The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, March 12, 1897, Image 3

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THE MGfllTOB. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. T. W. Tinsley, Wardens—J. J. Beck, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Riley. Clayton. Marshal—J.8. Our Clubbing Kates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for $1.50. CHURCHES. Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M. Rewtou, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. h. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at if o’clock a m. Sunday-school every So- Sabbath at 3 pm. G Cartledge, perinteudent. D. D. Strong, of Blakely, was in town on official business Monday. Read E. P. Parkin’s “ad.” in this is- sue. Charlie and Mrs. Smith, of Randolph, visited relatives here this week. The Monitor regrets to learn of the serious illness of Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel’s baby. The Chautauqua will soon be on hand. Go to Mrs. G. W. Colley and get a beautiful spring hat or bonnet, —---— Rev. F. McCullough preached an elo- quent sermon at the Methodist church Sunday. Prof. Lovet Short and Robert Knight, , of Randolph, shook bauds with friends in town this week. j I Miss Lizzie ——;-;-——-— Crittenden of bhedman, , j escorted by Dr. Teny of ca.-}, viSiiu friends here Sunday. Dr. J. B. George has been confined to is room for several clays from a severe a G'ick of rheumatism. ar “Did Sol’’ came to see us the day, and says things are ali O. K. ■ »««>.«_ f liner, Mrs. Oolley. daily receiving Mo,-,,.", her popular splendid; mil is line of spring goods. Go to her and ‘ let her fit out for the Chautau¬ ; you qua. Messrs. H. O. Cunningham and Dol- plius Hammond, accompanied by their fair companions, dined with Joe and Mrs. Daniell Sunday. Many cases of “Grippe” Minute Cough have Cure. lately been cured by One This preparation seems especially adapt ed to the cure of this diseas. It acts quickly thus preventing serious complications disease and bad effects in which this : often leaves the patient. S. T. Clayton, | Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison.___ Misses Minnie and Ei'a Riley have es-< tablished a boarding house in Morgan. You will be treated right at their fair bands. See their “ad.” elsewhere. Prof. W. S. Short is now Calhoun eoun- | ty’s suryeyor. He was appointed at the last meeting of the Board of Commission¬ ers te succeed Mr. Manry, resigned. The furniture for the Masonic lodge is here. The Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388 F. A. M. formerly of Elam church is now located hero. the old folks, boys, is to stand around and brag on plowing fifteen acres of land, shave, bathe and put on a clean shirt by 12 o’clock ’--——— surprising what bit , of - It is a “wee a thine can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dizziness, are quickly banished by Da- VV itt’s Little Early Risers. Small pilJ, safe Phi- best pill S. T. Clayton Mor- gan; P. E. Boyd, Leary. Henry Turner, 1 Edison. ■ ■" ______ Uncle Rube Smith butchered his fine last Santurday. It T . weighed . , - 297 lbs. ,, pig b J i Tie sent mess, and, , as usual, , the j us a country editor gets the “tail” end of ., - _—- Ladies, you need not worry about ^ your spring and summer millinery. Mrs. G. W. Colley can supp y your wants according to youi as e anc means. Mr. C. C. Mansfield had an altercation with one of his hands the other day. Profit Irvin, its is reported, attempted re to hn« hog Mr Mr. Mansfield Mansfiekt, an an embrace emmase which Ml® I ) Lum resented with a pistol. Keeulfc, Profit sligiitly wounded. Don’t allow the lungs to be impaired by the continuous irritation of a cough. It is eas er to prevent consumption Cough than to cure it. One Minute Cure taken early will ward off any fatal lung trouble. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edi¬ son. To-morrow opens the picnics of the season. Clever Jim and Si Monroe will send in a wagon for the accommodation of the ladies, who are expected to carry along well-filled baskets. No doubt, an enjoyable time will be experienced by those who attend. The picnic will be held at Monroe’s mill, an ideal spot for such outing. AU who have received i an invitations are anticipating a day of j pleasure. _ tive They are so take small them, that they the most sensi- effec- j tive person that the most obstinate cases are so of cod- j ! stipation, headach and torpid liver Little yield \ to them. That is why DeWitt’s . ^Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. 