The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, July 02, 1897, Image 2

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the monitor. By the Monitor Publishing Company- MORGAN, GA., JULY 2, 1897. Entered at the Post Office at Morgan a second-class mail matter. BATES Or SlETiM lUPTION. One copy one year.....*<.w One copy six months ... SO One copy three months . . . 25 Advertising rates made known on ap • plication. —■ Don't that tariff business make yon feel weary? If the majority or our law makers would just study political honesty as earnestly as they do the tariff they could stand the heat better. Wo don’t believe in kings and queens, nor do wft wish to live under a monarchical government, but must confess that Queen Vie is one of the best women that ever lived, and we do not envy the good lady her little j itbilee. Lightning struck the supper room of the Ureer State Convict Camp at Dakota, Ga., near Cordate, last. Monday night, killing five negroes and badly wounding thirty or forty more. During the stampede caused by the death dealing bolt, several priso¬ ners escaped, but most of them were recaptured. | Mr. J, T. Stewart Informed tho Monitor that Folks enjoyed a splen¬ did lain lato Sunday afternoon and that his residence was brilliantly illu¬ minated by electricity for about two seconds. He says lightning struck the rods, tho reflection completely enveloping tho building. Senator Pettigrew suffered astroko of paralysis while making a vigorous spaech last Saturday. Tho honorable gintlcmau has our sympathy, but the Monitor would admonish thejjoutire body to let up on the tariff, etc-, and go homo or to the mountains, else ths whole delegation might be struck. A fund out of which to pay tho children of the Now York Masonic Homo something with which to give them a commencement in life when they leave that institution, has been skirted in that jurisdiction. It is called the “Joyce Fund” and $1,108 tvns contributed thereto as a begin hi tig. It is said that the deadliest poisons fire those that cannot bo detected, nnd there are some so obnoxious that a single drop inserted into the veins would produce death in three seconds, yet so subtlo that no chcm ;eal science can distinguish their presence. Just so a reputation may bo slain by tho poison of evil speak¬ ing, although it be so insidious that it utterly escapes detection.—Ma¬ sonic Advocate. The next thing ouo knows Grover Cleveland will bo wanting to got up a jubilee. A lynching boo would suit his merits better, however.—Sparta Isbmaelite Say, brother, don’t you think it is about timo to let up on such rot. Grover Cleveland, with all his faults is a great man,his reelec¬ tion to the highest office of tho land proving tho assertion, and ho should be allowed to rest in peace by we twa-for-a nickel editors. Life is too short to deal in junk, so get on to a new deal and quit being so vindic¬ tive. Blessed is the man whose voice is raised for peace, whose actions pro¬ mote harmony, whoso heart beats in sympathy for his needy fellow-man. llis lifo will bo a benediction, his memory will bo revered atul genera tions yet unborn will rise up call and him blessed. The reverberations of his voice will echo through ages, his actions will long be a symphony and the pulse-beats of Iris loving heart will be heard in the sweet songs of praise for the good he has done. Such a man is a great man.—Ma¬ sonic Tidings. The County Board of Education met at the school commissioner’s of¬ fice on Wednesday last. Present, Dr. P. P. Griffin, chairman, and Messrs. Loftofi, Smith, Mount and Stewart A lot of school business was transacted, among which was the approval of second quarter’s esti¬ mate, ’amounting to $11,407, Soon our school teachers will bo in funds again. The Board also authorized the granting of teachers' licenses from the recent ’examination held by the Commissioner. We learn that many applicants failed to pass, and that there were but few who made full grades. The Board also made some suitable provisions for full long term schools; as to how this work is done see the commissioner, who is ever ready aud willing to make ex¬ planations as to educational interests. A full meeting of the Board and ut¬ most eompliment harmony. We don't want to anybody, but feel con strained to say that good work is being Calhoun. done on educational Hues in As to the School House. This is a question of great import- mice to the Monitor, and should be of greater concern to the citizens of our town. From careful Inquiry, we i know a better school house and bet- ter school advantages in Morgan are | looked for and expected by not only 1 ihe (he natrons patrons of our out school school, but but hv by the the > . . of . county who , wish , , citizens our , to : | send their children to a good, com- ; j fortablo . , , school , , in . a , healthy , . and . | orderly town. j The matter of a good building— j not a rattletrap—and a school wor . j thy Icon of agitated, (ho name it is being to and long has i seem ( us, enough. Now, to come down to the fact of the mutter, no one will dispute the fact that Morgan’s town council, in whose hands rests the whole busi¬ ness, is composed of five of the best citizens and shrewdest business men in the county, and that if they “set their heads” to better our school facilities their efforts will be crowned with success. Gentlemen, we think the town is with you, so please do not fall out among yourselves. If you haven’t the ready money to build just such a house as you think we need, call an election and issue bonds, if you can’t raise *be required amount by an ad valorem tax or by popular subscrip- tion. Tho Monitor docs not wish or propose to dictate to you but just insists tlmt you do all in your power —the people expect it of you. Your honorable body will hold a meeting to-day, and wo sincerely trust that it will bo our pleasure to make a favorable report to the world of your deliberations on this question. It has boon hinted to tho writer that every body in Morgan is split on tho school question, but wo can’t bolieve it—we believe thatjour worthy town council will soo to it that out school interests are in good hands, and that our new building will be erected at once. If we can’t got a two than story house, give us a better one we have. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Yonr Lifo Away. If you want to made quit tobacco using easily ami forever, life bo and rigor, well, strong, No-To-Rac, magnetic, full of new take the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Over Many cured. gain ten Buy pounds No-To-Bac in ten days. druggist, 400,000 under of your Booklet and guarantee sample mailed to cure, free. 50e Ad. or #1.00. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or Now York. The Siemens Railroad Academy Items. Nkah Juno 28. Sir. Editor: If yon will pardon me for being absent so long I will try to write for your valuab'e paper again, hoping that our items may prove profitable aud interesting to yonr many readers, and trust to accomplish some good by so do¬ ing. After the recent dry spell a nice rain fell in our community last Saturday night, which did much good to the grow¬ ing crops, especially corn. Col. Ernest Stevens of Richland hits been down visiting the family of his uncle and friends. Colonel Stevens taught school for ns two years ago, and while here made many friends who wel¬ comed him among ns again. Mr. John Barfield left for Ozark, Ala., a few days ago, where he thinks of mak¬ ing his future homo. Success to him. 1’rof. L. F. Short and some of his school hoys passed through on route to Cordray's mill last Friday for a fishing frolic. “They caught ’em!” Miss Emmie Smith is tho “niftrrn” of a flourishing little school at Redboue church, which was organized last Mon¬ day morning. Miss Mamie Pruitt, who was stricken with a severe attack of fever soon after her return from Andrew Female college, lms , about , t recovered. This will ,,, be good news for her many friends. Professor Johnson returned Saturday from a visit to his parents aud friends in SVashiugton county, nnd opened his school Monday, with a flattering attend- auce considering the hot weather. Miss May Shockley of Americas is vis¬ iting Miss Stella Stevous, much to the delight of our young