The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, February 05, 1897, Image 2

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f HE MSNffOS By the Monitor Publishing Company- - MORGAN, GA., FEB 5. 1*>7. Entered at tire Post Office at Morgan :• second-class mail matter. KATRS OF SFItSCItll'TlOS. One copy one year . . . . . $ 1.00 One copy six months . . no One copy three months . . . 20 Advertising ruto3 made known on ;ip plication. It is feared that the oat crop o' this section is badly damaged. “ A GIRL without a beau is like a irwn without a home. Both have MO no where where to to hv lay their thur heads beaus. ” Show »b 0 .t us the man who said it ! Tmt THE Monfiy® monitor has has an an efficient efficient staff of correspondents, to whom the mangemeut extends kindest wishes for their future prosperity and use¬ fulness. __ Ye editor's family enjoyed seven 1 dishes of regular old-fashion country sausage last week, the generous gift of Mrs. Cliff Cheney. Such kindness cars, s us to ft el glad that tve are again in f lie land of neighborly kiadue s and broth- ci ly love. The Sparta Ishmaolitc seems to l>c at outs with the entire adminstration, especially , Mr. , Cleveland. well. , brother, just keep shirt, for your on, and his tenon will soon Lncle Sam jy Company .mg. ,nos tackled Bosh n ho was there “on which tho only Sam ' I had come to Bos- woulil have loft ,g afier 1 looked into oution box”—Ex. And people say Sam preaches .or the money there is in it. ,r,«. The Blakely t,, . i News v - „ ajs. „.c ««„„.....i iial of our farmer friends, in private con- vernations k lumped on u; about what All. T i. f.C/OrcItaj t’ 1 8..1U ,, i : *n n too «« V „„„ • a few weeks ago, but- ‘somehow or somehow else ’ they are careful not i« . tacKie air. w vxiraray . rn. it. piuu. in truth is, as we see it, Mr. CovJray i 1 nearly or quite correct in his esti- mates, and his figures can’t bo sue C"ssiu!ly contradicted. Cotton can be crown at a cost of less than throe cents” ; This * is certainly ^ poor ‘ doc to to throw at the farmer, anu the T TOR will be glad if every *honl planter | • .. 11 1 1 ' ' -»r an ho grown at a - Iiicli i.s um-eus- horo is tho for- of t liis seasor ? ! > cotton must ; * to tench Vtv but raise eat for both ‘ vour cotton ‘1’ n * ew l'°ars omelhiiig liko o anything in the .) clipped from the xs it. is taken from | a of those puny little o the Thomasville Times- ' Hear what it . and says, MoNI-! j the boom of the ' “Hon LiviugBtoi, with j uf unadulterated lira.- - .-utiguishes him, wants Cor erect n government building | , “ VVv.„ c t«„,„ tut. town » ,h " shadow of the federal building in Atlanta. Confound the fellow, he has nr.oro cheek than a government mule.” We have been there, we have noticed tho work of Georgia's representatives, wo believe in calling a spado a spade, and wj kuow that- if ail the representatives were as true as your Uncle Lon, vtho is always ready to do what he can for his con¬ stituents, the several districts of the State would be well provided for. This sheet would like to hear from some of the districts that are not represented, or might as well not be. The Third and Fifth are strictly in it, and the Second soon will be. After another quarter of a cen¬ tury of English domination in the financial and commercial policy of this country wo will bo reduced to the coudition of India, where more than two hundred thousand pesple