Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, November 02, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1902, «« LUCKY la often the name given by careless and thoughtless people to those who are care ful and thoughtful. "What a lucky woman,” is said of one whose health and beauty proclaim her free from womanly diseases. The luck often conti sts in her having thoughtfully considered tne mer its of Dr. Pierce’s favorite Prescription and proved its ability to cure the dis eases peculiar to her sex. "Favorite Prescription” is a reliable medicine for the cure of womanly dis eases. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. " I had poor health for nine year*," writes Mrz. Annintic Watkins, of Acme, Kanawha Co., W. V*. «Iiad female weakness, was very Irregular and would suffer untold misery. Our family doctor oid not do me any good and I concluded to write to yon. ’When I wrote I hod no idea that I would ever get well, but when your letter reached me I n to bare hope. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce’* medicine* es directed and began to improve in itrerrtK, I was soon able to do the work for my fat niy of «rfx- I took eight bottle*, three of * Fa von t* Prescription • and five of • Golden Medical Discovery* and two vial* of' Pellets.* » The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, J008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 onc-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. AN EXPLANATION. ‘■Queen Quality” la not a J3 shoe. It should not be churned with $3 shoes. It has nothing in common with 13 shoes. It is sold for $3, yet it is the worth- equal, the style-equal, the fit-equal, of a custom shoe. Now how la It possible to sell "Queen Quality” shoes for 131 Simply and only because of the mon ey saved by wholesale handling , The quantity of these shoes made ana dbld is enormous—very ..much the largest In the world. DAVISON & LOWE. Nasal CATARRH In all its stages theta should be cleanliness. Ely’s Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away s cold in the head quickly. Cream B dm is placed into the xneMls, spcra/ls over the membrane mud Is absorbed. Belie! is fc.c med'sts and a cure follows. It Is ant dryinrj—draea not produce sneezing. Large Size. 5# cents re Zb u^> gists or by rati!; Trial Size, 10 cents by moil. ELY UKOTHERS. 50 Warr.- street, New York. Personal. Brevities. Hare your PreeorlptionJ filled by The Orr Drug Oo. Friday evening at the residence of Ur. and Mrs. D. J. Oook on Princa Avenue was given a delightful Hallowe’en par ty at which many young people had a most enjoyable time. The grounds were beantifnlly illuminated with Jap- anse lanterns and the house decorated artistioally with flowers and vines. Twelve lovely tableanx were presented and enjoyable games participated in by about forty boys and girls by the pupils of the seventh grade Washington St., school. Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the residenoe of Mrs. E. A. Crawford, will be held a meeting of the Letters and Arts Seotion of the Woman’s Club and also of tho Fine Arts Seotion of this olub, Mrs. Fanl Pnveeioh is chairman of the Letters and Arts Section and Mrs E. A. Crawford is chairman of the Fine Arts Seotion. Among the most prominent visitors in Athens yesterday was Mrs. James A. Konnsavillo, of Borne, Ga., who was president of the Georgia Division oi the Daughters of the Confederacy when the movement was started to establish the Winnie Davis Memorial. The regular monthly meeting of the Bessio Hell Industrial Home will be held Monday at 4 p. m. Miss Lois de Porucber will sing this morning at the First;Methodist chnrch. Sunday school at the Catholic church this morning at 10 o’clock- Hon. N. L. Hutchins Jr, of Law- renoeville, is the guest of Hon. O. H Brand. Miss Marion Smith, of Cartersvillo, is the gnest of Mrs. C. H. Brand. MINORITY. 1 I f you are one of the sma?l minority that hA$ not used “GOOD LUCK” Baking Powder, you should Immediately purchase a can from your grocer and be convinced that it poeaeeees merit superior to all other brands. Richmond, Virginia* II FALLING PLATFORM INJURED SEVERAL Mr. Burgess, of Decatur, Ga., Painfully Injured. Y esterday afternoon just before the beginning of _ the cornerstone ex ercises one of the platforms fell and oarried down with it a number of men and women. Mr. H. H. Burgess, clerk of the Supe rior court of DeKalb county, had one leg severely wrenched, bat the attending physician thinks he will be all right in a few days. There were several ladies and gentlemen who were more or les.3 bruised by the fall. Tho accident was caused by a defective piece of lumber. Mr .'