Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 12, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12,1092. ]THE* ATHENS DAILY BANNER Published Dailv. Sunday and Weekly by H. J. ROWE. I^>«4ee. B. P. HOLDER. JR.. Editor C. M. YOUNO, City Editor. THE ATHENS DAILY BANNER is delivered by carriers in the city, or mailed, postage free to any address at the following rates: I5.UO per year, 12.50 for six montbs, 11.25 for three months. The Weekly or Sunday BANNER 11.00 per >ar. 50 cents for six months, Invariably Cash >4 advance. Remittances may be made by express, post offioe money order or registered letter. All business communications should be ad dressed to the Business manager. Subscribers are requested to promptly notify ♦he buslnetts office of late delivery, failure to carry papers to j>orches or failure to deliver with absolute regularity on the part of the car riers. Such notifications is the only means of knowing of the existence of any cuuse for com p:**nt. and will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONES: Business Office 73. one ring. Pdlt irlal Rooms 73. two flags. ANNOUNCEMENT, Th- Banner Is now in Its new nome, la th" l'etrb jct'ding on Lumpkin strei t_ when „, a u b-u-r prepared to take care ot our increasing business, and where wo are in a better position to to take care of om friends when they drop in to see us. At our present quarters all depart ments are on the iirst door. The bnsi- nee* office is the third door from Clay ton street, the press room and mailing department is next door. The editorial room is directly in the rear of the bn*; ness offioe and the composing room is in the rear of the editorial room. Onr printing press will hereafter be run by electricity. We have installed the best five-horsepower motor on th* market and can hereafter i nn off the edition of The Banner in less than half the time consumed with the gas engine whioh has been used by The Banner for a number of years. The press and other machinery and ma ttrial that has been used by The Banner office hare been thoroughly overhan’e i. while ninch new material has been ad- ded to the plant, making The Banner one of the best equipped Newspaper ofli oes in the state of Georgia, It will necessarily be several days be fore we wll be in shape fo meet all the teqnirememsjof a fir.t cincn newspaper as it require time and hard work to move a newspaper plant. Daring these few days we will have to ask the indulgence of oar patrons. After we get things to moving smoothly in our new quarters we will give the people of Athens and Northeast Georgia such a newspaper as has never been printed in Athens be fore. Bash the Hike Carnival. Well Kd is king, after all. The Kike Carnival, Sept. 2itth, to Oct. 4th. Patronize home merchants who ad vertise. The friends of The Banner are invit ed to call to see us in oar new home on Lumpkin street. There will be mnoh kicking on the present convict lease system in the com ing general assembly. The Elks carnival committees held Important meetings last night and the oarnival is coming on in good shape. The Wheat and Oat Fair, which was to have been held this week has been postponed and will be held daring the Elks Carnival. Sledd made a mistake by asking peo ple to read his article before critlslng him. Heading the oomplete article makes the thing worse. The esteemed Oglethorpe Echo will sorely admit now that the progressive little city of Lexington will lose Col Hamp McWhorter to Athens. Every business man in the city should lend a helping hand to the Elks. They are engaged in a movement that will result in great benefit to Athent. THE NEGRO IN THE SOUTH. | Now and then some southern white man makes himself rediculous by en deavoring to explain to the people of the North how brutally the negro is treated in this si o'icn. As a rale thii is the re suit of thirst for notoriety on the part of the southerner ; sometimes it is the result of ignorance and not infrequent ly it romos from a desire to create strife. Ttie people of the north are responsi ble for the presence of the negro in this i on itry. They were the first slave own ers in the United States and not until they found that the negro conld not be vorked with profit in the cold climate jf the North did they display any great horror for the custom of slave-holding The slaves were sold to