The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, August 20, 1897, Image 3

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THE MONITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. m TOWN OF MORGAN*. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. IV. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Clubbing Pates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for $1.50. CHURCHES, Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. and Saturday Preaching before. every Sunday-school third L. . ' y ■every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M. Newton, Superintendent M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at Sabbath 11 o'clock a m. Sunday-school Cartledge, every at 3 p m. L. G. Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. .V, A. M., meets month every first and third Saturdays In each at 2.80 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Dace, Secretary. ■MUUtJByUWWBWJBM Go to Mrs. Colley for barga' >i 'a nri- linery. Ladici, Mrs. G. W, Colley world ' e to see you ou important bnsiue \ Col. C. L. Sibley p; d Morgan a social and business vkit yi.'terday. Dr. Kent Ragan has the tine gilt of a successful bas'i t man. Marshal Rich a i'd.on should put a slop to the practice of crae'ty to pc’ 3 . Tinsley’s caw mid has b . a .ift.’ng Some pretty lumber tic's week. Professor Short accompcci d M s Eunice Colley to Arrington T.c day. The Albany papers ray that the slaugh¬ ter of doves has commenced in Dough- city county. If the clouds keep on io"og up from the isouthwc 't, it is moie than bkely to rain shortly. Miss Mamie Pruitt, one of P .ndolph’s accomplished young lad’es, is visiting her file d, Miss Peisie Smith. Her friends in Morgan w :, l regret to learn that Mra. George Palish, are Miss Arrie Arnold, is quite'll at her home ia Bronwood. Messrs T. A. Mathis, Charles David¬ son and J. M. Newton will soon be rid¬ ing in newly paint d and handsome bug¬ gies. _ Work ou the new school house wr s not satisfactory tlr's week, ow'og to the bad weather; but Contirator Thornton says he will drive n il's while the s.-u shines. There wes some ia'k at the court home the other aftetaoon about the excellent quality of the beef pastured on the given fields just below Morgan, but the par¬ ticulars could not be learned. Guess the writer will hxve to get out and try’the sycamore tree another round (ask Judge Monroe for particulars) to change our luck, r 1 we have sli uck eve:y- thing else in town to no avail. Mis. S. E. Embiy, of Morgan, came up y terday and spent the night with her son, Mr. John Embry, in tins city. Bhe will go to Buark today to visit her daugh¬ ter, Mrs. T. H. Hvksey,—Tuesday’s Albany Herald, At 9.30 last Sunday moij'og repre¬ sentatives of three Masomc iodget—Mil¬ ford, Leary and Morgan—met at Leary aud engaged in the beaudLiilaodimpL’e::- eive Masonic fuiiera! ceremony about iho P. Barbre, Judge J. , grave of Mr. S. J. [ Beck, P. M., officiating. ' _________ _ ■Wednesday Go?e-nor Aik’isou g 1 a respite to H. S. Perry of two weeks, claiming that ia the conflict of eiidence it has been hard for him to truth, about tho a’legcd jusiiaoation for the killing of Lanier by Perry, and he 'r determined to sift the matter thorough ’y. | Mr. Emmett Kenney is sick, and it is | feared by his friends that he h chuger* ously sick. Wu'lehe and iris tr'e were visiting here this w ok he ate freely of watermelon. He was sick Sunday ’.right, but felt well enough Monday moi c'>ug to return to Bronwood. Mr. W. J. Mrs. Kenney’s father, . jeived a ietlei from her Wednesday night sta.1 ,13 ., .t Mr. Kenney was very sick. Captain W. Friend, an Englishm.'U who has sailed the seri for Clririy y 1 , white fishing for r.d suappor and trout off the east coast of Florida—Matanzas Inlet—October 14, 1894, caught with a hook and line one of the wonders of the sea. He had it on exhibition here I 's week. The vivid' imagination of 11. Rider Haggard never pickn d a resem blance of tho thing, noi diu J. .'c.