The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, May 21, 1897, Image 4

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POWDER AT A PRAYER MEETINC. \* One of Lincoln’s Anecdotes Recounted by General Horace Porter. The folloVing anecdote of Lincoln Is recounted by General Horace Porter in his "Campaigning with Grant” in the “Century.” It was told during Lincoln’s visit to the front at City Point: , In the course of the conversation that evening he spoke of the improve¬ ment In arms and ammunition, and of the new powder prepared for the fif¬ teen-inch guns. He said he had never seen the latter article, but he under¬ stood it differed very much from any other powder that had ever been used. I told him that I happened to have in my tent a specimen which had been cent to headquarters as a curiosity, and that 1 would bring it to him. When 1 returned about the with size of a grain walnut, of the he took powder It, j a , turned ft over in his hand, and after i examining it carefully, said: "Well. It's rather larger than the powder we j used to buy in my shooting days. It ! reminds me of what occurred once in | a country meeting-house in Sangamon County. You see, there were very j few newspapers then, and Ihe country storekeepers had to resort to some other means of advertising their war’’ ! to tetotfto comlnVto'a prayer meet teg of an evening, the shopkeepers would often put in the time while the people were waiting by notifying them of goods. “One evening a man rose up and said: ’Brethren, let me take occasion to say, -fthllo were a-wallln I have jest received a new in vice of sportin' powder. The grains are so small you ktn scarcely see em with the naked eye. and polished up so fine you kin stand up and comb ycr ha r n\ front of one o’ them grains jest llko It was a lookin'-glass. Hope you’ll come down to my store at the cross reads and examine that powder for your- 6elves.’ "When we had got about this far a rival powder-merchant in the meeting, •who had been boiling over with Indlg- nation at the amount of advertising the opposition powder was getting, jump¬ ed up and cried out: ‘Brethren, I hope you'll not believe a single word Broth- er Jones has been sayin’ about that powder. I’ve been down thar and seen It for myself, and i pledge you my word that the grains is bigger than the lumps in a ooal-ptle; and any one of you brethren, of you was to your ftl- ture state, could put a bar’l o’ that powder on your shoulder and march squar’ through the aulphurlous (lames surroundin’ you without the least dan¬ ger of an explosion.’ ” Her One Fault. Rat—Th’ onld mare is perflet blit f’r wan ixception. ,,., Alike—\V hat s that > I’at—Ef alie’il yez lick ’er f’r balkin’ tin’, kick loiko a soon nv a goon.— Texas Siftings. Tho Which often culminates fatally, Is lna-ttvltv or Wlurev of the kidneys. Not only Is Bright’s .lls-aso dtabetes, grarol, or some other daugemus lute gr»l disease of the organa thomselv a to bo a,,. prohended, blood, rheumatism but dropsical nud diffusions from the to the from gout, are all tmeoabir non-removal Ihe blood by the kid Blttors noys of <wtain impurltiw. lIoatf , tXflr’« Stonmch nctlro dfipurntGS tho Wood, renders thoiidnoys and prevents their cliHeiiao. You should brace up, even if you have to uso suspenders. No-To-Khc for Fifty Cents. reguiate Over 400,000 or remove cured. your Why dosiro not let for No-To-Ba. tobacco? j Hares money, makes health and manhood Cure guaranteed. 50 cents and $1.00, at ail *ZTT S ri b .«^ r T -v Uc01, T' Tr-s ‘ n ’ 0nll>atmakf8a , , ra « ~ _ ( :bIrs «-^o, n n,« a J.r r Tr« e, U m KuT,e"^nr,- Kerre Restorer. $3trlal bottleand treatisofr«>e Dr. R. II, KJ.INB, Ltd., 031 Arch St., Phtla., Pa. . . ____ CxscARRih stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; 10c. I toothing, Mr.. Wlnslnw’R softens the Soothing gums, Syrup reduces for iutlamm ,'hlWron i- j | tion, allays pain, euros wind colic. 25c. fi bottle j After physicians had given mono. I was saved j by IMao’s Cure.