have fled from tho city of Bombay since the bubonic plague appeared there. India is a most unforti unto country, lion ., tiun a milhou a - half of people in that country have Jh.s4 haJ ternixvarv P relief from famine by — jt .»dVrobakiy i j » . haye perished. T aintr.o always breeds disease. The bubonic plague follow s in the tracks of famine. Russia of late has been very liberal in sending relief to India. Being impoverished by tho rent and profit gathering of their cotnmetc'a! masters, they of India were unable to have a reserve to draw ott in time of necessity. IT CANNOT Br, !Tlu* dying fri<; '1 At parting t. Saying: “Y* m »7 trrr.d T\>. re fxo .ad Or in / : Ytmr " .r. “fevr r t : and dark, mil Alifs V. 1 vr bark Will ku-A’i liu n.* cm. i v, .* Acres'! rtfMth*/ XI ' • •.j * ■.•'•. )i'i I k.'GMT Of thin, t t v;t ; W in »v York Lull. PL.ACE NAWES. Poine Odd and Carlo* < f In •i In tie Ml< II fellas rr.t good old colonial naixits arc preserved, like glejerry bill and Shillyshally ir>,-,k. ^P 04 P 0!ul vr;-H named by Winthrop( wbo discovt. it it it. the win- because of the rn.-.ny rocke 8 b 0W «d through tbi tb< garfaco> said to have been bought front .the In- diaiiH for a liozuful <7 |-tiwdi r. The fact of mirft.rtnie tot 1 .:, r.t ud- known persons—\vh< ther trivial r-r grt docs not appear—finds a record in Bad ! r " L and i v.amji ;n P. . - th, Gad Lack mountain in (iranvillo and Gad Luck pond in Douglu - Titt.rn may bn some rtssociatiou betwi-t-n Jlurnct --t brook and pi nd in Li im-iorund.Sjieiu:* r and Bun.-hiit river, likewise in Vfoio ter county. Drinkwnter river is u felicitous name for a stream of goo" water. It Is lu Hanoi rr, airl possibly iia!-, ing" buvt- be* » a family «-f Hyk'n.-m.- in ti.- in igh- bm-bood. fcihf.. _-W«t«-f briokin'i'owks- j n , r y , jt0 dift'«rc„t associations. Sought For pond, in Westhird, suggt Ms « long and ha filed guest for the spot through the wilderness in the olden days. Ono of the least euphonious of names is Skug river in Essex ami Mid- dli-sex counties. It is wis t,by a place umong such English nanus as Worm¬ wood Scrubs, a park in Loudon. Tho legend about the names of the group of islands on tho south coast pre¬ sents an instance of how fancied v< :iti\- blnnces give riso to stories. It is related that these islands one;, belonged to a man with four daughters. To Nancy, tho Old) st, the father gave the first choico, and the fact that “Nan took it” in recorded in the name of Nantucket, (lie island sho looted. Nantaiket, of course, is in reality mi Indian name. Martha’s Vineyard and the Klisiabcth ih . lmu)s wont jo jvi-.rtha anil Elizabeth, respectively, wkoso'uame while for the fourth dauj.di- ter, has hee.u lost to mem- ory, thero was nothing leftbuttlx'most remota nnd undesirable of the group, which was on) led No Man's Laud, ’ti,.- I - causa its owner was a woman, Elizabeth islands, in fact, were named f()J , q,,,.,.,. jjijy-.iii i th by Burtholemew (; <. , |, nicir ,ii ,u\ ui, wlu-se name has been given to tie. town that com Maiitne <--only ,,-i-i. A young man who appar-nti-,- knows 'M'-A'l in Lcmum catneini.Mneiffiw, tie other day and asked whether candy could be sent abroad llir^euli the mails. bo ho was tak( n ever L> the ; eMi.ifuv au( l (ho state of affairs v/as laid before an official, wbo instigated an invertiga to. After a bmg timo ho returned unit reported as follows: “I am very glad, "said he, “that