Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 10, 1902, Image 2

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f HIE iUXSKK, SliKOAV ilOHN'ING, AflOCST 1MW2. Personal. Brevities. The first necessity of athletics is a sound stomach. Fowl is the source of all physical strength, but to extract and assimilate the strength from food requires that the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition should l>e in a condition of good health. What is true of the athlete is true of every man and woman ; physical health and vigor de pend upon the digestion and assimila tion of food. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and by enabling the perfect digestion and assimilation of food, builds the body up with solid flesh and muscle. *1 used ten bottle* of Dr rirree’s Ooldcn Med ical Discovery and several viaU of his • Pleasant PelleU ’ a year aao this spring, nnd have had no trouble with indigestion since." writes Mr. W T Thompson, of Townsend. Broadwater County. Montana "Words fail to tell how thankful I am for the relief, as I had suffered so much and it seemed that the doctors could do nit- no gcxxl I got down in weight to 125 pc. able and recommended your medicine to sever'd, shall always have a good word to for Dr. Pierce and his medicines.” The Common Sense Medial Adviser, 1008 large pages in paper covers, is sent ftcc on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailin',, on i y Address Ur. R. V. Pierce, N. V. . and 1 Have your Presc riptions filled by The Orr Drug Oo. Mrs. Cassie Warner, who has been the guest of Mrs. Edgar Levy, han returned to Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Thomas Bailey .pant yesterday in Atlanta on business. Prof. W. O. Payne, of the University, left yesterday for Hartwell. Mr. R. P. Jones is spending the day in thejeity. Mr. D. B. Wylie, of Atlanta, is in the city for a few days. Mrs. S K. Abbott and chtld, of At lanta, joined Mr. Abbott yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott are welcome new citi zens of Athens. Mrs. L. W. Bparke and mother re turn today from Bishop. They will be accompanied by Miss Mablo Mayne. Mr. J. T. Hart leaves today for Mari etta. Mr. Wallace Brumby has accepted a I position in Spartanburg. j Mrs. O. E. Stone and daughter, Mar- j garet, have returned from a ploasant ‘ visit to Bogart. j Mr. J M. Mallory, of Maoon, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. W. D Tolt, a prominent attorney of Elberton, spent yesterday In the oity enronte to Washington, Ga. There will be Sunday school service, this morning at 10 o’clock, at the Catholio ohurch. ENGLISH CHEER THE NEW KING. AH Englishmen in Athens Celebrate the Coro nation. GREAT TELEPHONE INVENTOR’S AIRSHIP. 1 SHOE LUXURY. Made Possible for Mod est Pocketbooks by 77/A' S ^ /'AMOl'S j S//OA' »* fYO.\S£Wi These Shoes are famous for their stylish, shapeliness, their good qualities, and unequalled combination of EASE. ELEGANCE AND ...ECONOMY... The latest styles and new- Mr. Ed Wyatt is spending today Tallnlah Falls. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nickarson re turned last night from Calais, Me., where they have been visiting relatives. Mrs. A. H O'Farrell and children left yesterday for Glenn Springs, S. 0., where they will spend a few days, whence they will go to Asheville, N. O. Mr. and Mrs Sidney Boley leave to day on an extended trip to Washington,, Baltimore and New York. Miss Sadie Fonkeustein, who has been visiting in the mountains, returns home today. Mi:-e Rose Glaser, of Macon, who has been the guest of her brother, Mr. Ed Glaser, at the Windsor Hotel, will re turn home tomorrow. , E. E. Eakes. who suffered a se nd as the_ieaoUcI having hiB Jn »v Impress a J. Yesterday at noon, the loyal English men in Athens gathered on Broad street and as the clocks struck one, gavo three cheers for King Edward, who was crowned in London yesterday. I^st night they met at the English Guild Hall, drank English boer, sang ••God Save the King,” and indulged in reminiscent)! s of King Edward’s visit to Athens, as the Prince of Wales, in 1861 aud how he was entertained here. The jolly party broko up at a late honr after cabling the newly-crowned king tneir best wishes for a [long and happy reign. Week End Ticket* vi« the Southern RalIw.jr Effective Saturday, June 7th, 1902, and continuing to aud including Satur il ty, September 13th, 1902, the Southern Railway Company will sell round trip tickets for trains leaving Athens Satur dav afternoon only, good returning Mondays following date of sale at rates n uned below. Tickets to be of ironclad signature form, limited to continuous pas sage in each direction. To Atlanta, Ga , $2 20. To Tallulah Falls, Ga., $2.50. For farther information, call on or ad dress, R. W. SIZER, Gen. Agt loti Olaytou St.. Athens, < Lookout ror the dot?. World’s Fair, St. Louis, Aug 9 —In formation has been received here that Prof. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, is personally euper- visliug the construction of an airship at his home at Baddocl , Cape Breton. The craft is said to be the result of yearn of study on the part of Prof. Bell, and represents an expenditure of many thousands of dollars. It is twenty feet long, and is oomposed of seventy- five distinct parts. It is celled intern ally with canvass, and in places with linen stretched on piano wires, i ive miles of this wire were used in the con struction. The prtnoiple of the kite will be utilized to a considerable extent in this machine, whioh is to carry hu man freight. This means that the aeroplane system, not need in any of Santos Dumout’B airships, will be a feature of Prof. Bell’s machine. Just what Prof. Bell hopes to accom plish with his air ship is not certain, but these who know him insists that he Intends to out do Santos-Dumont in the conquering of the great problem, and they prediot a machine ready for a test of mettle with Santos Dumont’s newest air ship now building in this country for the World’s Fair aerial contests at St. Louis in 1904. ELKS CARNIVAL WILL BE GREAT. Committees Will Hold Meetings Monday j—*— Rveninx. * $3,00 to $3.50 We have sole right of sale Davison & Lowe. VARIETY AND LOW PRICES. This is what you get when you visit the... -::Huggins China House::* To buy a Chamber Set, Dinner Set, fine Lamp, or any other thing in numerous line of House furnishing Goods. Chamber Sets $2.50 up. Dinner Sets $3.50 up. We keep Tinware war ranted NEVER TO RUST. All returned Rusted re placed with new goods. Lime, Cement, and Whitewash Brushes. The Hoggins China Honse. Broad St, Phono 125. There’s dollars in dots. Rev. Fred McCletky, of Shady Dale, will vlslit the oity soon, and will preach at the Oconee Street Ohurch the first Sunday in in September. Mrs. Miles H. Dillard and children, of LaGrange, are in the oity, the gnests of Mrs. H. E. Martin on Ooonee street. Mr. E. M. HoweU, who has been vis-, iting friends at [White Plains, hasre-j turned to the city. A delightful surprise party was ten dered Miss Otelia Denning the guest of Mrs. Fred N. Bain at the residence of the latter Friday evening. Miss Den ning left for her home in Angnsta yes terday. Mr. O B. Poole, who has been con nected with R. L. Moss & Oo , leaves today for Augusta to accept a position with a cotton firm thers Judge Howell Oobb left yesterday for Atlanta, Millcdgeville and points in Southwest Georgia. He will not return to the oity before the regular August term of the city court. Mr. S Hirschflold returns to the city today after spending several weeks with his sister Mrs. ueo. Blnmenthal in New Orleans, Mr. Sol Alexander returned home yes terday after spending several days at Atlanta and Lithia Springs. IIMr Geo. T. Rice, of Harmony Gfove was registered at the Commercial yes terday. Mr. T. W. Garrett, representing the Atlanta Newa spent yesterday in the Oity. The secretary of the Elks Oarnival has notified all members of all the commit tees appolnted|by President Carither* to meet at the Athenaenm Monday evening at 8:30 o’olock, for the pur pose of getting actively at work on the Oarnival, and they are made np of very best men in the city, including Elks and outsiders. Secretary Kowe is kept busy writing for new attractions that will be added to the Oarnival[and that will be absolutely free to the thonsacd of visitors that will come to Athens during the week of the Oarnival from September 29th, to Ooto- ber 4th. DEMAND FOR GOLD DOLLARS. World’s Fair, St. Louis, Aug., 9 —Or ders are being received by Secretary Walter B. StevenB for the gold dollars to be issued by the, U. S. Government in commemoration of the Lonisaua Pur chase Exyosition. The issue will be limited to 250,000 coins, according to the ■natructions of the act of oongress au thorizing them. The oommittee in charge of the matter, under the direc tion of the Secretary of the treasury, has about decided upon two designs, one including the bnst of Jefferson, the other the bnst of MoKtnley. The coins ieriveS from the premium will be used In the construction of monuments of Jefferson and McKinley The first hnndred issued of eaoh design will he numbered as minted and a certificate issoed by