people, especially tho young men. Charlie Crumly of Fort Gaines is visit¬ ing among us. Ed Miller and Will Marshall were “fly¬ ing" around here Sunday, eve., visiting the fair sex. Misses Auio Belle and Lula Kuight, accompanied by Messrs. C. McLendon aud Tom Leonard, of Herod, visited Misses Stella aud Eva Stewart Sunday. Ask Eugene Dyer about what time he got lost last Monday morning, aud where he had been. Mr. Tom Hay aud wife from near Sliellmau visited the latter's parents last Sunday. Protracted meeting will begin at Now Prospect next Sunday, and will be contin¬ ued for about a month at the different chuichee hero. It is to be hoped that much good will be accomplished. D. S. Newkirk of Sliellmau was ont on business Monday. J. C. Newkirk of Dawson passed through tho village cn route to Morgan oue day last week, aud si>cut the night with A. J, Kuighten. Jack and Jennie. Old papers for sale at this office at 2cts per pound. Helloes from Hit-key. “Iloilo, Central” ‘Well?” “Please give trie Dickey,' “Well, who Vs that?” “I he Mon iron: that yon, Dickey?” “Yes: what; ilo want,?” ‘•The nows from your town. You that since Prof. J. 8. went on vacation paper 9 has heard but little from vou.” wl11 what wo catl d0 1,Jl you- right, M< stTuu.” “Ali O. K., let ’ergo. II6w are you getting on? “First mass, only dry as a bone. ton crops fine, hut corn cut off at one-third. Itev. Alex. Kirkland preached two nerrnonn here Sunday, morning and His theme at night was, “what is creed?” ftorn which lie delivered an logical discourse. Mrs. Johnson and Miss Caltervllle Leary, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dantell Misses Nettie Dozier and Eliza Lash Morgan attended church here Sunday. Mr. Cunningham and wife did not oupy their pew in church Sunday, much the ir r ,rct of theii friends. Kufus Mote, one of Dickey’s old boys, , mingled . , , with the congregation church , . Sunday. . ( i\ apt. . J>. 1). i , Pedon, ,» i former . resident ix a Calhoun but now an Influential and pros porous citizen of Houston, Tex., Is friends and relatives here. ; Mrs. Joe Mansfield’s baby girl lias quito sick, but, thanks to a kind donee that aided tho skill of Dr. Briscoe, her little darling is now out of danger, Everyone hereabouts very much Prof. J. S. Edwards; every family feels as if one of their number were absent . Mr. Seab Mansfield Is boasting of fine young mute colts, sired by Dan art’s Spanish jack. Mansfield says he Is ahead of Stewart one time, arid if the colts live they will bt exhibited the Randolph county fair. Hon. J. L. Boynton will visit the St. Simons Island military encampment in few days as a committeoman apointed the Legislature. His wife will lilm. From the way Gene Parkins makes old whistle sound is good evidence that Is repairing gins, engines, etc., by the lots. Gone is the man to repair your chincry, I am satisfied that I fully express sentiments of our people when 1 say we all feel under lasting obligations Judge J, J. Beck for his hearty tion in behalf of our school, and for kind advice and words of in our meeting on Tuesday of last wool:. He clearly showed us the importance of good school, causing our citizens to hold of tho matter in dead earnest. . as consequence, ... Dickey , wllU B , and otherwise improve t| le academy provide for an eight months’ school stead of six months. Our people havo rived at the conclusion that, pm lumr to pay a little extra for their children, school. therStiy long-term If'he other schools the county would take the advice of commissioner, ore long old Calhoun bo on top in school matters. Good-bye; that's all." “Good bye, Dickey.” iM iifm-d Items. Messrs Will Bunch and Cack bre were in our town last Tuesday, Rev. F. McCullough preached here Saturday appreciative, and Sunday to large and, we trust congregations. Each day he gave us most excellent sermons. After a week’s absence visiting relatives and friends in Faeeville Baiubridge, Mr,and Mrs. B. returned homo Saturday evening, to the delight of their many who missed them so much while ab sent. Mr. John Griffin and little ter, itors May Belle, of Thursday. Newton were to our town T. R. Hammond