the people of the South and at a good price, and there is no reason why the Northern people should endeavor to act as the guardians of the negro. They have no love for the negro,except at long ramie. and there is no excuse for any Interference from the people of the North In the matter of thi treatment of the negro by the people ot the South, in an address before the New Eng land Society in New Fork city on Dec 22nd. 1889, Henry W. Grady told tin people of the North that the southern people were competent to handle thi negro and that the people of this sec tion would handle him without the as sistance of others at long range. Hi told them that we were keeping faiil with the negro and would continue to do so. Speaking of the relations existing between the members of the two race, he said. "The relations of the South ern people with the negro are close anc cordial. We remember with what fi delity for four years he guarded our de fenceless women and children whote husbands and fathers were fighting against his freedom. To his eternal credit be it said that whenever he struct a blow for his own liberty he fought ii open battle, and when at last he raised his black and humble hands that thi shackles might be struck off, thou hands were innooeut of wrong againsi his helpless charges, and worthy to le taken in loving grasp by every man who honors loyalty and devotion,” o nobler tribute was ever paid !o the members of any race, and the loyal ty and devotion Mr. Grady speke of car only be fully undi rstood and apprecia ted by the people of the South. Vet al of those who went to the army from thi South daring the oivil war and left theii homes in charge of negro Blaves felt imre that their affairs were in gord hands. Tho same friendly and cordisl relations have been kept up by the pet - pie of the South with the better element of the negro lace. Speaking farther of the negro in tie South, Mr Grady said : "Ruffians have maltreated him, rascals have misled him, philanthropists established a bank for him, bnt tho South, with the North, protests against in justice to this simple and sincere people.” The Banner does not set itself np rb what some call a "negro lover,” neither are we "negro hatere." Along with all others, we desire to see the negro get fall justice, and wo are convinced that the worthy and deserving {negro of the South does get full justice. As Mr. Grady set oat, there are rnffiians and rascalB who maltreat and mislead the negro, bnt there are rare cases. Mach more frequently do worthless members of the negro ruoe impose npon the white people who have befriended them. There is paactically no trouble br. tween the white people of the South and the better element of the negro race, and the tronble that arises from time to time between the whites and worth less members of the negro race can be taken care of by the white people of the Sonth without any outside interference, and this will be done. The Southern people have never yet allowed persons from other sections to interfere with onr planB for looking after the negro and this will never be tolerated. — and lias beer { , sonal snpervi Allow no one The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and wliicli lias boon use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and lias been made under liis per- vision since Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-gnod” are lint Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine lior other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Bargains! Bargains!! Our Spring* and Summer stock of Millinery at COST. A large variety to select from. Misses Bradberry College Avenue, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. □pbssksssssksssssk&e o ssssssssssesssssesssE] 1 COAL - COAL - COAL 1 j - sr~v- ^ vd Now is the time to buy your coal. We are tole agents ^ | for the famous RED ASH and many other high grades Jg S Sec Um Before l’liieiiig Your Orilers, Telephones ; l,p, ^ r n d 0, ." c . e A ATHENS COAL & COKE CO. g d \V. p. VONDEUAU. Mgr | aSSESESE? l?