Athens daily banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1889-1902, December 06, 1902, Image 4

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THE BANNER, SATURDAY MOBNING, DECEMBER .1902. THE Published Daily, rtnnday and Weekly by M. J. ROWE. I-*<**©«. B. P. HOLDER. JR P^ltoi T. W. REEO .... Bu«lne*« n«n»g«-i A VIEW 0FH1U. Representative Bartlett, of Georgia, as interviewed the other day by the •Vashirpton l’o.t in regard to the Dem- erotic outlook and in regard to the uies of ih • party in 1904. He ex jressed the opiuiou that Mr. Hill of New York, is no longer a possibility. ■la 1S92 I was a Hill man.” eSd be. 1 had a high admiration for him as ■uator. in fact. X often went over to he senate to hear him speak. Bnt hie itt.tude on financial issues, and later hat coal plank he inserted in the New York platform, have cnauged my views f Mr. Hill as a Democratic candidate or the presidency. With such socialis lie ideas as that coal plank suggests, Mr Xiill will never, in my judgment, receive any support from the South The Richmond Times says: ‘‘Th: coal strike of Pennsylvania has been TO THE PUBLIC. I practically settled, and there is no Ion.? THE BANNER solicits news Iran Its friend. I er any occasion for dealing with that In the City, hut w« omnot .nnounce- qae8tion by the strong hand of govern ■Kent, ol meeting, aod similar notlcM over the I J tel.pbnne. We ..k our Irlemt. to kindly write I ment. Bnt when Mr. Hill pnt tnat so ■II »uch notice, end moll them to the editor of I e i a ii Ht i c plank ill the Democratic plat The Henner. or send to the olllce by me»enfcr. I We ore always glad to print auch notice., lor I form and went oil the stump and e r Irlonds. but wo Jo.t have not the time to fended it he drove away from him e take them by telephone. Our Irlcnda will please beer tbls In mind. I ry man in the land who belle All communication, lor publication MUST b. | trne pr j nc [ p i es 0 f Democracy. The accompanied by tha real name ol tbe writer. | Tba writer - , name will ba withheld When the worst part of it all is that tills plank reque.t l» made, but tbe editor mu.t know Irom I wa nt iu a9 a TOte nu . asur e, and any whom each commuolcatten cornea. I There will be no deviation* from theae rules I man who is willing to sacrifice a princi- In tbe luturo. I p i e o{ his party f or the sake of a tempo- | rary triumph, is not the man to lead the party in its national contest. the ATHENS DAILY BANNER Is deliver et. by carriers in tbe city, or mailed, postage Ire. to any nddrees at tbe following rote, til' per year. *2.50 for six roont .. 11.25 for thro months. The Weekly or Sunday BANNER tl OJ pe year, 50 cents for nix month*. Invariably Casl In advance. Remittances may he made by express, office money order or registered letter All business communications should be ad dressed to the Business manager. Suhserlt>ers are requested to promptly notlf} the business office uf late delivery, failure lo carry papers to porches or failure to delivei with absolute regularity on the part ot the car rlers. isuch nuttfleations ts the only means ol knowing of the existence of any cause for coni plu'nt. ami will la* appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONES: Builnaa.Olllce 75. one ring dltorlul Room. 75. Iwo ring. ed in the The aummer school fund should be completed at once. The New York Journal Bays Roose velt hit the trusts with a stnffed club. Editor Triplett says revise Georgia’s pension roll and make It a roll of honor. The Atlanta News U jnst four months | old and it is the best In the bunch for | that age. •The Baltimore News says Mr. Roose velt seema to look upon the regulation of truats as a sort of moral polios work. The work of the 8outh Georgia con ference of the Methodist church has moved along smoothly this week. Bish op Candler Is preaiding. Pour mayors of Augusta have passed away In three years—Mayor Patrick Walsh, Mayor 0. A. Robbe, Mayer Alfred M. Martin, Jr., and Mayor J. H» Alexander. Tbe business men of Athens should be doiug considerable Christmas adver tising at this time. From this date on Christmas shopping will be lively, in The Banner. Peculiar To Itself In what it is and