The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, July 02, 1897, Image 3

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THE MONITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. B TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Oartiedgo. ... . Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, li. G. Cartlcdge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—8. T. ClaytoH. Marshal—J. S. Riley. Our Clubbing Kates. Tlie MOni'tor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor arid the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for§1.50. CHURCHES. ‘Baptist Prcablnng Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor, and Saturday before. every Sunday-school third Sunday Newton, every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. nr. J. M. Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. ..Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 pm. G Cartledge, Su- 'iperimendent. Masonic. . Reuben Jones Lodge No. 888, F. & A. m'dsm^month'aU’ 1 30 Saturdays J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. „ S- ATTENTION 1 Company 1), Calhoun Rifles. Reunion Company D, Twelfth Georgia Regiment. , The surviving members of Company D, (Calhoun Rifles) are requested to meet in Morgan on Monday next, July Sth, at 10 o clock in Sheriff L. H. office. Wo have reason to believe that about twenty members of the old com- pany will bo present, W. A. Bf.ckom, A. J, Bicll, L. H. Davis, W. D. Ivey, D. D. Peden, T. E. Plowden, Committee. Our Baiber now rides a biiio. . All the old Confederate Vets will bo here Monday. Master Clarence Sibley is on a visit to relatives here. Clerk Jim Ragan has music in his soul. He purchased a piano the other day. Cbi. L. I). Sloaro* returned home Sat- urday from Nashville. He reports a big large time. Judge J. N. Dahiell and Col. L. G. Cartledge paid Newtoii a business trip Tuesday. J P‘et - -------- .vwt. , — Miss Cartledge was quite sick the first part of the week, but is much hotter at this writing. Mr. S. T. Clayton is busy “taking stock” this week. Look out for some good news in liis column next week. WyaH, Eza-ke., a worthy milcxtu of our Bounty dropped iu and engaged the writer in a pleasant chat Monday. Mrs. Mattie Ihornton lias purchased and placed in the parlors of her hotel a beautiful upright Kimball piano. Mrs. Cora Colley is at home again after spending several days very pleas¬ antly with relatives and friends in Bruns¬ wick. Misses Jjddie and Clio Beck, accompa¬ nied by Mr. Parham Richardson, returned Friday from a pleasant visit to relatives ht Dawson. Mi’. Walter Beck has been busily en¬ gaged this week assisting S. T. Clayton iu taking an inventory of his mammoth Stock of general merchandise. Marshal Jack Riley attended the quar¬ terly meeting at Beula church last Sun¬ day. He gives a glowing account of the meeting and of the hospitality of the people of that neighborhood. Mr. W. M. Mount paid the Monitor a pleasant visit Wednesday. Will is orie of Calhoun’s most prosperous planters. He has “laid by” his crop and will spend the next eight or ten days with relatives and friends in Pike and Crenshaw coun¬ ties, Ala. Sheriff Davis left early last Friday morning with four prisoners for the Mc¬ Rae camps. All the unfortunates were colored—three men and a woman. There were eight all told booked for the gang, but the other four were “paid out” by their white friends. The woman—Maudy West—fell into the hands of a good Sa¬ maritan on the train Friday triorCirig in the person of Mr. Daniel Mayer of Albany, who needed a servant, and a trade was soon made to satisfy the ends of justice, whereupon Mandy was “sot free” and accompanied her benefactor. Daring the month of May last, when all nature seemed to be doing its best to appear joyous, Ballard Gipson decided that he would return to the scenes of his boyhood. Last Tuesday Sheriff Davis heard that lie was out on tlio Neal creek plantation and as Ballard is a noted colored individual who was hired out to the Greer State Convict Camp for a cer¬ tain period, and who left without saying good-bye, the sheriff slipped out