Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, May 24, 1902, Image 1

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PR0PR1ATI0NS STAND FAST. and Rome Will Get Their Appropriations as •etd to by the House Conferees—Macon Will Probably Lose Hers. ATHENS DAI ABLISHED 188?. ATHENS, GA., SaTUKDAY MORNING, MAY 24,1902 BANNER. $5.00 A YEA*. gton, May z3.—The indica that all Georgia items In tha Ridings 1>111 will he retained possible exception of $3hq,- new building at Macon. Ths for Athens and tha' for Homo agreed to by the house eon ithout any semblance of oh- buso committee had consent increase in the Macon Item 00. and tho senate committee an additional $30,000 for thn of additional land. The nt Increased this amount to and was placed on the hill In into by Senator Fairbanks, i of tho committee, on the re sonator Bacon. This amend In the shape of the hill drawn v Bartlett and Introduced both md Senator Bacon early In the The expenditure is Indorsed treasury department on tho that It Is better business fot ernment to spend $300,000 In a new building at Macon than I nearly hulf that amount in over the present structure, -nator Bacon and Judge Bart make a hard light to have er amount retained In the bill, y have hopes of success. The It passes the senate carries n NEGRO BURNED AT STAKE. EXPLOSION IN MINE IMPRISONS MANY MEN Over Hnndred Miners Caught Like Rats In Trap. ONLY 16 SUCCEEDED IN ESCAPING Thousands of Texans Participate In Cremation of Black Brute. Longview. Tox., May 23.—The cul mination of a man hunt which haa boon in progress since last Saturday was reached yesterday when Dudley Morgan, negro, who asaulted Mrs. Mc Kee, wife of a Texas and Pacific fore man at Lansing, Tex., was burned at tho stake. When it was learned that the negro had been captured and wan being taken to l^ansing for identifica tlon the excitement of the people knew no bounds. By 11 o'clock great throngs had gathered at the Lansing switch, and looking over the ground decided to make arrangements to burn the negro about a quarter of a mile away on the line of a county road. A better place could not have been selected for the convenience of the immense crowd which witnessed the burning, for it was an open place, smooth and cover ed with grass, hedged in with high trees, making an opening about 200 yards wide and 300 yards long. The trees were literally lined with people an hour before the negro arrived. Just before 11 o'clock the train bringing the negro and his captors ktlvely small Increase over the | "<'“ r »**"» he , waB ‘'apUirml arrived .assed by the house, and there\ In Marshal! and wns_ met there by a Mine Horror Reported From Fernie, B. C.—Efforts Being Made to Res cue Imprisoned Men, but It Is Feared Many Have Perished. Fernie. B. C.. May 23.—A terrible ex plosion occurred at 7 o’clock last even ing in No. 2 mine, which Is connected with No. 3 shaft and also with tho high lines shaft. All three openings were blocked. One hundred and fifty men wore in the mine at work at tho time of the explosion. Of this number 16 escaped from No. 3 shaft before the cave-ln. The re mainder are prisoners and small hope: are entertained for their safety. Good order prevails and everything posslblo Is being done to relieve them The fan was disabled, but was quickly restored. No. 3 Is expected to be opened soon One of those who escaped, a hoy. has since died. chamre of nil the Increase dned In conference. be- 1UTHERN BUYS ROAD. Valdosta and Western It Added to its System. inah, Oa., Mny 23. The n railway has bought the At- Valdosta and Western railway. ^1 was made In Jacksonville nday. President Samuel 8i>cnccr, ol ithorn railway, was In that dual was completed. No do tho purchase are known here, positive announcement that 1 has been made comes from lal who Is In a position to know. Atlantic, Valdosta and Western iitlles of road. The main line from Jacksonville to Valdos- miles, and branches and spurs ip the rest of tho mileage. Thu owns valuable terminals at ivllle, and it is said that this.- are what tempted the South JOYS GUILTY OF MURDER. great throng of people. The prisoner was taken to the sec tion house, which stands close to the track, and Identified by Mrs. McKee and several negroes who worked oil tho section with Morgan. Mrs. Me Kee told them they had the right man, and the negro was esf*>f<od by about 200 men armed with Winchesters to tire place of execution Morgan confessed to having commit ted the crime and after being B-eeure- ly chained to tho stake or rail Section Foreman McKee, husband of the worn an assaulted, applied tho match to the faggots. Many women were present from the surrounding country, but ow lng to the great rrurh they had little opportunity to see the negro until the heat forced the crowd to widen the circle and the flames 1 -aped over him LOUBET LEAVES RUSSIA. ra Given Life Terms for Kill- Ing Negro. nla, Ga„ May 23.