Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, December 04, 1902, Image 3

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THE BANNER, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1002. E. H. DORSEY, I Underwear! Underwear! Now is tin* time for a change in Underwear. We can show you a complete line of Fall and Winter Goods in all weights and colors. Clothing! Clothing! We call your Special Attention to our line of Boys’ 3-piece Suits, ranging in sizes from 11 years t<> K> years old. The correct thing for boys. Bring the hoy in and try one on him. OUR LINE OF Suits and Overcoats Are the Finest Tailored and Best Fitting Garments on the Market. We carry' all the smart new things. Ladies Appreciate COKE DANDRUFF CURE AND HAIR TONIC The only prefect prepara tion fin the hair and scalp. Does nut contain coloring matter or grease. COKE. Antiseptic SHAVING FOAM Does away with soap and shaving mug. No chance for contagion. At all Druggists and Barbers. tor l> 11 It .V STRIKE COMMISSION /RESUMES ITS LABORS Had Adjourned For Period of Ten Days. 1E8FIF10 EIPLO'ION CF STEAMER'S TANK MUCH iVIDENC PREPARED. liej.oi lid Killed and T AT CAN FRANCISCO. In Opening Proceedings Chairman Gray IV.cde an Explanation of the Commission’s Attitude Regarding Outside Settlement. AlK Jomnmuit the repi c and the nun n ad- flu eh GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. the Thai General Appropriate ill Is Finally house finally ippropriathuid oi both morn- ions having • bill will go lto^ether four consideration them in com- E. H. DORSEY. I rrmTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTT fiB6CCGOOCCOGC^iCCCCCCCC^CCCCCCCCCCCCCGCCCCOCCCCOCCC^5^ I LOOK - OUT b For tlie Squirrels in the Wire Boot at JOHNSON’S SHOE STORE, 2:il Broad Street. Athens. Ga. g WHERE prices are in keeping with the hard times. h Ijuli.-s- Iwnth.T Kill Sli.^H ... ( .!« t, Ami Itali the houso «*all. » from the m the com as provided ,o.)0 for the hall come tion fund fund In case In the the h» urines controversy superior ecu mg. The usun! and in athil new faces ; attorneys. T these was 1 phla. rej.p .- Navigation dent compa located in : ■tl in the slau Edge. TH£ OLD RELIABLE < the ;n there \CUA the • most pre r.g Ir. Dock at the Ful- . r. r Where Disaster Oc .Vc- Gurned to Water’s \ L’ 5.—A disastrous The T. .Lj-.-s.-o wad 1..: j:i iron \VurI.s, an I : rc :niu an oil burnei .. b.-Mowed. The bteani- \e been taken to the d by the Pro i any, of New a lew months n’a.-.t. She ;'aiia City, and rjross tonnage POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE t-llii- jptfiing of t.:o pi ]Vbbl.-t’;ilf Sh... Kangaroo. 'alf 2 Dongt-la Knl Sh< Viri Kid Shot**. Vi<*i Kid, Goody Writ Storm Rubber : and C*hil<lrrn > s Kid sh<* S Infants Kid Mxh-s .... Mni.s Hravy Kip Ties 8 " -mous, , N •• Vici KidShm-s . b 8 Jolinson Shoe Co, 8 g'.I 11 road Stiv.-t. Athens, (hi. wOKOSOJOO&SOCOOiSOCOCOC-Ki&MOSOOOOOOOOOSCOMSCOMS Allen H. Talmage. {Fine Baggies, Wagons, Laprobes, Whips, Etc.! Athens, Ga. STATIONERY! STATIONERY! | A 1 *«-:»uti1111 line ot St.-itiniiciv ciuwistiug ( >f Fine Bex l’:i|»-r will ]ilc;tsc you. : : : : : Writing Tablets, - School Supplies, - Etc. Up=Town Drug Store, I'nunjtt lMivcry. E. C. McEvoy ^ -FOR- LIGHT and FUEL. Welsbachi Lamps. Detroit and Eclipse Gas Stoves. The Athens Gas Go. Phone No. Office AND Works j J. A. HODGSON, Supt. iuu,.i,,„un..„„ T , TI artmrmnimnwfmi appropriations wer r an in on the floor ol a: dost struggle, per .v the military item veil in 18S9, was res- Rankin, of Gordon, iir.r.ual appropriation . xjtenses of the rail- tit of the state. Mr. • point of order that ir- e ►: iatdon was tlnw it* red an amend- t amount Rankin's i>oliit nation In th’e rauk3 military for a { rallied and on f* appropriation - c:in;i efforts were mad rt appropriations to the Tech. M-honl and soverqj other in- and n -arly two hours were h<‘ effort to cut Indigent sol* n from $410,000 to $385,000* of thoeo efforts were sue- th the exception of the ed. the bill was passed s it came from the com X fieht in the house tion in the amount pensioners from ;;n ; " ouo. the amount nlations committee, •i-sful. end the pen- i just as they were- it tee of the whole, npt to change any -!? except that for the Senate. • urs y. st*-rday morning .