Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, December 04, 1902, Image 4

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:ttie banner, Thursday morning, December 4, M02. -’“"'• Young Drummers! : IN THE WORLD • - 1 ....OF SOCIETY. ^ • Wo want evory industrious boy and 4 to It r When the story of Chinese atrocities filled the papers and shocked the world, it was the women who drew the pity and svnipathv of all. Doubtless many a wife who heard her husband's words of sym pathy for these women thought with a pant;, of the blindness of men to the suf fering under their very eyes. It is true. The suffering of women in China was severe but short. Many a wife suffers for tears with a daily agony of pain, hut | nerves shattered, her strength almost gone, and never hears a word of sym pathy. To wouien such as these Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription brings the oppor tunity of a new life of health and happi ness. It establishes regularity, dries ti e drains which weaken women, heals in flammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which work9 wonders f«»r weak women. " 1 had falling of Internal organs and had to rn to It’d e\erv month; had Irregular periods, vt 1ik h w. .ul'! v.unrtiinrr. last t>n or twelve days,* v.-Mt-h Mrs Alice I. Holmes, of Coolspring St., t'mnntowji. I‘a. ’’Had also indigestion so bad t h..t 1 culd hardly cat anything. Dr. Pierce 9 j-; ( v rite Prescription and - Golden Medical I)ia- covt t v cured me. I took three bottles of the • Kav -nt« J rescription ’ and one of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery.* ■ Sick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, oy letter, free. All correspond ence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Aadxess Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N Y. Dr. lfierce’a Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels und stimulate the sluggish liver. Your Opinion May Win $1000 A Hundred Cash Prizes Aggregating $5000 i\ COLD Are Offered by the Makers of Q ueen UALITY Shoes to the hundred women who will give the best rca sons why these shoes are superior to others. Full particulars and compe tition blank to each purcha ser of a pair of these shoes. DAVISON S. LOWE. Have your Prescriptions filled by Tne \ Orr Drug Oo Mrs Billups Phioizy, Mrs. Leonard Ph-.nizy, Miss Anita Phinizy, of Au gusta, and Miss Susan Calhoun, of At lanta. leave today for New York to spend two wegksi Mrs. H. C. Todd and Miss Marion Lumpkin leave this week for Macon to visit friends. Miss Annie Camak has returned from Augusta. Miss Isabel Thomas left yesterday (or Augusta to visit the Misses Jackson. Miss Gertrude Thomas has returned from Atlanta, where she visited Miss Frances Walter. The Young Women of the Confeder acy wish to express their thanks to Mr. J. i\ Fears for having contributed the coffee and doilies to be used at the bazaar on Friday afternoon. Mr. Gny Brightwell, of Maxeys, is in the city. Mr. O. Norwood Hustle, of Charles ton, has been in the city foi several days. Mrs. Hugh Price Hinton will enter tain at cards on Friday afternoon at V o’clock. The bazuar to be given Friday after noon at five o'clock at the residence of Mrs. M W. Welch by the Young Wo men of the Confederacy promises to be one of the most interesting events of the season. An admission of ;»() cents will be charged. Tbe proceeds of tbi- entertalument will go t(,w ird the Wir.- nie Davis Memorial fund, a cause which every Athenian will gladly assist. The Literature Section of the Wo man’s Club will have “an afternoon with Homer" at Miss Camak’s Satur day, December C», at .'1:80. Members are requested to bring Bryant’s translation of the Iliad. Mr Fritz Lucas who has been with Mr. H. P. Hinton, can now be found at the store of I P. Morton. Mr. W. H. Morton, Jr , of Atlanta, is visiting liis parents, Col. and Mrs. W. H. Morton. Mrs. C. C. Sanders, of Gainesville, is visiting Mrs. H. P. Hinton. Mr. Walton Sharpless, of Philadel phia, who has been in the city for sev •*ral days, has left for New Orleans. r for “GOOD LUCK” Baflpg made very profitable to thwjL f all at once on all of your married slsterft, L-ousins, aunts and friends and ask them to sav*' you the “sections’’ from tho “GOOD LUCK.