you ashed that question. Its answer shows a curious statu of affairs. In this conn- try you eon send candy up to 4 pounds as nterelmmliso for I cent for inch ounce. If you want to send candy abroad you only have to pay I cent for every 8 ounces, but yon ouu only send * a 0Dnces * n eac:1) package. It' it weighs more than 12 ounces you have to pay i u ttor rates, or 10 cents mt ounce for tho whole thing. “That is to say, you can send 10 ounces to London for 5 cents, but it wouId cost you 10 cents to send it to Brooklyn. So if you arc thinking of sending a pound it will cost you $1.00. The stamp department is right over there.” "Thank you very much,” said tho young man. “I just happen to remem- her that tho doctor 1 ms forbidden tho kirl to cat oaudy. ”—Now York Mail anil Express. In Romo crowns of the loaves of vnri- ous trot s wore given lo the actors in tho circus nnd theater in various sports. cossnin’iiN can be ci red. F. A. Slocum, M. C., tho great"chem¬ ist and scientist, will send tree, to the afflicted, three bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to Troubles. euro Consumption and all Lung thropic Nothing oonltl bo fairer, more philan¬ than tho or offer onry more T. joy to tho afflicted, of A. Slotmm, M. C., of Now York city. Confliiont that ho tin*', dtsoovovo l a To¬ llable cure for consumption and all bron- elmil. throat and lung disoaso, g-‘o; r».J tK’dino aiDi wcaKi t'-s, loss t». it.'Gh .m l all oonditioi.s ,.f wastin';. m:d to nmko it- tin'at merit© Known, ho will >onl, thieo Dottles to any reader of tho Monuoh who may bo suffering. Already tliis “now setontifio oonrso of modlolno’’ has pormanoutly cured “‘mt jutv—aYlutv* °[. , ‘l , I iaroW w-hTdi 'J- jiopoloss liT oastvs. to*hiimaidtT nt> a tlut\ \ hu .1 1 1 oweb nvos U hunmuit \ ! iU mp u 0 n to ' be curable disoaso boyond doubt, a any and has on file in his American and Euro- pcau laboratories testimonials of e\\>eri eneo from those beuolllod and cured, in all parts of the world 1 kin t delay until it Is too late, (on- smup.i.m uiiiiitemipio'.!. death. menes q-p-' ami certain Address I A Hat'am. U. ( l’inestreet New L, York and when tlm Doetm- gb office address, ami plD.ite ivumuon r< uiiiiK 1 ,,r ------------------------- i5I CHDF I v /JY iAilY/I kljfll) . «** . and workman-Uke manner. charges rjawouabin. lie square. shop Nor;hove-: made to tu-ter. ,-on,or Into ...... repair all kinds of liu ware. S. M. LASH. Wantsd-Sn Idea ?Z7. >"..c. _ Protect Wr«# J6US jour Ideftai thev mny or!n;; you avgaUL. >Vt*W>KK:.fHN t v, Pfftunt Atto lad tiers. Washington, vi tua<'ret! i). O., iur^utiouh Tor their wt\at«a. - <?g oiler mi. vwo A'H, What It h I r*!s f The r anri v> ‘ \ then- a? if uis r U. ft ir r:r r T simplesti it that Rive: is to fcf-.y ill i>ig fTow tlr thi ir -in :g through iaj .is of h- 1 cd. VVh‘ ) tin my r to Imont! 1 V ! ! they do ri'.t c-r: ft r it :it nil, (.it \* ir, : Sf.< ,-..k) ylanen > 7 iiml ; | from n mirror. Thu; tl r; ns a glass minor or a b> .‘y n - j would, trees if ship. it lay between tiro eye and th- - j or | This explanation will give you a pm- «»i! idea of t) - of the mirage. In I tl, f cas ® '''' : ; n3,tror ' rv,r andtln <-n:-i.p-- r - ^ y-a go fr-n.aril .; •. a r-: e-a ' 'V';uld ir.ov.; as jea no vane d «i a gim.