The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, June 11, 1897, Image 3

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THE PUBLISHED EVERY Ld m TOWN* 111' MOROAN. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. Wardens—J. J. Beck, T, W. L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—8. T. Clayton. Marshal—J. 8. Riley. Our Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly tution oik year for §1.50. The Monitor and the Soutlietn tivator one year for §1.50. CmiRCHKS. Baptist Church—Ilev. Z. T. pastor. and Saturday Preaching before. every third ■every Newton, Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. E. Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday 'll o’clock a m. Sunday-school Sabbath at 3 p m. G Cartledge, perintendeut. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & M.. meets every first and third iti each month at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney PaPd, Secretary. Calhoun Superior Court com enes Monday. Globe Fruit Jars at 85cts. per at J. N. Daniel’s. The little folks enjoyed themselve the residence of Mr. and Mrs G. Colley Monday night. Sheriff Davis has been riding the part of the week, getting things in for court. Bet a dollar everything is apple pie order. Lost —strayed or stolen, town council. Finder will please to this office and receive liberal as it is badly noeded. The recent good showers caused young crops to take on a rapid and our farmers and gardeners to and wink in a knowing manner. J. M. Mewton, the hustling brick ufacturer, has any quantity or quality brick for sale. Read particulars bead of “new advertisements,” Quite a delegation of oar young attended the ball at the palatial of Dr. F. P. Griffin in Leary, night. They are high in their praise the royal reception given them. The Monitob force enjoyed Daisy McMurria’s visit to Mrs. J. Daniell this week. Our office is across the street, and we certainly in the vocal and instrumental daily rendered by her. Mrs. D. T. Elder left home in pany with her husband to pay, the last visit to her father, Mr. of Baker County, who is rapidly H,is friends learn that he cannot live many days longer. Jndge J. J. Beck and Mrs. Beck, Stew rat Short, Mrs. L. W. Dozier, Eula Ragan, Prof. W. M. Pettis wife and Rev. Frank McCullough Morgan Sunday and Monday to spend the week in Dawson in attendance the teachers Institute. To take men as they come and fit correctly, giving them almost an unlim jted variety of woolens from which select garments, are the principles have characterized the success of Born & Co., the great Chicago tailors. ___ _ Rev. Frank McCullough preached of his able sermons to his at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing. He did not discourse at nigit Rev. John Martin, being in town, persuaded to till the Batist pnlpit day night. A fair congregation to and enjoyed his Christian talk. The young people of Morgan doubtedly enjoy pleasure and seek opportunity to gratify their whim; no town in the State can boast of cleverer set than our boys and girls. That’s right, have your fun while have a chance, for the perplexing of a cruel world will soon settle you, and the friends who now you will be eternally at rest Morgan is dull since ■week; the many merry faces of the ones attending school are sadly as we pass on our way to and from office; Jlie playground is deferted; joyous peals of laughter are heard ; hurrying of little feet to awswer the of the big bell wielded by the hand of beloved teacher; no bright faces to you with a pleasant “good morning" you hurry to your place of Yes, the little ones are missed, missed, because there are none to you of days the days that have gone happy of childhood. On last Thursday night while Mr. E. Harvin of Dickey was attending rehearsal at the academy some one tered his house presumably for the pose of robbery. In groping about rooms the would be robber struck caught hold of Mr. Harvin’s little tes’s foot who was asleep in bed, ing her. Two young ladies were ing the night with the