The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, April 23, 1897, Image 2

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THE MONITOR. By the Monitor Publishing Company- MORGAN, GA., APRIL 23, 1H97. ............. - . Entered at the Post Office at Morgan as second-class mall matter. KATES OF SEHNDKH’TION. One copy one year . • • . . 50 One copy six months . . One copy three mouths . . Advertising rutes made known on ap plication. Let us pull for the artesian well! Health, wealth and happtnes.-.! Latest cablegrams give to Greece. May the good continue. ___________________ The State Medical Association vened in Macon Wednesday and tinued through Thursday. Democratic or Republican istration, old Georgia gets Our presidents know where to good timber. The Epworth leaguers of State met in convention at Thursday. About 2.0U0 were present. It is somewhat discouraging take hold of a spade and try to dig hole in the ground for the benefit both man and beast when our bors stand by and fill it up as fast wo dig. __________ AU Atlanta needs to complete list of sensations is the sight of a'r ship. Keep your saloons until 12 o’clock p. m. and you see air ships or — Mrs. Sarah J. Anthony will Shellman’s noxt postmistress. 1 name has beon sent t® the . 1 r> .. by Col. Buck, and her may be looked for at any time. IC the citizens of the town got the proper move on them could build a good school house and dig an artesian well, too. school house is a certainty -can’t , have the . we!, it alsot i * Tho hungry editor has been vised to let up on his pitiful appeals, All right! Next time wo being huugry somebody , is the privilege of giving us— well, out {__] meal. Murders, suicides, deaths and riages! We have never beard of like before. If tho prosont year with as terrible a record as tho riing, it will, boyond a doubt, ho ble for its comparison to ones. Somo seem to think that movement to secure Morgan of good water will retard tho school house project. Not so, my children had rather go to school where thore is plenty of good. healthy water. In scanning the columns of our ox- changes wo notice that nearly all of them are giving bicycles and other valuablo prizes to their readers. The one aim in life of tho manager of this sheet is to give its readers a good paper—darn tho prizes. Somebody lias aroused the ire of Sister Myrick, of tho Amerieus Times-Recorder. If women will uii' sex themselves they must stand the brunt of battle, morally, politically and—yes, criminally. Sister My- rick should be darning socks for some good man, then she would not have occasion to use bad language. It is gratifying to the manager of the Monitor to soe the boys that labored with him in the good old days long since past pulling for the top rung of the journalistic ladder. We refer to young W. I. Cherry, the publisher and owner of the Albany Penny Press, one of the brightest ‘ ‘baby” dailies in the South. A special to the Albany Herald from Augusta says: “The people of Augusta are very much aroused over the statement that there is a proba¬ bility of Lyons being appointed post¬ master at this place. They do not believe it is true but in case such an appointment is made tho belief is that it would neyer be affirmed by the Senate.” From all indications the good ■women of the State will have anoth' er woman to rescue from the strong grip of the law in the person of Mrs. Charles Reid, whose husband killed L. W. Halstead at the circus grounds in Macou recently. Indictments against Reid, his wife and B. S. Don- nington were found, and all three are in Bibb county jail. Mrs. Reid takes her imprisonment very hard. It is said she will become a mother in a few days. The trial will, very likely, the be held in May, is said, disclosure of Mrs. Reid will be startling and sensational, and as a model of purity she is no example. | If Not, Why Not l This is a question that has often been asked by the citizens of (’al- j houn county, and especially those of | Morgan. You ask what we mean? Well, just this and nothing more: If Morgan can’t enjoy the bless¬ ings of an artesian well, why not? t It would he worth $5,000 to the , county, and every citizen in the county is well aware of the fact. This is the county site, and will remain so. During the hot summer months the farmers’ stock suffer for water, the people suffer, for water—we j mean water in every sense of the | word—and ail wish we had an artes- '.an well. Well, now is the accepted time and opportunity. A Monitor man canvassed just two hours Monday and secured a subscription of little over $500, promised by men who mean bush ness. And wo know men who will guarantee a good flow for $1,200. The County Commissioners recog- nizo, no doubt, the importance of the move, and will be perfectly willing to give $300 toward securing for our comity such a blessing. We would like to hear from our country friends on Ibis question, and all who are willing to give a dollar or two toward securing the well will give their name and money to Judge A. I. Monroe. Remember: No well, no money; so fall in line and lets make a trial. been Many cases of "Grippe” have lately cured by One Minute Cough Cure. I This preparation seems especially adapted 11,0 c " r<! tllis fl**” 1 "- '*quickly thus preventing serious complications j an( j had effects in which this disease often leaves the patient. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; Turner, Edison. P. E. Boyd, Leary; iienry SILVERTON ITEMS. As I have never seen anything from this immediate section In the Monitob, I will lr >’ to « lv0 you a ,1>W whlch 1 ho P« will bo plowing to some of your readers, 0 ur country neighborhood Is situated on " ,0 m° s t fertile part of Randolph j county’s soil, and on tho Shcllman-Mor- gan road. I Our community has a fino school- kn0wn as tho Stevens (Railroad) School— taught by Prof, Johnson. It Is In a j nourishing condition, and all fuel proud In having secured his services. j Our farmers havo their crops In a thrlv- lng condition. Some have commenced to chop cotton,and in a few days this will bo j th0 order of 1,10 Mossrs Janies Johns and Ollio Stovens | wont fishing one day recently and caught j a boys. nloo string. Dlvido with us next time, Did you know that Ollle Stovens is a I " ootttmb ! ,1 “ t? He to w " lkh >« ln hi8 | , 1[o must tlo himsolf boforo golllg beU . j Misses Alice Barfield and Leonora Stevens, two of our charming young ladles, visited Mt. Hebron last week. Mrs. Watts, of. Shollman, has been vis¬ iting Mrs. Monroe Stovens. Mrs, Amanda Johnson is visiting rela¬ tives near Shollman this week. Miss “Pesslo" Smith visited Miss Alice Barfield last Sunday. Mattie Aycoek is attending school In Morgan. W. N. Smith loft Sunday for Hawkins- vllle, where he was called to the bedside of Capt. Willis, who is seriously Injured, as tho result of a runaway. Messrs. Bartow Dyer and “Pomp” Ay- cook made a business trip to Dawson last Saturday. Ask Charles Smith about geese and goslings. 1 believe he Is going Into busi¬ ness. He has to go ufter goose eggs two or throe times a week. Charles, are you after goose eggs, or are you going to see Miss ? Mr. John Barfield's many friends will be sorry to learn that ho ts sick. Ptof, J. M. Jonhson's school enjoyed a treat last Monday. Yon ought to have been thore and seen the honey disappear. I am sorry (?) to learn that C. E. Johns has a collar, cravat and now suit of clothes and 1 haven’t. Messrs. “Bill" Barfield and “Mack” Stevons spent Monday fooling folks. Look here, Mr. Editor, why don't you give “Oi.d Sou” a personal In your paper when he visits Morgan? But, then, we can’t blame you—“you know tho rest." "Plow Handles." T . . am'aoooniDlish , . * headache* ... . thin*” turns can accompli. It. Sick . ick licadaolie, constipation, dizziuessare dyspepsia, quickly-banished sour stomach, \\ by D«, itt s Little Early Risers. Small pill- safe Pill, best pill S. 1. Clayton Mor, van; P. L. Boyd, Leary. Henry Turner- Edison. Tho IWaoo, . P pou. te d 0.,, 1. Angoll imuister to lurkoj last Wednesday. It’s a good thing there will be one “angel” in Turkey, and it’s to be hoped that when Greece gets vets through th ough with with her her there there will will be be several Chri stiana. Torturing. Itching, scaly skin eruptions, HmUi saint, tlie b«tt kuowi, cure tor piles. 