The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, September 17, 1897, Image 3

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THE MONITOR s PUBLISHED EVERY % TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Cart Beck, lodge. W. Tinsley, Wardens—J. J. T. L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—8. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one yearfor$1.50. CHURCHES. Baptist Church—llev. 2. T. Weaver, pastor. Saturday Preaching every third Sunday and before. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 o'clock a. m. J. M. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Prekching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388. F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays in each month at 3.30 p m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. The better times are coming— So they say ; May they come a-humming— Speed the day ! Let them como with mighty speed In the hour of direst need, For the people want their feed Right away ! Hungry children, men and women By the score ; And the wolf is standin' grinniu’ At the door ; Let the wheels begin their motion From the lakes nnto the ocean, And plenty be onr portion Evermore 1 Women’s Shoes at 65c, at Clayt on’s. Mr. tV. E. Haryin is with S. T. Clay- Ion. If yon don’t wish to patronize onr Echool please don’t run it down. People who wish to let Morgan grow by herself should hunt other quarters. Mrs. Dr. Gvifflu, of Leary, is spend¬ ing a few days in Morgan for her health. Mr. “Buck” Hawke is up, and has re-. Burned his position with J. N. Daniell at his plantation. Mr, Mac. Stevens, one of Randolph’s best ahd most worthy young men, paid this office a pleasant visit Monday. The convict business stilt holds the boards, with Goyernor Atkinson as the star actor, Mr. Charles L. Sibley, Jr., of Bruns¬ wick, spent a few days with his old home lolka in Morgan this week. Tho boys say that Charlie Bostwick, of Arlington, is tho boss hog salesman of Southwest Georgia, Col. T. J. Dunn was in Morgan on Wednesday Tho looking after his shaking town prop¬ the erty. writer enjoys hand of such clever gentlemen. Several of the pap er’s friends dropped a lump of the “root of all evil” into our coffers this week, for which we are thankful, although we feel that we have earned it. No trouble but a pleasure to show goods at Clayton’s. If you don’t see what you want ask for it. Nine times out of ten they have what you want. Mrs. W. L. Dozier and her children, Fannie, Cooper and Frank, returned Monday afternoon from a visit to rela¬ tives in North Georgia. John D. Embry, one of the Artesian City’s most popular salesmen, with W. S. Bell, was down visiting his father and mother this week. John took time to shake hands with his friends. There was a big stock deal near Mor¬ gan one day last week. Judge Monroe swapped “Spider” for “Cricket,” and now the boys say that Mr. Wooten had to buy a horse to get home with. Mr. T. J. Tinsley returned from Cuth- bert Tuesday, where he went to place his children in school. Their grandmother, Mrs. T. Briscoe, will live in Cuthbert and “keep house,” as usual, for the chil¬ dren while they attend to their studies. Mrs, Sid Mays returned home with her husband last Monday. Her friends very much regret that her severe illness prevented Mrs. Mays from enjoying her visit better than she did, and hope she will soon regain perfect health. Her sister, Mrs. McGuirt, received a letter from her stating that she had arrived safely at home. Mr. I. B. Aycock has charge of the Clayton stables. Pomp needs no great big write-up to tell the people of his merits as a stableman, for everybody in this 'section knows him to be juBt what he is—a clever gentleman, a splendid judge of horse flesh, and a kind man to stock. Give him a trial and your horses will be treated right. When you want a team call on I. B. Aycock. Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick heartache, sallow skin and loss ot appetite. You have never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have beon cured. They are small pills but great, regulators. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan. P. L Boys j , r /Tsnrv Tar aar. iidison. I ■ SQTTXBLETS- i 1 Com Co O' (till'd, s :'l -,i(» aVut Wise Arranged L\ I'itvrdoodle, “I kissed her lightly on the cheek, Her face blazed up as 1 could see; ' I thought, in scathing terms she’d speak— She turned the other cheek to me?” —“Rich.” iu Moments of Bliss. Prosperity ,, . enticos men into debt, , , , , debt brings panic, . says . an exchange. , Our .. editor ... says lie . mil ... never . get m debt , , , . or cause a pan.c. I saw a young fellow chasing about town Monday trying to borrow a lefthanded monkey wrench. Oh, how eas ' r - Ask to see Block’s Shoes, at Clay¬ ton’s. A regular up to date commotion was caused down in our neighborhood Mon- day , , by editor , better , half , ,, ... J J our s our sanctum sanctorum. Grove’s Chill Tonic, 30c, at Clayton’s. All some of Morgan’s young ladies to make them perfect horsewomen is good horse, an old skirt and a large back yard. Wish I had been there, girls. It r, was not , without ... , reason „ that , the ,,,„ Latins gave one and the same name wolves and to women of loose lives; theso two classes of beings die with other in unsparing cruelty. Beware, in your own thoughts, , exanlt yourself above others: there may be more in their less than you thick, also, if you will suffer us to say it, less in your more. Never try to button-hole a yonng man, no matter liow big a chnm ho might he, while escorting a young laday. Our editor was in a hurry the other evening to get home, and wished to speak to young friend who he saw coming tip the street toward the postoffice in company with two young ladies.' His business with the young man was urgent and strictly private, so he spoke and tried to lead the young man aside, but got the marble heart. Served him right. Speaking of the nature and habits of fish I would like to call some people’s attention to the chicanery of the cuttle- fish. When it does any devilment whereby it is wounded it emits a murky liquid, hiding itself from its just accusers or enemieB. All communities are cursed with the cuttle-fish variety of humanity: They stab their neighbors in the dark or behind closed doors—not with a dagger but with a scandalous tongue—and then let out a charge of black deceit to ob¬ scure their identity. I know a young man, recently mar- ried, who, while courting his wife, used to pitoh five dollar gold pieoes at a crack in the floor just for amusement. The other day his little wife swiped a silver dollar from him while he was counting his cotton money, and he chased her over a ten-acre field in Ins effort to re- cover the “Bryan pet.” They compro- miseil on 15 cents. “Oh, how different in the morning!” When you think yon have a fellow down you had better pack the dirt about him. Once upon a time there was an Irish well digger. A gentleman Pat the job to dig a well in a remote corner of the estate. Pat, “struck wather” directly after going down one morning, and, coming out of the well, repaired to the village inn to “smile” over his success. While absent some of his enemies filled the well with dirt, and left Pat, as they thought, in the lurch, Pat came for his tools, saw the work of the envious,quietly pulled off his coat and vest and hung them up and quietly lay down in the grass a short distance away to watch de¬ velopments. In a short while a kind- hearted individual came along, did not see Pat, but saw that the well was fielled and decided that poor Pat had been buried aliye. The alarm was given and Pat’s well was soon ready for use. 4-4 Waymanville Sheetings at Best wick & Toole’s, 10-tf. Arlington. The “Bicyclist’s Best Friend” is a fami¬ liar name for DeWitt’s Witch llazlo Salve, always ready for immergenoies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It nevei falls. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E; Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. New goods are arriving, and down, down goes the price on the few sum¬ mer goods Mbs. on hand. Crittenden, Call early. iE. M. Shollman, Ga. Very best Cheeks 5^cts., Fruit of Loom Bleaehings at 7cts. at Bostwick & Toole’s. Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Trunks in endless variety and at positively unmatahable prices at Bostwick & Toole’s. Loadiug merc hants for this section • A complete line of furniture, all stvles, such as Mattresses, Lounges, Suits, Chairs, D ross- ers, at Springs, people etc., prices to suit the Toole's. at Bostwick a Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Karly Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver and lung troubles. They euro constipation and heartache and regu- late tho bowels, Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Mur. gan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Kdison. Full Clayton’s. liue Neglige Shirts, 40c to .151.25, at Riney McLendon, a Negro woman out on the Monroe place, a few miles above ( | Morgan, is maniac and will be a raving tried by a jury tomorrow and adjudged insane. I i, — i iN -ckwear aud Lmbrellas to . suit you at Clayton’t . Dots from Hoptifai. REPORTED BY MONTHLY ROSE. News Is scarce iu this bailiwick. Wc had a nice slow rain Saturday and Sunday afternoon, doing ° much good to everything - ..." except . * open cotton. .... Miss I/Ora McDaniel, „ . , accompanied . , , bv Arthur Plowdeu, attended the dance at Morgan last Thursday aftertiocn. _ leaned „ , the ,, principal . , warehouse on of Arlington ... .. to hud out if the present crop was larger , than , last year in ■ this • part , of , the country, *1896, and the figures thus stbod : n , 1,616 bales; Sept. 11, 1897> 670 bales . 94G 8ho rt. Now> tMs couviofc matter is cailsing much talk to no purpose. If the con¬ victs are seht up for punishment let them serve as such ; but if for pleasure ’fend ease, tire State should rent some of the islands of the sea and equip it for a pleasure resort, for them. I think they should . ,,, be treated . ... humane, but , .. such , m a manner as to be eoiHo punishment for ■ crimes committed. l ^ r - Newton, of your town, vis- j ,e ^ d Mends in this vicinity Sunday. j r - L. McDaniel has tho finest j P il! °h of cotton in this neighborhood. 1 William Turner carried off six bales at one time to the gin on Monday last. i Siuca writing last the accomplished Miss Maggie Davis and Leta Slade vis- I i ited the Collier family. Dr. Baggs and Prof. Short also visited the same family. ( The hog oholel . a ljas brokea loose and tlfe pl . ospeCt {or pork ig ratber slim. Jule Davis lias water in his well at the mill, and is now prepared to do Some fast sawing and turn out good lumber, The well looks on the inside like a freezlin chicken on the outside, i Married, on Sunday, the 12th inst., at the home of the bride’s father, Dr. G. N. McClain, Mr. D. A. Carter and Mrs. Huron Boynton, both of Arlington, Rev. Mr. Arnold, of Blakely, officiating. May joy, peace and prosperity attend them through life, Any ’calico 5c^at Clayton’s. ; Tax Collector’s Notice. Providence permitting, I will bB at following places, on the dates named, Bie purpose of collecting State and Lounty Taxes for the year 1897 : ■ Morgan, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov, 22. ! Cordray, Sept. 28, Oct, 26, Nov. 23. Leary, Sept. 29, Oct. 27, Nov. 24. Williamsburg, Sept. 30, October 28, Nov.’25. Arlington, Oct. 1 and 29, Nov. 2(5. Edison, Oct,. 