what it duos—con taining the host blond-purifying, alterative anil tonic substances and effecting the most radical and [ manent cares of all humors and all eruptions, relieving weak, tired languid feelings, and building uj the whole system is true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla No other medicine acts like it no other medicine lias done s< much real, substantial good, no other medicine lias restored health and strength at so little cost. ”1 was troubled near losing my eye could not see to d two bottle? of il< to walk. and cam ght. For four anythin?. After taking s Sarsaparilla 1 could l,ei: I had taken eight bottles ,.H ever.” Sa me A. Hair? could : ton. Withers. N. (' Hood’s Sarsaparilla promlsos to euro and keeps tho promise Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. A11 Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-ns-good” are but Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho health of lulauts and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a Harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It eures Dii.rrhtna and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the Signature of S There i tit *.* Is Only One Instance \\ lien you can a t'ofil to turn you Lack on a goo thing, anil that tijion a PALMER'S POROUS - PLASTER.! TRY IT: j For Your Back's Sake; ! For Your Back's Ache. Only lOc HIRE ARE TEETH THAT STAND WEAR. Rest We i els of teeth Ike .fie The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. r MURRAY STRCfT. I * YORK CITY. « . MCKERSON, Pres. W. B. JACKSON. Vice Pres. T. h. NICKERSO sky THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. UEALEK8 IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Woodenware, Etc. LAWN MOWERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, CARDEN H08E« \ 348 and 250 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. i H. R. PALMER & SONS. I | 105 Clayton St. s <r «4 44 444444 444 4 434 444443fc'‘ 2)\btit\b\kitiitinittittittiitiitiitii\btittii\ktit\litit\ktit\L\LIC Heart Failure till- stipe Mm to tint otliel Solid Gold Crown, Bridge Work *:,.(«> to - There is nothing ( -,pi bridge work when propi ted. 1 Gold Killings s|.:,, 1 Amalgam Killing-, 1 We ext met teet h posit pain. I on niav ivsl vru iv dge that'your teeth u best anil most skillful at lllee. Dr. C. A. Ryder Classic City McDowell KniMii.o, Ding Distance l’hone. »> per tooth. lo perfect 1> roust me nd up. and up. elt nil bout, the know I - leeeiie t hi nt ion at our %r. Room?. Taki of tin* right just verge l>ros- sococosocoooooccooooce^ HOUSES | For Sale GEORGIA JUNK COITPANY, Scrap Iron, Castings, Brass, Copper, Beer Bottles, Graia-^ags, Pewter, Zink, Rubber, Stove Cast; Books, Paper, Bones, Rags, G ass, Jugs, Lead, Etc. BROAD STREET, near Georgia Depot, opposite Rucker’s Compress. £^“Either drop ns a card or phone ns and our wagons will call for any of the above named articles- PHOIN K 1(51. BUYS < away - } most vigorous men } in tin- prime of life, ; as they tire on tlie ; of great financial l perity. | Don't stake your rami- | ly’s welfare wholly upon | your uncertain life, ('firry f | a policy in [the ‘‘.Mutual % | Life Of Ga.’ See one of % | our agents today | 4 £ | John A. Darwin. I * i | Clayton Street. | 4 £ -f ill I, elose | $1,800 to $5,000 I b A lumber town bou local ratigin fr< mi Tl on ()c EACH. :t roo e street, PROFESSIONAL CARDS} aKSBBEgBBEg PSEEBEESE o saSSiSaSSSSSSSSSESSSS I<3E! M A Supreme Conrt Coincidence. While in session the associate justices Get[ 0 f t i,e Initial States supreme court a on either side of the chief jus I tice, iu tlie order of ile-ir commissions. The Southern Farmer for December is ^ on"hDHTtV a neat and merltoriom pnblication. The S1< . 