The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, August 06, 1897, Image 3

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THE MONITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge, Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley. L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Ortr Clubbing 1 Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for $1.50. CHURCHES, Baptist Church—Eev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school every Newton, Sunday at 10 o’clock a. in. J. M. Superintendent. M. E. Church—Eev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a in. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A . M., meets every first and third Saturdays in each mouth at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Steivakt, W. M. SiDNi^y Patio, Secretary. Doesn’t the court house need repaint-, ing? ___ Mrs. Lula Dozier is visiting in Ham¬ ilton, Ga. J. L. Wiilis and Noel Lee Mathis paid Dawson a business trip this week. Mrs. Cora Colley intends to leave in a few days for a visit to Nashville. Morgan has a full set of brass band instruments which can be bought cheap, Morgan’s brick makers are doing some hard work. Look out for our brick buildings. Miss Estella Bridges is making her ’Ome with her sister, Mrs. D.T. Eider,for the present. A liberal use of the paint and white¬ wash brash would not hurt anything about our town just now. The Board of County Commissioners met Tuesday morning and transacted the regular monthly business, W. B. Johnson, Newark, Ohio., says “One Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from dying by eroup.” It has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison . Some of the wells about Morgan are getting low and a little muddy. Don’t you think we need an artesian well? Willis & Mathis, the up-to-date paint¬ ers, will do your work right. Let them paint your buggy, house or a neat sign. Little Edith, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cheney, was quite sick with croup last Sunday. Our m. rchants are receiving a lot of new goods. Now is the tune to plant an advertisement. The people read this paper. Mr. Arden Daniel’s friends will now find liim behind the counters of the Clayton, store where he will be pleased to seve them. Ordinary Monroe was at his post, as usual, Monday morning, and passed upon all business that came before him. He reports a very dull court day. Quite a crowd of young people pio- niced down on old Notcliaway Tuesday. Borne of the boys say that “Brownie” was the queen of the day. Mr. D. E. Mitchiner, accompanied by his son, Mr. W. K. Mitchiner, of Terrell county, visited Mr. E. P. Richardson Thursday. These clever gentlemen paid the Monitor a visit while in town. It is a sweet little girl, and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Clayton are happy in the blessing of their first born. The little stranger made the acquaintance of papa and mama Thursday, July 29th, at 2 o’clock p. m. Mr. S, J. Eiley was taken seriously ill up at Mr. Ed Knighton’s, in Randolph county, one day last week. He was brought home last Friday, and is still a very sick man, but is improving some. Terbibue Accident.—I t is a terrible accident to be burned or scalded; but the pain and agony and the frightful disfig- with¬ urments can be quickly overcame out leaving a scar by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. S. T. Clayton, Mor¬ gan; Edison. P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Mr. W. H. C. Cunningham came over from Leary Tuesday morning and stood Ambros Goff’s bond. Ambros was in jail charged with assault with intent to murder. His bond was fixed at $300. No doubt Ambros isnow a happy darkey. Our city fathers held their regular meeting in the council chamber Tuesday afternoon (they are getting along pretty well of late, thank yon), and transacted some routine business. Nothing, how¬ ever, was done of general interest. Judge A. I. Monroe tied the mystic knot that bound Ella Eady to Charlie Singletary, colored, for better or for worse through life. The ceremony was performed in the Ordinary’s office Tucs- my Ordinary Monroe, Sheriff Davis and Dr. George went over to Leary * Wednes- day . ...... to investigate of , ■ morning a case in- sanity. The patient, Elhon Nickleson, was adjugdged insane. and He is left almost a raving maniac, train with him the Sheriff for Milledgeville. on the morning SQTTIBLBTS- Composed, Compiled, Set op and Arranged l*y Fitzdoodle. “By the ring round Mabel’s finger Ton may know hf is her choice; But a different, opinion’s In the ring of papa's voice.” A Dallas small boy alludes to t he of a little sister as a cry-sis in his homo. People rarely deeply regret being wtong; it is their competitors being right galls. I have never seen a man who was loved by all who knew him”—until was dead. A hen with one chicken always kicks un more fuss than the hen with fifteen ens. In the opinion of a New Jersey parson all angels are men. Somebody must have discovered a new country beyond the skies. Advertising, to be successful, must continuous. The rough edges of cism are not ground in a day.