Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, November 23, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1902. GOOD LUCK 'WWW MISSES UPSON ENTERTAIN AT " J CARDS. The Misses Upton entertained about thirty at their friend* on Friday after* noon at cards, In honor of Mias Horl- beek, of Charleston, and Mrs. H. O. Todd, of Saratoga. The oolonial home of the Upsons was made even more at* tractive by the vases of lovely roses, the aroma of whioh permeated the whole house, handsome palms, and beautiful chrysanthemums. Promptly at font the guests assem bled and enjoyed a most exciting game of fiva-hand euchre, made more interest* ing on account of the beauty of the prizes having been whispered about, and every contestant eager for owner* ship. Mrs. Todd, Mrs. L-cy and Mist Marion Lumpkin were the fortunate winners, After the game a delicious menu was served. <,' Mrs. Todd wore a lovely red Scotch plaid silk gown, whioh was most be* coming to her brunette beauty. Miss Horlbeck was very handsome in gray with trimmings of pink chiffon and lace. Those present were, Mesdames Todd. Steve Upson, B. Fhinizy, F. Morton, S. Morris, Lacy, Fred Orr, T. Harris, O. M. Snell ing, Gerald Green, 0. Brand, Campbell, Hinton, Barnett, S. Williams. Misses Marion Lumpkin, Mamie Lump kin. L. DuBose, A. Crawford, M. Er win, 1. Thomas, M. Hodgson, S. Harris, S. Barrow, M. B. Harris, N. Sprout, J. Smith, M. H. Brumby, A. Brumby, B. Wade and E. Williams. ' / IF/YOti J^OSEEOUfeS. j We carry the Best Overcoats as well as the Best Clothing^ , Remember, the gopds we carry flesh and her energy murage slowly leak away from her. Lnally the comradeship of husbaud " ‘ * !__1 Jp. 1 At first he takes Measures, reluctantly, but ly seems to remember the which his wife in her Mrs. H. O. Todd who la visiting her parents, is reoeivlng many social atten tions. As Mias Sosie Lumpkin she was always a favorite, and her friends are delighted to welcome her home. Many of the ladies of Athens counted the dots daring the pest week and so mnoh interested are some of them that a "dot party” is being talked of for one evening this week. Dots mean dollars. and wife is broken up. his solitary pi later he hardlj old days over weakntGS mourns daily. Women who find their health failing, and womanly ailments fastening on them, should promptly begin the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It cor rects irregularity, dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. Sick women arc invited to consul t Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All corr«H pondence held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "I had been a great aufferer from ffemaJe weal:- aeaa for about two jrcara,” writes Mrs. Km in a Richardson, of Gose, Wayne Co., Ky. "Could not do uiy work part of the time, f took four bottle* or Dr. Pierce’* Favorite Prescription and ielt a* well a* I ever did. 1 have nUo nsed Dir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for ulcera tion of the throat with good results and kali of one bottle cured my throat when I could scarcely swallow.* * The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, free, on receipt of stamps for mailing only. Send ai one- cent stamp* for the paper-covered book, or ’I stamps for the cloth-bound vol ume, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Monday afternoon at 4 o’dookat the Villa. AfoUMtendanoeie desired. ‘ Mr. Edward M. Durant, of the'North- weetera Life insoranoe Association, Vent yesterday In Athens on business. Hon. Tbomae J. Shackelford, Clarke oounty’s representative to the general assembly, Is spending Sunday in the city. There will be services at the Ooonee Street Methodist church this morning mid tonight. Rev. E. D. Stone will preach this morning and Rev. George E. Stone tonight. The public is cor dially invited to attend. Than any on ; tile market c Everything Carried I Misses Korina White and. Roeina Thomas will return home from Mias Stuart’s school for the Ohxiatmarf holi days. Season Tomorrow evening at the rectory on Prinoe avenue. Rev. and Mrs. Troy Beatty will oelebrate their tin wedding anniversary. No invitations have been issued in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Beatty expect all their Athena friends at the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Lumpkin, Misses Marion and Mamie Lumpkin, and Mrs. H. O. Todd will Spend Thankgiving Day in Atlanta. / Yesterday morning at the residenoe of Rev. E. b. Stone ooeorred the marriage of Mr, Austin Beal and Mlae Pearl Pugh, of this county. ii2 Clayton St., Athens, Qa. 