early Wednesday morning and recaptured him. He was sent up for earryiug con¬ cealed weapons and stabbing, and as there is still another charge against him, Ballard is liable to serve the State and wear zebra-striped pants for years to come. Sheriff Davis says Ballard was frsy to capture, bat it was hot work to met to trim, SSQ.XJ X3LBXS- Composed, Compiled, Set tip and Otlicr- \v:sc Arranged Ly Fitzdoodl*?. If I were some cf the Morgan boys I would either invest $1.50. or quit driving fine homes. < I toll you “dat nigger Dallas” at Thorn¬ ton’s stables knows how to swing on to a mad, kicking, staving white horse. At times it is hard to tel! whether Si. Aycoek and Sam Hay's are running a blacksmith shop or a camp meeting. Shout on, boys, and let the anvil ring and help to make old Morgan lively. Undo Pete Daniel find Dr. Cheney say that a Jonah is certainly among us, and that if Kent Ragan, George Colley and our editor would bmmigrate Morgan would get plenty of rain. If tins week’s fiapeE is dull, don’t blame our editor, for I am sure that lie has been “strapped” all the week. So if the sheet proves uninteresting it is owing to the lack of “patriotism.” Our credit is n. g. at Joe Dauiell’s. Oh, my! but didn’t the editor, the devil, the roller boy, Mrs. Fitz. and I eat kid, and mutton and chicken and ham. and cake and pudding and—ah, well, every¬ thing else that was good but watermelon. Our devil says lie wants to be a Mason and join the Masons’band.” He has been s j c k f or several days sinco last Thursday. He .. Friends, to day is our editor’s birth day. Kas beenworried all the week about storage room for the many valuable gifts he is sure to receive: lie is just thirty- seven years of age, having devoted tweri- ty-threo bf those long years to “pioking up little things” that sometimes didn’t belong to him. But now he 11 striving to help you, and you can make his decling days happy ones by just simply subscrib- tag for and advertising in his little paper. I haye heard of the weather being so hot that a fellow would melt and run down into his shoes, but as I haven’t enough grease in tay composition to melt the ox- periment did not work on me; consequently I will have to give you another idea as to hoW hot it was in our town the first part of the week. Monday morning at 11 o’clock the thermometer at Tinsley’s arctic Soda fount reached 106 degrees. Early that morning Mrs. Eitz. requested me to build a fire in the stove while ghe milked the cow. I stepped into the kitclieri, put on the coffee pot, struck a match and stuck it at the stove and things got blazing hot immediately without using a stick of wood. But this is nbt till, the fresh milked milk turned to clabber before the good lady could walk from the lot to the house. “Is it iiot enough for you?” Tenderly in the tomb we laid our darling, wife and I; Aiid,ok;r-the fresh mound swore to quit quati'eiiifg. aii-dj- wife From the sad scene we turned with a sigh, Yes, last Sunday was a sadUay with us. We havellived happ^^nd getherfor aeveoteauWfarS, aid during-.vhicl^ time we have loved lost several idols, but never did two fomd hearts give up a precious jem with more sorrow than did wo part with this little one Sunday, r was sit- ting in the front room >■-- when-the end came. A sigh of anguish from wife f elu me that all was over—that the little sufferer<^as at rest. It was a woo bit of a thing, buYour tender lover caused tli3 to prepare for ite-burial to tho best of our ability. And noW, :> beneath the bows of a beautiful peach tree on the Cliff Che¬ ney place a half mile east of Morgan rests tho remains of our little precious—orir pet guinea chicken. A Sure Thing: lor You. A transaction in which yoiicanmit losciso sure tiling, Biliousness, sick headache, tar¬ red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand oil el ills are caused by constipation kud sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the won¬ derful uew liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to pure or money refunded. C. O. C. are a sure thing. Sample and Try booklet a box to-day; 10c., 25c., 50c. free. Bee our