1>m i tt„. right anil the fourth sec- Banner congratulate* Kditor Hall on ond on tho left, and so on alternately, . . . j I the youngest In commission occupying thi. edition and hopes for continued ^ m the eUr ,. lm . ,,. ft . success with the publication. When Justice Field was the senior associate, this arrangement produced The oity of Oolnmbns has voted bonds tills euriotis result: The names of the in the amount of *250,000 for building a Kro’ White first-class waterworks system for that I wllUu lht , names „f those on the left COAL - COAL - COAL tj] Now is the time to buy your coal, We are sole agents t§ for the famous RED ASH man y other high 8 rades - k! See Uh Before Placing Your Ortlei-w, Jj Telephones {' Up,0 v «d 0 !" c . e ^ ATHENS COAL & COKE CO. ;W. I 3 . VONDEKAU, Mgr. olty. This Is a public improvement that Oolumbus has needed for many years. Mr. George Foster Peabody, in the opinion of Kditor Holder, is wUling to do more for the state institutions than the state is willing to do. This is not a com pliment to the state.—Americas Times Recorder. had two syllables - Harlan, Brewer, Shiras and Beckham. AH were mar ried, but no one of the justices on tin- right had ever had any children, while each of those on the left had both chil dren and grandchildren. ’Ihe colors were all on the right—Gray. Brown and White—while the left was colorless.- Youth's Companion. □SEBTPSKf S£’BSBSSBSB'SfiSSRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. J3Q < «m***M»»v«**»******»****** , *** t> ** t ****** l,> * t<> **! The Athens Banner thinks the legis lature should not adjourn without mak ing some disposition of the bill to tax franchise. This is a measure that should become a law at the bands of the members of the present session.—Ameri cas Timee-Heoorder. If we could get the members of th* general assembly to come to Athens in ■mall bodies from time to time and ln- spect oar institutions it woald never be necessary for our people to do any work for needed appropriations. Those who see onr work and oar needs are with ns, The American Times-Reoorder has added a feature that will be a winner. A sketch of a prominet Georgian is printed from time to time giving the pnbUo reoord of the snbjeot of the sketoh Hast week the Times-Reoorder printed % sketch of Hon. W. J. Northen, ex- Governor of Georgia, while this week a ftmtim- sketoh of Judge Hamilton Mc Whorter is printed in that paper. The Banner will give the people of Athens and surrounding territory the benefit ot the splendid sketch of Judge McWhor ter in a few days. He is soon to become a citizen of Athena and a warm welcome awaits him here. Cure* Cancer and Blood Poison. If you have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and risings, burniug, itching Bkin, copper-colored spots or rash on the skin, mucous patches in mouth or throat, falling hair, hone pains, old rheumatism or fool catarrh, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ). It kills the poison in the blood ; soon all sores, erup tions heal, hard swellings subside, aohes and pains stop and a perfect cure iB made of the worst cases ot Blood Poison. For cancerB, tumors, swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B. B. B. It destroys the cancer poison in the blood, heals cancer of all kinds, ernes the worst humors or suppurating swellings. Thousands cured by B. B. B. after all else fails. B. B. B oomposed of pure botanic ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pure and rich, Btops the awfnl itching and all sharp, shooting pains. Thor oughly tested for thirty years. Drug gists, (I per bottle, with complete direc tions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Oo., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. ORR’S SCHOOL. Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. Fall term begins Sept. 8th, 1902. Young men and young ladies prepared for college. Hoys and girls in the public schools wishing aid on special studies will he accommodated. For terms apply to S- P ORR- CHARLES EDWARD CHOATE, ARCHITECT. AUGUSTA, OA. > - ATHENS. OA. PHONE lOO. When out of city consult H. K. CHOATK. Houses X F*A.FLJ\/LSi k Half ado CIVS to lid from : rii farms fmm price acre. 7.1 acres city of Athens. g in S In *;;.>.i«( per land in the Robt. L DuBose, teal Estate and Fire Insurance. 3COSOSOOC Justice Court. Prompt attention to nil bailnen. *. W. LUCAB. N. P. and Ex Officio Jmtloe of tho Poooo STEPHEN C. UPSON, i«tarM|*at*Uw. Office In Talmadf* Balldlng Co roar of Callec Arinaa and Clayton Streat. 