.Burgess, who was injured, was the first man to contribute to the Winnie Davis Memorial fund and had come to Athens especially to witness the laying of the cornerstone. New Country Sorgum 40o. gallon. Winpfl-.-ld’s Cash Grocery Store. BRAIN FOOEL THE METROPOLITAN IS TAKING WEIL, New Furnishing Goods Firm Presents Rare Bargains Dwellings For Sale. One Seven room, one Six room, and two Five room dwellings, all on one block, Douglierty and Strong Sts. This is the best renting property in Athens, .... A. L. BROOKS, Beal Estate and Insuraucp JPor 8ale. One good organ One vacant lot beibw my home on Oconee street. Ap • ply to MRS. T. A. ADAMS. 469 Oconee street It is «f Little Benefit Unless It Is Dicested- Ner.rly everyone will admit tl ,at as a nation we eat too much meat and too li.tle of vegetables and the grain*. For business men, office men and clerks and in fact everyone engaged in Btvere outdoor manual laboq can live on heavy meat diet and continue in health. As a general rule, meat onoe a flay is sufficient for all classes of men, women and children, and grains, fruit and veg etables shoal l constitute the bulk of food eaten. But many of the most nutritions foods are difficult of digestion and it is ct no nse to advise brain workers to eat argely of gr ains and vegetables where the digestion is too weak to assimilate them properly. It is always best to get the best results from our food that some simple and harmless digestive should be taken after meals to assist the relaxed digestive organs, and several years experience have proven Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets to be a very safe, pleasant and effective digestive and a remedy which may be taken daily with the best results. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets can hardly be called a patent medicine, as they do not aot on the bowels nor any particular organ but only on the food eaten. They supply what weak stomachs lack, pepsin diastase and by stimulating the gastnc glands increase the natural secretion of hydrochloric acid. People who make a daily practio e of taking one or two of Stnart’s Dyspepsia ^Tablets after each meal are sure to have perfect digestion which means perfect health. There is no danger of forming an. in jurious habit as the tablets contain abso lutely nothing but natural digestives; cocaine, morphine and similar drugs have no place in a stomach medicine and Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are certninly the bast known and most popular o>* ail stomach remedies. Ask your druggist for a fifty cent package of Stnart’s Dyspepsia Ta blets and after a week’s nse note the improve ment in health, appetite and nervous energy. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall’s Catarrh Oared. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .T. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West&Trnax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Rinnan & Marvin, Whole- Bale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Core is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mneons surfaces of the Bystem. Testi monials sent free. Price Too. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. NOTICE, 1.0. 0. F- The Metropolitan, formerly Dearing & Co , are offering the biggest induce ments ever offered in the Famishing Goods line. For instance Manhattan $2.00 Shirts $1.25, $1-75 Shirts $1 00, $1.50 Shirts 75 oents. We also have a very pretty line at 50 cents Sox, 4 pair for 25o. The 75o grade SSo.iWe also have a gennine mix black- white feet 17 cents. E. & W. Collars 20c. All other makes are going 3 for 25c, We are closing onr Cravats very low. The $1.00 kind are going at 50 cents. The 75c grade at 85o. We are making new friends daily by giving onr custo mers more than their money’s worth, A great many of the ladies have availed themselves of the opportunity to get onr suitings for Skirts. We have an elegant line. The gentlemen will do well to look these suitings over, also the pants pat terns. Oper> daily from 7 a. m. till 7 pm. THE METROPOLITAN CO., Formerly Dearing & Oo. just r ONE , WORD that word Is t 2?'0.'t1b 9 £SL. it refers to Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are yon constipated? Troubled with Indigestion? Sick headache? Virtlgo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY of these symptoms and many other: indicate inaction of the 1 IVER im Williams Lodge, St?15,1. O. O. F., will meet at the hall this morning at 9:30 o’olook, f for th> purpose of at tending the funeral of Bro. J. E. Elrod. All visiting