The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, June 18, 1897, Image 2

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THE MONITOR I a ! I. E/ the Monitor Pu blishin g C. rpar.y- MORGAN, GA., JUNE 1571^7?’I Entered at the Post Office a At organ a j second-class mail matter. I ...... j One copy one mouths” year'' _ ^ ’. * ** > * " >N * * ' oo line copy six r,r, One copy three months . . . 25! Advertising rates made known on ap- P '' Cati0n - ! The silver men of Oregon are ■organizing. •oigamziug.-_ I W. J. Bryan is to make a trip! j around the world. The -Cheyenne Indians are now I fighting in Montana. I J I ho . , powers are arranging Turkish-Grecian peace. Our grand jury did some hard, hon j ■est work this week. Tho prospect for a railroad to Morgan is better to-day than ever. The Monitor wishes to inform j the Calhoun County Courier that ■court was held in Morgan this weak, The dramatic , . newspapers now aver ■that Japan must cither fight or hack down from her Hawaiian position. --- 1 --.. The civil service , have examiners appointed William Watts, now de¬ ceased, to the position of examiner for positions in Alaska. While the Monitor docs nol agree with tho last grand jury altogethir, wo behove it was one of the best tnat has served tho county for .some lm ° ^ ■Some people may think that Mor- gan wants an artesian well as a mat- tor of speculation, but we know we want it for the water there is in it. Among tho latest bank failures are the First National of Dover, Del., 'German American of St. Paul, Belle Plan of Kansas and Baxter Springs of Kansas. Notwithstanding tho opposition to an artesian well in Morgan, one will be bored in the near future. Wo aro authorized to make this slate-, inent by one of our leading citizens, and will say more about it in nexol week’s issue. It is announced that a treaty for (ho annexation of Hawaii to the United States will bo sent to the Sen¬ ate soon after the return of the Pres ident from the South. Tho treaty has already lieon prepared, and lias been drawn on tho general lines of tho treaty sent to the Senate by Pres¬ ident Harrison and withdrawn by President Cleveland. A special of June 14 from Funchal, Island of Maderia, off the west coast of Morocco, says that on the arrival of the British steamsbib Seott, which loftTablobav, Capetown, on June 2d, for Routhamtom, it was announced that Barney Bainato, tho south Afri ■can diamond king, who was among tho passengers, had oomniited suicide by leaping overboard. Hiss body was recovered after a long search. Alban y, Ga., situated in Dough- „,t, cunt,, on tho ban lift of <h> beautiful Thronatoeska, is coming to the front “two rows at a jump.” This beautiful little city is destined to bo the metroplis of Southern Georgia, The United States postal authoritos have advanced her to the second class list, and in the near fat- uro the town will bo blessed with a free delivery mail service. May Al- banv and her institutions prosper. --- Arlington is filled with people we love, so is Edison and every hamlet or town in the county and ‘the lead- . county , paper, pu dished , . at . the .. ing county capital, under tho eves of the county court house, proposes to jealously watch tho interests of our r ih « county .mo. W © publishing a paper for the best interest ot the county, and believe that our friends are tho entire population of Calhoun, black and white. Let us come to- gether and ii. work together ,i „„ for r, each i others welfare. Arlington and Edison were well re presented ... -Morgan this week . in >\ several of tho loading citizens of the county, many of whom the writer had the pleasure of meeting and forming acquaintance or renewing the ship of many years past. Many our old friends would say, “Why, Tom, what aro you doing here? thought you had a sinch on a government job. Yes, we read little paper, and wish it well.” to these clever gentlemen we want to say that we have thought it best cast our lot among you; and (o whom the MONITOR wishes to humbly bow and say that if they will help ns to whoop’ and up things her generally advantages old Cal will houn many be taken eare of. MilH’ord Items. No news worth relating. Every thing quiet. Peace and coa- reigns in our little village. liw ' lt C ’ P<K>1 l ,iM,lorof UieMillford " church, filled his regular ap last Saturday and Sunday, Uol. Geo. H. I >ozier of M oiyan was i m town last