Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, August 31, 1902, Image 2

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•i; W ftili tiANNEK, SUNDAY MOftNINGr, AUGUST 31, 1961 “FRUIT or THE tOOM.” Personal Men and women of taste and judgment go into ecstacies over the wonderful pat terns, textures and colors which are "the fruit of the loom.” But there is one fruit of the loom they rarely con sider, and that is the frail and faded woman, old l>efore her time, because necessity compels her to work under conditions, which •end her more favored sjster to bed and tire doc tor's care. The diseases which weaken and torment women, may in almost all cases he cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. 11 establishes regu larity, dries weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. "I had female trouble for eijitat years." writes Mrs. I. J Dennis, of S18 Hast Collese Street, Jacksonville, Ills "Words cannot express what f suffered. / sought retie./ among At medical po/esston and found none Friends urged me to try Dr. Fierce's Favorite Prescription. When I commenctd taking lhi.« medicine X weighed ninety five pounds. No* j weigh one hundred end nfty-six pounds - more than I erer weighed before. I was so bud I would lie from day to day and long for death to come and relieve mjr •uttering. I had internal inflammation, « dis agreeable drain, brearing-down pain, and such distress every month, but now I never have a pain—do all my own work and am a strong and healthy woman." "Favorite Prescription” makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets should be nsed with " Favorite Prescription " when ever a laxative is required. Brevities. Watch For Our Fall Announcement of The Famous Queen Quality They are beauties and _knnw von'^iloae^a'wrrtrtuem. We are going to give the Ladies of this oity something to talk of on the Shoe queetlon tbitfall, and it will be— Queen Quality Talk, Davison & Lowe. THE NEW Interchangeable Mileage Tickets OVER THE SEABOARD Air Line Railway tr« on ttle now by any agent ol tba ayitem at $25.00 per 1,000 miles, And are good over is.000 rules, covering the following roads: Atlanta, Knoxville & Northern By. Atlanta & West Point Ry. Western Railway of Alabama. Atlantio Coast Line. Baltimore Steam Packet Co. Brnnswiok & Birmingham R. R. Charleston & Western Carolina Ry. Chesapeake Steamship Co. Colombia, Newberry & Laurens B, R Georgia R. R. Louisville & Nashville R. R. Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis Ry, Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Lonis. Northwestern Ry., of Sonth Carolina Plant System. Riohmond, Fredericksburg & Poto mac R. R. Washington Southern Ry. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Western & Atlantio R. R. For farther information relative to schedules, reservation of sleeper aooom- modationB, etc., apply to HARRY B. KROUSB. C. P. sod T. A.. II Kimball Home. Atlanta.da WM. B. CLEMENTS. Trav. Pm. Art , ia Kimball tlouas, Atlanta, as. C B. WALKER. Depot Tides! Agt., Union Station. Atlanta, da. W.M. FULTON. T. P. A . Eaultabla Building, Atlanta. Oa. W. B. CHRISTIAN, AaataUnt General Paaaen- gar Agent, Atlanta. Oa. Have your Prescriptions filled by The Orr Drug Oo. nontgomery- Turner. This morning at ten o'olock, at the the residence of Mrs. B. C. Hunter, in Tnrnerville, occurs the marriage of her daughter, Miss Martha Edmunds Tur ner, to Mr. W. P. Montgomery, of this city. Miss Turner is one of the most charming young ladies of TornervUle, while Mr. Montgomery is a popula member of the Athens Fire Depart ment. They will make Athens their fntnre home, and will be giren a hearty reception here. Mrs. T. A. Burke, of Atlanta, will sing at the First Methodist ohnrcb this morning. Mr. O. M. Young, city editor of The Banner, who has been spending two weeks in northorn cities, returned last night from Richmond. Miss Emmie Jones has returned from Opelika, Ala. Mr. J. T. Anderson spent yesterday in Atlanta. Miss Ora Darills, of Atlanta, who has been the guest of Miss Eva Motes, re turned to her home yesterday. Col. Daniel W. Meadow, of Daniels- viUe, spent yesterday in the city. Mrs. W. W. Delbridge, who has been visiting relatives in Atlanta, returned home Yesterday. Missee 0. A„ E. S. and B. G. Bisson are in the city again after an extended visit to Arlington, Ga. Mr. Erastus T. Roberts, of Monroe, Ga., ia the guest of Glenn Davis and O. G. Hale for a few duyB. Mr. T. A. Burke, of Atlanta, is spend ing