8. T. Clayton. Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Loary; Ileniy Turner, Edison. --- The prospects for a large oat crop in this seotion is good. If the crop should , ,,, be cut . short , our farmers . will ... suffer—or at least thoir stock will. J rni 1 hey are , . buy , • ing , too much w \\ estern . j corn. DICKEY DEPARTMENT. ■J. S. EDWARDS, EDITOR. Mr. Tom Plowden is pouting around and mad this week, aud says he can't hold a cotton planter steady on the bed, because he could not divide buttermilk and cliickrn bosom with John Ward, Jene Parkins and Bud Cunningham, Sunday. Messrs. Israel Palmer and Tom Rogers left Friday, and Luther Plowden Satnr. day, for the Dead Lakes. Luther says if a catfish gels him, he hopes it will treat him as well as the whale did Jonah. Messrs B. H. aud Ralph Johnson, B.b Davis, Jim and Cicero Mathis and Miss Abbie Davis were among the visitors at Edison from our village Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Parkins spent Sat¬ urday night and Sunday at Leary with Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham. Miss Ida Palmer, accompanied by Joel Wiggins, attended the services at Edison Sunday. J. S. Plowden visited Morgan Satur day and Sunday on busiuessf?) I regret to state that Mrs. Parkins, whose illness was reported in this column last week, is not much improved. I trust it will not prove serious, and that she will soon regain her usual health. Mrs. W. E. Harvin, accompanied by Charlie and Arthur Plowden and Miss Gertrude Mumfort, attended services at Morgan Sunday. Mr. Fred Ruth, of Miller county, spent a day or two with relatives atDickey this week. On his return home he was accompanied by his mother, who will re¬ main some time, Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, two of Edi¬ son’s most popular aud cultured society people, passed through Dickey Sunday en route to undfrom Leary. Miss Lucy Lewis, of Salem, spent Fri¬ day night with relatives here. Mias Eula Clower is spending this week with relatives at Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Davis stopped a short while in our burg Sunday. The bridge across the Pachitla creek at McOlary’s mill, between here and Ar iington, lias been rebuilt, and now the public can pass that way again. Mrs. W. W. Davis left Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Jordan, in Miller county. Owing to a misunderstanding Judge Boynton did not deliver the address at Edison Sunday, f learn that there was quite a large crowd of disappointed peo¬ ple present. However, they had a few talks, songB, etc., and spent the day very pleasantlv. Eor some cause which they did not know Rev. F. McCullough did not occupy his pulpit there that day. Here is a modern model business let¬ ter recoived by Jim Plowden a few days since. If anyone desires, we give them full permission to copy for his own pri¬ vate use. Here’s the lettor: "Dickoy Go the year 1897 plouds April 14 Mr please let Me have 2 Bush¬ els of earn and will sho pa you in hoing timo s Dont think had of Me Because i Made a fail But l will shore pa you Mrjim plouds Will shoo come at at friday B--- [The above letter is copied verbatim. Tne Monitor did not learn whether the wn,er > 8 l,luck or whit e, but it demon- sfrates Ibis f |ic t—there are many mindB struggling for knowledge as earnestly as a sin cursed soul struggles for the light of hear cm—En.J Although Sunday noxt is our regular preaehing day, wo have heard that on account of the meeting of the Presbytery at Albany Brother Kirkland will not fill his pulpit that day. The members of tho Saturday Night Calling Club gave to their friends a most delightful entertainment Saturday eveH ing at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harvin. It was the regular fort¬ nightly social of the club. Invitations were issued to all the young people of tho village and a few friends outside. Pulling the sugar candy was not tho least pleasant part of tho programme. Mrs, Harvin, in cooking the candy, proved her inalienable right to be rated among the* expert