The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, July 23, 1897, Image 4

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Had to Fix Things. Smith walked up Market street ihe other evening with a box of candy un¬ der one arm and a big package of meat under the other. “Hello, Smith,” said Brown, “gone to housekeeping? I didn’t know you were married.” “I’m not., yet.” “What are you doing with that can- dy and meat, then?” “Go to see my girl.” “Do yon have to furnish the family with meat already?" “Oh, no. The candy is for the girl and the meat is for the dog. I have to square myself with both. ”—San Francisco Post. KnterprfiH . of Great 1 * 111 , and Moment iiftvo, ert 1 now, iiad th«ir curnnt- 1 tun > i awry, an Haiti lot r'ivh, by on at to k <f iv-fu u. Bia. Nnj.oioi.n fniiu-iio ifiii.r-.v. hi« -Hii/iiro tag. In order «> a nM dyspepsia, attain from T * iho/p ofi^ tivo thru, any in tmf.rovint' me I.iv, I complaint chill* rfe 8 "* rb0uma, ' sm ° re *’ y If you wifih to have a j»l©flBant homo put 8U- pnr in your con versa Hon ah well as in your cof¬ fee. Albert I birch. West Toledo, Ohio, “Ball’s Catarrh t urf saved my life," Wrtt« ' him for purtlealars. Bold by Druggists, 7 If afflicted with aoro eyes use Dr. Tsoae Thomp- Bon'a Eye water. Druggists soil at SKmj. por bottle. DULL ACHING PAINS ralplintion of thc Heart—Ail Cured by flood’s Hnnajinrilln. ”1 was troubled with a dull aching pain in iily right kldnoy, and I also had pnlplta- tion of the heart. 1 began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla and since then I have never been troubled with cither ot these com- plaints. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is also Bco/x, help- lag my wife very much.” II. jj. Marlboro, Now York. Romember Hnnri’s liOOCi S C« ^arsapariua rc » n «.!!fr I» th> beat—In fact the OneTrae Blood Eurlfler —-*.----—-------- Hood's^ pTFla ouroTndlBMtlom 2 S cent»r~ Philosophic. The matron, with five whole-hearted and fancy-free daughters, was sitting on tho piazza of the summer resort hotel when an acquaintance came with the news: “A whole omnibus full of young men, members of tho same club, has just arrived!” “I’m glad of that,” exclaimed tho matron, candidly. “But aren’t you afraid the place will be uncomfortably crowded?” “No. I believe in tbe old adage, Mho more the marryer. * »» -Washing- ton Star. Whcre They Differed. Hue Brette—Did you feel funny the first time yon went on the Biage? The Comedian—Yes. But the audi- ence didn’t think so.—Yonkers States- man. Literary. “Yes,” said Uncle Jonas, “that boy nil’ o’mine allno wins fond o’books now ho’s beeom’ a page in the logisla- tur’.*'—Philadelphia American. - TO MOTHERS OF LARGE FAMILIES. ’ Mrs. I’inkhnm’H Advic© Fro©, In this workaday world few women are ho placed that physical exertion U^Uv’bf Uy ,lomandcd of tbuw iu Alr mnthVraof Pinlrl ^f iV mnl ‘ImTf I 1 aPP '' a 1 1 to to mothers of large families whose work , is never done, and many of whom suffer and suffer for lack of Intelligent aid. u l ’^ un ^ L S ; 8 tinkC , f * extends h«r invito t :tkSJ k tion of u free ad- vice. Oh, women! do ofv.afcp*' lives fi 10 * 1 fi' be 1 your ^jilwCora sae- rt ^ friiiu Mi's* 1 1‘iukham ' at the first approach of weakness, may filly our future years with healthy joy. Mns. A. C. Bi’ur.nn, 1123 North Al- bnuy avenue, near Humboldt Park, Chicago, Ill., says; “lam fifty-one years old and have had twelve children, and my youngest is eight years old. I have been suffering for some time with o terrible weakness; that bearing-down feeling was dreadful, and I could not walk any distance. I began the rise of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash and they have cured mo. I cannot praise your medicine enough." GROVES ; d ? PAT jpi i »G5- •. >7 n 5v M TASTELESS CHILL ■ TONIC IS JUST ASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRSCECOcits. F.r,. 00..^.