—In the stipe lrt here James and Henry Sum ,WO white hoys who live near Iff, In this county, were eon jf the murder of a negro named Williams. Tho Jury recoin- them to the mercy of tho nd Judge Evans s nteneod them penitentiary for life, crime was committed last De- The evidence showed that dy of the murdered man was tmrted In a hran< h, and that the )re hoys hail been in possession vat el. and pistol, which they dls if to other parties. did not deny the killing, but 1 that the negro first shot at one m before they killed him. A has been made for a new trial. DEATH IN TROLLEY WRECK. EXPLOSI BY CAUSED IWDER DUST Opinion of Experts as to the Coal Creek Horror. — RESULT IMPROPER VENTILATION Rescuing Parties Are Still at Work In the Mines to Recover Dead Bodies, but Experience Great Difficulties From Foul Gases and Tons of Debris. Knoxville. Tenn., May 23.—A spe cial to The Sentinel from Coal Creek says that it Is the opinion of mining expei ts who have examined Fraterville coal mine. In which the terrible explo sion occurred last Monday morniag, that it was canBcd by powder dust. This. It Is suggested, might have re suited from Improper ventilation In tho mine, which,, until two years ago, was unquestionably. considered the safest In the Coal Creek belt. It la stated that the > Fraterville mine was SITUATION IS MUCH BETTER. The Volcanoes in the Island of n&rtinique Are Not So Threatening, But Still the People Are Fleeing by Shiploads. KANSAS DEMOCRATS. State Convention Adjourns After Mak ing Number of Nominations. Wichita, Kan., May 23.—Tho Dem ocratic state convention has adjourned after nominating six of the fourteen places to he filled at the November election. W. H. Craddock, mayor of Kansas City, was named for gov ernor. Other nominations are: James D. McCleverty, Fort Hcott, dependent on the fan at the Thistle 1 and J. C. Cannon, of Mount City, for Brakes Refused to Work—Car Dashed Dovtn Steep Hill. Easton, Pa., May 23.—Two men were killed and many men and women In jured In a trolley wreck a few mile beyond Easton at midnight last night Tho dead: Edward Commodore. Nazareth. Joseph Dorhammer Easton. An Easton and Nazareth car left this ety shortly before midnight car rying 89 passengers. On a steep hill in Palmer township, the brakes re fused to work and the oar ran away lescendtng tho incline at terrific speed. -It the foot of the hill there was a sharp curve. Here the car jumped he track, and tearing loose from the trucks fell on its side In the country oad. T-be greatest excitement pre called. Mnny women fainted, while >thers became hysterical through fright. There was a wild scramble to get out of the ear. While the passen gers wore being dragged from the car windows an ofTort was being made to release Commodore from beneath tho trucks, but beforo he could be got out life was extinct. The body of Der- hammer was found several yards from the wreck In the ear. The skull was fractured and the body horribly bruis ed. mine for fresh air supply, there being no fans at the entrance to Fraterville mine. Further investigation will, how- ever, likely be made to ascertain whether any gas deposits were pone t/Rtcd as at Ural thought. Rescuing parties labored In vain last night and today In their efforts to re cover dead bodies, as none have been brought out since 2 o’clock yesterday, when the number was 212. Of these all save three have been Identified. It Is still a question as to ho-.v many re main In the mine, though It Is thought the total number therein at the time of the explosion was 226. The res cuers encounti ties In the last on account of on heavy to block, fill cars arc Rlted' indicating that some supreme Justices; Claud Duvall, of Hutchinson, secretary of state; J. M. Love, of Kingsley, tor auditor; William I.euce. of Wichita, for superintendent of public Instruction. A committee of this convention will meet with the populists in Topeka June 24 with pow- er to ratify the ticket expected to be filled out thPff. HORSE JOCKEY SLAIN BY WIFE. A Poor national re. very great dlfilcul- ds penetrated, both accumulations and coal having fallen The mining .pa In many places, explosion was in . to an upheaval. These LfiljBPS8&Qii8 will have to be re moved nt least in part before more bodies-’-'are recovered. Many are be lieved to be burb 1 beneath this debris. jyfimaBiuqjniS^f.'tha relief commit- te^fflffouraSSrkjKihnrlilo announces that it -requires $500 per day to pro vide actual necessities of life for the widows and father less and to give oth er aid that comes In the province of the relief committee. It Is thought the real enormity oT the situation la not being fully realized and that outside cities havo on that account failed to respond. C. M. McClung la chairman of the relief rommittee In charge o[ all contributions coming to this city R. M. t.lndaay Is chairman of the re lief committee at Goal Creek. Contrl bnfions may be sent to these gentle in Act of Braining Her She Puts Bul let In His Head. Pittsburg May 23.