8. T. Clayton Morgan, P. j E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison,' He Was Right. About fife years ago Mr. Eugene P. Parkins erected a small plant on his fath¬ er’s magnificent homo place, just north of Dickey, and began a machine shop for the repairing of engines, boilers, etc. Mr. Parkins left the Western and At¬ lantic shops at Atlanta, where he served his time, a finished machinist, and decided to go into business for himself. Almost every one said it was a foolish move oil Gene’s part to locate at Diclcey, so far off the railroad, but Mr. Parkins kept on in even tenor of his way, and to-day ho is successfully running almost night and day the largest and best equipped plant of the kind south of Macon. Having heard so much of Parkin’s machine shops I thought an inspection wonidn’t hur, so, in company with Mr. Robert Colson, our clever machine agent, drove out and celled on the 'boss machin¬ ist'’ of South Georgia. I found the genial gentleman “cleaning up- f 0l - a tug run, but When he found out that a printer was after him ho gave me a hearty shake „ f the hand and said: “Cor- ; taihly, I will let you inspect my plant, but 161 mc mc ’ p aml stait . . (h lhQ ma ‘ chlncr U” Iu a short time every wheel was turning, and the 16-horse power en- gine, built with his own hands, W 7 as run¬ ning as smooth as a sewing machine. In these shops will be found all modern tools, and Mr. Parkins'is prepared to do any kind of repair work from the lightest to the heaviest, or can give you new work if wanted. It is useless for me to try to j give a full description of all tools and ma¬ chinery used in this plant, and will only 8ay that Eugene Parkins is prepared to q 0 all y hind of work in his line. Ho is putting in some new machinery for the heavy £aU businets, and I will let you hear from mo again, f<jr I certainly enjoy looking at machinery afid talking about it. I mot Mrs. Parkins, who invited us in m ono 0 j j.; le ’ 0PS £ dinners I ever ate. She j s a Washingtod, B. C. gtri, which fact guarantees her a clover and industrious woman and a true companion, New, Mr. Editor, this isn’t a sensation- a£ write-up. All 1 have said about Gene Parkins’ magnificent plant are but facts, and j£ you don . fc believe it, just carry y 0Ui , 0 j ( j press out to him and he will make it as good as new at reasonable fig¬ ures. Look for me again, Gone. Yours to serve, Fitzdoodle. E. E. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes us that after suffering from piles for sev- sSnKii ors“ y wSwS “ife'SSS . Henry Turner, Edi- p E B j, son. Folks Items. REPORTED BY WILD BOSE. Most of our farmers are busy planting corn this week. Mr. R. T. JCennedy. of Poulan, Ga., who gladdens the hearts of the ladies by making their old sewing machines do as good work as new ones, has been in our community for several days. He is stop- ping at Mr. J. T, Stewarts. Mr. Benajah Bass, one of Randolph’s most prosperous farmers, visited his niece, Mrs. Ida Braswell, last Saturday. Mr. J. T. Stewart and wife visited rel- atives in Randolph last Sunday. Mrs. R. E. McDaniel has been very sick with fever during the past week but ; g m ucli better at this writing, Mrs. A. D. Sellars spent last week with friends in Morgan. John Johnson, from Bethlehem, spent last Sunday with his uncle, Mr. S. Paul. I sincerely trust that every teacher in Calhoun county will meet with our next Institute. /V “r Miss Lillie *°1L “f of bhellman S h‘u were ho ; f es ‘ s of Mr ’ and Mrs ’ foam bason last bunda y ' ' Two Negroes, Allan Brown and Got- doa ^ became involved in a diffl- eulty last fciunday atternoon, which . . . re¬ suited in the latter receiving several gashes about the face and neck, inflicted b J u f ’ with a / pocket knife. Too muc ^ Wlne seems to have . . been the cause. - T „ Mr. r Lditor, ..... hold , ,, temper kow, your while . trying to read tins blotted manu- . t g " ' [Ihe above piaragraph of Wild Roses evidences an inclination on her part to be facetious as regards her • chirography. As we are the better judge of such mat- j. ers ^ cons ji 3 Qr j n g that we liave lots of manuscr jpt t 0 handle, wo place her sec- 0 nu to none when it comes to composi¬ tion and penmanship.] If you have ever seen a child in the ^ cmy of cr00p ’ you can a PP reclate tlle gratitnde of - who mot hers know that One Minute Cough Cure releaves their little ones Many as homes quickly as it is administered. in this city are never with¬ out it. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. It seems as if Old Sol, »T. Pluvius and Boreas have each taken a de¬ termined stand as to which one shall rule. We hope to see the sun come out all right. Boys, Deserving an Education, Now i* Your Time! Wo take pleausure in giving this notice—that the County School Com¬ missioner will give a free scholarship to any 'industrious, studious boy of this county who desires a good edu¬ cation in that first-class school, the North Georgia Agricultural College, at Dahlonega. One Minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what Its name implies. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; I*. T Leary: Henry Turner, Edism The Institute. The first Saturday in each month is the day fixed for the meeting of the teachers of Calhoun. On Saturday, Feb, 27th, they met and organized. Last Saturday the body came together as an organization. At 11 o’clock President Edwards call¬ ed the meeting to order, and the exer¬ cises were begun with an impressive prayer by Prof. W. S. Short. Owing to sickness Prof. F. McCul¬ lough and Miss Eula Kagan could not attend. Prof. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Rice were accompanied by a delegation from their schools. At roll call each teacher responded with a quotation from their favorite author. The morning session passed off very pleasantly, after which several of the teachers dined at the Thornton House. During the Round Table exercises in the afternoon this question was asked: “How maDy nations have controlled Florida?” This brought up a discus¬ sion, but a satisfactory answer was not given. For the benefit of the teachers and their scholars the Monitor gives the follow ing correct answer : “Florida was by right of discovery and settlement a possession of Spain from about 1565 until 1763 when it was cedod to Great Britain for Havana, which was captured by Albermarle, an Englishman. Great Britain held possession of Florida about twenty years when she ceded her back to Spain, from whose hands she passed into those of the United States in 1819. So Florida was owned first by Spain, and then Great Britain and the United States.” Following is the programme for the next meeting of the Institute, and every teacher should be present if possible : PROGRAMME— Opening exercise. Roll call by secretary and responses by quotations from some favorite authors. Reading continued—by J. 8. Ed¬ wards, Arithmetic as we find it in the com¬ mon schools—by W. M. Pettis. Biographical subject—David P. Page— when born—early life—bis work as a teacher—discussion of his method. Recess at suitable hour for dinner. Round Table exercise by all teachers present. School room decoration. Everybody Say. So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬ ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, fiver dispel and bowels, colds, cleansing the entire system, cure headache, fever, habitual and constipation box and biliousness. Please buy try Bold a and of guaranteed C. C. C. to-day; 10,35,50 by all druggists. cents. to cure Georgia Chautauqua—Albany. The ninth annual assembly of the Georgia Chautauqua opens in Alba¬ ny on (Sunday tho 21st inst., and closes the Sunday following, the 28th The programme, as heretofore, is carefully prepared, evidencing the fact that the management is in good hands. Ail persons who are expecting to attend will find much to benefit themselves on either day of the week. The special features of this ses¬ sion ate military day, which is Tues¬ day, and Rev. Sam P. Jones’ lec' tures, on Saturday. On these two days a special schedule has been ar¬ ranged on all roads leading into Al¬ bany. Every day’s exercises will be en- teresting and entertaining, and ev¬ erybody should avail themselves of the opportunity to be present, as the r aiiroads offer reduced rates from all points. Our Calhoun people should lend encouragement to this institution by attending. Torturing, itching, scaly skin eruptions, burns and scalds are soothed at|once and promptly healed by Do Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the best known euro for piles. 8. T. Clayton, Turner, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Edison. li U v* i ‘ 9 t. V ASTRONG PULL -AT THE- HOUSE, T-ZnOBCO-A-Kr, GEOP-GIA. New house, new furniture, oveiy- thing for co* ' *• 11 hours of the J Ratos, .$2.0 r ,es by tl cream °a- Spring Groods. ■* »< Yes, we Are b:-’ ’ _JJ V Hi p jf* Y\ # I X’ Embracing An Opportunity AND CLAYTON Says we must lose no time if we expect to see the largest and best assorted stock OF SpringGoods Ever displayed in any town in the State. Eveybrody is happy about it so don’t stop to laugh at us, but go quick. You will find Tom Elder and Tom Clayton ever ready to give you the very lowest prices. Anyone can dress neat and iu style at a yery small cost by visiting S.T. GUYTON. • * >- Fine Cloth ? This space is reserved for the now LIVERY, FEED and SALES STABLES, Recently opened by S. T. Clayton, with Mr. J. S. Eiloy as manager. Call on them day or night for a first- class team at very reasonable rates, Romember the Clayton old stables. Millinery! ! EMESDGNW£9fley This Space belongs to the leading mimueme Soufhwest Georgia, ‘ ‘ I ___._.._.