The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, March 05, 1897, Image 3

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HE M 8 KIT 0 P . Publish EC evlry Friday. & y. 0 M X ^ ff ^ W § a t f-MT «K ?a» ssmmK sxsa auaB TOWS or MORGAN. .Mayor-—L. G. Cartledgo. W. Tinsley, v Wardens—J. J. Keck, T. Colley. L. G. Cartledgo and G. \V. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—J. S. Riley. Onr Clubbing Itiites. The Monitoe and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. Tbe Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year fori?1.5b. CHUItCHES. Baptist Church--Be v - Z. T. Weaver, ■pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday beforeA-..Sunday-school J- M. every Sunday at 10 o’clock'A, m. Newton, Superintendent. \ SL E. Church—Bev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a m, Sunday-school ever.?. Sabbath at 3 p m, G Cartledge, Su- periwendent. "Spring time is coming, gentle An¬ nie.” d The gardener is stirring up "things” with his little hoe Head the legal advertisement iu this week’s paper. .’Colonel and Charley Sibley, of Wick, visited friends here this week. Mrs. G. W. Colley offers "bargains iu 'fliilliuery and notions. Prof. Short says the school grows but : tho house is seems to be. grown, or . Come out to the Institute to-morrow. Tcu will hear something interesting. Judge H. C. Cooke, of Arlington, paid Alio county site a visit Wednesday, Mrs. Cliff Cheney visited relatives and ‘friends iu Shellman aud Lawson this week- M-.-s. George Sellers has suffered a great deal f rom facial neuralgia tho YffijLfa w days. County Cicrli. Bagac lias been quite busy this week. He recorded three tyvo mortgages. fosses Bavis and Parkins, of Wcanekaajr Dickey, »cA»liopi.i»S in Mag.n ——-- Our gooy looking town council- . Tnan W T A’inslev haid 1 Cuthbert a •■pleasant visit this week. Col. H C. Cartledgo, aoeempatnod •by Jud;e L. D. Monroe, visited Netv- tof Wednesday. But no news. Ti\ County Commissioners mot iu the Ordinary’s office Monday and grant¬ ed orders to the amount of $376.49. No other ’Business of importance came up. Mr. Geo. A. Dozier and family left Morgan for Atlanta Wednesday, where they will make their future home. Suo- .^dress to you, George. Judge L, D. Monroe went gunqiug Saturday. HLjeiurncd in the after-. iioon with a few quail, squirrel and a badly bruised hand. Hra gun kicked him. Young ladies in the habit of using slang expressions should consult their dictionaries. If they knew the meaning of some of the slang phrases of the day ilioy would not use them. The Monitor makes its most re- spectful salutation to the Town Council and asks for street lamps in front of tho churches and the school house. Quite a crowd of young people galh ered at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Colley Tuesday night, and Bijoye.d themselves in the many social features of the season. The ladies of Morgan and ail readers of this paper will miss a real good thing by not calling on Mrs. G. W. Colley, the milliner of Morgan. , Torturing, itching, scaly slun eruptions, and feurus and scalds are soothed at once promptly healed by DeWltt’S Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Hetuy Turner, Edison. Mr. James T. Keel, who was in¬ jured by an Unruly mule on Lum Mansfield’s plantation the other day, is much better. Jiui was pret¬ ty badly banged up, but is about ready to throw away his crutches. Mi-. Wells Mote dropped in Mon da" to have a chat with the Mogul *. udO Monitor. lie has bis eyes on. Alabama, but says he must read the pttpei; if he should go to China. We call the attention of our readers to tho advertisement of Mrs. J. A. Thorn¬ ton, to be found in another column of tills week’s issue of the Monrrofe. Mrs. Thorhtoh is proprietress of the Thorn¬ ton House, and conducts a first-class cs- tablishment, where all boarders will be. well cared for. Bead the advertisement. The Monitor has a hew neighbor. We have heard him but have never seen him. He arrived at the home bf Mr. hud Mrs. T. B. Eider