big ad. Miss Claude Sandlin of Shellman, is on a visit to friends in Morgan. Col .Geo. H. and Paul Dozier "get there” just as if they had been build¬ ing houses all their lives. Regular meeting Calhoun County Camp of Confederate Veterans Mon¬ Eelection of officers will be held; Mr. Jim ILeel presented the Mom- with a queer specimen of lieu fruit a week or so ago. It is now on exhibition at this office. Some for ten, some for twenty and some thirty years have suffered from piles then have been quickly and perma¬ cured by using Do Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve,'the great remedy for piles all forms of skin diseases. S. T. Clay¬ Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leaiy; Henry Edison. Mr. -J. G. Collier gave us a sample a new kind of cockleburr Tuesday which is springing up all over this We have never before seen exactly like it nor do we exactly whore it belongs in tho catalogue, but will send a to the U. S. Commissioner of and find out its nature. County court convenod last Mon¬ morning. Judge Cooke pre- in his usual dignified and just manner; while Solicitor L. G. Cart- kept an eagle eye open for interests of the State. The was called in regular legal hut one-case was considered which an indictment was asked Negroes, it seems, will fight get into trouble, notwithstand¬ the warning they receive. Sick headache can be quickly and com- overcome known by using those famous pills as “DeWitt’s Little Riseis.” S. T. Clayton, Morgan: £. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. From Gar Neighbor Leary, Mrs. N. B. Johnson is at home again after spending several days in Macon with her husband and friends. Messrs. W. S. Keel and H. 1). Griffin mounted their wheels early last Sunday morning for Newton, Pelham and other points south in Georgia, Two of our finest looking gentlemen are looking very bad, 1 would like tb know why “quits” make the change. Boys, don’t bet on old clothes, such as hats and shoes. You will lose every time. “First, go!” and “Second!” is all you can hear about -1.30 p. m. If our sister, Morgan, can play marbles or chess, come over. Oh, hot, dry weather! Hate to mention it, but it is so bad. Our crops are needing rain very bad, and some of our best farmers will not make enough corh to last them six months if they don’t get lots of rain. The ice cream club is in pi-ogress here, and the ladies are enjoying tlieibselves finely about 4 p. m. three or four titties a week. Hush your month old rocking chair ; I got no use for you. Sister, suppose we close up and go on Notcliaway fishing some clay, kind you name the clay for the cause. I will go if I lliive to stop old Beck from the plow. [If I can enlist the cooperation of Messrs. J. T. P, Daniel, A. I. Monroe and George Colley we will soon name the day aiid be “in the swim.”—Ed.] Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Emmerwann of Dawson is Visiting our clever Bud Cun¬ ningham and wife this week. * Oh. Morgan, if I could send yon soriis of oui- ’teasian water,'I would do so. Occasional. [Dear brother, your kindness is highly appreciated, but allow me to inform you that unless sortie Providential cause pre¬ vents us we will soon bo sipping nectar of tire “’tesian” variety of our own dig- gin’.—Ed] Everybody Soys So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discovery of the age. pleas¬ ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, care and biliousness. headache, fever, Please habitual buy constipation and try a box of O. C. C. to-day; 10, 85, 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. In next week’s issue will be pub'¬ ll shed the meteorological- record at Morgan for the month of June. This report, which is of importance, will lie found iu these columns regu¬ larly hereafter. A * S»y n fashing i ■ party , left , Morgan early yesterday morning for Blue Spritlg8j chaperoned by Jim Mon roe anl ^ Geo. A. Dozier: These knights of the rod and reel were accompa- ^ied by Mrs. Geo. A. Dozier, Misri Jdettio and Frank Dozier, Walter Beck and Pickett Riley. J They J left lth . , ... the paraphauaha and luxu- 'y a " fish of