Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 29, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1002. THK ATHENS DAILY BiSNER FublUhod D&Uy. Sunday and Wwkly by M. J. Rowe. a. p. MOLDHR. JR.. Bd,,or C. M. YOUNG c **» Editor. THK ATHENS DAILY BANNKBIh doUrer«i by oArrlnra In the city, or mailed, postage lre« address at the following rates: M OU per year, M.50 tor»U months. »I.» for three RUSSELL SAGE ON TRUSTS. ! Ou jus return from Europe a few days ago Mr, J. Pierpout Morgan deolared that the ora of great trusts had just be gun In this oountry. In discussing this remark Mr. Russell Sage, the Wall str< e ! n nc »r. expressed himself very freely on the trust evil. He oan not be classed as a philanthropist or an unsel fish patriot, but the fact cannot be dis- J. K DAVIS, l ear P ins! . Bargains!! “twLut or .Sunday BANNER ll.oo per puted that he is a far-seeing and dear- *r. SO cents for tlx months. Invariably Cash h ea 4 e d man of affairs. Mr. Sage says : A advance. Remittances may be made by express, post office money order or registered letter. All business communications should be ad dressed'to the Business manager Hubecrlbers are requested to promptly notify the business office of late delivery, failure t. carry papers to porches or failure to deliver with absolute regularity on the part of the car rier*. Such notifications Is the only means of knowing of the existence of any cause for com plaint, and will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONES: Business Office 7S. one ring Editorial Reouie 7». twe rlage That Macon street car merger 1* about to be completed after all Editor Pendleton U taking exceptions to Tom Loyless’ joke* about the Macon weather. ^ The people are showing the proper spirit In contributing to the summer school fond. The Banner will be prepared to an nounce another important improvement in a few days, The people of Alabama are tickled to death with the primary plan °* nomi nating oSteers. This U the proper thing. The combinations of all industries are a menanoe to true government” and fur ther, that "they are the oppressors of the people and if suoh an era as Mr. Morgan looks forward to should really arrive the people will revolt against the trusts and there wi'l be financial ruin the like of which this country has never seen—or any other.” Passing in nls in terview from politic? 1 to business mat ters Mr. Sage said: "When several industries are starting out in business it is well for individuals to oombine for mutual protection until tbe business is firmly established. When the business is so established the combination should be disrupted, snd conducted on individuals lines. Then if on# indltidual became embarreesed it would not mean the wrecking of the in dustry. I believe it is best to have such industries divided among several indi- v .duals than oombined into one great organisation, the embairassment, of which would mean the ruin of all.” ALABAMA’S GOVERNOR. The Atlanta newspapers found brother of Captain Hayward in Maiiot- ta. This is the beat Atlanta could do this time. The Elks are having no trouble in signing the best attractions in the ooun try for the oarnival. They all want to come here. We should be preparing to make the oounty school commissioners have a -*— -tan th*w come to Athens Colonel Watterson says he la too old to turn rascal, and being slxty-two be evidently fixe* the limit somewhere on the sunny side of that age. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been niado under Ills per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you iu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is it harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea und Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coustipution and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and ilowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE; CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Electrical Contractor. Full and complete as- a sortinent of Electrical 1 and Telephone supplies on hand at all times. Wiring for lights, bells, motors, fans, etc., neatly and promptly done. Our Spring and Summer stock of Millinery at COST. A large variety to select from. $ 1’IION H - «OS, J 4COR. COLLEGE AVE. ANCCLAYTON ST. « misses orauoerry College Avenue, GEORGE G. GIBSON. Public Stenographer andTypewriter, Ottlco with J. A. Darwin, College Aveuuu, F none* 04. TAKE NOTICE! When you want first-clasB ro- pair work of any kind, or an ex cellent job of horse shoeing, you will do well to call on Use For Over 30 Years. . TT .UN... *T*,*T. M*W