The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, June 25, 1897, Image 3

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THE MONITOR. Published every --- ■ -________________ Town of Morgan. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—8. T. Clayton, Marshal—J.S. Riley. Our Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for $1.50. CHURCUlfS. Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school every Newton, Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M. Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. I'. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 pm. G Cartledge, Su- perinfehdeiit. MASONIC. . Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays In each month at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. Tuesday was the longest day in the year. Arn’t you glad we are getting to¬ gether? Don’t begin to kick now, but let Mor¬ gan grow. Drops are looking better, but more moisture is needed. The Monitor said we would have a new school building. Council will meet on July 2, and elect teachers for the Morgan High School. Professor Short, oilr handsome young county surveyor, did some work this week lu the way of running land lines. The sonorous voice of the whistle of the Parkins machine works it Dickey Bounds business like throughout this section. Ordinary Monroe performed the cere¬ mony Tuesday in his office, that bound Ben Hamilton and Pinny Chester, colo¬ red, in the holy bonds of wedlock. The grand jury shoved over that little “excuse” at the back of the court house, That was right, but they should have becoffimended for a better arrangement lor the accommodation of the jurymeh. The Monitor is requested by Rev. G. T. Embry to say that the union meeting bf the First District Martin Association will con verSe at Live Oak church, BukeV county, Ga Friday before the fourth Sunday in August. Rev. W, A. McDon¬ ald will act as moderator. Misses Cleon e McLain and Lula Col- ley of Arlington, who visited friends and (relatives here the past several days, left tor home Monday. These beautiful girls are very popular in our town, and we know of two or three voung men devel¬ oping terrible cases of melancholy since their departure. Pofessors J. S. Edwards, W.M. Pettis and W. S. Short are now resting Oil their laurels. They are personal friends Of the Monitor, and we hope these talented yoiihg instructors will secure remunerative positions next term. Any school or college would do well to secure their services. Rev. Z. T. Weaver filled his regular monthly appointment at the Baptist church in this place Saturday, leaving for his home in Shellman Monday. He preached three eloquent sermons during his stay. He was accompanied by his sbn who has just returned from college. Rev. Mr. Weaver has a warm spot in the hearts of our people. Last Saturday evening a severe wind Visited the entire section east and west of Morgan. Some damage was done ih and about Albany and Arlington. It is reported that Judge H. C. Sheffield’s handsome new dwelling at Arlington received quite an amount of damage, aud that other buildings were shaken Up to some extent. The people of Morgan should feel thankful for their e cipe. _ Judge J. J. Beck went out to Dickey Tuesday evening, accompanied by Mr. L. H. Davis, to be present at the elec¬ tion of the beard of trustees for the Dickey academy. The Monitor is in¬ formed that the following influential gentlemen were chosen, viz; Seaborn Mansfield, J. L. Boynton, B. H. JohD- sOfl aud T. E. Plowden. Dickey’s school bnilding will at once receive an over¬ hauling and made more attractive and commodious, and when finished will be prettier than over. Col. L. D. Monroe, commander of Calhoun County Camp of Confederate Veterans, left home Sunday morning to attend the grand reunion at Nashville. Ho was accompanied by Capt. T. W. Hammond of Leary. Mr. Hammond will appear somewhat natural to the boys in gray as be left home with his Brm in a sling, his collar boBe having been broken a few days ago by a runa¬ way horse. May these clever old boys enjoy themselves and return to their families greatly benefited by mingling with the brave men of the sixties. Don’t you know they will listen to and tell some bloodcurdling yarns. God bless the old boys who wore the gray, SQUIBLETS- Composed, Compilett, Set up and Other¬ wise Arranged by Fitzdoodle. “She has a heart so warm and loving, No one would she willingly hurt; She is to noble and generous To ever even dare to flirt.” —Selma Davis In Love Notes. The belle pealed with joy, as he wrung her hand. “Show- me a lazy Christian and I will show you a religious devil. ” Joe Daniel! says he will gin a bale of cottn to-day. All who believe it, give me a nicklo. “Woman,” said the lecturer, “is pure gold.” “Yes,” interrupted a thoughtful man in a rear seat; “money talks!” If your neighbors keep hogs, you cer¬ tainly know what the Bible means when it alludes to the “Wicked Flea.” Hope none of the gay widows of Nash¬ ville will -teal “our uncle Lu,” for there would be mourning in the camps