-—R am’H Ekiru, W illiamsport, Nov. 32, 18H3. «T. C. Simps >n, Marquess, \V. Vn.. says: j j "Ilftira Catarrh Cur© cured mo of a very bad t case of catarrh.” Druggists s u it. 75c. J liver Just and try bowel a 1(k\ box of Cascarots, tho fin oat J regulator ever made. Vigor ! and Vitality I . ... by H’ood’s&^pariusl^Mdredfiling's' The blood . , . , , ovnrvoai". is purified, enriched and vitalized nod carries health to every I smmach fed tonc.laalLILLL’tl^m.d^Thc'lil.r'vc'^ i nro upcu proper nourishment and arc therefore strong; tho brain Is cleared and e n re od by Hood’s Sarsa¬ parilla i Isthobost—in fact tho One True Blood Purifier. H^e 1 ^Itir ____, UfE MAKE LOANS i WnFE on : INSURANCE POLICIES iSS: Equitable Lire Mutual Ur., and would ilk© t© secure a i.oim, writ© ua ^tvinir number TtiCEl'lIlSSl-AllViriCaU Loan aili TriUlCO., I No. l* Kquliahle imlldlnB. Atlanta. «a. 5f rii 3/ Jt ••"v, > '-3S “ When §5^ I 1 was a V'oy I was /troubled with dropsy,\ / I my l''«s swelling until 1 \ could not walk and finally I / ■ bursting open a\\dbecou\-I ing running sic es. The doe-1 V / tors gave me lip and said I \ I could not live. At this time I \ I began to use Ayer’s Sarsapa-\ / rilla and after taking fourteen \ I bottles I was able to pet out and \ i J f an< go l to at work. times My leg is still tender \ ■ somewhat sore but 1 ' have no hesitancy in saying Ayer’s \ Sarsaparilla saved my Wo.” -J. F. \ IIazkl, Tallulah, La., Nov. 21, !SCi5. ii \ ■ WEIGHTY WORDS 4SS V.. FOR Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. A SCIENTIST SAVED. President Barnaby, of IfarteTflle Colietre, gorvlFe* a Sarloua Illness Through the Af<l of Dr. Williams' Pink i Fills for I*a!e People. From the Republican, Columbus, Ind, The Hartavllle College, situated at Harts- vliJe, Indiana, was founded years ago In the Interest of the United Brethren Church, when tho State was mostly a wilderness, and oollegea were scarce. Tho college u well known througbont the country, former students having gone Into all parts of the world. mis tl i J & u W i 1 f ■ /V moF. ALvrv p. nAUKAiiY, A reporter recently called at this famous scat „ learning am, was shown Into the nal.y, When thVrepnrtcr Trot" Barnaby waVln delicate health. To-day ho was apparently in the best of health. In response to an Inquiry the professor said: 0. I mnw 1 perfect health, but my recovery was brought about la rather a pe- cellar way.” Tell mo about ...... It, said the reporter. “Well to begin at the beginning,” said the professor, "I studied too hard when at school, endeavoring to educate myself for the professions. After completing the com- mon course I camo horn, and graduated from the theological course. I entered tho ministry, and accepted the charge of a United Brethren Church at a small place In Kent County, Mich. Being of an ambitious nature, I applied myself diligently to my work and studies. In time I noticed that my health was falling. My trouble was In- digestion, and this with other troubles brought on nervousness, “My physician prescribed for me for some time, and advised me to take a change of elimato. I did as lie requested and was some improved. Soon aftor, I came hero ns professor in physics and chemistry, and later was financial agent of this college. Tho change agreed with me_ and for awhile my health was better, hut my duties woro heavy, and again I found my trouble returning. This time it was more severe, and In tho winter I becam* completely prostrated. I tried various medicines and different physicians. Finally, I was able to return to my duties. Last spring I was elected President of tho col¬ lege. Again I had considerable work, and tho trouble, which had not been entirely cured, began to affect me, and last fall I collapsed. X had different doctors, hut none did me any good. Professor Bowman, who is professor of natural science, told 1 1 iak “Ln 1 ills 1 ®. ,orl ex H lllu lt ™ 1 00 eo P'*’ f lth and ? r ur ’ B w od ' lllam mo »° ®’ give them a trial, boeuuso they had bene- I (Ite.d him iu a similar ease, and I concluded l °‘WlSSt box helped me, and tho second I gave great relief, such as I never had ox- ' l' !