of Leary was town Sunday. Mr. Wesley Brown of is visiting friends here this week. E.H. Melvin of Leary Sunday. ‘ preaching here The young people are expecting havo a big time on the othctJuly, The base ball team will give a and have a match game with ot "«’ team, I haven’t learned which. They are anticipating lots of fun a '**&* crowd ‘ Mr. and Mrs. D. B, Jones are home again in their nice new house, We trust that they will live happily, and that no such thing as “burned out” will again trouble them, Miss Fannie Hand returned to her home Tuesday, after a week’s to friends and relatives here. The members of Milford Masonic Lodge with their families and friends had dinner in the grove in front tho Baptist church last Thursday. -V I who attended report a pleasant time, with one of the best of dinners imaginable and just as much ice lem¬ onade as the crowd wanted. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Avera of county visited our burg a short Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Lula Worsham and Miss Tote Bailey day. attended preaching here Mrs. B. R. Bailey of Walker is visiting relatives here this week. The Misses Daniel and Griffin, bevy of sweet-, pretty girls from day Grove, school attended preaching We and Sun¬ here Sunday. love to have more frequent ladies, from these lovely young know that, our boys would not M. F. Wilburn visited home Saturday and Sunday. We are glad to hear of Capt Kussell’s improvement. He has quite sick, JoNK. | Folks Items. RSPOUTEO BV WILD BOSS. Miss eva Johnson, a beautiful and ae- I ' eorrijjlished young lady froth near Ameii- ens is visiting relatives here this week, Miss Eva has many frfeiids here who w ill : vie ' vit h each ‘other iu making her visit a pleasant one. i Don’t , thin h your blood With sassafras or i by using DeWItt ^ s Little but Early aM Nature Risers, the famous little pills for constipation. i btUioueness and stomach and liver tvoub- Clayton, ,f!S - They are purely vegetable. S. T. i j Homy Turner, Morgan; P. B. Boyd, Leary; i Edison. Mr. J. O, MeGnirt returned last Sat- j nrday refreshed from by his his visit to Nashville, outing. greatly week’s It. B. McDaniel and Miss Neva Stew- | art, J, D. Stewart and Miss Claude ; Eubanks took in the quarterly meeting at Benia last Saturday and Sunday, J visited Ucnuial Howetl Collins of Kandolpb , in our Community Sunday night. ; ‘“ Alex Avera and Miss Cnllie Stewart, John Eubanks and Miss Ellie McGuirt aUendud pre aohing at Bethlehem last I g undav> and listeni!(] to an excel | enfc dis- C0)u . se delivered by Iiev. Hamp Stevens. JWr. ,, btevens was firanted . ... license to . preach , i at ... the . last . quarterly . , conference . held with ; 1 J 1 riew Jrrospcct church, . and . , feel r . 1 ’ we sure Dmt this , earnest and persevering young | that mil guide erring ones inlo into Ihe the paths X j 0 ri " 1 • ^‘' co visited _ one of Dickeys > direst belles Sunday. j Charles Aycook will have to walk to school for a while, as his wheel—which | experienced day-is lying quite np for a repairs. smashnp last Sum j Not only piles of the worst kind bo DcWitt’s very can cured by Witch Hazel Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, and all other skm troubles can in ant !fY r ,j d ’ e vod by the same remedy i Mrs. « S. T. Clayton, Morgan; ll. L. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Ldi- son. I hope the editor of this sheet will accept many thanks for a copy of the proceedings and addresses of the thir- | teerith annual meeting of the Georgia Teachers’ Association, held at Cumber- land Island July 14-18, 1896. Such kindness is thoroughly appreciated, aud i augnage ig inadequate to express my thanks to one who is daily striving to aid every one to reach a high plane than has ever yet been attained. Mrs. Ceila Wallace, one of Albany’s most charming matrons, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. D. Sellars, this week. ! “They arc dandies,” said Thos. Bowors of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise, while writing about De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach lli Jt liver. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. A Friend at Mimsville. i OOIJAL3 ill*’ ■5WIy about tl items? LetTihem road of us; we are the people, and our voice sits' 1 be beard. I j wonder what can be said of crops in our I vale now? We live close to the line of I Baker aud Miller, andean but think that the county lino is a good fertilizer. The lauds produce,well anyhow. A. A. Ram¬ sey has plenty of melons at this time, I and they say that Amos Howell enjoys a fine ono every time lie calls. \V. A. Hines still goes about a fourth | 0 f' a m ;i e route three or four times a week. Our protracted meeting will begin at Notchaway next Saturday. J would be glad to see our mourners begin to work | for the cause of Christ. Como, brothers in Christ, and let’s help Rev. B. C. Pool, for . ' ve feoi hko work . m . the vme . y ard , 18 . ueo, e “' I. P. Sherman, one of Millford's best young men, was called to a picnic in M,U er county Saturday, but was disap- pointed. Ask him if he saw his best girl, If I thought they would tell I would ask Misses Gtissie and Princie Sutton " hat two f°" US men / r ° m Buinbrid 8 e tkey wel ’ e * ooliln S t° r Sunday. J° e “ ha8 helmed the idea of ^ , ^ in * out his oats > fts tho ? Rre about a11 Bee f Club has about perfected a ~ ... and _ T I ., think • , get j you can I »» e «k by attendmg the meetings, | Jk,n t ‘« lso l e,e "bout ruling lus bi- cycle, for . ho doesn t like it. He makes m ! les Tt E u'Y, Our little vale is b essed with the , best , i health, and wo feel indebted to Christ, j u °t the doctors. A. B. Sutton of Arlington is visiting his father and mother here this week. Ask Ben Sikes who he Started to visit Sunday nnd had to turn back. Our young people gathered at the ! home of Mr, Ramsey last Sunday even- j iag and enjoyed a nice time, Mr. Thomas Ramsey and wifo of Cor- deie, Ga., are visiting their father, and we all wish them a pleasant sojourn. Hoe Bot. Terrible Accident. —It is a terrible accident to bo burned or scalded; but the pain and agony and the frightful disfig- ; urments can be quickly overcame with- I ont leaving a Bear by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. S.' T. Clayton, Mor¬ gan; P. E, Boyd, Leary; Henry Tamer, Edison. Mr. S. M. Lash is now handling .the Excelsor Safety Burner. Fits any lamp. home. Beautiful gas Nonexplosive light in your own oils furnished Try one- at20cts. per gallon. SHOE SHOP. SHOES, Harness, Ac. repaired iu neat aud workman-Ilka manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub- Ho square. Shoes made to order. I also repair all kinds of tin ware. S. M. LASH- | CONSUMPTION CAN BE LURED. i T. A. Slocum, I'd. C., the great ehesn- i 1st and scientist, will send tree, to j Newly the afflicted, Discovered three bottles Remedies of his to [ Consumption and all Iiung i cure Troubles. i Nothing could be fairer, more pli.yla.n- j thropic or cary more joy-to the "«heted i than the offer of 1. A. bloetim, M. O., of Now York city. Confident that he has discovered a re- liable cure for consumption and all bron- chail. throat and lung diseases, general and decline and weakness, loss of flesh all conditions of wasting, and to make its | great merits known, lie will send, free, Ihtee bottles to any reader of the Monitor who tnay be suffering. Already this “new scientific course of medicine” has permanently cured thous ands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers tt his religious duty—a to donate duty his infallible which lie owes to humanity, cure. He has proved the dread consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on file in his American and Euro- pean laboratories testimonials of experi- once from those benefited and cured, in ail parts of the world Don’t delay until it is too late. Con¬ sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy and Certain death. Address T A Slocum, M. 0., 98.Pine street. New York, and when writing the Doctor, give express ptid post- offico address, and please mention reading this article lo the Monitor Products of the Peanut. ^ Europe this nut has various uses which are on!y beginning to be recd#- nized in this country, the first