The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, February 26, 1897, Image 3

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i P U BLISfi ED EVE R Y F RID AY. % TOWN OF MORGAN. ’"hardens—J. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. , J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—8. T. Ctayfou. Marshal—J. 8. Riley. Our Clubbing Kates. The Monitor and the Weekly Oonsti »ntion one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern CftK livator one year for jl. 50. CHinicriKk. Baptist Church—ReV. Z. T. Weaver, j’laKfo'r. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school iri. M. every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. J. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a in. Sunday-school every 'Habbatli at 3 p m. G Cartledge, Su perimendeut. Mrs. L. G. Cartledge is on the siek list this week. T. J. Tinsley & Co. lead—never follow —in fine groceries. Miss Annie Arthur of Shellman visited friends here this week. Protect yourself with T. J. Tinsley & Go. Ss Fine IImbrellas. Miss Maud Wright is making her home for the present with her aunt, Mrs. Col. Thornton. _ Miss Nettie Dozier arrived home yesterday, after a pleasant visit to frinds in Arlington. | Messrs S. T. Clayton and J. S. R 5 i e y spent a couple of days this week in Al , Tom Thornton says d~—m a crowd . that will go to sleep when a fellow is tell a good yarn. _ Latest style shirts, bows and ties at T. j . Tinsley & Go’s. Misses Sallie Hadden and Alice Acocyk was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Corley one Way this week. -J&essrs. Pink Corky and Dir. Terry o!f Jventy thought it well to bask in the sun¬ shine of Morgan, Sunday. Did you ever fry to run a newspaper and brass band, dig an artesian well and build a school house all at once? Try it. We are leaders in fine clothing and pants. T. J. Tinsley & Co. Handsome Will Eubanks of Dawson vis’ted relatives and friends here Sunday. My, boys, but wasn’t that buggy all right? Go to T. J. Tinsley & Co.’s for the list IBin Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Maude, where did you get that nice bracelet? Oh, I bought it ffobi llbgiie, the wire artist a Clayton’s store. See the wire artist at S. T. Clayton’s stow. _____ MV. G. A. Dozier reached homo Wed¬ nesday night. He returned for his family, who will make their ItonVo with him ih Atlauh for some time. We lead in Fine Chewing Tobacco. T. J. Tinsley & Co. Mrs. Lola Pettis returned to he? home iu the Fourth Monday, after a short visit in Morgan. We learn that her mother is touch better. Mr. Alex. Arnold happend to the mis¬ fortune of losing the joint-meat of sev¬ eral fine hogs, recently. The fickleness of tho weather Caused it. Let Tinsley & Co. fit you in their latest style shoes. Miss Claude Sandlin, our popular and accomplished music teacher, accompa¬ nied by her brother, Mr. J. S. Sandlin, visited the home folks at Shellman Sat¬ urday. Our Dressgoods Notions, Clothing and Shoes are all new. T. J. Tinsley & Co. A pleilSant entertainment was given at the Thornton Honse last Monday bight, but owning to its not being generally known, together with the foul weather ft was not very largely attended. J. J. Beck anti wife visited Edison Wednesday. The Judge did not tell us the occasion of the visit, but we have no doubt but that the good people of the Fourth caused their vist a pleasant one. A certain “Pet” of Morgan went visit¬ ing recently; the Monitor followed as per request, the receipt of which was duly xecogmzed—and that’s all. Some people cuss because their name will occasionally appear in the local paper, but a greater number “cuss” be¬ cause they are overlooked. No country editor is infallible. Buy your fine dress fabrics at Tihsley & Co’s. Mr. Green Wiseman was the guest of Morgan’s leading journal Monday. Come again, Uncle Green, and let’s lip ’em up the back! You are not “in it” if you don’t let us fit you in asuit of fine clothes, shirts and Bhoes. T. J. Tinsley & Co. Onr Hub Davis is reaping a ricii bar¬ est, of free advertising of late. Wonder *f the Monitor caused all this? Let up, boys, for he has reached the point where he will speak to no one but and editor' County Court. County Court frfet last Monday at 10 a. m., Judge Ccoke presiding. Solicitor Cartledge announced that no criminal case's were ready for trial, and the civil douket Was taken up. 