^:^' NyT ' 1G ' I5M - nevcT fiwuvu «.IU as M, your nmrle Tonic, lhat gave \oursuul”, uuiti'-.a'l Lo* ______ Ausr.v, Care ACo. QKt lilCII^ulokl^ «,HHl t,.r ■■ '■ * H'wf Invi iy.N 'D lions Y MENTION THIS PAPER tn Wsnr» writing Axo^“-29 V> Mter- 3.3.1235; tn tluiti hold byeryggteu ■. t • : WILLIAMS ASSAULTED AND THEN .MURDERED HIS VICTIM. | THE SCENE WHS ONE OE HORROR. _ Enraged Men First stamped the Negro j to I)(jRth, Filled Body With Bul¬ | let* and Then Burned It. Near West Point ’ Tenn Tuesday ' 7 afternoon, Alisa ... Reno .. \\ illiams, au eigiteen-year-old ■ it 11 lady, « -t young was fount! brutally murdered in tlio woods ne ar her ". home ,1 un 1 i. . U /' a 0 <y 0( 11 n 1 y Will ni ams, ' her murderer , and as- ;Tvb cl h WVst^lvi' »Z !Z\ >U ?* ’ crime in the streets of rAi'iLr.l!"' 1 the presence of fnllv Prevailed ’ tv wildest excitement. anil people noured into West Point from 1 every neisdiborinu town and villnrro Williams was first riddled with 1ml- lets and his body then burned to ashes Before a shot was fired the negro was knocked down by one of the crowd and stamped to death Then tho crowd fell back and those who had pistols tired volley after volley at him. Tho crowd then gathered wood, and building a fire over him, watched tho i ghastly scone until tho murderer was ashes. l | For two days determined^^ and nights 500 men armed and lmd scoured I . the country for miles for w! Williams i Several times distendoThim posses I Shooting j,” but every 7 tlmo eHC( wasTShiu ^ W) oi lured it dxtecn ,i es n „, ® 10 no ' rll,i i 1 o enme. A ■ , n , Tct' 1 10 nT plied for tobacco crowd* «ns»» " ! 11,11 a!l1 held him for the ' 1 ....... story of a Horrible Crime. The crime for which Williams was stamped, shot and burned was the most brutal ever committed in this section of the country. The young l°dy loft her home early Tuesday morning to pick blackberries. When she did nof return at dinnertime, her friends went in search of her. She found 200 yards from her home, dead and tied to a sapling with a leather strap around her neck. One of her eyes had been gouged qtit and ih her tightly clutched hand '' vo, '° )oa vos and grass. All around ^ ie ^ ronu( l showed Uiat, a desperate haggle had taken place between the unfortunate girl and her assailant. When the negro was captured his faoe and arms were terribly scratched and torn, showing (hat ho had met with much resistance. The original intention of the mob »'•« to twice Williams to the scene of ^ Ins crime and there wreak vengeance, j bnt the distance was top great and tho mob too impatient, A MOTHER’S DESPERATE DEED. Sho Cuts the Throats of Her Four Children While Intoxicated. Emma Simunds, tho wife of a Lon- <b,U C "f?* no IBter, Cllt tllO throats „f b « *>« young ohildren and then her Wednesday ; r night. b u; T , . retnn,wX , , bo,n ° abont , . , 1 n 0 - clock o in the morning, and he as on- tei'od his bedroom lm stumbled over 1bu , "' abH »«■« ot fos in horror toward the bed ho Sl >"’his wife and two of the children sitting upright, their throats cut from ear to ear, thought life was not then extinct. It is not possible that any will sur- vive. The room was bespattered with blood and it was evident that the chil¬ dren who were lying on tho floor fought desperately for life. U appears tlmt Mrs. Kiiuonds, after a l' crio ’' of abstinence, broke tho pledge on Diamond Jubilee day and had been drinking heavily ever since. QUEBEC DAM A(iED DY FLOODS. Business Portions of Towns Blooded and Communication Cut Oil'. Advices from Montreal state that floods caused by tho heavy rain of the past fow days have dono^roat damage in the southern part of Quebec. Many people aro homeless and much damage has been done to early crops. The town of St. 11 yaoiuthe 1ms been flooded and business'there is almost at tv standstill YOUNG BAPTISTS GATHER. International Convention Oil at Chatta¬ nooga With Four Thousand Delegates. The seventh international convon- tion of the Baptist Young People’s Union of America began at Chattanoo¬ ga, Tenn., Thursday morning with about 4,000 delegates and some of the most prominent Baptist leaders in tho country present. The report of the board of managers was presented by Secretary Chivers. He called particular attention to tho extension of territory, the administra¬ tion, the unification as accomplished by tbe organization. A very gratify¬ ing exhibit was made in the report of the results Christian culture course. AUTONOMY l'OH (T !!.V Is Favored By Momhors of tbo Federal thirty In Madrid. The Federal party, at Madrid, Spain, held their annual fete Wednesday in honor of the 108th anniversary of ilm taking of the 1’nstile in Paris, Honor Margnll, the leader, luadn a speech, in which he expressed the opinion that a steady revolution was now in progress in favor of Cuban autonomy. 