The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, September 03, 1897, Image 3
m m i ►9 CQ r So a Q -7 ca ta H3 pr 55' > $ TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. Wardens—J. G. Cartledge, J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. VV. Collev. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.60. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one yearfor$1.60. CHURCHES. Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m.‘ J. M. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬ perintendent, MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays In each month at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. New goods are arriving, and down, down goes the price on the few sum¬ mer goods on hand. Call early. Mrs. |E. M. Crittenden, Shellmati, Ga. The meeting at the Methodist church ended Tuesday night. Tho bicycle school across the way Is flourishing. Can’t you say or do something for the ai tesian well? Thouglien up your backs, boys, unless you mean to study. Mr. R. W. Jones of Dawson visited friends in Morgan this week. Mr. J. M. Willis and wife went down to Blakely Wednesday. September is here, and so is the Moni¬ tor, a dull summer notwithstanding. Mrs. D. B. Jay, of Fitzgerald, is visit¬ ing her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Clayton. In her abscenea, Mrs. G. W. Colley left her millinery business in the oomp e- tent hands of Mis* Nettie Dozier. Miss Claudia Banderlin informs the Mon. itor that her music school will open hero Monday, September 13th. Air. and Mrs. Geo. A. Dozier loft Mon- d ay for C'ordele; which place they will make their home for some time. S. T. Clayton has just put in a pair of the celebrated Robidaux Cotton Seales, which are endorsed by all cotton buyers. A new store will throw open its doors in a little town “off the railroad” in a few days. Watch Clay—, no Morgan. The Dozier residence is completed, and is now undergoing the painting pro¬ cess under the supervision of onr up-to- date painters. Professor Short is justly proud of tho new school house. He lias around it like “Grant lay around Riokmond” and watches its construction. Why is W. O. B. so terribly afflicted with the blues. Has. R. W. J. got the inside track on him? It seems that he has, all rumors notwithstanding. Professor Short can run a straight line as well as he can wield a straight swith. Surveying will soon be through with and school will open. Sick headache can be quickly and com¬ pletely overcome by using those famous little pills known as "DeWitt’s Little Early Risors.” S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Loary; Henry Turner, Edison. If your friend or visitor’s name does not not appear in these columns don’t give us the cold shoulder, for the editor has troubles enough of his own. Send the parper the names of your visitors. Mrs. Cora Colley boarded the train at Leary Tuesday morning for Nashville. After visiting the‘exposition, she will go on to Louisville, where she will buy her stock of fall and winter milinery goods. “They aro dandies,” said Thos. Bowers of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise, while writing about DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. S. T. Clayton informs us that he will leave in a few days for the marts of trade in the interest of his customers. He says he will “startle the natives” this fall by selling them goods for the cash cheaper than New York prices with the freight pai d. We are under many obligations to Mr, R. W. Jones, of Dawson, for assisting ns .this week. Ho does not follow print¬ ing as a trade, but is a quick, snappy hand at the case, nevertheless. Rufus is a remarkably bright young man, and his assistance, coming at such an oppor¬ tune time, was doubly appreciated. The writer spent three years in Wash¬ ington City, Baltimore, and other large cities, and bought about sixteen tons of dry goods, dross