2 and 30, Nov. 27. Pruett’s Store, Nov. 16, ■ Folks, Nov. 17. JonesviUe, Nov. 18. | Maury's Mill, Nov. 19. Will be at Morgan during court week. Books wi[l close promptly on Dec. 30. C. J. Davis, Tax Collector Calhoun Co. Woolen Dressgoods m ail styles from Sets, up at Bostwick & Tooles. Trimmings to match, 10-tf. PLAIN! TALK I | BY A | CO[ ft' rfc i'A -Ti > m m& i 1 ’ll M T A i. -j v ’fir ^* ✓ I A \ yi j J }' ^NA2j===-.j It ,5 4 Tr- ’---j ii -J# PLAIN BUT STRICTLY BUSINESS MAN. TO THE PEOPLE to rounding- OF say CALHOUN a few counties, words in and wo plain wish sur- a business way. If wo talk to you in high sounding phrases you would laugh at us, but when we come right down to every¬ Now what day language you will understand that we mean business. we have to say to you is as follows, and it will nay you to listen Fo What We Have to Bring Us Your Colton. The cotton season is upon us, and if you desire the highest prices e or your cotton bring it to us. We are paying higher prices than any one you call Conveniently reach, and pay cash for the cottou we buy. To Our Debtors. We have accommodated you all tho year, have sold you goods at closo figures on long time, and now wo want you to come and settle your account, if you have but one bale out bring it along. Heavy .Stock of Goods. Our store is loaded to the muzzle H. T. Clayton I TVT A-IKT^YO-EK,- ___ Folks 1 toms. i REPORTED BY WILD ROSE. “Hope brightens the days to conic, wl »« “«*“?•?' / 1,6 ^ t ” 11 lns one ° c ram op is ' > most popular 1 L ,• voting gents, ' visited relatives , ,. here last , ,, Saturday , , and ... Sun ( -j ftv Rev. L. J. Ballard failed to fill his appointment at Now Light, on last Saturday tion assembled night. A listen large congrega¬ dis¬ to to the course of this able divine, and many seemed sadly disappointed at. his non-appearance. I suppose the in¬ clemency of the weather prevented him from being hero. Miss Collie Stewart, one of Folks’ most turned charming young ladies, re last Thursday from a visit to her friend, Miss Minnie Grubbs, at Bethel. Miss Jennie Hadden, from Red- bone. spent last Saturday night with Miss Rilie McGuirt. Monroe Stewart wears a broad smile over the appearance of a fine baby boy which arrived at his home on last Saturday. Mr. Henry Fouche, of Buena Vista, visited his cousin, Mr. (J. A. Rice, last Monday. Mr. Tim Hawke and sisters, of their Mogan, spent last Sunday ’with aunt, Mrs. A. D. Sellars. kind Many thanks, Mr. Editor, for your correction in the personal that appeared in our items some time since, for while we think that Green is as good as any name, we haven’t any Greens in our community. Nobby line of fancy dress goods, with trimmings to ma’ch, at Clayton’s. Mrs. G. VV. Colley returned from Lou¬ isville Friday. Mrs. Colley spent two weeks in Louisville receiving instruc¬ tions in the millinery art from one of t he best man tan-makers in t he South, and is now able to furnish tho ladies everything in the millinery line of the latest and prettiest styles. She bought and is receiving the most complete line of millinery goods ever brought to Mor¬ gan, and to make room for tho fall and winter stock she is compelled to sell what goods sho has in stock at greatly reduced prices. Call Oil her. Arbnckle’s Coffee, 8 pounds for $1.00, at Clayton’s. The Leary municipal election Mon¬ day resulted in the selection of A. J. Dixon as n'.a or, and M. A. Bunch, T. K. Hammond, J. P. Whittaker and P. B. Addison us councilman, without op¬ position. The people of Leary could not have selected a better set of men, and The Monitor predicts prosperity for onr little sister. Children’s shoes at your own price at Clayton’s. The school-house is ready for ocou- pancy, all but a little paint. School will .Sopfce?vihf>r 27. . w W.orld’s Wonder Tobacco' at 22jo, at Clayton’s. with new goods, anl moro on the road, and the man is certainly hard to pleaso who can’t supply his wants at our house in the way of Drygoods, Dressgoods, Clothing, Provisions, Tinware Woodenwaro, Cutlery, etc. We have Slaughtered Prices, And are determined to lead tho trade in this section. Now, bring in your cotton, whether you owo us or not, and you will be surprised at the fig- ures wo handle it at, as well as the unheard of prices at which wo soil goods. Yours, to command, T. CLAYTON’S LIVERY, SALE and STABLES.iOl! FEED Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Pi ices. WHEN MnT TOAVlsT Take your stock to my Stables to bo cared for. I. B. AYCOCK, - MANAGER. I ‘ osuig - m, . i . 