VO*, t Every complaint aimed at the new city hall proposition is an arrow aimed at the progress of onr city. We cannot affotd to stand still or move backward Very few oounties in Georgia showed • greater iuorease in tax returns than Clarke oounty. This is one of the many evidences of our progress and prosperi «7 The Cincinnati Enquirer wants to know whioh side of the tariff question Chairman Babcook would take lu the event Chairman Griggs challenges him to a joint debate. That Georgian showed the bors how to make a political raoe, in South Caro lina the other day. Georgians oan al ways be relied on to do the proper th'ng at the proper time. The Kansas City Journal propounds tfc't question to the Nebraska states man: "If Colonel Bryan thinks so tnooh of the Kansas platform, why does he want the subjeot It to another ornsh tng defeat!” "Roosevelt,” says the Houston Post "intimates that the ReptibUoan party in Texas Is strong enough to accomplish something If It wishes- It is strong enough to aooomplish something all over the oountry If it wishes, bnt from the way trusts continue to flourish it doesn't seem to be doing it.” The first Demooratlo state primary ever held in Alabama was held in that state on Monday for tbe nomination of state house officials. The primary re sulted in a great victory for the present Governor, Hon. William D. Jelks, who was opposed by Captain Johnson. The victory of Governor Jelks Is more pro nounced than had been expected from the early returns, his majority being not less than 10,000 and possibly 10,000 out of a total of 1)0,000 votes cast. his large vote may be regarded as a flat tering endorsement. Governor Jelks is a young man, and has never been prominent in the politics of the state. He was for several years editor and proprietor of the Eufaula Times, and two years ago was elected to the stale senate, was made president of that body, and by virtue of his position as such succeeded to the governorship ou the death of Governor Saxnford, but outside of this he has not been lu poli tics before, Tbe vote he received last Monday may therefore bo said to have been acoorded him more on account of his excellent administration than from personal popularity as he was not well enough known over the state to have polled a very large personal vote. Governor Jelks’ sweeping victory can also be aocounted for from other causes. He was a candidate for his second term, his first term had given the Btate a suc cessful administration, it is customary to give suoh officials the endorsement of a renomination, and on th‘s account there was every reason that he should be vindicated and none that he should be turned down. Again, Governor Jelks was a strong supporter of the new constitution, recently adopted by the people of Alabama, while on the other band Oaptaln Johnson was regarded as opposed to It. l'h's constitution tends largely to climate the Illiterate negro vote of the state, and it may be consid ered that Governor Jelks’ endorsement was also an endorsement of this consti tution. JS5E3 COAL - COAL - COAL " Now is the time to buy your coal, We are sole agents for the famous RED ASH and.many other high graces. See Uh Before Flaclng Vour Or«iex-is, Telephones i ATHENS COAL & COKE CO. - 1&*. VQNDEBAU, M £-r ' —wj-T/'-Tyy/*-r/T/—i Gun and Locksmith Business FOR SALE. Owing to failing eyesight, and being desirous of selling Mv Patent Combination Planter and Guano Distri butor, I will sell my Gun and Locksmith business I have been in the business for ten years in Athens and have increased my customers every year. Any one with a few hundred dollars can do a fine business in this line. The trade is already built np and c tine line of customers come to my shop See me at tay shop No. 8 Olay ton street, I wish to sell at ouoe. M. P. BBISCOE- B, Ru. Pickrell at hig shops No, 24-2(5 East Wash ington street, next to Robertson's Marble yard. Remombor, he is well prepared with both men and material to do any kind of work at very short notice. WORKMANSHIP AND: PRICES GUARANTEED. $ a - VW% J Camak & Company? $ \ FIRE INSURANCE P -AND- r —LOAN S.