-; th '’ 4 A p ’ Vl 111:11 a l yfut (,f Kignt Iho honzt.:i. i>;ifc I vm pot prt lend to explain all a Font tb<- cTi-r- ! out itiiugt b that may possibly bo formed I under different conditions of tin- aOnoH- pberts; that ■ ; loolroi in task, and a hat -1 Cite. The fata morgana is a form or modi¬ fication of mirage often ihii in th- .-t rails sc pare! • the ton of tin i “fji.-ot” of Italy and thi. i -’endof .'doily, i 1™* opposite. VVfc-n the run is just at I t * , ° r ^ht po-ition and s, a tin I ; -r arc 1 ready to uelp, strung' -vs or ob- - ?' ,il " "1 i ,r ‘ noon —si.i.-.c-t 1 . - •- >''• ; i B!, ‘ l K, ' t » b= 1 U;; •••••nd "in-r--, ' t:i mur H iilia »• thy ia-ry ‘ ' of tb « W), ‘- ! Ifc i8 that during a hot . an;. Mill „ uuuuier m.y, by iilacmg . tbocye close to the surface or a dry rw:jd « a mirage cau bo-seon, but j. have ucv.'T tri;! 1 it. G fore tla ■ and other strange rights | were understood anil exjilaiucd we nei-d not wonder that sailors and travelers held many Grange beliefs in regard to them.—Tudor Jcnks in St. Nicholas. SHERIDAN’S —“ ' DECT ” SPEECH, ~ A Newipapcr Man Toils the Clreumstenw* «>r when it vva» Miwic. “Tbo Just time(Jciicrnl i'.ii! r.-k.i-ridan was in Milwaukee,-’ said Bob Howard, m wspapi-t nmn, “v.’i.s when the Army of tho Couil-trlaml held its an- « un,f '' I! Mt0 ,n 1 ' A was given the ax ; < u.u : at th- Ka- «oni}lhome. Iu Fist icuuig Gi-urrnlGhoidanpr.-siik.;)!. ho pr-zzlrd for was words, but utter a fa.-bmn In managed to Gammer oul : omeihing that bat few k.-aril nffl less midi r.-.twv!. 1 wi;s report- mg the -vent for The :• nt-m-l a'rt had tuken down ovi-rythin;i -'h-vulan said just iw he s, •’•«. it. W’..> ;s 1- lie. .:c;h, he earne ur.-s <d • »-•_• ;»..l : ..... * “ • 'J', • •!, I do, •- ’ “ -Then pin: •)';■ n’t print any of that d—-d idush ef mb..'. Jum make up a nice little up- oli fur mo. Howard mude up a dainty littio speech for the ci.':;nm*-' : ,r of the Aim-ricaa army, which greatly pl'-.«sod him. A few years Inter, when he was on duty at Washington, Howard’,-; duties frequently took him to headquarters, and ho always met a hearty v-ek.-me. The first, time ho called hheridsn said: “Oh, yes, I remember yen! You are tho uiuu who madu that iiieo speech for me in Milwaukee." On several occasions lie introduced Howard to his friends tut tim author t-f the best spe -ch ho ever made.—Chicago Timcs-Bcruld. —------- Don't Gin Vi>. Sorrow entr.o to you ycslorday and emptied your homo. Your first impulse now is to - Ao up and sit down in dc- gpuir i.niiil tho wrecks c-f your hopes. But you dava not do it. Yen arc in lho line of battle, and (ho crisis is at hand. To falter a moment would bo to imperil some holy interest. Other lives would bo harmed by your piutsiiijt. Holy inter- eats would suffer should your hands he folded. You must not linger oven to in- Uulgo your grief. Sorrows are hut inci- donts in lifo and must not interrupt us. We must leave thorn behind, while wo press on to the things that a ro before, Then God has so ordered, too, that in pressing on in duty wo shall find tho truest-, richest comfort for ourselves, Sitting down to brood over our sorrows, tho darkness deepens about us and creeps into our heart, and our strength changes to weakness. But, if wo turn away from the gloom and take up tho tasks ; nnd dtirti s to which God calls ns, tho 1 light will c-omo again, and wo shall grow stronger. When :;U cur hopes are pone, ’Tie well our ho a do must- st-iU keep toiling on For others’ sake. For Ftivnrn-h to henr is found in duty done. And ho is