—Ex, Mrs. Fitz, says some of our ladies they can buy goods abroad, especially hats, cheaper than they can in Morgan, but a mistake. A man who is loaded With bad and a pistol is a dangerous character, should be behind instead of in front of the bars. Our editor and his better half went to Shellman Saturday,.and he has acted extreehily turgid this week just he saw a railroad train and a big gin. “A -voice and nothing more,” we wont to say. But we forget how much voice may be, and how little it may anything more. Many a sold has been wrecked or rescued by a voice. When you hear a woman say, “Oh, that sweet?” you will see either a bulldog with a blueribbofi around his neck, a baby with a red face and a white dress on, or a man in a siik hat driving a dog cart.— South Pittsburg Statesman. An exchange says; “Is there anything more cruel, ruthless and brutal than the first-class newspaper’s thirst for ‘news,’ and its spirit of rivalry in news gathering? Some bright fellow has discovered the kiss of a newspaper man is a passport to good luck, If any of our fair sex, old maids and grass widows not excepted, wish to try their luck on this wheel of fof- tune they are cordially invited to visit the Monitor office in single file. Mrs. Paul Duekwall, nee Miss Daisy Cowdry, is dead! She was married about fourteen months ago, and breathed her last at her home in Manatee, Fla., at 10 o’clock Friday night, July S3. In reading the death notice of this little playmate the Writer lealized that one by one the cords of childhood were fast soaping, and soon I will stand alone with no one to say a word about how happy the days were passed in and about our old homes at Blakely. Twenty-two or three years ago little Daisy Cowdry was the pel of our neighborhood—one of the sweetest and most yivacious children ever born. Her parents moved to Florida while we were yet children, and I never met little Daisy again, but never forgot her. Now she is dead—died as many good and true women die, for the sake of becoming a true wife and young mother. May God bless aud protect her young husband and infant. Meteorological Record at Morgan for the Month of July. Mean temperature, 81.9. Mean max. temperature, 93.4. Mean minimum temperature, 71.2. Maxmum temperature, .100, July 1-2. Minimum temperature: 55, July 14, Total precipetation, 2.42. Greatest precipitation in 24 hours, 1.05. July 2—No. clear days, 23. partial cloudy days, 7. cloudy days, 1. Eclipse of sun on 2-9tii inst., from 7 to 10 o’clock, Central time. PAINT SHOP. I would most respectfully an nounce to the people of Morgan and to the public in general that I am ing, now prepared to do all kinds of paint- such as, carriages and other hides, houses, furniture, signs etc. You can find me at the old Olayton stand opposite the court house. Call on me when needing work in my line, and I can save you money. Yours to serve, j. L. Willis, Je, Mrs. Mary D. Collins, a pensioner of the United States government, was in town Wednesday, preparing her vouchers for the quarterly stipend, paid to her by the agent of Uncle Sam, for services ren- dered by her late husband, W. A. Collins, ! in the Mexican war. So far as wo know i she is the only beneficiary of Uncle : Sam’s mtinilicenoe in this section. ,, Monday while the election in full was blast at Leary, the alarm of fire was 1 sounded. Mr. Bud Cunningham’s kitchen had caught fire from a defective stove flue, first-class and was up-to-date in a fair blaze, way but to the furnish Terry a [ 1 Company soon arayed and put an end to the excitement, with but little dam¬ I age, j | A heavy rain fell here Monday after¬ noon, accompanied by considerable w ind. Several shade trees were uprooted, and j Colonel Dozier’s new kitchen, which lie- had just commenced to weatherboard, was lifted off of the pillars, but was not completely wrecked. Clearmont College, Hickory, N. C- The