about 8 o’clock last Friday morning. Caii’t give his name yet, but the little fellow says he kibes to lead Oh- band or bore Morgan hn arlo»ian wed shortly. May he Hsi lonr and accomplish every just ft life. INSTITUTE. CalhomYs Teachers Meet and Organize. lu the office of the County School Coni* missitmer several of the teachers met 'aturday for the purpose of establishing an institute. Present, Professors W. S, Short, J. S. Edwards, G. L, Fitzpatrick, Mrs. G. A. Rice. Mrs. W, L. Dozier and Miss Eula Kagan. At 11 oclock Judge J. J. Beck called the meeting to order, and iu an appro-J priate talk outlined the purpose of the ! meeting. Before organizing the crowd was highly entertained listening to Prof, Fitz.’s experience in teaehlhg'a country school. On motion Prof. J. S. Edwards was elected president, Mrs. L. \Y Lozier vice-president, and T. P. Green secre¬ tary. Judge Beck was elected an hon¬ orary member, and appointed a commit¬ tee of one to draw up a constitution and by-laws, -'-The round table exercises were highly enjoy^il by ail present. In his address to the teachers Judgo Beck, 'paid a touching tribute to the memoryxof Professor Burney, whom we all knew bud lo r ed and who is now at rest from his faithful labors as a teacher. The Judge also gave them a gentle hint that the morning exercises in a school room should be opened by reading the SCri P tuIe - s iu S» n g or ° fferiu S » P»y<»- After exchanging, ideas ou the different inodes oi teaching the meeting adjourned to meet to-morrow, March Oth. Two sessions were held, and the Insti¬ tute starts, out upon its mission of use¬ fulness under flattering auspices.* following is the programme for to¬ morrow's exercises. Morning and after noon sessions will be held, and the peo¬ ple of the town should attend and lend all encouragement possible to the success of this worthy enterprise. ^PROQBAMME : Opening exercises. Boll call. Besponses By quotations from some author. Beading by Mrs. Dozier, and discus¬ sion. Numbers by MoCullongli, and discus¬ sion. Bographicai study—subject—Col. E. W. r.Aer-n.Ovi.y-rt.n ten-*!, j ...KJninc, | method—present occupation, and mfiu- euce cm the world. Bound Table—Edwards, Short, Fitz- ' Patrick, McCullough, Mrs. Dozier, Mrs. Bice, Miss Bagan, They are so small that the most sensi five person take them, they are so effec¬ tive that the most obstinate cases of eon stipation, keadaoh and torpid liver yield to them. That is why DoWitt’s Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. S. T. Clayton, Morgan, P, E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. - Regardless of ali opposition brought to bear tho Morgan brass band will be a go—either one way or tbe other—but we trust the way of the indnslvioua. Bays, the young ladies will think just as much of . you, aud more too, lor , tooting a horn : instead of going to parties 1 and talking b nonsense. The ladies will lend their assistance to the band project. If you have ever seen a iu the agony of croon, you can appreciate tlm gratitude Minute of mothers who know that One Cough Cure lrilenves tlinir little ones Many as homes quickly iu this as city it is administered, with¬ j are never out it. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P.. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Folks iteiHs, REPORTED BY WILD ROSE. John Stewart attended the burial of Mrs. C. M. Poindexter, which sad event occured at Bethel lad Sunday afternoon. Airs. Poindexter died at her home near Saellmau Saturday. She leaves a hus¬ band, several grown children and,saddest of all, an infant, to suffer her loss. Air. W. H. Drinkwater and daughter, Aliss Cynthia, attended preaching at Bethlehem last Sunday. Air. D. went ©ver for the purpose of assisting in tho organization bf a Sabbath [school at that place. Aliss Lizzie Collier will spend this week at Folks, the guest of her friend Mrs. J. O. McGuirfc. Air. Sidney Paul, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Alinnie, and Air. and Airs. Joe Blanton, visited friends in Early