goods, groceries, etc., more or less, and we know that we paid •Jie.samo prices there as we do in Mor¬ gan. Come to liqrgan and got the worth of your hard esmed cash. Even our lawyers, soma of the best in the State, will divide profits with you, SQTJIBLETS- Composed, Compiled, Set up ami Other¬ wise Arranged by Fitsduodle. “There is no rose without a thorn, No joy without a sorrow: The pants that creases now adorn Will be baggy-kneed tomorrow.” Any man can dress like George Wash¬ ington, but very few not. like him. An exchange says the wife who is not a mother is like a flower without per* furuo. The various countries of the world now use 18,400 different kinds of postage stamps. In South Africa they have wood that will not burn. What we need in Morgan is ice that will not melt. The summer girl may bo described ss a rosy peach ou the ocean beach, beside an ocean swell. Adam—Hurry up, can’t you? We’ve got to get out of the garden before sun¬ down. Eve—Yes, Adam, dear! Are my leaves on straight? Mrs. Fitzdoodle says the person is right who said “women s are indeed weak creatures, for sometimes one even falls in love with a cigarette smoaker. ” The Gainesville sun offers two cents apiece for rats, delivered at its office. This Melican man talkee muchee like Chineman. “Dear ant jane,” wrote little Benny Jimpkins to Ids father’s sister, “it thot I wood rite and tell yo that ma has got a baby, liopin these few lines will fin you the same, ynre nefyoti bennie.” A boys composition on parents. “Pa¬ rents are things whioli boys have to look after them. Most girls have parents. Parents consist of pas and mas. Pas talk a good deal about what they are going to do, but mostly it’s mas that make you mind. A little fellow, who had his wits him when the contribution plate was passed at church, administered‘a rebuke to his mother, who on the way home was finding fault with the sermon. mother,” he said innocently, “what could you expect for a cent?” The late Henry Grady had the utmost contempt for oroakers. Grady ua to say that the frog, the greatest croaker on earth, was also the biggest fool on earth; that he would sit on the side of a pond croaking until a rain came up and then jamp into the water to keep from getting wet. Let us hope mat there is no in Morgan who could be compared to a frog, but let’s all pull for the tesian well. I heard a gentleman say the other day that his wife would go through a keyhole, if such a thing was possible, in order to secure a copy of the Monitor each week. Now, said gentleman is a prosperous farmer-will sell at least seventy-five bales of cotton this season-and yet his name is not on our subscription books. Shades of Bon Franklin! am t this en- couragement with a vim for a fellow to work hard to give the people of the town and county a good paper. And there are others. Onr editor says that the good lady ought to sue that man for a divorce, and $5,000 alimony. Last Saturday the “chief cook and bottle-washer” of this sheet “hiked” himself off to Arlington, that he might get acquainted with her clever people and see how the “land lay” since our last visit, and since so many important changes were made in the way of build¬ ing and moving. We found Nison & Oo. in new quarters, and hustling aa usual: Bostick & Toole in their hand¬ some double brick store; W. D. Oowdry one of the straightest merchants on'earth at his same old stand; Y, W. Fudge still holding the fort; Ed Thigpen be¬ hind the counters of one of the finest sa¬ loons of the State; the Courier man out; the Arlington Oil & Fertilizer Go’s, gins running at full speed and the little city on a general boom. S. G, Collins doing a good business; J. 8. Cotiins gave us a warm hand shake. I. Stine & Bro. is a new firm -a Jew firm—and will bring good luck to the town. J. F. Mc¬ Cullough’s gracery store is the place to get a cool drink of soda, something good to eat, or—just step behind