** ui,». Got your mother to explain the matter* to you thoroughly. l Richmond, vri=j&U. ■rit ANNOUNCEMENT. CUT PRICE SALE Of Cloaks at Davison Lowe’s. What to Buy and Where to Get It—The Absorbing Thoughts of Both Old and Young. yo: I DO ' Need an Overco IF YOU DO SIt: ours. i r ->. •*! f 3 We will commence today our closing out sale of Ladies’, Misses aud Children’s Wraps. Everything in this line will be sold this week regardless of cost. TAILOR-MADE SU1TS- E very thing in this line will be sold at manufacturer’s cost. TAILOR-MADE SKIRTS- Everything in this line will be closed oat. DON’T WAIT— If you want Wraps for Ladies, Misses or Children. If you want a Tailor Suit or Skirt, call at DAVISON <fc LOWE’S. A glass of water taken half an hour ■‘fore breakfast will usually koep the kiwids regular. Harsh cathartics should ip avoided. When a purgative is need HOLIDAY GIFTS— For every one—old and young An immense line of Cat Glass. Deco^ rated China Burnt Leather Goods, all kiuds of Bric-a-brac, Stationery, Cur tains, Blankets, Eiderdown Qailts, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Pocket Books, Sweaters, Neckwear, Fancy Par- risols. Umbrellas, Comb and Bru*h Sets, Silk Underskirts, Tailor-made Saits for Ladies and Misses, Jackets, Capes, Linen Table Sets. FURS, FURS- We are offering our entire line of Far Muffs and Boas at special cut prices. Great reductions in Children’s Far S 3tS. Oar store open evenings until 1* o’clock from now* until Christmas. MICHAEL BROS. A Good Cough Medicine. (From the Gazette, Toowomba, Aus. tralia.] I find Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is an excellent medicine, I havs beou suffering from a severe cough for the last two months aud it has effected a cure. I have great pleasure in recom mending it. — W. O Wockner. This is the opinion of one of our oldest and most respected citizens, and has been i, take Chamberlain’s Stomach and \ voluntarily given in good faith that /vt-r Tablets. They are mild and gm- | others may try the remedy and be bene- !e in th**ir action. For sale by ail drug- j ^ t0 d, as waH ^ ra> Wockner i-ts edy is sold by all druggists. This rein- A nilllon Voice, Gould hardly express the than) R < t Homer Hall, of West Point. Ia. Listi n why : A severe cold had settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, bat conld not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to nso Dr. King’s New Discovery for con sumption and writes: "it completely onred mo and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs ” It Is positively guaran teed for Coughs, Colds and Lung trou bles. Price 60c and (1.00. Trial bottles free at W. J Smith & Bro., or H. R. Palmer & Sons drug stores. flVVVVViVV%\%\5VVVVVVVVVVW» I SO libs Best Patent Flour, * * t * Xmas Orders FOR S PECIAL TAT10NERY Enjjraved with Monogram and for Visiting Cards Should be placed now. Quality ot Work and Prices Guaranteed... D. W. McGregor, Book Store, Athens, Ga. Mrs. Bocock, of Virginia, is the guest >f Prof, ami Mrs. Wi'lis Bocock. She will spend the winter here. Miss Cora Price, of Madison, airives today to visit Mrs. II. P. Hinton. Mr. aud Mrs. F. G. Umbach leave to morrow evening for Florida to be gone some time. The Current Topics Section of tho Athens Woman’s Club will have a so cial meeting at the residence of Mrs. W. H. Davis this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Every member is expected to be present. Mr. Strickler McGregor is ill at his father’s home in this city. Rev. S. D. Evans is visiting in the ciiy. Mr. Henry Hodgson, who has been 111 in Atlanta, has abont recovered. He arrived in Athens yesterday and was warmly welcomed by his many friends. O Ubs Best Leaf Lard, j Wingfield's Gash Grocery Store, i wwvvvvvvbvvvvvvvvvvvvS If yon feel ill und need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitt’e Karly risers Are little surprisers, Take one—they do the rest. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes ; "I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, Blck head ache, etc. To their use I am indebted for the health of my family. The Orr Drug Oo. A FACT ABOUT THE “BLUES” What is known ns the "Blues’ is seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a disorder ed UVER —i THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of Tutt’s Pills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. ^TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE is We carry t he Best Overt* at ; Clothing. Re mem her ihe as t lie i„ .