Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 16, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST If,, 1002. THE ATHENS DAILY BANNED Published L>»11t. Sunday and W.ckly by H. J. UOWE. lessee. B. P. HOLUett. JH.. Edlto. C. M. VOUNO City Editor THE LAND SCRIPT FUND. THE ATHENS DAILY BANNER is dellv«r«*i by carriers In the cltr. or mailed, jk,stage fre»- to an y addremi at the following rates : f.vU> per year, $2.50 for sta monthH. $1 26 for thr* « months The Weekly or Sunday BANNER per ,ar, 50 cents for hIx months. Invariably Dash .A advance. Reudttanceo mav t* made by express, post office money order or registered letter. All business communications should l>e al dresmsl to the Business manager. .Sut*scrlls;rs are request**! to promptly notify the business office of late delivery, failure t., c^r^y papers to porches or failure to deliver with absolute regularity on the part of the car riers. Such notifications is the only means of knowing of the existence of any cause for com pla*nt. and will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONES : Business Office 75. one ring Editorial Rooms 75. two rings. The woods are fall of “the first hale.” All reform movomoutu should he work ed quietly Wo muni have a oily hall, 11ml we should liaro a good one. The dot polluting time is growing very short. Defter eonnf them while you fkii \\ 0 stapd uo yvonv.vumt in Athens We ihenl.l w r^s*. ihone fellows put an fast an W# ,W7 ivrnit»t lion W. L Peek, tho populist states man ffom Rockdale county made a sky rocket address before the State Agri cultural Society on Thursday advoca ting the n-paratiou of the agricultural college of the state from the University of Geonria and establishing the agricul tural college at the cx|>eriment station. As will he seen by excerpts from the address delivered by Chancellor Hill be fore the society on Thursday, Mr. Peek was badly mixed in his figures, as he is in his statement that he is not a can didate for office, so soon after he has h** n nominated by the populists of Georgia for commissioner of agricul ture. The Banner reprints liberally, ex tracts from the address delivered by Chancellor Hill, on this subject, and at the same time, we will reprodace here, an editorial fiom the Macon Tele graph, of yesterday, which seems to take an opposite view to that taken by Chancellor Hill, and which shows that Hon. Pope Brown is favorable to the plan of separating the agricultural col lege from the University. Tho Tele graph says “The debate yesterday in the State Agricultural Society upon tho question sprung by Mr. Peek, to separate the State Agricultural College WISDOM IN FUSION. V hit w . Vow a v- ww W .-V.k Mkfcfc*. d-j las Sy making » »1»s* tat race in Atlanta » 1. tin' laiul script fnml from the Mate Utii- Tcrslty. wan lively ami at times i-xoitinK- Mr. l'eek Is a oourupeous lighter uinl his atory fairly hr In l lew with sharp points ^ ami penetrating thrusts. Chancellor Hill s reply in defense of tho present use of the laud script fond was clear out. amt forceful it not convincing lli» o.-.'.otation, from and interpretation of [ She law governing the case, and his ^ ..notations from Senator Morrill's inter pretation of the law made an impres sion and nudouModly contributed to the defeat of Mr. book's resolutions. "The debate was interesting and in strnctive It is probable that as (his was not the tirst, it will not bo the last Does Atlanta really need another elo- of this agitation. Mr. l’eelt had the support of Hon J. Pope Browh, who said that the separation contemplated, and the establishment of a purely ag ricultural college was sure to come— that there was soarcoly little use to ap peal to the legislature now, but that the light would have to be made before the people." A Georgia exchange says if v'uba robs ns of our cotton business we can con tinue to raise peaches and pecans phant on her hands with Howell and Woodward bucking the state law? It appears tuat two of tha Atlanta pa pers are against Howell and Woodward. It may be imaged which two these are. 1'astern Republican newspapers are in a high state of perturbation over the fusion this year of Democrats and Pop ulists in various parts of the country They profess to see In it a continued menace to the nation with, of course, a big N. If they could have their way, they would so arrange matters that the Democrats and Populists in every town ship and ooun y In the Union should dissolve politic!,1 partnership, set up rival candidates, and so insure the vio tory of tho "grand old party" in the contest for every oflloe from tho lowest to the highest. Fusion upBets all these nak nlations, the political weeping and wailing over it, and the effort to make it appear that national ruin is again impending. The Populists nnd Democrats are wise in sticking together, and making battle against the common enemy. It holds out the