the curtain and get the best shave you ever had in your life. J, S. Cowart & Bro. are among the leading merchants of the town and will treat you right. Vaughn, the artist is there yet making pictures. This clever gentloman got a perfect negative of the recent eclipse of the sun, and the picture is a wonder in the photographers’ line. The Horsley house is as popular as ever, Arlington is a good town, full of clever people. Success to you all. Don’t neglect a cough because the weather is pleasant; before develop the next storm rolls around it may into a seri¬ ous difficulty beyond repair. One Min¬ ute Cough Cure is easy to take and will do what its name implies. Mrs.H.T. Clay- ton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. From Our Neighbor, Leary. Mr. It. A. Melone of Albany was In our burg this week. Mias Amorette Burge returned home Monday, after spending a few weeks In Leary, the guest of Mrs. Cunningham. Col. C. L. Sibley came down en route to Morgan, whore he will rest for some time. Mr. T. It. Hammond spent last Sunday in Milford. Chills and fever have let our good peo¬ ple rest this week. Morgan, I bet we can beat you on pot¬ ash, for we have Lum Mansfield to help tho-. Capt. Alexander is back again to finish cutting poplar for the Fort Valley factory. Capt. Bob Minis was in town this week. Mr. B. H- Askew, Milford’s leading morchant, was in our burg Monday. Cotton is hi full force. Our merchants expect a good trade for the next thirty or 6ixly days. Our town has one new business house, which was opened up recently, and we learn that there will be another soon. There Is always room for one more, and a better place for business can’t be found. Mrs. N. B. Johnson is at homo again, after spending several weeks with her hus¬ band in Macon. We all welcome her ro- turn, but regret to learn that she has been very ill in Macon. Mr. John Thomas Rosses of Amerlcus is visiting Mr. T.W.Hammondjand family. I learn that the young man will make his future home here. Miss Annie Catervilie, after spending some time with friends near Arlington, returned home this week. There has been some ’possom hunting already, notwithstanding the poor crop of sugar cane. [Must correct you, brother; it’s ’possom and potatoes, not cano.] Mr. P. I. McDaniel with Miss Sarah Hammond, Mr. B. H. Islor with Miss Pearl Grigsby, paid Morgan.friends a visit last Sunday. There are a few men who like to see im- provemonts In this town. If we only had moro of those men. Occasional. Not only piles of the very worst kind can be cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, and all other skin troubles be instantly relieved by the sumo 8. T Clayton, Morgan; ** ^ ^ 5 U ° Dr > lurner ’ Dots from Mopeful. REPORTED BT KONTHLT ROSE. Mrs. Amanda Turner and her two ac¬ complished daughters visited the Collier family last Sunday, j - think to abolish the county court of ! county would be a calamity to the ' county; but with tho ignorance and cor- rn P fcion of the P reseilt management of 1 said court, I say, if there is no other mothod to 8°* rid o{ tho P reaent imum ' ■ j bonts ’ do awa y Wlth U,e court. Cotton is being picked with a rush as the prices are gradually giving way, the’ the price of picking is not falling off any. Old man Joe Collier visited his sister nt Milford Monday, accompanied by his wife. O. J. McDaniel has been making some first-class sorghum syrup, and the pret- ^ ... part ..... ° f lt 116 dmde8 Wlth his nel l1 « j William Turner is still a long aways i ahead on c ° tton ’ Ke 18 « oin Z to bulld a no * 1 SeaBoa G. J. “ T Davis and J family worshiped at j p)j c ^ ey g an <j By ; Ed CoUier vi ited at Diok , ljat Bun _ ! ^ in company with his ^ Miss | ji ft ggj e ■ W o are having some lovely weather, j j tLough rathflr warm Jn , 0 Diiyi , , s piJzzled how to lease his neighbors . 