Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 19, 1902, Image 2

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TIIE BANNER, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1092. THE ATHENS DAILY BANNED Publl*bed Dallv. Sunday and Weekly by n j. rows. Bdliot City Edits! THE CITY HALL PLANS. As The Banner predicted early last '•veek, the oity counuil of Athene adopted i he report ot the special committee ap pointed to look into the matter of the j > motion ot a new city hail and called an ! ,-kct’ou to detiiniue whether or not THKATHKNS DAILY BANNER 1« delivered I ( j q{ tbe clt j. 0 ( Athens in the by camera in the city, or mailed, poataa* Ire. B. P. HOLOBR. JR C. M. VOUNQ. to any" addreaB at the tollowlnK rates: «•«" per year, 12.50 for ala month*. 1125 for thre. "rhe Weekly or Sunday fl co per *r. 60 cents tor ala month*. Invariably Cash .a advance. Hamlttances may be made by express, pom ofliae money order or registered letter. All bmrtnetta communications Hhould be an dreamed to the Business manager. failure to delive »the part of the < * the onlv mean** of Subscribers are requested to promptly notify the business office of late delivery, failure to carry pajn?ra to porches with absolute regularity riers. i?uoh notification: knowing of the existence of any cause for com Plaint, aud will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONES: Buslnei* Office 75. one ring Editorial Room* 7S. two ring* Bnild new cottages. Now for the new city hall. Are you helping the Klks? For Kent” signs in There are few Athens. By the way, anion depot? what abont the new Athens is growing faster than any other oity in the state. A “wet or dry” election will be hold In Sumpter county Thursday. Those who expected to find it a politi cal barbeoue were badly disappointed. The mayor's raoe in Atlanta is get ting things so badly mixed that its hard tj tell who’s who. The Banner is hopeful that the com Ing general assembly will appropriate $50,000 for the State Normal School. It is our prediction that the Freeman case is going to shake matters np in the convict lease system before the next legislature. The indications point to a large at tendance at each of the ednoational in stitutions of Athens this term. This count* fur a great dual —- Kvarr tying** at -..doultT contribute to the fond for the summer sohool. It will help Athens and will benefit each merchant individually The dots are out for the present, but keep your eye on The Banner. \Ye are going to give the people something else that they will appreciate in a few days, The presence of one thousand Geor gia teachers in Athens from summer to summer wonld be a great thing for the basinees men of this city, and The Ban ner believe* the bnsiness men appreciate this fact. Mrs. Marie Louise Myriok’s address, delivered before the State Agricultnral Society, a portion of which is repro duced in The Banner today, was one of the beet addresses delivered on that oc casion. The report of the meeting of the di rectors of the Central Railway, pub lished in another place in this issoe of The Banner, does not indicate that it W ill be necessary for this property to be merged with any other to insare the highest success The Banner's dot contest has demon strated the fact that this paper is a good advertising medinm. If we can make a great suocess ont of advertising onr own badness in onr own paper, what ought others be able to do? Our merchants should think about this. With the passing of summer, the men who have labored in the fields will find a little rest, bnt not eo with the women ; they have their household duties in all seasons. We should try to make their burdens as light as possible. The worn en are the salvation of mankind. tmount of $r ) o,ooo should be issaed for he puepose of erecting the new build ing. The Banner now predicts that the vends will be oarried by a large plurality m the election to be held next month. No city in Georgia has grown like Athens during the past few years. No city will grow like Athens will from this time forward if the spirit of progres- sivene6s and enterprise which has been manifested on the part of onr people for that period oontinnes, and there is every reason to believe that this will be the case. The paving that has been done in this city under a bond issue has helped Athens wonderfully, as has the estab lishment of the waterworks and the sewer system. The oroedon of the new city hail will be a distinct permanent improvement that will dc a great deal of good. It appears that the slight opposition that developed in the meeting of coun cil Saturday to the proposition to erect the new city hall came from the fuct that some deemed it unwise to erect a building as oostly as #5o 0(H) under con ditions now existing. A little careful study would, in tho opinion of The Ban ner clear up the situation. Within the next few months there will be erected in Athens a government building' to be used as the Athens post- ollice and for the sessions of the United States court. The Federal government has appropriated $100,001 for this pur pose and Congressman Howard has told The Banner that this amount would be materially increased before work on the new building is completed. Ho tells ns that the architect of the United Slates government, in figuring on a building for Athens, considering tne growth of the city for the past few years and the contemplated growth in the near future, suggested that a building to cost $139,- 000 should be erected in Athens. It is reasonable to suppose, in view oi these „ •—,i.