Most; indeed who h srns to lno/ke The joy of others cure, his own heartache. —J. K. Miller, D. D. v- r.ioloritig 11st: Y niter Nison. Aftl , t . , m n h W ,co of three years the * ,. . Li. *‘M'“mtmn minor , uten mt llomsf , , hr.s ^ Holy returned to Europe from the Ni- gor. The party ascendc<l the r. :al river amt then carried t-ho s-vtiosts of an aluminium boat overland to tho up- per part of the Niyer ofAi.o iHiat-wek On roaolum’ this river the pieces put to- Retlu-r and two native boats purchased. ! *£?» j ^ ^ «2££w^ expedition K-iilod d «fX down thv S ton months was made. Tho voyage from Timbuktu to Lokoja, at the con- ttuence of tho Nijior nnd lion no, poems f, 0 j mvo p oou arduous, but ftoiu that point j the expedition was towed hr‘a auiu . h |, c i 01)c j n ., to tlu , Kovul x -,„. r "..ipauy ,, in the rne coast coa. t -t- .ir Wari «ari. h"iw 11 much fresh topographieal information I .rat’s party has ohtamod is not v«'t .‘-rated Tliis will depend on ! tho hU:ht st point ivuched on the Kurer. « »>'■'»"N...............■«; tiea first met the river Nicer at ' ' . formation was obtained, for tl Uoa lraV t 1- ii -,v:v r.v. 1 w.a admiral Iv tllui , n , 0>1 . OnenovtUyw - the m- of a phonograph for reporting tbo native war songs. The expedition kept peace with the natives throughout, tiro journey, in j which It differs p- atly from some of ti-.,v-o previously e, 3 ducted by French r-t^rw-ste i:,at. . | > j.':. > : ••31AI !*> [;: \MSl){}S cCf;.t VcStY RESPECTABLE GIRLS CHOOSE THIS VOCATION. i O:/' o: Ti- ^T, a ; fal Irish Haft*, Ex* y Jtf&wy of TI.-i-sm J>> So-The? A ft; . i »- ' /’or Good KatrimoiifeU VtS-.oti-tl l - illy. t : t •iniuine Types In .‘-liepparil gives • nn a.-xunt of i A: ■: d he says, 11 at: among I 4, I :.!!.< of ‘lit: )!iO:-t iu- it t t:rin l.-e f';u::-l in the bars . 0I j, x1 mm t , close to tire fashionable tin at us. Among them are very mnny perfectly respecta- U« girls, who have chosen tbc career of a barmaid iu order to make a living - c-inlly if th; y arc pr.-tty, to get a dn.nce to catch a rdt 1 , husband. “A public home, si inated at-the angle • .: -.!- end a mine of gold. i It osermaea a Ktrange fascination upon j tin poor country biHupkins \vho have j u; t: enough to pay for a drink, but the j dado corning out t.f a theater, Ihc coun¬ I try girt uborn, the fashionable snob and the frequi ntcr ci the musichalls ar<t al- i war:-; to bo found there, it is among • j tin ■■■! that the barmaid.'-) hunt for a bus- band. If there is one class of London Ms-h-ty more stupid than aunthcr, it is that which ineludos the fmruenter? j 0 f the public house,-,. wio; „ jH h i 8 n.oi;t!. ai:u a gluts of beer or whisky in front of him the young Englishman, i erased in fat-.hionabln style, with a : light and f.leite.ut figure and regular featur- . , rcmainsctiUiding for more than I an hour paying pret t-y littio compliments to <.. < or several of these ladies, ‘ The b..i n. aid judges i:er custcmers j by the cut of their clothes. If you want ' to attract her attention, you must pro- i sent yourself with a silk hat and a i bandi-'omo cans in your hand and a suit | cut, in the latest fashion. The high hat is do riguonr. Without that there is no possible chance of success. “It was not without difficulty that I managed to get an interview with ono of these young ladies, whoso intelligence was equal to her beauty. At first f was astonished at fhuhng ro much