1 WANTED! NOTICE. The County Commissioners will re oeive np to December 8th, 1902, applica tions for the position of superintendent ot the County Farm for the year begin ning January 1st, 1903 Amount of salary and other information will he furnished by the undersigned. H. O. ERWIN. Clerk. .££££££££££££££££££££££££*£«££££*£>«*£ £££££££££«?* Hr' J Insure In Tlxe ; National Life Insurance Go.,] Of the U. S. 1 | * ; It is over thirty-four years old and has never contested a ! ; ’ death claim. j J Every statement in its policies is an ABSOLUTE^ GUARANTEE, i , and not an estimated result. ' t Tin- difference in the premiums in favor of the National are greater , |! than the dividends paid bv any other company. i l It has a larger per cent of surplus than any other leading company. ' i< It has more assets in proportion to liabilities than any other leatling fi company l It will write you a 15 Pay Life policy for a less premium than ether £ companies charge for a 20 l’ay Life policy, £ Why pav high rates for ESTIMATED RESULTS when you can get I ABSOLUTE GUARANTEES at from 25 to 35 per cent less money. * WOMEN SAME RATES AS MEN.J * See me before you insure your life. I • A. L. MITCHELL, l State Special Agent. jjj Insurance Building. Athens, Ga.* ’^6»444444444*4444444444444444444444444444444444;i444<^ jpH have a cash custo mer who wants a nice ti room house in good neighborhood! If yon have one for stile I can sell it quick,; A. L. Brooks. LODGE DIRECTORY. ;St. Loikjk K. of I*. St. mmo Lodge, No. 40, Knight* of Pythian meets every Monday night at T .:tu o’clock at it Castle hall in the Max Joseph building, corner Clayton and Wall streets. Idiom- Ju* IS riiiL'H. Visiting Knigbto cordially invited to attenu T.J. .SHACKl.KFoKU. C. C.‘ T. H. Nickkkhon. K. of U. ami >. [O'.knn Lodge, No. 75, I. (). o. *. MeetH every Tuesday night at h o’clock a Lodge room, in Carlton building, on jacksen street. All Odd Fellows in good standing In rited to attend. J- F. Haut. Noble Grand. G. it. hTONE, liecordiug Secretary. Williams Lodge. N . 15, I. o. o. F. Meets every Monday night at 7 o’clock at lodge room in Carlton building, on Jackso All Odd Fellows in good stalling CITFTRAIN SCHEDULE ;ri?al and Departure o! Trains. CITY TIME. City Time is 80 minutes slower than Eastern and 00 minutes faster than Central tima. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leaves at 12:15 p. *u. Arrives at 5:03 p, at. I weaves at 5:50 p. m. Arrives at 0:18 p. m B- W. Sizer. Agent. GEORGIA R. B. reaves 9 .*00 a. m. Arrives 12:55 i/eaves 4:00 p. m. Arrives 7:55 SEABOARD AIR LINE R’Y. WORTH BOUHD. No. 52—Lv Atlanta^ :10am, Ar. Athens, 10:28am 8SfiP5^ “ ** lOztepm No. 82— " 12:80pm •• 2:27pm street rited to attend L). A. Wats ... .. J. A. Mkaloh, Recording Seci Noble Grand. Oliver Encampment, Ni. . j. o. o. f. Meets every first and third Thursday night in each month at « o'clock at (kid Fellows hall on Jackson street. All patruyrehs in good standing invited. (. - ^ „ W. M. Pittman, Chief Patriarch. J. K. Kenney. Scribe. N0A8—Lv. Athens, 2:22pm, Ar. Atlanta, 4:25pm No.41— *' •• 6:28am, •• •• 8i2oSm No.5S— ** " 6:62pm, " H 8:20pm J.Z. Hoks. C i5^r^' P ““ W ' A ‘ t “'' CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY vrrlvs 1:00p.m. Leave 8:4S p.m. Leave 7 2i0 a. m. J. E. HUMPHREY, Agent. Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. and a. M Mount Vernon I/odge, No. 22 K. «fc A. M. meets in regular communication wvery second Thuraday night in each month at Masonic haU SrdnoorMax Joseph '— All Master Masons attend. . . _. _ W. J. Gaiiebold, Secretarv Keystone Ciiaptek, R. a. M. Keystone Chapter, No. 1. Royal Arch Masons meets every third Tuesday night at « o’clock at ‘he lodge room in the Max Joseph buiidina ill qualified brethren invited to attend- Max Joseph. High JMeeV J. G. Trussei.l, Secretary Athens Council No. ai, R. jz s. h*. Meets on 1st'Wednesday night in each month at 8 o clock, Masonic hall, Max Joseph building All qualified companions urged to attend. _ „ „ „ H. H. Linton, T. J. M. J. K. Kenney, Recorder. Oconee Tribe, I. O B. M. * Oconee Tribe, No. 15,1. O. R. M., meets everv "inht at 7o'clock, at Hcil Men'. hall, third flooi -Jarlton liulldlnc. Vlsttmc BxA Man cordially luvited to attend. ^ H. a BitAnuKHiiy, Hxchoa O. A LJlMBBBx- Chief of Beoorda