recogni- tion being that of a Virginia company which handles the peanut products. The principal products are peanut oil for cooking and table purposes and confec- “peanut^rDsSapfeteTpea- llut flonr for baking and peanut bran for stock feed. The oil is highly valued iu Europe, and it is stated that fully $5,000,000 worth of peanuts are brought j n to Marseilles annually for the manu- f; S oturc of oil, which is used in toilet aud for ot her purposes. The pea- lmt flo - ar ig quite extensively used iu Europe and is made into bread, cakes, biscuit, etc. It is one of the favorite ar- tides of food in the hospitals of Ger- many. The estimated product of five tons of peanuts amounts to 235 gallons of refined oil, at $1 per gallon; 175 gal- 1 Ions of crude oil, at 50 cents; 3,680 pounds of flour and meal, at 2 cents per pound; 8,300 pounds of stock feed, at 60 cents per hundred pounds, making $415.90 in all. In the mechanical ban- dling of peanuts they are first crushed and cut between suitable rollers. Then the cut and crushed mass is submitted to a hot bath for separating the shells and kernels and finally the kernels are dried to separate them from their skins. —Manufacturers’ Record. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK HERE, A COM¬ PLETE AND a***,...— »• i o m il rJSte fT- i ft L •Mr N. ,S. " & if A Thorough Investigation I AM SATISFIED THAT O-OJLJD -WIjRE Manufactured by Mr. D. T. is the best on the market. All of Ladies’ aud Gents’ Jewelry. Call him at S. T. CLAYTON’S and bis fine assortment, the goods are sure sell, Come io see me. D. T. ELDER. BRICK FOR Please call at J. M. Newton’s brick for any information, or call at Mrs. mons’ at the BRICK YARD,oneand miles from Morgan, on the Morgan Dickey BRICK road, where you can get a Class for caSh for the small of $5 per thousand. Half burnt or brick at if 4 per thousand. Size of 4x8 inches. J. M. NEAVTON, Morgan, Ga. Executor’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by Court of Ordinary of Calhoun Georgia, will be sold before the House door at Morgan, Calhoun county, on the first Tuesday in July next, tween the legal hours of sale, the Interest on the estate Of M. Yf. late of Calhoun' county, deceased, in tract of land in Washington known as the Mitchell Watkins place, and wherein he died, two hundred acres, more or loss, ing land of Lafayette Watkins, Gilmore and E, T. May. Terms cash. John Ward, Exeett FOR SALE. 1 offer for sale my farm where I now side—120 acres, about one-half and in a good state of cultivation; co stable dwellings and good water; rible to schools and churches. A purchaser can buy " a bargain. Apply ‘, Iia ‘ ' g g ' Laws * or J. , J. T _ Beck, Attorney Morgan, * HANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 10 * sag* ALL ^ ♦ .....CASCAKETS 5 taste flood. Kut them GAKSY A like candy. Tliey re¬ am ove any bad taste S CATHARTIC !“ ^ in themouth.leaving ed. i tn sweet It is is and a a v Teal pleusu ire to take a ^eSi=»=gt^ s-gr them inste ud of n a u* seating liquids or cannon-ball pliis. .....CASCAUrTS nre and purely vetretable PURELY contain no mer¬ curial or other min¬ eral poison. the They VEGETABLE est arc made remedies of discov- lat¬ T ered and are a *cien> v , j (j fi co TD b 1 II ft 11 O 11 never before put together in an? form. .....CA SC A RETS are antiseptic, That ANTISEPTIC! means digested Lln-y food s-t, op fi- nn- oni LAXATIVE j? ach, souring in the etoin- prevent fer- the J mentation in 9 bowels and kill di-s- ease germs of any kind that breed and feed in tiie system. h 3—^ - ......(IASCA the stomach RETS lone and LIVER bowels and stimulate the lnj, lazy it liver, Tliey nuik- work. E | CT*I^8e?F 2 SSli* LAIl i I f els strengthen and put them the bow- into v f> # condition, vifTOrons health? their action and natural. making easy ./’Don’t judge. OASG^RETS By else other medicines you have tried. They are new, unlike anything that’s sold, and infinitely superior. mu Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get only genuine. The your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. Beware of Sample and booklet mailed free- Address imitations ! STERLING REMEDY CO.i CNiDAQC’t MONTREAL. CAN.; NEW YORK. 2SS gia *“jp-' V’W cures Tobacco Habit or money relunfled. Makes weak men 2^5 ” g strong. Sola and guaranteed by all druggists. Get booklet,. I If 'fS \ in the Quality and the amount of light produced / ® r c j.