down here. It is pretty hard to have to divide your meat and bread with a person that be¬ grudges you what little you make by hard scuffling. George and Frank Dozier and our devil must have a sinch on the fish in Notcha- way. They caught 33 nice perch Satur- <jay morale®. " °‘ Our editor says he wishes he could twist about 1,000 subscribers into as pretty a shape as Tom Elder can a piece of gold wive. See the point? Don’t you know George Colley looked handsome in a bathing suit. Wonder if he brought it home with him. Oh. my, but those beautiful shanks. I have never willfully and maliciously purloined a neighbor’s property, but I would be tempted to go into a melon patch about now if there was one handy. I Wish the members of the last grand j’tiry would sell our editor meal and bacon as cheap in proportion As they expect him to print their general presentments. “Honesty is the best policy,” even if there were no hereafter. And yet, a good many people prosper prodigiously for a sea¬ son, who were never accused nor suspected of being honest. We Speak of our troubles; but there comes a time when silence falls on our lips, and friends say that wo are “getting over” them. Alas, no; there is added to our troubles this further Rouble—the finding that speech is useless, and lias no help lu it for us. A copy of the Argus was put into the cornerstone of the Tilton Methodist church this week, and will be unearthed a hun¬ dred or so years hence to prove what crude methods existed in 1897,—Dalton Argus. Bet the people'iving then won’t find any better weekly published at that time than the Argus is now. Mortals are queer cusses. Three weeks ago they were kicking at the wot weather; two weeks ago they were kicking at the cool weather; last week they were kick¬ ing at the dry weather; ahd this week they are kicking at the hot weather. Next week they’ll kick no matter what the weather may be.—Ex, An exchange tells of a miser who is so mean that he “chases dirt-dobbsrs out o a ditch to keep them from toting dirt off of his plantation to a neighor’s planta¬ tion.” Our editor says that’s a pretty mean man, but that he knows a meaner It is the man Who don’t take the Monitor but borrows his neighbor’s copy. A transaction in winch you cannot loselsa sure thing. Biliousness, sick headache, fer¬ ret! tongue, fever, piles and a thousand otlic.r ills are caused by constipation aud sluggisli liver. Cascavets Gandy Cathartic, the won¬ derful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by refunded. all druggists guaranteed to cure or money C. G. C. are a sure thing. Sample and Try booklet a box to-day, 10c., 25c., 50c, free. Bee our big ad. Several days ago little Roy Eubanks accompanied his father on a walk around the plantation a few miles above town. Mr. G. W. Eubanks is a stirring and prosperous planter, always on the move. On this particular morning he and Roy were at least a-half a mile from the house, and while climbing a fence the little fellow fell and broke his left arm between the wrist and elbow. His father gathered him up in his arms and made haste to the house. By the time they reached the house Roy was suffering no doctor was close at hand, so Mr. Eubanks went to work to set and “splint” the broken limb, which he did in a skillful manner. Roy says his arm is now almost as good as new. Some for tell, some for twenty and some for thirty years have sufforod from! piles and then have been quickly and perma¬ nently cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. S. T. Clay¬ ton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leaiy; Henry Turner, Edison. Dr. and Mrs, Cliff Cheney visited Mrs. Hattie Roberts at Dawson sev¬ eral days this week. ‘ ‘They are dandies, ” said Thos. Bowers of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise, while writing about DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver. S. T, Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. The thermometer reached 10l the shade Wednesday. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388 F. and A. M., and their friends enjoyed a basket dinner in Morgan yester¬ day. The table was spread under the beautiful oaks in the rear of the Masonic temple on the south side of the square. Terrible Accident,— It is' a terrible accident to be burned or scalded; but the pain and agony and the frightful distig- urments leaving can be quickly overcame with¬ out Witch Hazel Salve. a scar S. by using DeWitt’s T. Clayton, Mor¬ gan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison, Millford Items. Summer is really here, did you know it? Mr. Charlie Adams and lady of Da¬ mascus visited relatives here last week. Mr. Harper Daniel and his lovely daughter, Miss Ada, was in town this week, Mrs. Barbre of Pine Grove is vis¬ iting her daughter, This Mrs. Dr. Pullen, this week. most excellent lady is ever a welcome visitor to our town. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Askew are vis¬ iting Dr. Lee Hand at Faceville this week. Miss Fannie Hand, the accom¬ is plished mingling daughter with her of Dr. I. friends H. Hand, its this many town week. Master Bennie Askew can be seen behind the counters of bis father’s store this week. W. B. Johnson, Newark, Ohio., says “One Minute Cough Cure saved icy only chiid from dying by croup.” It has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles. S. T. Clayton, Edison. Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tunler, Little Mamie Lou Adams is a charming Miss visitor to relatives here. Lassie Adams is visiting rela¬ tives and friends at Damascus, and her charming presence is very much missed in our town'. Don’t tarry, Cassio, we can’t spare you long. On the 6th of July the young men are going- to get up something nice. I will inquire into the matter and let you kow. Let uS hope for a groat big time on the 6th. The health of our little town is just splendid. I can also say that we have some of as good people, sweet, pretty, girls, sober industrious young men as can be found anywhere in Georgia. Don’t thin your blood with sassafras or poison it with blue mass, but aid Nature by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, billiousness and stomach and liver troub¬ Clayton, les. They aro purely vegetable. S. T. Heniy Turner, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Edison. nice Saturday evening we had quite a rain, and a shower again on Sunday. vivid The dark clouds, with its caused lightning and rolling thunder, some excitement, but thanks to the Ruler of the universe no harm done but a delightful season, for which wo should be so thankful. The young people of this place were invited out to,the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Sher¬ mans enjoyed to a “bee taking,” which they immensity. IONE, Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, and all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved by the same remedy. Mrs. S. T. Claytou, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edi¬ son. Superior Court adjourned last Friday afternoon. About fifteen criminal cases were tried, with eight convictions for the usual crimes of pistol carrying, larceny, etc. Unless they pay out Sheriff Davis will leave in a few days with six or eight pris¬ oners for the chaiugang. One wo¬ man; Mandy West, is in the crowd. Don’t neglect a cough because the weather ispleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may develop into a seri¬ ous difficulty beyond repair. One Min¬ ute do what QOugh its Cure is implies. easy to Mrs.S.T. take and Clay¬ will name ton, MorgaU; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. The Monitor would advise its readers to bs very particular when buying jewelry. You know there is a lot of shoddy stuff on the market now, and when you want a genuine article go to Mr. D. T. Elder at Clay¬ ton’s. Mr. Elder manufactures all modern designs of ladie’s aiid gent’s jewelry from the best of gold and silver wire, and when you buy from him you get something good for the price you pay for brass. Sick headache can be quickly and com¬ pletely overcome by using those famous little pills known as “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers.” S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. The T. B, club enjoyed a very pleasant little entertainment at the residence of Marshal J. IS. Kiloy Monday night, last. NOTICE On and up to Friday, July 2; next, bids will be received for repairs to the Morgan school house, in accord¬ ance with plans on file in clerk’s of¬ fice. Council reserves right to reject all bids. T. W. Tinsley, June, 25th. Clerk. Everybody Says So. derful Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ medical discovery of trie age, pleas¬ ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing headache, the entire fever, system, habitual dispel constipation colds, cure and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10,25, 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. SHOE SHOP. SHOES. Harness, Ac. repaired in neat and work man-like manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-West corner pub¬ lic square. Shoes made to ordor. 1 albo repair all kinds of tin ware. SAM. LASH. J. L. BOYNTON, -A.TTOiR.TSTE'Sr -A.T LA.'W DICKEY, GA. Practices in the Courts of the Stale ana elsewhere. 1-17-tt SI. GLAYTO Money must come Lawns, Insertions, Laces. IS SURELY j rs^ T A MISTAKE J „ Yttiv.- To think that you cannot save money liy trading with us; WE WANT YOU To look at the best assorted stock of goods to be found outside of the larger cities. We Cannot Enumerate our lino, but will say to our friends and cus¬ tomers that all our goods fire new and first-class. IF IN NEED OF 33-A_XR.Gr-A.XISXS JUST Gents' Furnishings, - Dress foods, - Fresh Groceries or Farm Supplies' Dori’t fail to see us before going elsewhere, as we will save you money. x ! y.r.'. r i •':-j : Organdies, Chambrys. Goods it i n st go. CLAYTON MANAGER. S. T. CLAYTON’S LIVErV, SALE and FEED STABLES. Nice Turnouts—Day Reasonable or Night—at Pi ices. WIPO-JInT zuxr TOWKT ;-r Take your stock to my Stables to be cared for. J. S. RILEY, MANAGER. .. . 