certainty of snoot ts in many im portant contesst, and will work no in jury in the future The prime duty of all Democrats this year is to agree among themselves and to attract all and every force that is arrayed against Re publicanism. In mense numbers of Re publicans everywhere are dissatisfied with their party. They see that its ten dencies are all in favor of the classes udowed by 1 nnd against the masses, that many of its leaders are the officers of gigautio corporations, manufacturing trusts, rall- rouds, banks and nil the other benefici aries of special legislation, both State and National, that no legislation is placed In the r a utes which mil.tat s agaiust these favi red interests, (hat, on the contrary, they are made immane against attack of any kind. Prom these oppressive conditions Republicans suffer as sorely in their pockets as do Demo- rats and Popnlistf, and it is incumbent upon all to dismount their rough riders and secure relief fiom them The Republican leaders aud managers have not the remote intention of dis turbing tho trusts in their rapacious raids on the people at large. Promises on the snbj.ct are abundant enough, bat what about tie performance? At the next session of Congress nothing will be done. Tin plea will then be made that the tin e is too short to dis ing less than three months After the dispensary light in Wilkes county comes the news of the organiza tion of an "Anti-Blind Tiger Club. Suc cess to the new club. The Macon News says Mr. Peek lost his temper in the discussion with Gh&n- oellor Hill Thursday He evidently lost bis head before he entered the discus lion. The man who thinks Athens is going to the eternal bow wows should take a book ■eat and look on while his optimistic brothers get the crooks straight. If there are any. An exohange says Sledd did the proper thing in tendering his resignation, and if we have any conception of right, we should say the trustees did the right thing in accepting the resignation The Atlanta Journal calls on the sen ator from the Atlanta district to op pose any change in the law touching the elegibility of two of the candidates for Mayor in Atlanta. Think of Clark Howell opposing his father, Capt. Dvan Howell, in any such manner. Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, and which has liccn In use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-ns-good” are lint Experiments that trillo with and cndnnpfcr the health of Infants aud Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy anil natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of cJUM The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Bargains! Bargains!! Our 5pring and Summer stock of Millinery at COST. A large variety to select from. Misses Bradberry Col ege Avenue, '&83S‘3S3B3B3BSS3S'&B3Zn 33S3S333S3S3SS038i3SS0 COAL - COAL - COAL a to M Now is the time to buy your coal, *We fire sole agents M for the famous RED ASH and many other high grades fij Hoc* Un Befoi-o Plnelng Your Ol’iloi-M, ^ Telephones ; u ’ , ”; j ° , .'i c ; $ ATHENS COAL & COKE CO. VV. 1*. VONDKltAU, M e i*. If Athens had a good, live commercial organization a good deal might be ac complished in the way of getting better railroad schedules on all lineB entering Athens, and in getting a large number of other things that are needed to make Athens the city it should be, As long as we pat this matter oil we are stand ing in onr own light. After that will oome the Presidential year, when the tariff baionB will pay ontmillions to be let alone. Tariff reform is an irides cent dream and will r« main one nntil t lie Republican party is driven from power. Conquering the markets of the world is maguificert from the tariff po tentates point of vit w, but to make him give up his iron grio on the conquered home market is iniiaitly more interest ing now to the millions of plundered farmers aud other consumers of the whole country. The one way to win that victory is by Fusion ! fusion of Democrats, Populists, Republicans ; fu sion of the robbed against the robbers. Trust-made goods are now sold cheaper in the Philippines, China, Japan, Eng land, Ru6Bia and Germany than they are sold within a mile of the factories where they are made. The facts and figures to prove it are easily obtainable. It is the greatest robbery of the few for the benefit of the many on record. If You Live On Or Above Pulaski Street You Can Save Time By Getting Turnip Seed from the UPTOWN DRUG STORE, E. C. McEVOY, Phone : : : 270. n reply to a question from a corres pondent asking whether Clio, the At lanta elephant, went to heaTen, the At lanta News says the animal must have prepared for a long journey, as she car ried her trank with her. MONDAY THE LAST DAY. Thomas W. Lawson’s book, "The Laweon History of the American Cup," is dedicated as follows: "To sports men—manly men, men of gentle mind and simple heart, brave men, fair