a camp two or three days, It is indeed surprising how quick some things happen for the good before any one is even awaro of the approaching blessing. One day last week the Moni¬ tor heard it rumored that the Masons were going to give a big “blowout” at Morgan on June 2ith, but when a ro- porter started out to investigate no one knew anything about it. Thursday morning, while running our good old “Washington,” we noticed that quite a crowd was gathering Oil the equre. Then we thought of the Masons; and Ihoy came, the whole membership of Reuben Jones Lodge No. 38§, arid wimt a good , time generally they did have. A better arranged or more delightful affair was never brought about in Morgan. The large table, built hollow-square fashion, was loaded down with everything good to eat. Our business kept us at the office, but it didn’t keep us from enjoy¬ ing tho goods things of this life called for by the inner man. Messrs. J. T. Stewart and M. W. Bell and the good ladies remembered the “little country paper” by bringing to the office two big dishes of all the good things printers are not used to. Thanks, gentleinefi; may you and yours live to enjoy many more such days. W r . B. Johnson, Newark, Ohio., says “One Minute Cough Cure saved my only chiid from dying by croup.” It has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; Edison. P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Immediately under tho head of “home news” will be found a notice of importance to' all surviving mom- bers of Company D, Calhoun Rifles. Boys, your old captain, I). D. Peden, is here and wishes to shake you by the hand once more, so meet him in Morgan on Monday next, lie now resides in Texas, and tho boys living, those who tramped with him through the sixties, may never have a Chance to meet again on earth. Most of you live in easy reach of Morgan, and should make a force march on the Captain’s stronghold. Como, your presence will bring joy to his heart, and ho can return to his home in the Star State better satisfied. You will get something bettor than “hardtack” among us. Don’t neglect a cough because the is pleasant; before the next storm around it may develop into a seri- ditficulty beyouil repair. One Min¬ ! Cough Cure is easy to take and will what its name implies. Mrs.H.T. Clay- j Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Edison, I__ J | —— | ] A _JL US ) come f * Lawns, Insertions, Laces T IP 5 m vj ia> V ug 5 yi A MISTAKE - To think that you cannot save „ money ■'Tfith by tradiug lis;- WE WANT YOU To look at the best assorted stoeik of goods to be found outside of the larger cities. We Cannot Enumerate our lino, but will say tb our friends arid c us- tourers that all our goods are new arid first-class. IF IN NEED or jr^.pta-^xisrs tint tots' Furnishings, - Dress Sooth, • Fresh Groceries or Farm Supplies* Uon’t fail to see us before going elsewhere, as we will save you money, Silks, Organdies, Cnambrys. Goods must go. T CLAYTON MANAGER. S. T. CLAYTON'S LIVERY, SALE ANii stables.OT! feed Nice Turnouts— Day or Night—at Reasonable Pi ices. WHEN XIST TOWN ;-r Take your stock to my Stables to be cared For. j. S. RILEY, MANAGER. .1. - A - > O > Eitor‘ 31013171012 Please say tq your many‘a‘eaders, among whom I have hundreds of customers and Friends. tltat Lhave opened up the prettiest line (if SPRING— AND SUMMER HATS, TRIM- IJINGS, LACES, 31qu Fiver brought to Morgan. My stock attention at General )fillvnal'y STYLE and 7 hotgons, A.\D COLLORS Cannot; be in the excenoa. seivction Particular was zlve to of my stock. Tell them to come and see; I am AL“ AYS READY to do my by best mail to please. W111 receive I do my own wqu and Yours, can (-ompete with anyone. Oder: prom attentlon. to please: MRS. r GEO. W. COLLEY. . S.N. McGuirt. i 'J J \ A e OVERLOADED Where I got for cash— !) pounds good coffee fof $1.00 7,pounds best, Arbuekle coffee, LOO 18] lbs. white sugar, l.oo 18] lbs. good rice, 1.00 50 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00 Best Whito Babel Lard, filets. Best white merit, by the,side, (bets. Sheeting Ladies and checks, per yd, Sets. and gents slippers, 75c. to 1.50 Ladies and gents shoes, 75e. to 1.85 Best flour, per bbl., (5.00 Mccoboy Giant snuff, per pound, 45c potash, 1G boxes for 1.00 Gooseneck I Iocs, 30c D. & H. Beovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2, 40 ilud 15cts. Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c Meal and corn, per bushel, (Ac FIFTY SHEETS FLY PAPER, 35c “Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c I am yours, thanking you for your patronage in the past and wishing to have it in the future, S. N. McGCUtT. NEWSTORE A N I) NEW GOODS EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY Wtt will soil goods so low you wi!! be astonished. will mm. realize the fact that to build up a trade, wo must give _bargains. US A CHANCE. WE HAVE ALL YOU WANT. DRY GOODS, TRIM MINOS, CLOTHING GROCERIES, II AKI). WAKE, A Etc. AND PRICE OCR GOODS NIXON & VAX ARLINGTON, Ga. Calhoun County. DICKEY, OrA.. I fil 1 Sfi StTELLMAISI, . .. O-EORGIA dealers in HARDWARE, PAINTS 1 ([BiLsTcRtiCK ai?; ho use BBBBflE C3-OOI3S, STOVES, SARM, DOORS BLX3STXOS A-XsTID IB-tXXILUElKS’ STJI^PLIIES- ()ur stock is entirely how. \Yo don’t keep goods in our line, but sell them. We CAN and WILL soli as cheap as any house in the Btate, and desire to build up our trade to the highest point. If you will come we will do the rest. sm L >3 * r I wigii k 1 is Soda Watar !4. Of ladies and gentlemen at T. J.TINSLEY & CO.’S STORE, whore they enjoy the most delicious ier,* 68 iB V BRINKS I Ol every flavor, At least -OOglassos of hoaltlr giving beverages, flavored with PURE FRUIT SYRUPS, is drawn from our handsome new Fount per day, and when you get thirsty come over. ASK -US FOR CLOTHING. Notice the Big Red Sign! We O solicit the trade of Ml and guarantee prices and quality of all goods- our It‘ Yon Want THE BEST FLOUR DON'T GO TO EUGENE P. PARKINS To get, and if you want 8 lbs coffee lor $1.00 don’t go to him for it. But if you want the best EOILBR FEEDER on the market or any of tho following goods ho can furnish them to you at prices that will as tonisli you. Drop him a card and ho will do tho rest. Brass Goods Brass goods in stock for every va¬ riety of service, such-as Globe V.-dvs, * 'heck Valves, Angle Valves, Cylin¬ der Cocks, Pet Cocks, Drip Cocks, Air Locks, Pop halves, Lubricator,s, Steam G cages, Engine Oilcups, Cuago Cocks,Glass Ganges complete, Steam Cocks, Jot Pumps, Inspira¬ tors, Engine Trimmings of every description, etc., etc. (A,stings In stock for repairs on engines from 4 to 60-horse power, as follows: Pis', ton heads, Follower heads, Piston rings, Eccentric and Straps, Glands lor stuffing boxes, both brass and Miss Minnie Riley- ‘ Miss Ella Riley- l’ROPKlETOliS or THE Riley House MORGAN, GIOUGIA. First-class accommodations at reason, able rates to liancient customers. Home comforts to boarders. New house, uew- furniture. burislacutm guaranteed. “S’ a j! ■ / 1 . r J ffl 0 ffl ffl 0 ffl e EQ ffl ffl ffl ffl ,EB a EB EB El ffl ffl 51 is a W ffl a Attracting a Crowd iron; Steamelmst covers, Cylindet heads, Flango Couplings for shafting and for wooden wheels, and •'many other castings too numerous toymen- lion. IJruss Castings, Stick biasSj round, hexagon, etc., etc. Iioii brass to tiny drawing desired, planed and bored perfectly truo. Ranking Asbestos packing, Gum shoot pack¬ ing, I’is ton rod packing, etc. Boiler steel, Boiler rivets, patch holts, stay bolts. Boilers repaired and tested by hydrawlic pressure to insure safety. Round machine steel from one-fourth of an inch to three niches in diameter. Piping for same ft’bin one foqt’th to three inches iu diametek Key ways all cut by machinery— Koyseats all cut by machinery, in¬ suring accurate fitting, etc. AH orders by mail receiye prompt attention. WHALE” D The registered Kentucky blooded jack, is now at Clayton’s stables, Morgan, Ga , for the season for the accommodation of all those wishing to raise mules. Every case guaran¬ teed. Terms made known on ap. plication. G‘. W. Eubanks. . Wanted. —A (ir.-t-class outfit, at a lo\Vj price, for the purpose of making tit¬ ty pc pictures. Address this paper, .1cec01d :"[)1Lin’ks.