The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, April 02, 1897, Image 3

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TUC I nc MHftilTnP mum l Uftil PUBLISHED EVERY TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—J. 8. Riley. Our Clubbing; Rates* The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for SI. 50. CHUfeCHKS. Baptist Church—ReV. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school M. every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching Sunday-school every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a m. every Sabbath at3 pm. G Cartledge, Su- perintendent. masonic. Reuben Jones Lodge No, 388, F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays in each month at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Ttkivaht, W.M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. No school Thursday. Replant your corn and gardens. Mrs. L. G. Cartledge is quite sick. Dr. FrankGriffin o f Leary was in town Wcdnesnay, juggling with Judge Beck. -- Mrs. Sallie Pace has been quite sick, but Dr. Ragan says she is much better. Miss Eliza Lash has a pet cat 14 years of age. The pet is almost gray. Miss Minnie --——;—- Riley is spending this . Week with relatives and friends in Run- dolph. ______ Jim Monroe and his corps of hands did some much needed work on his end of the Leary road, this week. Clever Stoney Glover, representing the Glover Grocery Company of Americas, ' J'done” the town Wednesday. Julian Davis was in town Wednesday, and very kindly assisted his predecessor in getting the smash-up straightened out. —--- Tbe young ladies are wearing some very pretty and stylish hatspurebased of Mrs. G. V*. -i-_i— Colley, the popular milliner. A person is indeed down on the world who could and did not appreciate the little sunshine we’ve had this week. Picnics and rumors of picnics. Re member the hungry editor and we’ll— well, just guess the rest. Owing to a rush of work, County Clerk Ragan has been a busy man this week. He was assisted by his daughter, Miss Blanche, and Mr. 8. T. Clayton. Joe Daniell sold a pair of “tooth-pick” shoes the other day. He says 3G inches used to make a yard, but now two feet make one yard. Mr. Rube Smith is taking a much needed rest, and Mr. Daniell is going it alone for awhile. Bring us a mess of fish, Uncle Rube. If want „ , hustling ... ... bridge , build- ... you ors, communicate with Jesse Wil- ' kersonson or J. A. Thornton, Morgan, Ga. Mr. Paul Dozier will soon begin the erection of a handsome dwelling on nice lot he bought from J. C. Price, near the northwest corner of the square. A Monitor man quoted Loin Mans- field, the other day, and—well, boys, you are welcome to 5 of Clayton’s fa- mous 5-cent cigars. badly , -»t damaged J- m J i - rrv T !D; l by le i y the , s P fl flood lan , Er . .. Besides -7 s other injury 2,400 panels of fencing washed away.__ Torturing, itching, scaly skin eruptions, and burns and scalds are soothed at once promptly healed by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for plies. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Heniy Turner, Edison. If J. A. Thornton does not remove his blooded “city clock” Ed. Fields, Judge A. 1. Mon™., Ste.urt ledge and Sheriff Davis will ruin their fine gold watches trying to keep time with it. It is fanny how people will talk. certain young lady purchased a very pretty spring bonnet at Mrs. Colley’s store the other day, and in less than twenty-four hours all the girls knew of it and said “we must have one too. That’s the place to get ’em, girls; cheap, too. Tom Elder has blossomed into a full- fledged gold wire artist and all orders left at 8. T. Clayton’s will bo promptly- attended to. He will, no doubt, begin in a few days to keep a nice stock of ev- erying in his line on display, and is de¬ sirous of having everybody inspect his Workmanship. Mr. Becton Isler’a pet mare took a notion to go home before he was ready, Wednesday afternoon. $he slipped the bridle, left it hanging on the hitching post and mode