week. | Mr. A. G. McMnrria, with liis lovely i ,in ^ accomplished daughters, Misses Maude and Ruth, passed through l!m- Sunday j morning ” on their way to ' Leary " ' ‘ tu vis| M| .. p Addisoi Sir. and Mrs M F Wilburn are home again for a dav or two when Mr Wilburn will return to Wa ter leaving hie wife. We. re * always g weW t,co m - ‘ o Kiltford if only for a shert while, Km Maggie Grey, a very lovely young a y, is boaiding at Dr. 1 aliens and attending ecoool here. Mr. Simon Sanders entered school this morning. He will board with Judge A good rain would be appreciated now. Gardens are Buffering very much for the want of it. And, oh! it is hot Rad dwfity. Bjnj. Russell is in town this week. Miss Claude Eubanks and brother attended preaching hero (Sunday. Mrs. ILL. Wilburn spent last Tuesday at the pleasant home of Dr. i. A. Hand. Mrs, Laura Bello Emincrman of Uawgon vigited {ri(;nclg ftnd 1 . t . )utiveH he last p. fi( j aU(1 st atur( j uv Mr. Oeutennial Kidd h’ft Tuesday for hv‘11. " * J ena,, to , visit -..i the Centennial. . , Ac wish for him a pleasant time and safe return. Me, Hint is the people of Miliford, will ever remember with gratitude cluyor j J" '’I 0 1,1,11 Haniell t0 11,(3 of Morgan, H convention. for the ice given | M V B Ju • llavi r ' ; - “«* » »g 11 *nd comfortable f house bmlt where his other | wiia burned; Mr. J. N. Danicll, con- tarolor. We trust this good man will be spared another loss from fire, and that ho may live long and happily. loNE. bick headache can bo quickly and com¬ pletely overcome by using those famous little pills known as “DeWitt’s blttlo Parly UisoiH.” -8. 'I'. Clayton, Morgan; I . E. Boyd, Leary; Henry 'Turner, Edison. “Only A Printer” “Ho is only a printer.” Such was tho sneering remark of a reader in a circle of aristocrats—the codfish quality. Who was the carl of Stanhope? Ho was only a printer. What wore Princo Edward William und Prince Napoleon? Proud to call themselves printers. '1 he present Czar of linssia, the Princo of Prussia and, tho Duke of Battenburg arc printers. And tho Emperor of China works liis priming office almost every day. William Claxtou, the father of English literature, was a practical printer. What were C. P. Norris, N. P. Wil¬ liams, Janies Gales. Charles Kiehnidsou, James Harper, Horace Greely, Benjamin Franklin, Bimott Cameron, and Scuyler Colfax? Printers! all; and Mark Twain, Amos Cummings, Bret Harte, and Opio P- Beed are plain, practical printers, as were Artemns Ward, Petroleum Nasby and Sut Lovtngood. Senator Plumb of Kansas and Gov. Hogg, of Texas, are both printers; and ] the leader of science and philosophy iu | llls dl *y matl ° it a boast that ho was a “journ” printer. In fact thousands of the most brilliant minds in this country to- day are to lie found toiling in the printing establishments of largo cities and tonus. It isn’t everyone that can be a printer—bruins are absolutely necessary. — Ex, “They are dandies,” said Thos. ’Bowers Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache ami disorders of the stomach Boyd?Leary;’ Henry Turuer.'Edriou. —-- |^ Disappointment in the failure of K l ^ 1,lnu .^ ^. 1>1 nian,ll acm'bd goods bav9 bceu wa j ting for it ever since the ballots wore counted last No- vcmlier. Some, who built on the iromiso ot t etter times, increased tho output of their mills in the confident hope that Mr. McKinley’s election would be followed by a quickening of the demand for manufactured goods, and who, not having found a market, stagger under the toad of of unsalable goods and of indebtedness incurred in their creation, havo good cause for hi'tor reflection. A sign of the times Pelatuma, Cal., Courier, What on earth do the leading news- papers of the country mean? Do they intend to make paupers out of tho common people of America whether or no? isn t it an undisput- ed fact that the American people of to-day aro in bettor circumstances ttaancinlly than they have been? Dur beautiful Southland is rapidly j and people aro happy and prosperous, we think the press should tell the truth and quit howl 1U S- Home for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years have suffered from piles and then have been quickly and perma¬ nently Hazel cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Salve, tho great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. S. T. Clay¬ ton, Morgan: P. E. Boyd, Leaiy; Henry Turner. Edison. It was on ali-wise Providence created woman after everything else had been finished, otherwis she would have wanted to boss tho job. It eouics in sheets ami will not spill or spatter, “It" is RLUIXK which is a new kind of bluing that leaves a beautiful blue, fragrant and fresh tinge en any white garment, see Cooper Doz er, THAT AWFULH) SPEECH. Delivered by Col. J. L. Hojnton «t the Dickey School House. Ladles, an \ g : ;i*v.cnievil I t lias been advertised, and 1 presume j lynendly nr.