“ , ' m n * n0 ® After , i from using Ul ° six treatment boxes of of any tho physl- modi- I ln< ’, 1 entirely ’ ‘' ; ,' va8 well. I fool cured. better and To-day I am |’ , r stronger 1 ’ 1,1 ,0 / 1 certainly recommend this medicine.’ To ullay nil doubt Professor Barnaby cheerfully made no affidavit before D, Jess’s sracSpi. nw sold by all dealers, or will be sent post- paid boxes on receipt of price, CO cents a box or six for $2.50 (they are never sold in bulk, or by tho 100), by addressing Dr. Will- lama’ Medicine Co., Schenectady, J N. Y. ....... ....... jj (MV j ftr g ( . ]> ro ||f N ^ro Made If first-elnss bicycles can bo manu- faetured in large quantities for twenty- five dollars each, how much less does it cost to build type-writing machines? Is there any reason why j such machines should , sell for e $100 each? , .. Is -r there any reason why purchasers should pay even fifty dollars for such? What makes it possible for the nmnufactu- rers to secure five or six times the original cost? Persistent and judi¬ cious advertising. Origin of American Beauty Roses. The discoverer of the American Beauty rose was n man named Field, who had charge of the while house conservatories in tho time of President Grant. One day Field went into the greenhouse attached to the residence of Bancroft, tho historian, where lie saw a rose of unusual beauty and size, which the man in charge said sprung from a German cutting. Field bought the bush for $5, a few years later sold aU 'be cuttings and plants from the bush for $5,000 and bought real estate near Washington that toil years ago was sold for $50,000 and is now prob¬ ably worth a good deal more than that. ‘Change. A. iug, when assembling on parade for ’bill. Londo„reer«lt. Pat happened to fall in next to a On the order “1 )oib idp!” being h given bv the drill-sergeant ’ 4 , \ \ , * . doll, “Wely roplieil. ‘And bang Lon- ye spalpeen! London Answers. ELE(TEI) SENATOR BY THE IDA STATE LEGISLATURE. SUDDEN END OF EXCITING Oppositiun to Chipley Combine on Ex-Congressman—The Contest Closed With the Twenty-Fifth Ballot. Ex-Congressman Stephen Mallory, of Pensacola, was United States senator by the legislature , . . , Friday, . tlie ,, vote , on ,, twenty-fifth ballot of the contest began April 20th standing: 53; W. D. Chipley, 44; Call, 1, Chipley . , came so near election day, lacking only three votes, the opposition was divided four candidates, that the leaders the £ forces foU^nf hostile 5?he^1 to him consisting h£ ^Tt^reaU zed ^ That ^ ^ ane y’ s a,lh ?hete enthe strenirth^Chinle^ ’ V * B ur e ,v win Several Thursday night was the ballots were taken, in the leading candidates were Raney o’clock and Hocker. Finally, at Friday morning, the e ame to an agreement upon bly Upon the meeting of the joint at noon, a new candidate, for time since the balloting began, waB brought into the contest a preliminary When nominating speech. the last name was reached the roll call the vote stood: 49; Mallory, 47; two names been passed. Representative Morgan, who previously supported Chipley, who had not yet voted, then gave hallot to Mallory. Bawls, who was paired next, broke pair, as he claimed lie was to do under the existing circumstances, and threw his vote also for Mallory. This made the result a tie. Pandemonium prevailed for a time, the partisans of both candidates ing upon the desks and chairs waving their arms frantically in to make themselves heard. At length Senator Barber was nized and lie changed his vote Chipley to Mallory. Three others followed suit, the was verified, as stated above, President Perrenot formally Stephen H. Mallory elected. Senator Mallory spoke before a gathering in the house of tives tonight. He said that he endorsed all of planks of the Chicago platform, turn, *!'