Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, May 24, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER; SATURDAY, MAY 24. 1902. JTHE ATHENS DAILY BANNER Published Datlr. Sunday and Weekly by M. J. ROWS. !-*«*««. Editor HOLDER, JR... C M. YOUNO. City Editor. THE ATHENS DAILY BANNER la delivered by <*hi rtt-rs in the city, or mailed, postage free to any address at the following rates: 45.00 per y« ar, 4J.50 for six months, $1.25 for three months. The Weekly or Sunday BANNER $1.00 per year, 50 cents for six months. Invariably Cash in advance. Remittances may be made by express, post office money order or registered letter. All business communications should be ad dressed to the Business manager. Subscribers are requested to promptly notify the business office of late delivery, failure to carry papers to porches or failure to deliver with absolute regularity on the part of the car riers. Such notifications is the only means ol knowing of the existence of any cause for com- p aint, and will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONES: Business Office 75. one ring Editorial Rooms 75, two rings. Has yonr guess been sent in't Only a few days left. Hardwick and Fleming are having a ‘•monkey and parrot time” In the Tenth district, The Sparta Ishmaelite says Pleas Stovall Is a man of ability, a magnetic speaker and a olever fellow. Well, we should say he is. The Southern Railway has takeu in the Atlantic, Valdosta and Western road, which will add mnoh to the value of the greatest railroad system In the SGnth. Hon. DnPont Guerrjr will speak at Forsyth today in an attempt to answer the speeoh recently delivered there by Hon. J. M. Terrell. He has a big job on his bands, Today and Uonday are the last days for registration for the state primary to be held on Jane 2th. Be sure to register by Monday and better do it today tc avoid the rnsh. The people of Georgia will give Sena trr Steve Clay an nnmistakeable en dorsement on Jnne 5th. He is one ol the ablest and hardest working Senators this state has had in many a year. a his address Thursday night, Mr. Terrell said: Were I called upon to name the most prosperous section that the snn shines I would unhesitatingly point to a lion composed of aboat twenty conn- ties in South Georgia. I was in this seel ion a short while ago and spoke in new court honses to large audiences, and on each occasion I coaid almost read the countenances of the people these woids, ‘peace and prosperity.' ” Mr. Terrell did not overdraw the pictnre. On the other hand, with the limited time at his disposal and taking into consideration the fact that he was making a speech defining his position of public questions, Mr. Terrell did not tell the half abonttbis wonderful section of which he briefly spoke. Wiregrass Georgia is without ques tion the greatest seotion of this great j state. It is perhaps the greatest section any state in this union. In that sec j tioc the thrifty planter can cultivate, | with profit, any crop that can be calti- ] vated In any portion of the South. An- j other advantage is that they oan profita-] bly cultivate many oropB that cannot be 1 cultivated with profit in any other sec tion of the Seuth. It iB the greatest Sea Island cotton section in the Sonth. It is the greatest turpentine section in the Sonth. It is the greatest pine lumber section of the Sonth. It is the equal of any seotion in the cultivation of sugar oane. It has advantages over any other section in cultivating the watermelon, the canta loupe, aud every variety of vegetables. It is a great section for corn, peas, pota toes and any other crop that can be raised in any other section of the South. The people of South Georgia are pros perous indeed. They have good health, live :.u splendid houses, drive tine horses and »njoylife. Ab Mr. Terrell suggested, the forces of capilul and labor work together in har mony. The capitalist sees that the la- We are glad to see our ftate exchangee filled with communications endorsing the State Normal School. These ar tides arc written by students of tt great institution, and will do a great deal of good. Tho friends of Wiley Williams ai claiming one hundred counties for that gentleman in his race for prison com missioner It Is a bad sign when candi dates and their friends launch the one hundred claim for they are then grasp ing at straws. Mr. Eason will be elec! ed prison commissioner. The Washington Ga Chronicle says We