0n6 he blow8 his whis . Ue too much| another sayB ho blow8 too l“' w ‘ .. ^ jj" ■* 33 - "yry. 7, I- 1 m JU BY A Qk •**r . * TUJ * N Ft S- $ K V9 A 1 nW IT •~kictsL4 \i V h A ; J r' 1 /.....~v J d i __ _ . * es, c v 5 g « g 1 i if mi 1 rnn r 'P IT P DDADT T" 1 OP CALHOUN and sur- l|J j Mr. A I T I J F I ij^J^osay sP Tour >ding few counties words in wo wish business If talk a a plain way. wo to you in high sounding phrases you would laugh at us, but when we come right down to every- T what J ‘l a y language you will understand that we moau business, , have to is - s0W we say to you as follows, and it will pay you to listen Fo What We Have t o Say! Bring Us Your Cotton. The cotton season is upon us, and if you desire the highest prices for your cotton bring it to us. Wo aro paying higher prices than any one you can conveniently reach, and pay cash for the cotton wo buy. To Our Debtors. Wo have accommodated you all t h 0 year, have sold you goods at cl oso figures on long time, and now we want you to come and settle your account. If you have but one bale out bring it along. Heavy Stock of Hoods. Our store is loaded to the muzzle m ~*g * on © JS_ © ■9 MAlTAaER. little. So he cannot please everybody. [Same here, brother.] Mr. Henry Driukwater oamo down to J. G. Collier’s Saturday driving a nice grav mare, and drove off one of the old man’s fine mules. Miss A utiio Oaterville came homo with Miss Maggie Collier from Dickoy Sunday evening, and will spend a few days with the family. Ed Collier is with J. S. Cowart & Bro. at Ariinfiton. Misses Cnllio Nelson and Genie Tins¬ ley, accompanied by Prof. Stewart Short, visited at the Collier home Monday. The Professor rturned in the afternoon, leav¬ ing the young ladies for a few days. IMPORTANT TO YOU. Arlington, Ga., Sept. 1, 1897. Dear Sir: As an "inducement we offer from now until tho 15th of this month one-fourth of a cent per pound advance on all cotton notes due October 1st, 1897. Now figure this, and yon will see the saving to yon exceeds 3 per cent per month, or 38 per cent per annum, All business men will take advantage of this offer at once. For all money notes we will give 1 per cent discount up to September 15, 1897. Hoping you will see fit to take advantage of the above offer, we remain, Yours truly, Arlington Oil and Fertilizer Oo. The supply of bituminous coal in the older parts of tho country’is alwuys In excess of the demand because there are now bo many mines and minors. This is one oauso that depresses the wages of miners. If you do not know bow to swim, learn, and learn this summer. KvoryLody Bays B<*. Oascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won¬ derful medical discovery of the age, pleas¬ ant and refreshing to the taste, and act bowels, gently and positively on kidneys, liver cleansing the entire system, dispel constipation colds, cur.: headache, fever, habitual and biliousness. Please buy and trv a box of O. C. C. to-day; 10, 35, 50 cents. Holdaatl guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Did you ever stop and think what it means to desecrate the house of God! n ,, Surely a . you never did ... or you j wouldn t do it. It is like the devil baiting his hook with "nothing” and catching a fool. Don’t thin your blood with sassafras or poison It with blue-mass, but aid Nature by using DoWitta Little Early Risers, tho famous little pills for constipation, billiousness and stomach and liver troub¬ les. They aro purely vegetable. S. T. Clayton, Turner, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Edison. A Morgan man visltsd Leary last Fri¬ day afternoon and found that town on a stir, as usual. VYe were promised heaps of good things by her clever and hustling merchants, and if we rocelve all we ex¬ pect, our readers will hear something to thoir advantage. The writer is compelled to go to either Leary or Arlington once in a while to get some artesian water. But this won’t last long, and then wo will have to hatch up another excuse. with new goods, and more