-ii r'-!i..-fi, that I would deiivei ; ' l llter »ny address on this occasion. Con- ,lttlot * s - circumstances and surroundings, ho ' vev,:I - preclude the propriety of such an ; "edertaking, aid binder an address at this time absolutely Impracticable. In I 1I<5U tlu!refore ,,fa " add,ecs - 1 wln S ? !T,e tu the role of a P ollcema[1 :'" 1 ’ “ '° r of maintain- U' i would ^0°' havo « a that Mnr-ure. were my But only the duties duties | devolving a” upon pUecdings me on this occasion are to 1 arwt and to detain you until the real actors get themselves ready ; to play tbolr parts * * * i * I There am many reasons that we should 1 not detain you longer than It may require to traverse the regular programe of the evening; the mention of one or two will I suffice to elucidate this fact. In the lirst place, you have h.-nored us by your pre- 38I3C6 at this unpretentious little country | | school exhibition, and we shall not dxs- honor you by holding you down longer ttlan absolutely necceeary, to seats j which you have previously been put upon notice are preoccupied by unlettered aboig- iness of the forest, who are here, forsooth they arc here, by divine right and not by invitation. In the second place and the paramont reason for detaining you for any ,,!n * th ot <ln ' R is -. un,orlunatol >' for ” s - we have no commodious building in which to i„ V |to you to “nice and comfortable scats. While our own Utile school building Is j ample for tho purposes Intended, it is ] rather circumscribed for auditorium uses i and consqucutly we had to invoke the aid of generous nature; who very promptly and kindly camo to our assistance and tendered, free of charge, her spacious and i j well ventilated auditory, wilh all of its accoinaning landscape scenery, wail de¬ corations and stage adorning, with the only qualification that it should bo returned as received, ll is mortifying to our pride that, our environs are such as to necessi- tale your having to find scats without the assistance of “ushers.” Our apology for ! your not being mot at the door is that we have no door. To ttie timid element of the audience we desire to say, in the way of mitigation, that poradyonture, any of those uneducated primora! natives,heretofore so eloquently alluded to in a certain news¬ paper “cut”- and by the by, in tho way of pareulhls, which newspaper cut was evidently intended to “cut a figure,” but divorsity-of opiuion exist as to what it really did cut, one says it cut a caper,” another insist that it “cut a cypher,” arid another, that it. “cut a dash,” but tho consensus of opinion is that it was a “cut up” though somewhat “byus”. 1 am of tht opinion however, that it cut an “ant-tick.” But wliat. we were going to say, that In the ovoHt any of those afore¬ said barbarians should “twine themselves around your feet,” you must remember that they are performing their legitUmate functions and fulfilling their mission on earth, to wit: that of “bruising heels.” And should any of tho other aforemention¬ ed tribe of savages became too familiar on short acquaintance and stick too close during tho evening, you must attribute their rudeness to their (Esthetic Uisfe and not to any malevolence on their part. The ! truth Is theso creatures have been living I upon good frugality thing when of late, they and then it, they don’t know cher j a see know? To the brave ladies of tho audi- once we desire to allay your fears by as¬ suring you that tho mice are inside, none out thorn. The girls and boys we will re- mihd that tho miseltoe in its native beauty and freshness hangs above. Thoso who insist upon drowning tho color line need have no fears ns to tho mixing of tho races on tliis occasion, tiro gallery has been specially sot aside for our black aunts, and our other c'ose relations, the red skins, have “privato boxes,” Now ladies and gentlemen, we insist that if it bo true that any of tho aforesaid