« R'^u^ly and advocating on the tho financial fieo of silver at the ratio of lit to 1, less of foreign countries. Ho did express decided views on the question, 0 aiVhV-tMrTc b seoond ongtesses J: is He entered the Confederate army in Virginia in the fall of 1864 and later served as a midshipman in the Con- federate ‘ navv After . the lie entered George- war town college, District of Columbia on< graduation taught sclioo f m Rensacola L 8t,,,h6 ' !a and "’’ 1,1 18! f hen he has returned o since prac- tlCefl ftw 11 1 1(>11<lrt an<1 11,80 1,een ln “ terested actively in politics, serving in both branches of the state legislature, besides tho national house of repi’6- sentatives, where he was a leading member of tlie committee on com- meree. Senator-elect Mallory is a son of the late Stephen It. Mallory who was sec¬ retary of the navy iu the confederate cabinet. His distinguished father was born in Nassau about 1810 and removed to Key West, Fla., when quite young, The elder Mallory was the senator from Florida during several terms. During the war he refugeed to La- Grauge, Ga., where he was arrested os a state prisoner. Ho was released on parole and afterwards pardoned by President Johnson. He died in Pen- sacola in 1873. ROBBERS LOOT TRAIN. Dynamited Two Safes and Secured About *l°.t ,0 ». The westbound Southern Paeifie =» ..... After forcing the doors of the ex- Prtsas ear, one of the robbers entered »“d dynamited the two safes of the W nils 1* argo Express company. Both the through and tlie local safes ‘Tr'am f miR toured® e Horn \ the through , safe is . unknown, hut it is believed will not fail t elow $7,000 or $8,000. TURKEY IS STUBBORN. Silo M lay Re Forced to Relent By the Pot wers at Cannon’s Mouth. A cable dispatch of Friday from Loudon says: The proposed negotia¬ tions for peace between Greece and Turkey are not proceeding ns smoothly as the European powers would like to fiee. The fact is, there is grave fear in diplomatic circles that the Sultan will prove-stiff-neeked and that he will resist all serious attempts at European control. lHSKNEY HORROR VERIFIED. Ten Men Killed and Many Injured By Fall of Ore Dump. News of the terrible disaster that occurred at Pinkney, Tenn., thirty miles from Nashville Thursday after- noon has been verified. The accident il as caused by the new tipple or ore dump, thirty feet high, falling. Tcii white men and boys were kill- od outright, and many were seriously wounded. All of the killed and wounded were on top of the tipple when it capsized, Only two escaped witliout serious in- juries. LIVELY IV KENTUCKY SENATE. silver Democrat. Outgeneraled Fu.ioni.t. And Much Profanity Resulted. A wild scene occurred in the Ken- tucky state senate Friday. It was over an attempt of the fused gold dem- ocrats and republicans to force through a bill providing for putting one name nnder two different devices on the state eWtion ballots d^mocrats, The silver though in the minority,out-generaled the opposition, got one of their number, Senator Goebel, in the chair, pending an ap- peal and adjourned the senate. The appeal was from the ruling of the reg- ular republican president, who count- ®d a quorum present, though not The “ a i orit y refused to ® ta “„ , annonn(,ement of the I ,ro Tem - speaker. President Worthington was urged back into the chair. “Falsehood and “indecency” were words hurled be- tween Stephen and Goebel, who seem- ed to be about to draw weapons. ^ be men had to get between the president and Bronston, but the pres- ?dent finally declared the senate ad- i ourne d, because the democraUc clerks adiournment fx^reled “wmihto’t'^Tbeir du- W Ve ” as he figl^r U this on will be against any quorum till the end of the session, and if the president again ! C ° Un “ P d ' p,»R rrinTTmiF ; Al A - Adopts Kesolutions ln,lorslns Senator Morgan’s Attitude. The supreme council of the Ameri- can Protective Association in session • a ‘Washington adopted resolutions in- dorsing the attitude of Senator Mor- gan, of Alabama, on the Cuban ques- tion and denouncing Senator Vest, of Missouri, for assertions that teachers : in the Indian service are broken down 1 preachers and teachers, to whom the i Catholic priests were far superior. \ The resolution, based on the reports of committees appointed to consider j the action of the executive boaid by I whom the declarations were drafted, j were The adopted Vest resolution unanimously. called the j on j j allegation senate to that impeach ha is Mr. not truly Vest Amen- on tho i can in his views. j ! to Copies all of these directly