'Oue ease was tried and one contfautd. Several j udgments we're tak; n. Col A. G. Powell, Early's county judge was fceTe representing his clients with skill and Ability. Col. Hall Oalhoiiri was On hand, ac¬ companied by Mr. J. S. Cowart of Ar¬ lington. He Insisted that all his cases be postponed, but failed to convince the Court that a continuance was necessary, Court adjourned at *2 o’clock p. m. for the term. Leary Of to-day is somewhat different from the Leary of seven years ago. I am a constant reader of the Monitor and, with but one exception, have seen nothing from our sister town. Thinking this not exA‘otly fair I paid Leary a visit Saturday to see what was up. For years I have had good friends iu Leary, and I certainly enjoyed meetiug a few of them again. The town has imprCYed wonderfully since my last visit. Capt. P. E. Boyd, Leary’s best friend, gave me a hearty hand-shake, a friendly pat on the shoulder and kindly told me the Monitor had a friend in him. Clever Keel, Drs. Griffin and Terry, A. J. Dixon and a score of other good-hearted gentlemen gave me encouragement to hustle. Thanks, gentlemen; I know the paper appreciates your kindness, and if you will help a little it will pull for L ea ry’s interests first, last and always. Mr. A. J. Dixon was elected a member of the town cOim’cil, last Friday, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Terry. Mr. Dixon told me that the boys elected him against his wishes, but reckoned he would serve. The council will meet on the first Monday in March and elect a marshal, wno will receive a salary of $300 per year. I left at 10 o’clock a. m., and the mer¬ chants were then busy. Leary is doing a good business and prospering in every way. The town has the best wishes of Fitzdoodle, Mittford Iii Line. Mr. Editor : Believing that you would like a few dots from Millford, Baker, county, I will try to keep e Monitor posted. Millford is situated on the banks of the Itchawaynotcbaway (swamp of deer) cr ek on a high hill, perfectly healthy and always stirring. Mr. Raburn owns a fine mill in town, and ready at any time to accommodate bis customers; and if you strike him at the right time you will get a mess of as fine fish as G’eCi'giA waters afford. He ik also J, P. for the district, and will dis¬ pense ju^'ie to all who may be in need of that article. ^Clever Ben Askew is the leading mer¬ chant, always ready to help the town and himself. The post office is kept by oiie 'of CM Baker's intelligent daughters, Miss Cora Adams. She is obling to all, and, I am glad to say, a fast friend of your paper. On our streets this week I noticed Capt, B. E. Russell, who makes his home part of the time here, and Will help a friend when he can; alsoJudgb Wilburn, who will, at all times, shake hands with everyone, both friend^ and foe, and bid them God speed—a true hearted Christian gentleman. When you Visit Millford ask for either Spurlin or Jones. They are doing a nice business here, ready alid willing to make you feel at home while in town. I learn that the first quarterly meet¬ ing of the Leary circuit will meet at Millford next Saturday. All who attend will meet with a hearty welcome and be nicely entertained. Occasional. Folks Items. REPORTED BY WILD ROSE. Walter Ragan and Miss Cullie Stewart attended preaching at Bethel last Sunday. Miss Mattie Rico is spending this week with her'brother, G. A. Rice. Misa Kate Avera from Hickey is spending this week with her friend, Miss Neva Stewart. Ask Zunta AyCock if all wiio were interested in a certain little episode, last Sunday afternoon were “married folks.” Ask John Stewart why he went alone to church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. feenton, our former neighbor, but who now re¬ side several miles south of this place, made a pleasant visit to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Merritt last Sunday. Mrs. Susie Sellars is spending a few days with relatives here. She is enroute to Tifton, where she intends to make her future home. We trust prosperity may {attend her where’er she may cast her lot. If we could procure a “lillie” and a “violet” now we would have a bou¬ of choice flowers in our “mystic “Wild Rose” attended Sunday school at RedbOne last Sunday after¬ noon, and experienced the pleasure of meeting “Tame Rose.” Long may this bright flower bloom to shed its fragrance o’er the MONITOR’S inter¬ esting columns, Boys, Deserving- an Education, Now is You¥ Time! We take pleausure in giving this notice—that the County School Com¬ missioner will give a free scholarship to any 'industrious, studious boy of this county who desires a good edu¬ cation in that firs’t-'claSs School, the North 'Georgia Agricultural College, at Dahlonega. J|Bdy your buggy harness ftoili Tinsley & Co. Dr. E. K. RaineV was in fown last ■ week doing Some dental work for Mrs. •T. T. P. Daniel. Mrs. D. lmd 24 teeth removed at oil's sitting, and then Mr. Daniel consoled hSr by 'asking if she couldn’t go to church the next Sunday. ' Never mind, Uncle Pete, yon just wait till she gets that “new set” Ed’, is mak-: ing and she’ll lie so good looking that i you will have to spruc'd tip to keep even ' with her. _ __ . TliO valentifie party at Mr. J. 8. Riley’s Friday night, chaperoned by Miss Sallie Riley, was immensely enjoyed by the £. ; B. 0. and their elder's. The hours sped by with laughter, song and dance, to which pleasures were added fifc'e refresh¬ ments served in a manner to phase the most fastidious. All returned home Wishing Valentine parties could come frequent. “And the band played” on to pi event sp ine ft'tending. _ Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko You Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily Anil forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take N o-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak tqms Over strong. Many cured. gain ten Buy pounds No-To-Bac in ten of day!?. druggist, 400,000 under guarantee to 50c your SI.00. Booklet and sample mailed cure, free. Ad. or Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. The printer spent a few hours very pleasantly at the hospitable home of Uncle Rube Smith, Sunday afternobfi. Mrs. Smith can boast of the finest gar¬ den and the prettiest patch of arctic grass in Morgan, while Mr. Smith has the largest hog on record. Say, Uncle Rube, whistle when you butcher him. Brother Z. T. Weaver, pastor of the Baptist church, give the citizens of Mor¬ gan some good Christian advice last Snn day. If the people of the community would only follow the path staked out by '.Well hum as Weaver and McCullofigh our town would lack nothing spiritually. May God bless the ministers and the press. Mr. Hefirjf Turner of the Edison dis¬ trict paid Morgan a short visit last Mon¬ day. Calhoun can boast of no better citizen than Henry Turner, and we can assure all that as one of the eonnfy com¬ missioners, to which office he was elected at the last term of court, du i ifitfitosts are safe in his hands. Mandy West and Emma Colwell, two Negro wcftieh, “got together” early last Tuesday morning, over a dispute that is not fit for publication. However Mandy is in jail while Emma is in bed cut to the hollow in two place's—across the abdo¬ men and under the left breast. A good friend of this sheet asked ns, the other day. when he could expect to read some Morgan news in the Monitor. We will reply by saying, when Morgan is the proud possessor of a new school building. Befet news we could give the town, brother. Mr. T. 