uneducated primeval inhabitants aro here this evening, they are here by legal right, having prescriptive title and preemptiom rights over which wo have no jurisdiction. There was no way to oxculde thorn that we know of, but it was suggested that we might succeed in keeping them away at least on this occasion by ehargeing them a “bright, shining silver quarter” as a mission toe, but as that would be dis¬ criminating against the poor and hungry we decline to demand any admission fee and simply trust to their consciences with the distinct understanding that we are not re¬ sponsible for their misbehavior. In conclusion wo desire to make tho urgent request that should any of the aforesaid plobiuns accompany you to your homes, you will please take down their number and names upon your “scratch pads” and we will call for them to-mor¬ row. Don’t thin your blood with sassafras or poison it with blue-mass, but aid Nature by using DeWitt’s IJttie Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, billlousnoss and stomach and liver troub¬ les. Clayton, They Morgan; are purely P. E. vegetable. Boyd. Leary; S. T. llemy Turner, Edison. When a husband calls his wife an angel, the chances are that ho has been drinking again. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yonr Life Away. and SUvcrlto life SXw ami oil, stna.g'maguet^ No-To-Bac, full of new vigor, take i Over 400,000 cured. Buy Ro-To-Bac of your 1 |bi«. R1 lBooklet i Sterling Remedy Co.,Chicago or New York, ,, Eve is , the only woman on “ record , who , j never turned round to see what the other ! woman had on. ”, ~ *, H . e-, . no trouble , , to see tha wealth is a curs.- as long ns t_he_o.her fellow has it. What’s tho matter with tho water- melom-? We haven't seen any yet. THE INSTITUTE AT DAWSON- Dear Monitor: As teacher I would | a like to give your readers a brief account j of thejnfe Combined Teachers Institute bold in the city <,f Dawson. Of comae I cannot ask space snfficent to write up the details, but will simply give it to you in condensed form (until we sav something of Calhoun Co., then yon must excuse me if 1 digress a little.) Monday morning, June 7th, witnessed an important gathering in Dawson’s handsome court honse—this consisted of one hundred and fifty teachers from the counties of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, Randolph, ‘nt Lee. Stewart and Terrell ( tbe llifft . r bo(1ics o{ teachers , ’ (ir „ . ... , J ....... ? U C °. m “ ,8 “° u ' * ho * WI,h theeX ' ,er ' S or ,DstruC<0rs were given seals within the bar, H»e Judge’s stand having been removed tbe bettcr c0Ddncli? 'K of tho various exei » ises ‘ Space will not permit me to mention tho different opening speeches llle morning, but as a Calhoun teacher, we cannot refrain from stating that the speech of our commissioner, Judge J. J. Beck, was quite the “hit tf the occasion, elieuting, as it did, round after round of applause from the delighted audience. And of course “we Calhoun teachers” felt a pardonable pride as wo heard it whispered from one to another: “That’s Calhoun’s commis- sionor. ” Now we will try to answer tho question so often asked of ns, “What do you do in an Institute? Is I here any' good in them?” The wide-a-wake teacher is provided with a note book and pencil. As the instructor of the hour assumes hjs positi bo is care{ „ Uj fol , owe d bv j] l j g same teacher, and many are the valuable lessons to bo learned. Our in¬ structors were tour in number]: First, Miss Pearl Finch of the Dawson coliege, for one hour each morning taught 20 of her little pupils just as she does in her school room. . Next came Prof. O. H. McLendon on writing ; then Professors Bond and Earnest in the various branches of a common school education; each occupying an hour every day. Of course this reads very tame; you would have to be there to catch the inspiration of Uio hour in order to appreciate the good of an institute. Our exercises were interspersed with many excellent speeches from various public men, among them ex Commis¬ sioner Bradwell, now of tho State Nor¬ mal school, Bresident Pollock of'Mercer Uirversity, State school commissioner G. K. Glenn and General John B. Gor¬ don. We venture to say no body of peo¬ ple ever enjoyed a literary treat more than we closely confined teachers did the lecture of General Gordon on Tuesday night. His subject was the “Last Days of the Confederacy.” From