measures interested. were sent persons j ! °f The alterations supreme in council the constitution made a number of | | the The association. president’s salary increased was | to $iS,000 and that of the secretary to j | $2,000. It decided to was organize an msuv- | ance feature to the order and the work j of putting it into practical operation I was left to the executive board. After listening to a number of ad- 1 dresses on the work of the order, the I council adjourned to meet in A\ ashing- j ton again next year, MAY SAVE DURRANT’S NECK. Itussian Sailor Confesses That He Mur- | (lercd l?lanclxe I^amont. dispatch A San Francisco says: J Theodore Durrant, through his at¬ torneys, has asked Governor Bttdd to pardon him on the ground that the real murderer of Blanche Lamont has at last confessed his crime. ! 'f ho yors declare that they have They iir insist that in the “»• of John Rosenberg, person a convict at San Quentin prison, they havo discovered tlie man who is guilty of the horrors of the Emanuel church. John Rosenberg has made a sworn confession before a notary public and in the presence of several witnesses that he killed Blanche Lamont at the instigation of a stranger and in con- federation us > oo y of work. the payment of $700 for 1{o3 f b «'Ki Busman sailor f and [ s a a >’nved in this city on a sailing vessel | ro “ Hamburg, Germany, during the last week of March, 1895, or on the 1st j day of April. He is now serving a term for horse stealing and appears to be sane. COOPER ESCAPES GALLOWS. i Jury Returns a Verdict of Voluntary Man¬ | slaughter Against the Young Man. The result of the Cooper murder trial at LaGrange, Ga., was a verdict of voluntary manslaughter. Only the pronouncing of the sen- tence by Judge Harris is wanting to make Douglas Cooper a convict and to dispose of, for the present at least, a celebrated case. “JERSEY LILY” GETS DIVORCE. i Decree Hiving Her Freedom Rendered j 1,1 11 tl, lf ” luia < <> " U ' ihedciue that gives her her much soughtfreedom frommatrimonial fet- day by duuge W w . R k. Lrump. it n IZ \ias all done wyy.L quietly, a default being en- «rn auIwedly Cautnia tune the code Whilo " “‘le all „il the the Wnl legal tormaimes formalities were neie complied with no one except those ae- tually interested in the delicate matter were present. MANY SOLDIERS KILLED. Sixteen Cars Wrecked in Russia With Ter¬ ribly Fatal Results. Advices from St. Petersburg state that a terrible railway disaster befell a military train Friday evening between llockenliof and Eliva, on the Valki- Jurjev iine. Sixteen ears were smashed. Two officers and nearly one hundred soldiers were killed and sixty others seriously injured. CHAPMAN GOES TO JAIL. Stock Broker Says He Will Serve Out the Thirty Days’ Sentence. E. H. Chapman, the New Y'ork stock broker who, for refusing to answer questions in the senate sugar trust to¬ vestigation ofl894, was sentenced to thirtv days’ imprisonment, was inter- viewed at his office Friday, and said: “It is my intention to go to Wash- mgtoii and, ns they say, ‘take my medicine.’ I will serve out the thirty days’sentence without an effort to ob- win a pardon from the president. “1 have requested my friends not to 1 make application for pardon.” a Uf[l1( HU IN THE HOUSE. - MR. SIMPSON’ , ASKED TO KN’OTV "WHERE * HE WA SAT.” - TILLMAN DEMANDS INVESTIGATION _ South Carolinian Throw, Hot Shot .t “Speculating 1 ’ Senators-Charge. of Bribery. -- The Indian appropriation bill was disposed of by the house Thursday with the exception of the provision for opening the Utah Gilsomte lands, which was postponed until Monday. The conference report which estab- Hshes and Indian warehouse at Omaha, ratifies the least of the Seneca oil lands and adds one judge to the Indian Ter- ntory courts, was adopted by a vote of 54 to 47. | Nearly two hours was consumed in prsliamentary squabble on the point J’ aised byMr.W heeler,of Alabama, that the rule for semi-weekly sessions was Kansas, endeavored to renew his attack upon the speaker for failing to appoint com- m.ttees and censured the republicans 5" rrss’sysss:qsis: T’ “Tw LV. g “ H f present when the speaker sustained the point that he was out of order hav o been in doubt whether I bad any ^ rights 8 J in this house lately” wLs M) . Si touted when ho compelle 1 d to take his seat under the r , llo ’ M r p republican of New y 0 rk ’ called Mr ' Simnson 1 to order and to him the Kansas member said: ; [ <<Tb e speaker recognizes that you w jjl do bi B bidding and you will get a 1 g 0od p\ ace OIl a committee all right. 