-o, during his submarine wanderings, eve- run across anything like it. The thing is part fish, part bird and part human. Scientist have never agreed on ils hind or given ii a proper nr me. It com nearer being a du’.gon, such es spoken of in ancient history, thru anything e',e. Tho Captain says R,fought ’Ike the devil when captured, and that the crew of the vessel named it the Hpj Devil which name it went by for a on^ time. The strange freak hrs all the parts of a woman. It downs anyth, jg ever seen by tho writer, either real or imaginary, so you know it's a dandy SQTjTBLETS- Composed, Compiled, Set up and Other¬ wise Arranged by Fitzdoodie. “Twinkle, twinkle little star, I don’t wonder what you are: For 1 have to hustle so, lo keep post ed here below. E. P. Richardson took in Sheilman Sunday. Hr. George is doing a Sive’y practice " 0 f j ate< Charge Weaver inns a gm, gets there a ! ' O. K. Our merchants are being poken of very comp 1 :ments:y by ike “foi-ign press.” Some babi r *- cry when their papa*, leave homo, wK'e others ye”, when lit i dads make an appe ;ce. Man :i a hog on • on Ions except Ike mother- : a-law .ue. Cue of them seems to be enough for any me-a. George Dozier, one of the 1 bo. : drum¬ mers” of the Slate, spent several days with fc s ft .a*' ! y f ‘ at: s ou cl i ae. Claudt—If I kon vri'l you ca'l you :• faiher? Maude—It won’t be nr satyfor you to less the whole faari’y— Judge. Many an uexpe.'enc. 2, JUusiful •nl.'ndi ’’a more danger from Iked! ’elate bat uttdei: o'-, d of her own sex than from abandon:.! men. We are rno-e prone lo b’-'me hit orr fan is, when they do not if. (baa to g.vethern or dit for our better qaah'.i: s when they do do e: ve if. Every man,needs loplay^lbe de alive on himself. ). ! . he don not, to h n may apply the words of CJvnd: “Sad lue de.,tb oi him who cites well known to olhers, lo IruKS 5 ? un now a.” In every day borne ! 'e there is le-s of vocal music !buu there wes fifty yea’s ago. Even Ch. Istl 'U women sing fewer s- e” d 1 rugs about the hot: -e than tbe’r mothers, aud more. peeia’ly* their grand- mothers did. “If there were in every conmiumitv wr to b. sket for u a employed and usel. 3 young mea, how tmr’i a one wou'd suf- flee or how large a cue would bo m a- y for Morgan? Who wou'd be J ropp d jafo it fifth; who would he the b :t to The be gathers bitter bre. d for the . . '-meat . ot , its .. and , doc* _ not . ncu, young, fe: d them with honey b cat’ e it is sweet. A fc'nt, tb’s, to parenfs who provide the sweetai :s of ’itdtpgence for then' cb-l- dven, to the negfeot of the bittern.. .1 of wholesomed snip” >e. “Don’t get mrd if yorrtor’s name does not apperr in t he paper. Perhaps you did not ted the i.Jii or; he is no nrnd reader. Don’t get mad if your neigh - bor’s doings are refers J to more fve- quently than you." own. Your neighbor uses ID month. Your mode ty may keep you i*t obscurity; that's no dr .m. A country newspaper man e tn’t spend a'l of h s tine on the s! reetsand make three nae. ’s a day. If you know ti l item hold ns up aud give it out ot your system.” An’"fluent a! and prosperous citizen of au ad jo' 'dug cot uty wesrcently hr ,rd to remara thus: “I v .n't era how that fellow who tu’ s the Monitor go: 1 to work to get up . ■ newsy and live a p_.per as he dor* in r.i dr" a town rs Morgen, T It . :s . always , oboeuc! , . . and , a’-ve no matter . , ‘be cucumsUvucrs, ,■ id is one of the bt*t ! v i tie papers that re., b: our post office.” Our rditor fiys that be app rc’afes the 1 'nd remarks about the paper, but must i" '-'€ut the f ei.ioa that our townis dull, for it is not. Morgan is one of the com¬ ing towns of the Elate. Wfiy, we pay as much, ii rot more, for cotton rs any big town about here, aud ta?'