—Joseph Pearson, a horse Jockey, was shot and Instant ly killed by his wife, Louisa, at the let ter's homo In Esplonborough last night. He was In the act of braining her with a hatchet when the woman, warn- ed of his Intentions hy numerous re marks which ho had let drop during the day. fired point Tfiank at his head The bullet entered the right cheek and lodged in the brain, Pearson falling a corpse at the feet of his wife, son and daughter. Mrs. Pearson surrendered to the officers at once and will be held pending the coroner’s werdlct. Savannah’s New Station. nnah. May 23.—The Savannah itstlon was opened to the public lion yesterday afternoon for the [me. Crowds of visitors were building during the hours of the g, And praise and admiration leard upon all sides. From 3 until 9 at night the rotunda and tree wsro thronged, tho visitors dating the magnificence of the l.. The Savannah union station approaches cost close upon 000. Bonds to that amount will I by the company to cover lot of the construction. President Toasts Czar Upon live ol His Departure—Czar Replies. St. Petersburg, May 23.—The French squadron escorting President Loubet left Croustudt this afternoon Franee. The czar and czarina were entertained by President Loubet lunch on the armored cruiser Mont Calm. M. Loubet toasted the ezar as follows: "Sire: In coming on board the Mont Calm with her majesty, the czarina, you have done the French navy an honor which It profoundly appreciates The fraternity of tho French and Rus sian navies evidences tho union of tttelr countries. 1 shall carry away a warm and Imperishable memory of my visit to this hospitable empire and France will remain faithful to tho al liance, of tvhich Russia, in common with Franco, so fully appreciates the benefit. 1 drink to the long life and glory of the valiant Russian navy.” Tho ezar replied: “It Is Infinitely agreeable to the czarina and myself. We thank you cordially for your visit, Mr. President, nnd hog you to convey our most friend ly greetings, as well as our best wishes, to Franee. the faithful friend and steadfast ally of Russia. I raise my glass to the prosperity of the glo rious navy pf Franee.” Lately starved in London because he nu n - could not digest his food. Early nse of Dr. King’s New Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stom ach, aid digestion, promote assimilation, improve appetite. Price 25c. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by H. R. Palmer & Son, W- J- Smith & Broe. druggist. A R fine. Roaring Flood bed down a telegraph line which a Em*. ofLiion, la., had to re- '•Standing waist deep in icy wa lewrites, • gave mo a terrible cold •h. It grow worse daily y the best -doctors in Oakland, Sioox City and Omaha said I had mption and conld not live. Then n using Dr. King's New Discovery as wholly cored by six bottles, rely guaranteed for doughs. Golds 11 Throat and Lung troubles uOo and $1.00. Trial bottles free by Palmer & Sons and W. J. Smith Seven Years In Bed. Will wonders eves cease?” Inquire the friens of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan., They knew she had been unable to leave her bed for seven yeais on ao count of kidney and liver trouble, ner vous prostrtion and general debility; bnt, “Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk,” she writes, “and in three months I felt like a new per son.” Women suffering from t.eadaohe, Backache, Nervousness, Slecpleesnes, Melancholy. Fainting land Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing, Try it Satisfaction is guaranteed. Only 50c II R Palmer Sc sous and W. J Smith & Bro. Cuban House Declares May 19 a Memo rial Day. New York .May 23.—The house haa adopted a resolution, says a dispatch from Havana to The World, declaring May 19 decoration day, and a motion expressing sympathy for American sol diers killed In Cuba. Representative I.ynaz withdrew from the chamber and vowed he would never return, because his mption re garding honoring the flag of Narclso Lopez was tabled. ixq>ez was a Vene zuelan filitmsterer who was shot by the Spaniards in Havana in 1851. I’ickpockets are reaping a harvest on the Prado, the principal prom cnadc, and crooks of various kinds un doing a rushing business. A policeman who attempted to ar rest a crook was killed. Fifty-nine Nanigos, alleged to he a secret order of assassins, havo been captured by the police while new mem bers were being Initiated. The new members were In the act of signing thlr obligations In blood when the po lice arrested the entire party. The Nanigos are greatly dreaded through out Cuba. Summer Rciart Folder Southern Rahway Mach valuable information mailed free to any address upon application to agents Southern Railway. W. H. Tayloe, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt. Atlanta Gv R. W Hunt, Div. Pass. Agent, Charleston, S. O. J. O. Beam, Diet. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Oa. In reply to inquiries we have pleasure in announcing that Ely’s Liquid Cream Balm is like the solid preparation of that admirable remedy in that it cleanses and heals membranes affected by nasal catarrh. There is no drying or sneezing. The Liquid Cream Balm is adapted to use by patients who hove troable in in haling through the nose and prefer spraying. The price, including spray ing tube, is 75 cents. -Bold by all drag- gists or mailed hy Ely Brothers, 56 War ren street. New York. Cures eczema and Itching Humors through the Blood—Costs Nothing to try It. B. B B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized os a certain and sure enre for Eczema, Itching Skin, Hnmors, Scabs, Scales, Watery Blisters, Pimples Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Carbon cles, Priokling Pain in the Skin, Old Eating Sores, Uncers, etc. Botanio Blood Balm taken internally, cares the worst nnd most deep-Beated cases by en richtng, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby riving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanio Blood Balm is the only cure, to stay cured, for these awfnl, annoying skin troubles Others remedies may relieve, bnt B. B B. actually cares, heals every sore, and gives the rioh glow of health to the skin B. B. B builds np the broken-down body and makes the blood red and nour ishing. Over 3000 voluntary testimo nials of enrea by Botanic Blood Balm (B. B B.) Druggists. $1.00. Trial treat ment free and prepaid by writing, Blood Balm do., Atlanta, Ga. De scribe trouble, and free medical advice given until cured. Dead Calm In Strike Region. Wilkesbarre. Pa., May 23.—All the district leaders having gone to theli homes, the headquarters of the United Mine Workers was about the quletes: place that could be found In the coal regions today. The only persons here directly connected with the miners strike were National President Mitch ell and District Presidents Ntcholls. Fahey and Duffy. Reports from thi outlying districts this morning were t( the effect that a dead calm .prevail! everywhere. Won't follow Advlco After Paying for It. In a recent article a -prominent physi cian says, “It Is next to impossible for the physician to get his patients to carry out any prescribed course of hygiene or tiet to the smallest extent; he has bnt one resort left, namely, the drug treat ment.” When medicines are need for ohroDic constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable, such as Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets, should be omployed. Their use is not followed by constipation as they leave the bowels in t natural and healthy condition. For sale by all druggists. Fort de France. Island of Martin- ique, Thursday, May 22.—At 5 o’clock this afternoon the sky was clear aud the population was calm, but despite this lavotablo change iu the situatlou many families loft Fort de France by the French steamers Versailles and the Ville do Lunger for the Island of Trinidad aud for Cayeuno, French Guiana. This, with the 1.200 persons who have gone to the Island of Guade- lupo and many others who have sought refuge at St. Lucia and other Islands, has lessened the population considera bly. Besides these some 2,000 people have left Fort de France for the south ern parts of the Island of Martinique, whore 3.000 refugees havo now assem. bled. This desertion of Fort do France has resulted In the disorganization ol many trades. A number of bakers have been compelled to close their stores, owing to the fact that their empfeyers are among those who havo fled. The French cruiser Tago, having Ad. mlral Servan on board, arrived here this evening. She reported that Mont Pelee now presents more assuring prospects The clouds of smoke leav ing the crater mingle with the clouds In the sky and do not have the threat ening aspect which they formerly pre sented. A new orator has formed la the vicinity of Ajonpa Bouillon. A locality known as Camao Trianon Is causing a good deal of anxiety at present. Tho Capoto riv'er Is running with hot water. The French cruiser D’Assas has ar rived here from Brest, having on board the French government relief commie, slon and large supplies of money and provisions. The French cruiser Tago from New Orleans May 11 with money and sup plies for the Martinique sufferers, con tributed by the citizens of New Op leans, has -arrived. Schwab Gives $,u,000 to lurch. New York, May 23.—Rev. George Street, pastor of the First Baptist church, has received a check from Gharles M. Schwab, president ot the United States Steel corporation, for {5.000 to he added to the building fund of tho new church which Is be ing erected hy the congregation at a cost of $20,000, says a Uraddock, Pa. special to The World. Naval Officer Killed by Train. New York, May 23.