on the road, and the man is certainly hard to please who can’t supply his wants at our house in the way of Drygoods, Dressgoods, Clothing, Provisions, Tinware Wooden ware, Cutlery, etc. We have Slaughtered Prices, And aro determined to load the trade in this section. Now, bring in your cotton, whether you owo us or not, and you will bo surprised at tho fig¬ ures Wo handlo it at, as well as tho unheard of prices at which we sell goods. Yours, to command, S. T. CLAYTON'S LIVERY, FEED SALE and STAPLES. $s> Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Prices. WHEN I3ST TOWN Tako your stock to my Stables to bo cared for. I. B. AYCOCK, MANAGER. W ’* e )l osang ' 0 u fl a I am now selling my summer stock of Millinery at greatly reduced prices to make room for my fall and winter stock. If you want real R a! Bargai s Call on me while in Morgan. I carry a. full line of Millinery. and can give you prices on this class of goods, especially Hats, never dr amed of. MRS. GEO. W. COLLEY. S.N.McGuirt. V Mr •’ Y i i 7/ c OVERLOADED _______—aa. * Where I got for cash— 9 pounds good coffee for $1.00 7 pounds Arbnckle ooffee, 1,00 17$ lbs. best white sugar, 1.00 18$ lbs. good rioe, 1.00 60 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00 Best White Label Lard, 6$cts. Best white meat, by the side, 6$ets. Sheeting and oliecks, per yd, Sets. Ladies and gents slippers, 75o. to 1.60 Ladies and gents shoos, 75o. to 1.85 Best flour, per bbh, 6.00 Mccoboy Giant snuff, per pound, 45c potash, 16 boxes for 1.00 Gooseneck Hoes, 80c D. & H. Scovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2, 40 and 46cts. Globe Frnit Jars, per doz., 75e Meal and corn, per bushel. 66c FIFTY SHEETS FLYPAPER, 35o “Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c Highest market price paid for eggs. Bring me all you hove for sale. I am yours, thanking you for yonr patronage in the past and wishing to have it iu the future, 8. N. McGUIBT. LOOK HERE 9 AFTER A COM¬ PLETE AND ^Sikr a mi i Cl ! irn' • -3 Wr — A Thorough Investigation I AM SATISFIED THAT THE OOITD WIRE JEWELRY Manufactured by Mr. D. T. ELDER is the best on the market. AU designs of him Ladies’ S. T. aud CLAYTON’S Gents' Jewelry. and Call on Ins fine at the goods inspect assortment, are sure to sell, Como to see me. D. T. ELDER. If You Want THE BEST FLOUR DON’T GO TO EUGENE P. PARKINS I 1 To got, and if you want 8 lbs coffee for $1.00 don’t go to him for it. But if you want the best BOILER, FEEDER on the market or any of the following goods he can furnish them to you at prices that will as¬ tonish you. Drop him a card and he will do tho rest. Brass Goods. Brass goods in stock for every va¬ riety of service, such as Globo Valvs, Check Valves, Angle Valves, Cylin¬ der Cocks, Pot Cocks, Drip Cocks, Air Cocks, Pop Valves, Lubricators, Steam Guages, Engine Oilcups, Guago Cocks,Glass Guages complete, Steam Cooks, Jot Pumps, Inspira¬ tors, Engine Trimmings of every description, etc., etc. Castings In stock for repairs on engines from 4 to 60-horse power, as follows: Pis¬ ton heads, Follower hoads, Piston rings, Eccentric and Straps, Glands for stuffing boxes, both brass and .■.PARKINS MACHINE WORKS Calhoun County.* DICKE-Y, Ci-JY. ii i ^ a h* s T a BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS. brings A lazy man will not look after his* intoresfs, find this "willful waste woeful want.” Now if you aro ou the alert and seolc to do the best you ean for yoursolf and those committed to your care you will not spend a dollar of your money til you see our stock ;tnd got our prices. Change of Schedule; Wo will adopt tho SPOP CASH system on September 1st, and will sell goods lower than ever. Don’t fail to call on us when you want to buy anything for tho house, kitchen or farm. We will save you monoy. J. B. PAYNE & CO • ,* SIIELI/NfrA-INr, C3- A.. * NDY CATHARTIC » CURE CONSTIPATION 10 * y R AU * - 25* 50 .....CABCAKET8 t*«te