. of New York, are here consummating a deal for the purchase of 100,000 acres of coal lands in Walker county. B. M. and T. L. Long and J. H. Bankhead, Jr., aro Interested In the lands and aro making the sale. It is understood that the Messrs. Long propose the or ganization of an immense company to develop the lands purchased. Martinique Catastrophe More Terrible Then at First Reported. London, May 12.—The colonial of fice received tho following dispatch this afternoon from Administrator Bell, of tho Island of Dominica, Brit ish West Indies: "Tho Martinique catastrophe ap pears to bo oven more terrible thah at first reported. Refugees arriving here this morning say that new era- torB are open In many directions; that rivers are overflowing, and that large areas In the north of the Island are submerged. Other districts are crowd ed with survivors. Almost total dark ness continues. I do not believe Guad- olupc can adequately relieve the stu pendous distress.’’ A Razing. Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph line whioh Ohas. O. Ellis, ofLison, la., had to re pair. "Standing waist deep in ioy wa ter,” he writes, “gave me a terrible cold and congh. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sionx City and Omaha said I bad Consumption and conld not live. Then I began using Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for Oonghs, Golds and all Throat and Lang troubles. Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free by H .R. Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith & Bro, To Provide Relief for Survivors. New York, May 12.—Plans are be ing matured for a meeting In this city of all former residents of Martinique. It probably will be held Tuesday even ing. It is believed men of Martin ique will come to New York from all cities within a radius of 500 miles It Is Intended to take such steps at may be possible looking to rolief ol the survivors of the disaster caused by the eruption. Volcanic. Lightning Kills Sixty. New York. May 12.—A dispatch hai reached hero from St. Lucia, says ■ London dispatch to The Tribune, de scribing a terrible state of affairs on 8t. Vincent. The northern district ol the Island has been completely de stroyed by volcanic eruption. Sixty persons were killed by lightning wbllt trying to escape.