11c said that if tho Federalists wish¬ ed to see Cuba pacified and tho Phil- lipines returned to a condition of law and order, they must assert their strength and declare independence. ORDER RESCINDED. Women IV111 Not Wreak Rock In Kansas City. A dispatch of Friday from Kansas City says; Women prisoners nro not to be put on tlie rock piles with men. The board of police commissioners.which decided done, some days ago that this should be have rescinded the order iu deference to popular opinion. “NATIONAL” DEMOIUATS Of Kentucky JIol.l Their Convention In Louisville. The National Democrats of Ken- ‘ ! ek held their convention at Louis- ville Wednesday. Permanent organi- ! nation was speedily effected with the Hon. John G. Carlisle as chairman. In opening his speech Mr. Carlisle ■«* I ' crats "X of _* Kentucky upon a. the magnifi- _ cent response they have made to the call for this convention, and I con- gratulate the friends of sound money, tariff reform and good government in eyery part of the country upon this aus- picious I opening of a campaign which, am suro, will be memorable * iii iiip annum i of <• the party. , <I«estion Kx-Socretary Carlisle took up the of tariff and talked at some length on it. He praised the “stanch bravery” of those who bolted democ- racy. Thrce *<" Carlisle were given w ’* b lusty will when ho concluded, ® ,ul tbia was followed by an insistent Mr Watt i or Mr> rson, Watterfon. speech -„ « 8 was most ,lbcrn ... *v punctuated <ls sin by voices and . ex I but n ' e « l? approval of his ut- or ® nccs > tb ® loudest and longest " 0,n “* e of Hl,v,!r «t the , c °r , 1 */- was ? 8 < X ™ X as thc '^/f snt^Wh^ ution n of l«T,u° r African £ slavery. Mr Watter ®°“-’ s ' < L ir,,,, \V ' Breckonr,,, " ere re ">d rhc by f“S . eminent . ‘ U ? He re " «f- wln * I «» B I •' the tho fuHest approbation , ™ and thc bl i ^tuck’an w a ‘}°J >tl . on hearhness. ^Howod with an IIe 'r " B y A' atterson was the unam- " °’^ ° th6 re " 0 J Ut "’" CO "' mit ' t ^ for its 1 Chamnan. The resolutions denounce tho free and unlimited com- Z„°l unjust ? taxes; V’ advocate ^ the reform of the currency laws so as to 8tan ^ ar< ^ tb ® world and furnish a sound stable ajid sufficient currency ffMd and silver. Grover Cleveland is indorsed by the following paragraph: “The democrats of Kentucky renow theit allegiance to the principles of true democra- cy as exemplified by tho administration of Grover Cleveland and as illustrated by liis eminent secretary of the treasury, J. G. Car- lisle, and pledge therasoives to renewed and unceasing efforts to embody and sulwtanti- * ate them in the national policy." i- ’ n,, ow ® disposal , of . the ,, com- . ( ^ ife Tf 6 w n delegates listened j .Ir '"V P ‘ “ reckenr ‘dge. uo candidntnW^clirir’ , °! I n e courso i ai)1 , ea ] H , va icntcT’i f"”'' th ° selection of ex I Hindman luuuiual1 was was made made unanimous. SAVED BY MILITIA. --— Mt>b w “ *««»««» to Lynch Oscar mi- Oscar Williams, the negro who as- faulted the 8-yoar-oM daughter of S K Campbell, u prominent farmer, near Hampton, Ga., some days ft'ro ’ and who has boon chased through four counties by an angry mob of outraged Clayton county citizens, was captured Wednesday night in Barnosville Williams would have boon lynched at, once but for the prompt action of Mayor Hugiiloy, of Barnesville The mayor saw that the mob was going to lyuoh the prisoner, and he appealed to tho governor to order out the tro °i» s. Tho governor authorized the mayor to call out the military and in a few minutes the Barnesville Blues wore marching down to the guardhouse with their gnus, and in full uniform. When tho troops arrived on the scene the crowd had already formed for the j lynching bee. The train from Griffin had carried down a large number, and all of them seemed determined to take j William’s life. At first the mob seemed disposed to : pay little attention to th* soldiers lmt «««**““““i”'<» 'l at I b t] ' b . 