the very beginning lio held the interest of his large audience at white heat; and so thrilling and sublime were his flights of oratory in Iho tributes paid to Jackson and lice that we cannot see how we were let down from such a height. Let down, we were, however, by applause which shook the very foundation of the build¬ ing. Wednesday morning the General made his appearance among the teachers at tho court house and gave them a spec¬ ial ta'k, replete with friendly words of encouragement and praise, Fifteen minutes recess was then announced which (lie teachers used in giving a hearty hand shake to “Georgia’s gallant Gordon.” Wednesday and Thursday nights we enjoyed lectures from State School Commissioner Glenn, President Pollock and Rev. Howard Carpenter. This brings us to the last day which was one of enjoyable success. Our instruc¬ tors wore at their best, and the teachers attentive and appreciative. After a busy morning a few little farewell exercises were indulged in. Some beautiful reso¬ lutions from the teachers thanking Dawson’s excellent school commissioner and her generous people for their unre- mittiug kindness, were read by Judge Beck. Professor Covington of Arling¬ ton then delivered a short speech of thanks in behalf of the teachers, replete with lofty thoughts and beautiful imagery which fully sustained the reputation he has gained as a brilliafit orator. And now the parting hour had come, Like an inspiration t lie request came from Calhoun’s commissioner, Judge Beck, that the audience rise and sing that well loved old song, “In the Sweet Bye and Bye.” This was done with every evidence of tender feeling, after which, Rev. J. H. McLendon uttered a short and fen ent prayer, and the Institute was adjourned sine die. And now ouo word tu behalf of Daw¬ son’s hospitality. Most especially we Indy teachers can never forget it. It is not that we had no occasion to open our pocket ."deration, books, that is a secondary con- but ah! the generous welcome the ...... kindly impulse , which ever prompted , tho thought, “ These teachers are my honored guests and I shall faithfully do all in my power to make them feel their welcome,” and we did feel it, dear gen¬ erous Dawson, and may your reward come iu the continued success of all your forward movements. Mrs. L. W. Dozier. What might have been a serious ac¬ cident occurred on last Friday as the mail cavl .j 6t wa3 bringing some passengers,Mrs. Mary Bartlett and children of Cuthbert, to Morgan from Shellman, Old Uncle George Thomas (tho carrier in question) is the proud possessor of a ntoe top buggy as woll as the ramshackle oldvehiehle which carries the mail. Now cm the day in question ‘ old George out the top buggy and “itching , . a fine „ mule to it. installed his son Goo. Jr. therein, &s ho was to bring o lady and so mo children from Shellni&ii. All w6nt wol , unttl wl(hin a fftw mil ,. 8 of Mor . ^ QW ^ f , ont . looUoJ ba , k to see his muleship coming at a break neck -peM, with Geo. Jr. vainly tugging at the reins while loud shrieks from the lady and children rent the air. Wilh Uncle j ! George to think was to act, so when his muleship c-amo staving alongside his bug- ! gy. he turned loose the reins of tils own gentle nag, and making a dash, he caught j the bridle of the runaway, and swung on] for dear life. io vain the maddened ani | mat tried to tear loose from his grasp Ep and down, he reared and pitched un til he finally climbed with his fore feet in¬ to the buggy and literally pawed and stamped it to pieces. In the meanwhile. the lady was keeping up a lively seranade U P !n G >” unlil 8 rowin « des P erate she gathered the two little girls in her , expresed _ ,t , tumbled-ou. ,. , ^ ? f fce b f k of * he says just before she went out she saw m front of her a confused mass of buggy spokes, mail bags, old George and mule all mixed up to- g , tber> Bnd M h is muleship’s heels were beating a lively tattoo on the dashboard she concluded to make a dash for mother earth' After quieting things down, and surveying the "wrecked vehicle. Uncle Geerge ex¬ claimed, “Fo’ God, I’se glad dis aint dat new top buggy.” Tekhible Accident.