4 know that there is a good deal of | anx ; e f y on that point among the re- j j publicans.” This taunt moved Mr. Dingley and 1 Ml . w A s tone republican, of Penn- j , sy i ran j a , to call Mr. Simpson to order. j | q ke ques tion whether Mr. Simpson should be permitted to proceed in j order was p a t P) jbe house. Many j republicans voted 110, ’ while others re- | f ra j ned f rom YO ting. 1 Simpson was given the floor by J a ! 70 t e 0 { 57. When he again pro- ceedlid) however, the speaker declared j b; s remarks to be out of order and } called upon him to desist. Several democrats protested against ; y Ir- s; mpson ’ s being taken from the floor Iu explanation Mr. Reed said: “The chair submits to the house that criticisms of what the chair did at some past timo ftre not in order> not that the ^ chair is above criticism or above at- i tack, but because the speaker is the 1 speaker of the house and such attacks are not conducive to order. The speaker cannot reply to them except in a fragmentary manner, and it is not ( ! desirable objection that is to repiy be made be made to the If speak¬ any i er’s conduct, it can be made at the time and direct.” There was some filibustering, after which the house decided that Mr. Simpson could not speak, w’herenpon he appealed to the chair to be inform¬ ed “where am I at?” j “ The ° hair \ aS “ewbera able to 1 J „ ] knew tba V the " y 0516 ^as op y Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, | | ma ate le Thursday a sensational in the speech in the sen- course of the de- : bate on bringing Chapman before the [ bar of the senate. He said the senate should not go af- 1 ter Chapman,but should learn ■whether ! senators speculated in sugar stock, j There were published charges, he said, that senators speculated in sugar j stock within the last week. Instead 1 of looking to Chapman, he said the senate might better call on Havemeyer and the other sugar trust magnates. Referring to tho last investigation, ho said: ‘‘We want to know whether our committee was bought and punish them and the men who bought them. ” The senato decided that when it ad¬ journed it be till Monday, and then entered on a discussion of Senator Al- , e “ , ? Chapman resolution, . lbe discussion ranged from a dry , e gal argument *°Jh? sensational out- ,ms ' from Mr. Hillman, mentioned a3 ° ve ’ At 2 o’clock the Morgan Cuban res¬ olution went over until Monday. WEYLER BACK TO FIELD. | OveC Two Hundred Insnr Be nts Killed ! Daring First Ten Bays of May. ^ ln t . he fighting which has taken place in the first ten days of the month 218 insurgents have been kill- 0 d and eleven captured. The troops .inrinrp :sa;;r£'Z“ ji lp i^a. dn n,ldltlon i the h e troons troops captured, t 1 | 188 stand 0 ; armB 342 Worses and 95 armed insurgents surrendered to the Spanish authorities. FOUR KILLED OUTRIGHT. Boiler Explodes and Human Flesh Scat¬ tered Promiscuously. A saw mill boiler exploded on Reel- foot river several miles from Tipton- ville, Ky., Thursday, killing Ed Pat¬ terson and Dink Hodges, white, and two colored men. Three other men were terribly mangled and will die The mill was a small portable affair and 1m 1 just located on the river. It is said the water was run in tho boiler while the boiler was too hot. STRAW.BOARD TRUST. Mnnufaeturers Have a Secret Session in Cleveland, Ohio. The straw-hoard manufacturers of the United States held a secret, meet- tog at Clcvelaud, O., Thursday and, according to reports, formed a trust to control the product of the country, though no definite information could be obtained from them. XYepiesontatiYes of firms in vuncin- nati, Covington and Binghampton, N. Y., were present. A Story of a Manuscript. A »tcry is tohl of a certato southern author who had a manuscript accepted by a northern periodical that only pays on publication but he has never had the pleasure of seeing his pioduction in print. Finally, he went north, anc, getting hard up called on the editor, who would neither return his manu- script nor guarantee him a day of pub- Hcation He repaired to his hotel and tb f editor a threatening letter in which he men loned pistols and coffee, etc. Shortly after he was ar- rested and taken to the station house, where he remained all night. e next corning be sent the following me .