. goods jest es cheap, c h or c: lit. If yon don’t be¬ lieve it try rs oacc—if you have the col¬ lateral. BverrbotJ? Says 80 . derfiil Cascerete medical Candy discovery Cathartic, of the t,hc most pleas- won- refreshing age, geatly ant and to the mate, act cure headache, fever, habitual constipation i and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of O. O. C. to-day ; 10,85.60 all cents- Sold amt guaranteed to cure by &ruggt3ts. This week h r 'i been a hat'd old week to get out a newsy paper. Some people may thick it is an e sy t.: k, v, Uh lois of fun thrown in, to ian a paper. We a knowledge that at, times it is a pie. ore to > .ite and print, but this week got next to us, Ween the w luer 1 cloudy aid gloomy; when a fellow 1 t ' cour- aged and l',.s a good ease of ril e “blues, and els b t, Blench are made eiabb< ii aud cold shouldered by the nme bkmed d'.case; when a fellow has rot the puc si of a gill ia Iris inside pocket or enough ci h to pay b% paper out of the express office; whoa there is noririug to cat at the editor’s horse (rent on which he has not pakl for three months), and the Clicks are too high and muddy to catch any fish; and when a man tells us that be can scratch a and read ali there is in our darn little old paper by Ihe light of said match, how the devil do you expect a fe'low to feel cheerful, find news where there Ii none, arid get out a ; ve, newsy paper? I he MoNixon learns that a Negro man made an attempt to enter Air. Tom Grif¬ fin’s residence, a few ml above Mor- gan, last Friday night. Mr. Griffin was oa”ed to Lc; yon., count of rick ness, leavi ng li i v .e at home. It Is thought the prowler be ev. 1 (he premri , to be' d o-t .1 for Ute night,yod 'L jA he would b .gl 'zethehoi, a. Ho ttt.ompt u to enter ri ou;h u v. 1 .dow of iho room oe- enpied by Mi . G -ffin, but ihe nol e caused her to got up sad d..uv up the curtain. As soon as the man saw her he dropped lo the ground and find, That Pet Pig. Moi-.gan, Ga., Aug. 18. Editor Monitor: I have a pet pig that I set great store by. I went \ .'siting the other day, and when I returned I found that he had, by some foul means, lost his tail, I call d to the nurse, and asked her if she had cut off my pet's tail. She avowed she did not. Knowing that my husband is an am- bitious physician and surgeon, I thought that in my absence he had took a lesson in surgery, using my little pet as a subject. Pretty soon he walked inland I accused him of so iralisoionsly disfiguring my pet in such an inhuman manner, kuovv- ing that he despised the little thing. He pleaded ignorance of the catastro. phe, and said that perhaps the chickens picked it off Now, since [ try pet happened to this I can’t go out but wlnt he is after me, fretting and crying just as if ho thought 1 was the only f.iend he had on earth. Etna. Don’t neglect a cough because the weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may develop info a tieri- ous difficulty beyond repair One Min- do ute Cough Cure is easy to take and will what its name P. E. implies. • Mrs.S.T. Leary; Olay- ton, Turner, Morgan; Boyd, Homy Edison. From Texas. . Tbemcy friend, ol Copt 'n Pc Jen will be glad io know that ho home safe t , w"" be seen from the fob i ow : n g kind letter to tho Mon 3R. Uou.uON, Texas, August 13. Editor Mostiron, Morg-.n, Gu.: Dear Sic—Your favor of ro ;ent date enclos'ug list of Company 11, which were pr seat at the reunion, also ! : st of those not press at, has been ■ duly received. Pleate re :opt my sincere thraksfor same, as we!! rs '.he many Courtises extended by you t« the w, Jer wh 'e in Cr'Uoun county on his r. .out visit. I w. it a 1 o to ihatk you for copi . of papers ;.tnt nw ns w o1 l thoae seat oat es per in¬ structions lo Mr. W. C. Plowden. Wist- ; ag yon end your paper a pros- perous career, I am Yours, veiy tiulv, D. D. P, jEn. Some for ten some for twenty and some ' for thirty years have suffered