county Saturday aud Sunday. Oar school returns their most sincere thanks to Alessrs. AI. A. and C. T, Hawk for presenting us with a nice load of mixed wood, delivered last Friday.' Miss Cullie Stewart visited Misses Alatnie and Dora AlcDauiel at Dittyhii! two days last week. Aliss Elbe AlcGuirt spent the latter part of last week with her brother J. AI. Newton, AI an 'a genial professor, W, 8. Shot!, spent iast Saturday night in our commu¬ nity, guest of C. B. Weaver. Air. J. O. AlcGuirt spent a part of this week iu Macon selecting a large stock of spring and summer goods. I will say to the correspondents who were “to late” last week, always bo in time if you have but littlo to say. Tbe latter remark is, of course, applied to roy own budget. E. Ii. Turner of Compton, AIo., writes lis that alter suffering from piles for sev¬ enteen years lie completely cured them by using throe 1 oxes of DeWitt’s VVicth ! Ilazcl salve. I t cures eczema and severe ai .o.m •.. 8. T. Henry Clayton, Turner, Morgan; I p. E . Bov 1. L, urv; Edi- • oil. Brath of Mrs. V, L. Sibley. One of the saddest deaths that it has been the painful duty of the Sews to chronicle occurred in Brunswick Friday, when the gentle spirit of Sirs. C. L. Bib- ley winged its flight back to tbe God who gave it. Mrs. Sibley had for some] time suffered with consumption, and while her death was not unexpected it cast a gloom over her many Lawson rela¬ tives and friends, who have known her from early girlhood and loved her for her many noble virtues. She was an only sister of Mrs, E. A. Emmermanu of this city. Mrs. Sibley’s pure Christ ian character shed radiance and beauty upon those around her. Her gentle hut heroic spirit, quick sympathies and full¬ ness of charity were characteristics of her life. The close was fitting for a life so consecrated. She is gone, but the hal¬ lowed memory of her words and deeds will rest like a benediction upon the de¬ voted husband, two little daughters, sis¬ ter, relatives and friends'who now mourh her. The remains of Mrs. Sibley were brought to Lawson and interred in the city cemetery Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends, ilev. J. Howard Carpenter performing the sad rites in beautiful and impressive language.—Dawson News. Charlie Sibley and Nellie Griffin were school mates, and loved each other from, childhood. They were married when quite young, ami always seemed rapt in each others loye. God knows best, but Charlie has scores of friends who grive with him in the loss of his dear compan¬ ion, and who extend to him all tbe 'sym¬ pathy human nature is heir to. ISvervbody Bays So. derful Cascarets medical Candy discovery Cathartic, of. the the most pleas¬ won¬ and refreshing the age, gently ant to taste, aid. and positively on kidneys, liver dispel -and bowels, colds, cleansing the entire system, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a Iiok of C. C. C. to-day; 10,85, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Boys, Deserving an Educiition,3S r ow is Your Time! We take pleausum in giving this notice—that the County School Ootn- inissio'ner will give'a free scholarship to any ’industrious, studious boy of this county who desires a good edu¬ cation in that first-class school, the North Georgia Agricultural College, at Dahlonega. It is surprising what iv “wee bit of a tttas"" 'JSd' «S«- taSejT M/itt’s Little Early Risers. Small pill, safe pill, best pill, S. T. Clayton. Mor- gm P. E. Boyd, Leary. Henry Turner, Edison. One Minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. S. T, Clayton, Morgan: P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. In front of the Monitor office can plainly be seen tho old circus ring which was made by tho Ames circus directly after Col. Ames was shot in Dawson in 1872. A Sara Tlitec for Sou. A transaction iu which you cannot loads a sure thing. fever, Biliousness, piles and sick thousand headache, fur¬ red tongue, s other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarets liver Candy stimulant