have just had a pleasant call from Hon. W. M. Howard, The people of the Eighth District are so well satisfied with his course as their representative in congress, that they are satisfied keep him in that position. He has no opposition In his candidacy for re-elec tion. When a man Is growing in use fulnoas especially as a representative congress, as Mr. Howard is. there never any reason for turning him ont simply to pnt another man in. The Jackson Herald says: We are delighted to know onr friend and school mate, Col. Thomas J. Shackelford was nominated for representative from Clarke oonnty last Saturday. Col, Shackelford is one of the ablest lawyers In Northeast Georgia, and will make Clarke county one of the best represen tatives she ever had. The primary last Saturday betokens that the man who defeats Tom Shaokelford for solicitor general two years from now will have to get a double hustle on him. Sol Smith Russell used to tell of three little nieces of whom he was very fond. They lived in Kansas City and one afternoon he took the youngest tot for a walk. He also bought her some candy, saying she might have it when they reached home. The little child nrged: "Laps won, nncle 8ol,” bnt ho pleaded that he was tired. Then the little one plumped down on her knees on the side walk and prayed: “O, Dod, please make uncle Sol wan.” The tor thought: “Well. It’s a question of my losing m; dignity or of her losing faith in God" And so the pair ran as fast ns they oou’d. “Bnt we walked togeth er no more,’' he used to add. SOUTH OEORGIA. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bccu in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signatnro of and has been mail a under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Will sell on Monday, > May 19th, t Some Rare Bargains. £ One lot Sailors worth *1.25, at 75c. ► $1.00, «»c. t “ 75o, “ 3llo. V 50c, •• 25o. > These goods are all New ► and are Good Shapes, g Come Early and see for t yourselves. j ^MISSES BRADBERRY.J 3 'VVVVVTVTVYVTTTTrrTTTVrVvt l t PROFESSIONAL CAEj Justice Coi Prompt attention to all batlnen. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TT MURRAY STRICT, NCW YORK CITY. boring man gets compensation sufficient for his labor and the laboring man sees that the capitalist gets labor sufficient for the compensation. Strikes are un known to that prosperous section. There are nj occasions for strikes with the perfect understanding existing between the employer and the employe. Neith er has any time for snob foolishness. Son: e day, in the distant future, the pine trees will have been robbed of the spirits which have made many a rich man in Sonth Georgia, and then we are told that then Sonth Georgia will take s backward step. This is not the case. When the turpentine industry fails and the saw mills have utilized the mejor portion of the timber of that section, South Georgia will then be ahead of the South for it will have the richest lands in the Sonth and her progressive citi zenry will take up farming on a larger scale aud then will come the real devel opment of that great section. That Tired Feeling Is z\ Common Spring Trouble. It’s a sign that tho Wood is deficient in vitality, just as pimples and other eruptions arc signs that the blood is impure. It's d warning, too, which otdy the hazardous fail to heed. Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove it, give new life, new cour age, strength and animation. They cleanse the blood and clear the complexion. Accept no substitute. “I felt tired all the time and could not Bleep. After taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla a while I could sleep well and the tired feeling had gone. This great medicine has also cured me of scrofula.” Mbs. C. M. Root, Gilead, Conn. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. John 3La» Arnold. Headquarters for the Following Goods: Paintis for all Purposicsi, Glass of nil Sizes, Wall Paper all tho Latest Designs, ^ARTIST MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.^ Plaster of Paris. Lime and Cement by the barrel or in car load lots, or any quantity desired. We do Picture ,Ff28i*ng, House aud Sign Painting and Decora* ting in all latest designs, and guarantee all work done. Give us a call for what you need in our line and you will bo pleased. N. P. and Ex OAolo Justice ol STEPHEN C. UF AturaajHrt-kaw. attic, la Tilmadg. Building Cor; and Clayton Str j. s. nolan( -JEWELS Formerly With V. W. Ski New line Jewelry & Sped Old Book Store Corner. McALPiN S Restaurant and Grocery Store. DEALER IN FAMILY GROCERIES.-— Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes and Hats will bo sold at cost. Restaurant Open Until 9:30 p. m. Table supp led with the- best tin market affords R. i. McAlpin, Agt. Broad Street, next to the Bank of the University. Phone 36. MITCHELL’S OLD STAND At corner Clayton and Jackson Sts Phone 115. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXX^XXXXlOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOOvi The Southern Mutual Insurance Company, OF ATHENS, GA. W. W. THOMAS President ARTHUR K GRIFFITH* Secretary RESIDENT DIRECTORS. Edward S. Lyndon, i>lt.LUr8 PIIINIZT. Tames Whit* W ii.i.iAM W. TnoMAe, Reuben Nickerson. Ai.ex Erwin, Walter B. Hill' ARTITUR K. GRIFFITH* Joseph H. Flkmino, ■Edward R. Hodgson* FOR SALE 6 room house on Pulaski street,JcloseJin. A bargain $750. Three 4 room houses on Billups street. Rents for 12 dollars per month, $650. This will net 20 per cent. A. L. BROOKS. Phone 233. “Fighting] The Flam If you have ever e from a fire and rememb awful thoughts that through your mind your life was in peril, you dreaded death heca the unprotected ones would leave behind, you talk to us about I.ife j ranee. The best way to cure a competency for t you will leave behind^ an agent of the Li f e” of Georgia. John A. Dar Sec. and Treas. About A LARGE DOSE 8UNDAY EXCURSIONS TO ATLANTA AND RETURN $100. Commencing Sunday, May 25th, and continuing until Sunday, September 7tb, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell Sunday Exoursion tickets Athens to Atlanta and return at the extremely low rane of one dollar for the ronnd trip. These tickets will be restricted to pa J sage on Sunday trains only. J. Z. HOKE, Agent, W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A. of medicine is necessary if the drugs of which it is composed are impure or inefficient through age or any other cause. The DRUGS AND MEDICINES used in our prescription depart ment are pure and perfectly fresh. Only the best are purchased, and being constantly renewed they have no chance to deteriorate^ Tho greatest care is_ taken in filling Prescriptions. | E. C. McEvoy. ORR'S SCHOOL WILL OPEN Monday, Jan. 6th, 1902, At the corner oi Pulaski and Dougher ty Streets. For information apply to S. R ORR. O .gA. S T C» «. X-<a. . Bean tlis Bignuue R. NICKERSON, Pre*. W. B. JACKSON, Vice Pres. T. H. NICKERSON. Sec,. The Athens Hardware Go. DEALERS IN Hardware, Gallery, Guns, Woodenware, Etc, LAWN MOWERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, GARDEN HOSE. tasS and .5. Broad Street. Athene, Oe. I N this feature of our busi ness we look with special pride, A prescription dis pensed by us can be relied upon to act as your physician intended it should, as they are compounded in the most careful manner with nothing but the PUREST OF INGREDIENTS. Our stock of prescription goods and synthetic remedies is choice and we are awfully careful to have if just right. WHY NOT LET us fill your prescriptions? We will Bervo you well. Our prices never worry any one. H.R. Palmer & Sons. Everything in the Drug line. CLAYTON - STREET. For Sail Vacant lot between my and the bridge on Oco MRS. T. A. AD AN N-> 467 Oconeo sti nd | Oconee Street M. E. Church, * ? ATHENS, 0A. S REV. M. H. EAKES, PASTOR. Preaching Every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30p. in. Sabbath School Every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p. m. Capt. K. Nickerson, Supt. Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday eve ning at7:30p. m. YOU ARB INVIVBD TO ALL THB5B SERVICES. COMB EARLY! Banner“ads” bring quick returns. 432 ACRE! Land FOE Sal 4 miles from Athens Ga. R R., a nice level far 3C0 acres in cultivation, bij ance in timber and pastur Several tenant houses. I asking 15 dollars an a re f(| this land, and in this I tion is a bargain, Witli $2,0 ; 0 cash, can you 1, 2 and 3 years on till deferred payments with 8 pel cent interest. This ’and oai be rented for 15 per cent o^ the purchase price. J.T.Anfeonl Agent. Sava Moneyil on House and Sign Painting, J Paper Hanging, Gypsineing, ► etc. If you need any of this * kind ot work I will bo glad to J give you prices cn work, I will ~ save you money. All work guaranteed first class 1 A. N. PARR Agi. J One of the old firm of Parr I Brothers. ; Address „o church; St.,'Atben., <1». j fifmmTfmHTifnml