— € Offios No. 19 Olayton Street. Baby is safe from croup, colds etc. For Sal©. , ^2££.’322St ORR’S SCHOOL- Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. jummer term begins Monday, June 9th, 1902. Special attention given to pupils in the public schools who have failed to be promoted, and to those wishing to omit a grade. For terms apply to 8- P- ORR. , ., ' ■“’’tnv home and the bridge on Oconee St. MRS. T. A. ADAMS. - N^> 467 Oconee street. t J. S. NOLAND, JEWELER. Formerly With V. W. skill. I New line Jewelry £. Spootaolee, 1 Old Book 5tore Corner. I The Rome Tribune if ihowing mark' ed Improvement. It if publlfhed in one of tbe beft cities in the ftate and la edi ted by one of the brightest men in the ftate. The advertialng patronage of the Tribune ha* been good ever since Mr, Knowlet first took obargo o* the paper, • fact, doe no doubt to the large circu lation that the Tribune has acquired under the present management. The newspapers and the people gener ally throughout Georgia will learn with regret of the temporary financial embar rassment of the Augusta Chronicle. This is one of the oldest newpapersin the South, and the oldest Georgia d«n r newspaper. It has been a great power in the opbulldlng of Augusta, and The Banner la hopeful that the present trou ble may be bridged at an early date. YOUNG LADY’S LIFE SAVED, At Panama, Columbia, by Chamberlin's Colic, Cbotara an* Dlarrhsaca Remedy, Dr. Obas. H. Utter, a prominent phys- ioian, of Panama, Colombia, in a recent letter states: "Last Maroh I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, who had a very bad attaok of dys entery. Everything I prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was grow ing wore every hour. Her parents were sure she would die. She had become so weak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this oritical mo ment was a study for me, but I thought of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy and as a last resort pre scribed it. The most wonderful result was effeoted. Within eight hours she was feeling muoh better; inside of three days she was upon her feet and at the end of one week was entirely well." For sale by all druggists. For Asthma use oey's Expectorant. Che- W© are Leaders, Sash Doors and Blinds Rough and Dressed Lumber, Brick, Lime and Cement. A_t The Right Trice. Our job department is now under the supervision of Mr. W. T. Mayfield, who will be pleased to serve you with esti mates on any and all kinds of first class work. Come and see us. Lyndon flanufacturing Co. R. NICKERSON. Pres. W. B. JACKSON. Vic. Pral. T. tl. NICKERSt . Sac THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. DEALERS IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Woodenware, Etc. LAWN MOWERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, GARDEN HOSE. 348 and 350 Broad Street. Athena, Qa. j Allen H. Talmage. |Pine Baggies, Wagons, .Laprobes, Whips, Etc. fi Washington St., 8©%. Athens, Ga. Dearing Hardware Co. Will move on September 1st from Broad Street to Olayton Street:, next door to Talmage Hdw. Co., and take the store formerly oocnpied by th i Brumby Drug Co. Our customers are invited to call quickly and get advantage of out prices before removal. O a O a S -Q«-J>»AKOAINS TO OFFBit—COMB A I' Q ANU aJUk DEARING HARDWARE CO. I I § g i i I i J. DORNBLJTIi There can be no sudden lemperature drop in the small hours of night where Hot Water System <? K ' - — 1 Th p targe body ©! water in the system contin ues to evenly distribute Its heat for hours, even should the fire have gone out. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators Oconee Street M. E. Church^ ATHENS. QA. REV. M. H. EAKES, PASTOR. Preachuig Every Sunday at 11 u. m. and 7:U0p. in. salil'iit (1 School Every Sunday Afternoon tit 3 :do p. m. t'npt. ft. Nickerson, Supt Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evo- llng at 7:30p. m. Epworth Leago Moots every Friday eve- nlny n 7 :3U p. in. YOU ARB INVIVED TO ALL THESE SERVICES, COMB BARLYI Your Wife Thinks That the house need* a coat of paint, but you. think you can’t afford it. We can enso your mind on that score. Come in any way and price our stock of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSH ES, ETC., and you’ll discovor at least that when it comes to buy ing economically we can save you money. O, PALMER 1015 CLAYTON ST. FOR - RENT. 6 r, h. Hancock Ave., $35.00 9 r h. Hancock Ave , $30.00 12 r. h Prince Ave., $25 .00 8 r. h. 23 Pulaski St., $16.65 8 r. h. Hull St., $14.00 9 r. h. Pope 3t., $16.65 7 r. h. Finley St., $12 50 6 r h Weddell Sr., $8.00 •> r h. Baxter St , $8.00 I r. h. Strong St , $6 50 3 r. h, Peabody M. $5.00 3 r li. River St,, $5.00 i. L. BROOKS. FOR RENT! From August 1st that por tion of the Barrow Building occupied by the Athens Ban ner. 6'r. h,, Foundry St. 10 r. h., Hancock Ave, FOR SALE. Some of the most desirable property in Athens. Now is the time to buy Athens Real Estate. I do not think good property will ever be cheaper. Robt. Toombs DnBose, Real Estate. Fire Insuran