Harvins, when the little girl was disturbed cried out. Her cries aroused the hold, and the intruder made good escape through a window. Some it wae an attempt ata more serious than robbery. SGiTjliSJLEiXS- Composed, Compiled, Set op ami Other¬ wise Arranged by Fitztloodie. "Before With kiss we and were married, with Vow She clung ’round my neck; She walks on it now.” —Ciiff Cheney in Home Sorrows. The girl’s favorite author—Huggins. All stuttering men are honest . They stick to their word. Your best girl’s waist grows smaller on acquaintance; that is you can get your arm around it much easier. Mrs. Ellen Daniell’s piano and Judge Monroe’s fiddle keep our devil dancing the entire week. The editor and the devil are whetting their teeth preparatory to masticating wedding Cake in the near future. Ask no questions. A Mew York man by the name of Six recently married a Miss Four. If the example is worked corectly the sum total will be ten. Time—11.39 p. m. Scene—1 horn ton house: “Will yon love me when I’m gone?” “Yes, if for no other reason, I'll love you for going.” Tableau. A moonshiner who had six wives was I arrested recently. The United States Colnnlissiouer thought he had been pmi- 1 ished sufficiently, and , turned , . , him . , loose. The gentlemen who guy each other so unmercifully while, in friendly conver¬ sation at the Court house of afternoons s t 10U ](3 remember that many secret truths are hidden behind public jests. j If yon would speak to what cannot ! hear, turn not to stocks and stones, but j to men in the glow of passion or to j women under the spell of a pleasure. These tilings smite deaf. “A newspaper Writer speaks of ‘a let¬ ter unbecoming a gentleman, much less ] a Christian. ’ But we still think that what is unbecoming a gentleman, must be much more unbecoming a Christian.” A certain Buck is seriously thinking of resuming his abode in Alabama owing to peculiar and trying circumstances over which he has no control. Even the cats are after him. I heard a friend of mine who sports a sandy moustache and a wide brimmed summer bat, bemoaning his lot thusly a few days ago, “She shares things with hor husband, tho’ He seems to take it ill; She has a bird’s wing on her hat, And lets him have the bill.” “Permit me to die at your feet, dar¬ ling!” he gasped, as he looked for a real c j ean p] ace 011 the floor on which to rest * l[s hansomely-encased knee caps. •I could never forgive you, if ycu did, Frank dear,” she replied. “I could never bear to look at a corpse. It gives me the all overs. “The trouble of today is that our chureli members are so cold; so indiffer¬ ent to the salvation of souls. You’d rather tell a smutty tale than relate the ‘Story of the Gross;’ you’d rather regale scandal than talk about a lost soul’s sal¬ vation; rather talk of others faults than consider your own. ” At our house we have a pet calf, three pet chickens, two pet guineas and a couple of benchlegged fice dogs, all of them except the calf having the run of the honse, and I have been expecting the madame to install it in the spare room. We are fond of pets and would bo glad for some of our neighbors to send us in two or three raccoons and a pig or two. Dear friend, did you ever try the following scheme? If you never did, just try it one time and y.ou will rest sweetly in your grave when you are finally laid to rest: “Take a dollar bill and fold it several times each way. Then unfold it and you wil 1 find it increases. Keep the increase but send the original bill to the printer who put you on to the scheme. Then take a silver dollar and drop it on tho counter and notice the ring it makes. Send the ring to your best girl and the dollar to the printer, and all parties will be happy. A Sure Tiling: for You. A transaction in which you--annotloseisa sure tbiug. Biliousness, sick headache, lar- red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the won¬ derful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Sample and Try a box to-day; 10c., ‘25c., 50a booklet free. See our big ad. Mr. J. G. Collier, a gentleman of the old school type, and a man whose friendship is worth seeking, called on the Monitor Monday and said that ho had carried a dollar long enough which belonged to the paper. We got tho dollar, and here’s success to Uucle Joe. Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by DeV\itt s \\itch Hazel Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, and all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved by the same remedy. Boyd, Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Leary; Henry Turner, Edi¬ son. Profcssoi Short and a number of his scholars together with a good del¬ egation from Morgan attended Prof. L. F. Short’s school exhibi tion last Thursday night and report a good time and fine entertainmeut. Isn’t it funny that your friends wait until you get into trouble bef ore they offer you advice and then say, "I am sorry for you, but if you will just bear up it will make a mau of you.” Mrs. Dr. Briscoe who lias been in Cothbert with her grandchildren 1ms come home for the summer. DiCiiiil St iiOcL CLOSES With Appropriate Exercises— Programme Highly Enter¬ taining to Citizens and Visit ors, ___ As per published programme. Prof. J. S. Edwards, principal of the Dickey High School, and his pupils, assisted by the friends of the institution, proceeded to entertain the patrons and a large au¬ dience of visitors at the academy last Friday night in the rendition of a well arranged and instructive programme. The writer could hot attend, but from persons present who are well up on such matters the Monitok learns that Profes¬ sor Edwards’ school exhibition was a success from start to finish, and that but one thing prevented n perfect evening— the threatening weather. Afterja few well chosen remarks of thanks by Prof. Edwards the exercises were opened with “Te Deum,”—Quar¬ tette. Then came the plays, recitations, dialogues, tableaux and vocal and instru¬ mental music, ail of which could not have been excelled by many profession • als. Mrs. W. E. Harvin and Miss Jessie Parkins made a great hit in their whist¬ ling duet. Professor Edwards in “Handy Andy’’ was simple immense, while W. E. Harvin carried you back to “de good old days ob befo’ do wall” in liis “Old Black Joe. ” The wand drill, in which seventeen boys and girls took part, was excellent, aiid showed the master hand of their drill- master. The tableau, “Rock of Ages,” deeply impressed the children and was especially enjoyed by the old folks. Hon. J. L. Boynton added much to the evening’s entertainment by his happy and humorous address of welcome m behalf of Dickey and her school. The pupils acquitted themselves ad¬ mirably in all their parts, and the affair will be long remembered by them and all present as one of the happiest occa¬ sions of a lifetime. Professor Edwards and the school should feel under many obligations to Mrs. E. P. Parkins, a highly accompl¬ ished. and clever Washington, D, (J,, lady, formerly. In behalf of the Morgan visitors the Monitor wishes to return thanks to the good people of Dickey for the tunny courtesies shown them. Our clever school commissioner informs us that he and his party actually enjoyed “reserved seats.” May the pupils, teachers and friends of the Dickey High School live long and read the Monitor. Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discovery of ttie age, njeas- anfc and refreshing to the taste, act gently cleansing and positively the on entire kidneys, liver dispel and bowels, colds, headache, fever, system, habitual constipation cure and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of G. C. C. to-day; 10, 35, 50 cents. Sold anil guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Williamsburg Whittings. WHITTLED BY NIMROD. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daniell were in the city Tuesday. Mrs. N. L. Wade from near Damascus spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Perry. Mr. J. C. Price and lady visited Mof gan Sunday. Capt. P. E. Boyd was over Tuesday inspecting His crops. Clever H. B. later of Leary is super 1 intending the erection of the new build¬ ing on the Boyd place. Capt. P. E Boyd is having built at Ills plantation here a commodious stockade and a new and up to date ginneiv. Joe Daniell is building on hia plantation near here a big store, and is improving his already first class ginnery Joe is also contemplating boring an artesian well. Watch our suburbs grow. A few good citizens of Morgan, Wil¬ liamsburg and vicinity gave a picnic at Blue Springs Tuesday. John Price says he drove four miles out of the way to avoid “Nimrod’s” company. However, with II. B. tsler, wo “tracked” them up, and arrived upon the ground just as din¬ ner was spread. We enjoyed one more square meal since the “cake walk.” After dinner, Mrs. Price informed us that J. C. drove so far out of the way because lie was ashamed to be seen driv¬ ing a mule hitched to a “one boss wag- gin.” I enjojed tho pleasure of a quarrel with my best girl a few evenings since, a luxury I fully appreciated. While out driving one evening last week Mr. T. \V. Tinsley and Miss Daisie McMurria had quite an exciting experi ence. They were driving slowly along a shady road talking, (now we can't tell you what they were inIking about be- cause we wore not there) when suddenly the horse shied aud leoking they were astonished to see an alligator crossing the road in front of them. Mr. Tinsley flmnkly • aughted , . ■, and . bagged , , the game, but he didn’t bring him back up town in liis buggy for whoever heard of a young lady-riding in the buggy with an alligator. Don’t neglect a cough because the weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may develop into a seri¬ ous Cough difficulty beyond repair. One Min¬ ute Cure is easy to take and will do what its name implies. Mrs. S. T. Clay¬ ton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Miss Inez Cheney who visitod relatives relatives here last week returned to her home in Shellmau Saturday. Miss Inez is a local favorite in our town and an eyer welcome guest. Misses EiigeDe and Sallio Tinsley are spending the week with Miss Inez Che- ney at Shellmau. 0 Money must come ? Lawns, Insertions, Laces IT IS SURRY Si A T . . j^-r- A iVl 1 0 1 Al\li To think that ybtl cannot save money with by trading us. WE WANT YOU To look at the best assorted stock of goods to be found AS outside of the larger cities. We Cannot Enumerate our line, but will say to our friends and cus» tomevs that all our goods are new and first class. IF IN NEED OF S-A.3rtO-ZA.ITSf £3 TINT Gents' Furnishings, ; Dress Deeds, * fresh Groceries or Farm Supplies* Don’t fail to see us before going elsewhere, as we will save you money. • on .VC, Organdies Cnambrys. 1 Goods in ust S2: UCLAYTON, MANAGER. i T J . r. CLAYTO > s LIVERY, SALE and STABLES. FEED Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Prices. -vVHBM I3ST TOWN Take your stock to my Stables to be cared for. J. S. RILEY, MANAGER. A o Eitor Monitor: Please say to your many readers, among whom I have hundreds of customers and friends. that ‘I have opened up the prettiest line of SPRING- AND SUMMER HATS, TRIM- MINKG—S, LACES, ETC-, PVC!- brought to Morgan. My stock attention of General Millenary STYLE and NOtions, AND C‘fDLLORb cannnt‘tge the excellegd. selection. Particular .of was awe to 1n my stock. Tell them to come and see; I am ALWA‘XS READY to do my best please. I do work and with ()del‘s ‘ to my own can compete anyone. ‘ by mail Wlll receive prom attention. Yours, to please. . j . MRS_.- GEO. 1 1 “7 (/OIJIJEY. ‘ 1 - 1‘ . . FROM S.N.McGuirt. \S P ' il t/ I v c OVERLOADED Where I got for cash— 9 pounds good coffee for $1.00 7 pounds Arbucklecoffco, 1.00 18^ lbs. best white sugar, 1.00 18* lbs. pearl good rice, 1.00 50 lbs. grits, Lard, Clots. 1.00 Best White Label Best white meat, by the side, Gfets. Sheeting and checks, per yd, Gets. Ladies and gents slippers, 75e. to 1.50 Ladies and gents shoes, 75c. to 1.85 Best Mccoboy floUr, per bbl., pound, G.00 snuff, per 25c Giant potash, 1G boxes for 1.00 Gooseneck Hoes, 30c D. & H. Scovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2, 40 and 45ets. Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c Meal aud Corn, per bushel, f»5c fifty sheets Flypaper, 35c “Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c I am yours, thanking you for your patronage in the past aud wishing to tiave it in the future, H. N. McUUIHT. NEW STORE A • N i) NEWG00DS EYERY HAY IS BARGAIN DAY We will sell goods so low you w i!! be astonished. M88i mm ryesi) iifjs ijeo. We realize tho fact that to build up a trade, we must give bargains. GIVE US A CHANCE. WE RAVE ALL YOU WANT. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, CLOTHING GROCERIES* HARD¬ WARE, & Etc. COME AND PRICE OUR GOODS NIXON & (JO. ARLINGTON, GA. 1S5 liedHiirnis Soda Water! Of ladies and gentlemen at T. J .TINSLEY & CO.’S STORE* where they* enjoy the most delicious IBiHUllB BRINKS i Of every flavor, At least 200 glasses of health giving beverages, flavored with PURE FRUIT SYRUPS, is drawn from our handsome now Fount per day, and when you get thirsty come over. ASK US FOR CLOTHING. Notice the Big Red Sign! \Vo solicit the trade of all and guarantee prices and quality of all our goods* T. J. TINSLEY k CO. If You Want The best flour don’t go T3 EUGENE P. PARKINS To get, and if you want S lbs coffee for $1.00 don’t go td him for it. But it you want the host IBO+tBEEt FEEDER on the market or any of the following goods he can furnish them to you at prices that will as- tonisli you. Drop him a card and he will do the rest. Bitiss Hoods- Brass goods ill stock for evbry Wt- riety of service, such as Globe Valvs, Check Valves, Angle Valves, Oylin- der Cocks, Pet Cocks, Drip Cooks, Air Cocks, Pop Valves Lubricators, Steam Guages, Engine Oilcups, Giutge Cocks,Glass G uagijs Complete, Stearti Cocks* Jet Pumps, Inspira¬ tors* Engine Trimmings of every description* etc., etc. Castings In stock for repairs oil engines from 4 to 60-horse power, as follows; Pis¬ ton heads* Follower head!}, Riston rings, Eccentric and Straps, Glands for stuffing boxes, both brass and E.P.PARKINS MACHINE WORKS Calhoun County. DtCKEY, Gt-At. &Co. ■Tl SFTEXJLIVr-fiLlsf, 4 DEALERS IN HARDWARE, PAINTS, ;1'II|0IIS, CMCKEBY. HOiiSE FURKISHINCli!) GOODS, STOVES, SASK, DOOBS BULIlSriDS -A-TST3D BUII/DEEIS’ SUPPLIES. Our stock is entirely new. V r e don't keep goods in our line, but seU them. Wo CAN and WILL sell as Cheap as any house lii the State, and desire to build up out' trade to tlio highest point; If you Wiil cottie wd will do tho rest. Miss Minnie Riley. Miss Ella Riley ruoritiKTORH of this Riley House, ■WOHfiAN, GKOKGIA. First-class accommodations at reason, able rates to trancient customers. Home to boarders. New house, now- furniture. Satisfaction guaranteed. ¥> ; i sA V V, K v- * •> A/A - J ■ 3 ffl 0 ffl ffl 0 0 e a a s a s .a i l . DSfflEfflEfflHfflSffia 1 i • m m 7L>VT 7 )) Attracting a Crowd iron; S loam chest. Covers-, Cylindot heads, Flange Couplings for shafting and for wooden wheels, and many other castings too numerous to men- tion. llrass Hastings* Stick brass, rdand, hexagon, etc., etd. Rod brass to auy drawing desired* planed and bored perfectly true. Parking; Asbest.OS [lacking, Gum sheet pack¬ ing, Pistonrod packing* etc. Loiter steel, Boiler ritetS, patch bolts, stay bolts. Boilers repaired and tested bv hydrawlio pressure td insure safety. Round machine steel from one-fourth Of art inch to thred inches in diameter. Piping for satnd from one foqrth to three inches in diameter. Koy ways all cut by machinery— Key seats-all cut hy machinery, irri sirring accurate lilting, etc. All orders by mail receive prompt attention. “WHALE, 1 99 The registered Eanttu-lfy blocked jack, is now at Clayton’s Stablest Morgan, Ga , for the season for the’ accommodation of all those wishing to raise mules. PI very case guaran¬ teed. Teriiis made known On ap. plication. G. W. Eubanks. ^ Wanted.— A first-class outfit., at a loV price,, for tho purpose of making tirj type pictures. Address this paper.. Icecold Drinks,