a few days with the family of Dr. E. S. Lyndon. Mr. Frank Bondnrant, of Winder, spent yesterday in the city. Rev Joel T Daves and family have returned from Tallulah Falls. Mr. Daves will preach at the First Method ist ohuroh this morning. Miss Daisy Smith gave a delightful watermelon ontting to her friends, on Foundry street, Friday night. Mr. D. H. Arnold, Sr., of Lexington, was a visitor here yesterday. Mr. Fred Robinson who contracted fever in Lnmberton, Miss., is very til at the home of his father Mr. Albin Rob- inson. His little sister fell from a tree and broke her arm on yesterdar- ORDER NOW "Your Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumb’ers We art> nearly out and fruit is nearly out. Preserving Kettles, Cream Freezers, Re frigerators, Ice Boxes will be closed out at greatly reduced prices. New things just re ceived in Porcela’ne an I Glass. The Huggins China Honse. Broad St, - Phono 125. Dr. Arch A vary of Atlanta spent sev eral days al; his farms in this connty this week. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Rowland have re turned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. y. Abbott of Athens. Rev. W, A. Church will preach at West End chapel this evening at 7:30 o'clock. All are invited to attend. Mrs. B. M. Bishop, of Hillside, Tex is visiting at Mrs. E. P. Bishop on Jack sou street. Mrs. A. V. Bishop and daughter, of Denison, Texas, is visiting at Mrs. E P. Bishop’s. The regolar monthly meeting of the Bessie Moll Industrial Home will be held at the home Monday afternoon at 5 :30 o’olock. Mr. J. H. Bradburry leaves to day for High Shoals, where he goes to take oharge of the school at that plaoe. Mr. J. B. Hoke, with his brother, Mr. James Hoke, and his son, Engene Hoke, U at Virginia Beach for a few da: 1867 1902 PREMIUMS LE5S DIVIDENDS Determines the cost of Life Insurance. The premium rates of the Union Central >ARE-<^_ 10 to 25 Per Cent Less And the dividends are LARGER than those ol other companies. . . Frank E. Brodnax, Gen. Agt N. E. Ga. Athens, Georgia* Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dorough and ohildren, of Valdosta, are gnests of the family of Mr. J. P. Wilson for a few days. Mr. F. H. Lambert spent yesterday in the city. Mr. Ellerion, of Milledgeville, is visit ing in the city. Bean the Signature of OASTO The mi You Haw Always Bought CLOSING OUT SALE. Of our entire stock of Drugs and Druggist Materials. Prices slashed on all Goods. Read the prices. B YOU CAN SAVE -MONEY, a B. B.B s. s. s Pernna Bradfleld Female Regulator Pierce Favorite Prescription Mother's Fnend Swamp Root Swamp Root and Celery Compound Gordius Compound Thaohor’s Liver and Blood Syrup .. Thacher’s Liver Regulator (dry).... Black Draught Nubian Tea Sampson,s Liver Regulator Nval’s Liver Regulator Fitoher's Oastoria Fletcher's Oastoria Pot’s Poultry Food Pot's Hog Cholera Cure Salts, per pound Sulphur, per pound Copperas, per pound Blue Stone, per pound Borax, per pound REGULAR MY PRICE. PRICB, $1 00 78o. 1 00 78 1 00 75 1 00 78 1 00 78 1 00 78 50 40 1 oo 63 1 00 69 50 40 25 16 20 15 20 15 20 12 20 12 25 18 35 28 25 15 25 15 10 5 10 6 10 4 10 7 15 10 N. J. BOSWELL, C. A. SCUDDEP* Jeweler & Optician. Athens, Georgia. ‘rMC BI; MR. LOWE DEAD. Mr. J. B. Lowe, who swallowed mor phlne, died last night at 1:40 at the Im perial hotel. WATKINSVILLE NEWS TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. The Capitol of Oconee Is Alive With Many Visitors. Va Vvatkinaville, Ga., Aug. 30—Mrs. I G. Swift and her daughter, Miss Eliza beth Swift of Elberton, visited Mrs, W. P. Campbell on Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Bonnell of Oxford, and Mra. Clara Lyle of Athens, epent Wed nesday with their niece Mrs. James Hntoheson. Miss Katherene Walton Booth and Miss Beatrice Booth leave today for a brief visit to friends at Bogart. Mrs. Ella Colbert of Athens was a re cent visitor to her daughter, Mrs, A. S Rowland. Miss Bessie Reaves of Atlanta, after a short visit to friends here is now the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Gwinn of High Shoals. Rev. H. R. Bernard, of Athens, was here yesterday to see Mr. W. P. Camp bell, who Is dangeroosly ill. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Hutcheson, of Athens, visited their nnole, Mr. H. C. Durham, recently. Mr. David Hodge, has purchased the Hale residence at Bogart and he and his wife will move there nex t week. Misies Alina W6bb and Lena Crow, of Atlanta, are the guests of Miss Ora Grow, near Bogart. Messrs. Tom and Robert Marray re turned yesterday from a visit to rela tives at Charlotte, N. C. The prospects for a decreased connty tax rate in Clarke connty are very good indeed, and as we now have abont the lowest rate in the state, both ooanty and oity, the people of the ooanty should be highly pleased at the ontlook. Acts Immediately. Colds are sometimes more troublesome in summer than in winter, it’s so bard to keep from adding to them while cool- off after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cures a, once. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Sure cure for ooughs, colds, croup, throat and lung troubles. The Orr Drug Oo. For Asthma use Che ney’s Expectorant. Tutt’s Pills win save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, mid enable him to cat whatever be wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar Take No Substitute. Head & M c Mahai Call and let us show you the LARGEST LINE of New and Up-to-Date Fine C othin: Ever displayed in Athens. ‘NO OLD STCT K is AS GOOD as it was when I new, so, in justice to our patrons, we have marked] down every suit brought from last season, and not an old suit will be sold without the purchaser being told ’ when the suit was bought and what it was sold at I last season. WE DEAL HONESTLY WITH YOU. Head & McMahan, 112 Clayton St. Athens, Gi fhnrni'fpr at a <■ lanct*. An Insignificant nose means an In significant man. An open mouth is a sure sign of an empty head (keep yours closed). A projecting upper lip shows malignity ami avarice. Pointed noses generally belong to meddlesome peo ple. Largo eyes in a small face betok en maliciousness A retreating chin is always bad; it shows lack of resolution. A projecting tinder lip indicates ostentation, self conceit and folly. Fine hair generally betokens native good taste and intelli gence. A dimple In the chin Is pretty, but Indicates weak mental organization. High cheek bones always indicate great force of character In some direc tion. Fullness of the temples is sup posed to show powers of mathematical calculation. A small mouth, with nose and nostril also small, shows Indecision and cow ardice. Half shut eyes show natural shrewdness, together with lack of sin cerity. Slow moving eyes are always found In the heads of persons of pru dence and ability.—London Answers. All Were Saved. “For five years I suffered untold mis ery from Bronchitis,” writes J. H. Johnson, of Broughton, Ga , “that of ten I was unable to work. Then, w hen everything else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered in tensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all oar experience goes to show it is the oest Group medioine in the world.” A trial will convince yon it’s unrivaled for Throat and Lang diseases. Guaran teed bottles 50c and $1 00. Trial bottles free at W. J. Smith & Bro. and H. R Palmer & Sons OASTORIA. Be*r» tba /9 K‘ nd You Have Always Bought Signature •f DAILY NEWS ABOUT C0TT0N1 The Report as Given bj riurphy & Co. Athens, Oa., August 28, 1902. Athena Market. Middling- s 1 4 New York Market. Spots - 9 Tone—Strati j’ Opening. 2:3Dp m. January 29 25-2H February 24 20-22 March 21 18-19] April May 25 23-24] June July August 57 40-41 Setemher 39 36-37 October 14 30-81 Noveintjer 30 23-24 December 3u 26-20 Liverpool Market. Spots—> 1 32 Sales—6,000 Amn 4,900 Tone— Receipts— 2,0*0 Amn. \H,000 Future Dellverlef. Opening. (Ho**. January February February-March 29-30 March April April May May-June June-July July-August- 52-54 55-56 August ScptemlYe: 48-48 49-50 Septem\>er Oct<J**r 39-39 '41 October-Novem l»er 33 33 35 November December. 31-30 31-32 Decembor-Januury 28 30^31 Port Recelpte Today, 12,<’0U Year ago, 10,212 000300000000 I Watch Repairing. When yoti am told the balance, wheel of a watch heats 2lt»<)00 times a^day, do you wonder any longer that it- is a difficult matter to repair a watch accurately? When we guarantee your watch n -t to vary 1 part, in 172SO or over 5 seconds a day, you will realize that our RKPAIR DEPARTMENT is in charge of a thorough mechanic of years of experience working un der the most favorable conditions with the finest apparatus and our shop is uot surpassed by any in the state of Georgia. When all others fail to give you satisfaction, come to us. We will make your watch over and return it to you like new again, and your money will be well spent. RJ BRANDT Absolutely Reliable - Athens, Ga. WOOOCXXXXXXIOOOOPnnOOQt** J qQPOC£