intelli- ; gene© in an English girl, but I learned 1 that she was Irish, ami that explained , the mystery. Her father was dead and j her So she mot her was left without resources, s waa determined to come to Lon- ! den and icok for a husband by posing : behind a fmr in Piccadilly, “‘I was hardly more than three days | here.,’ she said with an amiable and . ro/;ui,;h air, ‘when I nmlcrctood why it j waa that so many pretty Gnglish girls ; don’t g •(. husbands. When they arc b, antifu), they nro generally stupid. • ■VVb--u (boy are .intelligent, they are cold, , masculiue and ugly. Englishmen travel a great deal anti im i-t in their ramblings i , tiir-.-egls the work! very many ^r]rwhodon’t'knmv 1 fcow B tochat , with them.’ j “‘But in this mixture tlmtcomes hero to drink nnd chat,’ I said, ‘how do you | distinguish tho men of tho world from the others?’ : “ M :-i.yniza tliem by three things,’ sho said boldly, ‘by their figure, by | their clothes and by tlicir complexion. For the most part they are tall ami thin, [ dressed in the latest fashion and have a corap'- xiou more or loss bronzed. This . last trait is t-hc surest sign.’ Seeing that l looked astonished, she added: ‘Noth- ing cau be more simple. An English gentleman, if ho has a- fortune, passes three-fcnrtba of his tiiim hunting and in other open air exercise. Tito chaps who remain always in Loudon have a paler and more d alien to complexion, and, moreover, the expression of their faces is quite different from that of tho others.’ “Noticing with what attention X was listening to her, sho continued: ‘Tho gentlemen that 1 refer to have nothing eh Kind about them except their clothes, for their conversation lacks novelty. How can a mail wbo understands noth- ing but hunting and cricket interest nn intelligent woman? The conversation that goes on here in tho name of wit makes rao tired, but those gentlemen are tho ousicst of all to deceive. They are great big children in everything except sport and-politics, ’ “‘But you are always engaged,’ I said, and it is difficult to get an oppor- tuuity to chat with you. You must nl- ready have bad several offers of mar- riage?’ “ T have boon only ono month here, and I have already had three. Two were from very rich sportsmen, but riches alone won’t do for me. What I am after,’ sho added, laughing, ‘is a title. You know, I must have a title.’ “At this moment the play in ono of tho neighboring theaters was over, and the public house was invaded by a crowd of men, moi-a or loss stylish. The beautiful Irish girl kept herself some¬ what aloof and only" served customers that had the appearance of gentlemen. “Well, I left London. A few mouths afterward, on returning there, I wanted to see once more my beautiful Irish bar- niaitl. Sho was gone. At* Another lady was m • nor , place, and she told m mo that Miss m; G c Ular a had left to marry the second son of a prominent uoblouiaih” Addition to Yellowstone T*nrU. Captain Anderson, superintendent 01 . ‘*' p Vcliowskuio National park, says '»>*“ '»> ‘'Sort is being wndo to secure from ooD^ress which won id ^ ^ 1 ho j-k-*. area w Inch it {r: was ^y propo ^ contains *° * a H° Jackson about 50 lake miles and square tho Iiitko ant s ^ u ^ 0!1 mountain peaks. It is rich in scenery and would, in the opiu- ion of the captain, add materially to tho park’s 1 attractiveness. Senator Cal¬ L 1 U f Montana has draftcu , a . bi.l -m f nr that