1’ ”__. __. “— __.____.-. i I Am now selling my summer stock of Miilinery at greatly reduced I prices to make room for my fall and winter stock. If you want. real i Real largmans o I * '73:: Call on me while in Morgan. I carry a full Kine of )Iillinery. and can glve you prices on this class of goods, especially Hats, never drauwd 0f. - IWRS. GEO. W. COLLEY. FROM S.N. McGuirt. A V 33/ is Y 1% // ipsJ c OVERLOADED Where I got for cash— 9 pounds good coffee for $1.00 7 pounds Arbuokle coffee, 1.00 18 lbs. white sugar, 1.00 18 J His. good rice, 1.00 50 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00 Best Wiiito Label Lard, Gjcts. Best Sheeting white and meat,, checks, by the siito, 7jct8. Ladies and slippers, pur yd, 5cts, Ladies gents 75c. to 1.50 and gents shoes, 75c. to 1.85 Best flour, per bbl., 5.40 Mccoboy Giant snuff, per pound, 45c Gooseneck potash, IQ boxes for 1.00 D. & II. Hoes, 30c Scovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2, 40 and 45cts. Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c Meal and corn, per hnabcl, 65c FIFTY SHEETS FLYPAPER, 35c “Wild Rose” toilet soap, pet doz., 45c Highest market prico pnid for eggs. Bring mo all you have for sale. I am yours, thanking yon for your patronage in the past and wishing to have it iu the future, S. N.XcGUIRT. LOOK HERE, AFTER A COM¬ PLETE AND I V; r "1 m A Thorough Investigation I AM SATISFIED THAT THE GOLD V7IRE JEWELRY is S b“ C Um ,: Y^t” - VaS of Piudiub’ nod Ounts’ .fowulry. (’uli on loin at H. T. CI 12 VY’ i OK’E and iu.spccl his fine assortment, the goods are sure to Hell, Coma to ncc mu. D. T. ELDER. --,- —tt. a sacs5g*araB»f If You Want FIIE REST ElrOUIt 1)0N f GO fO EUGENE P. PARKINS 1 To got, a nil if you want 8 Tb$ coffee for don’t go to him for it. But if you wAVit the best BOIXiER 3AEEXMEPI on the market or any of the following goods he can furnish them to you at prices that will as¬ tonish you. Drop him a card and ho will do tho rest. Brass Goods- Brass goods in stock for every va¬ riety of service,such as Globe Valvs, Check Valves, Angle Valves, Cylin¬ der Cocks, Pet Cocks, Drip Cocks, Air Cocks, Pop Valves, Lubricators, Steam Gtiagos, Engine Oilcups, Uuage Cocks,Glass Ullages complete, Steam Cocks, Jet Pumps, Inspira¬ tors, Engine Trimmings of every description, etc.-, etc. Castings In stock for repairs on engines from 4 to 60-horse power, ah follows: Pis¬ ton heads, Follower heads, Piston rings, Eccentric and Straps, Glands for stuffing boxes, both brass and E.P.PARKINS MACHINE WORKS Calhoun Cbnhty ’ DICKEY, G-A. LAZINESS BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS. A lavy man will not look after his* interests, and this “willful wastd brings woeful want.” Now if you arc on tho alort anil seek to do tho bust you can for yourself and those committed to your care you will not spend a dollar of your till seo our stock out Change of Schedule. We will adopt tho SPOP CASH system on September 1st, ntid will sell goods lowob than ever. Don’t fail to call on us when you want to buy anything for tho house, kitchen or farm, Wo will save you money. J. I’,. PA YNE & CO.; SKCBX.X.IWtA.ISr, « .X. ANDY CATHARTIC "abc ofoaib CURE CONSTIPATION 10 < r ALL 25 ♦ 50 * DRUGGISTS aws .....f AfiCAHTTI CANDY taetOKOOd. Jl.ko jEntthcm They Ittovr candy. bad ro- In mouth, any t*uit,o the leaving CATHARTIC tho breath sweet and f perfumed. It In a _ rrTrTT ^ m oanuon'baT/pllls!