a dash across the east side of the square. Bee’s buggy hung up on Dr. George's garden fence. The marc ran a short distance down Mr. Clayton s !a»j_and-was led back for our worthy ex- tax collector to ride home. 8i. Aycock will rebuild the buggy. How about the harness, Bee? I Shingles Echoes from of the the roof Storm. the of college at Arlington were picked tip in the yard of the old Gee place on the Morgan and Williamsburg road, about eight miles from the wrecked building, Tuesday morning, Prof. John Sandford Edwards, the Monitor's bright Dickey correspondent, seems to have the blues this week just because the chimney to his beautiful lit¬ tle academy washed down last, week, and that his column is Short on news in this issue. Now, John, you have too much true grit to let such little things.bother you. Jump on Cleveland or someone else when you have no news to write. Si McGnirt says he thinks liis brother merchants wili joiii him in giving thanks for the blessing of not being worried with duns, either verbally or by mail, last week. A. I. Monroe says Joe Daniel can beat him on bridge contracts—that Joe can | make his whisky and lie has to buy his. j Si Aycock says the only way to break iji m from “getting there” with the mail is to break liis neck. Judge L. D. Monroe did not come to town in over a week. Too busy pulling [ people out of the creek and entertaining visitors. Jim Thornton can tell you who the gallant Judge rescued, bl Monroe says if you want , a fool¬ , , hardy and difficult task performed get Jim Monroe and Tom Green excited a little and they would swim the Atlantic to get a batteau. We got the boat, didn’t we, Jim? And the public should tliank us, but they will not. Jack Riley says the cream horse didn’t j cost but $50 yet he wouldn’t give him f " \ dozen o{ cla * ba ” k varie, T when it comes to crossing creeks. Bet you cigars you are airaid to ask Wesley Brown, the mail driver, to tell you when Mr. Thornton said he would Ilave tke bridge finished. ! Bob Colson says tlio last few daj-s have b(jea j )(ll; q on a fellow for either selling or finding Singer sewing machines. Judge Cartledge and Sheriff Davis I both say fence building is tine sport. ■ Mow about it, Colley? Jesse Wilkerson says he had rather build bridges than fences. Don’t allow the lungs to he impaired by It the continuous irritation consumption of a cough. is eas’er to prevent tliau i to cure it. One Minute Cough Cure early will ward off any fatal lung trouble. P. Mrs. Leary; S. T. Henry Clayton, Morgan; I E. Boyd, Turner, Edi- on , | The frieuds 0 f our widower sheriff to . , know what . . , lady , are anxious young sen( . t])e rabbit » s foot to t ne said sheriff with the following lines: lf I j present you with a little rabbit’s paw, i hoping it will keep the widows away until I make my appearance. It is the left hind foot of a rabbit killed j n R eomi £ rv graveyard at midnight, I j during the dark of tho Fri¬ j moon, on j day, the 13th day of the month, by a cross-eyed, left-handed, bow-legged ‘nigger’ riding a white horse.” The little gift was received through Sun¬ day’s mail, and the sheriff refuses to give any information as to the sender, i That’s all right, Hub; nothing like a little fun. They are so small that the moSt sensi- tive person take them, they are so effec- tive that the mo8t obstinate cases of con- stipation, headaeh and torpid liver yield 1 That is why DeWitt’s Little I Larly little Risers arc Known as the famous 1 E. prills. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan, P. j Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. B. H. Johnson of Dickey paid the Monitor a pleasant visit Wed¬ nesday. In |his hand Mr. Johnson carried one of the famous “Johnson Scrubbers,” invented and patented ‘ b himself. The writer been y with nas familiar scouring mops of all sorts ever since childhood, but this one beats them ail. It is of simple device, but / perfectly substantial and v , m ]a8t lifetimRi Not a homo should be without ono . Mr . Johnson is a hard working man, a good citi- zen and deserves credit for his push and enterprise. May he grow ine- pendent with the profits reaped from .1 tno sale 1 01 uns this useful usetul 'oriole Many cases of “Grippe” have lately been cured by One Minute Cough Cure, This preparation seems especially adapted to the cure of this diseas. It acts quickly fff** often leaves the patient. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; 1 P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry UIBer > ^E:_ Mr. J. N. Daniell is a hustler when ^ comes to log-roll!ug. Last J . i;urs- day, with Sfty-two hands, besides himself, he rolled and piled 3,000 trees that blew down on his big new ground. A good dinner and supper was served, and the boys had plenty of the “stuff ” to make them strong. Joe treats his men right, and can always get help when in a tight. The friends of Mi. W. W- Cheney of Shellman will be sorry to learn that he is in a very critical state of health. A cancer from which he has suffered for years, is getting in its deadly work, and the end cannot be far. He has been unconscious for several days. Talk about your curiosities and freaks, Morgan can boast of something wonder¬ ful in this line. This “wonderful some- tu n g” j K a Negro woman who is hardly three feet high and weighs about fifty pounds. 81m is said to be 26 years of a ge, enjoys good health and is a good singer. COUNTY LINE ITEMS. REPORTED BY TAME ROSE. Rev. J. F. Hadden filled his regular appointment at Bethlehem last Sunday. Owing to the inclemency of the weather he didu't get to his church Saturday. Madame Humor says there is to he a marriage between now and Christmas. I wonder if they won't give us an invi¬ tation. Mrs. J. F. Hadden visited her sister, Mrs. Barfield, iast Sunday. Cary Hawk came by Prof, Lawson’s school and brought Miss Jennie Hadden home last Friday afternoon. Mr. Alex Avery was in our commun¬ ity one day last week smiling at his best girl. He gave her some candy and she has had the toothache ever since. Mrs. J. M. Wooten has been quite sick for the last few days but she is at preseut somewhat improved. She visit ed her mother last Sunday. Messrs. Edgar Gholstin and Cary Hawk spent part of last week at school. Prof. Lawson and family visited Mrs. J. T. Hadden last Sunday. Tame Bose visited his best girl last Sunday in Dickey. Zuma Aycock has got the finest sad¬ dle horse in Calhoun. J. T. Faircloth paid Morgan a short visit last" Saturday, Mr. Sammie Johnson spent Sunday afternoon with J. T. Hadden. Messrs. Willie Quick and Charlie Davidson visited friends neat' Morgan last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Frank Dunn spent last Sunday afternoon talking to Miss Alice Barfield, one of Randolph’s fairest flowers. Per¬ haps he will tell you when it is to be. Our hearts were made to feel sad m er the disaster at Arlington. Everybody extends their heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved and bereft parents, and hope that those precious little children are walking the streets of the new Jerusa¬ lem and singing praises to God. God’s power is above all other;—we know not when he shall call for us, and we ought to be ready at any hour, but I am afraid there will bo but few who will be pre¬ pared when the Bridegroom cometh. Miss Mamie Davidson, accompanied by Mr. Culbretli, attended Sunday School last Sunday. Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most pleas¬ won¬ derful medical discovery of the age, ant and refreshing to the taste, act bowels, gently and positively on kidneys, liver and cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual buy and constipation box and biliousness. Please try a of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Tom Elder says the best way in the world to stop william goats from climb¬ ing your garden fence is to put up a plank on either side and let them walk over. Will somebody please kick us? Heed This Advice. I take this opportunity of inform¬ ing my Leary friends and the ladies of this seetion that I have just re¬ ceived a large and handsome line of New York Millinery, and would ask you lovely, to call and and see them. larger They line are I have a than ever. Every color, beautiful shape line and of style. I also have a dress goods and notions, and can give you hats and dresses to match. I appre¬ ciate your past patronage, and ask a continuance of the same. I will do my best to please.' Yours, respectfully, Mrs. Dixon. A. j . E. E. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes us that after suffering from piles for sev¬ enteen years he completely cured them by using three boxes of DeWitt’s SVicth Hazel salve. It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edi¬ son. To ackers’ Institute. The Teachers of Calhoun will bear in mind that next Saturday (to-mor row) is the day fixed for the meeting of the Institute. The Monitor is teacher under tho in impression fully that every the importance the county of being appreci¬ ates present. Our citizens should attend also, and encourage those who labor with love and patience with our children, Following for the you day. will read the pro¬ gramme PROOP.MME. Opening exorcises. Roll call by secretary and responses with quotations from favorite authors. Reading continued—by J. S. Edwards. Arithmetic as we find It in tho common schools—by W. M. Pettis. Biographical subject—David P. Page; when born; early life; his work as a teacher; discussion of his mothod. Recess at suitable hour for dinnor. Round Table exorcises by all teachers presont. School room decoration. Mr. J. T. Stewart brought in the Shollman mail Tuesday. He reports the roads between Morgan and Shell man in good condition with but few exceptions. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Year Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Over 400,000 Many cured. gain ten Buy pounds No-To-Bac in ten of days. under your druggist, $1.00. Booklet and guarantee sample mailed to cure, 50c Ad. or free. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York, Boy»> Deserving an Education,Now is Your Timed We take pleausure in giving this notice—that the County School Com¬ missioner will give a free scholarship to any industrious, studious boy of this county who desires a good edu- cation in that first-class school, the North Dahlcmega. Georgia Agricultural College, at J. CLAYTON n j come. ? Lawns, I nsertions, Laces. IT IS SURELY *> . V, .4 if A MISTAKE i To think that you cannot save money with by trading us. WE WANT YOU To look at the best assorted stock of goods to be found outside of the larger cities. We Cannot Enumerate our line, but will say to our friends and cus¬ tomers that all our goods are new and first-class. IF IN NEED OF BARGAINS IX<T Hints' Furaisbings, - Brsss Bonds, - Fresh Hi'osifiss or Firm Supplies- Don’t fail to see us before going elsewhere, as we will save you money. Silks, Organdies, Chambrys. Goods must © iro. S.T. CLAYTON ■ ’ MANAGER. This space is reserved for the new LIVERY, FEED and SALES STABLES, Recently opened by S. T. Clayton, with Mr. 0. S. Riley as manager; Call on them day or night for a first- class team at very reasonable rates. Remember the Clayton old stables. faftiPi* Is "Its Ms V itgsiMfl s?p;ri»a?! g SS-SHfigg: r ■@;s s eoq1^ ?s;3s.»fcs.s MRS. S g § f o« C % <* S g “j s {*g | GEO. i| SSI ml li c Tt <X> W. !'S® -a . , _ g- HI! COLLEY. o S3 3|| FROM S.N.McGuirt. A 'N a jn l) i \ // S i e OVERLOADED Money is havd to got, therefore I sliail keep nothing In stock but necessities. For cash I will overload you with bargains In Sugar, Flour, Coffee, Rice, Lard, Moat, Corn Meal, cottonseed Meal and Hulls, Tobacco, Snuff, Potash, Plowstocks, D. II. Scoviil Hoes, Club Axes, Osnaburgs, Sheeting, Prints, Checks and Shoes. Now remember I pay no clerk hire, house rent, whisky bills, or railroad bills. 1 can sell close, and will do it. I think it better to give you my prices when you call on me, so come ono, come all. Yours, wanting trade, S. N. McGUIttT. NEW STORE A N D NEWG00DS EVEHY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY - - We will sell goods so low you will be astonished. fill flfll BRSS5 ipp Dm We realize the fact that to build up a trade, wo must give bargains. GIVE US A CHANCE. WE HAVE ALL YOU WANT. DRY GOODS, TKIM MINO S, CLOTI 11NG GROCERIES, HARD¬ WARE, A Etc. COME AND PRICE OUR GOODS NIXON & CO. ARLINGTON, GA. SHOE SHOP. SHOES. Harness, &e. repaired In neat and workman-like manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub- lie square. Hhoes inaao to order. I aluo repair all kill da ol tin ware. S. Mi JLAlUL '. J JL. / mr c Shoes rine lam just from T. J. TINSLEY & CO.’S STORE where they priced mo then goods so cheap for APRIL until I ani obliged to rush back and secure the biggest bargains of my life. They are selling their entire lino of General Merchandise 10 to 25 per cent, below their competitors. No- tico their strictly cash prices for April .- DRY GOODS. Men’s Fine Shoes 95c to $4.5(1. Men’s Brogan-Shoos (full stock) $1.00 to §1.25. Ladies Fine Dongola Button Shoos 65c to $ 8 . 00 . Bust Prints 5c a yard (others ask 0 and 7) Good Prints 4c a yard. Fine Lawns 4 to 20c a yard. 20 pieces Shirt Waist Percat 6 to 12c a yard. Men’s Shirts (line) 45c to .$1.35. Dross Shirts 75c to §1.50. Fine suit of clothes for $8.75. Good Suit for $4.00. Good Pants 45c to $1.00 a pair. Good Corsets 25o to $1.25. Ladies Undervests 5c each. Silk Umbrellas 75u to $2.50. A DRIVE IN G ROGER U5S. Best Apple Vinegar 2oc a gallon. Y\ e solicit tho trade of all afid guarantee prices and quality of ali goods. our T. J. TINSLEY & CO. IMm -—DEALER IN......- (WR 0UGHT~iRBII~I > IP£S~ftM3~F lftjilBS?l lll’iiss Goods, Iron, Stool, Etc. A full lino of ('listings always on ham! for general repair work on engines. Rebuilding" engines and boilers a specialty. A complete line of Hancock Inspirators, for hoik Locomotive and Stationary need of service, with repairs for same, always in stock. When in down, work, especial a quick and perfect job when your engine breaks send for or write EUGENE V. PARKINS, Calhoun County. DICKEY, C4-A. f §1 L; i ■ l> SliEIblLlIVLA.lYr, GEORGIA. DEALERS JM HARDWARE, PAINTS, GOODS, STOVES, SASK, DOORS BDIFTDS AND IBTJIRin DDRS’ SUPPLIES. Our stock is entirely new. Wo don’t keep goods in our line, but sell them. Wo CAN and WILL sell as cheap as any house in the <8tale, and desire to build up our trade to the highest point. If you will come we will do the rest. li Sc r! A STRONG PULL -AT THE — THORNTON HOUSE, 3VEOI4.C3-A.Isr, GEORGIA. New bouse, new furniture, every¬ thing for comfort, meals at all hours of tho day. Second to none. Kates, <f;2.00 per day; reasonable rates by tbe month, 1 also will sell ice cream on Saturdays MRS. through J. A. THORTON, tlm see sea- SOIL i m vvi “3 NO TIME TO LOSE Best Pickles 8 l-3c a bottle. Evaporated Apples 12c. a pound. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. for $1.00. Atbucklos Coffee 16 2-3c a pound. Green Coffee 8 lbs. for $1.00. 50 lbs. of l’oarl Grits for $1.00. Sardines 4c a box. Oysters 8c a can. Salmon 10c a box. Tomatoes Go a can. East Powders 4c a box. Largo Size 7c a box. Giant Potash 7c a box. Good Tobacco 20c a pound. Rose Leaf (smoking) 8c a package. DRUGS. Simmons Liver Regulator 15c a package, Dickey's, Eyo Water 12 l-2e a bottle. Mothers’ Friend 95c a bottle, llradfield's Female Regulator 95e abottlo. Hood’s Sarsaparilla 70e v bottle. Winn of Cordial 70c a bottle. SALE STABLES. If you want to buy a good, gentle horse or mule, I can accomodate you. I have a nice drove of stock for you to select from. If you want to hire a team you will find at my LIVERY STABLE gentle, trusty horses and first-class ve¬ hicles. When you hire a team from me you got one that can bo rolled oil. VVnen you come to town and want your stock cured for, bring them to my FEED STABLES where they will he well-fed und cared for, I solicit your patronage and gudrantee satisfaction. SI. G.STATHAM, Dawson, Did 10-tf. T. BRISCOE, Ji Y £ l C IAII A li 2 1 3 A y L Q J}' MORGAN, GA. R;;.;ij>i;.nck BoutiuZof 1‘ubuo SoFAMb ' l-l? tl • • ^rj CD o o