purpose, which has the indors^ of tue penators from *tIonmna aim l tho v> >' vnnin 8 senators aave Mr “ b .... ..... ..... .. ^ ; ' l bearing \ ! -'t:'WW;;S anlmaia or upon« \ transporteu ]oU ^ 0 I: " to J ’ eous.dcr ^ ,‘^ able b t 0 dUt-mcSU distances. Tty, :v ordinary bricks equal a cubic foot i f work when laid m position. Tho earliest use of weights is attrib- „ted to i’heidon, king of Argos, 885 ass;® 1 © >ws SI n ■ = L O /C% £<) T" , © < m P ek a 1 lllliil Fill r.,;, il IS THE -> * *»t .KMm > f] »v^ fr ! o> ,T tVr% e.ruB UR » V 1 ' > <_ ' W > li Hi -U-Tt Knowing this fact, we have determined fair-dealing house snail get the advantage of us either in goods or prices. r- ‘WN ..Y . M Tf I! h r / 0 -.,.1 VMi* ... .2 ", h: lid w 11-5 M U M- m 1 mr That any perron on earth could desire for comfort, or convenience. Dry gooih-d Notions, Shoes, Hals, Herts Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Family | Medicines, flu'-dwan 1 , Tinware, Cutlery, Wagon ma- to vial, Trunks. Buggy Harness, Wagf-n Breeching, all Bands of Farm Implements, and everything needed by a f»Ill!UC mmkM} SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES MORGAN IS THE TOWN, AND \YE ARE THE MERCHANTS. 3 Irbui T p-l tS E¥ $, ■ '* :1.V i 11 W- 3 pxjrjt iiicsa'JtiMjor.* M O M EIV I PHE MISSING WORD © ==4- IgfiK arc pleased to make an entirely new offer to our subscribers, in which every one may have a chance to name the missing word--in * a this sentence : . ____ hllU IHE IS ISI^HTSLY s 9 y: ff-am It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subjects. In making your guess it is not necessary to write out the full sentence—simply write: vMy guess for missing word for MARCH is 5 J Sheris for Tfeo Constitution n M ■ m P \( I V ga L l\ b PUBLISHED AT ATLANTA, GA., i, m uiiiiztnm with MCoixl'toj? s'.T m fKIdESSELT A'" | !j per ^ -«sa52S*SiS8> ivv; pmsE of Sy’ . ! cf • .... And send your guess with it, and we will forward all for you and thus <Ki Give You a CnanoG to iake Good Honey. I» THE CONSTITUTION guarantees tliat the amount of the award will not be loss than §533 Cash, and it may be as much as $2,080, It will be 10 per cent of all subscriptions that we, and all the other clubbing papers with The Constitution, secure for the months of January and February. If the subscriptions keep up with the record of last year, the sum to be given will Exceed $ 2,000 cash. If the sub¬ scriptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past The Consti¬ tution will pay out about $ 3,000 in cash premiums in this contest. If more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be equally divided between them. ThaWsakly Csiisiliafis'i is UasSississS Weskiy ISdwspap^r la IhaWer’d- * vvith a circulation of 156 , 000 . It covers the whole world in its news service, and covers the news of the United States in minute detail, with 12 pages, 7 columns to the page, 04 SolLimiSS ivsr» Ws®fe. AS A NEWSPAPER—Thc AYcek’.y Constitution has no equal in America! Its news reports cover the world, and its correspondent and agents are to lie found in almost bailiwick in the Southern nnd Western States. every AS A MAGAZINE—It prints more such matter as is ordinarily found in the great magazines of EDUCArtR-h the country than can be gotten from even the-bast.of them. AN h a schooihouse within itself; and a year’- readiiijc-oLTHE Ci)..Si „ lit [h'.s liber:,, education is a to anyone. AS A l-'RIl-.Nl) AND