• • — somethin o in this neighborhood, will be erected by the Foderal government in Athens. No matter which of the several sites sug gested is selected by the government for this handsome building, it will be lo cated within a stone’s throw of the present city hall, and where the now city hall will be erected. Then should we not erect on the oity's property a city hall that will be something in keep ing with this splendid structure to be erected by the United Slates govern ment? Should not we, the inhabitants of Athens, figure on the past and future growth of the city if a government architect, who has probably never had his foot on Georgia soil, figured on these things in making an estimate for building in this oity ? Should we put up a building for a few thousand dollars less than proposed by the report of the committee, to meet the present de inands and perhaps the demands for the next five, ten or fifteen years, or should we issue bonds for $30,000 aud erect a bnilding that will be the admiration of the present generation and serve all purposes for the city administration for decades to ecme? Thos-' are the questions that the peo ple are to answer on the 27th day of next month. They should bn fri cly aud fully discussed by every citizen of Ath ens who has the welfare of the city at heart. The Banner, looking .t .t in on impartial manner, with an eye single only to the good of Athens, believes that the #50 000 bnilding is the thing to decide on We believe the people will never regret having erected a bnilding such as proposed by the report of the commUtee. We not only believe that this should be done, but we firmly be lieve that it will be done. COL. W. A, HEMPHILL DEAD. Colonel W. A. Hemphill, o distin guished Georgian who was born in Athens, and who Bpent his boyhood days in this city, died at his home in Atlan ta Sunday night. Colonel Hemphill, with the iilustrouB Grady, both of whom were bom and reared in this city, have been responsi ble, more than any other men or any other forces, for the remarkable growth of Atlanta Side by side for several years those notable Athenians fought for the upbuilding of their native Btate and for the home of their adoption. More than ten years ago the brilliant Grady died while a million tongues were singing his praises from one end of the country to the other. Sunday Col onel Hemphill who furnished the finan cial backing for the eloquence of Grady, quietly passed away, and to him more than to any Georgian living today, ii due the remaakable growth and devel opment of the great state of Georgia. Every appreciative Georgian willmonrn the lys9 of those of his dear ones who ate left behind, and especially will the tenderest sympathy go out to the aged mother, who resides in this city, and to whose devoted watch care in the early lays of the career of her distinguished son, William Hemphill owed his re- markable success. cl Itching Humors through tho cists Nothing to try It. Cures Eczema Blood B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized as n certain and sure cure tor Eczema, Itching Skin, Humors, Scabs, Scales, Watery Blisters, Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Oarbnn oles, Prickling Pain in the Skin, Old Eating Sores, Uucere, etc. Botanic Blood Balm taken internally, cures the worst and most, deep-faeated cases by en riching, purifying aud vitalizing the blood, thereby riving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only cure, to stay cured, for these awful, annoying skin troubles Others remedies may relieve, but B. B B. actually enr :b, heals evsry sore, and gives the rich glow of health to the skin B. B. B buil-ls up the broken-down body and makes the blood red and nour ishing. Over .1000 voluntary testimo nials of cures by Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Druggists, $1.00. Trial treat ment free and prepaid by writing. Blood Balm Go., Atlanta. Ga. De scribe trouble, and free medical given until onr<A The I run .Mr.ldi-n. The iron muiden is a terror Insplr lng torture Instrument made of streuj. wood eoated with iron. It opens with two d ms to allow tho prisoner to be placed Inside. The entile Interior Is tilted with long, slmrp iron spikes, so that when tin- doors are pressed to these sharp prongs force tlicir way into various portions of the victim’s body. Two enter his eyes, others pierce his chest and, in fact, impale him alive in such a manner that he dies in the most agonizing torture. Persons were condemned to lentil by the embraces of the iron uin'.deii for plots against the governing powers, parricide, religious unbelief and murder. Tho date of this Instrument is the fifteenth century. It is believed that the Iron maiden is purely aud peculiar ly a relic of old Nuremberg, as at that date we do no: read of it anywhere else, while the annuls of that town con tain many alius mis to its terrors. AVtgelable Prcparalionlbr As similaUnfillicRxxIandHtitf ma ting (he Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digc3tion.Cheei ful ness and Rest.Conlains neiltier Opium .Morphine nor>lineraL Not Naiic otic . JAapt arfiUOrSiHl TLP/mOA fKcnpkui Sceti~ v ALx Sfjmn * I ZlockAU Sdtt - I JaixSffl * \ fhffrrtrvHt - 7 III CjrtonnJrSbtta * | }MrrpSr*d - ' Ctanfod .ft/aar I Yiatayrr** rtavor / Aperfecl Hemedy forConslipfl- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SlJJEi’. Facsimile Signnlure of NEW YORK The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Bargains! Bargains!! Our 5pring and Summer stock of Millinery at COST. A large variety to select from. Misses Bradberry Col ego Avenue, In Use For Over Thirty Years {3SS£EE!SE838BEEE!SE^BE c Z3&3g£g838&3.