- of the general as sera :sv session and during .ills—the majority of >• u house measures— while any num - rca-l lor the first aud F«»ur new bills were in- we-.i- referred to appro had its first real do- passage of the bill hv . of the fifth district, to iabb- by a fine of not or a sent (Mice of not days on the public nno guilty of being In- lisorderly on any public nrhfarc In the state out. irated towns and cities, ape the bill was passed, y discussion, by a vote vina received Just enough y Senator Comas to e;i- wr-rs of the railroad com* passed and was then re nd recommitted after * vailing ir tr.•* mid i:e gion. 19 :’■*!(.• tin- he commission u s hi! a which delayed tl lie hearing alxmt 1U minute. In opening the day s pi Chairman Gray made an c of the attitude of the comi gardlng the efforts of an r, tlement. Hr said, there !i mlsuTub rstandlng In some The idea had gone out that matter would be dismissed i ment find been reached. This incorrect. He read a etatemmt i by the subcommittee lr. which It stated the commission would no bate its duties and it would star, sponsible f<rr any agreement it approv ed or award it ma-i-v The cha r- man also added tliat the commission wished to say that the parties to the controversy may net withdraw without the consent of the other partita before .-n avr the con.nubslon. ad to h»’- ** whole “We would body’ repres* i field covered,” said he. F>r. Dickson added That In addition to representing the Reading company he appeared for the individual con cerns in the Hazleton region. On the outside agreement proposition Chair man Gray announced that the com mission “still entertained the hope that efforts to agree would contihu?, and the commission would gladly lend it8 efforts to that end.” Judge Gray said that unices some judgment was reaehei m tat ion of figure r, ex A TEXAS WONDER. One gin il bottle t.f Hall’s Great Dis- :ov ry cures all kiriuey and bladder i roubles, removes gravel, cun s diabetes, nominal emissions w eak ami lame backs, rheumatism aud all irregularities of the kidneys and Mad mr in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your ^druggists, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. hue small bottle is two months’ treat ment, aud will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer. P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by all druggists. READ THIS! Greenfiield, Teun., March 30, 1901. Dr. E. W. Hall, St, Louis, Mo.— Dear Sir : My mother is 64 years old aud has eulfered twenty-five years with kid uey trouble, and one-third of a bottle of your Texas Wonder, Hall’s Great Dis covery, has cured her, and I can fully recommend it to the public. Yours truly, O. B. DREWRY. EOXlii L-.-.ClR DEFIANT. Gov c «wl\ i< cs ' oi most o: t ii-sion would nn end to the iu. 1 - •o the common 6cr.s< as to the pre p«'ctatinn «-f a i>or? of th ■ nr floient. t-» versy. President Mitchell wr».s rail- stand and in answer to questions hi? counsel paid that 20 per cent in crease in wages would increase the iu bor cost less than 10 rente a ton. Tak ing President Baer’s statement as a basis, ho said the increase would be about 17 cents. ent IV’esssge to Chinese —Demands Full Pardon. ;b C., Doc. U.—According tc eivcu from Peking bjr ibc steamer Kui:a Ma;u, the Chinese gov criiuieut has received an insol«rrt uics- bage* from t-c boxer leader. General Tung Fub S-iang. who had taken ref uge in tl’-o walled city of Hocheutze in Kar?au. He has strengthened the wail an I deepened the moat and has C'> battalions of troops under arms. In his a...rage to the Poking government Iv* rays ho wnats a full pardon, pay for his ixcy? e.:id positk.r.s for his ad COUQH5 AND COLD5 IN CHILDREN. l- uu.. g.