1 Ou ,ams VftrU0r ' A < b,uf °fi was oskedfor , f instructions, , , and he tel- i phoned the oftn-ers in Barnesville to carry the prisoner to Maeon or Atlan- ta. Ihe officers in Barnesville ex- pressed the fear that tho negro would bo pulled from tho train if carried to '»>■“>* <««». ................. Lovojoy. Governor Atkinson then advised that the prisoner be carried to Maeon. I TVLElt’§ G1U NDDAUGHTER Appointed PoatmnHter Of t-lie Town of Courtluiul, Virginia* Miss Mattie B, Tyler, granddaugh- ter of the former president of the j United States, was appointed post- ! niistross at Oourtlaud, V»., AVednes- day. Tho selection ends a long con- j test* in which Miss Tyler visited j Washington and presented her claims j in person to Postmaster General Gary and Fourth Assistant Bristow. j dent During lyler, his in administration, the of Presi- trip, J course a picked up a child in his arms and re- marked, lhat s a bright little boy,” 1 That boy is tho present postmaster { general. | HUMORS OF ALLIANCE DENIED. Spain ami .Japan Are Not Combined Vuainnl I'nited State**. Tho Tiondon Daily Mail’s Paris cor- respondent says: “United States Ambassador Porter assures me that the rumor that he said : an alliance existed between Spain and Japan is quite unfounded. Th Spanish embassy also declares the report to be a canard.” Three Bo.vs Killed. Early Friday morning a freight train on the International and Great North¬ ern railroad in the yards at Austin, Texas, rail over four boys who were sitting on a side track, killing three of them instantly and badly wounding the fourth. American Flag Torn Down. An . American , no- dug flying at . the city hall m 1 oronto, in honor of the visit- mg delegates to the Epworth League convoiitioi, was torn flown by an ultra- British partisan. The man was at once arrested and locked up. TO RELE ASE IMPRISONED CTTI* ZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 « T RESOLUTION REPORTED. - t, a " l * ,, "\ ... “ 1 ™» l,,ra,t Be umpowered tu Take Necessary Action in the Matt<:r - - A Washington special says: Senator *■ t\ bttvis, h : chairman t of ... thc committee . on. , . relations, .. g “ reported _ from „ that , committee the following joint resolu- tion Wednesday. "That the president be empowered to take such measures «h in his release Judgment may be necessary to obtain the by tho Span- Ish government of Ooa Melton, Alfred O. Laborde and William Q. Glider, and tho restoration of tho schooner Competitor to her owner, and to secure this he is ized and requested to employ such moans or exercise such powers as may bo necessary.” The report recites all tho facts that hftV0 bccn b ™« bt out in the Compet- itor case, her ownership, capture and Otizenship of tho three men named in tho resolution, together with the pro- ceedings thus far had by tho Spanish authorities, tho trial, sontonoe, The report characterizes it a “mockery ” f a The affidavits of the par- ties are cited to show that they wore coerced into Spanish waters, in which case they were not amenable to Span- ish jurisdiction. They wore not sub- j«o* to piracy and intended no act of depredation on thc. high seas, nor were they subject to the Spanish an- account of alleged rebel- lion. The report then oi savs- “Irrespectiveof any (he foregoing con- siderations, tho conduct of Spain, as herein- before dotnilod, constitutes such delay and denial of justice and such an actual infllc- tion of Injustice upon these men as to make It the duty of this government to demand re P» M *Bon therefor, irrespective of any act which those prisoners may have committed U P to the date of tlieir capture. Among the acts ot reparation which ought to be do- manded should ho the release of these cap- tives.” tain Secretary this Evarts is quoted to sits- position. The report declares that the rights of tho men have been violated and continues: “They have been tried