from piles Witch Hazel Salve, the great ; .a rlv piles ■ and r. arms of skm ch eases, s. .. (-lay- loilt Morgan; P. 15. Boyd, Leaiy, Henry Edison. From Monday's Americus Evening Rera'd romes the repoit of a serious liot wb ; ch happened in Cuthbert Sunday Several white men and No- groi ' got into a dispute over a ba'eba’l game, and when a Negro (no names were given) rush d on a white man, he promptly received a bii’let through Ire hr .d, which produced iost it de itk. One wh'le man was severely brt’ ; s;'d about the fr 9 w ith a club in the bauds of a Negro, but up to tb’sthneno nvr^sts have beeu made so far as cun be learned, La. . —From a d’sp-tch to the Al- bany'd we It an that Jim McMicb. ael is the white mau who did the shoot- that A'exaudec Martin is I he name of the Negro k !, Ie 1. Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by DeWitt’s vVitch Hazel Salvo, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, Doils nlcors and all other skin troubles be instantly relieved by the same remedy. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edi- S0D - Ed Thomas, colored, k ;l! ed a huge rat* t 1 nake on the b' M juff beyond’the cre ek . on tho Leary road hit Friday. The reprile spoxted eleven rattlv, and those who raw it eay it was r.i long n a buggy shaft and e" large ri a man’s thigh. About two weeks ego a co'orad man liv¬ ing on Dr. Geo ge’s p’ace k'U 1 one on the rime spot having fourteen rattle” A ceiia’a merchant of Morgan has contracted for a half page advertisement which wi" appear in the Monitor next i vo rf nothmg happens to prevent. Ho knows that the paper reaches the people, aud wishes to 1 dk bonne s to them, Heud in your ads, gentlemen, if you wish to sek goods to the people of this section. Rev. Z. 'I. Wearer filled Iris rogulrv appointment at the Baptist church Hal- urday aad Sunday. At conforence Sat¬ urday the church wascompe' 1 ! d to traas- act some very bus'arts, but the good people of the church was equal lo the occrsiou, and expe”',.d an obj. c tioeable membev. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Keraey of Bton- wood tt-.iv: d 1 1 ton u Satri'd ty aftevxoon and spent Sundry with Mu. Keney s p eats, lx 1 is Mrs. Bit itche s fir.t \ t home since her yma.. ige, and her fi.e’ids were glad to seo her. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dame", returned from Ncshvil'o Tuesday. Mrs. Daniell stopped in Lexiy with her parents for n few days. Jcc „ ho saw evetjibing there w s to bo seen, t ad that the big, show is a success. Col. Geo. H. Doz er, wh .le doing some e u penter work about the house 1 acso 1 y, bai'-'y m, in i his right the nb. He says it hu,» so , ,.d he co, 1 1 “c, ! is ' just a little bit. Air. George Gr'a.,m of Cuthbert paid Morgan a visit Sunday, the guest of Mr. T. W. Tinsley. Mr. W. A. Eubanks e. ae over from Dawrioa aud spent Sunday i' 1 * mother—a boy s b t friend. Morgan ' p .y you ' ! ay or Daw- ion p for your cotto . 8 iek headache ean bo quickly and corri- Pletoly overeomo by using those faun >; '■} pills known as “DoVVitt’s Little Early Risen." S. T. Clayton, Morgan: P. E. Boyd Leary: Henry Turner Edison COTTON PICKING! Dear Friends, j S.T. CLAYTON, THE POOR MAN’S FRIEND, Says he is aware of the fact that the dull summer months are upon us; that money is hard to get and that but few are blessed with it. Ho told us, tho other day to change his “ad.” and say to the people that he is still willing to help them J 6aV0 part of tUe cash on band> couso- quently you should quit A $ » < R5DINQ A HOBBY and do your trading at this PALACE OF LOW PlilCES. Hard-time Prices! Endless quantity of goods. YN oilULoes^Sa” H / , jtl ~'0 °f every description child Man, woman or DRESS haudsmoely can easily by go¬ ing to CLAYTON with a little money. At this store you can find anything you want. Every body knows Mr. Elder, Clayton’s popular salesman, and may bet your