Cathartic, and inteslinal the won- derful new tonic are by refunded. all druggists C. guaranteed to cure or money C. C. arc ci sure thin?. Try a. box to-day; 10o., 2Sc., - 50a fcJainnle liiid booklet free. Bee our big ad. | ______ I The Monitor is informed that Mr. J. C. Price celebrated his forty- fifth birthday last Friday. Our iu- formant tells us the young people say they had a great time at Uncle John’s birthday dinner. The writer heard nothing about the occasion, hut wishes the good old fellow many more such pleasant days LEGAL ADVEBTISEM ENTS. Ajjplication for LcavL* to .Soil, GEORGIA—Calhoon County. To all whom it may concern : Applica¬ tion will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Calhoun county, Ga., at tho next regu¬ lar March term of said court for leave to sell tho entire interest of the estate of Ai. W. Watkins, deceased, late of Washington county, Ga., for the purpose of distribu- tion, etc, This March 1st, 1897. John Ward, Executor AI. AV. Watkins, deceased. w. * 9 7 A STRONG FULL -AT THE- THRONTON HOUSE. JvroE-oAisr, geob,gia. New house; new furniture, eveiy- thlng for comfort, meals at all hours of the day. iSeeoiid to none. Rates, $2.00 per day; reasonable rates by the month. I also will sell ioe cream ou Saturdays thromrb the ,7- ice «ea- ,,r . j,, 1 , ruoitTGN , • ) Good CM -----© 4b—-------— Yes, we A iC JJ v |»j _______ j * ■err W '•--fid, ’ = i.-> I s 08 V —'..'r.. U—....., Embracing Aa Opportunity AND xr r rir\ \J JLJ r~ i. JL Buys wo must lose no time it' vc expect to see the largest and best assorted 'stock OF Sorino'Goods o ' r\ A t- b '"*‘ „ displ.T, i- i„,,_.i .,d - in any „„„ f town .„ m in • , the State. Eveybfody * ^ is happv 11 •* about it so don’t stop to laugh at us. but go v quick, . . « n hint Tom ^ iLluor and . i ou win Tom Clayton ever ready to give you I 1 the very lowest prices. Anyone cau ' dress neat and in style at a very j small cost by visiting I f ^ p I 1 T o IP j I LA • 4 , diGrjtiif s y i 8 . - -4*0*- i Fine Cloth m «> 3d “ NT ^6 : ' * ^ (« I This space helafztgs to fly'; :zeyju’iiuz‘: miiiner of SOR‘ZhWE‘ht Georgia, “11%? ifi'fi‘g: was?! $5. .mm figiéagi” 3 W5." “ v: a M%' Q «a -’ 9" 3 g ’ g Efi g ' e Iy 7’ - éa“ 56%??? fig " a $3 {N @39 ‘ a W W '5 w C&Ecg ‘H g g 3: %@ z, #1.! 0 _ Tins space i# reserved for the now j LIVELY; FEEL) and BALES STABLES, Recently opened by S. T. Clayton, ] with Mr. 0. S. Riley as manager. Call on them day or night for a first- class team ai very reasonable vales, i Remember the Clayton old stables, j l . s - Millinery! i ! V \ ions, : ' “ FROM 'A A A in. v.L 1 1 . I (I tlJ . • V . 4 JW, ■ ! X:> / ^ ,4 / ..... Y—i*' o '"G* Na ” r —"*** ^ l j OVERLOADED Money is hard to got,■.therefore I shall ; keep nothing iu stock but necessities. For ] j cash 1 -7!b overload you with bargains in Sugar, Flour, Coffee, Rico, Lard, Moat, j Com Meal, cottonseed Meal and Hulls, j Tobacco, Snuff, Potash, Piov.s! uC D II. Scpyiii Hoes, Club A :a(m . usimbiirga, Sheeting, Prints, Checks and Shoes, Now I remember I pay no clerk hire, hen: •• r< lit, whisky bills, or railroad biiis. i can sell ] close, and will do it. I think it : < ■ i give you my prices when you call on Inc so Como one, come all. i ■*, i ours, wanting ., tiaao, J , «. N. 31 fu OJiT. I N E W ST( A I) NEW GOODS! I EVIM! Y DAY IS IJAIIG 17 DAY •. .. i Wo will m'li goods so law yon i wii! be astoaihUt'd, mi ii If - w:m Jffi© §3! ■S&1 ' r A ! i Wo roalizo tho fact that lo build u;. a trade, wo must give bargains. GIVE US A CHANCE. WE LAVE Al.L VOU WANT. DliY GOODS, i Them minus, cjjninxG . GBOCEIUE3, llAUD- *. WAfiE, & Etc. I €0311; AND PUlt’B Olit GOODS j ' NIXON G; (JO. i ALUXGTJN, 0 *. §S See, m Iflcl e, © L E i116 Shogg. AND Y J VV •:.--i - ■ L I. II L -j CONVINC'D ---that--- I } [ F\,-.;.Dy •is, Guiits's & (. OMPA.NY HtU'nishings. are Leaders They in Cannot Drygoods, Muttons, SI. - ho GX. celled. T Fane ■ my i family : your own good, and you will find them leaders • t.'ioccrios, School Books, Hardware, Cutlery, Corn .'i ill i u their stock and bo convinced for yourself that h*< Dhe one,- that arc up to date in all classos of goods. / laleruat-ioiial Stock Food guarautuod to irayicovu your stock. T. J. TINSLEY k CO. m m® si ft if & ■S a. ir-x lb IjX.lSd,: .A. T--T , effiOBGlA. DEALERS IN .