men : to men who say to the weak, May and to the strong, ‘I willto men whom sham is dishonor and troth a guiding star; to men who look npon the sea, the plain, the foreet, the mountains, the rising and setting sun and the im mutable heavens, with a deep sense of their own littleness in the great soheme of things, I dedicate this book.” An evidenoe that "Lo the poor In dtan" is at last becoming olvilized now before ns. The first case on record where a full-blooded Indian has peti tioned for a divorce has oocurred m the federal court at Pawnee, when Spah Pah-Bear asked for a legal separation from his wife, Mad Bear. He charged her with infidelity, abandonment and with gross negleot of her household du ties. The plaintiff is very old and al- most blind and was aooompanied by several sons and daughters. The wife did not appear in oonrt. ORR’S SCHOOL. Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. jummer term begins Monday, June 9th, 1902. Social attention given to pupils in the public schools who have failed to be promoted, and to those wishing to omit a grade. For terms apply to S. P ORR- Thr Banner's dot contest will close Monday. A few more days and then Th" Banner’s dots will cease to he a mat ter of public interest. Th'-contest has been wonderfully interesting from start to finish and a large number of new subscribers have been added by this means. For the next few days is ottered the last chance for those who wish to submit guesses on the famous puzzle. All subscribers who wish to take advantage of tho opportunity to be compensated for paying their subscriptions, or all parties wishing to subscribe to The Banner and have a chance at the $50.00 in prizes ottered, will have to hurry. The sooner the answers ai" all in the sooner the work of counting them over will be finished ani fch e sooner the eighteen prizes will be announced. That interest in the puzzle has not been confined to Athens has been shown by the answers received during tho present week. The news of the dots has spread to outside places, and answers have been received from many other towns and cities throughout the state. This place, of course, has justified the popularity of the puzzle, and responded with increasing interest each day. With the close of the contest, there is a great rush on the part of the people who have been care fully studying out their solutions and making repeated trials to in sure more possibility of success. It is rather amusing to see the wide difference in the answers that are now coming into The Banner oiiico. Somebody is guessing, and the answers indicate that a good many somebodyB are gussing. Remember, the contest closes Monday. Count the dots aud send in your answer with subscription money R. NICKeRSON, Prc«. W. B. JACKSON. Vice Pres. T. M. NICKBRSO THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO, DEALERS I IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Wooilenware, Etc. LAWN MOWERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, GAROEN HOSE. 248 and 250 Broad Street. Athene, Ga. TAKE NOTICE! When ymi want first-class re pair wrk i.f any kind, or an ex- client j-'b of hors.-shoeing, you ill do well to call on B R. Pickrell it his shops No. "21-20 Kast Wash- ton street,, next to Robertson's Marble yard. Remember, he is well prepared with both men and material to do any kind of work at very short notice. WORKMANSHIP AND PRICES GUARANTEEO. t % 1 1 1 1 1 $ 1 # Baby is safe from croup, colds etc. There can be no sudden •emperature drop in the small hours ol night where Hot Water System; •- j 1— s* of water in the system contin* ues to evenly distribute its heat for hours, even should the fire have gone out. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators J. DORNBLMT FariffforSale. 1GG acres four miles from town. Good dwelling and barn. The owner of this place is going to move to Texas and will sell very cheap A. lTbROOKS. 102 Clayton St. Phone 233. The Southern Mutual insurance Company, OF ATHENS, GA. W W THOMAS President. ABTHUB E, QBIFFITH 1 Secretary RESIDENT DIRECTORS. adward s Lyndon bll.LUPH Phinizy Tames Whits William W. Thomas, tfKiTDKK Nickerson, Alex 8 Krwin, {Walter B. Hill Arthur K. Gitirrrrn Joseph H. Fleming, Edward B. Hodghom We arc Leaders, Sash Doors and Blinds Rough and Dressed Lumber, Brick, Lime and Cement. A.t Tlie Righ-t Price. Our job department is now under the supervision of Mr W. T. Mayfield, who will be pleased to serve you with esti mates on any and all kinds of first class work. Come and see us. Lyndon flanufacturing Co. FOR RENT! From August 1st that por tion of the Barrow Building occupied by the Athens Ban ner. 6 r. h,, Foundry St. 10 r. h., Hancock Ave. FOR SALE. Some of the most desirable property in Athens. Now is the time to buy Athens Real Estate. I do not think good property will ever be cheaper. Robt. Toombs DuBose, Real Estate. Fire Insurance.