Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 23, 1902, Image 2

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'TlIE BANNED, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23,10§2. THfci great Bhame on the state of Georgia. iTflflXTC 1 n All V DIMMED ! Oertnimy the State Normal school is ] A latino iJAlLl DAmYMl>^» great work for education ini Georgia, and if the general assembly | can help it with additional funds with out detriment to other interests of the state, or increase in the tax rate, it Bhonld do it, Published DaiW. Sunday and Weekly by M. J. ROWE. Isumm. B. P. HOLOBR, JR.. Editor. C. M. VOUNO. City Editor. THE ATHENS DAILY BANNER Is delivered by carriers In the city, or mailed, postage free to any addreas at the following rates: 15.0U per year. *2.50 for six months, 11.25 for three months- The Weekly or Hundxy BANNER 11.00 per .%r, 50 cents for six months, Invariably Cash a advance. Remittances may be made by express, post office money order or registered letter. All business communications should be ad dressed to the Business manager. Subscm»ers are requested to promptly notify the business office of lAte delivery, failure to carry papers to porches or failure to deliver with absolute regularitr on the part of the car riers. Such notifications is the only means of knowing of the existence of any cause for com pla<nt. and will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONES: Business Office 75. one ring Editorial Rooms 75. two rings HIGH ENDORSEMENTS. The showing made by The Banner yesterday of the indorsements of the daily newspapers of Georgia of the work being done at the State Normal School it only exceeded by the indorse ments that are Btill coming in. Under the captain of "A worthy institution" the Oolumbns Enquirer-Son, one of the strongest newspapers in the state, says : One of the first things that the Geor gia legislature should do npon conven ing this fall should be to make an ap propriation to enlarge the facilities of the State Normal School at Athens. The Enquirer-Sun's dispatches yester day morning told of the snccessfnl open ing of the school Tuesday, with an at tendance three timeB greater than ever before. The success of the occasion was marred by the fact, however, that sixty young men and women—Georgians— who went to Athens to attend the school were crowded ont of the dormi tories and there was nothing to do bnt to appeal to the people of the city to take care of them. The legislature should by all means make an appropria- tlon sufficient to remedy these and other conditions at the State Normal School. There is now no greater factor ih the educational developments of the state than the Normal School. Already Its The Savannah Morning.Kewi says: The State Normal School opened on Tuesday with an attendance of 400 teachers. This is about three times as many as have attended any previous opening of that institution. It is said there were eixty more than could be ac commodated in the dormitories. Much of the popularity of the Institu tion is due to President Branson, who has been nntiring in his efforts to make it a success. He has shown ability of a high order for work of this character, and there is no donbt that what he has done and is doing for the education of teaohers is highly appreciated through ont the Btate. And now the cry comes for help—for assistance from the state. Greater dor mitory accommodations are wanted and a larger faculty is needed. There is no donbt that the work the Normal School is doing Is of the very greatest benefit for without good teachers it is lmpossi ble to have good public sohools. We.have no doubt the Legislature will do all it can for the school. It certainly ought to. THE SUMMER SCHOOL FONDJTILL GROWS Amount Now Foots Up Close to Fifteen Hun dred Dollars. AVctfetable Prcparationfor As similating the Food andBeguIa- ting the Stomachs andBoweb of Infant**/( hildkf.n Promotes IVigestion.CheerfuF- ness and Re st.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nah.c otic . /unfit or ou a-SAKi’a.ptraak /\art'Jcui Seed * i j4Lx.Senr,a * 1 RncktiU .i-Jlf - I elai*- .fiW 1 } Htnp.fal- \ fiefeSWU, J A perfect Remedy forConslipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms.(Convulsions .Feverish ness anil Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Silpinturc of NEW YORK. |M^iWpWS| CASTOMA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPED. In Use For fiver Thirty Years GASTORIA COAL - COAL - COAL The summer school movement is as snming proportions not altogether an ticipated by the most Bangnine soppor ters of the movement. In addition to the cordial and liberal support being met with in this city by the oommittee having in charge the matter of getting up the necessary fnnd fortthe success of the institution, the press of the entire intinenoes are being felt, and none can deny that through its work the stand- ard of teaching in Georgia has been dis tinctly elevated. Its work is Intensely praotical, its object is to teaoh teaohers, to Instruct those who are to Instruct the youug people of our state. The impor tanoe of a thorough course for our teach ers is now appreciated more keenly and generally than ever before, a fact shown by the record-breaking attendance at the normal school this year. The State Normal School shonld have the hearty and nnstinted support of the state. We neod to lcok only at our own schools in Colnmbns to see how the Normal School is fulfilling its mission Several of onr best teachers are grad nates of that institntion, and as it is now the policy of the board of trustees to accept only trained teachers, it is probable that in the future the local schools will be even more extensively benefited through the good work of the normal school. In connection with the State Normal Sohool, the magnifioeut work of Presi dent E. O. Branson deserves mention. He baa worked earnestly and intelli gently, and much of the success of the Institution can be attributed to his zeal and tireless labor. The Home Tribune Says . The State Normal Sohool at Athens opened Tuesday with three times a lar ger attendance than has ever been known before on the opening day. Tho total attendance was nearly four hundred, and ovot sixty Georgia men and women were crowded out of the dormitories. These had to appeal to the residents of the city to take care of them. It is declared that no education al movement In Georgia has ever com pared with this reoord. The great interest shown In the State Normal school is largely doe to the mag nifloent work In its behalf by President Branson. The friends of the school and the oil liens of Athens will urge the general as sembly to make appropriations to in crease the dormitory room and class room. The faculty, also, shonld be in creased. They declare that the present crowded condition of the sohool is state appears to be tehiuft the move- Now is the time to buy your coal. We are eole agents for the famous RED ASH and many other high grades See Us Before Pliifing Your Orders, Telephones j Upt ^ r " d 0 '."“ ^ ATHENS COAL & COKE CO. $ W. jP. VONDUltAU, M^r. jlj ^a. ***»%*% J. K DAVIS, Electrical Contractor, Full and complete as sortment of Electrical and Telephone supplies on hand at all times. Wiring for lights, bells, motors, fans, etc., neatly and promptly done. 1 PHONE - SOS, JCOR, COLLROE AVB. AND CLAYTON ST. g GEORGE G. GIBSON, Public Stenographer and Typewriter. Gan and Locksmith Business FOR SALE. Owing to failing eyesight, and being desirous of selling My Patent Combination Planter and Guano Distri butor, I will sell my Gun and Locksmith business. I have been in the business for ten years in Athens and have increased my customers every year. \ny one with a few hundred dollars can do a fine business in this line. The trade is already bnilt np and a fine line of enstomers come to my shop. See me at my shop No. 8 Olay ton street. I wish to sell at once. M. I*. UBISCOE. Bargains! Bargains!! Our Spring and Summer stock of Millinery at COST. A large variety to select from. Misses Bradberry College Avenue, * TAKE NOTICE! \\ lien you want tirst-elass re pair work of any kind, or an ex cellent Jol. of horse shoeing, you will do well to call on B. R. Pickrell at his shops No. 24-2C, East Wash ington street, next to Robertson's Marble yard. Remember, he is well prepared with both men and material to do any kind of work at vory short notice’. WORKMANSHIP AND GUARANTEED. PRICES | Baby is safe & ment, which wonld indicate that it will be liberally supported in all parts of Georgia. With a very little work the commit tee yesterday Increased the subscrip tions to the fnnd by $853, making total foot np (1,443, os follows : Previously acknowledged (1090 H. T. Huggins 25 R. L. Earnest 26 W. B. Hill 26 Dr. D. D. Quiillan 20 J. T. Anderson 10 Wm Fleming 10 J. F. Hart 10 J. S. Bernstein 10 Dr. A. U. Holliday 10 J. A. Morton.. 