&S&B3D3S‘B3a3Sg3&3.e8S335g'333g'3&3D iiXPsconzB & co.. fire Insurance Removed over Turner & Hodgson. Clayton Street YOUR PATRONACE SOLICITED. Phone 144. Thousands of farmers from all sec Hons of th6 United States will gather in Maoon in Ootober to attend the meeting of the National Farmers' Congress. It is annonned that Governor Terrell will retain Major Warren and Ool. J. H Hitch as secretaries in the exeontive department of the state. This will be good news to the many friends of theee gentlemen. If You Live On Or Above Pulaski Street You Can Save Time By Getting Turnip Seed from the : : : UPTOWN DRUG STORE. E. C. McEVOY, Phone : : : 270. ORR’S SCHOOL. Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. jummer term begins Monday, June Oth, 1002. Special attention given to pupils in the public schools vho have failed to be promoted, and to those wishing to omit a grade. For terms apply to 8- P ORR. Vacation Day.. Vacation time is here and the children are fairly living out of doors. There coaid be no healthier place for them Yon need only to guard against the acci dents incidental to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt’s Witch Ha zel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious oonse- quenoes. For outs, scalds and wonndg. ••I used Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve for sores, cuts and bruises," says L. B. Johnson, Swift, Texas, “It is the best remedy on the market.” Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of coun terfeits. The Orr Drag Go. R. NICKERSON, Pres. W. B. JACKSON. Vice Prej. T. H. NICKERSO . Sec» THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. DEALERS I IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Woodenware, Etc. LAWN MOWERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, GARDEN HOSE. 348 and 350 Broad Street. Athena. Qa. TAKE NOTICE!' When you want first-class re >air work of any kind, or an ex rollout jot> of horse shoeing, you -vi 11 do well to call on B, It. Pickrell it his shops No. 24-20 East Wash ington street, next to Robertson’* darkle yard. Remember, he i, vell prepared with both men and naterial to do any kind of work al very short notice. WORKMANSHIP AND PRICE? GUARANTEED. CHARLES EDWARD CHOATE, Designing a"d Supervising '^ARCHITECT * * A THBNS, O*. VH lien out of city conaaU H. K CHOATK. Justice Court. Prompt attention to aU bnalaaca. *. W. LUOAB, N. p. and lx Officio J nation of tba Pf 0t STEPHEN C. UPSON, ittimi-tMj., ""** ,m T.Im.a., Italian,, .1C. IU* Av.n*. sad Clula.lln,.. • j. s. NOLAND, jeweler. Formerly With V. W. Skill. New line Jewelry & Speotaolei. Old Book Store Corner. f * Baby is safe | from croup, colds $ % t etc. $ % i & - 4 \ f* % t 4 % it There can be no sudden % # temperature drop in the small hours of night where § # Hot Water System # is used. The large body of fe water in the system contin- # ues to evenly distribute its $ heat for hours, . V”» t the fire 1 have gone out. £ IDEAL Boilers iffiB i AMERICAN Radiators J. DORNBLATf I 1 * $ i l 1 i 1 SCHOLARSHIPS FREE! The Mutual Life of Ga* Will give Six Scholarships to the University of Ga., to deserving young men. Also Three Scholarships tor the State Normal School, to deserving young men or wo men. For further informa tion communicate with John A. Darwin General Manager. 11 The Southern Mutual Insurance Company, OF ATHENS, GA. W. W THOMAS President, ABTHUB E, OBOTITS' Secretary RESIDENT DIRECTORS. U<ua Whit., William W. Thomas, Bxdbu Nickerson. Aua S Rhwih, Walter B. Hill* Arthur E. Griffith losEFn H. Fleming, Edward H. Hodoso*' Farm'for Sale. 1(16 acres tour miles from town. Good dwelling and barn. The owner of this place is going to move to Texas and will sell very cheap A. L BROOKS. 102 Clayton St. Phone 233. FOR RENT! From August 1st that por tion of the Barrow Building occupied by the Athens Ban-, ner. 6r. h,, Foundry St. 10 r. h., Hancock Ave. FOR SALE. Some of the most desirable property in Athens. Now is the time to buy Athens Real Estate. I do not think good property will ever be cheaper. Robt. Toombs DoBose, I Real Estate. Fire Insurance. BARGAIN. 22x110 feet vacan lot on Clayton St. opposite Talmagi Hardward Store. This is a nice bust ness lot and I cai sell it cheap. Se me at once, if no sold in the next fe\ days will be takei off the market, J. T. Anderson- Real Estate Agent. LET your houso and sign painting, Paper Hanging, Gypsineing, etc. If you need any of this kind of work I will be glad to give you prices on work, I will save you money. All work guaranteed first class 3 A. N. PARR Agi I 2 One of the old firm of- Paw * 1 Brothere »**'■'** j Address 44. church SI. AtlltaS. O