Monitor will give a free scholar- ship to any education worthy young lady deserving 11 com P lc to who is qualified to eater this . school residing in Calhoun and who passes an approved ex- amiuatiou before the county school com- ml ,f lou f’> a “d who will board in the college home and abide by the rules aud regulations of the institution. A $100 piano mil he given to the best music good graduate. opportunity Young finish ladies, here is a to your edoca- tiou. Correspond with this paper. ! ltslgau—Kenny, ‘•The path of duty's sweet, love, With roses of the May; And if a thorn should meet the morn, Love kisses it away. And when the storm hath hid the star. And all the skies ar drear, In love’s bright eyes are life’s true skies— Thou shalt find morning there'” Married, at the residence of the bride’.* parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eagan, ii. Morgan, Ga., at 2 o'clock p. m. Sunday. August 1st, Miss Arnettie Blanche Eagan to Mr. E. J. Kenney, Judge C. J. Avers officiating. As Miss BlaucUe Eagan the bride was one of Morgan’s favorite young ladies, while Emit [Kenney is a young man of exceptional traits. He is a manly young man, and, although not rich in worldly goods, every one who know him believes he will make his young wife a good hus¬ band. Mr. and Mrs, Kenney has the best wishes of the people of Calhoun and Terrell counties. Mrs. Kenney is tlis oldest daughter of County Clerk W. J. Ragan and grand¬ daughter of Judge J. J. Eagan, and be¬ longs to one ol the oldest and most highly respected families in Georgia, The wedding was a quiet affair, only the family and a few friends being pres¬ ent. The young couple left for ! home in Bronwood at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, The pretty little bride was the happy recipient of a large collection of ornn- men tal and useful gifts, ' The Monitor sincerely wishes that this worthy young couple will never have the I slightest cause to regret the step they ! took, and that they will go hand in hand ’ through i ite , loving and trusting each 1 other.’ From Leary. Stock law is all we hear. 1 would like the best in the world to givo you ' a picture of T. R. Hammond inforc- ; ng the law in the afternoon with a i "''‘‘UlfGncle'iohn, f e Z stndTny longer! Oh, Uncle John, where do ’ Y ou remain?” Cotton picking will be in full force ' in a fg davs, j w Hogs are lying in the jam of the fence and think they are doing well; but soon the fences will all be gone, au “ “°S S can go to h—1. The °°ws are poor and drying up, too, and the milk is very sorry. Soon the stock law will be in force, and thefC wiU be no milk to botTOW . 1 I rn Raburn T> , was 111 our this week, j place Clever Monday Luke Cohen was in our and Tuesday. It is hard to find a more genial drummer 1 ^ ban j juke j Messrs. J. N. Daniel], J. A. Thorn- 1 1° D > ^ ■ B. Price, Moses T’mmons and Dr. J. B. George were with us Mon. day. looking after the interests of their neighbors We was visited by a heavy wind Monday afternoon, but I ne ard of no damage. Watermelons are very near out; fever will soon stop; poor doctors. Occasional. Don’t, neglect a cough because tho weather is pleasant; before tho next storm rolls around it may develop into a seri¬ ous difficulty beyond repair. One Min¬ ute Cough Cure is easy to take and will do what its name implies,- Mrs.S.T. Clay¬ ton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison, Shellmaii to the Front, The writer, accompanied by his wife, visited Shsllman last Saturday. The country between Morgan aud that thriving little city is certainly blessed with fine crops, and we see no cause for grumbling about hard times, I called on the merchants of Shellman an d found the marjority of thorn busy doing business in regular metropolitan style. G. M. Cheney, Crittenden Bros., W. J. Oliver, Martin Bros., Jay, Payne & Co., Ethridge & Son and Dr. Carter’s drug store are as fine business houses as can be found in the State. Mrs. E. M. Crittenden, the leading milliner, treated tbe Monitok Wlth courtesy, and you may 0Xpect to hear from llor soon ’ Ja Y- ayno &Co -’ are u P' to date hardware dealers ’ handling everything in their line ° f tbe best ’ aud at dose fi Kures. They are gentlomcn ' vbo ' n11 trcat Y ou ri «ht on every turn. Shellman has a well-conducted bank, two excellent hotels, the Arthur House and Hotel Hcnny May, two splendid “very stables, and two of the largest gin- neries in the State. Her people arc religious, clever and full of honest busi- ness