COMl’AN ti)N—It brings cheer and comfort to the fireside every week, i.s eagerly sought by the children, contains valuable information for the mother, and is an encyclopedia of instruction for everv member of the household. ITS SPECIAL FEATURES—Are such ns are not to be found in any other paper in America. THE FARM AND FARMERS' DEPARTMENT, THE WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT, THE CHIEDRF.N’S DEPARTMENT, Are all under able direction, and arc specially ailrnotivo to those to whom these departments are addressed. LET US HaVE YOU! SUSSMSWipM AT O'iCE And with it your guess—for the guess must, in every' case, ac- company the yearly subscription sent in. You cannot do with¬ out your local newspaper, and you cannot do without a great, general newspaper, in touch with your section. We cover the local demand—THH CONSTITUTION covers the world. If you are already a subscriber to our paper and want The Constitution, send us Si.oo, and along with it your guess in the missing word contest. We will forward same and duly record your guess. THE COHTtST CLCS53 (, 5837. Send us your money and get both papers one year, and per¬ haps get enough money to clear you of debt, or buy you a good home. No-.v is the time to subscribe. Address all orders tc— THE MONITOR MORGAN, GA. r - I " 3. ‘ ' 2 ‘ . 413.4%; M "l'ifi‘klt‘ H. ~51": «237%? 533;‘.2"3§3;£§'33 333%;331’ ., 'j- W... .3313” 1&1; a ‘y‘lv: ”?(i‘n, 3;» u 2- 33: fg *‘ 2. ‘33 WW :3 1C k': «2%; 133" a "F33 «.251; 3'33" m: .' . 2‘53? 313%”): £333 in 33.3: 3:7}. u. fig; . $3 72:: (,3 . 2134‘ 2:13.- 33"? 2? J” 7313,35?) 3?‘ :99 ??g- 1 3g ‘Eg‘é’fiifig 3. ' $23. . ,4 37‘ ‘2 3‘3- 35K; :4! ‘23; :3?"‘3 fig. . 31223333 *n $33 v: w” 4‘_ :2... 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Mr?» $2731 3. 2333 Arm cf 63W; - 333??? 33% '3'“ 3’13 ‘33 3233 1:1 @3333" 32;: . 332353 2 \ $431133. 23:5 y :13 W ‘ .. $35, r ME :- ' WWW» U. 2, 7.: i'- ‘ 32:72» 3‘53 . 32;. m :4: --.2 313 Q22 3‘?» ML: 3' v2.23 3 3‘3 £33323 3:43.} 553,3 '3; Lu") (-‘rr 321;": 3'53! 21.23 . ‘ ‘1 .3 ”El“ "~ €55 322;, ,1 A 3‘3 )I-.m~‘ 522'; 1542.53 3* ‘3‘" .31 @Qm 3&2 "‘3 G?“ 23-5-3 “542 3‘" 3‘3 3‘" 3' 131/ £7 3‘ .3 “3"" 3 - ~ 3 LE} “‘33“. 3‘ ":4, " ?\1‘: ' «-41 J. A. THORNTON & COMPANY, . 'i -"! 11 l " 1 ' 1 J - 110 pmeo bibley Build- ' 1!s ' '-' ou a ® “ ’ thgpvtcvxt 1 gukn iON & j? (JO. nr. 1.24 tf J. B- GEORGE, FKYSiCIAN AM) SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Ol'l r lCK AND IlcsiDEXCE ON M.UN STREET 1-17 tf J. J. -BECK, Mini m mmM w law, XvTOFcGrA^X'T, G-AY., Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted fo his care. Col¬ lections a specialty. l-17-tf J. L BOYNTON, ATTGBNTET JA. r T Xj-ANW DICKEY, GA. . Practices in the Courts of the State ana elsewhere. 1-17-tf L. G. CART LEDGE, iVTTOS-XTEXr .A.T X.-^Y.'YV MORGAN, GA. Practices in tho Courts of the State. Special attention given to collections. 1-17 tf J. H. COOKE, JR., ... L&V WS|9 ■ 41 434 w Cfilfl*? . SSSTt. ’ . ARLINGTON. GA. Practices in all the Courts. Collections speoinlty, i-i7-tf GEO. II. DOZIER, Ata7 at L&7 arid J'r.tiss ?ncs, MORGAN, GA. AYill practice anywhere. Prompt at given to all business entrusted to his care. 1-17-tf L. D. MONROE. -AT LAW, MORGAN, GA. Practices in the Courts of the Albany &c 1-17-tf II. Dozier, Bes.t. Ill.-SSEIX. DOZIER & RUSSELL ATTORNEYS AT LA” MILLFORT), GA Wo will practice in 1’ kor county, Oa. All us will receive pr 1-17