-.-ks to confer on th«! i«»n the authority to locate l iir< the building and rnainte- ■ f ?i<le tracks by railroad com- f«>r the accommodation of theii : to empower the commission iir. the railroad companies tfl !iysi» al connection of their own '• : ailwnv tracks of any other or corporation having the sams -nd to prescribe the terms and vs under which one railroad v shall be required to trans* • cars of another; to prescribe o,i of enforcing its orders vitb <• thereto; to provide a penal* non compliance with eueh on Kodol Dyspepsia cure Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach Troubles, and makes rich red blood, health and Btrength. Kodol rebuilds wornont tie sues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov, W. W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says: I have nsed a number of bottles of Kodol and have found it to be a very effective and, indeed, a pow erful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends. The Orr i Trug Co. Recommendation ol a Well Known Chicago Physician. I use and prescribe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all ages Am glad to recommend It to all in need and seeking relief from colds and coughs and bronchial atllictions. It is non nar cotic and safe in the hands of the most unprofessional. A universal panacea for all mankind.—Mrs Mary R. Melen- dy, M. D., Ph. D.. Chicago, III. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. Official Vote in Tennessee. Nashville. Tenn.. l ee. 3. rial returns in the Into ole boon compil'd by the sc Plate and show a total votr This is a falling off of u rent as compared with the \ and over 12 per cent as con: tb.o preceding off year 1898. Is a-s follows: Frazier. 03. bell. 59.002: Choves. 2.193. majority for Frazier of 37.1 -Too The vou ’54: Camp This is ; The Pel:!ns an:! Tien Te'.n Times pub tishes a report from New Chian tha4 Riirsia is disgusted by the heavy ex- pensrs of their advanced position at A:thur. and contemplate* the dl3 mantling of the forts and roturniup to the extreme north of Manchuria, making Via.livestock the final term! mm of th: trnr.r-Continental railway COY KILLS GFANDFATHER. TWO MEN CREMATED . IN RAILROAD WRECK Accident onCincinnati South ern at Sunbright. thirty cars were burned. Double-Header Paosenger Came Along at High Speed and Struck Large Iron Casting Which Had Fallen on tho Track. Chattanooga, Term., Dec. 8.—A tela- ph on*, m«sage from Sunbright at 10 o’clock tbits morning says the mall oar, baggago car, express ear und two passenger coaches were entirely cou- eumc-d by fire. A fireman and an ex- prt'tss messenger are suppos'd to have burned as no traced of them has been found. One mail clerk had a leg broken. No names can be secured at this hour. The remains cl a negro tramp wero found in the wreck. Both engines were demolished* No passengers wora injured. The deaths are estimated at three, and several trainmen were more or toes seriously hurt. It will lx* several hours before the track is cleared . WRECK WAS SERIOUS. Mail and Express Cars Burned With Entire Contents. Knoxville, Dec. 3.—A special to Tho tfrentlnel from Harrixnau says that the wreck on tho Cincinnati Southern near Sunbright early this morning was very aorions in its ('onsequences. Two m*en were killed and five injured. Thir ty cars were burned. Included in thta number were the mail and expreae oara. the totaJ contents of both befog consumed toy Are. The hanks io Harrimfcn had considerable valuabl9 mall enroute fTom Cincinnati, all of which was lost. The tire originated from the wrecked passenger engine and spread rapidly to the mail, express and passenger coaches, ami then to freight cars on an adjoining track. De tails are hard to obtain, Tho uam«9 of the dead and Injured have not yet been learned. Cally Colli lins. tat Shoots Aged Man at Rock Hi!'. S. C. 3. Dec. 3.