<33!33g<3g&£l 1 COAL - COAL - COAL , i Now is the time to buy your coni. Wo are c ole agents for tho famous m ASH ami many other high grades. “ See Us Before I’lneing Your Oi*«lor>«, Telephones ) uptawn^oiiko ATHENS COAL & COKE CO. W. I*. VONDEKAU, M a r, 3 ^BBBS3DBSSBoSSS3SSS3B33SSaSSS3SS.B The Banner does not propose to let np until the money Is forthcoming, from somewhere, to assnre the summer school os • permanency in Athens. The balk of the benefit will be to the merchants of Athens and it is plain that these should pnt op the fnnd for the institu tion. The Banner will not only lend the movement its moral snpport, bnt wi stand ready to do onr part In a more substantial way. Mother Always Keeps It Handy. •My mother suffered along time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," says L W. Spalding, Verona, Mo. "Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy-six, eats anything she wants, re. marking that she fears no bad effects ss she has her bottle of Kodol handy Go after the cause. If your stomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomaoh and strengthens the body by digesting yonr food. It is na ture’s own tonic. The Orr Drug Oo. $100 REWARD, $ioo, The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Care is the inly positive cere now known to the medical fratertiiy Catarrh being t constitutional dissase, requires a consti t itional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ae.iig directly upon the blood and macous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion oi the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building np the consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proptietors have so much faith ih its curaiive powers, that they off r one Hundre d Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. S-nd for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO Toledo, O. S'ld by drnggi-ts, 75c Hall’s Family Pills are the best Don't Bp Foolish. I.ook at your frivuds and acquaint awes. You see them deliberately act In;; the fool every day. Possibly you cau look your f lends over with less prejudice than 3011 can look yourself over. Are you acting the fool and causing yourself unnecessary annoy ance? Tbcie are so many foolish peo ple in the work that you often tlud startling tilings in looking yourself over with candor and fairness.—Atch ison tllobe. m Lhz fhrOrtbove Pulaski Street You Can Save Time By Getting Turnip Seed from the UPTOWN DRUG STORE, E. C. McEVOY, Phone : : : 270. 270. < ORR’S SCHOOL. Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. -•ummer term begins Monday, June 9th, 1902. Special attention given to pupils in the public schools who have failed to be promoted, and to those wishing to omit a grade. For terms apply to TAKE NOTICE! When you want lirst-clnss ro- pair work of any kind, or an ox- Hi nt, jot. of h rs,> shooing, you will do well to call on B. R. Pickrell at his shops No. '24-£i> East Wtish- ngton strc’ot-, m xt to Ron.-rtsoii’s Marble yard. K-m-enber, ho is well prepared with both moil and material tod > any kind ol' work at very short notieo. WORKMANSHIP AND PRICES GUARANTEED, If £3' P ORR. i lagiy Baby is sole from croup, colds etc. There can be no sudden temperature drop in the small hours of night where Hot Water System. -ii' uied. water in the system contin- hjS, ues to evenly distribute its ^ heat for hours, even should the fire have gone out. IDEAL Boilers AMERICAN Radiators | | t I % § § « *5 ■J. DORHBLATr mm I ! I rt I R. NICKERSON. Pre.. W. H. JACKSON. Vice Pre*. T. H. NICKRRSO . --rev THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. DEALERS I IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Woodenware, Etc. LAWN MOWERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, GARDEN HOSE. a«8 and .50 Broad Street, Athem.U*. Farm for Sale. 106 acres lour miles from town. (rood dwelling and barn. The owner of this place is going to move to Texas and will sell very cheap A. L. BROOKS. 102 Clayton St. Phone 233. The Southern Mutual insurance Company, OF ATHENS, GA. W W THOMAS President. ABTHUB B, UBITriTH 1 Seoretary RESIDENT DIRECTORS. aiDWARD 8 f.TNnON t>a.i.nps Piiinizy- Iames Whits Wi i.i.iAM W. Thomas, Bkuukn Niokekbon. Ai.ex 8 KllWIN, IWalteh B. Hill Arthur E. OmrrTTR fosEi-n H. Flemino, Ei>wakd B. Hoihiho. Acts Irtntedlafely. OoMs are somefc mes mere troublesome in summer than in winter, it’s so hard to keep from adding to them while cool- off after exercise. One Minnte Cough Oore cures at once. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Sore care for coughs, colds, croap, throat and long troubles. The Or:r Drag Oo. We iE*,i*e Leaders, Sash Doors and Blinds Rough and Dressed Lumber. Brick, Lime and Cement. A^t The Right Trice. Our job department is now under the supervision of Mr W. T. Mayfield, who will be pleased to serve you with esti mates on any and all kinds of first class work. Come and see us. Lyndon flanufacturing Co. FOR RENT! From August 1st that por tion of the Barrow Building occupied by the Athens Ban ner. 6 r. h,, Foundry St, 10 r. h., Hancock Ave. FOR SALE. Some of the most desirable property in Athens. Now is the time to buy Athens Real Estate. I do not think good property will ever be cheaper. Robt. Toombs DuBose, Real Estate. Fire Insurance,