3 > Eitor Monitor: Phaase say to your many readers, among‘whom I have hundreds of customers and friends, that‘I have opened up the prettiest line of SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, TRIM- 'MING—S. LACES, BTC_, Pver brought to Morgan. My stock . ’ of General Millenary and Notions, cannot be excelled. Particular attentionwas glve'to STYLE AND COLLORS m the seiection of my stock. ‘Tefl them to come and see; I am ALWAYS REXDY to do my best to please. I do my own work and can (‘Ompete with anyone. Oders by mail will receive prom attention. Yours, to please, MRS. GEO. W. GOLLEY. FROM S.N.McGuirt. i . / L 1. % // C OVERLOADED Where I got for cash— 9 pounds good coffee for $!.()() 7 pounds Arbuckle coffee, 1.00 18l lbs. best white sugar, 1.00 18 j lbs. good riee, 1.00 50 lbs. White pear! grits, 1.00 Beef. Best white Labe) Lit id, Cjots. Sheeting and moat, cheeks, hy the side, 6jcts. Ladies and slippers, per yd, Sets. Ladies gents 75c. to 1.50 aud gents shoes, 75c. to 1.85 Best flour, per bbl., G.00 Mccoboy Giant potash, snnff, per pound, 45c 16 boxes for LOO Gooseneck Hoes, lioes, 30c D. & H. Seovil Nos. 1 and 2, 40 and 45cfs. Globe F ruit Jars, per doz., 75c Meal dn d coni, per bushel, 65,■ FIFTY SHEETS FLYPAPER, 35c “Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c 1 am yours, thanking you for your patronage in the past and wishing to have it in the futuro, S. N. HeGUIRT. NEW STORE A N D NEW GOODS EVERY DAY IS BAKU AIN DA Y •• • IVc will sell goods so low you wi!! be astonished. Still fill We realize the fact that to build up a trade, we must givo ^bargains. GIVE US A CHANCE. WE HAVE ALL YOU WANT. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, CLOTHING GROCERIES, HARD¬ WARE, & Etc. COME AND PRICE OUR GOODS NIXON & CO. | ARLINGTON, GA. l SSe The Red Sign is Soda Water !. Of ladies and gentlemen at T. J.T1NSLEY & CO.’S STORE, where they enjoy the most delicious I6E-60L0 ititici i Of every ilavAr, At least 200 glasses of health giving beverages, flavored with PURE FRUIT SYRUPS, is drawn from our handsotno new Fount per day, and when you get thirsty como over. ASK 'US FOR CLOTHING, Notice the Big Red Sign! O o Wo solicit the trade of all aud guarantee prices and (jhdlity of all our goods- T. J. TINSLEY & CO. If You Want THE BEST FLOUR DON'T GO TO EUGENE P. PARKINS To get, and if you want 8 lbs coffee for $1.00 don’t go to him for it. But if you want the host BOILER FEEDER on the market or any of them the Following gopds ho can furnish to you at prices that will as- tonish you. Drop him a card and ho will do the rost. Brass Goods. Brass goods iti stock for every va¬ riety of service, such as Globe Yalvs, Check Valves, Angle Valves, Cylin¬ der Cocks, Pet Cocks, Drip Cocks, Air Cooks, Pop Valves, Lubricators, Steam Guages, Engine Oilcups, Guage Cocks,Glass Gungos complete, Steam Cocks, Jet Pumps, Inspira¬ tors, Engine Trimmings of every description, etc., etc. Castings In stock for repairs on engines from 4 to 60-horse power, as follows: Pis¬ ton heads, Follower heads, Piston rings, Eccentric and Straps; Glands for stuffing boxes, both brass and E.P.PARKINS MACHINE WORKS Calhoun Udunty. IDIOKIEHZ', OA... J.B.Payne &Co. t &EORGIA: DEALERS LX HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, CROCKERY, f GOODS, STOVES, SASH, DOORS BL±NDS jrvjsrrj BTTiLXJpnRS 3 supplies. Our Btock is entirely now. We don’t keep goods in in our line, but selj them. We GAN and WILL sell as cheap as any house the fcltate, and desire to build Up our trade to the highest point. If you will come we will do the rest. Miss Minnie Riley. !! Miss Ella PROPRIETORS OP THE Riley House MOltUAN, fU'lOKGIA. First-elans aceommodafionii at reason, able mlm to Iranoiont customers. comforts to boarders. New house, furniture, Satisfaction guaranteed, ' . 1 / / 3 0 B ffl S ffl I 1 3 EB £B 0 JSEB .ffl ffll ill - DE ffl E EB ffl 8 S ffl'H 1 t \ 1V» BfryM h Attracting a Crowd iron; Bteamchqst covers, Cylindei heads, Flange Couplings for shafting and for wooden wheels, and mauy other castings too numerous to men¬ tion. ih-ass Castings; htick brass, round, hexagon, etc., etc. Rod brass to any drawing desired; planed Mid bored perfectly true. Packing. Asbestos packing, Gum sheet pack¬ ing, Pistonrod packing, eib. Boiler stool, Boiler rivets, patch bolts, stay holts. Boilers repairect and tosted by hydrawlio pressure to insure safety. Round machine steel from one-fourth of an inch to three liibhos In diameter. Piping for samel from one-foqrth to tlireo inches iti diameter. Keyways all cut by machinery— Keyseats all cut hy machinery, in¬ suring accurate fitting, btb. All orders by mail receive pronapt attention. WHALF -*» The registered Kentucky blooded jack, is now at Clayton’s stables, Morgan, Ga , for the season for the accommodation of all those wishing to raise mules. Every case guaran¬ teed., Terms made known on ap- plication. G. W. Eubanks. Wanted.— A first-class outfit, at a low- price, for the purpose of making liflj type pictured, Address this paper; .Iceco‘ld Drinks.