bottom dollar that lie will give 36 inches YARD TO THE time, ev¬ ery -and- 16 ounces to every pound. So you may make 'I' Us ':v>. * 1 -Vi CS w tl & ^ m k) w. CZ> v^- An Earnest Search --W FOR BAROAINB, and never find the ones you will strike at CLAY ION'S. August Bargains. S.T. 0 LAYT 0 N, MANAGER. S. T. CLAYTON S LIVERY, SALE and FEED STABLES. Nioo Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Prices. WHE1T XJNT TOWN Take your stock to ruy Stables to bo cared for. •J. S. RILEY, MANAGER, 0 ;;:' {5° 2:51": I am now selling my summer smelf of Millinerv at greatly reduced plices to make room for my fall and Winter stock. If you want real 93 : £3 a gams be}! on me while in Moxgan. Icauy a {117.} line of Mi”ine1_v, and can give you prices on this class of goods, especu-Hy Hats, never dra med of. MRS. GEO. W. COLLEY. FROM S.N. McGuirt. 1 I , . I vi / 'it /) ■C OVERLOADED Where I got for cash— 9 pounds good coffee for $ 1.00 7 pounds Arbuokle coffee, 1.00 17} lbs. best whito sugar, 1.00 18; lbs. good rice, 1.00 50 Best lbs. pearl grits, 1.00 White Label Lard, filets. Best white meat, by the side, C)ets, Sheeting Ladies and checks, per yd, Sets. Ladies and and gents gouts slippers, 75o. to 1.50 Best flour, shoes, 75o. to 1.85 per bbh, 6.00 Giant Mcooboy snuff, per pound, 45c potash, 16 boxes for 1.00 Gooseneck Hoes, 30c D. & H. Seovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2 , 40 and 45cts. Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c Meal and corn, per bushel. 65c FIFTY SHEETS FLYPAPER, 35o “Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c Highest market price paid for eggs. Bring me all you have for sale. 1 am yours, thanking you for your patronage in tho past and wishing to have it in the futuro, M. N. HcGUIUT. LOCK HERE, AFTER A COM- PLETE A in D -r- ! 7W% fe A Tliorougli Investigation 1 AM SATISFIED THAT THE G-O LI) V/ JEWELRY Manufactured by Mr. D. T. ELDER is tho best ou the market. All designs of Ladies’ and Gents' Jewelry. Call on him at S, T. CLAYTON’S and inspect h-i fine assortment, the goods are sure to sen, Come to see rae. D, T ELDHli. If You Wa m THE BEST FLOUR DON’T GO TO EUGENE P. PARKINS To get, and if you want S lbs coffee for $1.00 don’t go to him for it, But if you want the best BOILER 1PEEXXETR on the market or any of the following goods ho can furnish them to you at prices that will as¬ tonish you. Drop him a card and he will do the rest. Brass Goods Brass goods in stock for every va¬ riety of service, such as Globe Vales, Check Valves, Anglo Valves, Cylin¬ der Cocks, Pet Cocks, Drip Cocks, Air Cocks, Pop Valves, Lubricators, Steam (lunges, Engine Oilcups, linage Cocks,Glass Ganges complete, Steam Cocks, Jet Pumps, Inspira¬ tors, Eng.tie Trimmings of every description, etc., etc. Cits' lugs In stock for repairs on engines from -i to 00 hot so power, its follows: Pis ton heads, Follower heads, Piston rings. Eccentric and Straps, Glands for stuffing boxes, both brass and e.p.p/uhw$ mt ME WORKS Caliioun County. DICKEY, d-A.- 1 ..'J? UlM in X j w !■ S 3 BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS— * T ‘ ..l JM A lazy re an will not look after his* interests, and this “willful waste brings woeful want.’’ Now if you are ou the alert and seek to do tho best you can for yourself and those committed to your caro you will not spend a dollar of your money till you see our stock and get our prices. Change of Schedule. We will adopt the 8POP CASH system on September 1st, and will sell goods lower than ever. Don’t fail to call on us when you want to buy anything for the house, kitchen or farm. We will save you money. J B. PAYN E & CO « 4 sipa:£3x J x,Ls/XA.asT, a- a.. ANDY CATHARTIC cunt COH 5 TIPATIGH SQ« xf - 2S* 50'* Af.L DaUdQJSTS •■af-«?*r/3=?5ota3CxJte«.....flASfJAIOBTH >:ou»i. Kui, mom mm tiki) candy. They re¬ move any Liu! tdtsto Li iht*uioutli.leftvln Mltg tho hrp)i id Hiviiot and lierftuned. pftrttWljre It, toko !f a rtiul to soatluK liquids p/nH > ud > ot luiu- or CttHnon-buii iioaaxgaaieaiaca,.....