'VWWWW%x%VWW%%%W%’ The order of services at Emmanuel church today will be as follows: Holy Communion at 7:8b a. m , Sunday School at 9:80 a. m., with class for adults, Morning Prayer with sermon at 11 a. m., Evening Prayer with sermon 8 p. m. Troy Beatty, Rector. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Phinizy and Mr. Barrett Phinizy have honed cards to a euchre party to be given Tuesday even ing November twenty fifth. NEW ARRIVAL Miss Mary Hale, daughter of Dr. E Hales, leaves tomarrow to take charge of the primary department of the high sehool at Greensboro, Ga. For the past few weeks she has been in charge of the work of Miss Davis, at the State Normal School faculty daring the illness of the latter. Sofa Pillow Tops. Gibson Sofa Pil’ows. Sfttin-oovered Pincushions. Foster Hose Supporters for Ladies. Aome Diape* Suspenders for In fants. Wire Bustles and Dress Forms Shetland Wool for Umbrella Shawls. Germantown and Ssxony Wool. Siljkateen and San Silk. Utopia Lustre for Mount Mellick At the "Advertising Party” given by the Misses Upson Thursday evening, the prizes were won by Mrs. F. S. Mor ton and Miss Lizzie Horlbeck. Daring the past few days the eleotrio light service has not been the best. General Manager O. D. Flanigen says that the trouble is, ooeasioned by the work of transferring machinery to the Mitohell’s bridge plant, and that within the next week the necessary changes will be made and the light ser vice will be perfect in every respect. Mrs. W. F. Dorsey will entertain at cards Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Horlbeck, of Charleston, who is an attractive guest of the Misses Upson. . The Salmagundi Club held an inter esting meeting at Mrs E. A. Crawford’s on Thursday evening. A very interest ing paper was read by Prof. D. O. Bar- row whose subject was "Wagner.” The discussion following was participated in by Dr. MoPherson, Dr. White, Prof. Morris. Mr. H. H. Linton and Mr. A L. Hill. The musical program was was *l*B«ii*ni(uniW« feature, lovely selec tions being rendered by Miss^Gallagher, Merriman and Nannette Hodgson. The next meeting will be held at Dr. Ger- dine’s just before the holidays. Have yonr Prescriptions filled by The Orr Drug Oo. New lot stylish belt*, at Davison & Lowe’s. Don't fail to see Polly tomorrow night. Miss Daisy Conway, daughter of Dr. W. B. Conway, has just arrived in the city from Bonoake, Virginia. She has with her as her guest, Miss Bessie Hart, of Baltimore, Md. Count the dots for pastime and money. STYLE NO. 621. Special Boot for Street Dress Hon. T. W. Rucker of Atlanta, is ia the oity. A TEXAS WONDER, Patent Leather, Vamp Dull Kid, top medium extension sole. The whole world of fashion rec ognizes the names of “Worth,”i “Felix” and “Bedfern” as syno nymous of Style, Grace, Beauty, Exquisite Elegance arid all that is correct In dress. So “Queen Quality” now Uni versally Stands for the Same in Shoes. Mr. Edward Durant, of Atlanta, was a visitor to Athens yesterday. Mrs. Walter B. Hill has goue to Ma con to visit relatives. i VonderLieth Hall’s Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis* ‘oorory cures oil kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cues diabetes, seminal emissions weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladaer in hoth men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not Bold by yonr druggists, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months' treat ment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, P. O. Box 829, St, Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by all druggists. READ THI5I: Greenfiield, Tenn., March 80, 1901. Dr. B. W. Hall, St, Lonis, Mo.