<r q on q know the rules up here. For heaven - B Bake> come down and pav fine and take the manuscr i pt as se- T1 .-_ edit r unmoved by his ap- neal and replied briefly “We cannot violate the rules of our office We will pay our flne wken we ij puWi8h your Bt orv. We wish you . .._Atlanta Constitution j To Be Sure. Mrs. Peck—Here’s a lawsuit in Ken- tucky because a man refused to pay f or burying his wife. She didn’t live If that the queerest ^Henry Peck—I don’t see as it was so qnee r, Nancy. Why should a man bury his wife if she didn’t live with bim?-Judge. ! Pertinent Questions. •r Why Will a Woman Throw Away Her Good x Looks and Comfort? . Why will a woman drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence and miss three-quarters of the ; " joy of living, when she has health almost within her grasp ? If she does not value her good looks, does she not value her comfort ? i fe^~ Why, my sister, will you suf¬ fer that dull pain in the small of your back, those bearing-down, = °* > dragging sensations in the loins, that terrible fullness in the lower bowel, caused by constipation pro¬ ceeding from the womb lying over and pressing on the rectum ? Do you know that these are signs of displacement, and that you will never be well while that lasts ? * What a woman needs who is thus af¬ fected is to strengthen the ligaments so they will keep her organs in place. There is nothing better for this purpose than Lydia E. I’inkham’s Vegetable Com¬ pound. The great volume of testimony which is constantly rolling in, proves that the Compound is constantly’ curing thousands of just such cases. The following letter from Mrs. Marlow is only one of many thousands which Mrs. Pinkham has received this year from those she has relieved—surely such testimony is convincing: n “My trouble commenced after the birth of my last child. I did not know what was the matter with me. My husband went to our family physi¬ cian and described my symptoms, and he. said I had displaceic'yt and falling of the womb. lie sent me some medicine, but it did little good. I let it go on about two years, and every time I did any hard work my womb would come down. Finally a lady friend advised me to try Lydia E. I’inkham’s Vegetable Compound, which I did. The first bottle helped me so much, I con¬ tinued to take it right along. My back was almost the same as no back. I could not lift scarcely any weight. My life was just a drag to me. To-day I am well of my womb trouble, and have a good, strong back, thanks to Mrs. I’inkham’s Vegetable Compound.”—Mss. L. Mabi.ow, Milford, Ill. /S\ANDY CATHARTIC ^^CUR COHSTiPAHOHl^ plo ABSOLOTELYCBIEHTEED!;,?KSSStS^S^£.K,'i£ and booklet free. Ad. STE1U.ING REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal. Can., >York. l or ■ gfgrrr fJi gi — 1 * L- --- FTBr: * ,npr ^ Tpm ’’ nf fl patented 1890 ln^ths V. S^, Canada and Europe. 8Tlt<)N4J—A rnOOF [ founSat!on. t ln r ' LIGHT—Weighs heavy but canvas J 85 lbs. per loo 9q. ft. when laid complete. 1.1'. X i 111. K—Contains no coal tar, and retains indefinitely itsl eather-liire pliability and! tcmgbnA«j«, EAtSlr.Y APFUEIX—Requires no kettle or other expensive apparatus. (Jan be laid by any Intel* Ugeut workman. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. CHICAGO: H. W. JOHNS MFC. CO., IOO WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. 