____....___ Mpening I ' Emmi; «wt for n otice! Notions, Etc. FROM S.N.McGrfrt. * \ V, I 7) A. * c OVERLOADED Money Is hard to get, therefore t shall keep nothing in stock but necessities. B’or cash I will overload you with bargains In Sugar, Flour, Coffee, llice, Lard, Moat, Corn Meal, cottonseed Meal and Hulls, Tobacco, Snuff, Potash, Plowstoeks, I). II. Scoviil Hoes, Club Axes, Osnaburgs, Sheeting. Prints, Checks and Shoes. Now remember I pay no clerk hire, house rent, whisky bills, or railroad bills. I can sell close, and will do It. I think it hotter to give you my prices when you call on me, so como ono, come all. Yours, wanting trade, S. N. McGUIRT. NEWSTORE A N I) NEW GOODS EVERY DAY IS RAHGAIN DAY We will sell goods so low you w i!! lie astonished. Will WWi We realize the fact that to build up a trade, wo must give bargains. GIVE US A CHANCE. WE HAVE ALL YOU WANT. DRY GOODS, TRIM.MINUS, CLOTHING GROCERIES, HARD¬ WARE, A Etc. COME AND PRICE OCR GOODS NIXON & CO, AkMNOTON, OA. JLook Here, 9 Fine Shoes. AND YOU WILL BE CON VINCI J j Sum ' L THAT--- 1. J. TINSLEY & COMPANY are Leaders in Drygoods, No!toms. Shoos, (nothing, PantR, Gents’s Furnishings. They Cannot bo axo Hod. Think again, my friend for your own good, and you will find them leaders in 1'ancy and family Groceries, School Books, Hardware, Cutlery. Corn and meal. In tact, examine their stock and bo convinced for voitrsolf tli it this hrtn are the ones that are up to date in all classes of good. S.-tf 1 ’International _ Stock ^ Food guaranteed to improve your stock. ruuti Li 1141 I Pf §j fn Ulrr a &*> 8 B E a WM MttHliE WORKS --DEALER IN— 1 ..Mi-?-*' rta^ct '---I’m -v*cn iw-g . n«i I Am fiTT i iij Brass Goods, Iron, Steel, Etc. A fall line- of Castings always on hand for general repair work on engines. Rebuilding ' engines and boilers a specialty. A complete lino of Hancock inspirator's, for both Loco moll re and Stationary need work, service, with repairs for same, always in stock. When in of especial a quick and perfect job when your engine breaks down, send for or write EUGENE P. PARKINS. Calhoun County. iDICACLUZL OA. IMayae I I 8HELLMAN, . . GEORGIA. DEALERS in HARDWARE, PAIJNTS, tllloiLSrCBOCKE BY^ HOUSE'FBBWiSWHfiiiiH GOODS, 6TOVES, -‘ooits sxnxsrips -A-1STU BX7XLX5E PPLIES. - Our stock is entirely now. WY ods in our line, but sell them. Wo CAN and WILL s^l » house in the State, and desire to build up our trado 7 If you will come wo will do tho rest. •M ANM \\\ «c CURF 10 ♦ v 25i jo* ■ a. . . . CANDY taatOKOOd. like candy, move any ! In thornoutl CATHARTIC perfumed, tho lireittli i’ real pleasure to toke anuii seiitlnK J.. liquid, ~ «thorn Instead o i li a u- tho i or cannen-ball pills. BU tO IlLX.. .....« .»m: iru tm .... CASGA- PURELY are and purely vetrot;ul9 are liked by tho 1(3 , contain no nror- dv o n. Thu 7 t n h .ourlul or other niIn- good fcnd do o 1*0 Oil, * VEGETABLE oral poison. They stop v/ 1 j ld-coHo and 5 are loado of the hit- crumps, n THE**' Jored ost remedloB tllscov* drive olY wortiiB, and and are a Helen- all kinds of pant* never before put to«eth'*r 11 ? ar?v forni! 1 u 1 a »it bov-olu : •: that of live the In j'W.viuti the child i ANTISEPTIC •«»«? ISSSrSt ..Ih-ISCA ttKTf t'.kcrv & teod . i n . te -ILl'-ICAKETS, s to ■ tl ‘)wU«Ltly, euro y, u ro ta\y g na cine ra pur- li* j ^ LAXATIVE matter of obatinatH, fonttlpa/tio'!, how or old wur- arul do' £ v t V ■*" bowels and kill di«- cluuifi money will be p _ _________ , tom? f &Uy cheerfully rofunded klna that bread ana feed , In tho 8yH 1)7 r>-«.....4 , AUCA.IRF,'VS JJ.-e A 7* LIVER ‘A tone howolsaud thenomaeb ami /nsts i :fciuiv for te- tlie Htlmulato 15Oc box, In lazy liver, nmk- Ir»/f to a size.- STIMULANT x It work. T.bey Z box will l a their __ . action T.*' 1 easy " * and • rB natural. " condition, vlKoronfl fttri olR -enjjthen and put h makiu them Urn oh 11li b< in? u 7 o I j I health. the feet Dior! right to and ml rc- prew p;if x jtDon’t judge. CASCARETS by a*;’ ” unlike anything else thi-Ts 5 ate nev/, ffivjl ttiFm Tr y a 10c Tha your mor 5 Breroffl3 only Bnworo genuine, of Sample S VMrjr imitations 1 sTeauno RIO-TO-BAC cures ' r st-ronp mcf m SHOE SHOP SHOES, Harness, Ac. re ami workroan-like tr reasonable. Shop No’ lie square. Shoes tr repair all kinds •*/ M i I THINK IT OVER -Mm* • Fine Clothing