'J, Tinsley lfeft M'oi v gatl Sfttur day, pnllihg the ribboliS o’ver a fine pair of bays. He was accotopamod by Par¬ ham Richardson. Mr. Tinsley seems to like Cuthbert prelly well, but we won’t repeat what Dame Rumor says. Meal and corn for sale at T. J. Tinsley & Co.’s Mr. J. G. McMillan, of Arlington vis 1 ited his father-in-law, Sheriff L. H. Davis, last Sunday. Out of respect for the Sheriff’s youthful looks we won’t mention the grand children; those Fort Gaines widows might read it and go back on him. Rev. R. C. Pool of Damascus spent Friday night with Mr. J. T. P, Daniel, lie filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church iu Leary Saturday and Sunday. Everybody Say* So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discove ivery of tlic age, pleas¬ ant and and positively refreshing RidnSys, to the liver taste, and act gently cleansing on system, dispel bowels, colds, the entire cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and O. biliousness. to-day; Please buy ceil and try id a box of C. C. 10,25, 50 50 cents, IS. Bo and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. i K LZX ra; NO TIME TO LOSE For the Gold Wire Art st will be in Morgan only a few days manufacturing those nice lace pins, sword pins, brea-t pins, Scurf pins, Oddfellow and Masonic pins, arid other emblematic goods. A specialty in watch chitins and chniti bracelets. Ladies’ 42 inch chains will stand the strongest acid test. Come early him and avoid the rush. You will find at S. T. Clayton’s. K- MCK. RAGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence North of Court House on Public Square, 1-17 ♦f Sring Goods. -i-.i Yes, we Are •:-Y . =0 v .1*1 . cz ■ tf-" V Embracing: Ad Opportunity AnD CLAYTON Says we must lose ho time if vte texpvfet to see tile largest and best assorted stock .OF SpringGoods Ever displayed in any towh ill Kite State. Eveybrody is happy about it So don’t stop to laugh at us, but go quick. You will find Tom Elder and Tom Clayton ever ready to give you the very lowest prices. Anyone can dress neat and in style at a very small cost by Visiting S.T..CLAYTON. Cloth ing. ? Tiffs Space is reserved for the hew LIVERY, FfrPb and SALES STABILES, Recently opened by S. T. Clayton, with Mr. •). B. liileV as manager. Call oa them day or night for a first daks Tea'fii iit Very reasonable rates, ftetrioftiber the ’Clayton 'did stables. Millinery! 9 fThis 9 s % Look Jeading belongs space to the s out milliner G o£ 9 Southwest 9 for Georgia, Notions, Etc. S.N. McGuirt. rr .y i VI $ >• *• ( c OVERLOADED Money Is hard to get, therefore I shall keep nothing in stock but necessities. For cash l will overload you with bargains In Sugar, Flour, Coffee, Rice, Lard, Moat, Corn Meal, cotfohSeU'd M<ril and Hulls; Tobacco, Snuff, Potash, Dowstoeks, D. H. Scoviil Hoes, Club Axes, Osnaburgs, Sheeting, Prints, Checks and Shoes. Now remember f pay no clerk hire, house refit, whisky bills, or railroad bills'. I can sell close, and will do It. I think it best to give you my prides when you call on me, so come one, come all. Yours, wanting trudn, s. n. Mghirt. NEWSTORE A n n NEW GOODS EVERY BAY IS BAHRAIN BAY Wc will sell poods sh low you wif! )ih astonished. If 111 fllll BR.SS 19 AUD We realize the fact that to build up a trade, we must give bargains. GIVE US A CHANCE. WE HAVE ALL YOU WANT. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, CLOTHING Groceries, hard¬ ware, & Etc. COME AND PRICE OUR ti(R)OS NIXON & CO. ARLINGTON, G A . fjook Here 1 £5 9 Shoes Fine AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCE,]) ■THAT T. J. TINSLEY & COMPANY aro Loaders in Drygoods, Notions, Shoos Clothing, Pants, Gents's Furnishings. They Cannot be excelled. Think again, my friefid, Vfir you'r.own good, and you will find them leaders in r hncy and Iii I arriily Groceries, School Books, Hardware, Cutlery, Corn and meal. fact, examine their stock and be convinced for yourself that this firm arc the ones, that are up to date ib All classes of goods. {vt International Stock Food guaranteed to improvo your slock. T. i. TINSLEY Su CO. J.B.Payue &Go. -v sMfer.k.hAAJsr, . . GEORGIA. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, PAINTS J flciLsrcBocKERYTHoysOuirsia GOODS, STOVES, S-A.SK, DOOP.S 3X.X3STIDS ANfe BTJXX.XJEVLS’ STJX'3?X.IJ3S. Our stock is entirely new. \\ r o don’t keep goods in out line, but sell theiii. Wo CAN and WILL sell as cheap as any house in the State, aiul desire to build lip oUr trade td the highest pot tit. If you Will cotae we will do the i ; eht. /£%mw cathartic cohshpah omLX .....CASOAKETS icood. Um Unto Hut them Jlko candy. They re In move the mouth any bad Je'nvi^ tnsl« CATHARTIC the perfumed. hreath aiveet It is and a vttivV pleasure to take seating liquids them Irmteudol’ nau* or canno n-bali pill pills. .....CD* purely SC.4 If.Krt’M are vo’gotable PURELY curial and contain or other no mer¬ min VEGETABLE oral poison. They aje m ade of‘trie Int qerod eat rem^dle'a.dlscov- and scleVir __________ aro a a Hhe co m b 1 n a 11 o n never before , put together , in any form. (INLARETM ANTISEPTIC ure SSSiSWF^S: anUaeptlc. That MiUlllVb LAXATIVE mentation B r: bowels In tho tiio am] kill dls kind that breed feed ease germs of any and lu tho tty«f,eiu, .....<A8(’ARRTJI (oho the LIVER bow^latuid Htoumcli iiiid tho lay.y llVer, stimulate ing mak¬ STIMULANT It work. They strengthen tho bow s and put them Into vigorous healthy i their action and natural. edition, in a k 1 n easy .♦•Don’t judge UAdbAff m I S by other medicines you have tried. Tlif-y are new, unlike anythin g else that’s sold, and inlinitely superior. S' Tho Try a 10c hox to-day, if not nleased get only genuine. your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. Beware of Sample and booklet mailed free- Address Imitations 1 STERLING REMEDY CO., ORtCAQQ; MGNTRtAC, CAN.; NEW YORK. 280 NO-TO-BAC cures strong. To'B^cco. Sold and Habit guaranteed or money by refunded all drutL'ists. Makes Get weak booklet men W. J. Oliver. J, M. Cobb. [ W. J, OLIVER & sal LiVIRY, SALE -AND— Feed Stables J SHiELLNA JST, GA. Cau furnish TEAMS at any arid all times. Meet all trains, day or nigh!. Charges reasonable. Givb Us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHOE SHOP. SHOES. Harness, Ac. repaired in neat and workman like manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub¬ lic square. Shoes made to order. 1 also repair all kinds of tin ware. S. M. LASH. ktV" I 7 (J» VI i < THINK IT OVER \ . m Incren fitNrAKKTI .q se the (low of I jo lIk In mirsliiKmoth¬ BOON FOR ers. A tulilet eu ten by the mother mfikeg kes her milk mildly vu'k- MOTHERS ntive and hus a mild hut cortnlu effect on the baby, the only i safe laxative for t.he babe-ln-arma. .... f Mfjf’IHETH are llkorl by the chil¬ dren. and They tano PLEASE gootl do good, stop vflnd-coHc crumps, and lei 11 AjuI THE CHILDREN drive off worm s, i nil kinds of pnru¬ shes that llvo Ip the bowels of tho growing c ...CA8( A It lbTS, taken pattcnUy^per BistQntly.nreguarun- toed CURE to euro nnyeuso of constipation, no matter bov ol 1 and GUARANTEED 'ohstloRLG, . or pur chuse n. otfeV jfrfli bo cheerfully rsnupjditd by your . .. ( ASt’lltlCTM ill "nrofioid by drug iSOc plats for life, Stic, }\ UCfiB flCAUll VU a box, acco-d-ft Ing to size. .A lOcY j- FUR the right retd to .per- 4 to CENTS feet and permanent health. rUk tlclik^. T. BRISC&& BTMIAK AHE miioft MORGAN, GA. Rkhidknob SoVru ok Public Soda he 1 - 1 ? t» SALE STABLES, If you want to buy a good, gentle horse or mule, I can accomodate you. I hayd a nice drove of stock for you to soloot * from. If you want to hire a team vod will find at my LIVERY STABLE: gentle, trusty Wheri horses and first-class ve¬ hicles. you hire a team tram i,is you get one that can be relied on. Wild you come to town and want-your stock cared for, bring tlioui to riiy FEED STABLES where they will be. well-fed and cared fop. 1 solicit your patronage and gudrantee satisfaction. M. G. NT AT II AM; 10-tf. Dawson* tint £3 CD O O m :/q