240 & 242 Randolph St. PHILADELPHIA: 170 k 172 North 4th St. BOSTON: 77 }t 79 Psarl St. Who opened (Hal ^*1 1 “ bollleof " HIRES s | Rootbeer? ^ , a The popping of a ^ S cork from a bottle of l^S*- i Hires is a signal of V K good health and plea-S* v | ffl sure. old folks A like sound to hear the jj 1 —the children ^ can’t Fi 1 resist it. HIRESj Roo'tbeer is composed of the very system ingredients the > the digestion, requires. Aiding the purifying soothing the blood. nerves, A temper¬ ance drink for temper¬ ance people. Made only Hi/ea hy The Charles R. Co., Phil*. A A package makon 5 gallons. v. Sold everywhere. MALSBY&COMPANY, 57 So. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. i General Agents for Erie City Iron Works En g ines and Boilers j Steam Water Heaters, Steam Pumps and Penberthy Injectors. y ! - ALU" iV'i'd 5 35 Manufacturers and Dealers in S A ‘XTV TV/T T T.T. c: J Corn Miu , fF „ a M11U , CoMon Gin Mac n . ery „n<i Grain Separator*. j solid and inserted Saws, s»w Teeth and 5«IuiSd‘KjiMKSu^ Bur* and a fun line of Min Supplies. , ^15^ 1 o!5S Price . (V« by Calal0 * u * Merit Tfin«. The invention of Alabastine marked a new era in wall coat ins?, and from the stand¬ point of the building owner was a most im¬ portant ginn discovery, branched It has from a small be- ng out into every couotry of the civilized world. The name “kalsomins” has become so offensive to property owners that manufacturers of cheap kalsomine other preparations are now calling them by some name, and attempting to sell on the Alabastine company's reputation. Through extensive advertising and per¬ sonal use, the merits of ti e durable Alab; as- tine are so thoroughly known that the peo¬ ple insist on getting these goods and will take no chance ol spoiling their walls' for a possible saving of at the most but a few cents. Thus it is again demonstrated that merit wins, and that manufacturers of first- class articles will be supported by Ihe people. Ifis Only Hope. They are telling the story in Maine of a prominent man who promised, on leaving home, to send from this city to a friend telegraphic dispatches giving the returns in an important election. Early in the evening his telegrams had a confident tone; later the friendly sender began to hedge, and finally, about midnight, he sent the last words, saying: “I hope to leave for home to¬ morrow; it is about the only hope I have left.—New York Times. A Beautiful Blotchy Face. Tetter, Right off you say, “Impossible.’” And so it is. Eczema. Ringworm or any other scaly, ugly hideous. stin disease makes the handsomest face “Tettorine” will cure them. It’s the only gists, cure—certain, safe, sure. 50 cents at drug¬ or by mail for price in stamps. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. A false set of teeth is muchTbetter than a fal¬ setto voice, - _ Wren bilious or costive, eat a Cascaret, candy cathartic; cure guaranteed; 10c., 35c. FRSCK COMPANY ECLIPSE ENGINES ^ c - Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, Grain Separators. Chisel Tooth and Solid Saws, Saw Teeth, In¬ spirators, Injectors, Engine Repairs and a full line of Brass Goods. Send /qv Catalogue and Pi'ices. Avery ^ SOUTHERN & McMillan MANAGERS. Nog. 51 & 53 S. Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA. SPECIAL FOR MAY. HAGGARD’S SPECIFIC TABLETS. All persons sending us fifty cents, will receive by mail one package of. this wonderful remedy. Regular price $1.00. This proposition isliinited to two hexes. Haggard’s Specific Tablets are the greatest vital tonic ever discovered, and an unfailing cure for kidney, bladder and nervous affections. Address HAGGARD’S SPECIFIC CO., 310 Norcross 151'dg., Atlanta, G». Wholesale by Lamar & Rankin Drug Co. -AND- BOILERS. Tanks, Stacks, Stand-Pipes and Sheot- Boxes, Iron work; Hangers, Shafting, etc. Pulleys, Gearing, ?3F“Ca8t every day *, work ISO hands. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. LIFE I LIFE 1 LIFE! CUTLER’S -J has po equal as a POCKET cure for Catarrh. IN $1.00. HAUER All drugglsts.W. H. SMITH At CO., Props.. Buffalo. N.Y, I co Users. uO 'V 2W SE PI SO v S" CU R E FOR _ CURES WHtHt ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Taatea Good. Use ln time. Sold by clruts'eiata. C O fVS U MPT ION “2541‘s-