members in the city are earnestly requested to meet with ns. D. A. WATSON, N. G J. A. MEALOR, Rec. Seo’y. The officers and members of Glenn Lodge, No. 76,1 O.O. F.,are requested to meet with Williams, No. 15, this (Snnday) morning at 9:30 o’olook, to at tend the funeral of Bro. J. E. Elrod. J. F. EART, N. G. G E. STONE, Reo. Sec’y. MRS. LUHSOH HAS PASSED' AWAY, The death of Mrs. Lula Anderson ourred yesterday after an illness of several weeks. The interment will occur tomorrow morning at o’clock after services at her home on Pulaski street. Mrs. Anderson was the wife of Mr. T. B. Anderson, who moved to Athens from Florida a short time ajo. Though she had been in thie city bat a short while, Mrs. Andersoz. had made many friends, to whom the news of her death was a source of sad regret. The be reaved husband has much sympathy in his great sorrow. You XeedL Tutt’s Pill Take No Substitute,. Your grandmother’s . doctor ordered Ayer’s Sarsapari lla for your father. It’s the same old Sarsaparilla today. XoweUjLu! He’s a wise man who retains his wife’s affections / YE BUSY MEN Do not forget that anniversary present. We’ll fix it, just drop us a hint—we’ll find something suitable. We make a study of Cuc- glass, China, Silver or Jewelry—the right thing for the occasion— it’s here and no mistake. Rich Cut-gla-s in newest styles of cutting. Sterling Silver in patterns both; new and handsome. New Fall Line ju»t received. C. A. SCUDDEP, Jeweler and Optician, Athens. Georgia. 21 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 Good Salmon, per can 9c 2 lb can Tomatoes.... 9c Oat Meal, per pound 4£c Ladies’ Fleece Lined Hose, worth 25c, at TOe Gent’s Undershirt3 15c to 75c Ladies’ Under vest 15c to 50c Whitmores’ Shoe Polish 8c l lb Jar railroad Snuff 45c Don’t forget our millinery de= parlment. We will save you money here. Full line Mi n’s Cloth ing $2 49 to.,. .$9 (.0 Ful 1 Jiue Boys’ Cloth ing 75c to $4 00 Don’t fail to call on us wh**n you need patent medicines. The Backet Store, Phone 183. Athens, (la. DO YOU Need an Overcoat? IF YOU DO SEE OURS. We carry the Best Overcoats as well as the Best Clothing. Remember the goods we carry Fit Better, - Look Better, ^Wear Betters Than any on the market and as cheap as this quality goods can be sold. Everything Carried From Last Season Reduced in Price. HEAD & HcMAHAN, U2 Clayton St., Athens, Ga Arbitration Commission. Scranton. Pa.. Nov. 1.—The arbitra tion commission, which has been mak ing a tour of observation of the Lack awanna Valley during the last two days 1' a here on a special train over the Delaware and Hudson railway at 3 o'clock this morning for Wilkesbarre. The commissioners will spend the zntire day visiting mines and mining towns in the Wyoming valley. Dewct Leaves For Africa. London, Nov. 1-—General Dewet left London today for South Africa. He was heartily cheered by thoae who had gathered to see him off. Margaret Kendal Dead. London, Nov. 1.—Margaret Kendall, daughter of William Hunter Kendal, the actor and manager, died yeater- -ITS LIKE- FINDING MONEY] to be able to get such Shoe Values such... SmalfrPrices. Let us show you what, we can do for you and the children. Smith Shoe Store. 114 Clayton St., Athens, Ga. !NEW ARRIVALS? So*a Pillow Tops Gibson Sofa Pillows Satin covered Pincushions. Fos er Hose Saopou r- tor Ladiet Acme Diaper Suspenders for In - f Hits. Wire Bustles and Dress F- rms. Snetla-'d Wool for Umbrella Shawls. G rn.anr.own and S-xony Wool. Siikateou and San Silk Utopia Lustre for Mount BTelliok Woik. Silk and Oott-on Cord. Gold Bouillon, Japanese lin'd Cord Y Huck for Darning, E c X Miss Rosa A. t VonderLieth. \ Those Whose Lives Are Daily in Peril Are not the only ones who need in surance. Men who sit at their desks neid the great and powerful ally we hold forth to them as much as men who are employed in the most perilous tasks. Delays are dangerous. The “Mutu 1 Life” offers the best and lowest in cost of any Life Insurance Company. Com- mnnicate with JOHN A. DARWIN. Largest and Best Stock IM ATHENS. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Umbrellas, Cut Glass, Fine China and Novelties. Solid Gold Broaches $1.80 S? $125.00. Solid Gold Rings 50c to 300.00. Solid Gold Scarf Pins 50c to 12.00. Solid Gold Cuff Buttons 2.00 to 28.00. Solid Gold Chains and Lockets. 1.75 to 25.00. Solid Gold Emblems for Elks, Masons, Knights of Pythias, and Odd Fellows. Don’t Buy Before Visiting Our Store We meet any competition in the United States; therefore order from us out of any catalogue at their prices. R. BRANDT, The Jeweler. ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE.