The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, April 09, 1897, Image 2

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HE MONITOR. By the Monitor Publishing Company- IMORGAN, GA., APRIL 'J. 1897. — . - - — - - - —--— Entered at the Post Office at Morgan as second-class mail matter. KATES Of SI KKC'RI I'TION. One copy one year..... $ 1.00 One copy six months .... 50 One copy three month* .... S5 Advertising rates made known on ap¬ plication. Col. A. E. Buck of Georgia goes as minister to Japan. The President sent, Ids appointment to the Senate Monday. The Macon Telegraph shows its spiteful disposition in gloating over the death of tho Baby (Jonatitution. Look out, Brother Te’egraph, pride goeth before a great tall. R. II. Clark, a son of the late Judge Richard II. Clark, was shot and killed near Porry by Joo B. Irby Sunday evening. The killing is said to be justifiable homicide. Courting a girl is like starting a newapnper. says an exchange. starts out a weekly, then bocomos a tri-weekly, and then emerges into n daily, and if it has enterprise, comos out with an extra about, onco a year. Wo are of tho opinion that Atlan ta would suffer agonies if she couldn’t havo at least ono sensation a week. In a very short while, at her present rate of scandals, etc., Chicago, or gay Paris, either, will no longer be in tho “push.” It is very gratifying to tho many friends of tho Georgia Chautauqua to know that this grand institution will soon havo a home of its own. A handsome building is soon to I e erected for tho accommodation of its coming sessions. Hero’s to Chau¬ tauqua; may she live forever! Wo learn that oar sister city, Arling¬ ton, bus recently organized n brass band. Boys, what’s tho matter with your and our band jointly employing a competent instructor? Good results could bo ob¬ tained by securing a professor and the expense attached to such un arrange¬ ment would bo equally divided between the two organizations. Let us have your opinions concerning this proposi¬ tion. _._ The editor of a country exchange thus joyously remarks: “\Ve foel as if we can claim a now leaso on life. Much consolation is to bo derivod fiom the knowlodgo that blackber- rioo TfU\ SOOn Y>o T\pO. OUCH a pros- pcct is so encouraging that it does our heart good.” Well, well, well! This editor is tho first person we’ve over heard of whose stomach was called a heart. Tho Evoniug Constitution is dead! Many a regrot will be expressed by thousands of people at the discon¬ tinuance of this bright aud nowsy paper. The Morning Constitution is ono of the best papors published in the South, and its off-spring would doubtless have proved equally as good had it lived, but circumstances wore against it and its many friends mourn. From all indications Colqnitt county had a livoly time at court this woek. A dispatch of April 2d from Moultrie says: “Owing to our heavy criminal docket, Judge Hanscll will call no oivil business at our next oourt, which convenes next Monday, but will call an adjourned term, at which all civil business will be hoard. There aro ten murder trials to come up here next week. - Never in tho history, of tho county Las there boon such a great number. From present appear nnccs there will bo some hemp pulling after court. The recent Grotua Green marriage of John P., tho 16-year-old son of Governor Atkinson, to Miss Ada Byrd, a young lady two years his junior, created somewhat of a sousa- ation. Iu his desire to undo what has already been done the Governor win the sympathy of but few, and we ventured the assertion that his efforts in that direction would amount to naught. It was well that the Governor remember the Biblical injunction, “Whom God hath joined together,” etc. The 8-room residence of Mr. J. D. (Drayt) Douglass, seven miles south of Arlington, caught fire from some unknown cause about 9 o’clock Sun¬ day night and burned to the ground. Mr. Douglass and family lost almost everything iu the way ot household goods aud wearing apparel. His in¬ surance policy expired only a few days ago, and he had made arrange inentf, to go to Blakely Monday to renew it. Mr. Douglass’s loss will reach every cent of $2,000. Drayt has scores of friends throughout this section who deeply sympathize with him and will lend him a helping hand. The reflection of the lire was plainly seen by sevoral iu Morgan, twelve or fourteeu miles. Some thought an- other cyclone was sweeping down upon oui sectiou. IM< KKV IHil* t RT.HENT. .1. S. KHWAI.MW, EIHTt'lt. DlG'KEY, G \ , April 6 Mr. Joel V iggins, of Edison, over and entered school Monday the purpose of taking a special of instruction. AVe are glad to have him with us. Jim and Charlie Plowden, Noel Mathis and Ralph Johnson repre¬ sented tho Institute Dickey among the visitors to Saturday. C. J Davis and wife spent Sunday at Dickey, guests of Mr. and Mrs.W. E. Ilarvin. To be in the company of that interesting couple is to enjoy life. VV. E. Ilarvin is rapidly ir.g from a severe attack of jaundice; and its a fact that he eats that presents itself that can be mas¬ ticated. lie wanders around the lage seekbig whatsoever he may de vour. We give our friends notice keep their chickens, pigs and fat riers out of his reach. Quite a large making party of Dickey fish¬ ermen aro their to leave about the 17th of this month for the Dead Lakes in Florida. will go by batteaux from Ala., down the Chattahoochee, re¬ maining about ten days, and by steamer. They intend to hunt and fish as they drift down tho rivor. Mr. Bob Colson, representing Singer sowing machine, was in town yesterday. Ou account ot tho inclemency of tho weather Friday evening the can- dy pulling at Mr. Sam Johnson’s was not very largely attended. Those who were present report a pleasant ovoning. I am informed tnat it w " ho repeated this (Friday) evening. Mr. Eugene P. Parkins, Parkins Machine Works, went ovet to Leary Saturday freight. for >pi ff a an Par- es tensive bill ot Gene kins’s shops are justly the pride of Dickey and all of Southwest Georgia. If you have never had the pleasure of being shown through them I ad¬ vise you to go and see. You will be struck with wonder and admiration at tho extensiveness of the shops, the perfect order and neatness that pervade throughout the whole place. Sunday morning as J S., .1 • S. and Milton were strolling about over tho fields they discovered that a small hole in a ditch was just alive with small fish, and an Now adjacent boys ono con¬ tained a turtle. t hese are to obsorvo the Sabbath, but, although it was not an ox, they ditch know that thero was something in the bo gotten out. and they set about it by capturing the turtle. The other J. S. droye it to shallow water with a stick, and this J. S., seeing the the point (of its point,) tail), caught and on (t 0 rudely tail, not the turtlieship rather lifted his to dry land, and then toltbe bachelor Early yesterday morning J. S. Milton returned to tho ditch and captured 80 Ssh, which were likewise carried to tho den. Messrs. Tom Plowden and Will Harvin woro ad¬ vised to bo on hand at supper. At propor hour they reported, and, J. S., Milton and J. S. charged enemy, and not a man left his till tho enemy was devoured. don’t wish to make our chief en¬ but think of coffee and muffins, turtle, and fish, and ham and and sausage, and biscuit—all plenty of butter and five appetites, and you havo the picture before you. Wasn’t it fit for godst But they didu’t get it. I [See here, young man, I love you. am compelled for to the carry love many heavy crosses, and of heaven never, no never, placo such another picture before two hungry printers, for such an action on your part is liable to cause a case of justifiable homicide.—Chief.] R. L. Turner and wife of Cuthbort visited Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Parkins C. B. Brim of Ilerod, Terrell county, spent several days with Mr. Parkins, last week, having some work done on one of his engines. Now comes State School Commis¬ sioner Glenn advocating the abolition of the rod from the school room. We wonder what his next wild sell sme will be? It seems that a man who has Caught school any time would have enough know knowledge the whole of humau nature to that human physical raco require laws with penalties of bounds. suffering to keep thorn in Several of our friends furnished us with items this week, which we ap¬ preciate have to the fullest extent. If you an item that you think would be of iterest to anyone, send it in. We wish tho Dickey department to be of interest to tho readers, and you can help to make it so. Wouldn’t it be in order for Mo- Kiuley tho Macon to show his appreciation of canism by Telegraph’s good republi¬ Charlie Pendleton appointing Brother place? the Caroline to some good To Islands or something on that order. a Bar. Thing for Yon. A transaction iu which youeannot loselsa sure rod tongue, thing. fever, Biliousness, plies sick headache, fur- ami a thousand oilier liver. ills aro Casearet* eausouiy Candy oonstipatioD Cathartic, and the sluggish derful stimulant won- new liver aud intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cine 0t f T rv' e U ^x' l to.dayV' thing and booklet a big Sample free. Bee our ad. The Street Committee has put in some good work this week iu clean¬ ing out ditches, repairing sidewalks, etc. We are still at the same old stand, good people, and don’t bo backward, but come in and subscribe for tho Mon*, mm—-the best paper iu Calhoun county. I Folks linns. HEPORTED BY WILD BOSE. ; Some of our farmers seem to be j j„^ quit,, nervous over the “dampness’’ |he! r situations. me admonish j j not p,, w> easily disheartened; we I ^nyi. ury weather later on, and, I some, plenty of It. Messrs. C. T. Hawke. G. A. .1. D. Stewart and his sister. Miss Navra attended the picnic at Mrs. mill last last Saturday. -atnr.l v A.l All rennet report u a time. Home of Ed Gholston’s friends would suggest to hi :i that when he again the A. H. C. P. Club to tak.- with him to care for his horse and buggy, as It is no little trouble to look after Utile requisites to comfort while to his girl. Mr. J. I). Stewart and Miss Claude hanks attended preaching at Redbone Sunday. The weather was very out but I presume they enjoyed their lust . . tho ., same. Mr. anil Mrs. Paul visited friends Early county this week. Mr. James Dennis, one of most prosperous farmers, spent last day at Mr. J. T. Stewart’s. John Laws is visiting hl« sick friend, Jim Causey, near Oordray. I hope to hear of the latter’s convalescence. Joe Worsham is getting to bo the pion shot Iri our neighborhood. He killed two hawks before breakfast a few morn¬ ings since. If he keeps on building up his reputation in this manner, ail his lady- friends will bo earnestly soliciting him to j j visit them to partake i j , chicken pie FTh V VO j ft [til his hurt ‘ N 7*0 & arc Irmrt Ilou-* l A Mon . I.. l< aaagtng aroond tUe Conct House f last few duj-R and picked np the following un, in¬ teresting items: Our clover Road Commissioner-. Messrs. C. B. Weaver, ltufus Mote rad E. AI. Palmer, held their first court Su - uvday. Five names wero returned, bnt upon investigation only ono inan, Jack Du- Bose, colored, was found guilty. He was fined $1 [ter day for each day he did not work the road. Tho funds thus col- looted goes to tho improvement of road s and bridges. The Ordinary issued the following marriage licenses: Roberta Green to Henry Black and Bailie Hill to Albort Boston; all colored. Mr. J. B. Bteadham, onr clever Tax Receiver, was in town Friday last and posted tlio following notice at the Court Hotiso. As the Monitor promised to publish, as far as possible, all news ;*.b hap- Pining around tile Court Hmi»u, wo lish below the receiver’s notice: Arlington, April 3d-20th; May 4th. Williamsburg, April6th-26tb; May 6th. Edison, April 8th-24th; May 15th. Cordray’s, April 10tli-27th; May 13tb. Morgan, April 13th-17tli-May 11th. Leary, April 15th; May lst-8th. Dickey, April 30lh; May 22d. Dukes mill, April 23d. Turnpike, April 28th. Maury’s mill, May 21st. At tho court house during court week. If you havo over seen a child in the agony of croop, you can appreciate the gratitude of mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure releaves their little ones as quickly as city it is administered. Many homes in this are never with¬ out it. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. The teachers of Washington county did a graceful act in presenting County Commissioner Rogers a gold- headed cane last Saturday. The fol¬ lowing inscriction was engraved thereon: “Teachers Public Schools Washington County to J. N. Rogers, C S. C., 1897.” Mr. Rogovs is one of the most active commissioners in Georgia, and leaves nothiug undone for the advancement of the public schools of our county. —Sandorsville Progress. _ Everybody Says So. Cascarots Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬ ant aud refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, euro and biliousness. headache, fever, Please habitual buy and constipation box O. C. C. to-day; 50 try Bold a aud of 10,35, cents. guaranteed to euro by all druggists. Just as wo expected, Chicago went Democratic with a whoop Tuesday in her municipal election. It is now Mayor Carter Harrison, To School Teachers. The next general examination of ap¬ plicants for Teacher’s License will be held at the Court House at Morgan, Ga.. on the last Saturday in May. Questions will bo propounded on the follow lllg topus. L Outlines of Methods for Georgia Teachers ‘ L Parkers talks ,, on leaching, u A l'.,oe’ 1 ‘ s Theory 1 ° r and Rna Practice 1 moULt ’ - 4. V bite's School Management. Examination will commence promptly at 9 o’clock a. m. No other examination for the year. J. J. Beck, County School Commissioner. Mrs. It. M. Smith has the printer’s thanks for heaps of the finest kind of onions Some people are mind I readers, and we hope that garden | will always flourish. The First, of.April. He told her the ohl, ohl -tory, Till she to believe him grew, And married the man, and after that Most any old story would do. i —[Jim Moskoe in Observation. 1 Although April 1st opened with a slow, drizzling rain, that courage which is I ! 8tllled Sr hoo! in ever y P U P« »t the Morgan High ' wah 1,1 110 way abated, as U>ul p,anm ‘ ,i ,or 81 Monroe to boon | h and ‘-'“’ly with his ^ phaeton, as he calls R )n or , u , r , o ou th _ | tcac-here ’' ' ' ’ i ’ at flls word, was in town and ,nakll 'S the rounds for the purpose * ather,n * the CMW ‘ 1 ’ whpR he raet one | lbt> * oachor8 - To mefct the emergency ! used a few of those broad smiles of i and called out: “Come on. Short, wo art* j 1 KO,, con8l8ted '?‘ Hp of 8000 about flni6hed twenty-five his ,oaJ pupils ’ whieh and I * fpw other8 ’ an,! at a livft, v 8 P eed wer - - - 800,1 on th ‘ ! wa v u> ,hat lnvitin « P^e - known as Monroe’s mill, but were not al- j together , on flowery beds of ease, for they had hardly gotten beyond the limits of our little town before th**y had met with a difficult spot in the road and, the phaeton went down to the axles and the horses on their knees and everyone calling out “woa!” This did not seem to diseourago them, for almost as quick as thought Si had [-art of the lead out on the ground, and, encouraging the horses a little, they were soon on sab. arth. and ere long they soon reach tho #[<: home of Judge L I>. M were ; I a.’ui dried. ! i v Walter *L h.-ippy iJ .’lapsed be- S * mce t SF m abash- ted him in, lice t line. our ar- . would be r the best. ;"Y . . ” v " a i w waoi "--i them, t re success ix» laythirg Wi noar V-r ieuartur-' ‘ jui j,.-- .- A a : ‘ '• , 1 ' conclusion hB Bile writer., in behalf of schooi. rinuiit ICssos Bessie Sh, > GriD ' Davis aid Bluuuhe JilLL’ :ompany added rrsatiy 6u i-Ui ‘ j. and iri Monroe, , muk •liters a ape COUNTY LINE ITEMS, REPORTED BY TAME ROSE. Mr. James Mortis, who has been visit- ; ng friends in Earlv conntv, returned home Monday. Rev. J. F. Hadden delivered an ex- cel lent sermon at Redbone last Satur- day. Sunday being a rainy day, there were many who suffered disappointment. Messrs. Willie Morris aud Benjamin Williams spent Sunday with relatives in our neighborhood. Rev. C. O. Martin started to Redbone last Sunday, but stopped just this side. I guess you know what for. Miss Claude Eubanks, accompanied by John Stewart, attended Sabbath School at Redbone last Sunday. Miss Mattie Rice spent last Saturday and Sunday with Miss Jennie Hadden. Professor Lawson’s school spent last Thursday at Aycock’s mill pond very pleasantly. Ask Cary Hawk if it ever rams any water where he goes. I think it does, Mr. George Milliner and family spent last Sunday with Mrs. Mote. Miss Sallio Belle Swords and her little brother, Bennie, spent part of last week with Mrs. J. T. Fairclotk. Mr. Benjamin Johnson and family, of Dickey, attended preaching at Redbone last Saturday, and dined with J. T. Hadden. Mrs. Hadden and her sister, Mrs. Mel¬ ton, spent one day this week with their mother. Mrs. Scott, who has been visiting friends in Randolph for several months, has returned to her home in Mitchell county. Rev. A. B. Radney and family spent last Sunday with Rev. J. T. Hadden. Brother Radney is filled with the Holy Ghost. His conversation is always in¬ teresting. Host at Last. It is with regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Sallie Brooks, an estimablo lady of Americus, which sad event occurred at Leary Wednes¬ day afternoon about 3 o’clock at the home of her brother, Mr. T. W. Hammond. Mrs. Brooks had beou in feeble health for some time, and, instead of bettering her condition by the change, she gradually grow worse, death resulting from a complication of diseases at the time above stated. Mrs. Brooks was a widowed lady, hei husband having died several years ago. She leaves two sweet little girls, which fact makes her un¬ timely demise the more deplorable. But in this, the saddest experience of their young lives, it is well to re¬ member that “Jesus can make a dying bed Fool soft ns downy pillows aro While on his breast I lean my head And breathe my life out sweetly there.” Many loved ones are grief strick¬ en over the death of Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. J. N. Daniel!, of our town, is her neice, and she and her husband went over to Leary to pay their last respects to tho dead, The funeral aud interment r place in Leary Thursday afternoon. We did not learn who conducted the funeral service. The .Monitor joins many in extending hertfelt syrnpa- thy. lion. Jim Griggs reached Dawson Wednesday night. Mrs. liftsrnt*H Motive. Mrs. Phoebe Hcarst of California has given 1200,000 to found a miuing school in connection with the state university ®t Berkeley as a memorial to her hus- band. She gives largely to the free k.n- dergartene, supports several college set- tlemeuts and contributed $1,000 to the receut oam p a igu for the woman suffrage amen dment She has also given $300,- 000 lo establish a fine gymnasium for girls at the state university. She said to Miss Anthony, “I am doing aJl tins to girls fit to vote. The present head of the Swiss confed- tration is President Joseph Zerop, whose term began Dee. 15, 1804. The Swiss confederation of Aug. 1, 1901, » re- garded as the foundation of the bwiss republic, , OC’XJSUMPTION can ke cured. T. A. Slocum, M. 0., the great chem¬ ist and scientist, will send tree, to the afflicted, three bottles of his Newly Consumption Discovered Remedies all to cure and Lung Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more thropic or cary more joy to the afflicted, city.’ f ^ A ' SluCUm ’ * ' "’ ° New " York C onfident that he has discovered a re- liable cure for consumption and all bron- chail. throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh .and all conditions of wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send, free, thiee bottles to any reader of the Monitor who may be suffering. Already this “new scientific course of medioine” has permanently cured thou- a,, ds of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious duty—a duty which he owes to humanity, to donate his infallible cure. He has proved the dread consumption ‘o be a curable disease beyond any doubt, rnd has on file in his American and Euro- . laboratories testimonials of expert- e from those benefited and cured, in all parts of the world Don't delay until it is too late. Con¬ certain uninterrupted, death. means speedy Address T A. Slocum, C., 98 Pine street. New York, and when the Doctor, give express pr.d post- ad ress, and pleate mention reading article io the Monitor. W. J. Oliver. J. M. Cobb. lTvFry, OLIVER & COl) SALE -AND— Feed Stables, SHELLNAJST G^A- Cap furnish TEAMS at any and all times. Meet all trains, day or night. Charges reasonable. Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. ANDY CATHARTIC CUREC0HST3PAT1OH 10* :'.jC n’V: ALL 25* SO* mm DRUGGISTS .....CASCARTT 9 DSfiDY tastoirood. like Bnt them candy. bad They re¬ move any tnst-o In the mouth, leaving CATHARTIC the perfumed, breath sweet it Is and a ji_ n real pleasure to take d them Instead of nau« eeatlng o liquids or cannon-ball pills. .....CASCARETS PURELY are and purely vegetable contain no mer¬ curial er other min¬ VEGETABLE eral poison. They are made of the lat¬ est remedies discov¬ ered ami are a sclen- ---- ——t.i tic combination never before put together in auy form. CASCARETS ANTISEPTIC aro antiseptic. That means digested they food stop from un¬ LAXATIVE ach, souring in the stom¬ prevent fer¬ bowels mentation in tho ____ and kill dls- kind that breed aud feed ln l , systen:? f &Dy the smmksssb®** .....CA SC A llET’S tt tone the stomach and yra i*n 1 bowels and stimulate 5 I tho lazy liver, mnk- stimulant ling it work. They . • saaa vigorous he til thy their action und natural. contlltioc, making easy J* Don't judge CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They are new, unlike anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior. Try a 50c box to-day, if not pleased get mm m only genuine. Tho your Sample money and back! booklet Larger mailed boxes, free- 25c Address or 50c. Beware of imitations 1 STERLING REN.EDY GO.. CHICAGO; MONTREAL, CAN. i NEW YORK. 230 NO-TO-BAC cures strong. Tobacco Sold and Habit guaranteed or money by relunded all druggists. Makes Get weak booklet. men pfWHO Fn J ISYOUR TAILOR? Do You Get a CORRECT FIT? YOU RECEIVE THE if 0I " ir ! T <S 26 YEARS success in HIGH GRADE TAILORING BY ORDERING YOUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS OF M. BORIM & Co. THE GREAT CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS. We guaraiitse to fit and please you, and save yon money, 300 NEW SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM •A SiVf ..'.TINSLEY i LEG A L A OVERT] SEM ENTS. Application for Leave to Sell. < 1EORGIA— Cabhous County. To all whom it may concern: Applica- t ion will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Calhoun county, Ra., at the next regu¬ lar April term of said court for leave to .soil the entire interest of the estate of M. TV. Watkins, doceased, late of Washington county, Gn.. for the purpose of distribu¬ tion, etc, This March 1st, 1897. John Ward, Executor M. W. Watkins, deceased. Citation. GEORGIA— Calhoun Cotnty. James M. AVooten having applied to be appointed guardian of the person and property of Sallie AVooten a minor under fourteen years of age, resident of said county, this is to cite all persons concern¬ ed to appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held next after thirty days from the first publication of this notice and show cause if any they can, why said James M. AVooten should not be entrust¬ ed with the guardianship of the person and property of said Sallie AVooten. AVitness my official signature this March 11, 1897. A. I. Monroe, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA— Calhoun County. John M. AVooten having applied to be appointed guardian of the person and propesty of Estelle AVooten a minor under fourteen years of age, resident of said county, this is to cite all persons ooncem- ed to appear at tho term of tho Court of Ordinary to be held next after the expira¬ tion of thirty days from the first publica¬ tion of this notice and bhow cause, if any they can, why said John M. AVooten should not he entrusted with the guar¬ dianship of the person and property of sa'd Estelle AVooten. Witness my official signature this March 11, 1897. A, I. Monbob, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA— Calhoun County. J. B. George having applied to be ap¬ pointed guardian of the person and prop¬ erty of Irene Wooten, a minor under four¬ teen years of age, resident of said county, this is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at tho term of tho Court of Ordinary to be held next after the expira¬ tion of thirty .days from the first publica¬ tion of this notice, and show cause, if any they can, why said J. B. George should not be entrusted with the guardianship of the person and property of said Irene Wooten. Witness my official signature this March 11, 1897. A. I. Monroe, Ordinary. Miss Minnie Riley- Miss Ella Riley. proprietors op tee Riley House MORGAN, GEORGIA. First-class accommodations at reason, able rates to trancient customers. Home comforts to boarders. New house, new- furniture. Satisfaction guaranteed. .....CAICAI5ETS 1 increase tho flow of iutlkin nursing moth¬ SSQH FOR ers. A tablet eaten by the mother makes her milk mildly purg¬ MOTHERS ative and has a mild butcertain the efect on # .2 Bftfe baby, laxative the only for the babe-ln-arms. .... CASCARETS are liked by the chil¬ dren. They taste PLEASE good and do good, stop wind-colic an«l cramps, and kill a rdi THE CiiLBREH drive off worm s, a a 11 kinds^ of ^ para- ^ ^ ^ (j bowels of the growing child. tak ... CASCARETS, taken patiently, per¬ sistently,are guaran¬ SURE teed to cure any case of constipation, no matter h< old a nd GUARANTEED obstinate, chase or pur¬ money will be cheerfully by refunded druggis your own .... I’ASC.IKKTS are ao»d by all drug¬ gists for lGc, Sue, HEALTH BOc a box, accord¬ ing to will size. A Jfcc box prove their FOB SO GENTS merit and put you on the right road to per- e feet- and permanent * health. l>ou’t a lt.lL delay. SEND Your orders for first-class Job Printing to the PENNY PRESS. Albany, («a. Tho most complete Job Print¬ ing Georgia. establishment in Southwest NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, AND ENVELOPES- Wedding I&tMshi a Specially, NOTE THESE PRICES : $2.50? Envel °P es and 500 Note Heads, dii.mri’zl'for$ 2 . 00 ?'" Heads and 500 me- Write for samples and piic es. All work guaranteed first-class in every spect or no charges made. None re¬ best stationery used. but the Address, W. I. PENNY PRESS. prietor, Albanj’. CliERRA’, Publisher and Pro¬ Ga. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK. Liberal advances made on farm and city property give in Southwest Georgia. AVe can connections you cheaper money than aver, as our ate the best and strongest op- ating in the State. Our long experience enables us to examine titles and place loans on short notice. No loans mado for less than ono thousand dollars. AVe make a specialty ot B'ijFig, Selling ad Bating Esal Sstais on reasonable commission. Have $10,000 in hand to purchase sev¬ eral improved farms for a lady in New York city. It you want to sell or negotiate a loan, call on SAM’L. VV. SMITH, Or address At the Court House. Real Jones & Smith, Attorneys and Estate Brokers, Albany, Ga. 3-12-lm. K- MCK, RAGAN PHYSICIAN AM) SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence North or Court House on Public Square. 1-17 tf J. B. GEORGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence on Main Street 1*17 tf J. J. RECK, airntm mmukim, Jvros.c3--A.Jsr, gla.. Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted fo his care Col¬ lections a specialty. 1-17-tt J. L BOYNTON, ATTORJSTE ’S' -A.T L,A. W DICKEY, UA. Practices in the Courts of tho Stato ana elsewhere. l-17-tf L. 0. CART LEDGE, A-'X’TOTRJSrE'y .AT L A.NV MORGAN, GA. Practices in the Courts of tho State. Special attention given to collections. 1-17 tf J II. COOKE, JR., Attorney at Law aai Judge County Court, ARLINGTON. GA, .— Practices in all tho Courts. Collections a specinlty. 1-17-tf GEO. II. DOZIER, Attorney at Law arid Jutiu Psacs, MORGAN, GA. Will practice anywhero. Prompt at tention given to all business entrusted to his caro. 1-17-tf L. D. MONROE. ATTORKEYT -A.T L.VW, MORGAN. GA. Practices in the Courts of the Albany Circnit, &c 1-17-tf Oeo. n. Dozier, Brnj. Rbsssix. DOZIER & RUSSELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MILLFORD, GA. We will practice in the Courts of Ba¬ ker county, Ga. All business intrusted to us will receive prompt attention. 1-17 if Wanlsd-An Idsa SHSSS Protect your ideas; they may oring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Patent Attor- ueys. auJ Washington. V. C., for their *l,W prts to offer Iwq ju idreci tov.*.Hons train.-ad.