1C T. S. Mell 1C W. A. Mallory 1C W. B. Barnett 1C Jas. Barrow £ Sam McQueen £ Howell Erwin £ Dr. W. O. Mattox £ Joe Morton £ Dozier & Oo f Wm. Peek ; F. H. Bowden i H. O. Tuck £ T. H. Dozier i W. J. Peeples i E. R. McGregor I E. P. Fears • ■ • • I Shackelford & Shackelford i W. D. Bowden I J. Dorublatt Oobb Lumpkin ' .... Diok Harris J. A. Harbin M. B. Morton A. F. Comer, Jr Tom Elder S. O. Upson Cash J. T. Brown Wingfield Cash Store T. F. Green ••••.. John A. Saye J. E. Humphrey W. W- Turner J. W. Barnett W. L. Wood F. G. Umbach B. F. Oolp W. A. Capps D. W. Bailey Total (1,443 Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. ,'ummer term begins Monday, June 9tli, 1902. Special attention given to pupils in the public schools wno have failed to be promoted, and to those wishing to omit a grade. For terms apply to S. I J ORR. i Camak & Company, $ # FIRE INSURANCE J —AND— —L GAN S.— ^ Offiot No. 19 Olayton Street. ^ OAK HALL, ^ TYRQN NORTH CAROLINA. One of <he leading resorts in the moun tains. All modem improvements. Rea sonable rates. Through oar from Lulu. Farther Information, address J. HELLEN & SON. R. NICKERSON, Prei. W. B. JACKSON. Vic. Prss. T. It. NICKERS'! -. Sec* THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. DEALERS IIN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Wooden ware, Etc. LAWN MOWERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, GARDEN HOSE 348 and 350 Broad Street, Athena, Ga. J t j. s. NOLAND, JK W Formerly With V. W. Skill. New line Jewelry & Speotaoiee. » Old Book Store Corner. x 5 ■ Oconee Street M. E. Chnrch, * r ATHENS, a A. i REV. M. H. EAKES, PASTOR. from croup, colds £ i f i There can be no sudden temperature drop in the small hours of nighi where Hot Water System IS used. The laige tjoil.y uf water in the system contin ues to evenly distribute its heat for hours, even should the fire have gone out. IDEAL Boilers and AMtRICAN Radiator* » i * i i i 1 V J. DORNBLMT | leu H. Talmage. | I’Pine Baggies, Wagons, Laprobes, Whips, Etc. Washington St., Athens, Ga. We are Leaders, Sash Doors and Blinds Rough and Dressed Lumber, Brick, Lime and Cement. A.t Tlie Riglit Price. Our job department is now under the supervision of Mr. W. T. Mayfield, who will be pleased to serve you with esti mates on any and all kinds of first class work. Come and see us. Lyndon Hanufacturing Co. teaching Every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:«X)p. m. Sabbath School Every Sunday afternoon at b :30 p. m. Capt. II. Nickermm, 8upt. Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 p. m. Epworth Leage Meets every Friday eve ning it 7:30 p. m. YOU ARB INVIVED TO ALL THB5B SERVICES. COMB BARLYI J Dearing Hardware Co. WUl move on September 1st from Broad Street to Olayton Street, next door to Talmage Hdw. Oo.. and take the store formerly ooonpied by tha Brumby Drug Oo. Onr customers are invited to caU quiokly and get advantage of ont prices before removal. O D D O D IQ OFFER—COMB AT ONCB »NU 3AVH nilNtlY.^ix--. DEARING HARDWARE CO. 'vStDSDSISMDDDMDMSMS* Your Wife Thinks That the house needs a coat of paint, but you think you can’t afford it. We can ease your mind on that score. Come in any way and price our stock of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSH ES, ETC., and you’ll discover at least that when-it comes to buy ing economically we can save you money. H. R. PALMER & SONS, IOS CLAYTON ST. Farm for Sale. 1G6 acres four miles from town. Good dwelling and barn. The owner of this place is going to move to Texas and will sell very cheap A. L. BROOKS. 102 Clayton St. Phone 233, FOR RENT! From August 1st that por tion of the Barrow Building occupied by the Athens Ban ner. 6 r. h,, Foundry St. 10 r. h., Hancock Ave. FOR SALE. Some of the most desirable property in Athens. Now is the time to buy Athens Real Estate. I do not think good property will ever be cheaper. Robt. Toombs DaBose, Real Estate. Fire Insuranos.