and sentenced to death by a summary naval courtmartial in a l ,ro,! ®f' bn * whlch ,1B « been annulled by appellate courts of Madrid on tho ground. lhat suoU n oeurtmartial had no jurisdiction * lwt,,v er over thorn. Ton months have elapsed , since this death sentence was an- nulled and they have not again been brought to trial. In the meantime they havol...... subjected to protraoted preliminary exami- nations preparatory to their trial by anothm courtmartial which differs from thc first on- ly in the fact that ft is less summary ani more formal in its character than the first.” Vhe re I ,ort sa Y a ‘ ba ‘ the men at the flrst . t»al . did not know until after the testimony for tho prosecution was in lliat an ‘“terpreter was present, and tbo ° nl y translation made to them was at the closo of tllB sanguinary proceod- mRK> ' vben they were asked if they bful ^Ything to say, and necessarily tboy bnve Iittlu to say, yet one of them protested that he lrnl not under- sto °' 1 OIle word <)f tbo Proceedings n S alust binl h J "duch his life was ad- judged forfeited. “With these protests,’’continues the report, “the trial ended and the dc- fondants were immediately sentenced to death. It is now fourteen months since they were arrested, during all oi which time they have been held in the ,, 0abanas , fortre s s as prisoners. Melton aml L ? bor 'l° are '^questionably citi¬ zens of the United T States. Gilder is a nUsh s ' lb l oot > bnt "'>« a sailor upon an American vessel when taken, "' a a aotin j? as a mato > atul it « the . of °l” mon y°«r committee that he is citioa .. ................ ,, v g „. r,; 2 !,"" 1 uo -“ i,tlrf *° u •«*-* ——---- LABOR DAY AT CENTENNIAL. -- September on, ii n9 Meen Set Aside By the ........ A Nashville telegram states that the Centennial exposition management has designated September Gtli as Labor day »“'> *>;••»'” «tk«. flay- Ihe attendance oii these two days will bo very large, many states being represented. the Rates mill, stand. North Carolina’s Railway Commission Declines to Change Them. The North Carolina railway commis- sian announces that after a most painstaking investigation of the pres- ent passenger and freight rates they find passenger rates as low if not lower than in any other state of like population to tho square mile, while freight rates compare most favorably with any state. From these facts and those elicited at thc hearing, the commission de- dares the present rates just and ren- sonablo and declines to now make any material changes, -- SPEEDY TRIAL FOR WILLIAMS. Special Session of Bibl> Comity Court to Donough, Ga., Saturday evening and drew a grand jury to meet in special session July 2tith to investigate the case of Oscar AVillimus, charged with assaulting the little daughter of Far- mer If Campbell true bill near Lovojoy. a is returned the judge will call n special term of Henry snpe- rior court to convene about the middle of August to try thc case, if the excite¬ ment sided. now existing has sufficiently sub¬ GEORGIA LAW GUARDIANS Assemble In Savannnb for u Three Days’ Convention. The annual convention of police, sheriffs and marshals of Georgia con- veued at Savannah Tuesday morning t0 001 ,’ fluue tiu,e « flffivs. The welcome was delivered by Mayor Moldrim. The following officers wore elected: President, Chief Frank McDermott, of Savannah; vice president, J. C. Daniel, of Valdosta; secretary and treasurer Sheriff A. C. Bowles, of Columbus. MIXERS ISSUE BULLETIN, __ Army of Strikers Increase and Ihe Supply of Coal Is Being Eihausted. President Ratchford and Secretary Pearce have issued an official bulletin, No. 1, to the miners, it being a review of the situation; The bulletin says: “Our fight for living wages now JH“tE authorized or recognized. “The second week and the eighth day of our suspension brings with it greater assurance of ultimate victory than any previous day. Our forces are increasing every every, our determina- tion is unflinching and our actions are law-abiding n in every * particular. The states , , and q number s of . miners < m- . yolved: | “Western Pennsylvania—Fully 20,- 000 miners have joined