candy makers. Soon, much too soon, we were warned that "tomor- row is Sunday; if you wish to be at home by that time, depart!” And reluctantly we obeyed. Selma Davis added much to the pleas¬ ure of the evening at the club’s social Saturday by his jolly good humor. Come again, old man; “she’ll” bo here, I hope, next timo. The S. N. C. club has made croquet a feature of its amusements. Croquet parties will be given on Saturday after¬ noons at Miss Maggie Davis’s delightful croquet grounds. E. E. Tumor of Comptou, Mo., writes w that after suffering from piles for sev- enteen years ha completely cured them bv R using JrWe. three boxes of DoWitt’s Wioth azel It cures eczema and severe skin diseases. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; r E Boyd, Leary; Homy Turner, Edi- gon -*— T. SWTSSH, "bo held at the Court House at Morgan, Ga., 0,1 ,luJ last Saturday in May. Q^M'ons will be propounded on the following . topics: . Teacliora g "‘ i .j Parkers’ Talks on Teaehimr t Wb,u,s 8obool Man^'went. Examination will commence promptly Ht ° clock a. w. No other examination for the year. J- J- Reck, County School ^ Commissioner, _ ■' lUU1 „ . . „ . - U R l 1 ' °1' 0 0 - organ enjoy to ,, themselves Friday night at the home of jjr, George Colley; and on Monday eve. Miss Susie Davis entertained, Beautiful Easier Horn. Last Sunday vras a perfect day. It shed brightness and jay into the souls of everyone. When the bell in the steeple of the Baptist church pealed forth its joyous sounds at 9 a. nt. the citizens ot our town gathered en mass for the Sunday School service. At II o’clock Itey. Z. T Weaver delivered one of the most touching, logical and altogether appropriate sermons ever listened to in Morgan. All the Spurgeons, Talmages and Wesleys do not live or preach in the large cities—the hamlets and rural districts very often hear them. At 3 o’clock the children and adults of Morgan, together with a large number of visitors, gathered at the Methodist church for Suuday school services. After the recitation of and comments on the lesson, J udge L. G. Cartlege delivered to the school an oration replete with facts con¬ cerning the resurrection of our Sav¬ iour. He questioned the children as to why Easter was celebrated, fer what purpose, etc., and the answers ot the little ones came with prompt' ness, and showed that they had stud¬ ied very earnestly the life, death and resurrection of their Redeemer. From the Methodist church about twenty-five children, and several la* dies and gentlemen, went with Judge J. J. Beck, the ‘‘children’s friend,” to h’S homo on Williamsburg street. The little ones felt like there was a “good time coming,” and they were not disappointed. Perhaps some people think that in the rural districts the good and an' cient custom of observing Easter in all of its joyous ceremonies is not known or practiced. But there is no hamlet in our beautiful Southland, no matter how remote,where Jesus is not worshipped by our children and people and the religious customs of our forefathers observed. There is always someone in every community to take an unselfish in¬ terest in the little ones, and Judge Beck, Si. McGuirt Jeff. Newton, and a few others, belong to this class of good people in Morgan. Sunday afternoon a vegular old- fashioned Easter egg rolling or hunt¬ ing was engaged in by Judge Beck’s many little friends. The eggs were beautifully colored, aud upon many was written the names of the chil¬ dren, while upon others were funny inscriptions which, when found and read, caused an endless round of merriment and innocent fun. The beautiful Sabbath aftornoon passed off in a pleasant and Christian manner.' Indeed, the hourly in¬ cidents of the entire day reminded us that our Lord had risen; and as the sun went down the shades of the evening gathered over a peaceful and happy town. They are sa small that the most sensi¬ tive person take them, they are so effec¬ tive that the most obstinate cases ot con stipatiou, headacfi and torpid liver yield to them That is why Du Witt’s Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan, P. E. Boyd, Leary; Heury Turner, Edison. Folks I toms. REPORTED BY WILD ROSE. Dr. T. Woods, of Dover, accom¬ panied by his interesting family, paid Folks a visit last Monday. The Doctor returned that afternoon while Mrs. Woods and the hoys will spend several days with hei father, to the delight of her many friends. Miss Edna Ogburn, of Tennille, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Laws, this week. Miss Edna has a host of friends here who warmly welcome her to her old home, and who will very much regret her de¬ parture on to-morrow. Miss Anna Davis, a charmiug young lady from near Cordray, is visiting re’atives and friends iu our community this week, and a certain young mau is all smiles. Walter Ragan and John Stewart visited some of Bethel’s fair oues last Sunday. Mrs. Brown Lee visited her sister, Mrs. I. W. Rice, last, Monday, re¬ , tu mng : t iu esuay. i Mr. and Mrs. Tindoll, of Early county, visited relatives here last Saturday'. * _ 1 . have , , . heard of several . cases of , among tho colored people. New Light Sunday School is in a flourishing condition. New pupils are enrolled almost every Sunday; 6 yery member seems to be greatly interested; superintendent the teachers are seldom absent; the is a young man of pure Christian character, who is rr * such a proficient corps ofleaders and duty loving pupils it eannot hut flour- ish. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croop, vou can appreciate the gratitude of mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure re leaves their little oueS Mally , us i quickly i his ns it is administered. un e8 , c i ty are never with- out it. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. «( XHI .HI’TION ( \N he cured. T. A. Slocum, M. 0., the great chem¬ ist and scientist, will send tree, the afflicted, three bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to cure Troubles. Consumption and all Lung Nothing -onld be fairer, more phylan- thropie or cary more joy to the afflicted, than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C., of New York city. Confident that he has discovered a re¬ liable cure for consumption and all bron- chail. throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh- and all conditions of wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send, free, thiee bottles to any reader of the Monitor who may be suffering. Already this “new scientific course of medioine” has permanently cured thous auds of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers It his religious duty—a duty which he owes to humanity, to donate his infallible cure. lie has proved the dread consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on file in bis American and Euro¬ pean laboratories testimonials of experi¬ ence from those beuefited and cured, in all parts of the world Don’t delay until it is too late. Con- sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Address T A. Slocum, M. C., 98 Pino street. Now York, and when writing the Doctor, give express pud post- office ad ress, and pleate mention reading this article iothe Monitor, Aunt Emma Skelton, of Randolph county, is visiting her nephew, Mr. Jack Riley. Wanted. —A first-class outfit, at a low price, for the purpose of making tin type pictures. Address this paper. The Scotcliwoiuau'B Bank Notes. A poor old widow living in the Scot¬ tish highlands was called upon one day by a gentleman who had heard that she was in need. The old lady complained of her condition and remarked that her son was in Australia and doing well. “But does he do nothing to help you?” inquired the visitor. ‘ ‘No,nothing, ” was the roply. ‘‘He writes me regularly once a month, but only sends me a lit¬ tle picture with his letter. ” The gentle- man asked to see one of the pictures that she had received and found each one of them to be a draft for £10. That is the condition of many of God’s children. He has given ns many “exceeding great and precious prom¬ ises” which we either are ignorant of or fail to appropriate. Many of them seem to be pretty pictures of an ideal peace and rest, but are not appropriated as practical helps in daily life. And not one of these promises is more neglected than the assurance of salvation. An open Bible places them within reach of all, and wo may appropriate the bless¬ ing which such a knowledge brings.— Dwight L Moody in Ladies’ Home Journal. Preserving It. Miss Maud Powell, tho violinist, had a somewhat unusual experience with her precious violin. She scut it by ex¬ press solidly packed in a stout wooden box, but when she came to claim it it was missing. She described the appear¬ ance of the box to the official, and a sad and sympathetic look came over his face. He sighed and went away, and presently returned with the box held coffinwise. “We had it on the ice,” he said.—Springfield Republican. Strawberries are often served with orange juices. Cover the berries with sugar and juice of several oranges. Let them chill in the refrigerator for half an hour and serve with powdered ice. ANDY CATHARTIC 7 si*; kip *ufecoTveto m CURE CONSTIPATION IO* ALL 25 * 50 * DRUGGISTS .....CASCARETS taste flood. Eat them GAUDY like move candy. any bad They taste re¬ In the mouth, leaving g CATKARTiQ the perfumed. breath sweet It is aud n aea^ng^iq^dsT^anuoii-bafl"p real pleasure to take !ll a ^ ° A nUU .....CA8CAKETS PURELY are and purely vegetable contain no mcr- curial or other min¬ VEGETABLE eral poison. They are made of the lat¬ est remedies discov¬ | ered and are a Be'ten- never before tlflc combination put together in any form. cancarets ANTISEPTIC J are SinS.M3f°&SS,' antiseptic. That LAXATIVE in- ____ ___ ^ bowel8 and kill dls- kind that breed and feed in^heystem?* &liy .....CASCARETS tone the stomach and LIVER bowels the Ia*y and liver, stimulate mak- STIMULANT u ing it work. They fl . # vigorous healthv " condition, making their action easy and natural. uwDon’t judge CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They are new, unlike anything else that’s sold, and infinitely superior. The Try a 10c box back! to-day, Larger if not pleased get SSonly genuine. your Sample money and booklet mailed boxes, 25c or 50c. Beware of free- Address . imitations! STERLING REMEDY CO., CHICAGO! MONTREAL, CAN.; NEW YORK. 238 NQ-TO-BAC cures strong. Tobacco Sold and Habit guaranteed or money by refunded all druggists. Makes Get weak booklet men I® KT\ Tne DHTERENCE rS in the Quality and the amount of light produced -fe 1 by an old fashioned TALLOW DIP 'fe 4 nnd an INCANDESCENT BULB . V | a is nee, not in more style marked and quality than is of the the difference in appear- L=) A Apparel made by Wearing m M. BORN & CO., J;;\\ and the THE work GREAT of CHICAGO the MERCHANT of Tailors. TAILORS, ^¥0)]=^ \ mass .... fine Tirockic'tkjns of^T^Horln^ Art,** 18 ,0rmer We Cuarantee to fit and please you and i— save you money. 300 CHOICE NEW PATTERNS to select from. AT TJ.TiNSLEY & C9. NEW A OVER TI8EMENTS. Notice! The Committee appointed by the Grand Jury at the February adjourned term 1897 0 j g U p 6r ior Court of Calhoun county to examine in vacation the books of the county officers and make report of 6atne to next Grand Jury, will please meet at the Court House in Morgan on Monday the 2oth inst. at 9 o’clock a. m. Justices of the Peace and Notaries Public will please take notice and have their dockets in the hands of the Com¬ mittee on above date. James Keei., Chairman. Mr. S. M. Lash is now handling the Excelsor Safety Burner. Fits any lamp. home. Beautiful gas light in your own oils furnished Try one. Nonexplosive at 20ets. per gallon. “WHALE,” The registered Kentucky blooded jack, is now at Clayton's stables, Morgan, Ga , for the season for the accommodation of all those wishing to raise mules. Every case guaran teed. Terms made known on ap plication. G. W. Eubanks. THORNTON & CO- Wants Your Trade. This popular firm has moved Into their new store. They carry a full line of staple and family gro¬ ceries. tobaccos, whiskies, wines, dry goods, etc., which they are selling for cash as cheap or cheap¬ er than anjt retail concern of the kind in this section of country. This is just a notice—their goods advertise themselves. THORNTON & CO. Morgan, Ga. W. J. Or,mm, J. M. Cobb. (w7j. lTvery, OLIVER & COT] SALE -AND— Feed Stables, SL-IELL.JNrAA.iSr C3-AA- Can furnish TEAMS at any and all times. Meet all trains, day or night. Charges reasonable. Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Minnie Riley- Miss Ella Riley. PROPRIETORS OP THE Riley House, MORGAN, GEORGIA. First-class accommodations at reason, able rates to irancient customers. Home comforts io boarders. New house, new- furniture. Satisfaction guaranteed. CA.SC A.HETS inc reuse the flow of inllkin iiur3lny moth¬ BOON FOR ers. A tablet eaten ten by the mother ma kes her milk mildly purg- MOTHERS alive a nd has a mild I (S but certain effect on the baby, the only ■ safe laxative for the babe-ln-arms. .... CASGARET8 are liked by thechil- dren. They taste PLEASE pood and do good, stop wind-colic ar.d cramps, and kill and S3 THE CHILDREN drive off worm s, « 11 kinds of pain- f) sites that live in the bowels of the growing child. ... CASCARETS, taken patiently,per¬ sistently, a re guaran¬ CURE teed to cure any case i) of constipation, no * matter how old and * GUARANTEED chase obstinate, or pur- money will be (fl cheerfully refunded ** by your own druggist. .... CASCARET8 are sooi by all drug¬ gists for lOc, 8d»c, HEALTH a box, accord¬ ing to size. A lOc box will prove their FOR 10 CENTS merltand put you on tlie right road to per¬ fect and permanent health. Don’t rink delay. SEND Your orders for firstxclass Job Printing to the PENNY PRESS. - Albany, Da. The most complete Job Print¬ ing establishment in Southwest Georgia. note, letter, JBXLL, HEADS, envelopes, Weddisg Imitations a Spedaity. NOTE THESE PRICES ! ° Envelopes and 500 Not « Head*, $2 . 50 diumSovIfoo 6 "' HMd$ ^ 500 m< - Write for samples and prices All work guaranteed first-class in every spect or no charges made. None re best stationery used. Address, but the PENNY PRESS. w. I. Cherry, Publisher and Pro- prietor, Albany. Ga. MONEY TOILOAN QUICK. Liberal advances made on farm and city property in Southwest Georgia. We can give you cheaper money than ever, as our connections aie the best and strongest op- ating in the State. Our long experience enables us to examine titles and place loans on short notice. No loans made for less than one thousand dollars. We make a specialty of Biiy.Bg, Selling ud Kutisg Kul Sititi on reasonable commission. Have $10,000 in hand to purchase sev- eral improved farms for a lady in New York city. If you want to sell or negotiate a loan, call on SAM’I.. TV. SMITH, Or At the Court House. addross Jones A Smith, Attorneys and Real Estate Brokers, Albany, Ga. 2-12-1 m. K- MCK. RAGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence Nokth of Cotkt House on Public Square. 1-17 tf J. B- GEORGE, •: PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence en Mai* Street 1-17 tf J. J. BECK, mo?, SET till COJKEILOE it LIE, LCOPLGt-AVJSr, GKA., Will practice In all the Courts, State and Federal. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted fo his care. Col¬ lections a specialty. l-17-tt J. L, BOYNTON, -A-TTOHJXTE'X' .A.T LuA.'W DICKEY, GA. Practices in the Courts of the State ana elsewhere. 1-17-tt L. G. CARTLEDGE, ATTORNEY -A-TC L-A.YA7 MORGAN, GA. Practices in the Courts of the State. Special attention given to collections. 1-17 tf J H. COOKE, JR., Attorney at Lav and Judge County Conrt, ARLINGTON. GA. Practices in all the Courts. CoHeetlana a specinlty. 1-17-tf - GEO. H. DOZIER, Attorney at Lav and Jnstioe Fiaof, MORGAN, GA. Will practlc* anywhere. Prompt at tention given to all business entrusted to his care. 1-17-tf L. D. MONROE. ATTORNEY -A.T LAW, MORGAN, GA. Practices In th* Courts of ths Albany Circnit, Ac 1-17-tf Oeo. H. Dozieb, Bekj. Rbssxm. DOZIER & RUSSELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MILLFORD, ga. We will practice in the Courts of Ba¬ ker county, Ga. All business Intrusted to us will receive prompt attention. 1-17 1 / Wanted-An Idea Wbo of thing some eui to patent? simple think Protect your WEDDERBURN ideas; they may ft orlng you wealth. Write JOHN CO.. Patent Attor¬ and neys, list Washington, of hundred D. C., Inventions for their $1,300 prise offer two wanted.