ffood. Katthem CANDY like inoVO ctindjr. Any bud They tnnto ro- In thernoutb.lHAVfntf CATHARTIC the breath sweet a real perfumed. It Is a them pleriNure to tnko Boatinj! liquids Instead ojf nau- or cannon-bail pills. .....CAftCAUET* i mar are and purely ooutaln vegetable no raer* si curlal or other mln« VEGETABLE SSES i « w a -u wl [j d and aro a sclen- i m mm m o co in blnation never before put together In any i form. .....cabtakkti ANTISEPTIC are antiseptic. they That means stop un¬ digested food from LAXATIVE souring ach, In tho stom¬ prevent fer¬ mentation In the bowels and kill dis¬ A kind that brood and food ease germs of any in the system. *1 CAH(1ABF.TS tone the stomach and LIFER bowels and stimulate the lax 7 liver, mak¬ ing it work. They STIMULANT SJKfflftSMS vigorous healthy w thetr ,i actlun uatur.L condition, making in ay aud J- Don’t judge unlike CASCARETS by else other medicines and you have tried. They ” 1 are new, any thin? that's sold, infinitely superior. Try a 10c box to-day, Larger if boxes, not pleased get only genulno. Tho your money back l 25c or 50c. Bnware of Sample and booklet mailed free* Address Imitations I atEHUINQ HBMKOY CO.. CHIOAJX., MONIIUAL. CAN., NFW YORK. 731 ! |tj I it\ SL> I* cures Tobacco Habit or mono ar< rutun<to4. Waken weak men strong. Sold and guaranteed y aii druggists. Get booklet. GEO II. DOZIER, Attorney at Law and Justice Peace, MORGAN, GA. Will practice anywhere. Prompt at tentlon given tu all business entrusted to his care. 1-17-tf SHOE SHOP. SHOES. Harness, Ac. repaired In neat and workman-Uke manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub- lie square. Shoes made to order. I also repair all kinds of tin ware. 8. M. LASH. K* MCK. RAGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Office a no Residence Nokto of Cockt House on Public Squabs, 1-17 tt iron; Steamehest covers, Cylindei heads, Flange Couplings for shafting and for wooden wheels, and many other castings too numerous to men- tion, Brass Castings, Stick brass, round, hexagon, etc., etc. Rod brass to any drawing desired, planed and bored perfectly true. Packing. Asbestos packing, Gum sheet pack¬ ing, Pistonrod packing, etc. Boiler stool, Boiler rive’s, patch bolts, stay bolts. Boilers repaired and tested by hydrawlic pressure to insure safety. Round machine steel from one-fourth of an inch to throe inches in diameter. Piping for same from one-foqrth to three inches in diameter. Keyways all cut by machinery— Keyseats all cut by machinery, in¬ suring accurate Stting, etc. All orders by mail receive prompt attention. See J. B. Payne & Co.. Sheliman, Ga., when you want Hardware, Ma¬ chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, Tinware, Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., etc. They also have a full assortment of Caskets and Collins. Call on them aud save money. .....CAIfAHKTH Inc roaBe the How of mil ktn nmuliiK moth¬ BOON FOR ers. A tablet eaten H by tbo mother makes f her ntlve milk and mildly ImB purg. mild V f MOTHERS n but certain effect on f) tb© baby, th© only « safe luxutlvo for the babe-ln-arniB. .. OAHUAkCKTH m a re liked by thechll-A | PLEASE U an SJSW^i! ^ij n< t*j| 0 * K8 i THE CHILDREN f 4 ^ j bowels of tho growing child. taken ••• CAICAKET8, sistently, patiently, are guaran¬ per¬ ^ teed to cure any CM.MO of constipation, no |f matter obstinate, bow or old pur- and J J? m chitNo money will be f) cheerfully by refunded druggist. * your own .... CAMJAKKT* m Ing EfKKSf to size. A IOo I HEALTH J aaas the right road to per- f for io cents \ $ \ foot and permanent ■ ***— 1 1 m health. Ilon’t risk, delay. T. BRISCOE, miun m mm?. MORGAN, GA. RltSlOBNOB -ioUTII OF Pt'HLIO S<JOABlt. 1-17 tf J. L BOYNTON, ATTORNEY -A-T L.-A/W ’ DICKEY. GA. Practices In tho Courts of tho State nmj elsewhere. 1-17-tf L. D. MONROE. ,V % ATTORNEY -A.T LAW, MORGAN, GA. Practices In the Courts ©f the Albany Circuit, &c 1-17-tf