ns for living wages, which makes suspension almost unanimous in every mine in the dis- triet. Work still continues in the cen- ^*1 field, but steps will be taken in a ^ G w a ?y® looking to a suspension, which , is believed will be successful. “Ohio—Twenty-eight thousand min- ers have laid down their tools in their demand for living wages, making the i BUS P ens lon general, excepting a few loC .?I . Infl A,1 . , ' lrps . • sceived . . _ Thurs- I day , report every mine and every miner this state suspended. Eight thou- 8a " d haT0 ]olu ° l1 tLo marcb for hvln 8 1 . T . !uj . . th ... sta . t X J T® r . e 1"actually , ‘v general „enmal and anti thTthT that the min- 11 ' “ ela ale (1 ®teimined to continue the "" tl1 Hvmg wages arc secured. Virginia—About 3,000_mmers bnve , Joined the movement. Reports various sections of the state con- flrm * he be,l ® f that mine rs wl11 sus- $® nd - E*ght organizers . left , this city Thursday for West Virginia. Supply of coal from that A®ld will be cut off in a very few days, b “Kentucky and Tennessee—About 1111 ' 1 miners have suspended, other* may be expected to follow, “Kansas—Miners are all at work, bu t will hold a convention on Satnr- ” a N’- It is expected that all will 8US- ‘Alabama Reports indicate that 6,000 miners or more have suspended; convention today. Nothing further r ", o{ tbeir nction - , ‘Th® supply of coal is_ fast becom- . exhausted at the various ,n R distrib- uhng points. Railroads are eonfiscat- ing Shipments; cities are almost with- out su Pply—in fact, a coal famine is near at hand.” SPAIN AND JAPAN UNITE In an Alliance For Mutual Protection Against United States. A , « ,. patch from Runs . to ls a news “Kency at London says that inquiry at ™® American embassy there has elioi- J*' 1 a confirmation of the rumor that e feJteinmen s o .patn and Japan ilave arranged an offensive alliance a « a 'fi st United States Th® terms of the understanding, which is for the_ mutual protection of Cuba and Hawaii, provide that in the ovent of an actively aggressive move- “ ont on tbe P ar t of the United States tending . toward interference in Cuban aflairs or persistence in the annexation ot tb ® Hawaiian islands both Spain “uil Japan shall declare war simul- ta fieonsly against the United States "f 1 shall make hostile demonstrations along both the Atlantic and Pacific coas t lineB of tbe country, Little . credence is placed in official c > r °l es iu Washington in the above statement. Indeed, so far as can be learned no intimation of such an agree¬ ment baa ever reached the state de¬ partment. MURDERED MOTHER AND BABE. Horrible Crime In Alabama—Avenged By a Mob, Y S , . been ed of most re p elv a , , “j . , Wednesday »«.wu”.oM.MX?ioS morning while her husband was away and after assaulting and murdering her, threw her body, to- gotlier with her babe unon a bed placed lightwood upon them and set it on fire. The bodies were not resound until burned to a crisp Terrell was captured and was concluded he was secured by an infu- riated mob, and taken away and lianged. BURGLAH’S BULLET FATAL. Atlanta Policeman Pics From Mound Kceoived In DiKclmrge of Duty. Robert Albert, tho Atlanta police¬ man who was shot by a burglar some days ago, died from his wound at the Grady hospital Friday night. the killing of the policeman has caused a profound sensation in the police department, and his death is sincerely city. regretted throughout the | city The reward of $250 offered by the council has stimulated a number j of persons to work on the case, ! IT LIMAN SLEEPERS RANSACKED. Bobbers Kell©re PaA^ongcrfl of Clothes and Valuables, Railway, running between Chattanoo¬ ga and Atlanta, were entered by out¬ laws early Sunday morning between Atlanta and Rome and tho passengers robbed of their money and clothing. It is thought tho robberies occurred in the neighborhood of East Rome about 2 o’clock in tbe morning. Near¬ ly every berth occupied on the down train was ransacked by the outlaws, and many articles of value stolen. TIN PLATE MILL SHUT DOWN. A I’nrt of the Fmployes M ulk Out ami ft Suspension Follows. The Cvesent Tin Plate mill at