—Captain Geo. Cowle, a well known naval officer who served under Admiral Farragut In the civil war and who was chief engineer of tho battleship Indiana In thn war with Strain, was run over and killed at Rahway, N. J., by an express train Cheap Ratee to Charleston via sea Board Air 21st, good returning until May 24th tickets Athens to Gbarleeton and return at $3.50, on account of Wagner day. J. Z HOKE, Agent, Paris, May 23.—A dispatch receiv ed here from the governor of Martin ique, M. l’Huerre, dated yesterday, roads as follows: “Have consulted with the council of the late colony on the subject of total or partial evacua tion of tho island. They are unani mous In declaring that such a meas ure is not Justifiable at present. The trans Atlantic steamship now undergo ing repairs horn might ho utilized to transport those who are desirous ol leaving. About 1,000 people are leav. ing by the steamer Versailles ami oth ers are sailing on the Ville de Tangot for Trinidad and Cayenne. Ther-i have been no new fatalities.” FATAL BOXING CONTEST. Don't Start Wrong. Don’t start the summer with a linger ing cough or cold. We all know what s. ”summercold”ia. It's the hardest kind to cure. Often it “hangs on" throngt the entire season. Take it in hand right now. A few doses of One Minnte Oongt dare will set yon right. Snre oare for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronohitis all throat and lung troubles. Absolute ly safe. Acts atonoe. Children like it “One Minute dough dure is the best. Seaboard Air Line Will sell on Ma? cough medicine I ever used,” says J. H. Whooping: Cough. A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to prevent iny dangerous conseqaenoes from it She says: Our three children took whooping congb last summer, our baby boy being only three months old, and owing to onr giving - them Ohamberlain's Oongh Remedy, they lost none of their plvmpness and came oat in mach better health than other ohildren whose parents did not nse this remedy. Onr oldest little girl would call lustily for oongh Byrnp between whoops.—JESSIE PINKEY HALL, SprmgvUle, Ala. This Remedy is for sale by all druggists. High School Professor Suicides. Susquehanna. Pa., May 23.--Profes sor Benton H. James, for many years principal of the Montrose High school, committed suicide last night by hang ing himself to a tree in the outskirts of the borough. The body was found today. Temporary insanity, eaused by 111 health. Is supposed to be. the cause. Professor James was ono ol the ablest and best known Instructors in western Pennsylvania. He was former superintendent of public schools In Susquehanna county. Tommy Noonan Dies From Blow Re ceived at Hands of Eddie Dixon. Dixon is in custody, having surren dered to the police immediately after it became apparent last night that Noonan had received a serious Injury. While generally known In sporting circles as Tommy Noonan, the dead boxer’s real name was John Cassidy and his home was in Chelsea. He was 20 years of age. The fatal blow was delivered in the fourth round of what was to have been a six round bout. landed on Noonan’s Jaw and he dropped to the. floor, where he lay un til counted out. It was seen that hu was in a serious condition and physi- clans were summoned. |$liey pro nounced him suffering with concussion of the brain. Noonan was removed a hospital, where death ensued about 8 o’clock this morning. Bowels, Grove ton, N. H. “I never found Anything else that acted so safely and quickly. H R. Palmer & Son, and W. J. Smith Sc Bro. ANNUAL MEETING. TbeAnnnal Meeting of the polioy holders of the Southern Mutual Insnr ance Company, will be held at the com pany’s office in Athens Ga. on Tuesday Jnne 3, 1902, at 11 o’clock am. t d A E. GBIFFETH, Secretary. MURDER CHARGED TO YOUTH. Claimed He Stabbed Another Fatally About Young Lady. Florence. Ala., May 23. —A young white man, named Brewer, 18 years old. was stabbed to death near Iron Cily, Tenn., Wednesday morning. An other young white man, named Cater ton. Is charged with the crime. It is said the two were at a church gathering, where Caterton accused Brewer of having made false state ments about him to a young lady friend. It Is claimed the two men then engaged In a fight. In which Brewez was stabbed to death by the other. Caterton then fled and has not yel been captured. Stepped Into Live Coals. “When a child I bnrned my foot frightfully,” writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, Ya., “which canBed horrible leg sores for 30 years, bnt Bnoklin'a Ar nica Salve wholly cored me after every thing else failed." Infallible for Borns, Scalds, Oats, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by H. R. Palmer & Son, W. J. Smith Sc Bros 25c.