(MMCAKKTH « am \og«tablo PUWLY Acurial a and eo uiuw or oi.hur no i niln- nor- VEGETABLE Xoral faro poison, Tboy mudo of tho hit- rnmodles disc (IV- jd a nd a ro h scion* never before put together O CO m MiiaDo 11 in any form. 4 . GASI!AJf;KTS uro uro mitlHOptie. HIltIH 'iimt c § w* flM 1 * fIQPOTSI* « twt*r e tit I S d|gostod means 'fins este tboy food htop from im- „ fl snarl Viurl'Aff fu? in tho atom- ft 8 **e*\J\'*- Mfi i JM m W « menttttir ach. Bch, prevent » for- Mm E '1 in f ------ § boweU and kill dVs- - _ :j Inu-t breed feed r 1L ^rmo of ttny mid in tbo systom. ! uveb » +*»*"^*»***nt x3 e*9 i * zf ji oonditloL making thell gcUou euffy and natural. j^Don't judge CAS8&8ETS by other rnedici.ies you Lave tikd. They are new, unlike anythin^ else that's solo, and infinitely superior. gCUfjSti Try a 10c bun back! to-Jay, Larger it not pleased get UUAUiU! f your Sample money boxes, 25c or 50c. i and booklet mailed free- Address IrnitatiOOW 1 UT-RLINO I, t M r L, I CO*. OHKHWOI MONTHXXI, Cx«.| Mew VOBR, aaa Tobacco rn §S or mo ; . . refunded. MaJciw wonlr tj-.l ij ivdd and 1 by itil uruKstetH. (Jet booklet GKO 11. DOZ IE B, Attanuj at Liv and Justice Ffi&u t MORGAN, GA. Will praellee anywhere. Prompt at ’ ntlon given 1 ,, all bus! enli ■<! to his care. 1 17-tf SHOE SitOP SUOEB, Harness, &c. repaired In neat and workman-llko manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub¬ lic square. Shoos made lo order. I also repair all kinds of tin ware. S. M. LASH. K MUK, RAGAN PHYSICIAN AND SLIM EON MORGAN, GA. Or«c* aud Umidwcb Non™ oi Comer lions* on Prim, to Squm’.k 1-17 tt iron; Steam chest covers, Cylinder heads. Flange Couplings for shafting and for wooden wheels, and many other castings too numerous to men¬ tion. Brass Castings, Stick brass, round, hexagon, etc., etc. Rod brass to any drawing desired, planed and bored perfectly true. Packing. Asbestos packing, Gum sheet pack¬ ing, Pistonrod packing, etc. Boiler steel, Boiler rivets, patch bolts, stay bolts. Boilers repaired and tested by hydrawlic pressure to insure safety. Round machine steel from one-fourth of an inch to three inches in diameter. Piping for same from one faqrth to three inches in diameter. Koyways all out by machinery— Key seats all cut by machinery, in¬ suring accurate biting, etc. All orders by mail receive prompt attention. Soe J. B. Pay no & Co.. Shellmai 1 Ga , when you won* Hardware, Ma¬ chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed Oil, Paints, Axos, Guns, Tinwaro, Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., etc. They also have a full assortment of Caskets and Coffins- Call on them and save money. .....rA*f?AKKT« »4ul-»4.-. 3i*i!e£>u4lr40itr -■ itjurenuu tin ) llirv 01 milk in A n«in*Iiiijir >t!i - BOOK FOR er«. on ton !»y tint mother rnaKefi her rn 111$ mih.iiy inmc V Riu i^AVUrno alive utt'I tv mtul | t hut cm tn In GfJ'oct on tl*<; Ijflby, tlio only »aib Inxatlvi; •'in- t>io bahu-in-aTma. .... GAWAKISTN mi uroUkert by the oMl-& (iron. They inula ft mm good Wiiltl-I' and uc Hie 1 ROOD, HI Of) ana ornnipH, a fid kill n nd THE drive oft worm# all bl/uls of M«rii 2 nllftfl fhat IJ vo 1/t tho b(twoIn ot the Krowlnu ’Jiil'cl. taken . . lIAWO.tUKTfs, paflently, ffiutonti p«:r- y.uruntinrnn- CORE toocl to pure any cttM of consttfiatl<m, no matter how ohl and mmn tees ohsfcliiftte, or pur- clmno money -wilt do f/ oliceifully r .'.funded * by your own druggist. health i: feet mid permanent ——- LealtU. ht-n'i rittU. k delay. r. BRISCOE, BTSICIAIT Ai!2 SaaSEON- MORGAN, GA. h >i3 rn or Svji-ak-k. t£ J. BOYNTON, AIlORNiii ATLA-W DICKEY, GA. I’raetiees in the Courts of the State ana elsewhere. t-17-U L. D. MONRO K -A.TTORI\TEYT AV J_A W„ MORGAN, GA. Pract'ora In the Courts ot the Albany Circuit. Jc l-'T.i'