Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 15, 1902, Image 2

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tite banner, Friday MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1002. a——am LIKE THESE. APPEAL TO THE MOST ECONOniCAL. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogoooooo oooooouoooooooooooooc3TOooaoooooooooooobooooooooaoooGOOOOOoooooooooooooaaooauaa * * * * * Nobody should miss this money saving chance in all kinds of Summer goods which we are selling during this our Clearance sale. Special for FRIDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 1902. 5c 1000 yards of Embroideries at less than A value. Ex quisite work on Cambric, Lawu or Swiss, in widths from 2 to 5 inches. Value 10 to 20c, forthis day only. Choice be. 20 pieces figured and solid colored Satin striped Batiste. 2S inch wide. We do not want to carry same over t<> next season, so give you choice of a 12Ac retailer at 5c. 5c 10 20 pieces Lonsdale Cambric yard wide, these not be bought from mill for less than 10c an at 12l to 15c. Today as a special 10e. 20 doss Linen Huck Towels Hemmed, size 1*1x32, 15c, to close out today at 10c. ;oods can- a retaib (1 value 10 15 20 pieces of perect beautiful India Linon, 38 inches wide, these goods wen; imported to be sold at 25c, we are m iking a special run tor distribution at 15c. 20 pieces Mercerized Chambrays in soli l colors, these goods are sold ir. any store for 25c, a special run for today only at 15c. 15 90c 50 Eleven quarter Counter pans Marseilles pattern, hand- QAn some designs, retail value $1.50 special today 0 *c. 1/vU 6.00 20 pieces heavy China Matting in a variety of coloring also in solid white $10 grade, special today at $«.00. 6.00 LUCIEN B. FLATOW CO. Successors to the Max Joseph Mercantile Company. CORNER COLLEGE AVENUE AND CLAYTON ST. SSHORT NOTES \ ? OF INTEREST.* Beat line of Oigars In the olty. The On Drug Oo. For Rent 9 room home on Washington street. Apply to F. G. Umbach. Beginning Sept 1st Will teaoh a class In short hand in the evening for those who cannot at tend day class. For further particulars apply to O. C. Gibson, at T. Fleming’s ■tore. Concessions, Wanted to sell following concessions for the Klks Carnival, viz: Lunch- stands, Candy, Peannts, Popcorn, lem onade, and various other privileges Apply to II. J. Rowe, Secretary. Mr, C, D, Cheatham, Mr. O. D. Cheatham, formerly of Athem, Is now doing a large wholesale whiskey bnsiness In Atlanta. He has an advertisement In this issne of The Banner to which the attention of our readers is directed. As will be seen by the advertisement, Mr. Cheatham is making a feature of John A. Fowler's Sweet Mash Corn whiskey, whleh la made in this city. It Is said to be the beat corn wniskey on the market. The people of Athens will be glad to know that Mr. Cheatham is doing well with bis bnsiness, and he will no donbt get his share of the mail order basinets from this city. Why, Yes, You Cm Have your baby’s picture made. Motes has the best facilities together with an endless amount of patienoe and expert ence to make the dear little one’s picture to your entire satisfaction. Don’t neg leot it but go today and secure an ap pointment. Operating hoars from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Fop Rent Eight room home on North Jackson E, S. Lyndon. tf The Walden Citizen, The many friends ol Mr. Cleveland Ocok, in this city will be interested to know that he has bought a weekly pa per, “The Walden Citizen” in Walden, N. V , and will take charge of it at once. Mr. Cook is a former Udiversity student and is a brother of Mtb. D. P. Hazleton Lost. On Thursday a large scarf. On Thursday night on oar going aronnd tionlevard one large blank lace scarf. Finder will pleaso return to Mrs. Lamar Lyndon and receive re ward. Best Horseshoeing and blacksmithing at F. G. Umbach’s. * Attractive Sign. Last night a streamer with letters 8,q feet high, advertising the Elks Carnival, was stretched across College avenne, and this morning another one will be placed near King A: Co.’s store on P.road street. These signs are sure to attract muoh attention. Carnival Music. Mr. A. J. Hynds, of Washington, spent yesterday in the city in the inter est of the Washington Band. No def inite arrangements have been made yet as to