Cleveland, O., closed in every depart- ‘’fosod Thursday morning. The heaters r to go to work and without them it was impossible to operate the mill. The company decided to shut A”"" iudefiuitelv. All the heaters were taken into the Amalgamated Iron »«*.! Steel Association. The mill mav be.closed until settlement of strike DAIWrr TRIFLES. i Exceedingly pretty finger bowls are in the shape of an Open tiower resting on a broad leaf. Pin trays, always in demand, are out in silver, glass and china and represent square, oblong and heart shapes, A Parisian fad, likely to find favor here, is that of ornamenting the back S “ . Green is a color much employed this : season in both glass and china. It appears in every form of decoration and especially in combination with gold. . . si °d f° lady cyclists y “® S n r . , cbam A"! 061 ?*’,. lnto£l c ' 11 J m .'?' ^ ^ltla . a w atch, but "'vitli an aneroid u barometer uuiumeier or or comoass compass of oi cor cor- responding size, [ The fashion continues for using in | necklaces various original ways jeweled chains, and bracelets for instance, i as dressing the hair with them or or- Lamenting the front of the corsage. j j decorated. Gut glass cracker jars arj variously Some have silver gilt tops j | rious with enameled jewels design thereon, or va- ornament the top, or a painted miniature holds the place of j honor.—Jewelers’ Circular, j Wood is not generally well seasoned 1 b y a 'cry high temperature. If the heat is too great, the moisture escapes | very rapidly and tho wood is liable to crack or split, Many woods have sugar and gum in their composition, and the presence of these elements is generally shown by tbe attracfcio11 tho wood seems to have for kinds of insecte _ St> Louis Globe-Democrat, A Running Fire. “You’ll get run in,” said the pedes¬ trian to the wheelman without a light. “You’ll get run into,” savagely re- sponded tho cyclist, as he knocked the pedestrian down and ran up his spine. “You’ll get run in, too,’’said the policeman, as he stepped from behind a tree and grabbed the wheel. And just then another scorcher came along without a light, so the police¬ man rau in two.—Puck. If It Only Helped a Little It would be. worth 50 cents. One hour’s free¬ dom from the terrible irritating itch of tetter is worth more than a whole box of Tetterlne costs. It will cure—sure, and it’s the only thing that will cure. 50 cents at drug stores, or by mail from J. T. Shuptrlne, Savannah, Ga. Mr. Rider Haggard has finished a new novel dealing with Boer life, entitled “The Swallow.” Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. ~*5c. a bottle. Fits permanently cured, No fits or nervous- ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Groat Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free. Dk. K. 11. Kline. Ltd.. 031 Arch St., Pliila., Pa. rtso’s Cure for Consumption Is an A No. 1 Asthinn medicinm—W. It. Williams, Antioch, BUGKSNQH&M’S DYE For the Whiskers, - Mustache, and Eyebrows. l In one preparation. Easy toL apply at home. Colors brown! or black. Tho Gentlemen's! favorite, because satisfactory.! R- P. IIall & Co.. Proprietors, Nashua. N II. Q Sold by all Druggists. A m i mu « of Hires Rootbeer day on a is sweltering highly hot essen¬ .L tial to comfort and health. It cools the i! blood, reduces your * f\ temperature, thc tones -HO stomach. /■ B HU r ■si HIRES r-eo Ii h- WAT E-7fi Ii L Rootbeer ft. E-BC should Ii be in every b home, In every he office, in every- work¬ 'TP; shop. A temperance drink, more health¬ ful than ice water, --I0 # more delightful and IT.*:' - 0 ■4 satisfying other than any 1*0 duced. beverage pro¬ Made only hr the Charlea E. _j Hires Co., Philadelphia. A paok- 9fiJ Q P e makes [» gallon j. Sola er- erywhere. m\s// If & 4F| w*-* s. %\ K'j IM : . 1; n^r- A resident of Shawnee, Tennessee, says : “ I want to tell of the benefit I received from taking Ripens Tabules. My stomach had fjot into such a fix I could not digest my victuals at all ; everything I ate I threw up, with great pains in my chest and bowels. I tried several doctors, who did me no good. At last, after spending about $75? a friend advised me to try Ripans Tabules. X commenced taking them and soon l could eat almost anything, and I had the satisfaction of .knowing that what I cat ‘ would stay with me.’ I am grateful for such a medicine, and I hope before many years it will have place iu the house of every family in these United States.” ELIZABETH COLLEGE. ^ FOR WOMEN. / J'' CHARLOTTE, N. C. EQUAL Colleges TO THE BEST for men with every feature of* high grade College for women added A FACULTY OF 15 SPECIALISTS From schools of International reputa* tion, I niversity as Yale. of Johns Virginia.Berlin, Hopkins. Amherst. land Conservatory, Paris, New Eng¬ &c. THREE COURSES Leading to degrees. GROUP SYSTEM With electives. MUSIC CONSERVATORY With course leading to aipl'Ti*. Pipe Or^an^Piano, Violin. Guitar, Banjo, Man- ART CONSERVATORY Full courso to dlDloma--all varieties, FULL COMMERCIAL Course—Teacher from Eastman. A REFINED HOME With every modern convenience. CLIMATE Similar to that of Ashevilial COLLEGE BUILDING, 172 ft. frontage, 143 ft. deep, 4 stories high, built of pressed brick, tiro proof, with every modern appliance. Catalogue sent free on application. Address, REV, C. B. KING, President, Charlotte, N. C. Full DRUNKB^ information (in plain wrapper) mailed frea. I! FEW EXTRA DOLLARS !l» ?! Would You Like to Hake Them ? We can offer inducements to a few good MEN (and -WOMEN as well,) by which they can build up a permanent and profitable business by devoting a few hours each day at first—after while whole time. Address, Til K 11 . G. UNDEUMAN CO., Atlanta, Ga. “Success” Gotten Seed Huiler t;." and f 1 Separator. •’ r j Nearly donMoa the Valno of Seed to the AH Farmer. up-to-date give their dinners use them because the flrow- “ ers patronage to such gins. Huiler ie PRACTICAL, RELIABLE and GUARANTEED. For full information Address SOULE S TEAM FEED WOR KS, Meridian,Mim FREE in ChronicDiseasesof CONSULTATION! men, women and all forms chil¬ dren, Neuralgia, Successfully Bronchitis, treated. Rheumatism, Constipation, &e. Catarrh l’alpitntion, Indigestion, of Nose, Threat and Lungs. Diseases peculiar to women. Prolap¬ sus, Ovaritis, Cellulitis, Leucorrhea, Dysmen¬ orrhea, At;. Write for particulars. Two cents may mean Life and Happiness. S. T. Whitaker, UT. !>., Specialist, 20b Norcross Bld’g., Atlanta, Ga. MAPLE SYRUP Made on your kitchen stove in a few minutes at a cost of about HU Cents Per Gallon, by a new process, which sells at <$1.00 per gallon. “I want to thank you for the Maple Syrup recipe which I find is excellent. I can recom¬ mend P. it Jones, highly Cartersville, to any and every one.’’—R ev. Sam Ga. Sond$l and get recipe—or stamp and investi¬ gate. Bonanza for agents. J. N. LOTSl'KICif, Morristown, Tenn. Bicycles “AI.EXANDER S1MSCIAU”... $30.00 “OVEHbANl)”... $40.00 WAVEBLEY...... $45.00 ELECTRIC CITY $50.00 You have no excuse now for not buying a bicycle if it’s tho price you lmvo boon waiting for. Agente wanted. Write for Bargain Listof second-hand wheels. AV. 1>. ALKXASDEB, <>9-71 N. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. J m I>0 PER DfiY honorable, SlUrv^ COMMISSION 33 you want steady em¬ ployment tho year round,nt good wages, at your own home or to travel? If so, send 4c in stamps for our wholesale price-list and particulars. Wo furnish best of bank references. 1 AMERICAN TEA CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. WEAK MEN m i i m \ WW Are fully restored ^ by HAGGARD’S 8PK- CIFIC TABI.ICTS. 1 box, j-f Y $ mail. 1.00; 3 Address, boxes $2. 50, by ■* L Haggard’s Sucsiflc Go., \\ fjjhL. ATLANTA, GA. Full particulars sent by mail on application. w LIFE E MAKE INSURANCE the LOANS POLICIES. York Ufo* on If you have a policy In Now Equitable Fife or Mutual Fife and would like to secure a Loan, write us giving number of your policy, and wo will bo pleased to quote rates. Address TleEnslisli-American No. 1/J Equitable Building:, Loan M Atlanta, Trust Ga. Co., WRITE FOR In Actual Business. Kailroad Fare Paid. Positions Guaranteed. Students of both sexes admitted daily. No vacations. Average course three months. Georgia Business College, MACON, GEORGIA.