-t we o.irrv Fit Better, - Look Better, ^ Wear Better ^ Than any on the market and : quality goods can he 5 cln sold, aj> as Everything Carried From Last Season Reduced in Price. HEAD & McMAHAN, ri2 Clayton St., Athens, Ga. a-ww vwv^w w v%. wv% vv TOUCH STEAK loved by no one. and if it gets into Ihe bouse it never does so through J. A. WRIGHT & CO. Our meats are cut from young ani mals. The flesh is firm, tender, juicy uid delicious. Contains more nourish ment to the ounce than pounds of other meats. Cash Market. Phone 304. Lumpkin Street. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ill? Kind You Have Always Bought AT THE COMMERCIAL, M. J. Dorman, Augusta, Geo. I’. Mar tin, N. O ; T A. Voorhees, Atlanta H J. Gallaher, Cincinnati; A. A. Pee ler, Dowell, Mass.; J. P. Toggle, At lanta ; G. M. Holme, City ; O. W. Col- line, N. Y.; J. H Johnson. Atlanta ; G. V. Heidt. U. S Army; John O Davies, Atlanta; J.E. Lovens, N. Y. ; C M Bronne, Buffalo, N. Y.; J. K. Thorn ton, Elberton ; F. L. Parr, City ; Paul Smith, City ; J. W. Block, N Y ; M J Blount, N. Y. ; A R. Rutherford, At lanta ; J. M. Massey, Macon ; M Loeb, N. Y.; Thos. J. Kelley, Richmond, Va For Sal© One good organ. One vacant lot below my home on Oconee street. Ap ply to MRS T. A. ADAMS. N" 467 Oconee street NEW ARRIVALS Sofa Pillow Tops Gibson Sofa Pillows Satin covered PiiK-nshions. Tester Hose Sai porters for L:idi(S. : Aeme Diaper Sn-p, nders for In- fants. J Wire Hustles and Dress Forms. Shetland Wool lor Umbrella Shawls. Germantown and Saxony Wool. Silkateen and San Silk. Utopm Lustre for Mount Mellick Work. Silk and Cotton Cord. Gold Bonhion, Japanese Gold Cord. Huck for Darning, Etc. Miss Rosa A, VonderLieth. C A STO XI :z A . dears the jQ The K.rd V-"j ll.v.3 Always Bought If You Have ! Rheumatism URICSOL! tho groat tested and endorsed California • Remedy will euro you. It alho cures Liver, Sidney aid Bladder diseases, caused by ail excess of uric acid. It never fails, and builds np the health and strength while using it. Send stamp for book of wonderful cer tificates. Price. J1 per tattle. For sale by druggists. Ii your druggist can not supply you it will be sent prepaid upon receipt of price. Address Urlcsol Chemical Co., Los Angeles.Cal. or the Lamar & R?nkln Drug Co., Atlanta, 6a. Distributing Agents. What would you do the next time you have a hard cold if you couldn’t get Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral? Think it over. I*>w*U, Mim.’ In Buying For Holiday this season keep in mind our holiday stock comprises every line handled by the jeweler,every department is complete in itself. In buying from us you get the best goods at lowest price, quality considered. We are receiving new goods daily. C. A. SOTJT)T)ER, Jeweler. R. Brandt's Jewelry Store To accommodate those who are par tial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for ca tarrhal troubles, the ptoprietors prepare Ely s Liquid Cream Balm. Price in- olnding the spraying tube is iB 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid em bodies the medicinal properties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm is quick ly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry np the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy char acter. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., N. Y. Foils . Deadly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physi cians were nnable to help her,” writes M M Austin, of Winchester, lnd„ bnt was completely cored by Dr. King’s New Life Pills ” They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Core constipation, sick headaohe. 25c at W. J. Smith & Bro., and H. R. Palmer & Sons drag stores. Is brim full mas ami lb of fine suggestion- 'liilay presents for >r (bri ery on Come Early and Make Selections. A LL goods marked in pla figures at popular price Order from us by any oatahmu' We meet any and all reliab competition in the 1'iiitt States. - BRANDT; THE JEWELER. ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE. 104 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.