— -It is a terrible accident to be burned or scalded; but the paiu and agony and the frightful disfig urmentscan be quickly overcome with¬ out leaving a scar by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. S. T. Clayton, Mor¬ gan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. CONSUMPTION CAN HE CURED. T. A. Slocum, M. 0., the great chem¬ ist and scientist, will send free, to tho afflicted, three bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to cure Troubles. Consumption and all Lung Nothing could bo fairer, more phylan- thropie or cary more joy to tile afflicted, ! than tho offer of T. A. Slocum, M. C., of. New York city. ( onfidcnt that ho has discovered a re¬ liable cure for consumption and all bron- ehaii, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send, free, thiee bottles to any reader of the Monitor who may bo suffering. 1 Already this “new scientific course of medioine” has permanently cured thous antis of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers It his religious duty—a donate duty which he owes to humanity, to his infaliiblo cure. He has proved the dread consumption to be a curablo disease beyond any doubt, and has on file in his American and Euro- pean laboratories testimonials of experi- encc from those beueflted and cured, in all parts of the world Don’t delay until it is too late. Con- j sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Address T A Slocum, M. 0., U8 Pine street, New York, and when , writing the Doctor, give express pud post-! office address, and please mention reading this article io the Monitor. NEW AD VERTISEMENTS. BRICK FOR SALE. Please call at J. M. Newton’s brick store for any information, oi call at Mrs. Tim¬ mons’ at the BRICK YARD,one and a-half miles from Morgan, on the Morgan and Dickey road, where you can get a First- Ciass BRICK for cash for tho small sum of $5 per thousand. Half burnt or outside brick at $4 per thousand. 8ize of brick 4x8 inches. J. M. NEWTON", Morgan, Ga. Executor’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by iho Court of Ordinary of Calhoun county, Georgia, will be sold before the Court House door at Morgan, Calhoun county,’ on the first Tuesday in July next, be¬ tween the legal hours of sale, the entire interest on the estate of M. W. Watkins, late of Calhoun) county, deceased, in a tract of land in Washington county, known as the Mitchell Watkins homo place, and wlieroin he died, containing two hundred acres, more or less, adjoin¬ ing land of Lafayette Watkins, George Gilmore and E. T. May, Terms cash, John Ward, Executor. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to hire Lane Simpson (col.), as ho is under contract with me for this year. This May 24, 1897. G. F. Cole. FOR SALE. I offer for sale my farm where I now re- side— 130 acres, about one-half cleared! and in a good state of cultivation; com- fortable dwellings and good water; siblo to schools and churches. A cash! purchaser can buy a bargain. Apply to j Mrs. 8. E. Laws, or J. J. Beck, Attorney Morgan, Ga. Mu S. M. Lash is now' handling tbe Ex cels or bafety Burner. Fits ' “'“I ^ y '? Ur own home. Fry one- Noncxplosive , oi , g furnis h e d at 20cts. per gallon, j THORNTON & CO- Wauls Your Trade. This popular firm has moved into their new store. They carry a full line of staple and family gro¬ ceries. tobaccos, whiskies, wines, dry goods, etc., which they are selling for cash as cheap or cheap¬ er than any retail concern of the kind in this section of country. This is just a notice—their goods advert ise themselves. THORNTON & CO., Morgan, Ga. L. D. MONROE. j ATTORNEY « rprn <—x-p to”P'v AX a r p x LAW, \-vx 7 * MORGAN, GA. Practices in the Courts of the Albany ctrenit,Ao l-17-tf ANDY CATHARTIC CURKOH5TIMTION 25 10 ^ * 50* tiSHTts DSy^!5TS ALL .....CA8CARETS A Jlike taste irood. Eat them CANDY candy. They re¬ am ove any bad taste £ v in the mouth, leaving f CATHARTIC f the breath sweet and 4 perfumed. H is a real pleasure to take them instead of nau¬ seating liquids or cauuon-ball pills. «t«.....CA 8CARETS rt 4and a re purely vegetable PURELY contain no mer- acurlal or other min- leral poison. They VEGETABLE 4 ff Vest are remedies made of the discov- Int- ered and are a scien- , ( JJ C CO 1U b i H R t i 0 n never before put together in any form. .... CM SC A RETS a are ai itiser )tic. That ANTISEPTIC 8 s the: t u souring in the stom- 8tO LAXATIVE 2 ach, prevent fer- 4 w mentation in the bowels and kill dis- kind that breed a;id feed in tiie^rstem. ^ .....CASCARETS ton ie the stomach and LIVER bov . wolsand stimulate ins the - lazy liver, They nmk- lt work. ail^U QTifiSSH LA *FJT II I J 2 els strengthen and put them the bow- into 4 vigorous healthy condition, making their action easy and natural. ■y*Don't judge GASCARETS by other medicines sold, and you infinitely have tried. They are new, unlike anythin©' else that's superior. Try a JOc box to-day, if boxes, not pleased get ^S 0 Tho e your money back! Larger mailed free. 25c .Address or 50c. Bowaroof ' Sample and booklet imitations ! STERLING REMEDY CO., CHICAGO; MONTREAL, can., new York. 2TR E s”. euros Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes weak men •MO* 0 A strong. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Get booklet. , ^ ' ([ ,-■ A W. THE DIFFERENCE i \ in the Quality and the amount of light produced -fa \ by an old fashioned TALLOW DIP __________ J M 5 *) and an INCANDESCENT BULB t is not more marked than is the difference in appear¬ a ance, in style and quality of the Wearing Apparel made by 1W M. THE GREAT BORIS! CHICAGO & MERCHANT CO ■» TAILORS, m i and the work of the mass of Tailors. «««« mi Rl i a The Suits and Overcoats of the former are fl fine productions of Tailoring Art. (! We Guarantee to fit and please you and save you money* \J 300 CHOICE NEW PATTERNS to seJect from. -C. AT TJ,TINSLEY & CD. LOOL. OUT FOR THE GOld—ere . Amsh fl . ' He 15 .» at THE CLAYTON STORE. AND HIS- NAME 18 D- T- ELDER. SEE HIS JEWELRY! Thornton House, JYIOaRC3-A.INr, GEORGIA. New house, new furniture, all eveiy- thing for comfort, meals at hours of the day. Second to none. Rates, $2.00 per day; reasonable rates by the mouth. I also will sell ioo cream on Saturdays through the ice sea- son. MRS. J. A. THORTON. ^ - J- Ohver. J. M. Cobb. LW. J. OLIVER & COJ LIVERY," SEE —AND— Feed Stables, SKTELX-lSrYAIKr GKA.. Can furnish TEAMS at auy and all times. Meet all trains, day or night, Charges reasonable. Give us a trial, Satisfaction guaranteed. T. BRISCOE, H51CIAN AND SUUSSN. MORGAN, GA. Residence SobTH of Pc.iliu S«cam. Wanted—An Idea £$55 Protect JOHN your ideas; they may oring you wealth. Writ# WKDDERBURN & CO.. Patent Attor- neys, 4 JlBt Washington, of two D. C., for their $1,809 prise offer re iiuhtired Invention# wanted, ..... CAkSOA.itETS k increase fcbe How of A mi lkin nnrsfnjimotn-1 mm for ers. A tablet eaten by the mother maiies her miik mildly purg¬ MCTHERS ative and has n mild but certain effect on ? .„ tbe baby, the only safe laxative for the babe-Iii-arma. .... (’ASCARETS are liked by the chil¬ Lii I- f dren. They tap PLEASE gt>od go< stop wind-colic and cramp?, and kill ami THE CHILDREN drive olf wo T s. and all kinds of para¬ sites that live In tbe w**?****^ bowels of the growing child. ... CA8CA RETS, taken patiently, per¬ CURE sistently, arc guaran¬ teed to cure ar.y ca se of constipation, no matter how old and GUARANTEED obstinate, or pur¬ chase money will be cheerfully refunded druggist. H: by your own .... CA8CARETS r are soid by all drug¬ gists for lOc, Soc, HEALTH 50.* a box, accord¬ ing to size. A lOc box will prove their FOR 10 CENTS meritaod put you on tiie right road to per¬ fect and permanent health. 3>on’t r!ek delay. SEND Your orders for firstsclass Job Printing to the PENNY PRESS. Albany, Ga. Tbe complete \ most Job _ Print¬ ing establishment in Southwest Georgia. NOTE, LETTER, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, Wedding Invitations a Spscialty, NOTE THESE PRICES : 500 Envelopes and 500 Note Heads, $2.50. 500 small size Bill Heads and 500 me¬ dium size for $2-00- Write for samples and piices. All work guaranteed first-class in every re¬ spect or no charges made. None but the best stationery used. Address, PENNY PRESS. W, I. Cherry, Publisher and Pro¬ prietor, Albany, Ga. K MCK. RAGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Officis and Residence North of Court House on Public Squaue. 1-17 tf J. B- GEORGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence on Main Street 1-17 tf 1 J. J. BECK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AVLOE.G-A-IST, GA, Will practice in all tho Courts, State and Federal. Prompt attention given to ! all business entrusted fo his care. Col* (lections a specialty, 1-17-tt j | U. G. CARTLEDGE, Attorney -a_t la-w MORGAN, GA. Practices in the Courts of the State, ! Special attention given to collections. 1-17 tf J II. COOKE, JR » AHOfSSJ at LlW Ui Jtlllgt CtUlj COUH, ARRINGTON. GA. - I Practices in all the Courts, Collections a n ' SpeCim&y, ,