enterprise, and a stranger is treated like a brother when he enters her gates, Success to Siieliman and her good people. masonic- All Master Masons in good standing are respectfully invited to attend the burial of Brother P. S. Barbre at Leary, Ga., at 9.30 a. tn„ August 15, 1897. J. B. Geobge, W. M. Haiipeu Daniell, Soc'y. Little Miss Eddie Lee Dauiell is now the delighted owner of a handsome new bicycle, a recent present from her father. “They are dandies,” said Tlios. Bowers of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise while Risers, writing about Do Witt's Lhtlo Earlv the famous little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach i and liver. 8. T. Clayton Morgan-P E Boyd, Leary; Henry ' Turner Edison 'COTTON PICKING! m Dear Friends, s J THE POOR MAN’S FRIEND, Says he is aware of the fact that the dull summer months are upon us; that money is hard to get and that but few are blessed with it. Ho told us, the other day to change his “ad.” and say to the people that he is still willing to help them save part of the cash on hand, conse¬ quently you should quit 4 Si C ft / V RIDING A HOBBY and do your trading at this PALACE OF LOW PRICES. Hard-time Prices! Endless quantity of Goods, SHOES of ladies price, ev ery and and description style, gents. for Man, woman or DRESS child can easily handsmoely by go¬ ing to CLAYTON with ti little money. At this store you can find anything you want. Every body knows Mr. Elder, Clayton’s popular salesman, and may bet your bottom dollar that he will give 36 inches YARD TO THE lime, ev¬ ery -and- 16 ounces to every pound. So you may make C A 4 X I ti t a: §r I'v-qG . f <* C2> Si An Fafnect oearen Sparrh w FOE BARGAINS, and never find the ones you wifi strike at CLAYTON'S. August Bargains. S.T.CLAYT0 a * j MANAGE,IC jam T. CLAYTON’S LIVERY, SALE and PEED STABLES. Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Prices. — ‘WT-TEIST X3SI’ TO’WTXr Take your slock to my Stables to be cared for. J. S. RILEY, Manager. i A ~ o I -:_“_____—_—"' Eitor Monitor: Please say to your many readers, among whom I have hundreds of customers and friends, that I have opened up the prettiest i line 0E SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, TRIM- MINGS. LACESS ETC-, ever brought. to Morgan. My stock or General llilienary and Notions, cannot be excelled. Particular { I attention stock. Tell was them give to to STYLE and AND I COLLOBS AL“ AYS in the READY selection (19 of my come see; am to my 1: best to please, 1 do my own work and can compete with anyone. ()ders '5 by mai‘: mll receive prom attention. Yours, to please, MRS. GEO. W. COLLEY. S.N.McGuirt. > A j v i 4 r\ h e OVERLOADED Where I got for cash—- 9 pounds good coffee for * 1.00 7 pounds Arbndkle coffee, 1.00 17’- lbs. best white sugar, LOO LSI, lbs. good rice, LOO 50 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00 Best White Label Lard, (pets. Best white meat, by the side, diets. Sheeting Ladies and checks, per yd, 5cts. and gents slippers, 75c. to 1.50 Ladies and gents shoes, 75o. to 1.85 Best flour, per bbl., 5.50 Mccoboy Giant snuff, per pound, 45c Gooseneck potash, 16 boxes for 1.00 D. Roes, 30c & H. Scovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2. 40 and -loots. Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c Meat and corn, per bushel, 65c FIFTY SHEETS FLYPAPER, 85c “Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c Highest market price paid for eggs. Bring me all you have for sale. I am yours, thanking yon for your patronage in the past and wishing to have it in the future, s. N. HcGUfRT. 9 AFTER A COM¬ PLETE AND i (&TX" ! '1 ---- ^ r".- m A Thorough investigation I AM SATISFIED THAT THE GOLD "WIJS-E JEWELRY Manufactured hy Mr. D, T, ELDER is the best on tho market. All designs of Ladies’ and Gents’ Jewelry. Call on him at S. T. CLAYTON’S and inspect his fine assortment, the goods are sure to sell. Come to see me. D IJ, T X. JjUULili. El,DEE If You Want THE BEST FLOUR DON’T GO TO EUGENE P. PARKINS ■ To got, and if you want S I (is coffee for $1.00 don’t go to him for it. But if you want the best BOILER FEEDER on the market or any of the following goods he can furnish them to you at prices that will as¬ tonish you. Drop him a card and he will do the rest. Brass Goods- Brass goods in stock for every va¬ riety of service, such as Globe Valvs, Check Valves, Angle Valves* Cylin¬ der Cocks, Pot Cocks, Drip Cocks, Air Cocks, Pop Valves, Lubricators, Steam Guages, Engine Oileups, Guago Cocks,Glass Guages Complete, Steam Cocks, Jet Pumps, Inspira¬ tors, Engine Trimmings of every description, etc., etc. Castings In stock for repairs on engines from 4 to 60-horse power, as follows: Pis¬ ton heads, Follower heads, Piston rings, Eccentric and Straps, Glands for stuffing boxes, both brass and ■ ES 5 Calhoun DIO-K.IErST, CL-A.