- Dear Sir: My mother is 84 years old and has suffered twenty-five years with kid ney trouble, and one-third of a bottle of yonr Texas Wonder, Hall's Great Dis covery, has oared her, and I can folly reoommend it t<^ the pnblio. r ' , Yoon truly, . O. B. DREWBY. Miss Agnes Watson, of' Thonisoi daughter of Hon. Thomas Water is visiting Mrs Lowe on the "Heights. She will be the guest of Miss Louis DuBose this week. } Mr. Erie Donaldson, of Baintcridge, is visiting friends in this city. “Polly Peabloesom’s Wedding,” jto be presented at the Lucy Cobb Institute to morrow night, is one of the most laugh able affairs ever witnessed. The young ladies are entitled to a large crowd. Mr. J. S. Hall, of Augusta, was in the oity for a few days this week. Davison & Lowe. to be able to get such Shoe Values such... Small Prices. Let us show you what we can do for you and the children; Smith Shoe Store* 114 Clayton St., Atnens, Ga. Misa Norma Strickland is the gueefc of MisB Dorothy Shannon, in Elberton. ■vwwwvwSw UtUUUM JF’or Sale One good organ. One vacant lot below my home on Oconee street. Ap ply to MRS. T. A. ADAMS. N" 1 467 Ooonee street Mrs. Nevitt is expected soon to spend the winter with Mrs. O. D. Flanigen. Mrs. George Oollins and Ml«n Cora Collins are visiting relatives in Monroe, N. O.- i Mrs. B. O. Miller, of Angnsta, spent! Friday with Mrs. L. D. DuBose, in this; oity. * t| Oapt. W. B. Barnett, who has been in Atlanta for several days, has returned home. i The Kind Yaa Haw Alunyt Bought dears tha Signature Miss Annie Oamak is being delight fully entertained by Mrs. CasweU in Augusta. ’’ “ ANNOUNCEMENT FOE ALDERMAN—First Word. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Alderman from the First Ward, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ' W. D. O’FARRELL FOR ALDERMAN—Second Ward. _I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from the Second Ward, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. J, H. POOT8QN. FOB ALDERMAN—third Ward. X hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Alderman from the Third Ward, subject to the notion of the Democratic primary. J. H. BUOKER. FOB ALDSBMAN—Fourth Ward. I hereby announoe myself a candidate for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, ■object to the action of the Democratic primary, A. H. HODGSON. Mr. O. A. Scudder, who has lieen North ten days is expeoted home the first of the week. |T 18 * *>«<* plan for you to put 1 1 off until .the last minute that-which you can attend to so much better now. All engraving and special work can be clone now, while towards the last you may not be able to get it at. all. a S 00 ^ 8 selected now for Chnstmas will not have to be taken out until yb^ axe ready Miss Gertrude Thomas returned yes terday from a visit to Mrs. Edward T. Brown in Atlanta. Dr. W. H. Young has* returned from Americas, where ho. attended the state Baptist convention. TENNENT LOMAX DEAD. Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats. Your doctor will explain this. He knows. Trust him. £££"%;• Was One of Most Prominent Lawyers In Alabama. Mobile, Ala., Nov. 22.—A special from Montgomery, Ala., says that Tennent Lomax, for many years solic itor of the city court of Montgomery, arid one of the most prominent law yers in Alabama, died early this morn ing. He was 40 years old. Mr. Lo max was a member of the state consti tutional convention, and was also one of the most prom-nent Pythlans In the United States. He was a delegate to the Democratic conventions of 1888, 1896 and jl-00. In 1896 he was general chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias in Alabama. He was elected supreme executive of Alabama to the supreme lodge, whioh met last August In San Francisco. It was while enroute there that he was stricken down hi New Os- leans. for them* Electric Reading Lamps, Hand Painted Shades, Parisian Silk Shades for Candles and Electric Triplicate Mirrors and Handsome Jewel Ca< some specials for Christmas. This space reserved for C. A. SCUDDER, Now North selecting? New Goods The Jeweler, Absolutely Reliable 104 Clayton Street.