Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, May 25, 1902, Image 2

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' upf; - f THE BANNER: SUNDAY, MAY 25 1902. Personal Brevities. We carry the best fitting, the most stylish, the best tailored and the highest grade Clothing sold in Northeast Georgia. OUR STOCK GENT’S FURNISHINGS IS COMPLETE. Agents for the celebrated HAWES - HATS. Rave your Froscriptlons filled by The Orr Drug Oo. The regular monthly jnggtu^^L the Athene Woman's Club willjRi held Monday afternoon at 6:80 at the resi dence of Mrs. H. O. White. This will be the last meeting before adjournment for the summer. There will be a short important business session and a literary program furnished by the current topics section, chairman, Mrs. Walter B. Hill. Another important sabiSct—that^pill come np is the discussion of the estab lishment of a free kindergartin in Bast Athens. A fell attendance is desired. The regular Saturday afternoon re eeption of the Country Club yesterday { was a pleasant affair and largely attend led. Tea was served from 5 till 7:80 [ o'clock, and amusements were indulged I in | i Mieses aud Willie Kate Reid, of Et touton, are the guests of Miss Madeline 1 Keipp at the Lucy Oobo. Head & MdTahan. Clayton Street. M. M. DICKINSON Re-Elected Captain of the Georgia Baseball Team For 1903. Messrs. Wallace Johnson and Tom Berebe, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mrs. Pat Hadaway. The Banner gludly makes the correc non that Miss Lois Wilson is not yet able to sit up, but is much improved from her illness. Mr. and Mrs Calvin W. Parr, accom panied by their danghter, 2i4*^JE P Pears, with her four bright llteft chil dren, will leave tomorrow for a visit of a few days to Atlanta. Miss Bessie Rogers is spending a week in Charleston taking in the sights of the expoeition. Miss Julia Price, oue of Athens' most charming young ladies will attend com mencement at Emory. While there she will be the guest of the D“lta Tan Dtl;a frsteru.t/. Miss Evie Jackson has returned from Always Buy The Best,... This is what you do when you buy your Cream Freezer?, Refrigerators, Ice Chest?, Water Coolers, Fly Fans, Etc , from us. We have the best Cream Freezer on earth, will make cream in 3| minutes. Our Refrigerators are the greatf st ice savers and best food keepers on the market You will miss it if you fail to see them be'ore you buy. J. H, & Brosd Street. We Are ShowiDg one of the most complete linos of Ladies’ Low Quarters in the city We invite you to come and in spect them. They are the famous “Queen Quality” Shoes you hear about so much these days. We would bo glad to demonstrate these facts by fitting you with a pair. Oxford.*, Boots, $2.50 & $3 co. $3 00. We have the right of sale for this city. Davison & Lowe. CITY TRAIN SCHEDULES Arrival an! Departure o! Trains. CITY TIME. City Tim© U 30 minutes slower than Kiwrtorn and 30 minutes faster than Central time. Southern Railway Leave* at 12:15 p. m. Arrives at 4 ."15 p, j Leaveeet 6:50 p.m. Arrives st 6:15 p. tu C. B Chandler. Agent Mr Mirviu M. Dickiccnn, of La- (trance, was re elected captain of the Georgia baseball tmm yesterday after noon. Toil nows of the re-election of this popular Georgia athlete will be hailed with delight by hie friends and by ell lovers of athletics in Athens. Capt. Dickinson’s athletic record Btnce his enteracce into the University htm been marvelous. His ability as a foot ball play -t put him on the all Southern and he was easily the slarfootball play- r on the Southern gridiron last season. This year he captained the baseball team in t. most admirable manner, and was a tar t octet tehird the bat His election insures a renewal of the victo rious sphit which is pervading Georgia’s athletics and a winning team is enre for u°xt year. Mr. Julian Baxter, of Atlanta, was also elected captain of next season’s track team. He is a splendid track man and will have a splendid aggrega tion of field athletes behind him next year. GEORGIA R. R. Leave* 8:45 a. m. Arrives neaves 4:00 p. m. Arrrlvea For Whooping Cough use Cheney’s Expectorant Seaboard Air Line R«. NORTH BOUND. No 52— Lv AtlJtnt*,8:l0am, Ar. Athena, 10:20ait No. 33— " M 8:30pm. " - 10 :83pm No. 32- " " 12:30pm," " 2:21pm SOUTH BOUND. No.S3—Lr. Athena, 2:20pm, Ar. Atlanta, 4:25pin No. 41— " " 6:43am, " " 8:20am No.53— " " 6:62pm, " " 8:20pm R. R. L Hunch, Oen. Paaenger Agent >T. Z. Hoke. Agent. O' u lk. Sr* Or jTt. .T. ./X .. tit- *•••- it, Have Aiws>s Bat?