\ by an old fashioned TALLOW DIP , - 1 k and an INCANDESCENT BULB j 1 is not more marked than is the difference in appear¬ , > C3 ance, iu style and quality of the Wearing i : > Apparel made by j M. BORN & CO 111 C ■» a h THE GREAT CHIGASO MERCHANT TAILORS, / and the work of the mass of Tailors. ” 11 I «••• a The Suita and Overcoats of the former are • / I' II fine We productions Cuarantee of Tailoring Art. j \ to fit and please you and save you money?! L; 300 CHOICE NEW PATTERNS to select from. '** AT T.J JSNSLEY & CO. THOBNTON & CO- Wants Your Trade. ’ their Thfi^popuiar stofe. firm has Thpy moved into new carry a full line of staple whiskies, and /family gro¬ ceries. Idrv tobaccos, which wines, goods, etc?, they are selling tor uosit as cheap or of cheap¬ er than any retail concern the kind in this section of country. This is .just a notice—their goods advertise themselves. THORNTON & CO i Morgan, Ga. Thornton House, JLIOE.Gl-A.JNr, GEORGIA. New bouse, new furniture, every¬ thing for comfort, meals at all hours of the day. Second to none. Rates, $2.00 per day; reasonable rates by the month. I also will sell ice cream on Saturdays through the ice sea- son. MRS. J. A. TLIORTON. T. BRISCOE, BTI1CUV AND mSEON' MORGAN, GA. Residence South of Public Square. 1-17 tf W. J. Olivek. J. M. Cobb- [W. J. OLIVER & COJ lTvery, " SALE -AND— Feed Stables, SEr±aLJLJsr-A.jsr gla.. Can furnish TEAMS at any and all times. Meet all trains, day or night. Charges reasonable. Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. L BOYNTON, ATTORNEY .A.T 3L.-A- W" DICKEY. GA, Practices in the Courts of the Stale aha elsewhere. 1-17-tf L. D. MONROE. ATTORNEY -AT JLANV, MORGAN, GA. Practices in the Courts of the Albany Circnit, &o 1-17-tf Wanted—An Idea SSB’toSifwlWtfe ay * oa “ .....cAscakets increase the flow of milk in nnrsinjr moth¬ BOOM FOR ers. a tablet eaten by the mother makers h<?r luiik mildly UaS purg¬ mild MOTHERS ative and a hut certain t-fleet the baby, the only ii^s=^sms^«: iafe laxative for the babe-in-arms. .... CASCARETS "re nr liked by the chi l- $ dr eii. They ta f to PLEASE good and do good, od. stop wlnd-collc and cramp?, drive off and worms. kill « m THE CHILDREN all kinds of para¬ sites that live in the s bowels of the growing child. CASCARET.®-, «- SA ... taken patiently, j or- fiistenti y. are gnaTiui- CURS tecil t..i to cure any case of constipation, pi no R .. . sMRIHTEED chase money will be cheerfully by refunded your ow n druggist. .... CASCARRTS v amsoid by all drug 2*ic, -1 gists for lOe. HEALTH aOc a box, acco JOc r <l- ing to size. A box will prove their FOR 10 GENTS merit and put you on the fect right and-$erm road to per¬ ament health, lion’t risk delay. SEND Your orders for tirstsclass Job Printing, to the PENNY PRESS. Albany, Ga; The most complete Job Print' ing establishment in Southwest Georgia. JSTOTS, LETTER, bzill ENVELOPES, Wedding Imitations i Specialty. NOTE THESE PRICES : $2.50. 500 Envelopes and 500 Note Heads, 500 small size Bill Heads and 500 me¬ dium size for $2.00- V rite for samples arid prices. All work guaranteed first-class in every re¬ spect or no charges made, Rone but the' best stationery used. Address, PENNY PRESS. W. I. Cherry, Publisher and Pro-" prietor, Albany, Ga. K- MCK. RAGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence North of Court House on Public Square. 1-17 tf J. B- GEORGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office and Residence on Main Street 1-17 tf J. J. BECK, ATTOaHEV UD C1U8SDIUE it LAW, JVLOE.G--A.JST, C3--A., Witt practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Col¬ lections a specialty. l-17-tl L. G. CARTLFDGU, ATTORNEY -A.T JL-A_"W MORGAN, GA. Practices’ in the Courts of the State. Special attention given to collections. tf i H. COOKE, JR, Attorney at Lav and Judge County Court, ARLINGTON. GA. — the Courts. Collections a speciaIty ’ 1