the Caruivai music and the Wash ington baud may be engaged. School of Shorthand, Miss Lonise Hudson, an expert in structor in shorthand will open up school of shorthand In Athena Monday, Ang. 1 btb , over the old book store, cor. Broad street and College avenne. The oonrse can be completed in five weeks. A guarantee of fifty words a minute. No advance charge is made. Tuition $20. Honrs, 9 a. m. to 12 m.; 2 p. m. to (1 p. m ; S p. m. to 1U p. m. For full par ticulars call on or address, Miss Lonise Hadson, Commercial Hotel. Larfp Fine Fat Mackerel ten oenta each or three for a quarter. M. M. Arnold. Phone 188. Acts Immediately. Colds are someim-oa mere troublesome in summer than in winter, i»-. -n t,ard to keep from adding to them while cool- off after exercise. One Minute Coogh Cure cures at once. Absolutely safe. Acts Immediately. Sure cure for oonghs, colds, cronp, throat and long troubles. The Orr Drug Co. The delusive dots. Dots mean dollars. ALLEN'S MINSTRELS ARE DIXIE DARKIES, The world’s greatest minBtrel tri umph. A U. Allen’s Original New Or leans Miustr -Is, John H. Oakes, Geo. W. Onine and A G. Allen, equal own ers and managers in person. A real southern minstrel show by real sonth- darkics, presented under a mam moth canvas theatre, seating 2,000 peo ple, being the first complete portable theatre ever erected in America. The one minstrel show in America whose artists are all nativos of the o n nny south, cawing more people than any other three minstrel shows oombined. Clever comedians, famous back and wing dancers, artistic and comic cake walkers. A full score of novelty spec ialty artists, the largest ohorus of sweet singers ever assembled with one oompa- Watcn for the imposing street pa rade many block in longth which takes place at noon on day of performance— music furnished by two bands consider ed the best colored minstrel lands in America. A. G. Alien is the originator of min- stelsy nuder canvas and is the lint to re duce price of admission to 15 and 25 cents, and owing to the large seating capacity of the tent, he is enabled to do this without reducing the hign stand ard of his performance. T48 price is certainly within the reach of tho most hnmble citizen. The company will ap pear in Athens next Mondsy, at the corner of College avenue and River street. Mother Aiwa, ■ la-Jy. "My mother suffered alotg time from distressing pains and genenl ill health due primarily to indigestim,” says L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo. “Two years ago l got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, it the age of seventy-six, eats anything sle wants, re- maiking that she fears no bd effects as she has her bottle of Koiol handy.” Go if ter the cause. If yoxr stomach is sornd your health will be gjod. Kodol rest the stomaoh and strengthens the bod by digesting your food. It is na- tnr’s own tonio. The Orr Drag Co. PYTHIAN CONCLAVE. ^ Sir Knights Participate In Parade at Oakland, Cal. San Francisco. Aug. 14.—At 9 a. m. Major General Carnahan and a strong detachment of the uniform rank Knights of Pythia3, crossed th® bay to participate in a parade of the ordei fit Oakland. Several thousand men weit* in line, and the streets along thu line of inarch were ciowded with spec tators. In this city the morning hour® were devoted chiefly to business by thd Knights and their ladies. Tho su preme lodge and supreme tribunal ol the order, the Imperial palace of the Knights of Khorassan and the su preme temple of the Rathbone Sis ters continued their sessions and transacted considerable business. There also were competitive drilli Letween the companies of tho uniform rank at tho Presidio and In the Me chanics' pavilion. The provisions made for the pleas ure of the visitors continue to excite their surprise and gratification. Dur lng tho day there were exhibitions at fhe Louis Hopkins Institute of art and numerous excursion* to points of in terest In the neighborhood of Ban Francisco. Ry tonight all the knlghtd from the **ast will have arrived In tMd city, and will participate In the clos lng events of the conclave. I CITE COUBI ADJOURNED, Cures Eczema and Itching Humors through Iho Blood—Coete Nothing to try It. B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm) Is now recognized as a certain and sure cure for Eczema, Itching Skin, Humors, Scabs, Scales, Watery Blisters, Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Carbun cles, Prickling Pain in the Skin, Old Eating Sores, Uucers, etc. Botanio Blood Balm taken internally, cares the worst and moat deep-seated cases by en riohing, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby riving a healthy blood Bnpply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only care, to stay cared, for these awful, annoying skin troubles Others remedies may relieve, bnt B. B B. actually cures, heals uvsry sore, and gives the rich glow of health to the skin B. B. B. builds np the broken-down body and makes the blood red and nonr- ishiug. Over 8000 voluntary testimo nials of onres by Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Druggists, $1.00. Trial treat ment free and prepaid by writing, Blood Balm Oo., Atlanta, Ga. De scribe trouble, and free medical advice given until cored. Dots mean dollars. Notioe to bar, jurors, bailiffs, witnesses and all concerned: The following published bv order of Judge Oobb. The appended order of oonrt will be entered on minntes on Monday, Angast 18th, 1902 : Athens, Oa , Ang. 13, 1992 Judge Howell Cobb, City. Dear Jadge :— The undersigned members of the bar respectfully ask yon to adjourn the An- gnst term of the court to the next term in course (exoepting what jail cases there maybe for trial). A great many of ns have as yet had no summer vacation, which we are anx- ions to take, and which we will not be able to take If the oonrt la held. There is a general disposition on the part of the lawyers to continue most of the olvil business. Besides there is nothing very urgent for trial. The hot weather has got most of ns In condition where we do not feel like patting forth the extra effort necessary to prepare and try our cases this term. So we earnestly ask your honor for the reason stated to continuo the cnnrt over for the term. Please let ns know as some of ns want to go. Very respect fully yours,. Saturday. Henry O. Tuck, F. O. Shackelford, T. J. Shackelford, H S. West, Lumpkin & Barnett, Frank L. Upson, Erwin & Erwin, E. S. Prioe, Wolver M. Smith, S. O. Upson. Deupree Hunnicott, Strickland & Green, S. J. Tribble, G. C. Thomas. Ang. 14, 1902, Judge Howell Oobb, City, Dear Sir:—As part of said petition to adjourn oonrt over, I would state that there are no jail cases and no non resi dent witnesses subpoenaed. I would suggest therefore that there is no oooa- slon to bring juries, and if yon see prop er to grant the petition asking the ad journment of court, it might, perhaps, be well to give notice before Monday, as there would lie no occasion to have juries. Yonrs truly, S. J, TRIBBLE. Solicitor City Oonrt of Athens, Oa. City Court of Athens, Ga. ( August term, 1902. ) In response to foregoing petition to bar, it is ordered that all cases pending la this oonrt, whether oivll or criminal, and all motions stand oontlnned until the regular term, third Monday In November, 1908 ; and that all oases bo then called and disposed of withont prejudice to either party, the same as ,if they had been called at this ’Angast term, 1902, and in 'case of motions for new trials amendments to bo allowed without prejudice as though made at August term, 1902. It Is further ordered herein that in all cases which are in default, judgement will be on motion granted as at this August term, 1902. Ordered farther, that the jurors sum moned to serve at this Term, August, 1902, are discharged for the term. There being no jail oases, all criminal cases shall go over nnder this order. The Angast term is hereby adjourned to term in oonrse. HOWELL OOBB, Judge. The foregoing order will be entered on minntes of the city court at Athens, Monday, Angast 18, 1902. By order of Jadge Howell Cobb. O. W. COOPER, Clerk City Oonrt of Athens, Ga. Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Fork, Ky. says she has prevented attacks of obolera morbus by taking Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets when she felt an attaok coming on. Such attacks are usually caused by indigestion and these Tablets are jnst what li needed to cleanse the stomaoh and ward off the approaohing attaok. Attacks of billions oolic may be prevented lu the same way. For sale by all drnggisti.