- When they get married two common place people may be a gifted conple. CENTRAL OP GEORGIA RAILWAY Arrive 1:00p.m. Leave 3 :4S p.m. J. E. HUMPHREY, Agent. CASTOHI2I. Bears the ^ llB Kibd Yw Have AlwavS Bstigf CATARRH THIi CLEAN 5INQ AND HEALINQ CURE FOR CATARRH ia Ely’sCream Balm Eiisy and pleasant to Uf«'. Contains no in jurious drug. It is quickly aI>so Gives relit- f at It Opens ami Cleanse? the Nasal Faasagts, ft’.M^l’.SftLXCOLD >N HEAD Membrane Restores the Senses of Taste and 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mailing ELY RRoTHERS, 50 Warren Street,New Y« rW. Miss Flora Middlebrooka is Tisitiog tho Charleston Exposition. Mrs J. T. Eberhart is quite tick. Mrs. Arthur Arnold was some better yesterday. Kev. C. H. Edwards wi evening at Wat End Ol o’clock. SCHOOL CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY. On Wednesday evening, May ’28th the gradnating e::eroises of the Athens High school will occur at the operc house. The public Is cordially invited. To meet a few nectsiary cxpences, a chargr of ton cents will be made for roserve seats. Those who wiBU to reserve seats can do so by calling at Palmer & Sons’ Monday or Tuesday, where seats will be on sale. Complete program will appear in Wed nesday’s Banner. Mr. A L. Hull will addrefs the gradi ating class. The Burks Scholarship medal will be awarded by Judge J. V. Foster. Tho Star Spangle BanneT will be sung by the Athens quartette and pmtomined by certain young ladies of t ie Senior class. Mias Olivia Hodgson, of Ne’ I., is in the city, the gnest of ' .relative? aud will epend commencement in the city.; Mr. William Bearden, of Augusta, spent yesterday in the city, in the inter c st of his band making contracts for the commencement exercises.. Mrs. Hugh Price Hinton and baby have returned from a months stay in Gainesville. Mr. Welborn DnBose has returned from Atlanta. Edward S. Upson. Fire Insurance. Snrlty Bonds. Bro kerage in Stocks and Investment Bonds Whooping Cough, A woman who has had experience, with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequenoes from it. She says: Onr three children took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being only three months old, and owing to onr giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plvmpness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use this reined]-. Onr oldest little girl would call lrstily for congh syrup between whoops—JESSIE PINKEY HALL, Sprtngrille, Ala. This Remedy is for sale by all druggists. For LaQiippeand Influ enza use Cheney’s Expec torant t! ^ F"" STERLING SILVER. In these days of cheap plated silver ware, it is especially pleoslng to pick up a solid silver fork or spoon. Solid silver ware lasts a lifetime and if the pattern is right often increases in value with age. We handle all the standard makes of silver. C. A. SCUUDER, Jeweler and Optician. Won’t follow Advice After Paytng for ft. In a recent article a prominent physi cian says, “It is sext to impossible foi the physician to get his pationts to carr] out any prescribe 1 course of hygiene or diet to the smallest extent; he has but one-resort tfitt, nt.mely, the drag treat ment.” When medicines are used for obronlc constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable, each as Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use is not followed by oonstipatiOD as they leave tho bowels in a natural and healthy condition. For sale by all draggle ts. NEW FIRM AT OLD STAND. Attention 1b called to the ad of Mc Adams and Beck In today's issue of tho Banner. These ladles have purchased the photo stndlo of Miss Bra ich on Broad street and are prepared to execute the latest designs in photography at lo-v prices and bespeak for a share of the patron age of the city. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO ATLANTA AND RETURN $1 00. Commencing Sunday, May 25> h,-and continuing until oaud iy, S-.-ptomber 7:h, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell Sunday Excursion tickets Ath ns to Atlanta and retnrn at tho extremely low rate of one dollar for tho round trip These tickets will be restricted to ia [ sage on Sunday trains only. J. 12. HOKE, Agent. W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A. Monuments, Headstones. ■Grave - Enclosures' Inscriptions and Design Work ajspecinlty <+<%<% STEEL AND IRON FENCES FOR CEMETERY. ROBERTSON * Marble Works. ■13 Thcmu St, Athens, On. ’ £>£^XG£S Wingfield’s Cash Grocery Store. Jester’s Old Stand, Broad Street, ATHENS, GKOltOIA 5 lbs Best Rice 1.00 20 lbs fair Head Rice 1.00 25 lbs broken Grain Rice 1 00 40 lbs Grits 1 00 Quaker Oats I Oc Best Leaf Lard 12'i.c Victoria OatB, 10c package Vtc Fancv Limons doz. . . ..... 15o Country Dried Apples Oc Cotton Seed Halls, 100 lb sacks 40c Cotton Seed Meal 1 25 1 lb R. R & I, L. SnulT 47c 1 lb A & H. Soda 4c Impt Cuba Molasses 45c Cuba Molasses 40o Peach Drip Syrnp, per gal 30c C O Molasses, per gal 15c Can Corn. 15o grade 10c 6c po'ash 4c Big bar Bine Soap 4c Box Axel Grease 4o Best Well Buckets 2!>o 5 gal keg Sbrgham Syrnp 1 60 5 gal keg Grape Drip Syrnp 1 78 Dozen boxes Matobes 4c Dnkes Smoking Tobacco, p«r pkc 4c I lb Royal Bak. Pow 45c Stock Powders, 75u size 00’ 19 lbs Stan Cr Sugar LOO 20 lbs New Orleans Sogar .. .1.00 1 package Parohed Coffee . . 8c Levoiings Coffee, per lb. 10c Lion Coffee, per lb . lOh.c Arhnck^e Coffee, per lb lie Best Green Coffee, pi - lb 10c Snow Drift Lard. 10c Steam Grom.d Mi ni, bushel 80c Water Ground Meal, bushel ,85c 60 :bs bortt Pt. Flour 1.19 60 It s best Haif Patent Flour 1.06 60 lba good •• “ ’• 1.00 60 lbs Family Flour . . .... 75c Gold BandHams l4%o Pionic Hams 11c Best grade Braa. per sack 90c Best Apple Vinegar, 40c grade .26e 100 lb sack fine Salt 63c Brooms 10c, to 36c Yard Wide Slit eliug 4)«c J. and P. Coats Spool Thread. 4e 1 lb can Baked Hoaus with To mato Saace 4o 3 lb can Baked Beans with To mato Sauce 10c Maglo Stock Food 19c Fnil weight 0> stors per can 10c Light weight Oysters ptr can 5c We will save you mon .y oil your Corn, Oats and Hay. Wingfield's Gash Grocery Store, Athena, Georgia. Telephone No. 156,'cx:xxxxx>txxxxx>ccexxxxx cxxxxjoooooocKxyxxxxxxxxxxxs PRECISION WATCHES. “Accurate to the Second.” i Watches maybe called precision watches. We have in stock the highest grades of three of the best watch factories in the United States and shall be pleased to show them to you. It pays to buy accurate watches and it pays to buy them lrom an’expert watchmaker. ? * ^ * 3 “ The guaran- antee of a poor mechan ic is worse than none. V' - y>'" \ „ ,Ka -' . . ft/-'? X'Yr.. t, a Our repair department cannot be sur passed . R BRANDT, | The Jeweler, Absolutely Reliable. .K>ecooexx'xx>«xx5<xxxxx70(xxx>oexxxxxxxx)cxxxxxxxxx)o<xxjoo W e a re Leaders, Sash, Doors and Blinds Rough and Dressed Lumber, Brick, Lime and Cement. A-t The Right Price. Our job department is now under the supervision of Mr. W. T. Mayfield, who will be pleased to serve you with esti mates on any and all kinds of first class work. Como and see us. Lyndon Hanufacturing Co. Gun, Locksmith and Bicycle Shop. ISTo. B Clay torn, Street. Julius Dornblatt’s Old Stand. Briscoe and Jordan have formed a Copartnership, and will do a general repairing business. Guns, pistols, bicycleB, sewing machines, type writers, in fact al most anything worth mending can be done at their shop. Mr. Briscoe has several years experience aB a gun and lock smith, aud Mr. Jordan is an all-round man with bicycles, typo writers and many other things. Bring your work wo will do our best to please you. BRISCOE & JORDAN, No. 8 Clayton St., Athens, Ga,