- County. T | m •t 11 Si ri:: SHELLMAN, Ct-EOEG-IA. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, PAINTS, _ OILS, 080 SKERY, HOUSE FURHISHIHB l! GOODS, STOVES, SASH, DOORS BLiTTSrLJS ALnTLJ T3 XT X TiLJ E LI S ’ SUPPLIES. Our stock is entirely now. \''e don’t keep goods in bur line, but sell them. Wo CAN and WILL sell as cheap as any house in the Htate, and desire to build up our trade to the highest point. If you will come we will do tho rest. n - C. A ( id THE DflTERENCE i in the Quality and the amount of light produced c 1 \ hy an old fashioned TALLOW DIP....... . JM ^ and an INCANDESCENT BULB ** m i I is not more marked than is the difference in _ appear- 03 ante, in style and quality of the Wearing ' Apparel made by i M 6 A M. THE GREAT BORN CHICAGO & MERCHANT CO., TAILORS, M* and the work of the mass of Tailors. *••••» The Suita and Overcoats of the former are fine productions of Tailoring Art. c. We Guarantee to fit and pfease you and save you money. 300 CHOICE NEW PATTERNS to select from. AT T.J, TINSLEY & CO. ANDY CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 10 * it® ALL 25^ so * DRUGGISTS 2 ......I tfiflto moolI. ASC.V Kftitlieui It K/rs GAUDY flllkecarKly. rnovo any Dad They taste ro- lit theinoiith, leavli e CATHARTIC pertained. he breath sweet It Ja a a ■___ ^;r7~7 ^x a real pleasure to take 8 ^L: u i > , 1 i lc “ u ot nau ' .....CAHCAIIET8 PURELY “re and purely vegetable contain no n ier- curia l or other min¬ VEGETABLE eral polBOn. They are ma(to of the Int- tered Went remedies discov- and are a h< cten* never ___ before put together ilfa/fy form! 1 * 1 ton ■.....CANciAiti/rn ISSSrS ANTISEPTIC IAXATIVE ■ —- r- ff „ ______ 9 howuJg and kill dhu kind that breed and feed li^the'^ys'uwn? 1 ai ' y .....CAICARKTB tone tho Hioimtch and LIVER bowolsand Htlmnbiio the lazy liver, until- STIMULANT Int. It work. They 9 . ntrengtheti els and thorn the how- § vlgoron* put healthy Into 7," their • action • and condiWou, making easy natural. •J* Don't judge GASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They are new, unlike anything else that's sold, and inlinitety superior. Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get "i *" your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. Beware ot° - Sample and booklet mailed free. Address imitations! STERLING REfdEOV CO., CHICAOOi MONTRSAL, CAN.j NEW YORK. 236 | Iflw A cults l' or ”' c ' 0 ll: “ lt or retunaect Makes weak suous faola aafl uuarauteett by all dn-gflais; Oet- b«^»v iron; Bteamchest covers, Cylindet heads. Flange Couplings for shafting and for wooden wheels, and many other castings too numerous to mon- ti on. Brass $ Castings, ’ Stick brtiss) round, hexagon, etc.., etc. Rod brass to any drawing desired, planed and borod perfectly true. Packing. Asbestos packing, Gum sheet pack¬ ing, Pistonrod packing, etc. Boiler stoel, Boiler rivets, patch bolts, stay' bolts. Boilers repaired and tested by hydrawlic pressure to insure safety. Round machine steel from one-fourth of an inch to three inches in diameter. Piping for same from ono-foqrth to three inches iii diameter. Koyways all cut by machinery— Keys eats all cut hy machinery, in¬ suring accurate fitting, etc. All orders by mail i-eceiye prompt attention. T’TH increase the flow of milicin nurslm: moth¬ BOON FOB ers. A tablet enton hy the mother makes her milk inlhlly purpr- MOTHERS ntlvo unci hut* n wild butcertuln efTec t on the baby, the 1 only safe laxative for the babe-in-urms. .... CA8CAKKT8 ■< me liked by tbeebll-# dren. and They table* PLEASE pood wind-colic do and § stop I CrafnpH. and kill and J THE CHILDREN all drive kinds off worms, of pent-* end f sites that Jive in tho bowels of 1 ho grow in# clilJd. ... CA8CAKET8, ■ taken tlHt(;ntly.urep:uuran patiently, per- -1 * teed of to euro anycusU a cure constipation, how no H matter old and GUARAHmO obstinate, or pur- # chase money will be cheerfully refunded drupglat. * by your own .... C’ASOARETS m nru so.d for by lOc, nil Vac, drug- i pihts box, HEALTH SOl* a aeco r U* I up t" Bf/.e. A lOc pox will pro ve their FOB 10 CENTS mei itand put you on the right find road to per¬ fect permanent If-’Ul tli. Don’t risk delajr.