—Oally Col •s old. shot and killed hi J. Sparks, in the din f his father’s home near grand ing mom of k Rock llill. S. C The l'ami.y had been laughing at yeur.g Ct M.ius about being refuped birthday cake. For his subsequent condrn t hie father had threatened t< hi: grand fat! i thor Line To Be Extended. ©an Francisco. Dec. 3.—Tho San Francisco Terminal and Ferry compa ny. which recently secured an entrar.c > Into Oakland and to the water fron ts norw preparing to build from Stock- ton to Sacramento and through th 5 ifeckwith imss eastward, making Oa’.- land the . rminus of a transrontiner- tal railroad. The Call says that it i • not tho Santa Fe system that is be Lin .1 th/i8 lino, but It Is generally believe 3 that tho Goulds will form a connection witto some of the Gould lines in th? Rocky mountain region. What’s In A Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C Df- Witt & Co., of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For Blind, bleediDg, itching an j protruding piles, eczema, cuts tarns braises and all skin diseases DeWitt’s Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeit!! Ask for DeWitt’s—the genuine. Thu Orr Drug Oa, a* paying the There Is eomc doubt oung Collins intends the build for his father or grand father. Tic says the pistol dropped out of his pocket. Tho coroner July has not yol rendered a verdict. Sparks was a gallant confederate aouiic-r. He was severely wound© two L*r three times, and bccauao of bullet in one log. walked with a stick Dewiness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by consti:u;ional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the rnneous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken ont and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing, will be destroyed forever; nine cases ont of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the muoous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Official Report of Wreck. Cincinnati, Dec. 3.—At tho general offleea of tho QuT*t»n and Crescent th.*y have been unable thus far to ascertain the names of the missing firemen. The missing express messenger is U. I!. Hal us, of Cincinnati. Tho report to the officiate states that a freight train btul taken aeldinRst Kunhrlirht. Tonn.. •nfl a larse enstins; hail fallen from freight car on to the main track. Tho double header pass, nicer train eatrso alone at lilph speed and when tho Iron casting was struck lmth en gines and five cars were derailed and burned. There were eleven ears in the train and si* of them proceeded af- ter a delay of three hours. Of the 203 passengers, none were hurt. Cure. Cancer and Blood Poison. If yon have blood poison producing eraptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bnmps and risings, homing, itching skin, copper-colored spots or rash on the skin, mneons patches in mouth or throat, falling hair, bone pains, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, take Botanio Blood Balm (B. B. B ). It kills the poison in the blood ; soon all sores, erup tions heal, hard swellings subside, aches and pains stop and a perfect enre is made of the worst cases of Blood Poison. For cancers, tumors, swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B B. B. It destroys the cancer poison in th« blood, heals cancer of all kinds, cures the worst humors or suppurating swellings. Thousands cared by B. B. B. after all else falls. B B. B. composed of pure botanic ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pure and rich, stops the awful itching and all Bharp, shooting pains. Thor, oughly tested for thirty years. Drug gists, $1 per bottle, with complete direc tions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. For Whooping Cough use Cheney’s Expectorant NOTICE. The County Commissioners will re ceive up to December 8th, 1902, applica tious for the position of superintendent of the County Farm for the year begin ning January 1st, 1903. Amount of salary and other information will be furnished by the undersigned. H. O. ERWIN. Clerk.