the director of the mint for each ooin stat ing that it was minted in his presence and numbered in consecutive order, these two hundred coins will be sold to the highest bidders. The 250,000 gold dollars are a part of the $5,000,000 ap propriation in aid of the World’s Fair form the U. S. Government. Teey will be delivered as soon as minted, which will probably be late in the fall. Weekly Arrivals. Bird Cages 75 cents 85c A newline of Cor- QRp sets 23c to Glass Oil Cans .23c Gent’s Cuff Buttons ORn | a Beauty] at Gent’s Fob Chains RAn 10c to vUl) We have just received a large shipment of... TINWARE at prices that will please you. NEW ARRIVALS ....IN ... Patent Medicines* Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets at 30c Swamp Root 75c Carters’ Pills 17c Indian Root Pills.. 10c Coke Dankruffcuro39c Warn poles Cod Liver Oil 79c Pain Killer 20c Brown's Ginger.. .30c Simmon’s Liver Regu lator 30c WILL ERECT TEN HOUSES. Judge Herrington Buys the Price Property, Judge S. M. Herrington yesterday closed a deal for the purchase of the vacant lot of Mrs. Price, near the Nor mal School whioh comprises several acres of fine land. He intends to ereots at onoe ten resi dences on the laud and began negotia tions for the erection of them yesterday. Judge Herrington told a Banner re presentative yesterday .that he oonsid ered this the coming part of the city and that he was going to build it np in every way possible. : 2k Kt . «.* iY . /t Tk- kind You H:;.s Always Bough, Many little dots. Atlanta College of Pharmacy. Free Dispensary, only college operating n actual drug store. Greater demand for our students than wo can supply. Address, George F, Pay.nb, Dean, Atlanta, Ga. AN © Choosing a Watch ? Is Easiest Here, Whether’the[]watch if for 'a railroader, business or professional man, school boy, or society lady. We have so many kinds, and so many of each kind, from $3.50 to $85, that we confidently guaran teed to suit you in all particulars. C. A. SCUUDEP, Jeweler # Optician, Upright Man. We do not rotor to n man’s upright character or upright buainoss methods. We are speaking about his Physical Uprightum. Nature is par tial. To some po iple she give J p irfect form or figure, whil o others are stoop shouldore di and beat. Wo supply what nature desires, WE SELL .... SHOULDER BRACES. We sell the most comforta-i ble kind. We sell BRACKS] that actually brace a person! up. Prices are not bo very] high either. H. R. PALMED & SONS. 105 CLAYTON SX. Don’t forget Our 5 & ioc sale Opens Thursday, 14th, at 10 o’clock A. M. tw WVCVt-I The Racket Store, ^ + prnS ‘-Lia. A SaggcNtlnn. ITcll“—IIo Iris money, you know. Emma—Yes, 1 appreciate that fact, hut how am 1 t«* live happily with a man who Is my Inferior? “Don’t let him know It.“—Life. Wrong Droportlonn. “He offered her his hand and for tune." “Did she accept?" “No; the first was too large and the second too small!" Wingfield’s I Cash Grocery Store. Jester’s Old Stand, Broad Street, ATIIKNS, GA, Don’t buy Fruit Jars before you get our price as wo will save you ^ m onoy 19 lbs Standard Gr. Sugar.^1.00 15 lbs Best Head Rice $*1-00 20 lbs Fair Head Rice. Sjji| OO 10 lbs Oconee Ooffee.. »IOO 10 lbs Levorings Ooffee OO ; lbs Best Leaf Lard . i£| -OO Jowel Lard, per lb lie no lbs Best Fat. Flour. . SI I6 Good Water Ground Meal par bushel 85c Best grado Bran, sack 85c Gold Band Hams, per lb 16c Imported Cnba Molasses, per gal 45c j Best KeroBine Oil 14c I We will save v* money on your Corn, Oats and Hay. Wingfield’s Cash Grocey Self Tncncltt. The Mother—Now, Elsie, did I teach you to throw your clothes on the floor in that disreputable way? Elsie—No, mamma; I learned myself. —Puck. Store, The lights in the theater set the men & pood example; they soidom pi out be tween the nets. Athens, = Georgia Telephone No, 156. There’s dollars in dots. jooooooooooog oooodooooqoc-i xxxxioocxxxaooooooocxxxjofioc. Watch Repairing. When you arc told the balance wheel of a watch boats 21(5000 times a day, do you wonder any longer that it is a dillieult matter to repair a watch accurately? When we guarantee your watch n -t to vary 1 part in 172K0 or ovor 5 seconds a day, you will realize that our REPAIR DEPARTMENT is in charge of a thorough mechanic of years of experience working un der the most favorable conditions with the finest apparatus aud our shop is not surpassed by any in the state of Georgia. When all others fail to give you satisfaction, come to us. We will make your watch over and return it to you like new] again, and your money will be well spent. R. BRANDT Absolutely Reliable - Athens, Ga.