< Y- HARDWARE, PAINTS, (fsp TssoeslsOiffilSfisag i Y- cfa ” STOVES, SASK, XD003RS BLIYTE-A AD T rrlLDERS’ SUPPLIES. ,;k entirelv i’- M r e don’t keep goods in onr line, hut sffi IV, aud \V ILL sell as cheap as auy house in the Biato, : . a,- will tlu- jur iUie to tho highest point.. If you will come v •» do st € tllSK N mw CATHARTIC -•' CURSCDilSriHKnOH : AL5 25 t 3 . m:*xsxGM M»J......C!ASCA LiMffi *r"G(!. ib.-it R'ET«4 Utom *M»T Al'ko cumly. They ro- y ■: A itiovn any l»n*l ttisio Di fin* thfnnouUi.leuvliu: hrcfitu <wwm w 4 pcrfuiiHMl. -HtJ Bivcct It Is mid li 1 Mill) ton ftLutiUf'Ut4»i«la I lib*HI ] li d Maul of nau* orouHnoa*Ltt 11 ])Ill5. c«w» « »«»»i»a »w.....«'AM)Aitrrr.s may iSsEEe mcruu . Tm > In 6 <cov- < rod ami aru a si c It'll* boi'oie fj j\ c (;i J r 11 |) | ii a U ii n never j»ut tOKttlbov m any vorm '4 MI’A. AHTISEPTSC J t riiil LAXATIVE ;EY: ■■m Pi 1 VC ilO LI in Bt'-M 101 tli< t and Km dlb- kind ; liut Diced and feed IT/.;, of ur»y m ttio k ystem. .....4!A«CA«:*5T8 um $ k lum? E'WI: l.ho,- Innii tmuiiet: I BflOlUilttH anti a r,lto hizy livop, fen io It work. Tlipy SI ii CJ.T .'1/hI v non Into famii vij/ovt)D;j } Ui y tlteir actlurt iujii, mu. ■ Don't Judge 6AS6ARET& by other medicines you have tried. Tbty are new, unlike anything eke that's sold, and infinitely superior, Try a 10c box back! to-day, Larger ii not pleased 25c t - i your nrvoney boxes, Address or Sample and booklet mailed free* 3TERUNQ REMEDY 00.. OMIOAQQf MGtlTr.kAL, 0*X; NCW VUfIK, r lL 13 MO-TO-BAC curry Tobacco iS.Vsut or money' refi-mim !«• i< jiUouK* SoiU aud »iuard-QUiLa by iiil cl * boul. W. J. Omviii;, J, ii. Cobb* tW. J. 0 UW& bii.J "s £ a * . b. ^ 8 —AND— Feed Stables, f . i-r x: lb T -7SI FA JP T., C3-A- (Lu fiii-nish TLA All . at any und a,II times. Aliv-t all trains, day or night, (Ihurgirs reasonable. Givo ns u trial. L*ti<fttotion guaranteed. , SHOE SHOP. I Sill VES, Harm;.<1 ;o. £ hi neat and woi ltiuan ,ike maimer, charges reasonable. Shop North wwl corner pub. lie square. , Shoes made to order. J also repair all kinds of tin wavo. S. M. LASH. 'jyA O; /t>~> ' Cn} \H i®. 13 m§ T v v ! . .1 THINK IT OVER ,-nk i ,7c' l‘ ,i Hi tip* Mj\y ot ml Utllt GGl'v' booh m t Id A 5 o/ltc n h; Ihh' the mbilit inly 'f makt a ^ 5 i milk ml y/uiu;-», MOTHERS fttlvH hnicm iun.1 tain h't «:<Yo i a mill flu i 1> ^ VI tbo bah; euro Iha. Ml- •: ■■ -t l »jo Ltibo-Ju-hrmt!, .... CAM *. !K l VI 'J f. I’O I!kt:ri i- y t,)j< dr :4j,]| ,v\ L iin-tj, l ;,. y t 1 1 1 PiEiVIg : I 'H,, i it mi (b> *. ’ c, 2 : V/l i ■ ' : W /,:■:!ft- ■ :,?* ■ ...CAm > tatter* put e'jnii H • 1 '-• Ml .»!• < r 1 ' i n.MUor Lew oil. ii fi HDARAHTEES obsilmilo, j'ini or pur- '-o mi • ciit'o 11 u > I y »'i t 111 r 1 • j i m b by your own .... <Li W4?A Ai "ii -isriam ncoBiDt) hy Oo. ull druse* /lints &!>« for H litre, HEALTH a btwt, ftoco”G- 141c If lil‘4 I/O (fi/'X*. A ^ box v>rovw their i; FOR ruoplt;ir'i put yoi i on tH<i i ii.iit road to pec- foot uml pui'inuiwtit **•&***•■ health. Ijoa’t rUk <lcluy. T. BRISCOE. insny L w ii a ii smm> MORGAN, GA. P.iirjinuNCE fiourn or; dtp .*ark 1-17 it SALr* ST Am OB, If you want to buy.a good, g'-mlo k ivn or mule, 1 can aceoitioijate you. 1 have a u tco drove of stock for you to mine. from. If you want to hire u team y* : will find at my 1 A r • LIVERY STABLE i , * i•»>._** goutle, hicles. trusty Vi’hen horeoa and first-class ve¬ you hire a team from n«t you got or.o that can bo. ml tod nn. IV her. you come to town an*! . want your su.-k oared for, bring thorn to my FEED STABLES vheru they will be well-fed and cared for. I solicit your patronage and guarantee snilsfuotlon. 31. V. ST A THAT, Dawson, Od -lO-tf, 2&3 wwfilmawwv ,gw : ,f‘- ' , 2 2:, -~ ~3WNL 1: ': .5 x 7‘ ‘ LL15,- E1}; 1‘ j; n ya? gihiu- L ,1 H {)1 ‘ _ ' J 11].] . () ’ .