*** m 9 fr |[ I'b-UBure °* to tnko * mU Beating liquids or .....CASCAKETR PURELY aro and purely contain vegetable no nier- curlui pr other min- VEGETABLE era I made poison. of tho They lat¬ aro est remedies discov* erod find arc e a s clen- ____ combi nation before together I never put iu any form. .....CASCA BETS ANTISEPTIC are antiseptic. That digested moans they food stop from un¬ LAXATIVE souring In the sto m- 1 ach, prevent fer¬ mentation In the bowels and kill dis¬ kind that breed and feed In ease germs of any the system. .....r,\Hc,i tone uirrs the stomach and LIVER bowels aha stimulate the Inzy liver, mak¬ STIMULANT ing It wol-k. They strengthen the bow els and put them Into vigorous hen I tli y their action condition, making easy and na tUktei. J- Don’t judge CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They ate new, unlike anything ek that’s sold, to-day, and infinitely superior. m "faay-mg? ksr§| Try P 10c box if not pleased jfet I Vm, The your money back! Larger boxei, 25c or 50c. W Beware of*‘ Sample and booklet mailed free* Address Imitations I STERLING REMEDY OO., CMlOAQOt MORfHML, CAN.j NEW YORK. 280 nn A cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded Makes week mfii I stfbng. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Get booklet GEO. H. DOZIER, Attorney it Lav and Justice Pease, MORGAN, GA. Will practles anywhere. Prompt at tontlon given to all I .us mean elitrustod to tils care. 1-17-tf SHOE SHOP. SHOES. Harness, Ac. repaired In neat and workman-like manner. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub¬ lic square. Shoes made to order. 1 also repair ull kinds of tin ware. S. M. LASIL K MCK. RAGAN I’ll YSKTAN AND Sf’KGKON, MORGAN, (J A. | omivkaKd, NOKTII OF Cooki 1 IIousb on Public Squabs. U7 M iron; Steamcbekt covers, Cylinder heads, Flange Couplings for shafting and for wooden wheels, and many other castings too numerous to meh- tion. brass Castings, Stick brass, round, hexagon, etc., op, Rod brass to any drawing dosirod, planed and bored perfectly true. Packing. Asbestos packing, Gum sheet pack¬ ing, Pistonrod packing, etc. Boiler steel, Boilor rive’s, patch bolts, stay bolts. Boilers repaired and tosto. 1 ! by hydrawlic pressure to insure safety. Round machine steel frdm one-fourth of an inch to three inches in diameter. Piping for same from one foqrtli to throe inches iu diameter. t Koyways all cut by machinery— Keysoats all cut hy machinery, in¬ suring accurato fitting, etc. All orders by mail receive prompt attention Bee J. B. Payno & Co.. Shell man; Ga., when you want Hardware, Ma¬ chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, Tinware, Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., etc. They also have a ftlll assortment of CahkelN and Cuffing. Call on th.-ni and save money. • CA scaiiOTs the liow of Increase, milk In TiUrsln Kin oth¬ BOON FOR ers. by tho A mother tablet.^nten umkfco her milk mildly purx- MOTHERS fttlvo and bus a mild but certain efft* Ct on tho bahy. tho only i safe laxutlve for tho bube-in-arms. .... rASPARflTB tlieeiill- i are liked by - , %Z stop wlnd*collc ‘SJM PLEASE Sf,To«L‘.b and all kinds THE CHILDREN of pnra- | Bites thatllvo In the mmm • mm m bowels of tho Knowing child. taken ...CASCARET8, natlently.per- s 1 sto n t,l y„ ft r o.g a ara n* OHRF teed to euro any ciisg of constipation, no matter how ,q|d and GUARANTEED obstinate, Or pur- V \ chase money will bp y ^ cheerfully refunded by your own druggist. .... (1AM1AKET8 itrosoid by all drug¬ gists for lOc, **><•, HEALTH SOc a box, aecoTi¬ lug to sire. A lOc box will prove their FOR 10 CENTS tneritttnd put you on tiie right food fo per¬ fect and JJon't permanent health. rlila. IcliayJ T. BRISCOE, PHYSICIAN AND m6£08< MORGAN, GA. ttKsion.vuu South or l’tiBMb SquauUi. 1-17* if J. L BOYNTON, ATTORNBV AT LAW DICKEY, GA. Practices ift tile Courts rtf tire Slate unit elsewhere. 1-17-tt LI). MONROE. ATTOKNEY A.T LA'W'4 Morgan, ga; 1 i Practices In the Courts of the AlhaiiY Olrcnlt, Ao ;i-17 't» '